#Del Socorro
toshika-sd · 2 years
context: Spider decided to ride a tsurak to be accepted by the metkayina
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filmap · 10 months
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Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar Josh Greenbaum. 2021
Furniture Shop 105 Plaza St, Socorro, NM 87801, USA See in map
See in imdb
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cruger2984 · 1 year
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The icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help represents the Christian mystery of Redemption.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help is a Byzantine icon that is believed to have its origin sometime during the 13th -15th century. The image is also known as 'Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.' The icon is known for being miraculous; over the centuries countless healings and special graces have been attributed to it, so much so that the image has been honored and venerated by many Popes.
The miraculous icon is painted on wood and measures about 20" in height (54 x 41.5 centimeters) and depicts the Virgin Mary, under the title 'Mother of God,' holding the Child Jesus.
The Archangels Michael and Gabriel, hovering in the upper corners, hold the instruments of the Passion. St. Michael (in the left corner) holds the spear, the wine-soaked sponge, and the crown of thorns. St. Gabriel (in the right corner) holds the cross and the nails.
The intent of the artist was to portray the Child Jesus contemplating the vision of His future Passion. Frightened by the vision, he runs to his mother for consolation. The anguish He feels is shown by the loss of one of His sandals as he quickly flees into the arms of his Mother.
Despite a foreboding vision of suffering, the icon also conveys the triumph of Christ over sin and death, symbolized by the golden background as a sign of the glory of the resurrection. The royal crowns on the heads of Jesus and Mary also symbolize their triumph as the King of Kings with his Queen Mother.
In a very beautiful way, the Child Jesus grasps the hand of the Blessed Mother. He seeks comfort from His mother as He sees the instruments of His passion. The position of Mary’s hands – both holding the Child Jesus (who seems like a small adult) and at the same time presenting Him to us – convey the reality of our Lord’s incarnation, that He is true God who became also true man.
Just as the Child Jesus fled into the arms of his Mother when he was frightened, so too do we flee into the arms of our Blessed Mother with child-like confidence whenever fear envelopes our hearts. Just as the Virgin Mother consoled and comforted her Divine Child, so too does she console and comfort us, her spiritual children, in our afflictions. We can always come to her in our time of need and receive her help.
In this iconography, Mary is represented as the one who guides us to the Redeemer. The Virgin Mother is also our Help who intercedes with her Son on our behalf. The star painted on Mary's veil, centered on her forehead, highlights her role in the plan of salvation as both the Mother of God and our Mother.
To this day, the Church of St. Alphonsus in Rome displays the original icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. They are the guardians and promoters of the holy icon, the only religious order entrusted with the task of doing so with a venerated image of Our Lady.
Source: The Catholic Company
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, near Socorro, NM: Sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) arriving for the winter. Photo: Dennis Chamberlin (Oct 2023) :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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The Net of Indra is a vast, bejeweled matrix spanning and encompassing the whole universe. From every knot hangs a jewel, and each jewel reflects all the other jewels within the net. My father’s life was one jewel hanging from a knot in that infinite web, and in that jewel was reflected my life, and my brothers’ lives, and my mother’s life. —Eugene Richards, “A Life Too Long”
[alive on all channels]
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yoda-bor · 9 months
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This is my IG Top 9 and i want to post it also here because this year is so much important for me.
And i'm sorry but i will write in french because this is so much easy for me 😅.
J'ai eu une merveilleuse année 2023 et j'ai envie de la garder précieusement dans ma mémoire. Il y a eu des hauts et des bas bien sûr mais j'ai l'impression que ma vie a changé et ça fait du bien de se sentir vivre pour quelque chose.
1 La Garde de Nuit et Ouest Hurlant.
J'aime mon association, j'aime notre communauté, j'aime nos retrouvailles parfois un peu trop éloignées mais on est toujours là au fil des ans. Les salons de livres sont toujours de bons moments et Ouest Hurlant a été un très bon moment.
2 Joker Out et son fandom
Dire que Joker Out a changé ma vie est un euphémisme. Et si le groupe est merveilleux, j'aime surtout la communauté qui existe et qui s'est formée autour d'eux. Je suis plus active sur Twitter qu'ici du coup j'ai parfois du mal à retrouver qui est qui et j'en suis désolée mais mon voyage solo aux Pays Bas m'a permis de rencontrer de merveilleuses personnes et de rentrer les bras plein de cadeaux. Merci à vous, merci à @zadig-of-fate pour les lives instagram, merci à Lena, Anya et @luluxa , merci à tous les fanartistes, merci à tous les auteurs de fan fictions. Notre fandom est parfois compliqué à vivre, mais je l'aime.
3 Londres
Je suis fan de l'eurovision depuis de nombreuses années mais c'est 25 ans après en être tombée amoureuse que j'ai enfin assisté à mon premier concert ayant un rapport avec ça.
Je suis allée à Londres, j'ai pris l'avion et je suis allee voir Joker Out, quelques jours de vacances et des souvenirs plein la tête.
4 Amsterdam
Puisque j'étais bien partie pour casser toutes mes habitudes, j'ai passé 4 jours à Amsterdam pour Het Grote Songfestivalfeest. Un super concert, une ville merveilleuse, je suis morte de froid mais c'était génial.
5 Joker Out La Haye et Amsterdam
C'était fabuleux. Bien mieux qu'à Londres puisque cette fois il y avait toute la discographie, mais surtout j'y suis allée seule, j'ai passé des journées entières dans les files d'attente, je me suis encore plus gelée et vous savez quoi ? Ça valait absolument le coup. Chaque seconde était merveilleuse, j'ai rencontré Jan et Nace après le concert, j'ai des photos superbes (pas celles où je suis dessus bien sûr) et j'ai déjà hâte de recommencer.
6 Jean-Laurent del Socorro
Mon auteur préféré réussit à se faire une petite place avec cette photo où je montrais tous les livres que j'avais de lui. C'est à dire tous et même certains en double.
Et pour l'année prochaine ? Et bien on va continuer comme ça. J'ai besoin de reprendre un peu la lecture et faire quelques salons de livres.
J'espère retourner à Londres, pour voir Sudden Lights cette fois. Et puis il y aura Utrecht, Anvers et Glasgow (si je ne rajoute pas d'autres dates de concert au milieu) pour revoir Joker Out.
Continuer à bouger, chanter et vivre.
Bonne continuation à vous aussi, et que le monde soit meilleur pour tous 💜
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ang3lik · 1 year
the archer by taylor swift is spider coded 😞
i have never heard this song. i also don’t listen to taylor but i’m a lana girl and fishtail is spider coded!
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irmagallosstuff · 1 year
Diez libros para celebrar el Día Internacional del #LIJ
Una pequeña lista de títulos de #LIJ, álbum ilustrado y novela gráfica para celebrar del Día Internacional del #LIJ. Aunque sabemos que no son lo mismo, y que a veces se les confunde, pensamos que deberíamos incluirlos también.
Por Irma Gallo Hoy, en el Día Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil, es un buen momento para expresar nuestra inconformidad contra la censura de libros escritos por grandes autorxs de otras épocas para adaptarlos a las buenas conciencias políticas del momento, como ocurrió con los de Roald Dahl. Pero también queremos celebrar este género. Así que aprovechamos para hacer una pequeña lista…
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bapho-does-meth · 2 years
Puede alguno de los fans de Avatar 2 que habla español coincidir conmigo en que esta canción podría bien ser Quaritch a Spider??
Eng// Can any of the avatar 2 fans who speak Spanish agree with me that this song might as well be Quaritch to Spider??
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No importa q no les guste Rosalia la letra es lit eso.
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deefeeme · 2 months
La Sociedad Cultural Lituana "Nemunas" celebra su 115º aniversario con una cena especial
La Sociedad Cultural Lituana "Nemunas" celebra su 115º aniversario con una cena especial La Sociedad Cultural Lituana de Socorros Mutuos “Nemunas” celebrará su 115º aniversario con una cena el sábado 17 de agosto, presentando a las representantes infantil y juvenil para la Fiesta Provincial del Inmigrante.
La Sociedad Cultural Lituana de Socorros Mutuos “Nemunas” celebrará su 115º aniversario con una cena el sábado 17 de agosto, presentando a las representantes infantil y juvenil para la Fiesta Provincial del Inmigrante. El próximo sábado 17 de agosto, la Sociedad Cultural Lituana de Socorros Mutuos “Nemunas” invita a asociados y amigos a participar de una cena especial para conmemorar su 115º…
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fotograrte · 2 months
Jorge Juan (V): Los arsenales de Ferrol, Cartagena y la Carraca (Cádiz).
Continúo con la serie sobre Jorge Juan que se basa en la Exposición temporal que tuvo lugar en el Museo Naval de Madrid, hasta el pasado 31 de marzo, llamada “Jorge Juan: el legado de un marino científico”, que no se quiso prorrogar. Continuamos con el examen de lo que fue uno de los mayores triunfos de su vida: los arsenales mencionados (1, 2, 3 y 4), cuyo diseño y dirección le encargó el…
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toshika-sd · 2 years
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ninonlitaussi · 6 months
Bouddica de Jean-Laurent Del Socorro
Angleterre, an I. Après avoir conquis la Gaule, l’Empire romain entend se rendre maître de l’île de Bretagne. C’est pourtant sans compter sur la révolte qui gronde parmi les Celtes. A leur tête, Boudicca, la chef du clan icène qui rasera Londres et fera trembler l’empire des aigles jusqu’à Rome même. Continue reading Bouddica de Jean-Laurent Del Socorro
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cruger2984 · 9 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR The Patroness of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana Feast Day: January 8
The French Ursuline nuns first arrived in Louisiana in 1727. The nuns established a convent and founded what is the oldest school for girls in the territory of the modern-day U.S., Ursuline Academy, which educated the children of European colonists, Native Americans, and those of the local Creole people, slave or free. The Spanish sisters came to assist the growing school in 1763 after Louisiana fell under Spanish control.
In 1800, the territory came back under French possession, and in 1803, most of the sisters, fearing the anti-clerical sentiment of the French Revolution, fled to Havana, Cuba. When Louisiana passed into the control of the United States, the sisters sent the President a letter asking if their property rights would be honored by the new government.
Short of teachers, Mother Saint Andre Madier requested sisters from France to come to America to aid the struggling convent. She wrote to her cousin, Mother Saint Michel Gensoul, who was running a Catholic girls boarding school in France at the time. The Catholic Church was suffering the wrath of the revolution under Napoleon. Mother Saint Michel, knowing that the Church was in distress in both her homeland and abroad, approached Bishop Fournier of Montpelier to request a transfer. Bishop Fournier felt unable to afford the loss of another nun, as many had been killed or fled during the revolution, and advised Mother St. Michel that only the Pope could give this authorization.
Pope Pius VII was a prisoner of Napoleon at the time, and Mother St. Michel knew the unlikelihood of the Pope even receiving her letter. She prayed before a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and said: "O most Holy Virgin Mary, if you obtain for me a prompt and favorable answer to this letter, I promise to have you honored at New Orleans under the title of Our Lady of Prompt Succor."
Sending her petition on March 19, 1809, Mother St. Michel received a letter from the Pope Pius VII granting her request on April 29, 1809. Mother St. Michel commissioned a statue of the Virgin Mary holding the Infant Jesus. The workman carved her flowing robes so that she would appear to be moving quickly. Bishop Fournier blessed the statue and Mother St. Michel's work.
Many miracles have been attributed to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. Two historical events are especially associated with the Virgin. The first occurred in 1812 during the eruption of a great fire in New Orleans devastating the Vieux Carré. The Ursuline convent was facing imminent destruction as the winds blew the terrible fire toward the Plaza de Armas.
An order was given to evacuate the convent, however at that moment, a nun named Sr. St. Anthony (Marthe Delatre, daughter of Antoine Delatre) placed a small statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor on a window seat and Mother St. Michel began to pray aloud, "Our Lady of Prompt Succor, we are lost unless you hasten to our aid!"
The second major miracle occurred in 1815, three years after the disastrous fire. General Andrew Jackson's 6,000 American troops faced 15,000 British soldiers on the plains of Chalmette. On the eve of the Battle of New Orleans, New Orleans residents joined the Ursuline sisters at their convent in the French Quarter to pray throughout the night, imploring the help of Our Lady of Prompt Succor.
On the morning of January 8, the Very Rev. William Dubourg, Vicar General, offered Mass at the altar on which the statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor had been placed. Cannon fire could be heard from the chapel. The Prioress of the Ursuline convent, Mother Ste. Marie Olivier de Vezin, made a vow to have a Mass of Thanksgiving sung annually should the American forces win. At the very moment of communion, a courier ran into the chapel to inform all those present that the British had been defeated. They had become confused by a fog and wandered into a swamp.
The Mass ended with the singing of the Te Deum, and an annual Mass of Thanksgiving has been held January 8 ever since.
Pious believers of New Orleans pray before the statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, asking for her intercession whenever a hurricane threatens the city. During hurricane season, prayers are said at every Mass in the city during the Prayers of the Faithful requesting Our Lady of Prompt Succor's intercession and protection. After Hurricane Katrina, prayers were made to Our Lady of Prompt Succor asking for the quick recovery of the damaged city and surrounding area.
On June 13, 1928 - the feast of St. Anthony of Padua, Pope Pius XI declared the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Prompt Succor as the Patroness of Louisiana.
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fierce-little-miana · 9 months
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The highlighted part translates as “So to you - and only to you - I am going to tell my story. I do not divulge it to a lot of people. Actually, you are the first person I am going to tell it to. It will be our little secret. And, as surely as the night follows the day, I am certain that you will keep it to yourself, that you will take it to your grave.” (translation mine, bolded text mine)
I love how ominous this last part sounds. It comes after two pages of the narrator doing his very best to say “oh boy I hope you are not wary of me, I am a nice person don’t worry, you are safe with me” in a cutesy kind of way that also as a manic quality that screams that there is something not right with said narrator.
Sorry mister interlocutor, the narrator is definitely going to kill you 😔.
(Extract from Du roi je serai l’assassin by Jean-Laurent Del Socorro)
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Cocadas del monasterio de Sta María del Socorro de Sevilla
Ingredientes: 3 huevos 250gr azúcar 250gr ralladura de coco Elaboración: 1º Pre-calentar el horno máxima temperatura arriba y abajo sin aire. 2º En un bol mediano, cascar los huevos y batirlos ligeramente, sin hacer espuma. 3º Añadir el azúcar y batir de nuevo. 4º Añadir el coco y remover con el tenedor hasta que quede bien mezclado de color uniforme. 5º Poner papel horno en bandeja. 6º…
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lithriel-blog1 · 1 year
Morgane Pendragon
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Dix anneaux pour les Epées,  Un anneau pour la Couronne sur son trône, Une Table ronde pour les rassembler Et dans sa lumière les lier Au royaume de Logres, où s'étend l'ombre de la Dragonne  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ J'ai appris l'existence d'une bague à énigmes spirituelles, Brillante bien que sans timbre - elle n'appelait pas pourtant  D'une voix forte, mais d'un verbe puissant.
En gardant le silence, ce trésor a parlé: "Oh, âme charitable, rends-moi entier."  On peut comprendre ce mystère rituel  De l'or rouge. Que les sages confient Leur salut à Dieu, comme l'anneau le dit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ La table ronde ne relie pas que nos épées,  Mais nos coeurs, et nos âmes, et nos amitiés
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