Deliverance| A Werewolf Shawn AU
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Part Two
In my dream I was running, running as fast as I could and yet the wolves that were chasing me were only gaining on me.
I knew that I only had a matter of seconds before it was all over, before I was dead and so I welcomed the wolf as he lunged forward to kill me.
I woke with a start, breathing heavily as I looked around realising that I was safe, I wasi n Shawn's room still, but it was light out now, morning light reflecting like diamonds off the lake in the distance.
There was a soft knock at the door, causing me to jump before Shawn appeared dressed in a t-shirt,and track pants, his feet bare.
"I didn't mean to scare you," he apologized, coming to sit at the end of he bed. "Are you okay?I heard you whimpering in your sleep,"
I nodded, still half asleep. "I'm good, bad dream I guess," I shrugged, not wanting to go into it anymore.
"You can go back to sleep for a while, it's still early and I have a few things I need to do with the pack before the day starts," Shawn offered with a soft smile. I turned looking at the cosy hole of pillows and blankets I'd left.
"Thank you, I murmured, stiffling a yawn.
"Sleep well Pup," he spoke getting up and leaving the room, closing the door softly behind him.i Kay there from a while, just watching the world out the window, just this simple act felt so luxurious, the mountains, everything was so pretty, so green, so vibrant compared to my old life.
How different my life was now I thought as I shut my eyes and drifted off again.
When I woke again, I could tell several hours had past from the angle of the sun, and the fact that I was no longer fighting the urge to sleep.I sat up and stretched,before getting up and heading to the door. I had no idea where I was going, but I was hungry and I had this weird yearning to be near Shawn. It made me uneasy after everything that had happened to me that I needed someone, especially a male so much, but I couldn't deny the feeling I was having, maybe it was something to do with this mate connection that Shawn had been taking about?
I made my way through the house, heading down corridor after corridor,down several staircases and into finally into a massive living room with several oversized couches and a fire place.
"Lucy?" I turned at the sound of the familiar female voice. Karla, was standing at the other side of the room watching me inquisitively."Are you okay?"she asked, making her way towards me.
"You know my name?" I asked surprised.
"Shawn told us," she smiled registering the confusion which I felt. "What are you doing up?"
"I woke up and Shawn wasn't in his room, I came to find him," I explained, still somewhat distracted by the sheer size and grnadure of the room.
"He's in the kitchen making you breakfast, he loves to cook. I'll show you the way if you want," she offered.
I nodded and she took my hand without hesitation, leading me through an archway which opened out into the kitchen. Like the living room before, he kitchen too was huge, a massive marble island taking up the centre part of the space,several stoves and counters, Karla smiled and left.
"Morning Pup, sleep well? Shawn asked when he spotted me standing there, coming over and laying a ghost kiss on my temple." Sorry I shouldn't have done that," he frowned.
"It's okay. It feels nice," I smiled, he beamed back. "It'll just take some time for me to get used to everyday things again." I was saying it more to my self than him. But he answered.
"We've got nothing but time, however to fill that time how about we eat, you need nutrients Pup. What do you like to eat?"
It was a simple enough question, but it had been so long since I had been asked it, that I didn't know how to respond.
"How about pancakes and fruit?" he asked, helping me out.
I nodded, thankful I didn't have to make a decision for myself.
"Want to watch?" he asked.
"Yes please."
He nodded "Since your so short, how about you sit on the bench?" he suggested.
"How am I meant to get up there?" I asked eying the jump, there was no way in hell that I'd be able to make it on my own.
"Can I help you?" he asked coming to stand in front of me. I nodded, still a little unsure. "I'm going to lift you okay?" he checked.
I nodded again and he placed his hands on my waist and lifted me with ease onto the bench.
"Ever made pancakes before?" he asked reaching above him to the hooks which held a bunch for saucepans, grabbing one down.
"Yes, but not in a long time, not since-" I stopped shuddering as memories flooded back.
"Do you want to stir the batter?" he asked, breaking me free of the silent torture.
We went about the process quietly, I was greatful for that, because I still wasn't feeling particularly verbose. Not used to being allowed to talk, let alone anyone actually being interested in heat u had to say.
When the food was ready he helped me down off the bench and led me back the way I'd come and out onto a secluded balcony overlooking the sound. It was stunning the morning sun reflecting like one big dimond off the water, the sound of birds and the breese filling the air.
"How come we haven't seen any of the pack, except for Karla?" I asked as I sat down.
" Because this part of the house is only for the Alpha and his immediate superiors," he answered, taking a bite of his food."Plus, I asked them to keep their distance, I figured you'd need some time to adjust."
"But Karla?", I stopped confused.
"Is my Beta Connor's mate," he explained.
We lapsed back into a comfortable silence. giving me a chance to take a bite of my own food. It was hands down the most delicious thing I'd ever eaten, and I was overcome by a hunger I didn't know I had in me, finishing my plate miles ahead of Shawn.
"You still hungry Pup?" he asked looking over at my now empty plate with a smile.
I shook my head no, smiling back at him, I was fuller than I could ever remember.
I sat watching the sound for a while as Shawn finished his pancakes, but my peace was suddenly interrupted by an odd and unnerving sensation in my stomach, almost like nervous butterflies, but way more intense.
"Shawn," I panicked.
"What's wrong,?" he demanded, standing up and coming to squat in front of me, searching every inch of my face.
"The feeling?" I asked, desperately hoping he'd understand. "Like butterflies," I gasped as they ramped up when I grabbed his hand squeezing it as hard as I could. "What is it Shawn?" I asked again as I took in hus huge grin.
"It's your wolf Lucy." he let out a breath." I was so worried she was repressed for too long, but she's alive," he chocked on his words.
"Is that good?" I asked confused, still squeezing his hand.
"That's great, it means you'll be able to live like the rest of us, to change,to mate." I blushed at the last part.
"But why this feeling?"
"She's restless," he explained. "She knows she's in the presence of her mate, my wolf and she wants out. When youre well enough I'll teach you how to let her free," he added.
"Will it hurt?" I asked suddenly worried.
"It might be a bit uncomfortable the first time she takes over, it's kind of like having to share your head, your thoughts and feelings with someone else, but trust me, there's no better feeling than running free in the woods, your wolf able to do as they please without restriction.
I nodded, still not entirely sure, but I trusted him.
We sat just watching the water for a while, not needing to talk. It was strange to me, being able to just sit, not having rules to follow, people coming to use me for their own personal gain, not feeling pain. But it was also welcome.
"Are you ready to start the day?" Shawn asked, as he stood half an hour later, grabbing our plates off the table with one hand and holding his other out for me to take.
I nodded, standing up slowly,taking his hand, and following him inside.
"What are we doing today?" I asked as he dumped the plates in the sink bad led the way back to his room.
"What would you like to do today?" he asked as we stepped into his now familiar room once again.
I stood there,thinking. Again not used to having the freedom to make choices for myself.
"A few of the girls like to paint," he suggested as he rummaged around in his cupboard, pulling a pair of trainers out and sitting on the end of the bed to put them on. "I could get you some paints or different art supplies if you like, or you could read, we could even go for a shirt walk around the grounds of you're feeling up to it later," he added with a smile coming over to stand in front of me.
"I'd like to paint?" It came out as more of a question, but he nodded.
"I'll get you the stuff you need," he murmured, placing another soft kiss against my forehead,causing me to all but melt into him. I couldn't get over the way he made me feel. It was like everything in my head told me to keep my distance, to stay clear, to protect myself. But my body and heart were saying the opposite- wanting nothing more than to be as close as possible to this man, it was almost as if my body needed the physical contact with Shawn to function now. It wasn't that that was a bad thing, it was just such a change from two days earlier when I would have done everything in my power to stay clear of any and all males.
"How about you have a shower, get ready for the day, I'll go and do what I need to do- check in on the younger ones, do a perimeter run and then we can go to the pack meeting together?" he suggested, moving around me to pull a towel and a new oversized hoodie off his dresser which I hadn't even realised was there.
The first 10 minutes of the shower were heavenly,the hot water helping to unknot my still aching muscles,the steam clearing my senses, but as I relaxed into it, listening to the sound of the water beating down on the tiled floor my mind started to wonder, and soon I was feeling anything but comfort.
I could feel the familiar rush of adrenaline,the way my hands and feet went slightly numb and shaky, my chest heaving as I gasped for air, collapsing in a heap in the corner of the shower, head against the damp wall as image after image of my old life haunted me.
I sat there for what felt like forever, the water drowning out my pathetic attempts to choke back the sobs that were now wracking my tired body.
"Lucy, are you okay in there?" an alarmed voice spoke, slightly muffled by the door.
"Help, please, help me," I whispered,hoping that whoever it was would hear me.
"I'm coming in," the person spoke and a moment later the door to the shower was ripped open revealing Karla, a look of deep worry on her face.
"Lucy, what's the matter?"she asked, reaching in to turn the water off.
"Ca-can't breathe," I stuttered, holding my hand over my chest.
"Oh, God, here, I'm going to help you get out," she rushed out of the room, coming back moments later with another large towel."Can you stand up?"she asked watching me uncertainly.
"Think so," I nodded. She stepped into the shower wrapping the towel around me, before helping me carefully to my feet.I didn't even care at this point that she'd seen me without anything on, I was just desperate for this feeling to stop.
"Just take slow deep breaths," she encouraged with a soft smile as I made my way slowly to the bed. "Have you had panic attacks before she asked?" Sitting on the bed beside me,grabbing the sweater that Shawn had set aside for me and helping me to pull it over my head, instantly engolfing me with the warmth and scent of Shawn.
I nodded, still feeling extremely shaky.
"Do you think you'll be alright if I go and get Shawn?" she asked. "I promise it'll take me 2 seconds.I just think Shawn will be able to help you more than I can," she told me.
I nodded.I didn't want to be left alone, but I wanted Shawn more.
She left in a hurry, looking over her shoulder at me with pity.
As I sat and waited, I tried to stay calm, but my the time the door opened again, I was once again struggling to breathe, my chest heaving.
"Oh, Pup, what's the matter?" Shawn asked coming to sit next to me as Karla had, before laying a very gentle hand on my shoulder.
"Don't know, just feel scared," I shrugged, not looking up at him. I hated the idea that he was seeing me so vulnerable.
"Lucy, honey, can you look at me," his voice was barely a whisper.
I looked up reluctantly, knowing that he'd be able to see the tears, not yet dried in my cheeks, the puffy redness under my eyes nodoubt making me look like a chipmunk.
"We're going to do some grounding excercises okay," he smiled softly. "Take a big breath in, and I want you to hold it until I count to 10."
I did as he,said, feeling my lungs expand with the air they so desperately needed.
"Good," he praised, and slowly breathe out through your mouth," he instructed."I'm going to lift you up okay?" he asked. I nodded, letting him know I was okay with it.
He lifted me quickly and easily, sitting me in his lap, not seeking to care about the fact that I still had dripping hair.i curled into him instinctively, as I hiccupped, my tears slowly slightly now, my chest just a little less tight.
"You're okay Lucy, I'm here, I've got you," he murmured, resting his chin on the top of my head.
"I'm sorry,"I croaked out, when after a few minutes neither of us had spoken.
"For what?" he asked, looking at me with confusion in his eyes.
"For me" I said, as if it should be obvious.
"Lucy, please don't apologise, none of this is your fault," he responded, rubbing soothing circles up and down my arms.
"I just feel useless sometimes," I admitted, more to myself than to him.
"You are anything but useless," he replied, "and to prove it," he added,"I'm going to take you to meet the pack,if you're up to it," he smiled. "They're all so excited to meet you, and we have a pack meeting dinner thing tonight so I thought it might be nice if you joined."
"Why if they don't like me?"I worried, ringing my hands nervously.
"They will trust me," he smiled again,shifting me off of his lap before standing up and holding his hand out for me to take, which I did gladly.
There were already several people waiting in the living room when we made it downstairs and I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated at the thought of all these new people.
Shawn squeezed my hand reassuringly as he lead me to a large armchair where he sat, before pulling me down to sit on his lap without seemingly a second thought.
"Everyone," this is Lucy," Shawn introduced. "This is Dave, Brian, Connor, you know Karla," she shot me a warm smile "Beth and Angie," Shawn pointed them out one by one. They all smiled warmly, waving at me.
"So what's on the agenda for tonight?" Connor, I assumed from the way Karla was snuggled into his side much like I was with Shawn, asked.
"We need to be putting protective measures into place, since Lucy's been here other packs are getting restless, and given the circumstances, I don't want to take any risks."
The others nodded in silent agreement before Shawn went on.
"When I found Lucy-" he paused to look at me, shaking his head, " she was mere moments from having her life cut short, it was just lucky, I happened to be doing a run of the grounds, it who knows what would have happened," he trailed off. I felt myself shudder and Shawn's arms tighten around me ever so slightly as we simultaneously re- lived those horrific few seconds.
"You know we're all behind you man," someone else spoke up, causing everyone to nod.
"Thank you," Shawn replied sincerely, "At this stage there have only been a two attempts at breaches, don't seem bold enough to actually enter our lands, but they're hanging around the fringe,getting more game everyday," he frowned as he spoke.
At this point I chose to time out the conversation, sometimes ignorance was bliss and I already had enough on my mind without fretting about what was going on around me too much.
As wesat on the sofa hours later, cuddled up as the television played re-runs of friends couldn't help but voice my fears.
"Am,am I safe?" I asked nervously,looking up at Shawn who was half dozing, arms wrapped lazily around me.
He sat up slightly, stretching before resting his hands on either side if my face affectionately,
"We're doing everything we can to protect you," he spoke fiercly, reaching for my hand and squeezing gently."You are my life now," he added,pulling me protectively into his embrace again. For the first time in a long time,the sense of fear that was ever-present disappated somewhat, and I felt safe knowing that regardless of what happened I had Shawn,I had a home and I had a family.
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