c-atm · 3 years
"Daddy, Daddy, do! I want all of you...Dah-dah-Dah! Da-dah-Daah!"
Witchy sang in her workshop as she studied, headphones in her ears, utterly blind to the world around her as she beat her quill pen against her book to the music's rhythm.
She had the house to herself for the moment as Dapper, Heartberry, and Mister went to get some food. She saw it as a chance to explore the differences and similarities between demon magic and gem magic.
She did find the subject fascinating.
Accurate as that was, she soon found herself interested in the lyrics in her head and how they resonated with her feelings towards her partner.
" Throw my heart on the flames,
This love! This love!
like fire, burning in my veins."
As Witchy scribbles another complex insignia formula into her book, she finds herself bobbing her head, getting lost again in the music.
"I lean to kiss you, 
I'm counting 1, 2, 3
But then you look-a-way like it was all a game."
A small slowly formed on her face as memories of his bashful blushing face appeared to her mind.
"I'm trying to tell you my feelings, but it's hard When you keep toying on with my heart."
' He certainly does.'  Witchy sighed, thinking of his mannerism. Always a tone of a tease when addressing her.
"I shouldn't chase you - I know it's taboo
But I can't help it - Oh, what should I do?"
She allowed a laugh from her breast. It was a bit too late for her in that regard, despite all the actual warnings from Pearl and her original standoffish endeavors. She found herself being more enthralled by her contractor. 
She just didn't know it was caused by something much deeper than the crest on her hand.
"I gotta make my move
Because I'm running out of time
Remove this disguise of mine.
And fire my shot! 
Give all I've got
It's not a game anymore - Love is war!"
She didn't know how, but he got her to lower her guard. Her demi wore her mental and emotional barriers down.
"Daddy! Daddy! Do!
I want all of you
Your entire body and soul
And like that - It's a trap
But I find I don't mind
Boy, keep on playing my heart."
She shook her head. How many times did she think he was just being annoyingly playful with his call of 'My Lady?"  
"I'll just take a peak
See what you're hiding
Underneath that smile of yours."
How much did she confuse his smile of reverence with that of general respect?
"Throw my heart on the flames
This love! This love!
Like fire burning in my veins."
How many times did he make her cheeks glow with a different type of fire with each smile and name?
No hesitating - that's a big NO NO NO
Just like a game of chess, there is no second chance."
Sometimes she wondered why he kept going? Kept teasing, flirting when she was apprehensive.  She leaned her head down, creating two small purple flames in her palm and shaping it in the forms of Dapper and her.
"Don't wanna live life in my regret like chains
I'd rather give my heart to the flames."
She made the flares dance in a modernized quickstep, imagining that it was the genuine articles.
"Do you not realize,
 the charm in your eyes?"
Witchy could imagine his eyes now. The violet color iris with a deep purple pupil shaped like a four-pin star.
"Whatever you do,
 I'm falling for you."
The myriad amount of emotions she saw from the innocent to the ferocious. It all just helped break her down.
"I slowly turn around 
because my world is spinning now!
I feel my heartbeat racing."
Making her a bit softer toward her partner… She could feel her heartbeat in her head.
"Cause when you're with me,
 it's hard to breathe
It's not a game anymore - Love is war !"
She covered her mouth, feeling the song a bit too much. Looking around to make sure no one heard her as the music played...She still had her pride. 
"Daddy! Daddy! Do!
Anything for you
There's so many things left to say
I won't miss! 
But a kiss is a dangerous wish
Even so, we've only begun."
Sighing, seeing no one around, she turns back to her happy flames, watching them continue to have their little moment… 
"When you call my name
Boy, it fans the flames."
'Great...Now I'm feeling needy.' Witchy sighed as she continued to rock out
"I just pray this game never ends
Throw my heart on the flames
This love! This love!
Like a fire burning in my veins."
"I think I might cry, 
your lips; they are one of a kind
And your smile makes me weak each time."
She gently touched her own, the feel of their first kiss still fresh in her mind despite sharing much more since then. Her cheeks took on a magical bluish-purple tone as her eyes adopted the same pigment.
"Now suddenly I'm falling into a great unknown
A whole new world before me
But I'm not alone… oh!"
That held more weight than she would ever admit. Ever since they met and contracted, she felt like her life had changed. The adventure, the battles, the hunts were one thing, but more than that.
She didn't feel as if she was alone in the world. Her house didn't feel so big. So empty. She gained allies and friends. 
A lot of that she chalked up to being contracted to her Steven (and Violet).
" Dapper! Dapper! Do!
There is only you
Even after this life ends
I am yours! Evermore!
 let's see what this love have in store
Come drive me crazy some more !"
She belted out the lyrics as she stood up and played a bit of air guitar, unaware of the eighteen-inch wide flaming heart around her feet.
"My lady?" Dapper stated, watching her performance, and smirked as he sneaked up behind her.
"It's easy to see; your love emblazes me,
 From the deepest depths of my heart!
I give in to the blaze ,Of This love!
Your love!
 My love!
 Our love-!
And fan our flames of passion, burning in my veins!"  
The witch was caught off guard, feeling familiar hands rest on her waist and welcoming lips upon her, which she slowly returned as her hand caressed his cheek; the flame trail gently roared around them...
And a couple of fighters that took a snapshot of the little moment. 
'They'll forever burn in my Veins!'
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gift for: @ask-suauwitchanddemons
your boi and mine
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brokensystems · 4 years
Well Hello
Hello people, whomever should see this. My name is BrokenSystems, but call me any variety of names. I am annonymous for gender (my gender is French lmao), and I’ll be sure to answer any questions you’d like. I’m open to any shows or books or games you’d suggest! Currently my fav game is Lucius 1-3! And here is a drawing of Demon Steven (my version at least)
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c-atm · 3 years
Demon Steven 3D slide 1 Facememe R4 requested by @meku95
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Steven sat inside his garden, reflecting on what he just experienced.
Flames licked the ground around him, burning everything to pinkish ash. The screams of civilians broke the sky as they fruitlessly ran for their Ives.
Allies consisting of witches and demons standing in opposition to him, blocking him from his goal.
His objective.
His Lady.
Weapons and magic at the ready, threatening him to make a move from those he called allies, friends.
Some, even family.
Despite all that, the most heartbreaking sight came directly from Connie, his lady.
She was hurt.
She looked scared,
Towards him.
He took a step, and she took two.
Away from him.
He reached for her.
He needed to help her.
Heal her.
Hold her.
He was met with resistance.
Shocked by a boundary sigil.
Pearl's lightning burned his clawed palm.
His...hand was clawed?
Why was his hand clawed?
Why did he tower over everyone?
Why were they stopping him from helping his lady?
Why was she holding her arm?
Where did that blood come from?
Why were his claws wet?
He looked up at the sound of her voice. Her concerned voice.
"Dapper, your hand?"
Steven looked down and felt shame and fear clenched his heart as he looked at the beastly claw. His right hand clamped in his left arm as tears pricked the corner of his eyes, his brows furrowed gingerly, and his cheeks filled with purple flush.
The image of her blood in his hands blinked, just for a millisecond.
Enough for him to break down,
for tears to flow like rivers.
For her to rush by his side,
Hold him close,
caress his nape.
For him to tremble apologies,
Needlessly, heartfelt apologies.
For her comfort him as he always did her,
To protect him from his nightmares and skepticisms.
To ease her from her own as they held each other through the night.
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c-atm · 3 years
witch connie 2C slide 2 Facememe r4 Requested by @meku95
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'Something is wrong.'
That was the witch's first thought when she rose from her bed-strange phantom pain in her upper left arm.
Climbing from her mattress, dressed in her sleepwear (the dapper purple shirt of her demon contract..and partner), she walked along the halls of their home. Passing through the hauntingly tranquil corridor, she sighed, the previous thought banging on her mind as her ache in her arm became a bit more profound.
"Demi?" She questioned as she knocked on her partner's bedroom door. Not receiving an answer wasn't new.
'He could out-sleep like the dead.' Connie mused with a grin as she slowly
crept in, a common practice.
She had many times when she needed a bit of affection or closeness. 'Tonight is definitely one of those nights.' She admitted to herself, the nightmare playing back in her psyche.
An abhorrent scene of her Steven being kept from her by colleagues. a barrier of lighting caused by her teacher, and the Crystal witches separated them as purple flames burned around them. Her arm, bleeding the heat as Steven seemed to reach out and then move away from her. Burns on his face.
She burned him...
Did she burn Steven?
No..no..that wasn't...She would scorch the world down before him.
And they halted her from helping him!?
She was a second away from searing them all when she awoke.
"Steven?" Her voice whispered into the darkroom that always smelled of wildflowers. Distress filled her heart as she saw an empty space. Her lips pursed in an upward pout, as did her nose, her left brow very slightly crinkled as her eyes dimmed somewhat.
"Something is wrong." She muttered as she felt her arm ached and felt as if it was burning. Her dream, playing back again.
"Gotta find Steven."
A simple task as she looked toward her contract mark on her right hand and concentrated on it.
On him.
Her eyes watered, and her heart shook horribly as she felt his sorrows. She shook her head and rushed out the back door of their home, along the marble and stone path and stopping at his greenhouse. Gradually, she reached for the door as if afraid of what she was about to witness and pulled it open.
She moved fast when she saw him. His arm took her by surprise..but his tears..his agonizing.
That is what propels her to his side, to protect him, to comfort him.
To look upon his burn less face and feel a second of relief before wiping his tears and assuring that he didn't hurt her...and in turn doing the same for herself.
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c-atm · 4 years
Hometown and City
Hometown & City
"I should really get a car." HB muttered to herself as she jogged towards LHW R&D. A look of determination and concern as she did. Peridot text was usually long winded speeches of how great she was because of their current achievement in whatever project they were working on, but there were exceptions when Peridot words were straight to the point..or even cryptic. Usually, when something was about to go down. She looked down at her phone again, at Peri's text…
P-dottie: Something's coming through. Assault spheres on standy. Get here now.
There was definitely something going down tonight. Part of her thought she should call Lion back with the younger duo and she mentally kicked herself for it. 
"Come on, Maheswaran. We don't even know if the thing is an enemy...Don't ruin their fun for a possibility" 
Demon hunters or whatever they may be, they were still teens, her 'younger siblings' and they still deserve to have a time out to enjoy themselves. 
"Still.. better safe than sorry."  
She smirked as she turned the phone to her home screen. The background which was once a picture of Mister in costume during their empire excursion, her new save screen; were replaced by a picture of Witchy, Dapper, and Mister each snoring on her couch after a long winded night of gaming. She happened to walk in on them after returning from R&D and almost giggled at the sight.
Dapper and Mister slept in almost the exact same  position ; head tipped back, eyes closed, mouth slightly opened, controllers on the table. 
The difference?
Mister hands being in the playing position while Dappers right hand rested on the waist of Witchy intertwined with her own hand. Witchy was curled up, using Dapper thigh as a head pillow. Her feet were lightly pressed against Mister's leg. 
She remembered she changed into her houseware before snuggling next to Mister, only for him to wake up and sit her on his lap, holding her around her midsection, before welcoming her home, leaning her head on the crook of his neck and falling back to sleep after kissing her temple. Such a homey feeling  it was.
She shook her head to focus on the task at hand, pressing the diamond Icon bring up the insignia the diamonds, she pressed on the pink diamond at the top of the screen. The diamond communicator app, only available to phones jailbroken or made by Little Homeworld R&D or Homeworld R&D.
She waited for his phone to ring as she continued her way about to turn on to the street LHWR&D stayed, when she saw Garnet and Pearl chasing someone little gem in a cloak out of the building, weapons drawn.
"Come back here!" Pearl ordered to no avail. 
"No, I didn't do anything!"
The lilith gem, in annoyance, readied her spear before launching a concentrated blast of energy, with all intentions of poofing the gem.
The gem looked as the blast got closer before her reflexes kicked in, leaping out of the way in the last moment. Grimacing as the blast licked her arm, a glancing blow. She growled but turned to run only to  feel her legs slipped from under her and land on her back. She didn't even get to grimace when she felt a weight on her chest. Opening her eyes to see Connie and the gems glaring down at her, the human straddling her stomach and her blade in her face. A steady cold eyes meeting her own.
"That's enough, stand dow-"
"Bi..Big sis."
Connie stopped when she heard whimpering from the gem. Removing the hood of her cloak, the three crystal gems gasp at the oh-so familiar purple face staring back at them.
"Amethyst?" Connie glanced at the purple on black eyes, the purple circular marking on her cheeks and the horns on her head...Things that place Dapper in her head. "You're a demon… You're Dapper's and Witchy's Amethyst."
Connie climbed to her feet almost instantly sheathing her blade. She held out a hand to the demoness and an apologetic and shameful smile on her face. " We have some things to discuss."
"Like, why'd you're so much taller, scarier and filled out?" The demoness looked up at her as she took her hand.
"Among other things.." Connie joked as she helped Amethyst up, just as she was about to introduce herself two things happened. Steven returned her call finally, and….
"Well, little witch. Sorry, I guess you aren't so  little now huh?.. How long have you been here?" The four turned to a figure on the roof of the R&D building perring down. 
He was a fine dressed gentleman, admittedly. Nice white and red checkered collar shirt, white jeans, black heeled pointed toe flats. He also had reptilian green teeth, yellow beady eyes, tan skin and was boney; near skeletal. The way he looked at Connie put her on edge.
He spoke in a slick and almost adoringly voice. "You look like you aged a bit, but for me..not even a half-hour passed since we met…"  Anger slipped in his voice as he grabbed his collar revealing his third degree burnt collarbone, and slashed throat. " Lucky me, that spell casted us away before you finished the job.."
'Good going you two.' Connie thought in pride as  she arched an eyebrow at the supposed demon. "Maybe you should have stayed in your hole then." 
"So spunky even now, even without your partner. Where is your little demon?  Did he get lost in the streams of time? Maybe crying over your grave in the future as we speak."  
Connie did not like this person at all. His conceit reminded her too much of Kevin of the past. Before she could say anything, Garnet interjected, taking a step forward, her fist tight.
"Who are you? What's your business here?!"
"You golems are so aggressive.." He shrugged  playfully " You know when I finally to this.." He paused to take a deep almost euphoric breath of air. "Realm...The other golems asked me the same thing with weapons towards me. All I said was the truth, I was here to kill a half-demon and his witch harlot..and they attacked."
He smirked as he took a pouch from his pocket opening it upside down as the uncracked but dimmed gems of Peridot, Bismuth, Amethyst  and Lapis, fell towards the street. Garnet caught them giving the two a reassuring smile, before turning to the demon with rage.
"Though they were so grateful to help me recover a bit.. Draining their essence in all, though inorganic energy are never as good as demon or human magical energies. It always leaves me empty...Help me out huh?"
The demoness Amethyst kept her eyes on the demon growling standing behind Connie's leg, only to be surprised by the human's palm on her head comforting her as she kept her eyes on the opponent in front of her, sword in hand.
"Don't worry." Connie looked back at the knee high demoness.  " We got this."
"Confident aren't we.. That's fine." The demon crouched low growling as he did. Black wisps of magic seeped off his body and surrounded Crystal Gems.  "I'll just break your confidence with your body."
While HB was fighting within her hometown, A pink portal was opening up on top of an Empire city roof and through it came the laughter of two teens, who slid out of and almost off it, on a pink lion; Dapper and Witchy. In Witchy's hand was a giant strawberry and on Dapper's back was a couple of Homeworld style sais. 
Woah Boy!" Dapper exclaimed as He wrapped his  hands around his lady's waist keeping her close, as they nearly tipped over. "I'm starting to think Bro was right and you do need parking practice."
Lion responded with an annoyed stare. only for it to turn to a pleased mewling as Witch scratched his head.
"Lion's perfect as he is. Don't listen to those jealous Steven's" She praised as she kissed the jungle cat head.
Dapper just shook his head with a smirk as he climbed down. He walked to the edge of the roof and sat down taking a look at the city below. A bit of a serene look on his face. Wordlessly, he held his hand towards his lady, asking for her company.
"Sheesh." Witchy gave her partner a gentle smile as she joined him, strawberry in her left hand. "You're  so starved for my attention, Steven." Witchy teased as she took a bite of the strawberry, humming in sweet surprise as the juice shot down her throat.  She blushed as she heard him chuckle giving him a small glare.
Dapper shook his head before wiping her  strawberry covered lips with his thumb. "You're a mess, my lady." He slurped up the residue from his thumb with a smirk. "Almost as sweet as you."
Face a beautiful maroon half pout, Witchy wrapped her right arm around Dapper and leaned her head on his shoulders. "I swear. Is every Steven a flirt, tasked with making every Connie a flustered mess."
"I'm sure it's the reverse a good amount of the time as well... if bro and sis is an example of the norm." Dapper chuckled. "Maybe it's an undeniable truth of existence."
Witchy looked up, intrigued but also smugly."What, that you were put on earth to raise my blood pressure?"
"I was put on earth to make your heart race, my lady." Dapper joked flirtatiously, getting a half hearted groan from Witchy. "Jokes aside..I'm starting to think for every 'Steven', there's a 'Connie'."
"Really now?" A relaxed smile graced her face. "It's almost like you're saying our lives are intertwined.. Like we're fated to be with each other or something like soulmates?"
"You jest but there's an older version of us who's the embodiment of 'honeymoon' phase."
"Despite not being 'together'."Witchy added with a knowing smirk.
Dapper nodded in agreement a chuckle of his own before settling to a smile. " Then there's us…"
"Please don't say we're soulmates." Witchy bemoaned.
"But we are!" Dapper announced as he took a bite of the strawberry. "Mmm! That's dang good"
"Hey, get your own, greedy demon." Witchy ordered as she pulled the berry away.
"You're so mean, my lady. Just one more bite." Dapper reached towards the fruit.
 Witchy leaned back trying to keep the fruit away. "Oh, yeah right! I know what a bite from you is like."
"You do, don't you."Dapper stated as he leaned closer to her, his smile falling to a sly grin and his attention on her alone.
Blushing as she was, she didn't back down, deciding  to take a page from HB's book. She cupped his chin and gave him a small coaxing smile. "Of course, I do. I have your mark to prove it, 'soulmate'. "
She chuckled when she saw Dapper, blushed and turned away. "That was smooth, my lady." He looked back at her teasing grin.
"You're adorable when you're flustered. It actually feels good to be on the other side." Witchy impishly poked the demon nose as she giggled.
"Oh role reversal is it?" Dapper gave his lady a dangerous smile as his fingers went to her sides. "then I guess I get to punish you as you would do me."
"Steven, don't you daaaaAhahahaha."
Witchy squirmed and laughed as she succumbed to his tickling. She kicked  and tried to block his careful claws, but it was to no avail. 
"Such a beautiful laugh, my lady. Maybe it's a traif of being a Connie. " Dapper half-joked, he really did love his lady's laugh and preferred it over HB's
"Ahhhhaha,,Like schmaltzy...haha! flirting..Is a Steven trait." Witchy said between laughing and catching her breath.
"You like it!" Dapper stated as he tickled more vigorously getting more laughter from the Witchy.. "Give..Give...Give."
"Nooohahaha! We...Connie's...dohahahaha...don't  falter!" 
"Neither do us Steven's! I guess we're at an impasse, then."
"Wait..I'll give you the..Hahaha..Behahah. The berry!"
Dapper paused for a moment."Tempting…"
Witchy used this moment to catch her breath and try to slip from under him  when he stroked her sides with his claws. 
"But I rather, your laughter." 
"Nohahaha! Wait Lion help!" 
Lion looked at the two antic before walking over and nuzzling Witchy neck as if he was trying to tickle her as well making her laugh even more.
"Nohoho! I've been forsaken, betrayed, and cheated!" Witchy yelled through their affectionate assault. "Ok ok! ..I can't breath...You got it!"
"What was that?" 
"You win!"
Dapper looked at Lion for a moment before grinning at the beast and pressing his skull to him. He rolled over laying next to the tired and still giggling Witchy.
"Connie's never falter huh?"
"You had help." She laughed again, getting a lick from Lion. She turned to the pink cat with  a side smirk. "How are you going to betray your aunt?"
Lion yawned before going to the center of the roof to give them privacy.
The two layed there looking up, hands instinctively  interlocked.
"I'm going to miss this world. It's so fun and peaceful. It's relaxing."
Dapper looked over at his lady, her face was reflective as she stared up at the night sky, stars in her black eyes..
"I mean..it's been awhile since we felt like...Teens..No hunts or anything..It's nice."
"I'm ready. I want to go back." Witchy said with conviction. "I miss our world. Miss studying with our Pearl and Garnet, walking around our city with AAmethyst. Miss our garden, our living room, our kitchen. My bedroom..I miss our home."
Dapper watched as his lady wiped her eyes to keep from crying. 
She gave a strained chuckled before continuing  "Strange, I miss our adventurous and comparatively dangerous lives?"
Dapper shook his head. "No I feel the same." 
If you asked Dapper about his opinion on the matter of worlds,  he'd tell you he'd rather be wherever his lady was..Truthly he could see them settling and getting caught in the go with the flow aura of Beach City and Little Homeworld...But it wasn't their world to enjoy.
They didn't put in the work or battle the enemies their older counterparts did and still are if what Mister and HB stated about the peace being 'relative'. They themselves didn't see the relative part of the peace, but there's a reason for LHWR&D and for Mister to still engage in ambassador duties
Still his main concern was staring at him  looking for him to continue. He gave his lady hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm in the same mind as you...but I think part of me wishes you wanted to stay here. Would be easier to keep you safe here."
"So you want to slack on your responsibilities?" She teased the demon turning to him.
"Perish the thought, my lady." Dapper retorted with. grin before facing her. Stroking her chin with the back of his hand. "Just mean I could focus more on making you happy than keeping you safe."
Witchy blushed bright as she looked down " You do both, Steven.  No matter what world we're in. I only feel this safe and happy knowing you're with me." She looked up into his demon eyes and only felt affection from and for them. 
"I'm grateful for it. For entering a contract..for being best friends..for having such a loving and loveable dapper demon as a 'soulmate'." 
"Only for you, my lady." 
It was inevitable. The pull of affection, the city light below them and the natural ones above. The serene silence and their shy and excited smile. They instinctively moved closer. their breath brushing against each other. 
"My lady?"
He nodded feeling nervous as he moved in eyes closed lips a thread apart from his lady's…
The two broke apart as if they were burned  and looked toward Mister..Who was half way out of Lion's mane.. Before either could say anything Mister interrupted..
"Connie's fighting a demon."
That's all they needed to hear.
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c-atm · 4 years
Jambudweek 2: Lion (Connverse Crossover verse)
Key: Mister: Steven (Fighting flirty) Heart Berry (HB): Connie (Fighting flirty) Witchy: Connie ( Witchanddemon) Dapper: Steven (Witchanddemon
Lion (Connverse Crossover verse)
It's been about ten days since the event happened.
  LHW R&D finally crossed the line and began to experiment with the idea of alternative universes or maybe they always have been doing so, and finally decided to field test a true attempt at moving across dimensions, via Universal warp pads.
  They look like your average warp pads, but their stream looks more like the bifrost from that superhero movie.
  Regardless, they kind of succeeded. They didn't travel to another universe or an 'AU', They brought people from one to theirs, and as if fate decided to play a joke on them all, the accidental sliders happened to be two very familiar faces, just younger than usual. 
  Everyone was shocked and bewildered, when 21-year-old diamond hybrid; Steven Quartz Universe  and 20-year-old part time college student, and member LHW R&D; Connie Yasha Maheswaran met experienced demon hunters, 16-year-old demon familiar, Steven Diamond Universe and 15-year-old witch and Steven's contractor, Connie Maheswaran.
  Moving the two into Connie's little Homeworld residence was easy enough, but they quickly found out that the witch/demon pair was a bit more impulsive, A bit more guarded, a bit more outwardly hardened, a bit more...Independent, than themselves,  than they should be. Which really, no one could blame them given the situation and well their lifestyle. Still, they showed that they are as kind, warm and open-hearted as their adult counterparts. 
  It was a shock for the demon and witch pair as well.
Magic and beings that seemed familiar but not. People who were long passed or just not around for one reason or the next, were now there in person, treating them with the same love and affection as their counterparts.  
  It was especially emotional for 'Dapper', a name for the younger Steven coined by the older Connie. Partly because of his clothing style, partly to tease her own Steven; and 'Witchy' a playful nickname from the older Steven to the younger Connie; met  the Maheswarans and Greg.
   A night of tears that was for all involved.
  It took a bit for everyone to get settled into the fact that there was a second, younger jambud pair in their universe, no matter how temporary the stay would be. Except for Mister and Heartberry, the older jambuds; who seemed to take the fact that they now each had a younger 'sibling' in a strange stride. 
  "They're not clones and they have not tried to kill us." No one could argue with their logic.
  All in all the younger two was able to find a groove within this new world, and soon found themselves settling in, getting used to everything and everyone.
  Until this evening …
  The two pairs were resting at Connie's LHW residence watching old under the knife reruns and exchanging information about their worlds. Deepening their siblings like bond and such, when Mister asked a simple question.
  "So, what's your Lion like?"
  "What?" The witch and demon paired retorted. "What do you mean?"  Witchy added questionably.
  "Lion? Big cotton candy fluff ball of a cat." HB joked.
  "It's just me and my lady at home. We're out too much to care for a pet." Dapper stated as he wrapped an arm around Witchy's shoulder, who despite blushing, didn't remove it.
  "It's kind of hard to call Lion a pet." Mister chuckled. "He's more like a partner or adopted rebellious teenage son."
  "So what, he's an outside cat who just stops by every once in a blue?' 
  "Maybe for Mister, here." HB snickered her counterpart question, before squealing at the playfully nuzzling retaliation from her Steven. She tapped his chest to get him to stop, causing the two demon hunters to shake their head at the duo.
  HB cleared her throat before answering. "For me, he's more obedient," She grinned cheekily "and Mister is jealous of that fact." 
  "See how she's messing with me." Mister pinched HB hip, getting a peep out of her and pointed stare out of her. 
  "She is telling the truth though about him being more obedient."
  "You two wanna meet him?" 
  The demon and witch pair shrugged before nodding. They saw no reason why they wouldn't. It was just a cat, right?
  The older pair looked at each other before HB stood up and stepping through the front door. Putting her left index and thumb in her mouth she whistled towards the setting sun.
  "He's coming." Mister reassured the two, who looked a bi smug.
  "Ah there you go! My fluffy boy, Daddy and mommy got someone for you to meet.."
  Witchy bit back a snicker at the sweet talk as Dapper looked on teasingly smug towards Mister, who said nothing, but looked on in knowing indifference. 
  That soon turned to cheeky glee as he watched  the younger Dapper take Witchy in his arms protectively and leap behind the couch, as HB walked in with Lion in toll.
  "That a Lion! A real live honest to god lion!" Witchy exclaimed as the demon hunting duo looked at their older counterparts as if they lost their mind as they playfully scratched and rubbed the pink jungle king, who just mewled in appreciation of the attention.
  "Yes and he's such a good boy. yes he is." HB swooned as Lion nuzzled his snout against her chin. 
  "Still gotta work on his  parking though." Mister joked as Lion nudged his head against the gem hybrids own, growling gently, before licking his chin, getting chuckles out of him. " Ok, ok you've gotten better."
  HB turned to the two with a smirk. "Come on over here. He won't hurt you."
  Dapper shook his head, unconvinced.  "You're kidding..right?" 
  "Why would we? He wouldn't hurt…." HB had to pause for a second. " Actually,he would hurt someone, badly...If they were a threat to Steven or me and by proxy, you two."
  "Yeah,he's a battle cat for sure." Mister praised rubbing Lion's belly 
  "My trusted stee, yes he is." HB followed, getting pleasurable yips from the big cat.
  Dapper was still unsure, when Witchy climbed out his grasp, and walked cautiously towards the three. 
  The older jambuds got out of the way and stood back as Lion stood up looking at the younger version  of his mistress, seeing the uncertainty in her eyes. He moved his snout closer to her, smelling the heavy, yet oh so familiar scent. 
  When he was done with his assessment of the younger mistress, Lion stared for a few moments...Before nuzzling his snout against her jaw, giving it a gentle lick and resting his head on her shoulder.
  The response was instant!
  "Oh! I love you! Such a sweet boy!" Witchy announced as she hugged the beast around his neck kissing it on its skull.
  "I know, right!" HB exclaimed as she joined in giving the big cat attention.
  "Kind of figured this was gonna happen." Mister stated with a smile towards Dapper who still looked unsure as if he was trying to figure out something.
  "He's dead." 
  Dapper heard in his ear before turning to Mister, astonishment on his face. 
  "I don't know when or how, but Lion died and was resurrected by my mother. It's why he's pink and can do all he can do."  Mister stated cooly, arms crossed as he and his counterparts watched the girls and Lion play together a smile on his face.
  "What can he do?"
  The demon elbowed the diamond, chuckling slightly. "Cryptic doesn't fit you at all, Big Bro."
  Mister ruffled his younger 'brothers' hair "Yeah, yeah." He scoffed a laugh  watching him slick his hair back. "Seriously, you want to know what Lion can do. He'll show you."
  Dapper arched an eyebrow at that statement as Mister walked up to  his Connie, whispering in her ear. She nodded with a smile before standing up. 
  "You know, it's a nice evening. You guys should take Lion out for a bit of a...Adventure. " 
  At the sound of an adventure, the pink beast climbed to its feet, almost excitedly. HB gave the beast  a kiss under its jaw, before whispering in his ear. Lion turned to HB giving her an affectionate rub with his skull before bending down in front of Witchy.
  "Go ahead. Get on. " HB assured her 'sister'.
  Witchy didn't need any more coaxing as she climbed on the beast back.
  "Whoa." She giggled as Lion stood to his full height. feeling a bit of vertigo over how tall he was. She turned to her partner with a smile. "What are you waiting for, you dapper demon? Get on."
  "Listen to your lady." The flirty fighters sang before he could say anything in refusal.  
  Dapper just shook his head conceding. With a gentle hop he landed upon the beast wrapping his arms around his lady. 
  "So what, gonna take us around the town big cat?" Dapper teased, getting an almost offended look from Lion.
  HB chuckled knowingly as she opened the door. " Something like that."
  "Wait..gotta check on Lars." Mister said before giving HB a quick peck on her cheek. He turned to Lion, who dipped his head low towards his master.  "You two have fun." 
  The two younger jambuds jaw dropped when they saw the older Steven disappear into the mane of the beast, completely.
  "Wait, what the hell just happened?" Dapper yelled as Lion roared towards the door creating a portal right outside the house. "What...What?!"
  "Show them a good time Lion, but don't keep them out too late."  HB laughed as the jungle cat ran towards the portal. The last thing she heard before it closed was Dappers screaming  and Witchy excitement filled laughter.
  With a sigh HB sat down on her couch only to hear a text come to her phone. She turned to her messaging  app, reading the new text. Quickly she hopped off the couch, grabbed her sword and ran out the door, heading to R&D.
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c-atm · 4 years
TEST (Based off of @ask-suauwitchanddemons new picture.)
"Are you ready, my lady?"
Connie gulped but nodded. She breathed deeply into her chest, trying to relax her body. Not an easy task thanks to the feel of his chest against her back, his left hand over her right eye, and his right hand holding her own which held her glasses. 
He moved closer to her ear giving a husky snarl into it. She felt her toes curled in reflex and shivered slightly.He whispered gently into her ear. 
"Hear no evil...See no evil"
The result was instantaneous. His chilling phase was laced with mana and purposed as it entered  her left lobe like a fog.
Her senses were enhanced ..No they were completely changed. The world was dyed in a light purple and in it she could see small trails of magic flowing to and from the room they were in. Within the trails she could hear and feel different intentions from each line of magic. The emotions they held. She was amazed, fully in awe.
'Is this how you alway see the world?"
"More or less,my lady. Now don't get distracted, find the source in this room  and destroy it."
Connie found her heart beating at the living tone and was a bit surprised at her wanting to impress her demon familiar. Though all she did was smile gently before scanning the room carefully.
There was so much information. Streams of magic of different colors, intensity and emotions flowing back  and forth, some slower, some faster. Some loving, some hateful. Some hot, some cold...It was chaotic yet orderly.  Like life, emotion, and soul, the essence of magic itself.
She  shook her head and focused on the take at hand. Her eyes looked all around but couldn't  find the epicenter of the spell. All she saw was. a purple world. and beautiful waves of magic...
That went from and came to this room...
She slapped her head in realization. The streams were key. She looked at one particular and for some reason heart tingling purple stream and followed its trail. 
She trailed her hand along the path and she turned her head to the  area rug on the floor. She gripped the cloth and revealed a purple diamond insignia, one of Steven spells... It didn't seem to do anything...No matter it was a training session anyway.
She was about to crouch down to dispel it, when Steven stopped her by touching her shoulder. She looked up curiously at his  playful grin.
"Aren't you curious about what the spell does?"
Connie was about to deny his question, when she felt an urge towards honesty.
"A bit."
Steven smirked. "This spell urges people to tell and show their truth... if course it's  not a real powerful one but you still need some resistance to keep from spilling."
Connie arched an eyebrow. "So. What, you're gonna ask me a question?"
'Yup, if you can successfully lie just once,  the spell will break."
Steven nodded at her cocky tone. "I'm gonna ask one request, My lady...Do you want me to kiss you as a reward?"
Connie's eyes widened at the question, and she growled at the demon. With embarrassed  rage she yelled.
The diamond was still in place
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c-atm · 4 years
Dance in the pale moonlight chapter 4
  "Yo, Crystal witches! You here?" Steven called as he walked into the beach home. A little more anxious than his usual cool self.
"Anyone home? Amy? Beaks? Seer?" 
Steven groaned as he received no answer. "A waste of time." 
The teenage demon sat upon the couch of the beach home. Looking up at the familiar ceiling as the thoughts of four days ago ran though his mind.
Since the death of the demon in the city, Steven has not been able truly shake the feelings he uncovered from the body. The emotions and the familiarity still unnerved him. He just couldn't let it go, no matter what distraction he tried to employ. Worse yet, it started to have an effect on his relationship with his lady, though he couldn’t see it.
“Can’t she see I'm trying to protect her. “ He groaned as memories of this morning ran through his mind.
“I must assist that you abstain from traveling to the city for the time being.”
“What?”Connie paused her eating of breakfast, turning her sight towards her familiar.
Steven looked back at her from over his right shoulder, scrambling the egg in a black skillet “You should stay away from the city.”
“I work in the city, Steven. Can’t really make money for our upkeep staying home.”
“We have enough for you to stay home a few months.” He poured the eggs onto a red ceramic. “Besides, your ‘day job’ isn’t your real job.”
“I like my day job, it allows me to interact with people and get gossip for our true job.” The witch retorted as she watched the demon sit across from her. Her black eyes narrowing behind her glasses.
“Be that as it may, you are to stay away from the city for the time being.” Steven responded coolly. “Also hunts are suspended for you as well.”
Connie blinked twice as her brows furrowed in anger. “Wow, heh...You’re funny this morning.” She smirked trying to keep her annoyance down.
“I’m not joking.”
“In that case....” Connie sat up straight, crossing her arms, drumming her left index finger against her right bicep. “Who are you to tell me what I can do or where I can go?”
“Your partner and familiar.”
”And that gives you a reason to put me under house arrest?“Connie's eyes widened in surprise at his nonchalant demeanor, before biting her tongue and letting a snide chuckle loose. “That some nerves you have.“
Steven sighed, scratching the back of his head. “I don’t mean any disrespect, My lady.”
“Yet..I’m feeling a bit insulted.”
Steven's face scrunched up in irritation at the sardonic tone. “It’s for your own good.”
“For my own good? Really and how is this for my own good?”
“I’m trying to protect you.”
“Trying to protect…”Connie paused for a moment as her eyes relaxed a moment “ Steven? This is still about what happened a few days ago?”
Steven said nothing, turning his head to the food on his plate. 
“I can’t halt my life because of a ‘what if’?”
“I’m not asking you to halt your life.”
“No, you’re telling me to and that’s not going to happen.”
“My lady” Steven held out a hand for her to grasp. “Please try to understand, the last thing I want is for you to be put in unneeded danger.”
She glanced at the hand with a slight scowl. “I do believe that…” She pushed his hand closed. “ That doesn't mean I’ll accept being held as a prisoner.”
He growled  “I’m not!”
“You are.”
“Rather it’s your attention or not, you are.”
“It’s dangerous for you in the city at the moment.”
“And what proof do you have of that?” Conne nostrils flared. “ We haven't heard anything from the witches.”
“I plan on visiting them today about that.” He retorted.
“You do that. It would do you some good.”  
“You will remain here.” He ordered.
“I will be heading to work!” Connie sneered as she stood up leering at him.
"Connie, stop being difficult!"  Steven stood to meet her.
" You're the one who's making this harder than it needs to be."
"Why can't you see that I'm trying to watch out for you!"
"Then watch out for me!" She looked down at the table, the creases of her fingers, scraping at the marble furniture. "Don't force imprisonment on me." 
"Please My Lady, think about how I feel. I do this to make sure you're secure." The demon laid a palm on his mistress's knuckle. "I couldn't stand it if something happened to you."
" Isn't danger a part of our lives? Don't we risk our lives every time we go out to hunt?" She shot him a pointed look. "What's different this time?"
"The possibility that someone is directly targeting you for their twisted wants." Steven snarled in anger. "I refuse to give them the chance...I refuse to throw you into such danger!"
"Do you think I'm incapable of protecting myself? Am I that weak to you?" Her voice was low and a fiery stubbornness roared in her eyes. 
Steven shook his head instantly. " No no! It's not that!" He grimaced at the thought of his lady thinking he doubted her. "I know you're quite talented...Fledgling witch as you are."
His attempt at a compliment didn't go unnoticed, but didn't ease her ire either. 
"This isn't about you protecting yourself."  He spoke gently and truthfully as he held her hands, massaging the back of them with his thumb. "This is about you being protected, period." 
She sighed downtrodden. Her eyes relaxed a bit as the anger faded and slight appreciation. "I understand."
Steven smiled in victory. "Please, My Lady this is-"
"I understand your feelings, but I refuse to accept and follow your judgement." 
Steven froze at her determined voice. Looking at her eyes he saw he couldn't  change her mind.
"Why are you so damn bull-headed?" Steven scratched the back of his head, letting go of her hand.
"Why can't you trust me?!" He walked over to the sink grabbing the edge of it.
"Steven, of course I trust you."
He could hear the heartbreak in her voice.
Steven looked over his shoulder with a glare. "Funny way of showing it, partner."  He  turned to face her, fist clench. "I told you what I felt from that corpse, the emotions left behind.". He walked over towards her. “Do you know how terrifying it is for me, that someone who would do that? With those attentions, those emotions. The simple possibility that it could be towards you.” He stopped before her, a few centimeters away from her.” It’s heart-wrenching.” 
Connie looked up at him, those sad and scared eyes of his perring down at her. She grabbed his cheeks gently. “Steven, you can’t halt my life for a possibility, you know that.” 
“I’m not..I’m just being cautious...Protective.” He held her hands tenderly almost afraid to break her. 
“I know but, If THIS is your way of protecting me, then I don't need it."
“My lady?”
She tipped-toed, kissing his forehead, before looking into his eyes sadly. “You’ve always protected…” She shook her head. “We’ve always protected each other without smothering each other...Without taking away from each other...Why should that change? I trust you to keep me safe, have my back..be there when I call.” She gave him a gentle smile. “Trust that I’m capable enough that I won’t have to.. ”
“I want you to though.” He pouted just a bit.
“It is a nice feeling when you come to my rescue, admittedly..”She arched an eyebrow, patting his cheek. “But hopefully I won’t need saving today.”
He groaned as she let his face go and backed away.
“Hey, you don’t want me to get in trouble now? She teased
“Of course not!” Steven gulped as a flush came to his face. “Just..Can’t help but worry.”
“My diligent protector.”She spoke adoringly. “Come have lunch with me today, after you talk with the witches. It’ll be your choice and on me.”
“Oh..So no Panda Express?” He folded his arms with a smirk.
“If that's what you want, then yes.” She turned her back to him. “Besides, It’ll ease your nerves seeing me safe.”
“Maybe a little bit. Won’t be truly comfortable til all this is settled and done with.”
“Yeah.” She gave him a reassuring grin. “ I gotta get ready for work.”
“Or you can stay here… Under my protection... In your pajamas”
The pajamas in question was a long button up shirt that reached her knees over some night shorts. She could feel the flirtyteaseing in his tone and it made it nearly impossible for her to fight the grin on her face. 
"You wish.” She walked out of the kitchen with a wave, "Besides that what Sundays are for." hiding her blushing face. Unaware of the uncertain look on his face.
“I hope she’s safe.” He stated as he gazed up to the ceiling.
“Big Bro!”
He turned to the front door to see Amethyst running towards him. He chuckled when she leapt up onto his lap tackling him a hug.
“Hey Amy.” He sat up with her returning the hug.
“Oh...Didn’t know we’d have a visitor.”
“I did.”
Steven turned his head to see two older figures walk in holding groceries . One was a lilith woman with peach hair, a long pointed nose, clear blue eyes and skin as white as the pearl adorned on her forehead. 
Beside her was a taller, curvier, voluptuous woman. She had dark skin the color of garnet, full lips, a large cube afro and triangular glasses.
Them two, along with Amethyst were the crystal witches
“It’s good to see you Steven.” The garnet skinned woman spoke in a deep british accent giving him an affectionate smile. “Not very often you visit without Connie.”
“Yeah I guess so, Garnet.” He gave the woman a smile.
“Is everything ok? You’re not giving her trouble are you?” The lilith woman spoke accusingly.
“We’re fine. Completely in bliss, Pearl.” Steven sneered at the lilith witch. “What about you, Beaks. Pecked any good holes lately? “ He smirked as she frowned.
“Still an unruly demon, I see.“
“Just for those who deserve it” 
“Maybe, you need to be disciplined then.” She stepped forward conjuring a small white flame in her hand.
Seven sat Amy next to him as he cracked his right hand, growling defensively. 
“That’s enough, you two.” Garnet announced as Amy ran to her leg before lifting up the small demoness. “This isn’t the time for your rivalry.”
“Hmm, fine.” Pearl relented, killing the flame. Her snooty demeanor rubbed Steven the wrong way. “It’s best to return Connie her toy, undamaged, anyway.”
“Goddamn mother hen from hell!” He roared in annoyance, getting a  smirk from the lilith demon.
“They never get along without Sis refereeing” Amethyst sighed. Garnet only nodded with a grimace.
“Pearl please put the groceries away, Amethyst will help” Garnet stated as she placed the  frowning purple demoness down to the floor 
“I need to talk to Steven about something he asked. You can play with him after we're done.” .
“Go ahead Amy,” he rubbed his little sister's head affectionately. "help Beaks out, and we can visit Connie for lunch later.”
Amy's eyes widened in excitement before she ran to Pearl’s side. 
Garnet nodded towards the temple door, a  purplish-blue door with a start in the center adorned with five different gems on it’s point The sapphire and ruby gem glowed before the door opened revealing a reddish workshop. “Let’s talk in private,”
While Steven was visiting the Crystal Witches, Connie was manning the receptionist desk at the Delmarva library. She was leaning back into her chair, a book of spells in her hand. The public place was desolate, only two other patrons were in the library…
It was quite easy to get lost in the five storey building. Her mind was not on that though.It was on the morning she had with Steven.
'My stars. Can't believe he thought It waa a liable idea to keep me under house arrest like some damsel in a fairytale. He knows better.' She frowned a bit before chuckling. 'Though, there's a sweetness to his protectiveness."'She grinned. 
'What would I do anyway after the first few days becoming a hermit..Besides leaving without his knowledge? Create a spell that turns me to a demon, just to break the boredom. Laze on the couch after reading every book in the house, drown his flowers trying to water them...Burn down the kitchen trying to cook him a meal after a long day.' She shook her head. 
"He'd reprimand me to hell, while saying I look cute with soot on my cheek, all before happily eating the burnt meal." She felt a warm heat in her cheeks. 
"And then suggest we'd spend the evening in the living room together before lig
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c-atm · 4 years
Relaxation( WitchdemonAU by @ask-suauwitchanddemons and @meku95 ) for @jambudweek
After the day they had.. They need this moment....
Today was a particularly hard one, and in their line of work that could mean death. lucky that wasn't the case. Still it drained them.
It was supposed to be like any other demon hunt. They'd pick up clues, follow its trail, then defeat it. 
Easy enough.
Except it wasn't. Finding it was easy enough, didn't hide its trail of destruction from anyone, much less a teen witch and her teen demon partner. It didn't scurry when they announced their attention.
It smirked actually and turned its sight to Steven before asking her partner, a very peculiar question.
"How do you think you taste over a spitfire?"
it got an answer; being doused in flames.
 It screamed and howled in pain before finally  depping to its knees, defeated and dead, roasted thoroughly. Its body should've crumbled, leaving the gem... like all demons..That didn't happen.
Instead out of the demon corpse came a slightly smaller version of their opponent..Same grayish skin, bead like green eyes, orcish stature, only being as tall as Steven with less muscle mass, opposed to the towering menace it was (thought it was) a moment ago.
The demon got wise pretty quick as it stared into Steven's eyes and with it's new wisdom did the  smart thing.
It ran from them.
Five hours of running, of chasing, of continuing defeating this demon had them sweaty, dirty, foul smelling, tired, annoyed..and needy for relaxation.
Which is why they needed this moment.
As soon as they walked into their shared home, the witch made a beeline for the bathroom, stripping her clothes as she did and tossing on the floor without care. Steven would usually complain or tease, but he was in the exact same mindset as her, but had to wait for his shower. He just hoped she didn't take too long as he picked up her discarded  clothing and tossed them into the hamper.
He decided to set a calming mood  in their living room, conjuring some flowers for his garden into a vase and setting them on a table, as well as a couple  of candles, lighting them. They gave off a sweet relaxing scent of Sage, Chamomile, Lavender, and Thyme, and gave the red room a nice relaxing dim glow. He finished the setting by turning on some smooth jazz.
He smiled at his work, and smiled deeper as he heard her coming out of the bathroom yelling that it was free. He took off running following the same attitude of reckless discarding of clothing as his lady.
Connie, now feeling so fresh and so clean (clean) in a very light blue house dress, with a pair of denim shorts and white tank top, her hair in a loose ponytail; shook her head as she saw Steven clothes on the floor, opting to put them in their shared hamper. Hearing the light music and smelling scents from the room made her curious. She was touched when she peered in, seeing her dapper demon work.
Touched, but it missed something. With a snap of her fingers she marched into the kitchen, got a bowl from the cabinet and various fruits from the fridge. She carefully placed in the bowl Grapes, cherries, and various berries. She sliced apples, oranges, mango, and banana, before adding them as well. She gathered some pistachio, almonds  and pumpkin seeds and placed them in also. 
She looked at her relaxing mix of treats with pride before carrying it into the room and placing it  between the candles, right in the center of the table, not far out of their reach at all, no matter how they positioned themselves on the couch.
"That looks good." A gruff flirtatiously teasing voice said from behind as clawed palms held her stomach gently and a horned head rested upon her shoulder.
Usually, she would fight his hold, make him work for it before reluctantly deciding to give in.  Right now... 
"Just doing my part." She stated as she placed  her hands on tops of his holding them there as she snuggled into his embrace and bare chest, and as she gave him nuzzling smiled against his cheek.
"Couch, Steven?"
"Couch, my lady."
She guided him to their furniture and sat him first before laying her head against his sweatpants covered thigh as she laid down stretched on the couch, her left leg  dangling off the furniture a bit.
She reached  for a couple of grapes to feed him 
 as he stroked her head affectionately.  Content sighs, slight chewing, and the light music was the only noise in the room as they immersed themselves in the calming relaxing aura of the room and the affection of each other.
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c-atm · 4 years
Connie couldn't help the small grin on her face as she watched her partner in demon hunting eyes twinkled at the sights before him. They're job took them to the Metropolitan Museum of Music in Empire City and ever since they took a step within the city limits, Steven went into tourism mode...Camera and all.
He took shots of the billboards and advertisements. Of the bronze bull in the middle of Hattan Empire Square. Of the statue valor and freedom on freedom island. Of her eating a slice of Brooklyn pizza  and of various food places Empire's famous for. 
Like the little demon foodie he is. 
They rode the subway, the bus line, and took a cab, because 'it's what you do in Empire city' as he stated. She could say no easily, but she'd rather die than remove her demonic cohort smile from his face.
She allowed herself to be dragged in a window shopping excursion from one shop to another, looking at electronics, little trinkets, (both magical and not) even trying on clothing at Hacy's. Of course he took pictures of all that as well. 
Finally, at the end of the sightseeing tour was the museum itself and it was a beautiful place, better that it was close at the moment, so they had free reign. Exhibits showcasing the life and music of great's all over,  all through time, across all genres. She wasn't as musically inclined as Steven but she couldn't help but feel completely in awe. 
Each exhibit had an audio compilation of the subject's greatest hits that can be listened to. She happened to find a certain jazz musician that Steven  listens to. As she was going to call the demon over, she was caught off guard with his hand out to her, slightly bowing to her, giving her his ever charming smile.
She accepted with a smug, slightly glowing smile.  Her demon, smooth as ever. She allowed herself to be led in a dance, something of upbeat modern waltz, as the music of his favorite smooth jazz musician played and echo of the empty museum halls. She giggled gently as they twirled and spin 
and glided across the museum, being held by her demon around her waist and by her hand, interlocked by their fingers, hers gently on his nape.  As the song ended he gave her a sip and pulled her back up against him.
Her hand on his chest, breathing in tandem with him eyes meeting his.. slowly closing the gap between their giggling lips….
The sound if a roar turned their attention eastward towards the polka exhibits.  They looked at each in reluctantly defeat, as duty called.. Steven moved in first giving his lady hand a kiss, before wisping forward. 
"So much for a perfect end." Connie sighed, shaking her head with a smirk, before rushing to assist her partner, familiar and best friend.
got you an extra on @meku95 @ask-suauwitchanddemons
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c-atm · 4 years
Feral play
Steven couldn't believe his eyes as he looked upon his lady. Sitting on the floor in the middle of her workshop with paper scattered and clawed walls, looking lost and enchantingly beastly was one Connie Maheswaran.
Her usually brown skin was a few shades darker, her black eyes now replaced with purple slit irises on a black background. Her hair usually in a neat bun now moved as if it was alive. On her cheeks were now the tell-tale circles of a demon. 
Not that the horns, floating eye and reptilian tail helped.
Steven took a cautious step as towards the crouching human turned demon, gulping and trying to hide his concern. 
"Connie? Do you remember me?"
The demoness looked at him quizzically as she hung her head to the left, blinking.
"It's Steven...Your familiar. Do you remember, My lady?" He gave her a slight strain smile as he held out his hand towards her.
Steven felt a bolt hit his spine at her voice. It was a bit more raspy and slurred with an almost silky tone, but undoubtedly hers. His face blushed purple as she took his hand and stood. Her figure was more curvaceous and defined. Her shirt rode up a bit as she stretched giving him a view of her stomach now with a glyph around the navel.
"What did you do? " Steven pressed his hand on her stomach causing her to tremble.
"Cold." She moaned to his touch.
"Hold on, My Lady." Steven encouraged. Looking at it closely he saw that it ran lower than her pants line. He stood to his full length, eye to eye with her and sighed. "Guess this is something you can do now, but it shouldn't last long...What were you trying to do?" 
Steven was caught off guard at her sniffing below his chin, like an animal. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back gently.  He looked at her completely flustered. "My lady, that's inappropriate during this time."
She took his left hand and sniffed  it..before humming in familiarity. "Yes..Yes.I know you. "
Steven nodded, "that you do. We live in this house together."
Connie took his words into consideration, before taking in his appearance. Images of their time together playing in her mind as she did. "We're contracted to each other, yes?" 
Steven nodded slowly as he caught a lingering scent of attraction, coming from her.
"We're close to each other." She purred as she pressed her palm on his chest and pushed him on to the nearby chair.
Steven gulped as he saw the feral and a bit lustful look in her eyes.
"My lady, you're not in your right mind. "  Steven suggested as Connie climbed on his lap
"The transformation has affected your modesty."
He added as he held her now clawed hands. 
"I know what I'm doing..." She argued with a smile, before moving towards his neck. "I just wish to even things out a bit and feel as powerful and inhibited as you do?"
"My lady, I..You."
"Hehe. My, is my dapper demon speechless." She removed closer to his face. "Do I make you uncomfortable like this?" She looked at him expectantly.
Steven looked into those eyes of her and despite the ferocious appearance of them, still felt his heart thumped against his chest, due to the raw emotion they held. 
"It's different My Lady, as temporary as it is." Steven admitted.
"A bad difference?" The disappointment was evident in her voice as she looked down. The floating eye between her horns seemed to close a bit, looking ashamed. Her tail even dropped low.
"I didn't say that."  Steven assured as he took his lady chin and held her face in place. "I said it's different, cause you never did anything like this." He smirked before giving the sad demoness, a small kiss on her forehead. "Never said it was bad." Steven chuckled as she covered the spot he kissed. 
"So this is ok. You still find me..Desirable?" She blush the color of deep violet, looking hopeful.
"Of course, my fiery lady. There's not a moment in time, I do not wish for your companionship."
Connie grinned at her familiar, pride rising in her heart. "Good."  She clenched her fist in victory.
 "So..What happened?" Steven examined the damage of her workshop stone walls, they appeared to be carved and melted.
Connie shrugged. "I guess having all that demonic energy hit me at once caused me to be a bit erratic.. Feral."
"Very feral, you didn't recognize me at first." He chuckled at her pout.
"Don't tease me.." 
"Or what you gonna bite me."
Connie didn't say anything as Steven continued to chuckle, smirking before making her move.
"Ah!" Steven yelped as her fanged mouth met with his chin in a nip. He rubbed the spot where she bit as she smirked arms crossed.
"Feral girl."
Connie nodded with pursed lips before nipping his neck, his throat and various places above his shoulder. Making her giggle each time he yelped or growled In slight annoyance.
"Ok..That's how you wanna play it, My feral lady." Steven announced before nipping her ear.
"Ey!" Connie barked at the feeling, before nipping him back behind his ear. 
"Hm!"  Steven snarled as he prepared to strike again.
What started out as a playful, gentle biting game, slowly but surely evolved to a wrestling match as they interlocked their hands and dodged each other's attempts to bite. Their movements rocking the chair they shared as they bobbed, weaved and struck out each other.
One particular dodge had them spilling out of the chair and onto the floor, with the witch turned demon under the natural demon in a very suggestive position..His knees were outside of her hips, he hands above her head still interlocked with hers.  Their faces, just a few centimetres apart…
"You ok Connie?"
She nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright. Two feet to a stone floor is not gonna hurt me."
"I'm glad to hear that."
Steven started to blush as he looked at his lady spread out and messy hair, the glow of the evening giving her a sinfully attractive appearance as she smiled at him with a fang peeking out. 
"Think I can 'make a contract' in this form?" She teased. 
"I think you just want to bite me." he retorted, getting a chortle from his roomie. 
"Just a bit, but it's mostly for research." She sniffed him, smelling a certain  emotion. "You're not really against the idea, I see."
"Guess, I can't really hide it with you temporary prowess."  Steven lowered his face towards her. "What do we do now?"
"Let's conduct a test, shall we?" She stated as she reached up licking her lips, her mouth ready to sink in..When she felt a wave of fatigue hit her..
"Steven... Catch me. Please."
Steven caught her head as he fell back. Crawling over to her side he lifted and cradled her as he watched as her skin slowly turned back to it's normal shade.��
The last thing she saw was his concern yet reassuring face as he carried her.
Connie woke up with a stretch, rubbing her eyes as she gathered her senses. Feeling more refreshed and energetic than usual. She looked around realizing she was in her room, in her bed. Climbing out, she walked into the bathroom, turning on the light and heading to the bath to run the shower. As she stripped out of her clothes she took a look in the mirror, seeing the faded glyph along her lower torso. Memories of her time as a demoness flashed in her head. 
A small smile appeared on her face. "Yes, It worked...A one time use it seems, though." She looked at the slight change in her stomach as well feeling how tight her skin felt. "I'm a little toner than usual..a side effect, maybe."
As she continued to look at herself in the mirror, she blushed marooned as she saw little bites along her neck and behind her ear.
Steven nearly dropped his watering can when he heard her shrieked out his name. 
"It seems my feral and firey lady is up." He chuckled as he rubbed his own bites. Smiling an anticipation of the day of teasing he was about to put her through.
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c-atm · 3 years
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“So,” Heartberry started, “anyone has an idea of how to take this thing down cause I’m not crazy about being resprayed.” she leaned back with her legs crossed, sitting on Mister’s lap.
“We can’t ambush it, the thing always on guard, despite having one eye, ” Mister commented as he slumped in their recliner a little, “resilient thing too, just bounce everything off of that plum-colored skin of theirs.”
“I don’t know what to tell you. Never faced anything so docile but, oh so annoying.” Witchy groaned, throwing her hands up in agitation, before folding her arms over her breast, pouting with puffed blush crossed cheeks and steady brows.  
The subject, how to take care of a demon who, despite being non-violent, leaves its victims comatose and foul-smelling.
So very foul-smelling.
They didn't know what it wanted. What's its purpose was, or if it even had one? Furthermore, it wouldn't tell them what it wanted...That or it couldn't. 
There wasn't a mouth on its balloon-like, limbless single-eyed body, an eye that changes colors and showed a whole lot of expression based on its emotions.
It should have been an easy kill, but it did have a high payout for its defeat, for a good reason too.
It has escaped the six of them three times so far. Leaving them all unconscious and reeking. Not even Amy was a fan of the smell. So much so that she chose to abandon the hunt.
Three nights of undertaking this task. 
Three nights of failing the task.
Three nights of smelling like literal defeat. 
Defeat took a ninety-minute bath and shower to scrub off and put everyone on edge, even after a night of sleep.
 None more than the resident witch. 
She woke with her eyes glowed with prideful anger, even as Dapper pampered her a bit, massaging her shoulders and fixing his lady her favorite breakfast, which she did appreciate but was too in her pride to convey it. Still, for the sake of the morning, he let it be.
The afternoon though, things hit their boiling point when they began to plan for their next attempt.
"I think I might have an answer," Dapper came in with a book in his hand. He laid it open to a page with the despicable eggplant looking demon. "Our target defense is related to its focus. The more alert it is, the more invulnerable it is, and believe it or not, it's a bit of a punk...so it's always on alert. Though, you can't really blame it. It's a rare demon and a big payday."
"Ok, so how do we take care of it," Witchy asked with a glare. 
"We have to distract it," Dapper announced with a smirk. "And what is its weakness, you ask." with a smirk, he pointed at a simple two-line description, which the three read.
"AHHH HAHAHA!" Mister threw his head back. "Ohh, well girls, looks like this is a job for you two."
Heartberry shook her head, "I knew it was looking at me strangely...Stop laughing." Her nostrils flared. "So...That's its weakness, so how do we exploit it."
"Photoshoot? Modeling? Music video!?" Mister chuckled, getting a headlock from his Connie.
"You know what? Fine." Witchy said coolly, getting off the couch and taking HB's hand and leading her out the room. "Going to pick up Amy, and we'll see you two in a couple of hours at that demon's base."
"My lady?"
He was answered with a slam of the front door, leaving the 'brothers' looking worried.
Two hours later, Dapper and Mister were waiting in the now abandoned apartment complex, waiting for their team.
"So what'd you think they came up with?" Mister asked, leaning back on a wall, eyes closed and hand in his pockets.
Dapper shrugged, looking a bit crushed." My lady is so damn prideful. Just hope she's not going to do something..Foolish for a win."
"She wouldn't be a 'Connie' if she took it on the chin, definitely if she feels she could win."
"Sis, stubborn as well, hmm?"
"Her most alluring trait." Mister smirked, opening his eyes and turning his head left, "speaking of alluring...Stars and Diamonds." He swooned.
Dapper looked over the same direction as Mister and arched an eye. 
Heartberry, Amethyst, and the duo of Sarah and Biddy strutting towards them.
Dressed in flashy, flirty idol outfits.
Mister whistled as they walked up.
"Keep your eyes and tongue in your head, Mister," Heartberry teased as Mister playfully wrapped her loose plaid tie over his finger. "Schoolgirl style?" 
"Yup, figured since it has a thing for the female form, we decided we'd appease its base emotions."
"I see devious." Mister flirted, "So..are you naughty or nice?" 
"I'll show you later alone." She grinned, giving him a peck.
"Yes...Always." The purple demoness answered Sarah's and Biddy's question before they could ask.
"Quite the plan you came up with, ladies," Dapper smirked.
"It was actually trailblazer's suggestion." Sarah started." Alicia would have joined, but she was needed at the church."
"How did you guys get roped into this?" The demon Steven questioned.
"I was promised a piece of the reward and amusement." Biddy announced, plainly, " so far, I am amused."
"Same." Sarah nodded affirmatively.
"Dapper." HB called, getting the demon's attention, "around the corner." 
Dapper didn't need any more than that as she morphed into a shadow, rushing to his lady's side.
He found her standing behind the corner, a cloak over her.
"My lady?"
Witchy leaped, red-face as Dapper formed himself from the darkness. "The hell, Steven. Give me a heart attack, why don't you?"
"Sorry." The half-demon offered, looking at his lady, " So? What are you doing over here?"
"Attempting to preserve my pride." She mumbled, "this is so stupid." She rubbed her temples with a groan before slamming her first to the wall. 
"I really don't get why you are so angry, My lady?"
"I don't like to lose."
"I know." He chuckled
"This demon beat me four times."
"Four? We only confronted it three times."
"I'm not talking just in battle!" She growled." I mean …" Witchy clenched her fist. " You know what, trash the plan."
 "This was your idea!" Shocks evident in Dapper's voice.
"I'm retracting it then!" 
"Why? It's a good plan!"
"Why? I'm not some...Cosplaying, dallying, cutesy, pop-idol, centerfold!!" The fiery witch roared upwards, 
"I'm a demon hunter! A witch! A warrior! A CONNIE MAHESWARAN!!" She continued, a flare of outrage literally coming from her mouth.
"Spitting fire, My lady."
He received a smoke conjuring snort as a response before she turned her back to him, her cheeky face pout returning, even as he interlaced his fingers around her stomach and pulled her to his chest, though it slipped a bit when she felt the rumble of his best from him chuckle on her back.
"Don't you think you're a bit too proud?"
"No! not at all!" She argued. "This thing has made a mockery of us. I mean, come on. Look what we've been subjected to." She groaned, leaning back into him. "Three nights of foul-smelling defeats from this one-eyed demon eggplant that won the genetic lottery in terms of defense and attentiveness, whose weakness is the 'allure of the fairer sex.'  How am I supposed to feel knowing that this was the thing that beat me...Beat us."
"It hasn't beaten us," Dapper looked at his flame. "We're still here, ready to do what we do best."
"But what we do best won't work, as long as it's on guard, we can't kill it, and all we have to do is get sprayed and humiliated again." Witchy retorted, "even against the likes of Stevonnie and Steven squared. It just repels everything before blowing us away in a noxious fume." The witch sighed in chagrin." And to cater to its taste...A demon's taste...How disgraceful."
"That's kind of offensive, Connie," Dapper stated, slightly crossed. "I'm half-demon, you know."
The witch's face flushed, shamed at her callousness. "Sorry, my dapper devil. I didn't mean it like that." She gave him a quick peck. "It's just this whole 'honeypot' plan. It's humiliating."
Sometimes it's a requirement." Dapper joked yet spoke truthfully, "you've been at this job long enough to know that, and you used you womanly wiles before, so why is this so different?"
"Because it might not work, and I don't want to look bad in front of you again, "  Witchy admitted looking down. "Especially against this do nothing demon, who can't attack more than letting out a nauseating gas."
Dapper kissed her crown gently, "My beautiful, prideful flame. You really let this plant sink its roots into you." Dapper laughed a bit before kissing her temple. 
"How are you laughing? How can you find even the most smidge of humor out of this situation?"
"The fact that this plant isn't threatening the populace helps." The demon admitted, "Annoying them to the point of abandoning their home for the time, but at least they're unharmed."
"True, it's more menace than monster, but that makes it all the more shameful." The witch complained, "we've battled true nightmares and won without breaking a sweat, and yet the thing that gave us trouble can't even speak! It's frustrating!"
"Irony at its finest." Dapper jest. 
"I want to win." Witchy declared. " I want to prevail over this creature; I have to..."determination in her voice.
"Well, then. We should join the others. We're holding the op-"
Dapper words fell short as Witchy's lips met his in an appreciative kiss. He was only slightly shocked for a moment before reciprocating. It all lasted a tongue-twisting, cheek caressing, hip holding, lip popping seven seconds before breaking off with a gentle -Chu-.
Dapper, a bit dizzy, turned upwards and breathed out a small heart-shaped fume. "Talk about your hot kisses."
"Pfft!" Witchy snorted before laughing into his chest. Holding him by the shoulder blades as he did. "Thank you," She whispered, adoring.
"For what?"
"Letting me vent, without judgment." She reached up, kissing his left cheek, "For making my favorite breakfast and massaging my shoulders." She kissed his right, "for dealing with my attitude in stride.
"It's no problem, My lady." He soothed, "I know your irritation comes from your convictions, your need never to let your people down." He kissed her forehead, "one of your most attractive qualities."
"Still nothing. You are fine, not like you did anything insulting." He grinned, "You were just a sulky little witch."
"And impulsive."  She sighed, " whatever. It is what it is." Witchy surrendered as she walked out of his grasp, peeling off her cloak and making Dapper jaw drop.
She was wearing a dark blue collared crop top with purple plaid trim around the hem and collared with a loose-fitting blue and purple stripe tie, a pair of high thighs navy suspender shorts, some dark purple knee-highs, and black collared booties. Every curve that she hid was on full display, and Dapper was burning the visage in his mind forever.
Reaching to her back left pocket, she pulled out a hair clip shaped like one of Dapper's broaches as well as a tube lip gloss.
"Mind helping me?" She tossed him the tube before clipping her hair in a left side ponytail. Dapper nodded before taking Witchy chin in his left hand and slowly stroked the gloss across pressed the lips, giving them a shimmer. "Hmm, might have given you too much."
Before the witch could complain, her partner gave her a tingling, suckling upon the brims of her mouth.
It was sweet, swift, and soothing, precisely what his lady needed as he felt her relax under his kiss.
"Better?" He asked, reapplying the gloss again, getting a breath of calmness and appreciation.
"Yeah." She felt herself grinning, " you could have asked for a kiss, though."
"True, but kissing 'a idol' off guard was too good to pass." He gave her a playful and wolfish grin, making her blush and push him away.
"Gods no. I'm no idol."
"You're my idol." He whispered, pressing his head to hers.
Witchy pursed her mouth, pouting a bit." Well. I guess that's fine…" she gave him a quick peck. "but only yours."
"Does that mean there is a chance I'd get to see you in this outfit again?"
 "I'm more than likely going to end up burning this attire once we are done." She shrugged, teasing before backing away, turning, and walking towards the corner. "Come on, I'm sure the others are impatient and probably starting to head up to the roof."
"Of course," Dapper said, staring at his lady's confident stride before following behind her; idolizing the prideful fiery witch and all her perfect imperfection, as he always did.
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c-atm · 4 years
C1 witchy(pt1 of 2)
For the amazing @meku95 and their witchdemonau (which I basically adopted lol).
I made it a bit special as a gift for the AU turning 1 this week, so congrats on that!
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7 notes · View notes
c-atm · 4 years
C1 witchy(pt2 of 2)
For the amazing @meku95 and their witchdemonau (which I basically adopted lol).
I made it a bit special as a gift for the AU turning 1 this week, so congrats on that!
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c-atm · 4 years
Journey's end and New Beginnings
  "There you are, Sweetberry."
  Connie 'Heartberry' Maheswaran, opened her eyes to Steven 'Mister' Universe looking down at her with a small smile. She patted the spot next to her.
  "Join me."
  Mister complied, dropping to the ground next to his Connie and leaning next to the tree with her before draping his arms around her as she snuggled close to his chest. Both looking at Beach city and Little homeworld in the distance from the cliffside hill. Enjoying the peace and quiet.
  "It's been two months."
  Mister didn't say anything but squeezed her a bit tighter. He knew what she was talking about.
  *Two months ago*
  Mister, Dapper, Witchy and Lion leapt out of the pink portal and on to Little Homeworld, never losing a step as the beast ran across the pavement.  
  "My lady. It's him." Mister huskily growled.  His senses on high alert feeling the familiar malevolent magic nearby.
  Witchy kissed her teeth as she gripped Lion a bit tighter. "It was just too good to be true." 
  "Mind filling me in? I rather not be left in the dark."
The demon and the witch looked at each other before turning to the half gem.
  "We know the demon who's here."
  Mister took account of the tone they used. It was one of guilt and annoyance instead of fear and caution. 
  "How dangerous are they?"
  He didn't know what to expect, never having fought a bonafide demon, but the annoyed expression the two demon hunters gave did elevate his worry a bit.
  Dapper grimaced in disgust  "Well they're powerful, but...."
  "He's a magician.  A very annoying summoner to be exact." Witchy continued with the same disgusted tone. "When we were hunting him, it'd usually be a mimic of some kind." 
  "He's not one to fight his own battles. Not the most physically conditioned for fights, but when you can create an army of your enemies you really don't  need to be."
  " And you don't think that makes him dangerous?!" Mister accused.
  "They're weak. Mostly used for distraction and allowing him to escape." Dapper answered. " Autonomous, self-regenerating and duplicating upon reforming. Yet can only be active as long as his glyph is activated and that will only remain active if he's around.. "
  "As soon as he leaves 5 meters from his glyph, his spell ends." Witchy added. "Also riding the glyph ends it too."
  "Ok so tell me about these…"
  Mister lost his voice as they turned into Granite Avenue and the scene in front of them. The street was flooded with black sludge like mimics in the shape of Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and HB. They heard the sounds of battle throughout the street. Explosions from Garnet rocket punches, Blast from Pearl's spear, and the flesh like ripping from the demon Amethyst as they fought in front of  LHWR&D. 
  "Guys jump!" 
  Not missing a beat, Garnet with Amethyst under her arm and Pearl leapt straight up, passed the buildings height. 
  "Lion Go!"
  The beast eyes glowed and eerie pink before it tipped its head back before bringing it forward.
  "RRRWWOOOOOAAA!" A high powered sonic concussion blast ripped through the mimics, breaking them down and splattering them along Granite Ave. 
  "Messy but good job, Lion." Dapper congratulated  as he rubbed the beast's head.
  "Big bro! Big sis!" 
  The three heard from above to see. Purple falcon flying towards them, as soon as it got in range it morphed quickly to the purple demoness, who tackled the demon hunters off Lion and tackled them to the ground. The trio tumbled a few feet back before laying on the street. 
  Amethyst lifted her head up, tears in her eyes as she looked down at the hunters. 
  Dapper patted the demoness head with a smirk. 
  "Hey Amy, came to get us?" Witchy joked as she wiped her purple eyes.
  Amethyst nodded with a laugh. "You two have been gone for almost a day. We didn't know how to find you..but there was something like a ripple where Kelvin activated his spell.
  "And you just jumped in." Witchy reprimanded gently. 
  "No no! I gotta tethering spell placed on me by Garnet before I came. They wanted to make sure we all came back the way we entered." 
  "Wow, they actually planned it out." Dapper smirked. as he sat up with a groan before He stood to his feet he held a hand down to both of them and lifting them both to their feet effortlessly when they grasped it. Putting a hand around his partner's waist as he had the other on Amethyst's head. Who hugged them both 
  "I'm just happy you're not dead Bro and that sis isn't that scary sister."
  The Crystal gems watched the reunion with a  chuckling smile except for Steven and Lion who was looking around for a certain Berry.
  "Speaking of, I don't see Connie anywhere." Worry evident in Mister's voice. 
  Amethyst looked over and her eyes widened in surprise. "Bro..There's an older Bro over there."
  Before Dapper could say anything the black stains began to move and slither towards the center of the street. They soon conjoined and morphed to a towering, nightmarish gargoyle like knight. Complete  with wings, fangs, armor, and a morning star. Its roar shook the street and sky, causing everyone to cover their ears. 
  "I really don't have the patience for this right now."  Mister groaned anxiously as he made two bubble spiked boxing gloves.  
  He was caught off guard when Dapper grabbed his shoulder and pushed him towards R&D "Bro. Go help Sis."
  "Hold on. How you know she's in there."
  "Because she's not here..and that demon magic is doused with fear." Dapper smirked
  As if proving him right, a glass window broke from the third floor and a voice could be heard from it.
  "You think a shadow can stop me! Come fight, you coward!"
  Mister smirked at the sound before rushing into the building, leaving the others to take care of the behemoth.
  "Kids, take a step back. We can handle this and the last thing we want is for you to get hurt." Pearl stated as she stood in front spear in hand. 
  Dapper and Witchy glanced at each other breathing in deeply, slightly annoyed at being underestimated..despite it being from a place of care.
  " Wait Pearl. We should let them take point and follow their lead." Garnet suggested , giving the hunters a nod while adjusting her glasses.
  "Listen to the seer, Pearly. This is what we do." Dapper stated a bit cockily. He turned to Witchy with a smile. " You ready to work the rust off, My lady?"
  "Rust, he says." Witchy joked as she flexed her hands chuckling at the feel of magic running through her body. The heat in her veins. "I'll show you rust."
  The demon chuckled before turning towards the large still behemoth. Taking the homeworld sais off his back. They were large, pearl colored, and made of Homeworld metal. "Hey big guy.. Mind if I take a-"
  He didn't get to finish as the monster brought its spiked ball down upon him, creating a dust cloud. 
  "Steven!" Pearl yelled in horror trying to run to assist.
  "Sheesh you're a rude one huh?" Everyone heard from above to see Dapper sitting on a nearby roof looking down at them, his smile never faltering.
  The monster growled as it jumped after the demon,  swinging its weapon, preparing to smash Dapper flat. Only to be interpreted by an assault of Pearl's spear blast to it's back.
  The gargoyle roared in annoyance as it was brought back to the street below in a crouch, turning its attention to the women. Its wings began to glow and  flex as it got in all fours. It pulled its wings back about to attack. 
  'Can't have you doing that." Dapper taunted as he dropped on to the beast back and sliced the wings off, causing the beast to howl in pain. He watched as the wings became the shadowy sludge and slithered  back to the center of the street. 
  "My lady." Dapper called as he dodged  a punch from the gargoyle.
  "Got it!"  Witchy exclaimed as she concentrated on sensing where the spell perimeter began. She breathed deep deepening her focus as her eyes began to see a fleetingly thin rectangle black smoke on the street, two buildings long. Inside the square was a glyph that looked like falling feathers.
  She rolled up her sleeves and cracked knuckles before slamming her palm down a few inches in front of the sludge. Purple flame ran along the hidden spell, revealing to all as it burned away along with the sludge the withered under the magic flame, soon became nothing but the smell of brimstone.
  "Reformation spell is gone. you're free to let loose."  
  Dapper licked his lips in anticipation, crouching a bit low  and swirling his weapons playfully, a small glow in his demon eyes. He watched as the monster  prepared to attack with its morning star again. In a blink, Dapper sliced through that arm, making the monster permanently left handed. 
  The monster roared as it arm dropped and faded to nothingness. In anger it swung it's right hand wildly,  ripping through a few street lights.  
  Dapper lips pursed together as he prepared to take it out, when two giant rocket fist slammed to the beast exploding on impact.  
  "Um..Hmm. That was overkill." Dapper stated in shock as he looked back at the four, seeing Garnet  in front with her fist out.
  "It destroyed Little Homeworld property, it was the proper response." Garnet answered with a smirk.
  "Such a horrific judicial system." 
  A weak roar paused the joking, as he turned back to see the gargoyle climb to a kneel trying continue to fight.  It lost a hand, it's right legs was broken, pieces of it black skull were out and little by little bits of its form were fading away.
  Sheesh..You're more stubborn than the one who created you."  Dapper praised gently as the gargoyle sloppily charged forward, ready  to take the Dapper demon in its jaw. 
  It tripped forward and faded away before it hit the ground as Dapperleapt and removed its head. 
  While Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst were taking on the horde of shadows outside. HB with sword in hand, was heading down to the main lab with the decommissioned gems intent on dropping them into their revival pool. After analyzing the properties of the Diamond's essence, Little HW was able to create a makeshift essence that held the properties of all four. It wasn't yet as pure but it got the job done just as well.
  It was made to help gems reform even faster than usual, fueled with the essence of all four diamonds it was great for gems...and  for organics as well as HB would attest. Nothing like a relaxing dip after a hard day of research and development.
   She entered quickly and headed straight for the back room. Opening the doors to an almost spa-like room, with a ten foot deep body of liquid essence, you could feel the magic properties in the air..before tossing the gems in the pool, she felt someone  Slashed at her back and kicked her in before locking the door. She groaned as the pain numbed and vanished just as fast as it came. 
  Grabbing her blade, she swam up and looked for the culprit and kissed her teeth at what she saw. A shadow version  of her, sword and all with smoke colored eyes and magic wisps off her.
  "Can you talk?" HB asked, honest curiosity in her voice.
  the mimic said nothing just pointed it's blade and..attempted to smirk in challenge.
  HB said nothing as she climbed out on the left side of the pool. As she was getting up to her feet Her mimic was already upon her, starting to swing its blade down upon her.  
  HB felt the slight graze of the mimics blade as she dodged away in a roll before standing in a ready position.  She was instantly put on the defensive being forced to dodge and block the mimic's consecutive stabs at various places of her body. She found  her opening when mimic over extended her final stab, allowing HB to slip in close in to deliver a rib breaking right hook to its body.
  Mimic grimaced and coughed without sound, but it did wither in pain slightly, only HB sword holding fist  connected with its solarplesou and again to its face as it was about to crumble to its knees, knocking it back and off its feet.  
  Mimic climbed to its feet in painful anger and charged forward, it swung its sword attempting to scalp HB, just to have HB's blade knock Mimic's from its hand. The last thing Mimic saw was the pink gleam of HB's blade and the pity in her black eyes.
  "Why is it always clones?" HB complained as she walked away from the fading shadow and out the room into the main lab, where the demon; Kelvin and another Mimic were waiting for her.  
  "My my my, You dispatched of that shadow swiftly, but that was just a small insignificant  thing..this one here is many ti-"
  The demon's bragging was silenced by his shadow's swift decapitation. HB kept her eyes on him and him alone as she moved forward, not caring about the fading body beside her. A look of aggravation on her face.
  "Well,  it seemed I underestimated you a bit. You're  strong..but you're still human!" The demon roared  as his body began bulk up. Muscles bulging as his body turned concrete grey, his height as tall as jasper's. he glared at her like a slobbering ogre. 
  "Now lets see you struggle before you prostrate yourself and become my doll."
  It happened instantly. The moment 'doll' hit her ears, her blade swung, the flat of it knocking Kelvin's jaw and illusion clean off. The demon fell face first into the floor trying not to choke in his own blood as fear gripped his heart. Every instinct in his body told him to run or die.
   "What was that?"
  He shivered at the cool and calm voice of the human woman. Turning to see her staring down at him, indifferent in face but her eyes burned with rage. 
  Kelvin listened to his instincts, scrambled to his feet and ran, making more mimics as he did.
  HB nose flared in annoyance "So..This is my night."  Before she gave chase. She took a quick moment to text Steven the situation. Once she was sure it was sent, she charged forward cutting down yet another mimic. and giving chase.
  'What the hell is that MONSTER? That's  definitely not the same witch..Hell, she doesn't even have the same magic as the young witch.. No flames, it's something different!" Kelvin thought  as he ran creating more mimics as he headed to the roof. " She's cutting them down faster than I can make them!"
  Kelvin trip over the step crashing into a window breaking it. 
  "You're gonna have to pay for that!" 
  Kelvin looked back to see another one of his mimics being cut down. 
  " You can give up! We can talk it out!"
  Kelvin felt the chill at her call, he growled at her before roaring at her. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME! KNOW YOUR PLACE POWERLESS HUMAN!" He created a trio of mimics to block her way as he continued  to run.
  HB was sighed in annoyance."You think a shadow can stop me! Come fight, you coward!" She charged forward slicing them down, " They're getting weaker each time!"
  HB took a moment to look out the window to see that Mister and the others arrived, the forming of the gargoyle  and Mister running in. She decided to wait for Mister to catch up, watching the others fight as he did.
  It only took three seconds for pink flash to meet up with her and take her in a protective hug.
  "You ok Sweetberry, He didn't hurt you did he?"
  "three seconds, did you walk up here?" She rolled her eyes before giving him a small peck. "Just a slash and kick into the revival pool." She shrugged nonchalantly.  "I've done worse to myself during training and experiments."
  Mister smiled with an arched eyebrow,  "The Cos-spheres prototypes?"
  "The very same."
  Mister was about to comment when a mimic came running down sword ready to cut HB from behind.  In a quick smooth motion, Mitser took HB in his arms,spun her out of the way and slammed a spiked bubble glove into the mimic's face, almost instantly making it fade from existence.  
  HB looked down at the shadow and back at Her Mister, before giving his cheek a kiss. "Whoa! Mister that was...That was hot." 
  "It looked like you…" Mister said in guilt and then anger. "Is this what you've been dealing with?"
  She nodded as she rubbed his fist. "It's not me,  it's not our little witch either. Just shadows in the dark. Can't even smile, let alone talk." She saw him groan and caressed his cheek. " You saved me, Bisky,"
  Mister nodded in agreement before focusing on the situation.  " So.." He stated as he looked passed her up the stairs 
  "Yeah.."  HB looked back the same direction . Two mimics coming down one of each of them. " This is going to be tedious."
  "I know a way we can make it fun." Mister smirked. "If your game?"
  HB smiled bright before giving him a hug  giggling as a pink light enveloped them both.
  Kelvin broke through the roof door. Nerves going haywire as he felt his glyph being burned away, as well as his mimics being destroyed even faster than before.  He hid behind door..ready to assassinate his persuaders by catching them off guard
  "I couldn't win head to head.  but If I catch them off guard. I can eat their essence, heal, escape and survive. Find a new place where I can torture and feast on humans, Just gotta get out of here."  The demon spoke to himself.
  "So you're going to run and hurt more people..is that what you said? That just won't do."
  Kelvin looked up at a figure staring down at him with a gentle smirk. The shadow they cast was terrifying  but it was nothing compared to their pink glow.
  "Well, that was a light workout..to say the least." Dapper jest, walking back to the group. 
  "No kidding, I didn't even need to clean up after you." Witchy joked as she tapped his chest. "Though, it was nice to get a little exercise in. Wipe the rust off."
  "Wasn't it though, my lady."
  She smirked as he kissed her hand. " Yes it was. We're not done yet  still gotta get Kelvin."
  "No need!" 
  A voice from above said as  a knocked out Kelvin fell to the ground in a pink bubble. On top of said pink bubble, in Steven's vest, jean's and sandals; as well as Connie's sweater, barrette and her sword in hand, was Stevonnie.
  Garnet and Pearl smirked at the fusion. 
  "Didn't think we'd get a visit tonight." Pearl stated happily.
  "I hoped we would." Garnet chuckled. "But didn't  see a future when you would.. He couldn't have been that hard for Steven or Connie, let alone both of them together"
  Stevonnie scoffed "Annoying, not hard. He didn't  even fight..He just tossed shadow after shadow. and I tried talking to him after he was pinned...but he tried to run me through as soon as I turned my back after that.." Stevonnie clicked their tongue while slightly  swinging a fist.
  "You did what you had to do." Garnet reassured.
  "Um..Who is this and why do they look like Bro and Sis adult child?" Witchy asked, confused.
  Stevonnie looked towards the three hunters, taking in their expressions.  Witchy looked confused and curious, Amethyst looked shocked switching her views from Stevonnie to the demon hunters, and Dapper smirked knowingly.
  Stevonnie smiled brightly looking at the two. " My name is Stevonnie. I didn't think we'd meet before you head off." Holding out their hand
  "You seem to know us very well, stranger." Witchy inquired, shaking the fusion's hand. 
  "Gues they wanted to give us one last surprise  before we go." Dapper joshed as he shook the fusion hand. " Didn't think it would be this."
  "Yeah well. They got bored of the tedious shadows and wanted me to take over."
  Dapper nodded in agreement. "So what can I expect  from.." He gave Stevonnie a once over.
  "I can't tell you cause it's different for anyone, and don't know how your version works but… If it's anything like me, It'll be an incredible experience."
  Dapper nodded in acceptance of that fact.  
  Stevonnie turned their eyes to Amethyst  who looked somewhere between amazed and scared. "You know I'm not gonna hurt you, right?"
  "You're still part scary-sis."  the young demoness stated matter of factly, getting a half snort from Stevonnie, before they came apart.
  "Wait, I'm not scary! Right? Witchy, tell her. I'm a sweet older sister."
  Witchy was too shocked at watching Stevonnie defusing to be a help.
  "Dapper, I'm a sweetheart right?"
  The demon gulped at her cool tone. "You're  very..Cool..Haha." Dapper took a step behind Witchy.
  "Garnet, pearl.." She turned to them giving them a sweet smile.. " I'm gentle as a newborn fawn.right?"
  "Connie..You want us to lie?" Garnet asked with a smirk.
  "You're very strong. Be happy with that." Pear answered reassuringly.  
  "Scary.." Amethyst comment
  "Mister, tell'em. I'm sweet, Right?"  HB turned to see Mister holding his stomach trying to hold in his laughter. "Really?" HB crossed her arms a small scrunched pout in her face. "I don't think I'm scary."
  "Can someone explain what I just saw?" Witchy asked. 
  "They left the next day. You still didn't get their Amethyst to not be afraid of you." Mister joked as HB groaned.
  "Yeah, thanks for that, you punk." HB gave him a half smile before pinching his thigh.
  "Ow..Scary berry."
  "Stop it."
  Mister chuckled as he sat her on his lap. Feeling content at her snuggling up to him. 
  "You think they're ok?"
  "Them two? Yeah. They're tough..Tougher than us in some cases."  Mister looked up as he spoke. Thinking about the next day.
  It was a bittersweet farewell at least for them. Dapper and Witchy hid it better. They were happy to be going back home, yes, but it still felt like they were losing siblings. It was the final moments before they left that was the hardest,  for the four of them.
  * Two months ago*
  They stood in front of the active warp stream,  staring at each other. older and younger, the same people, who lived different lives..and yet became so connected in such a small time.
  "So this is it. It was a short time, but it's gonna feel strange with you two not around." Mister stated, scratching his head in bashfulness.
“You’re going to miss us?” Dapper teased. “You should be happy to have your love nest to yourself again.” He continued.
  “Not even gonna dignify that with a response” HB folding her arms giving the demon a half smirk..
  “Maybe because it’s true.”Witchy giggle. 
  “Didn’t you tell us you two live together, alone.” Mister retorted with a smirk.
  “But we’re not as lovey-dovey as you." Witchy grinned smugly…
  “Empire.” HB and Mister stated just as smug. 
  The younger duo blushed, glaring at their counterparts, who sneered back.. Before the four broke into identical chuckles.  
  Until one of them started to tear up. 
  "Sorry." Witchy wiped her eyes " Something in my eyes. Dust from the warp.."  She chuckled as she did “I’m o-
  She was interrupted by HB hugging her close resting her head on top of hers as Witchy hugged her back. 
  “I’m gonna miss you so much, Big sis.”
  “I’m gonna miss you too, Lil sis.” HB  squeezed her smaller counterpart a bit. “Don’t worry, though. I’m gonna get this thing running and we’ll be together again.”
  “If anyone could it would be you.” 
  “On that same coin you could too...” HB took a deep breath before stepping’ “Now as your big sister and elder Connie, allow me to impart some knowledge.” . 
  “Yes ma’am.”
  HB looked down at the witch feeling pride. “You’re strong and capable, dependable and bright. I know you’re on your way to doing whatever you want in life, stay on that track...That doesn't mean you don’t have time for your relationships.” She glanced at the Stevens, before turning back. “ Take breaks every once in a while for yourself, let him pamper you every once in a while. Make little precious moments between you two.” She sighed looking serious.” If he’s anything like my Steven...If Dapper life is anything like Mister’s…You both we’ll need them like water.”
  “I don’t know what you two life is like, but if it's anything like ours ..I suspect it’s not easy..and it’s stressful..So always check in with each other and give each other space when it's needed...Sometimes self-reflection is the best thing you know.” 
  Wichy nodded in agreement. “Ma’am.”
  “ Love yourself fearlessly… So you can do the same for him. He might hide things from you to not worry you...Don’t let him and vice versa… Communication, flexibility, love and trust. Never forget these things..” She relaxed with a sigh looking apologetic. “What am i saying? You two are one of the most understanding relationships I've ever seen. You’re a strong woman already. I’m being assumptious, sorry about that.”
  “No no.” Witchy stated waving her hands “ It’s ok.. I appreciate it. Especially the whole self advice… I’m kind of a workaholic “
  “I swear, all Connie’s are” HB laughed.“Remember you matter Witchy. Self-care is paramount, I can’t stress this enough.”
  “You and Steven both.”
  “Your Steven does the same thing?!" HB laughed before she spoke mimicking Mister.
  ‘ Ni', those reports could be done tomorrow, go to bed it’s 2:30 am ’’
  Witchy giggled before impersonating Dapper. “ My lady, you don’t need to do that spell now, come eat.
  “Ni', you don’t need to practice right now, come watch tv”.
  “ My lady, why are you doing fire spells at 5 in the morning. Go back to sleep
  The two looked at each other before bursting into giggles..
  HB recovered first from the fit. “It’s sweet though. Heartwarming to know that someone as sweet, and loving and special as him cares so much about you.”
  “Just wished he would learn to do the same for himself a bit more .”
  Heart berry eyes widened at that, before falling into a sad smile. “Pay him back.”
  Witchy looked at HB with an amused smile. “ Pay him back?”
  “Yup, for every time he made sure you’re well rested, well fed, and well taken care of.  You make sure he engages in his hobbies, he’s not taken on too much by himself..That he’s taken care off as well.*
  Witchy grinned “Is that advice from one Connie to another.”
  “From someone going through the same thing. Loving a hybrid is hard.”
  Witchy blushed shyly. “He’s worth the hard times though.”
  HB nodded “'I've never regretted meeting him..Falling for him.”
  "So you admit that you're more than best friends, huh" 
  "I admit nothing about nothing." HB folded her arms, looking away before chuckling. "He is my best friend.. but what that means to us is for us to decide. Yes, we know how we feel about each other and act on it."
  "And how do you feel for each other?"
  HB sighed a maroon heat on her face throwing her hoodie over her head to hide her face.
  "You're blushing and hiding!?  Is my cool big sis..going to show her cute side?
  "Quiet or I'm not saying it."
  Witchy didn't say anything as she waited.
  "We make each other better, you know. I can function, succeed, and be content by myself..But when I'm with Steven..Everything seems enhanced. Not even talking about the gem powers. It's the way we cherish one another, care for one another and take time to understand one another; knowing that I have a compliment as wonderful as him. 
that makes me unstoppable"
  "A compliment?"
  "A compliment for my heart.  Even if it feels that he has become my heart at times. We just happen to fall in sync alot more than usual..You know how it is."
  Witch nodded in agreement  before chuckling "It almost sounds like you're contracted with each other."
  "Maybe you're onto something.. A contract written by our experience and time with each other...Seems appropriate  actually...since he does bite me, ever so often …" HB chuckled at her sister's blushing face and dropped jaw. 
  "Is that why you were so extra giddy two days ago?"
  HB just laughed. rubbing her collarbone 
  Witchty looked at HB face a bit red as she glanced  at Dapper talking with Mister. "So..how do we become like you and mister?"
  "It took..a lot for us to get where we are.. That being said.  If you're talking about the level of emotional intimacy then I say you're well on your way. If you're talking about physical intimacy.. Talk about what you want..and being a bit bold once in a while helps....But if you're trying to make your relationship a copy of ours..Don't."
  "I wasn't planning on that..but you two have an excitingly passionate and openly affectionate one.. Can't blame me for feeling a bit envious."
  "Maybe...But that's because of who we are..our relationship works for us… You and Dapper are already in a very mature, loving and devoted relationship. Everything you want for a more intimate relationship is already there and the best thing about it'll be your relationship. Unique to you two...Besides you two almost kissed in Empire, right? Just gotta let nothing stop you next time, remember little moments."
  "Little moments...Be bold...ok..I can do that."  Witchy stated with determination." I'll just go at it like I would a hunt." 
  "Thay how I started… I'm sure you'll be fine  Whooa!"
  HB was caught  off guard at Witchy's  sudden hug. 
  "Thank you Big sis.
  "For the advice? It's nothing. 
  "No!..I mean.. a bit..but.." She held her tighter.  "For everything. Giving us a place to stay,watching out for us, working to get us back."  she started to tremble. " For letting us see and spend time with our parents again, for introducing us to Lion and the gems and everyone, ...For treating us like your family."
  "You are family and you're very welcome." HB held her back just as tight. " Promise me you'll be as safe as possible over there. Take care of yourself ok?..Don't be reckless and have each other's backs.. Don't ever doubt yourself Lil sis. A brilliant, beautiful and capable girl like you, can take the world by storm, don't ever think anything less."
  Witchy could only nod  as gripped her sisters back for what might be the final time 
  The boys watched on, as the two Connie’s conversed among themselves. Dapper was caught by surprise when Mister pulled him into a one arm hug. The demon looked up at his alien counterpart questionably.
  “Big Bro?”
  “ I can’t speak for any other Steven, but you’re a blessed guy, Dapper. Demon powers aside, you got all you need to take on whatever your world might throw at you and win. the Intelligence, charm, the strength of will and the most important.” He nodded towards the girls. “Someone who thinks the universe of you, but will keep you grounded on earth.” He chuckled. 
   “You two are an amazing team. The trust, respect and love you share. That connection..It’s gonna take you two far in yours or any world.”
  “Speaking from experience.”
  “Most definitely.” He looked forward gazing at his Connie. “Gem powers be damn. That woman is my strength. She keeps me human and at the same time, makes me feel like I'm the strongest in the galaxy and the next moment she makes me happily weak.”
  “You love her” Dapper teased only to get a noogie from Mister. He released him with a smile. 
  “She compliments my heart and I hers.” he released his counterpart and placed his hands in his pocket. “ It’s no different from you two.”
  “You think so?”  
  “You don’t?”
  Dapper shrugged  “We don’t act like you and sis”
  “And you don’t have to. You two are not us, despite the obvious.” Mister sighed 
  “What If I wish we were.”
  “You shouldn’t. Word of advice, never compare your relationship with others. It’ll only blow up in your face. That being said, if you want more physical affection. Talk about it. ..Not like she’ll say no.”
  Dapper snickered as he looked forward at the two scheming girls. “I love her, Bro.”
  “Then make sure you continue to show her that. Use that demonic charm and sweep her off her feet.”
  “She’ll probably reprimand me, little tsundere mage.” 
  “Possibly, but that’s how you two communicate... She loves you, truly…”
  “I know… Don’t feel like i’m worthy of it sometimes.”
  “Show me a Steven who never felt that way and I'll show you a liar.”
  “Think 'Connie’s' feel the same way about 'Steven’s'?”
  “Well, ours probably do...Crazy right?”
  “ Yes it really is...That's why we gotta make sure they’re happy..right? 
  “Exactly....Just watch out for and take care of each other, and you’ll be fine.”
  Dapper nodded before turning to his older counterpart and hugging him. “Thanks bro, for everything.”
  “No need Dapper” the older one hugged Dapper back. “ Love ya, Lil bro.” 
  The two separated  as they went to join the girls. Once again the four of them were in front of the warp. 
  HB sighed  "Still hard to believe this is it. So soon too, my place's going to feel so empty now."
  Mister nodded, wiping his eye."Yeah, It's  sad, but your world needs you."
  Dapper looked up to the ceiling" Yeah..I guess it does."
  Witchy closed her eyes looking away. " Yeah but."  she looked towards the older two " It's not good-bye right? More like see you later."
  "If our resident mad scientist has anything to do with it.."
  HB tapped Mister on his shoulder.." I'm not mad..Just motivated by aggressively ambitious determination."
  Dapper arched his eyebrow with a  teasing grin " So a Maad scientist."
  "Oh really, you cheeky little boy." HB walked up to the demon with a teasing glare... before kissing the top of his head between his horns. Dapper face cheeks warmed up with a purplish flushed as he began to feel shy. "What a cute little brother I have."  
  Dapper scoffed before hugging the older Connie. "I'm gonna miss you, Sis."
  "I'm gonna miss you too Dapper. Take care of  yourself." She moved closer to whisper in his ear. " I mean it. Take care of yourself.  take breaks, have fun, Take her out on dates..She loves and worries about you. so you gotta step up a bit, alright?"
  Dapper nodded "I hear you.. and I'll take your advice...as long as you do too."
  "So cheeky, but deal."
  Mister and Witchy looked on before sharing a smirk.  
  "Sure you wanna leave already?"
  Witchy giggled "Sounds like you're gonna miss us, Bro."
  "Well maybe a bit. It was fun having you little ones around."
  Witchy pouted, giving him a tap on his stomach. "You two are just freakishly tall."
  Mister ruffled her hair affectionately.  "Whatever you say, Miniberry."
  "Ugh! You really are a punk!" She exclaimed  as she fixed her hair, before hugging him around the waist. " You're such a punk!" 
  "Yeah I am." Mister joked as he returned the hug. "I don't  think I have to tell you anything since Ni¹ probably already said it, but know this." mister dipped down to her eye level. "You're a sweet, beautiful, smart and strong young woman, and you're only going to get better if you stay doing what you do. So don't lose that focus. ..Also.. Don't make Dapper too jealous over there, little head-turner."
  Witchy chortle at that. "I promise only to make him moderately jealous.. " She hugged one last time, giving him a quick and light peck on his cheek. " Gonna miss you Big bro."
  'You gonna make me cry" Mister teased hugging her back " Gonna miss you, lil sis"
  As the two sibling pairs let go, Mister and HB stood by each other's they watched the demon hunters  prepare to walk through. 
  With a shy and appreciative wave to their counterparts the demon and the witch interlocked  hands and gave each other a grin..Before Witchy, with cheeks burning, gave him a quick and tender kiss.
  "Little moments!" 
  Witchy giggled at her sister's cheer before breaking iit leaving him stunned and smiling. " Let's go home, dapper demon."
  Dapper only nodded as he allowed himself to be led through the warp stream, which instantly died out as soon as he was fully through.  HB walked up to the warp pad and searched for any trace of a rift or anything semblance that they were really there. 
  Trembling, she wiped her eyes of tears when she found none.
  *Present (W-FF21) *
  "So..Nini, what did you ask me to come up here for?" 
  HB looked up as her Mister. "I've been thinking...I need a new adventure. I've been feeling stagnant at R&D.
  "You love R&D." 
  "I do..I do so much…" She sighed  " But, I'm ready for something new… I'm thinking of a traveling expedition to new lands...and I want you to come with."
  Mister grinned at the woman in his lap. "Still sounds like R&D work."
  "The word expedition..I admit that..it is somewhat related to R&D..A bit of data gathering is involved..but" HB sat up and straddled his thighs before kissing his chin and trailing upward.
  "That's only" 'Chu!'
  "Ten percent."  'Chu!'
  "Of it all." 'Chu!' ' Chu!' ' Chu!'
  Mister groaned a low growl at the rain of sweet kisses. "That's..cheating." He held her by the small of her back and the seat of her shorts..squeezing her a bit as she continued to kiss on him.
  "Yeah. You love my tactics."  She gave him a breathy giggle before kissing his lips. 
  "All this to get me to say yes? You Minx."
  HB was silent for a moment. "No. I just wanted to give you some affection." She pecked his lips. 
  "Besides I think if I tell you the first item of the itinerary, you'll be sold."
  "Oh.. "
  "Come here and give me that ear."
  Mister turned his ear to her, feeling a bit of excitement  at her secret...His excitement rose more and more as she spoke his jaw dropping as he turned to her proud face.
  "You're for real."
  "We're all packed and ready when you-MMM!~MM !"
  Mister stopped her speech with his lips on his own. His hand caressing her left cheek while the other pulled her close. For her part, She folded her hands at his nape and kissed back. They separated with a silent pop before she found herself being lifted up in a bridal carry.
  "I'm taking this as a yes, by the by."
  "Oh It's a hell yes."
  HB giggled. "My oh my Mister, swearing? What would Dapper and Witchy think?"
  Mister just chuckled as he carried her down the hill towards their new adventure. 
  *Present (WD-423)*
  Things instantly went back to normal for the demon hunters. They did their hunts like normal, saving people, killing demons, getting paid for it.  Witchy still studied her magic and went to her normal job, Dapper still attended to his garden, practiced his own magic, and did jobs with the crystal witches when he was needed. Nothing really changed for them. 
  Dapper stood in his garden listening to his smooth jazz  from magical music notes like wisp in the air as he watered his flowers, a smile on his face as he did, gliding to the music. So engrossed in what he was doing, he didn't know he had an audience until he turned and saw a teasingly giggling Witchy.
  He didn't say anything as he commanded his watering can to continue the work and he made his  way to his Best friend and contractee.
  "My firey lady?" He held out a hand for her to take.
  "My darling demon." She took it with a smile allowing  him to pull her close to him.
  His left palm on the small of her back, her right on his shoulder, their other hands interlocked. Her head on his heart.
  They swayed to the music dancing in their personal  circle. Both blushing, but not at all nervous. It was an overwhelming welcomed feeling of affection. They didn't say a word to enthralled with being in each other's grasp. 
  She originally came just to check in on him when she caught him in his own world. She was going to surprise him when he caught her and offered his hand. It worked in her favor, her objective was to do this. Create a little moment  amongst their busy lives. Advice from her big sis, that she took to heart and something Dapper quickly caught on to.
  Ever since that kiss before their departure, two months since they've been back.. hey made a number of little moments..Some were things they've done before the trip, but now had an extra layer of meaning, like washing the dishes together, or researching a new spell or case.. Other things were spontaneous like this dance.
  All was memorable. 
  As the dance ended with a small twirl from then into his arms again getting a sighing giggle from the witch against his chest. He looked down at the slightly flushed face and instinctively squeezed a bit, getting a hum of curiosity from the witch.
  "Your heart pace changed." Witchy stated factually. She stroked his cheek with a smile. "It's faster now."
  "Is it ok?"
  Witchy nodded, before closing her eyes and slightly  partially her lips. The invitation was sent.
  Dapper purpled face and anxious moved in  holding her cheeks before his lips gently brushed against hers.
  Only to be interrupted by a sound they did hear in two months, and a stream of rainbow light like magic hit behind their home. The two looked at each in shock  and excitement before sharing their interrupted kiss and running to where the stream landed.
  It was rude to not greet visiting family after all.
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