vncntprzdsgn · 5 years
C.25 Process Journal: Process Reflection
There are a few things that come to mind when thinking of the overall journey that we are now wrapping up. First and foremost, it is a journey. There are paths we don't expect to take, insights and beauty that just make sense, enemies of the success of the process, and overall know that this journey is just that; it’s a process that's different for everyone. 
As it relates to this class however, I think there are methods and questions that we can successfully evaluate ourselves and other teams, but again, this will be different for everyone. Immediately the following questions come to mind, 
How well does the solution solve the problem statement?
How creative is the solution?
Presentation clarity & engagement
Viable / Desirable / Feasible
That being said, we can only effectively answer those questions when we attentively listen and ingest the information that is being presented, understand the group dynamic through inquiring about their experiences, and overall the experience they delivered. 
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Process Journal: Conjunction Junction
The purpose of this is to explore how to reframe your thinking by replacing and with but. Let’s see how we can reframe our thinking about the details of a subject matter by forcing ourselves to describe it in a different way. Below are five things:
1. My MSI GS65 Stealth Thin laptop is my gaming laptop and is VR compatible. Compared to my Alienware 15, it’s thinner and lighter, and it’s easy to carry around. It’s black, gold, and sleek. It’s a strong laptop and different from using a MacBook.
My MSI GS65 Stealth Thin laptop is my gaming laptop but is VR compatible. Compared to my Alienware 15, it’s thinner but lighter, but it’s easy to carry around. It’s black, gold, but sleek. It’s a strong laptop but different from using a MacBook. 2. I recently purchased a pair of ankle boots that are leather and black. The heels are three inches tall and comfortable. They are similar to my favorite shoes and they go well with a lot of my outfits.
I recently purchased a pair of ankle boots that are leather but black. The heels are three inches tall but comfortable. They are similar to my favorite shoes but they go well with a lot of my outfits.
3. The standing desk I have at home is the best and I bought it from a friend. It’s height adjustable and I can adjust it by pressing some flat buttons on the surface. It has a feature where I can charge my phones using the USB ports on the side and it’s quite convenient. The desk is already my favorite desk and I’ll be keeping it for a long time.
The standing desk I have at home is the best but I bought it from a friend. It’s height adjustable but I can adjust it by pressing some flat buttons on the surface. It has a feature where I can charge my phones using the USB ports on the side but it’s quite convenient. The desk is already my favorite desk but I’ll be keeping it for a long time.
4. My dog, Haku, is cute and playful. I adopted her when she was 1 year old and she is now four years old. Her best friend is my family dog, Buddy, and they love to play with each other all the time. Her personality is quite dainty and curious.
My dog, Haku, is cute but playful. I adopted her when she was 1 year old but she is now four years old. Her best friend is my family dog, Buddy, but they love to play with each other all the time. Her personality is quite dainty but curious.
5. Croatia is a beautiful and small country. When I traveled there a few years ago, it was during the month of November and it was cold. I visited Dubrovnik’s historical and famous city. Game of Thrones was filmed there and there are quite a few tourists who want to explore the different filming sites. It’s quite far away and I want to visit it again.
Croatia is a beautiful but small country. When I traveled there a few years ago, it was during the month of November but it was cold. I visited Dubrovnik’s historical but famous city. Game of Thrones was filmed there but there are quite a few tourists who want to explore the different filming sites. It’s quite far away but I want to visit it again.
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isaidlouie-blog · 6 years
Journal #5
Our class really helped our group kick things off in our brainstorm process. We were able to make a document and identify the 3-4 main questions we wanted to address and created a spreadsheet for us all to brainstorm individually. We set up two group meetings where we went over the outcome of each individual brainstorm to merge thoughts and talk out potential solutions. We use the color voting method, we have our massive list and everyone gets to vote and then as a group we lobby for our favorites.
Right off the bat we dove into the question: Why do we want to go to Mars? We all agreed this was vital in moving further in putting our Martian team together. We came up with funny, scary and realistic ones. From there though there were a few brainstorming sessions not everyone could attend, which actually made up for some interesting reflections on the notes we shared with each other and some fresh ideas! The best part of this week was our face-to-face Mars meet up: Alex, @commandzeeandrepeat and I got together and tied up loose ends and cleaned up what we’re delivering to you today!
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justpressgo-blog · 6 years
Mars: Business Model Canvas for LIAM
This week’s exercise: Our Business Model Canvas. Anybody got a few hundred million dollars to spare?
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themexsokan-blog · 6 years
Process Journal 9
Considering the process of iterative design, we have to continue to reflect on our solutions and creative problem solving methods. In the case of our group project, we are producing a product that the public will access. There were challenges that we don’t generally face regularly such as geographic location and time zones. 
Evaluation: Evaluation must be continuous. It must become part of each step so that we are not caught in a false Acceptance phase. Vagueness can give false sense of confidence but only by evaluating can we assess if enough has been explored. 
 Implementation: Implementation needs to be supported by the research done in the previous stages. This may be the stage were one should be cautious about entering. Concepts should be fully developed before moving forward. Prototype, prototype, prototype! 
Selection: In order to facilitate the selection processes, one must be able to imagine the logistics of implementation or establish minimum criteria for choosing a solution. This can be done through a rubric. Assess the arguments of the selection. 
 Ideation: Ideation should definitely involve initial sketches or a full developed idea so facilitate the selection process. Develop a list of specs that you want in your solution and get feedback from audiences. 
 Definition: Timing can be an issue during this phase. By having time constraints during definition, you may not fully consider the breath of the problem. Individuals may additional research at this point to write a fully developed problem. 
 Analysis: In this phase, we have the burden of proof. We have to demonstrate that this is a real issue and it warrants a solution. 
 Acceptance: Personally, I don’t feel the need to use acceptance because those who have a problem know they have a reason to seek out a solution. As professionals we have to accept the fact that the work must be completed.
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ruslpostur · 7 years
Process Journal 2: Acceptance
The best way I can imagine success is with text supporting pictures of the apex predator of our species, Daniel Craig's James Bond. This character represents a Platonic ideal of traits I admire: stoicism, determination, grim satisfaction in defeating his enemies, sense of style and sophistication, good taste, a pitch black sense of humor, professionalism, and efficiency. In short, when I visualize success, I see James Bond.
My Mental State Upon Succeeding
Upon completing the project, I will feel more sophisticated, more accomplished, and deserving of an adult reward such as a martini. When we succeed I will glow with the confidence of Her Majesty's most capable assassin-spy and an unmatched Lothario.
Accomplishing My Goal and Immediate Impact of My Goal
Accomplishing my goal will give me the quiet fulfillment of the professional spy who takes great pride in his service of Her Majesty. My goal or desired outcome is a professionally executed, well-crafted, thoughtful, and clever product which is received well by faculty and my peers. I will look back at a difficult mission pulled off with Bond's aplomb. In an ideal world, it becomes the seed for a business that will make me incredibly wealthy and impactful. But in the shorter term, achieving this goal earns me quiet respect and enhanced camarederie with my group.
Who benefits from my success? Global and Local Impacts
Bond is a loner, but he relies on his team and his various female companions to succeed time and again. I hope that my team benefits immediately from my success. In fact, I don't see a separation of our successes; we will sink or swim together, and am happy being Q as I am being Bond - Q gets shot at far less and keeps more regular hours. Should we find a product for the world to use, then our customers and stakeholders will benefit from our project, and we will all be enriched. Perhaps our project, even if not made into a product, service, or business, can be released to the world and used as the basis for something like an open source project, nonprofit, further research, or world-changing shift in educational policy that launches the human race into a thousand year epoch of unparalleled learning and achievement. Not to oversell our homework assignment or anything.
What kind of rewards could come from the success of your undertaking?
Bond is, of course, rich with excellent, ableit expensive, taste. Obviously, I am hoping that the success of this project leads to personal wealth and the freedom and opportunities that only mountains of money can provide. We could turn this project into a product or service that can be sold, turned into a business, and launches my career into a new, exciting direction. I am looking for entrepreneurial opportunities and have an interest in solving big, difficult problems. I think even if this does not lead to a personal financial transformation and a new business, it will be a great addition to my portfolio and a way to hone my craft of making digital products and working with teams of creatives, businesspeople, and engineers. Plus, I will have three new, talented friends.
What are your motivating factors for succeeding?
First and foremost, I am competitive, and want to beat all of the other teams. I don't know that this makes sense in this context, as there are no prizes awarded nor is there an objective way to say that a project is the best given that there will be different problems addressed. However, my competitive drive motivates me even when I know there are no medals being awarded. I am motivated also by a desire to get the most out of my short time at USC as possible. I see no point in spending all this time and money only to phone in solutions. Lastly, I am motivated by my own perfectionism and pride in having high standards for my work.
What makes you interested in the problem in the first place?
Like Wu-Tang and this photoshopped image, I am for the children. I've had abysmal experiences in public schools and bad for-profit schools, I've had transformative classes and experiences elsewhere. There is a need to change education to make it better suited for our age. Young people need to be exposed to the breadth of career options available and to have STEAM stressed from the minute they enter kindergarten. As a mid-life career switcher, I also know firsthand how expensive and difficult it is to retool and then convince someone to hire you instead of a recent grad. Continuing education, workforce development, and ongoing technical training are going to be essential for modern labor pools and for addressing structural unemployment that is the result of our nation's legacy of inequality and neglect of whole populations. Lastly, automation is going to obliterate whole job classifications in my lifetime, so learning how to learn and creating a better education mousetrap are going to save the proletariat.
What is compelling about seeing this to its end result?
It can be argued that, despite Bond's aristocratic upbringing, Craig's 007 brings a decisively working class sensibility to the character. His Bond is a hardworking artisan of killing and spycraft, a man who is most satisfied when using his talent and training to accomplish his mission. Similarly, I am eager to translate the things I am learning into practice and output for my portfolio. Molding my brain to adopt design thinking is exciting stuff and requires me to finish the things I start. Also completing the mission is entirely the point - Bond doesn't let his targets off with a warning.
What level of investment do you have in the solution succeeding?
Like Bond at the end of Skyfall, I am all in. His back to the wall, he returned to his family home to confront his most dangerous adversaries. I feel like this program is a great opportunity to find fulfillment in my career and every project an opportunity to come closer to achieving that end. I also don't really have a good Plan B, by design, so I don't quit. As Sun Tzu wrote, "Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. If they will face death, there is nothing they may not achieve."
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processandpoetry · 6 years
Conceptualize It. (group)
Subject: Future of Work
Create and present a visual rendition, model, simulation, wireframe, flowchart, or prototype of the solution. This is your opportunity to imagine the best ways to visually communicate the outcome of your project.
What does your implementation look like?
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Using our previous process journal posts as inspiration, we decided to create a style guide. Justin took the first steps of just looking at the the definition of impact, using the way the word was split up. As a team, we came together and defined the brand mission, core principles, brand personality, and moodboard. These items would serve as the basis of how we run our operations, design, marketing, and more.
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Before Alyssa started the design and mockups, the team also created a flow chart of what the user would see and how they would interact with the solution. After this was finalized, Alyssa created mockups of the application and the user flow. Although the user would most likely start from the desktop, it made more sense to create the mobile version first and translate that to desktop rather than the other way around. As a team, we went through the first design iteration, seeing how we could make a few tweaks. 
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One example was how we transitioned the colors from a gradient of magenta (feeling like love) to a gradient of orange (feeling warmth). The team also made minor changes like matching the font of the header and box text in addition to the order which the content popped up. We had to keep in mind that the first version of the solution would just connect people to other individuals and passion projects. Later on, the solution would provide online collaboration tools or access to different API’s, making communication and seamless for the users.
How will people interact with it?
Our users would interact with our solution digitally first on the web (or on their smartphone if they live the on-the-go lifestyle). They may be searching for different jobs to pivot to or discover various ways to pursue their passion through their work. After discovering potential passion projects to work on, the user would apply and get connected to the individual or group that posted the position. The user would then be able to continue communicating with the other individual or group on their smartphones through the application. Both parties can communicate and agree upon how they will execute the project together. The user would either learn something new by working with others or contribute with their expertise and passion. After using the solution for various projects, individuals would then be able to see a list of previous projects they worked on and the current projects they are working.
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Another way that the user would interact with the solution is by posting opportunities either as an individual or as an organization. After setting up their account, they could post the name of the project, some background information, and what type of positions are needed. Individuals would then apply to these postings and communication would start between the various parties, discussing how the project will be split up.
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Through many projects, users could earn money by working on projects they are passionate about or apply their skills to non-profit projects.
What are the processes or systems involved for how it functions?
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Link for bigger Version of Flow
Through Brian’s leadership, our team was able to develop the UX design of the process and system of our app and website platform. To see the live flow of the application, Alyssa utilized Adobe XD, testing various layouts and combinations. In order to make this solution go live, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration from the technology side. Some design solutions that could be used to create the final mockups could either be Adobe Illustrator or Sketch. To build the website, the team could either build the code from scratch or build off a framework like bootstrap. The pros of using bootstrap would be keeping the design liquid and mobile responsive. Javascript and python would be a few languages that would help run the solution. Leading to the mobile development, we think making the application iOS specific first would make sense since the majority of our target market uses an iPhone. Later on the roadmap as our product grows globally, we would create an android specific application Since this application is data input heavy, we would need to create a reliable infrastructure. Although on the pricier side, AWS (Amazon Web Services) would be the most ideal, being able to store and process data at a fast rate. They would also maintain the servers needed to store and run the data. Later on in the roadmap, these servers would be capable to run Machine Learning algorithms (AI).
With so much data being involved, the data tables would need to be structured correctly. One thing to take into consideration is how the data will be used from the user’s needs and the organization’s needs. The data may look the same but the intentions of the data need to be specified in order to make the solution work seamless. The website would need a domain and be hosted while the mobile application would need to be posted into the app store in order for the users to reach the solution.
Use Case Scenario:
The Pivotor - Jane
Jane is the VP of finance at a large fortune 500 company. She started her career there straight out of college and has built her way to the top for over 15 years. Jane knows that she is good at running the company and its finances but knows that there is only so little she has left to learn. She wonders what her life would have been like if she pursued her passion, drawing and designing graphics. During her free time, Jane does design different art pieces and share it with her family. After constant feedback from her family about pursuing her passion, Jane decides to look at potential ways to spend more time designing outside of work.
One day, she googles and discovers imPACT, a solution that allows you to connect with others and pursue your passion project. Exploring more of the front page, she sees the option to create a profile, which entails to some simple information like a profile picture and an introduction. There are some options to include some of her social media links like LinkedIn and Twitter. She puts that her professional experience is in finance but her passion is in design. Below this, she finds a empty gallery where she can showcase her previous artwork. After finishing her profile, she searches the keyword “design”, discovering a wide range of opportunities to contribute to.
One project that real captures her attention is web design through a small e-commerce startup, but she has no experience at all in this particular field. Out of curiosity, Jane applies for this opportunity, and is automatically connected to the startup and is able to introduce herself and why she is interested in a chat. Moments later, she receives a response from one of the representatives. They looked at her profile and are very impressed by her artwork. Seeing her potential, the startup offers her the opportunity to work and learn from one of their UX designers since they need a lot of help.
Excited, both sides connect on the best practices for work and communication, slowly transitioning away from the app chat. The startup closes the position and Jane’s profile now shows her working on the current project. Their agreement is that she can work on it after work hours and on the weekends. Jane now has the opportunity to continue her stable job while learning web design after hours.
Once the web design project is over, Jane’s profile shows the previous project and the web design she worked on. Thankful for the opportunity, she realizes that her company needs to revamp their operations and utilization. Looking for a operations consultant, she asks her team to post a position on imPACT, looking for someone who is passionate about optimization and business strategy. They find a match and go through the same process that Jane went through previously.
Who are the primary stakeholders involved and what is their perspective on the solution implementation?
Individual Freelancers - The opportunity to participate in a project aligned with their passion.  The ability to pivot careers with a mentored learning experience without the heavy risk.
Corporate Organizations- The opportunity to discover new talent, to assemble new teams of people with new ideas and to execute projects that people are passionate about.
Non-Profit Organizations-  The ability to outsource work from high- profiled creatives and freelancers that are passionate about the organizations mission and work.
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davidpauldorn-blog · 6 years
Conceptualize It (group)
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So here are two ways we’re going to implement the Virtual Student Union. One is with an app for mobile so students can quickly get important info about campus activities, mixers & groups, social media feeds, and a portal to the myUSC and 2U platforms. the other is a virtual tour of the campus and other exciting VR opportunities in conjunction with the school. We think these are both cool ways to engage our stakeholders and provide greater value for users.
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imagin8tn-blog1 · 6 years
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This is a taste of what you’ll see in our presentation which will knock your socks off. Our team has worked extremely well and subdividing the work using our individual strengths is the secret to our success. Our meetings are very productive as we have agreed on four pillars to work on for the VSU project: 
- Welcome & on-boarding for newly accepted students to IYA Grad program.
- News & Social Media Feeds of interest especially for online students
- Networking & Regional Social Groups - WeWork/ WePlay!
- Opportunities shared amongst our community for jobs, etc. 
Dave set up a deck that Megan wrote the talking points for. I’ve been working on the graphics and some secret swag. Jonnie & Ryan have been working on the wire framing for the mobile App for IYA-VSU. Each of us is genuinely excited about this topic and project so it’s moving right along. Just being able to define our roles and each one do his/her part has been one of the best collaborative efforts I’ve seen. We respect each others opinions and roles and the work will show that as well. Plus, implementation is really fun & rewarding.
We feel that this program we’ve come up with is so powerful that it will be marketable not only to our key partners like USC & 2U but to other online programs & even merchant sponsors. This is not just a school project, it could actually be a profitable venture to pursue. Think It!  Build It!  Sell It!
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Food Desert - What’s in it for me?
This topic was chosen very unanimously amongst the group in that it not only had some intimate connections to the central item - food - but also a self realization of what all each one of us could learn from this. I have clarified earlier about my passion to pursue a path where I can help out the community. What better way to start than solve a basic problem of health and nutrition in the society. While I don't take an active interest in cooking, I love to try new foods and explore unique tastes. This brings me closer to the topic of food. This topic hence marries two topics that I am passionate about and truly care deeply for.
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vncntprzdsgn · 5 years
C.7 Conjunction Junction
Conjunction junction is an exercise to make me rethink the way things are written as the meaning can be changed with a single word. Below are some examples that utilize the conjunctions “but” and “and”. 
My GoRuck backpack is black and made for everyday carry and has minimal branding and has few compartments that store my laptop / iPad / misc. items and allows me to carry only the essentials. 
My GoRuck backpack is black but made for everyday carry but has minimal branding but has few compartments that store my laptop / iPad / misc. items but allows me to carry only the essentials. 
My AirPods are trendy and they are useful when I need an easy solution for listening to music and they are pricey and they are easy to lose if you aren’t careful and they are white. 
My AirPods are trendy but they are useful when I need an easy solution for listening to music but they are pricey but they are easy to lose if you aren’t careful but they are white. 
Doc Martens Lace-up boots
My Doc Martens Lace-up boots are black and they last a long time and they are more utility than stylish and are wide and have long laces. 
My Doc Martens Lace-up boots are black but they last a long time but they are more utility than stylish but are wide enough for my feet but have long laces. 
Chicago, IL
Chicago’s weather can change dramatically in a few minutes and has a vibrant food scene and has a train that takes you from south Chicago all the way to Evanston and is an inexpensive city to live in and  gets very cold during the winter and is relatively easy to navigate. 
Chicago’s weather can change dramatically in a few minutes but has a vibrant food scene but has a train that takes you from south Chicago all the way to Evanston but is an inexpensive city to live in but gets very cold during the winter but is relatively easy to navigate. 
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco CA is an expensive city to live in and the minimum wage is higher and there are a lot of tech jobs and a majority of my friends are there and there are many fond memories there and it was home for 10 years.
San Francisco CA is an expensive city to live in but the minimum wage is higher but there are a lot of tech jobs but a majority of my friends are there but there are many fond memories there but it was home for 10 years.
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Process Journal: Contingency Management (Group Assignment)
Understand your limits. What are your capabilities and the collective capabilities of your team?
My capabilities lie in UX design, interaction design, organization, product management, and presentations.
My limits are more towards scheduling and time. Since I currently run a startup at the same time, I need to allocate my time appropriately to perform my tasks and contribute what I can to the group.
Establish reasonable and feasible goals and standards. What are your and your team’s intentions and are they in line with your abilities? Where does your team have gaps and how will you mitigate that?
My team’s intention is to reimagine the grocery store experience. I feel that what I can contribute is creating the presentation we will use to tell the story of our process and solution at the end of the project. If an app is needed, I can contribute my prototyping skills. I can also contribute my interviewing abilities when we need to talk to users and understand who and why we’re solving this problem.
Be strict and consistent. Do not promise what you cannot deliver. Talk with your team on how to stay within scope and meet and exceed expectations within your collective means.
Once we decide on a solution and need to execute, we can create product requirements document so we can avoid scope creep. We can also create a timeline when we need to accomplish each task. It’s important that we be specific who accomplishes certain tasks.
Drinks (or preferred reward) via Zoom just to hang out and celebrate together!
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isaidlouie-blog · 6 years
Mars is emotional.
Our Morphological Analysis went in so many directions yet all collectively worked together somehow. We talked love, life, art, economy, space travel, sci-fi and so much more. So much of this touched on fear and the unknown. We collectively agreed on our X-axis and from there we allowed each other to decide on the Y-axis because we wanted some wiggle room in our research. In compiling our sources, we used  sites like NASA, of course. But some surprising sources I looked at were sites like Wired, Forbes, and a ton of sci-fi blogs. Most importantly maybe, I was inspired to watch films and listen to music. I watched The Martian, The Space Between Us and added a few others to my list.
This all led me to my major discovery: Mars is emotional. Going into this topic I thought it would be science heavy but I leaned into the fears, the ideals and the symbolism of life on Mars. Most music dedicated to Mars (or space in general) is emotional; a lot of depression like in Kid Cudi’s “Man on the Moon”. There is also this constant belief that the ideal love can only take place among the stars. In David Bowie’s “Life on Mars,” the lyrics are filled with surreal Dalí-esque images while telling the story of an emotional girl with the desire to escape the restrictions of real life… is it possible Mars offers her that freedom? Does Mars offer us all that freedom? 
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justpressgo-blog · 6 years
Mars: Analysis (Economy + Resources)
Once the group settled on the topic of Mars, I was eager to get started on research & analysis. This is a huge topic! There are a lot of different ways we can go with this, but I think the group is most interested in exploring the human concepts, like ownership, rights, and even the emotional aspects of travel, adventure, and discovery.
My research has mostly focused on pragmatic questions around Mars - specifically into economic considerations like the costs and decisions that need to be made. I found a fascinating article about "creating" breathable and usable oxygen on Mars (nicknamed "moxie). [link: http://www.businessinsider.com/moxie-makes-oxygen-for-colonies-on-mars-2015-3] Fundamental chemistry becomes really really important!
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I found another article about how water was produced in the fictional movie setting of The Martian [link: https://www.quora.com/In-movie-The-Martian-how-does-he-make-water-on-mars] which again reiterates the importance of basic chemistry understanding and how that will become essential to travelers on Mars.
I continue to be fascinated by the broader economic consequences, however. On Earth, we have the advantage of most of this chemistry is done for us - thereby creating this wealth of natural resources. Whether we need water, minerals, air, gravity, etc - we really have an "Eden" at our disposal. On Mars - everything - absolutely everything will have to be planned, manufactured, managed, recycled, and disposed of properly. Given the enormous costs of early Mars travel, there will be no room for error and little tolerance for waste. 
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This then makes me consider how our American model of individualistic capitalism may not work in this setting. You wonder if perhaps a more Chinese-based semi-capitalist approach might be more feasible, where the central planning is all done ahead of time, and where markets make more sense they're allowed, and where they don't, you simply prohibit free markets. I'd like to continue exploring the ramifications of these ideas during the project, including how that could affect mission design, long-term Mars colonization, and how this might be a forewarning to Earth as well.
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themexsokan-blog · 6 years
Journal Process 8
In my opinion there are two main areas of evaluation for this assignment. The first area of evaluation is in relation to how our implementation will effectively address our problem definition. The second area of evaluation is the process and how our methods worked for us. The later, is somewhat more difficult to pin point because individual experiences are different from an agreed statement from the group. 
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our application, I would ask how well the app would perform at this phase? At post-implementation, how can we refine it after it launches?
Although “self-aware” millennials are our primary targets, we would concentrate a great deal of effort to secure feedback from parents.  We would need to establish quantitative metrics to allow the person providing the feedback to gauge engagement numerically, we can then get values that convey ROI.
In the second area of evaluation; effectiveness of processes. In an iterative design process, I believe we would use something similar to a Creative Problem Solving Model to help, clarify our ongoing problems, ideate or re-evaluate our past ideas and then re-implement. 
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