brkki · 2 years
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Mad Mew Mew
Destabilization Mad Mew Mew got a robot body years before Frisk fell down. Her robot body is a replica of Alphys's life-sized Mew Mew statue, with a few minor changes. She is close to Undyne as she is her sparring partner. Does she have more complicated feelings for Undyne? Idk maybe. She has a kind of robot-cousin rivalry going on with Mettaton, but she has no ill will towards her other cousin Napstablook. She tries to kill Frisk, because Undyne wants to kill Frisk. Pretty simple. She can switch between her cute face and her mad face, usually sporting the mad face. She can use her cat staff to split human souls in half and attack each half independently.
I mean she mad what else is there to say?
(She is crouching because my stubborn ass decided to keep the canvas size of all the designs same, and I realized too late that I drew her head too big)
If you have any questions about the characters, or the AU in general, feel free to send an ask.
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