brkki · 1 year
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@tatatale made a fun multiverse event for their ALIVE AU so I thought I'd try and participate! Hopefully I am not too late for it.
This is not canon to the story of Destabilization, but I didn't draw these guys for a while so this was the perfect opportunity for me to draw them again!
Hope it isn't too bad, and be sure to check out the ALIVE AU comic!
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brkki · 1 year
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I felt like drawing my guys a bit more so I made another thing for @tatatale's ALIVE AU multiverse event. Drew Sans and Alphys because they would be the ones that would be aware of AUs in the first place. I also added a few extra touches to the first one. I suck at drawing Alphys and I hate how I drew her but hey what can you do.
Again it's just for fun and not canon to Destabilization. Hope I tag it correctly this time lol.
Be sure to check out the ALIVE AU comic!
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brkki · 2 years
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Destabilization Muffet, like the original, sells severely overpriced food items. Unlike the original though, this one has an actual bakery building thing. She insists her products are priced precisely as they should be, taking into account everything that she does to produce them. Her goodies are genuinely very tasty and so not a lot of people even try to complain, as they probably either tasted them at a period when Muffet was giving out free samples, or have been told by other friends that tasted them that it's worth it. When confronted she just keeps insisting that she knows her worth and the prices won't go a single G lower, "Either show me the G, or turn around and leave.". However, she does this with a goal in mind. She wants to help out all the homeless spiders all across the Underground. Surprisingly there is a very small amount of monsters that actually do buy her products, who are mostly the reason she is still in business. She mostly used the money she got from them to build the bakery itself and to get better supplies, but she genuinely does plan to use the money to help the spiders when she gets enough. She has a big pet spider called Muffin. The 4 scythe-like legs on her back can be used for attacking, as well as for transport, and can be concealed when needed. She can use her fellow spiders for attacks (is that considered magic?).
(I didn't draw Muffin unfortunately, not quite sure how it would look yet, but I will post it sometime in the future, probably.)
If you have any questions about the characters, or the AU in general, feel free to send an ask.
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brkki · 1 year
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New logo!
Big thanks to Soup Tales for providing me with this. Be sure to check out his work!
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brkki · 2 years
I've been working on some dialogue sprites for my characters for the past couple of days, more specifically Frisk, Chara and Asriel.
Here are some of them:
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They may not be the best but I feel good about them for now.
Why have I been working on them? Well... you'll see in the coming days.
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brkki · 2 years
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Destabilization Papyrus is the king of monsters. How he became the king is something you will have to wait and see though. Like the original, he is a kind and ambitious skeleman. He is always ready to help out his fellow monsters, but he isn't stupid, he won't let people just use him. When he notices people are trying to use him or kiss up to him in order to get favors, he will voice his dissatisfaction firmly and most likely just leave the premises. He values his friends and family tremendously. Even if he is busy most of the time, he will always make some time to visit Sans or hang out with friends. He is close friends with Undyne, the captain of the Royal Guard, who he sometimes spars with. About food preferences, he is very fond of anything that has to do with pasta- spaghetti, macaroni, noodles etc. but he particularly likes lasagna, all of which he even cooks at times. He is a king, but he does not wear his crown, he doesn't really feel worthy of it. He actually keeps the crown in a special place on a special pillow. His clothes aren't too explicitly royal, but he does have the gold shoulder pads and purple cape, which are just GREAT enough for a king such as himself. He also wears a cape on top of all that, which he refuses to separate with as it's a big part of his childhood. This cape sparked a debate among the monsters on whether it's red or orange, while it's really just somewhere in the middle, but some of them just won't accept that. He believes that, despite everything, anyone can be a good person, if they just put in some effort. On the other hand, if they straight out just refuse to put in any effort, they've got another thing coming. He has a big bone trident that he can use for attacks, but usually just has it for the king aesthetic. He uses bone magic of different kinds, blasters, as well as gravity(blue) magic.
If you have any questions about the characters, or the AU in general, feel free to send an ask.
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brkki · 2 years
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Just thought of a meme and made it.
Yeah Destabilization Sans drinks coffee from a ketchup container, both as a joke and for practicality, but he doesn't actually drink ketchup. He would be pretty disturbed if he met the original and found out that it isn't just a joke, that he in fact does drink actual ketchup.
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brkki · 2 years
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River Person
They're here, they're there, they only charge a small fare.
The fare really doesn't exist, but still come aboard, they insist.
Nobody really knows who they are, but one thing's for certain, they can get you far.
They will gladly take you around, but some answers can never be found.
(The River Person was just easy to draw and I thought up some weird rhymes lol)
If you have any questions about the characters, or the AU in general, feel free to send an ask.
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brkki · 2 years
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Mad Mew Mew
Destabilization Mad Mew Mew got a robot body years before Frisk fell down. Her robot body is a replica of Alphys's life-sized Mew Mew statue, with a few minor changes. She is close to Undyne as she is her sparring partner. Does she have more complicated feelings for Undyne? Idk maybe. She has a kind of robot-cousin rivalry going on with Mettaton, but she has no ill will towards her other cousin Napstablook. She tries to kill Frisk, because Undyne wants to kill Frisk. Pretty simple. She can switch between her cute face and her mad face, usually sporting the mad face. She can use her cat staff to split human souls in half and attack each half independently.
I mean she mad what else is there to say?
(She is crouching because my stubborn ass decided to keep the canvas size of all the designs same, and I realized too late that I drew her head too big)
If you have any questions about the characters, or the AU in general, feel free to send an ask.
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brkki · 2 years
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Destabilization Undyne is really the most like her Undertale counterpart. Captain of the Royal Guard, strong sense of justice, and all that jazz. Tries to chase Frisk down and kill them, even if she was told not to do it by Papyrus. She feels like it's what she has to do, to get the human SOUL, cross the barrier, and get some more to break it, to finally free the monsters. She's certainly ambitious. Ambitious enough to take part in some dangerous experiments in the past, which left her more determined than ever. She is good friends with Papyrus and Alphys, and is also close to Mad Mew Mew, as she is her sparring partner. She cares deeply about those close to her, and will do whatever's in her power to protect them. She likes Alphys, but doesn't want to commit, because she feels like Alphys deserves better. Was her taking part in those experiments partly an excuse to be closer to Alphys for some time? Yes, yes it was. Instead of wearing an eyepatch, her eye scars are only covered by some hair. She uses spear magic.
If you have any questions about the characters, or the AU in general, feel free to send an ask.
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brkki · 2 years
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Destabilization Alphys is, again, much like the original. She is the royal scientist, along with Sans. The two of them live together in Snowdin (they are just coworkers and good friends, they live together for the sake of making their science stuff easier). Sans got a customized lab coat, so she got one as well, because why not. She and Sans made the bodies for Mettaton together, but the general populace mostly only credits Sans for it, along with a bunch of other things. People also commonly call her Sans's assistant, which isn't true. This makes her jealous. She doesn't blame Sans, as it really isn't his fault, and she knows he tried to stand up for her on multiple occasions. She doesn't want popularity or fame or stuff like that, she just wants to get recognition for the things that she does. She, sadly, doesn't have the courage to stand up for herself, and so people keep treating her as Sans's assistant. On a similar note, she likes Undyne, but doesn't have the courage to tell her, as she feels like she isn't good enough for her. Her taking part in a certain experiment doesn't exactly help with her self-esteem either. Despite it all, she still tries to stay motivated, to push on, puts on a happy face, and acts like everything is fine.
(Don't really know what kind of magic she would use, as she doesn't use any in Undertale. I'll probably think of something in the future, I hope.)
If you have any questions about the characters, or the AU in general, feel free to send an ask.
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brkki · 2 years
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There he is, the man, the myth, the legend you've been waiting for (well no one's actually been waiting for him since no one is following this stuff as of me writing this but let me pretend) Destabilization Sans! Mostly the same as the original personality-wise, all the puns and jokes are still here, but he isn't quite as lazy as the original. He is the royal scientist, along with Alphys. The two of them live together in Snowdin (they are just coworkers and good friends, they live together for the sake of making their science stuff easier). He has a customized lab coat, with a hoodie for his comfort. Stuff happened, his brother Papyrus became the king, and so he became a royal scientist in order to stay closer to him, to provide help if necessary. He and Alphys made the bodies for Mettaton together, but the general populace mostly only credits him for it, along with a bunch of other things. He tried standing up for Alphys multiple times, but it got dismissed as him being modest. He's good friends with Chara and Asriel as he and his brother used to hang out with them when they(Chara and Asriel) were younger. He offers Frisk an old hoodie to wear, since it's cold in Snowdin. His drink of choice is coffee, but he drinks it out of ketchup containers as it is very practical. He took part in a certain experiment that isn't really known to many. He uses bone magic of different kinds, blasters, as well as gravity(blue) magic. He is also one of the two characters who judge Frisk in the judgement hall.
If you have any questions about the characters, or the AU in general, feel free to send an ask.
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brkki · 2 years
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Again, Destabilization Chara is their own person with a personality, not a self-insert for the player/reader. Destabilization Chara is also canonically non-binary (they/them). They are one of the two characters Frisk meets first. They fell down into the Underground years ago, and were adopted by the Dreemurr family. They now live in the Ruins with their mother-Toriel and their brother-Asriel. They, along with Asriel, follow Frisk throughout most of their journey through the Underground. They are generally laid back, enjoy a good joke or pun, but a certain someone’s puns can at times be too much, even for them. The things they like the most are chocolate, as well as teasing Asriel. They like to give people the benefit of the doubt usually, but their feelings might be skewed when a serious offence against themselves is in question. They may not usually look like it, but they are very wary of strangers, and approach certain situations carefully. Their hatred towards humans has simmered down over the years, but they still don’t let their guard down until they’re sure it’s safe. They use fire magic, which was taught to them by Toriel. Their clothes are, obviously, inspired by a certain someone they look up to in a way. They are also one of the two characters who judge Frisk in the judgement hall.
(The reason the lines on the upper body and hair are squiggly-ish is - this was the first character design I drew and that was the way I drew stuff then. All the other character designs have normal lines.)
If you have any questions about the characters, or the AU in general, feel free to send an ask.
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brkki · 2 years
Destabilization FAQ
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Nobody asked anything yet so I will just assume which questions would be asked and answer them.
Before I begin I would like to give a huge thanks to:
-NeKoZe.MP6 for making a megalo for my AU even though there wasn’t even a page for it yet. Please give their channel a watch if you enjoy Undertale AU music and such!
-Soup Taels for making the beautiful logo for the AU that I am currently using. He does great pixel art and can be commissioned, so hey, if you need some sprites done and have some money to spare, be sure to give him a visit! Just for reference, the last logo that was made by me looked like this:
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So yeah you can tell how much of an improvement his stuff is.
What is Destabilization?
Destabilization is an Undertale AU. I can’t spoil much currently but I can give you you the basic premise. There was a certain incident (can’t say what) in the past which caused some of the characters to do different things and fulfill different roles. The things you want to know are:
Frisk is the protagonist;
Toriel, Asriel and Chara live in the Ruins;
Sans and Alphys are both the royal scientists and live together in Snowdin (Nothing romantic between them, just work/friends); 
Undyne is the captain of the royal guard and lives in Waterfall.
Mettaton is a TV star but he goes around the Underground much more frequently, and visits Napstablook, his cousin who makes music for his shows, occasionally;
Papyrus is the king of monsters;
The river person does their thing;
As for the roles the characters fulfill in the story, can’t really say since some of the characters either don’t quite fit into the roles Undertale has, or their roles aren’t present in Undertale. I will say some stuff about the personalities of the characters when I post their designs. As of writing this I am still in the planning and writing stage so I don’t know how much stuff I will post.
Can I make my own take on this AU?
Please don’t do this, I came up with this having a vision of what I want to do. I really don’t want the whole UnderSwap thing to happen to my AU(I’m referring to the fandom creating a whole separate version of an already established character and passing it off as canon). Not much you can even do in terms of takes of this AU since it doesn’t really have a specific formula or something.
Can I make an AU of this AU?
Yes and no. You can make them if it isn’t just for the sake of making them. The story and characters should be actually thought out if you make them (I would prefer if you don’t make any dust or murder AUs of mine, thanks in advance). Also if you do make one, you should credit me for the original AU.
Can I make (1) unofficial music for this AU/(2) music for an AU of this AU?
(1)Yes you can, as long as you acknowledge and specify that it isn’t canon and credit me.
(2)The answer is essentially the same as (1) , but, if you do make the music, don’t claim to own the AU of the AU unless you actually own it or have thought it out and actually started writing it or stuff like that. Of course you own the music, just not the whole AU. I am okay with people making themes for Swap or Fell or any AU versions of my characters, in fact, I would love it if someone made that kind of stuff. If you do make them, and follow the rules, be sure to send it to me somehow or tag me or something, I would love to hear what you come up with. :)
Can I make fanfictions/roleplay with your characters?
Just acknowledge and specify that it isn’t canon and you’re fine.
Can I feature your characters in my AU?
If my characters are gonna be used as punching bags for some OP Sans or something, then no. Otherwise feel free to do it, just credit me.
Can I draw your characters?
Absolutely! I would love to see it! Just credit me and that’s it.
Why is *insert something* like that, it’s different in Undertale!
Not all of the things that are canon in Undertale are canon in Destabilization. Some concepts and mechanics might differ. Also, this AU doesn’t reflect what I think stuff in Undertale is actually like.
Can I ship your characters with others?
Fontcest, incest(even adopted siblings) and any of them that involve the kids(unless both the characters are kids and it’s kept family friendly) are strictly off-limits. Otherwise go ahead but don’t insist any of it is canon.
If you have a question that isn’t on here, feel free to ask, I will try to answer any of them that I can.
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brkki · 1 year
I reuploaded Part 1, now including the new logo, music, and a few other minor adjustments!
If you have any questions about the AU, feel free to send an ask.
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brkki · 1 year
Eyy guess who finally did something? This theme for Chara is pretty simple but I think it sounds good enough. Hope you like it.
If you have any questions about the AU, feel free to send an ask.
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