secretsliedevelopment · 4 months
Feb 2024 ||
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art reveal ?!??! :0 BUT HELLO AGAIN !! I bring more to the table <3 This time it's concepts ! I've been very.. careful on showing off a ton of stuff due to i still want mostly everything to be a surprise so FOR NOW I'm just gonna show off X and their development :) SO who Is X ? A mysterious fellow if that wasn't obvious. X Doesn't like to be perceived to the public, Nor does he like the public. X has a serious case of germaphobia and can't handle being in a crowded room. Therefore they prefer to work alone rather then with his team mates. Team mates you may ask ? X works for a Locally run company (funded by a mysterious person oo ) called H.E.X , a extermination company you could say :) just to get rid of unwanted pests wink
There isn't much more I can say ( due to the fact I don't have much written BUT I want to keep what i have a secret ) SO the only other thing I will share Is a bit of development X went through !
Look under the Cut to hear more ! V V
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As you can see he went through a bit of .. drastic changes. I really wanted a steampunk theme, the first one didn't quite stick though since it was the very first draft of X and I just needed some colours to stick. I had to many long haired characters so I tried something new and experimented. The time X appears in the story its gonna be very cold, so I kept that in mind and went for a more , post-apocalyptic outfit ? But this is by far my most disliked design I have done PURELY because I just hate how it looked. SO then I left it again, till I came back to try one more time. THIS time I thoroughly looked through Pinterest examining steampunk themes, I also took inspiration from The most recent COD game and decided to change his character more while I was at it ! So now he wielded a sniper. My lovely gf Mentioned to me that since he was a germaphobe they should have their hair pulled back, .. I kept the ponytail picking out tho since I wanted the green to stick out . Tldr ; First design was alright, But I could do better. second design I hated but the colours were perfect. Third design is absolutely perfect till I need to update them when the story officially comes out !
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secretsliedevelopment · 5 months
Jan 2024 ||
G'day ;) I know I haven't been too-too active here, Mostly because I wasn't really sure HOW to start of this blog? I didn't want to suddenly Dump a bunch Of Info no one really knows about or random headcanons from characters that aren't shown too often . SO I thought I should start off by introducing the main cast ! Just so everyone Is familiar with them <3
NOW there are quite a few Important characters + Villains that haven't been shown yet (Or half shown ) . They are equally important for the story BUT Since they appear later we'll do The Trio + Sirens !
Look Under the Cut for The sillies ! V (Click their names for toyhouse !)
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Skylar Rosania || She / Her
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Skylar is a happy-go-lucky girl, full of life and adventure. She knows that her impulsiveness and naivety can lead her into trouble, but nothing can hold her back from trying new things and pushing herself to her limits.
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Amelia Krystallo || She / They
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Ameilia is courageous and protective of those They care for, but is often headstrong and blunt, keeping Their feelings to herself. Despite this, she is passionate in everything They do and cares deeply for those close to her.
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Lennon Delyis || He / Him
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Lennon works as a Lead investigator , He is often self-critical and Tends to overthink things, but when he sets his mind to something he truly cares about, you'll see his imagination run wild as he goes full steam ahead. He is Incredibly resourceful
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Jackson Almero || He / Him
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The Main guitarist In sirens + A renowned Model . He is a dangerous individual who will go to any length to achieve his goals. Appearing on the outside of a charming, Charismatic individual lies nothing more than a Deceitful, Cynical, monster. If not getting his way His temper will get to him and things will turn south pretty quickly.
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Xiu Lin || They / Them
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The main Drummer + High end Fashionista. Xiu is a cooperative, observant individual, who is always thoughtful and calculating in Their approach. they are skilled in using their resources and their wits to accomplish a goal, knowing exactly what needs to be done and finding a way to do it. On they outside they appear to have a Cold and reserved exterior.
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Celine Svana || She / Her
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Celine, Celine - The serene queen !
The leader, A singer , An icon - A legend ! Celine is a confident and sophisticated woman, with a strong work ethic that drives her to succeed. However, she can also be arrogant, with a tendency to look down on others and act superior to them. She is unwilling to compromise her ego Will be her downfall.
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Hmm.. I feel like we're forgetting someone .
. . .
OH, that's right ██████ :) Oh well- He's pretty much Irrelevant !
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That Is all of the main cast ! :D or atleast the ones you'll be seein Often ! I hope this helps familiarize you with my Lovelies ! I'll eventually start showing of concepts and possible worldbuilding so stay tuned and follow the blog if your interested <3 And ofc If you want info ASAP ! join my discord Linked in my link tree <3
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secretsliedevelopment · 2 months
Mar 2024 ||
Hello again :D Instead of the usual concept art I've decided to ramble about how my story will work in the future. For as long as I can remember Developing secrets lie, was always going to be a animated indie web series, that's been the plan from the start and I don't see any plans of changing it. BUT I've also wanted to incorporate comics into it, since I've also had a passion for that media. SO back in November of 2022 (wow) I did a bunch of polls asking my *small* audience what I should do for the future, A lot of people wanted to see the MAIN story of secrets lie into a comic. At the time I thought, OH YEAH that could totally work. I'll have everything planned out and I can just go off the comic. Fast forward to 2024 and I'm now having second thoughts. Not just because I would be working on a comic whilst animating it, BUT format wise I don't see it working for me. I want everything to be a first experience for people when they watch my silly thing instead of knowing before hand from reading. I always knew I wanted my stuff to be impactful, and to be honest? I'm not that good at portraying that through comics. ( last comic I did was when I was 14 ) I'm more skilled through animation :') So where am I going with this? as of now *29 - 03 - 24* We're mixing it up a bit. I still have plans to make a comic BUT, i'm gonna do an old idea I had back then where i'll do side stories. Side stories being backstory of the main 6 ( Skylar, Lennon , Amelia + sirens ) Since I feel like that would work a lot better? I feel this would be the best course of action. Since for Secrets lie I'm planning to have more than one season, WHICH will take a lot of time + energy. I do hope I'll have the funds in the future to have some helpers but all i can do for now is just plan ahead 🙏 But we're still a long way from making anything certain SO we just have to wait and see ! :) thanks for reading <3
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