#DiMA's canon storyline
dma-dima · 7 years
Faradima (Part 1)
(Right okay folks I have no idea if anyone will want to read this, but I’ve decided to start writing a little series about the growing relationship between DiMA and Faraday. I’m treating it as canon for this character as I play him, but that doesn’t mean I’m not open to roleplaying him in other relationships in the future. Any romantic relationships which develop through rp will simply be considered AU from the main day to day story I’m creating for him. This was inspired by a little interaction with @scarletthearts. I hope any faradima shippers will like what I’m doing with these two science boys. Under the cut for length.)
Soft light spills through the ragged curtains which wave in the gentle breeze, chirping birdsong carrying from the forest. The fresh mountain air ruffles the messy mop of hair that is the only visible part of Faraday when DiMA comes to check in on him. The scientist snores softly, undisturbed by a burst of loud cheering outside as someone, probably Chase, scores another touchdown. DiMA lowers a tray laden with pancakes and syrup along with a steaming mug of herbal tea down on the bedside table, and smiles as he notices Faraday turning slightly towards it in his sleep, drawn by the appetising scents. He carefully adjusts the blankets which have gotten tangled around his friends legs during the night from his fevered tossing and turning before he gently calls his name. “Faraday.. I brought you something to eat if you're hungry. Rise and shine.” He kept his voice low and soft, only just above a whisper. When the snoring continued he stifled a laugh and gently prodded his shoulder instead. The scientist groaned, batting his hand away, but his growling stomach chose that moment to make itself heard and it woke him. Yawning, he blinked the crust of sleep out of his eyes then focussed in on his visitor. “What'sa time?” He slurred, stretching and wincing when a badly knotted muscle in his neck twinged painfully. “How long was I out?” “It's a little past midday, and no don't look at me like that, I never actually agreed to wake you early today. A shrug does not a yes make my dear Faraday.” The scientist (who's eyes had flown open with alarm once he'd heard the time) huffed his displeasure, but consented to recline back against the pillows when DiMA pressed a hand to his shoulder. “I shouldn't be wasting time in bed when there's so much work to catch up on, but I see it's a little late to worry about that now. Is the whole of Acadia out there?” He nodded towards the window where he could catch glimpses of the synths playing their game through the holes in the curtain. “For the most part.. it was such a beautiful day and it seemed a shame to waste it. You worry too much Faraday, our work can keep for a little while without the whole island falling apart. Now eat these before they get cold.” He dropped the tray over Faraday's lap, effectively trapping him until he'd finished his breakfast. He only grumbled a little before he started wolfing pancakes down like a starving man, making DiMA grin like a cheshire cat. “Somebodies feeling better I see.” He teased, only grinning wider when he noticed the faint blush spreading across Faraday's cheeks. “They're really good.” He said it like an apology. DiMA merely shook his head, softening his expression while he set about straightening the room out a little. He paused when there was a sharp intake of breath and a quick exclamation. “You don't have to do that!” “No I don't have to.” The old synth agreed while he picked up a haphazardly discarded lab coat and folded it neatly. Faraday was definitely blushing now there was no mistake about it, but they passed a few minutes in relatively comfortable silence while the man finished his meal and drank his tea. He was usually a very tidy person but he'd been feeling a little sorry for himself the previous night and hadn't had the motivation to clean up, so he kept flashing apologetic glances DiMA's way whenever the synth turned to face him, but they were all waved off with the same gentle smile. They kept on this way until the room was spotless and DiMA helped himself to a seat on the edge of the bed. “So.. about last night..” the synth started cautiously, lacing his fingers together in his lap and keeping his gaze locked on them. Before he could say another word however the scientist suddenly found a burst of energy, practically leaping out of bed and talking over DiMA loudly. “Well I'm certainly feeling much better now that's for sure! Thank you for bringing me food, and for tidying up.. you really are a good friend to me DiMA.” There was something sad in his grey blue eyes as he put subtle emphasis on the word 'friend'. “You're right though it looks like a beautiful day outside. If I'm going to be forced to take a day off work then I'm going to do it properly. Give me some time to shower and I'll be right out.” He was already rummaging around for towels, studiously avoiding DiMA's attempts to catch his eye. The old synth knew when he was being dismissed, but he still found himself hovering awkwardly, clacking his metal fingers together in a nervous gesture as he debated how far to push it. When his shadow fell across Faraday's back the scientist froze, his posture tense. DiMA reached out to touch his shoulder. “Faraday.. I-” He pulled his hand back sharply as the man flinched away from his touch. One look in his eyes when he turned to face him told DiMA that it hadn't been intentional, but he looked so uncomfortable with his presence. His eyes were shuttered, any emotions he might have been feeling carefully stowed away. “DiMA it's okay. I'm okay. I just..” tailing off with a sigh, he slumped back against the dresser he'd been searching through, defeated. “I can't do this right now.” Something inside DiMA ached with longing to somehow give him the courage to talk about his obvious feelings, but it hurt so badly to see what it was costing his friend even to admit that there was something to do. It was more than he'd managed to get him to admit to last night, after he'd joked about kissing a woman right in front of him. It was progress. He hid his disappointment behind a gentle smile and reached behind his slumped friend, ignoring the way he tensed, to retrieve the toothbrush he'd been searching for. His fingers brushed against Faraday's hand as he handed it over, the skin heated even to his slightly dulled sensors. It took a lot of willpower to stop himself from letting that touch linger, instead taking a step back to give him some space and trying to keep his tone light as he made to leave. “Naveen made the pancakes.” He blurted clumsily, unable to find anything else to say. Faraday blinked slowly, still frozen in place with a towel in one hand and his toothbrush clutched tightly in the other like he was seriously planning on using it to stab something. The flat expression he'd been carefully maintaining broke as one eyebrow rose higher than the other, questioning. DiMA cursed himself inwardly. “So you know who to thank, if you wanted to. He's been asking after you quite a lot.” It was true of course, for someone struggling so badly with his own problems Naveen had a remarkable capacity for caring about others. It just hadn't been what he'd wanted to say. The scientist rubbed the back of his head, messing up his bedhead even further. “Oh well.. I will then. That was nice of him.” It wasn't the right time for crickets to start chirping, but the silence between them was so uncomfortable that DiMA wouldn't have been surprised to hear them start singing now, just to fill it with something. He eyed the door, planning his escape, but he always found his eyes drifting back across the room to linger on Faraday's despondently slumped form. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't force himself to leave. Something was too wrong with the picture in front of him. “I'm sorry but I have to do this.” He uttered like it was some kind of solemn promise, and crossed the room in three long strides until he was standing barely an inch away from the source of his frustration. Blue grey eyes widened, the pupils in them blowing out wide as DiMA leaned closer, the gap between them rapidly reducing down to nothing as the slightly taller synths hand came up to hover near his cheek. “D-diMA..” the scientist stammered breathlessly, unable to look away from his pale gaze. Hearing his name spoken that way, with longing, would have cemented DiMA's resolve if it hadn't been so easy to feel his violent shaking at such close quarters. He was scared.. borderline terrified. It wasn't the right time. Quickly running every possible excuse through his mind for why he'd needed to come so close, he cheered inwardly when he found the perfect one nestled in the corner of Faraday's mouth. The crumb of pancake fell away as DiMA brushed his thumb over it. He watched it fall with an overly satisfied nod, then turned on his heel and made for the door before he could acknowledge any of the flustered spluttering coming from the man he'd almost kissed. “Well I'll leave you to it then Faraday. It's good to see you with some colour again.” He breezed a little too cheerfully, pausing in the doorway so as not to seem rude. “I'll see you later.” He tore himself away from the sight of Faraday holding his head in his hands before he did something stupid.
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Dmitri and Margot
This is a oneshot I wrote about the start of Margot and Dmitri’s relationship pre-canon/pre-RP. They are not a couple by the start of the RP and will unlikely ever be a couple again (as Dmitri and Heather are quite happy together), and this oneshot is set about a year before the start of the canon (?) storyline. At this point, the residents have only been living at Anubis House for a few months.
It was no secret that Margot fancied Dmitri. She draped herself upon him whenever she could, twirling her hair around her pointer finger and flushing appropriately whenever he addressed her.
As much as he found the Irish girl to be both airy and rather affected, Dmitri was not blind to her more attractive attributes. She was kind, gentle, and it was impossible to ignore her conventionally pretty appearance. No, Margot was not unattractive—not by any means.
There she was, perched on the arm of one of the chairs in the student lounge, her roommate and close friend Kai beside her. He watched them for a long moment, only greeting them after Margot noticed him watching.
“Hey, you two,” he said, sitting down in the chair beside the girls.
“Ah, Dima!” she chirped as he approached. “You look nice today.”
“Thank you, Margot,” he said, smiling at her warmly.
Kai glanced between the two of them and stood. “I suddenly remembered I have...something to do.” She excused herself, but not before leaning down briefly to whisper “Good luck” into Dmitri’s ear.
At once, Margot was settled upon the arm of his chair she beamed down at him radiantly. “So, I was thinking,” she began, tracing patterns on her skirt, “there’s a film I’ve been meaning to catch at the cinema in town, and no one wants to go with me.” As she was speaking, Dmitri discreetly sniffed the air. A sweet perfume lingered around the blonde’s presence...it was nice. Not bothering to take notice of this, Margot continued, “We really haven’t gotten to know each other well enough, Dima, and I think us going to the cinema is the perfect way to do so! Don’t you think?” She blinked at him expectantly.
Dmitri looked back at her, studying her face. She appeared totally confident, but behind the brightness of her eyes, he could see, for all her trifles, that she was rather nervous.
He smiled, nodding. “Yes, that sounds fun, Margot.” It was Dmitri’s turn to flush as the young teen squealed with delight and briefly pressed one pale hand to his cheek.
“It’ll be an absolute craic!” she cheered agreeably. “I’ll let you know the time!” And with that, she slipped off the chair, grabbed her bag, and wiggled her fingers in a wave as she trotted off down the hallway.
Dmitri touched the place where Margot’s hand had been not a moment earlier and smiled. No, Margot wasn’t so unattractive after all.
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vivalasthedas · 6 years
finally decided to play the ‘fixed’ version of episode 2 since the 3rd came out today 
boy it’s still real shit huh
that story is just uncomfortable as fuck and comes back to the ubisoft isn’t quite there yet with divergent player characters in assassins creed games because it was written to fit a singular idea of the player character, which doesn’t fit with how they marketed the game at all. 
It’s also a character who has been thrown out, abandoned, used and lied to by their ‘family’ and finding out they weren’t born of love but pragmatism, a reveal that isn’t particularly well handled in the game, not that any of the family dynamic besides the relationship with Dima is well handled (this is a game that encourages you to just forgive and forget a man who watched you and your sibling killed for the sake of his status in order to get a ‘good’ ending) and after all that it forces you to either pretend that the forced romance is cool and go along with it or say hey they did the same awful shit their mom did and brought another child into a loveless relationship for the sake of some bullshit ideal of continuing the bloodline like a fucking prize pug. 
ignoring the fact that your character canonically lives for thousands of years and if that can happen I’m sure squitting out an unwanted goblin child could’ve happened at another time or in another way. 
I’m sure there’s going to be some magic reveal that oh Layla though it didn’t require a blood connection anymore buy ohoohoho stupid girl she’s actually a direct descendant of both alexios/kassandra and bayek hahaha like that’s my current working theory as to why this shitty storyline had to exist and it just seems likely. 
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