raxistaicho · 1 year
Fantasy Invader gets a disciple!
Recently @diaphin93​ went into it with @xenofan19​ in this post. I had a few points to add, though I refrained from just reblogging it because the post is already hella long.
Lonato was a minior lord who had mabey a couple hundred people who he multiplied into getting killed for his “revange” hardly a popular uprising but yay lie if you want.
He still quite clearly had the ardent support of his people on his march. I believe “multiplied” is meant to be “manipulated”, but there’s no evidence of this in the game.
Further down, Xeno says:
We actually see that he used and his people in his goal and gained surport from the westen church whitch was working with the Agarthans and Edelgard. Hell its impilled that Edelgard set this whole thing up just to have a look at Serios tomb showing how little she values the lifes of the common people.
The Western Church were working with the Agarthans? Where’s the evidence of that?
And yes, Edelgard did all that to get into the tomb of Seiros - to prove it’s empty. Edelgard knows Seiros is actually alive because she’s Rhea (she says that Thales that the bones not being there are “news”, suggesting that she allowed him to believe the plan was just to grab more Nabatean bones). The Sword of the Creator being there was what surprised her.
That said, we don’t know whether involving Lonato specifically was Edelgard’s intent. The WC Bishop takes credit for involving him in Ashe and Catherine’s paralogue,
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In any case, the last point has been addressed many many times; Edelgard is killing a few now to spare another millennia of suffering in the future. The bandage has to be ripped off.
Edelgard ending shows that Hubert hunts down and get rid of uprisings and rebellions showing off Edelgard oppressive nature.
Wow, Elincia’s a fuckin’ tyrant then, isn’t she? Part 2 of Radiant Dawn is all about her getting rid of an uprising and a rebellion that unfortunately had support from the common people.
But seriously, suppressing rebellions before they can start is tyrannical? C’mon, snap out of it. Also,
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Damn boy, VW Byleth’s such an oppressor.
Now I’m sure the defense here is going to be that Edelgard was suppressing civilian revolts against her while Byleth is stopping uprisings from Imperial nobility or the remnants of the military, but there’s no evidence for either. The Hubert ending that Edelgard’s detractors like to get upset about states,
In reality, their nights were filled with fierce combat against rebels, assassins, and those who slither in the dark.
Which is pretty vague, and really just seems to be a catch-all for various people who would want to break the post-war peace.
One member of the church thinks Dedue might be responsible not because of his race but because he is from a nation that was believed to have killed King Lambert. This in no way shows the church is xenophobic, just that one guy doesn’t trust Dudue because of past events. 
It’s not just one guy, and it’s not even just Duscur.
From chapter 4:
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Also from chapter 4:
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From Chapter 6:
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Claude makes claims about the church that are never actually proven in game and he even says in VW that the teachings of the church are not xenophobic. Claude and Dimitri surport in Hopes makes no sense and is even disproved by the games own lore as well 90% of Claude claims come out of nowhere and have zero evidence. 
Yeah but here’s the thing, in VW it’s Lorenz, who knows Fodlan and the church better than Claude, who says it. Now yes, Claude disagrees with him, but the circumstances in VW are night and day from GW. In VW, Claude is rather brazenly looking to use the church’s influence and the Knights of Seiros, through Byleth, for his benefit. It’s natural then that he would be interested in brushing aside the worst of the church’s excesses: not only does he want them on his side, he has the perfect person to take over and fix the church’s problems.
Dimitri and Claude surport is poorly written in a secret chapter that ignores the canon all of the routes so sorry if I don’t take it with any facts definitely when Claude says nonsense that he never mentions before or after the event. 
Honestly this just reads to me like you don’t like what Hopes had to say about the church so you’re refusing to listen to it...
Edelgard  is willing working with that force and has shown a clear preference for the nobility system you claim she is trying to take down so much that Hopes shows she gives them special treatment and works ageist the common people.
Oh christ, don’t listen to Fantasy Invader. I mean it. Other sources of anti-Edelgard takes will say correct things on occasion, but he specifically doesn’t ever seem to have a clue what he’s talking about.
I’ve gone over his source on the point you’re making, he completely misinterpreted the line and forgot which character even said the offending sentence in question.
More here.
Like Edelgard own ending shows that she doesn’t make the changes you speak off 
As the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard dedicated her life to reshaping the delicate political structure of Fódlan. With tireless work and great sacrifice, she reformed the class system to ensure a free and independent society for all. In her later years, she entrusted her life's work to a worthy successor before finally vanishing from the public eye. 
It’s rather broadly spoken, yes, but it says she did the reforms.
Duscur was a flause flags operation carried out by Edelgard own allies and only the westen lords with most of the Kingdom not being involved.
It doesn’t matter that only a few of the Kingdom Lords were involved; they still conspired in regicide. The important point here is that since they did with it Lambert, they’d do it again with Dimitri if necessary.
Edelgard also never tried to help the people of Duscur and has zero plans or goals to help them simple because they are not form Fodlan so don’t matter to her.
Like Edelgard comes off worse in that situation then either the Kingdom or Church as unlike them she never even tries to help the people of Duscur.
How would she help the people of Duscur? She’s an Adrestian princess/emperor. It was the Faerghans who committed a genocide. To help the people of Duscur she’d have to take over the country first. You know, that thing you get mad at her about.
Or what, do you think she’d have any success by going, “actually, I know the people of Duscur didn’t kill King Lambert, and I know this because the actual perpetrator told me! N-no, I can’t actually support this claim...”
People didn’t listen to Dimitri when he said the people of Duscur were innocent, and he was there at the time. Who on earth is going to listen to the princess of another country who was on the other side of the continent at the time?
Lastly, on the point about her having no plans to help them, just because nothing is said of the people of Duscur in CF or SB doesn’t mean Edelgard has no plans for them. They, too, are part of the oppressed peoples she hopes to uplift. Only AM and AG focus on Duscur, because it’s intrinsically tied to Dimitri’s character plot. Much like how the Faerghan and Leicesterian routes don’t really have much to say about Brigid.
And lastly, yes, the Tragedy of Duscur was the assassination attempt planned by the Agarthans and instigated with the support of the Western lords. But the tragedy of Duscur was when the people of Faerghus went full Faerghan Revenge mode and launched a genocide of the people of Duscur. The Agarthans didn’t mind-control the people of Faerghus to do that, they did it on their own.
And yet neither Dimitri’s fans nor AM or AG seem interested in addressing the point. Dimitri only ever seeks to punish the nobles who were behind the Tragedy, but there’s never any word of any actual repentance from the Faerghan troops who did the tragedy. It’s bizarre how it seems like the two events cannot be decoupled in the minds of the writers or Edelgard’s detractors, as though the Faerghans going full Revenge Brain Mode and genociding an entire people because they think they killed their king was just the inevitable outcome of Lambert being assassinated. It was like mud slides just naturally following a fierce rainstorm due to the physics involved, rather than the result of Faerghus’s culture of honoring and avenging the dead over the living.
But then again AM, AG, and most of all Edelgard’s detractors, are not interested in criticizing the flaws of Faerghus’s culture.
Lol you do know it could be argued that Edelgard starts a war of faith in Hopes as she wants her new state church to become the main one whitch would grant her more religious power in Fodlan whitch is actually brought up in AG. 
Oh yeah, you’re definitely listening too much to Fantasy Invader...
Hey, did you know Fantasy Invader thinks this banner:
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Is symbolic for this banner:
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Despite them clearly looking completely different?
Anyways, yeah, the only thing we hear about the Southern Church in AG is that Gilbert and Gautier just vaguely don’t like the sounds of what they’re preaching, and seriously fuck both those men. If they think it’s bad, it can only be good. Their stopped clock had its minute hand ripped off.
She is even more obsessed over Byleth then Rhea but never actually opens up to them and right up to the end of the game lies to control Byleth. You can try and lie and claim how Dimitri and Rhea would be worse but the game shows how Edelgard is far more toxic partner. 
Yeah, get back to me when Edelgard steals an unconscious Byleth away into her room for an indeterminate period of time to give them a lap pillow treatment and then comes just shy of sexually assaulting them...
Edelgard doesn’t tell Byleth what to think or what to believe. In fact she frequently just asks questions of Byleth throughout White Clouds to try to get them to consider the world and their place in it more clearly.
Dimitri spent 5 years defending his people from being slaughtered by Edelgard as she was wiping out entire villages simple because they refuse to bow to her 
Gonna need evidence of that, chief.
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randomnameless · 1 year
I know Tumblr changed the anon system - now you can't send anon asks if you don't have an account?
So I received those asks regarding a certain post :
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Around the time I received this under the same post :
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Morale of the story :
@diaphin93 If you want to send anon messages, try to wait at least a plausible amount of time between making a comment and sending an ask (or two because it's friday!) roughly conveying the same message, else I know it's you and it becomes useless to use the "ask anonymously" option!
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Nilsh does a hypocrisy!
On the subject of Diaphin, Nilsh had... uhh, a lot to say.
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Hmm, but you know, I seem to recall...
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Ah, right!
And just to make sure...
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I was actually mistaken, Diaphin didn’t tell me she blocked Nilsh, instead Nilsh crowed about getting blocked by her.
And just to make sure...
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Uhh, yup, he got that screencap from Diaphin’s tumblr!
So, Nilsh, my oppressed, abused bro, why are you...
Hang on, let me check my notes.
Ah, yes!
Why are you subjecting her to,
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If anyone should be able to empathize with
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It should be you, right?
Now obviously I’m not criticizing him for block-evading her because... yeah. I am, however, criticizing him for being a hypocrite about it!
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raxistaicho · 1 year
How to piss off Dimiclaude stans in one fell swoop:
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(This is in response to this post, which I cannot reblog for some reason: https://diaphin93.tumblr.com/post/712914761321414656/vagrantsea-dimiclaudeblaigan-how-to-piss-off)
Also yeah, this is beyond petty, but the bizarre obsession with proving Edelgard likes men too from her criticals (some even go as far as to say she prefers men) is a bit weird.
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Warning to Edelgard fans about Diaphin93
One of the most thankless and sometimes difficulties duties of a community is to excise the harmful elements of it. Diaphin93 is quite possibly the most harmful element of the pro-Edelgard community to emerge this year.
She acts and speaks without thought or hesitation and refuses to honestly reflect on the things she says and does. With her sloppy rhetoric she’s emboldened one of the most hateful and aggressive individuals from the anti-Edelgard community, and with her aggressive and offensive conduct she’s tarred us all with a brush we don’t need or deserve. I must urge all those in the pro-Edelgard community to not associate with her until she’s ready to show some genuine self reflection and improvement.
For my own part, I’ve blocked her on Tumblr (or at least tried to, Tumblr’s user interface is fucking terrible) and Discord and will not associate with her until she’s taken genuine responsibility for her behavior.
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