#Digestive Problem Solution in Nagpur
capslearning · 2 years
Tips to decrease your stress during Std. 12th Boards Exam
The time has arrived when students begin to retreat from their social lives in preparation for upcoming standardized tests, such as the Class 12 Board Exams, or future competitive exams. Many students disturb their eating and sleeping habits because of stress.
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To help you relax and focus on your studies, consider these suggestions:
Start your review early
To ensure that students in grades 10 and 12 have sufficient time to review the material thoroughly, schools typically finish the curriculum for those grades earlier. Studying by solving problems and questions from textbooks and previous exams is an excellent method of reviewing the entire syllabus.
Starting early makes it easier to finish revision in time and maintain exam readiness, which in turn decreases stress. CAPS Nagpur, 11th 12th commerce coaching in Nagpur, ensures that students' revisions are ongoing from the start, preventing them from having to cram at the last minute.
An effective and flexible study schedule is must for well-organized study. You can see how much time you are spending on each topic. By doing so, you can give yourself more time to study challenging topics. As a result there will be less tension and more self-assurance. With our extensive background in providing Commerce coaching in Nagpur, we can confidently state that making a study schedule and sticking to it will guarantee that you are well-prepared for your exams.
Get sufficient sleep
A good sleep cycle is crucial for everyone's health. In order to stay awake and focused during tests, many students take caffeine. Both your body and mind needs sufficient sleep to function at their best. Make sure to get a full sleep of 6 to 8 hours in your daily schedule.
Avoid consuming fast food
During this time, it is especially important to avoid developing bad eating habits. Consistent junk food consumption has been linked to a variety of negative health outcomes, including gastrointestinal distress, poor digestion, disturbed sleep, and a decrease in focus and productivity. Scientific studies have found that people who eat a healthy, balanced diet have an easier time concentrating throughout the day and sleeping well at night. Keeping your diet light and simple might also help you maintain your energy levels and physical vitality.
Talk to your loved ones
Because of hectic exam schedules, students have very little time to spend with their loved ones. However, being in the company of your loved ones or talking to family members, is an instant stress reliever.
It may be difficult to focus on studying for extended periods of time with all the potential interruptions throughout the day. When students are tense or anxious, meditation is the best solution. An effective five minutes of meditation can be done with the help of any meditation mobile app or the student can just close their eyes and relax for some time. As a result they will be able to focus better and experience less stress.
Hear some tunes
Listening to music after a stressful situation can help you relax. It is now commonly utilised in therapy for stress and anxiety problems. Listening to music, especially something melodious or calming like some classical music, is a tried and true method of relieving exam anxiety. It's a great way to help pupils chill out and pay attention in class.
Practice some physical exercises too
The many positive outcomes that can be attained via regular physical activity should not be lost. One of these benefits is that it can help you feel less stressed. If that is not enough, staying physically active during the tests can help. It is useful for students who have to sit for extended quantum of time in the exam hall.
Be kind to yourself.
People who aim to cause others distress have always existed. The stress that kids put on themselves, though, may be far more detrimental. In some cases, students assume the wrong things, leading them to feel like they’ve failed in life and continuously blaming themselves for the same. This pessimism poses serious risks, both now and in the long run. Instead, they should become their own cheerleaders by praising and celebrating their successes, no matter how small it is.
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Gastric Ulcer Treatment in Nagpur
Ayurvedic Treatment For Gastric Ulcer At Central IndiaAbout Gastric Ulcer:Peptic ulcer disease (PUD), is a break in the lining of the stomach, the first part of the small intestine, or occasionally the lower esophagus. An ulcer in the stomach is known as a gastric ulcer while that in the first part of the intestines is known as a duodenal ulcer. The most common symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are waking at night with upper abdominal pain or upper abdominal pain that improves with eating. With a gastric ulcer, the pain may worsen with eating. The pain is often described as a burning or dull ache.
Signs and symptoms of a Gastric Ulcer
abdominal pain, classically epigastric strongly correlated to mealtimes. In case of duodenal ulcers the pain appears about three hours after taking a meal;
bloating and abdominal fullness;
waterbrash (rush of saliva after an episode of regurgitation to dilute the acid in the esophagus – although this is more associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease);
nausea, and copious vomiting;
loss of appetite and weight loss;
hematemesis (vomiting of blood); this can occur due to bleeding directly from a gastric ulcer, or from damage to the esophagus from severe/continuing vomiting.
melena (tarry, foul-smelling feces due to the presence of oxidized iron from hemoglobin);
rarely, an ulcer can lead to a gastric or duodenal perforation, which leads to acute peritonitis, extreme, stabbing pain, and requires immediate surgery.
Gastroenterology Treatment in Nagpur
Ayurvedic Treatment For Gastric Ulcer At Central India
Pitta Samanam
use of tikta Madhura rasam
sita virya dravyas
Ayurvedic Medicines For Gastric Ulcers
Guduchyadi Kashayam:
Guduchyadi Kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine in water decoction form. It is used in the treatment of fever with burning sensation, vomiting etc.Guduchyadi Kwatha ingredients10 g coarse powder of each of
Guduchi – Indian Tinospora (stem) – Tinospora cordifolia
Dhanyaka – Coriander – Coriandrum sativum
Nimba – Neem – Azadirachta indica
Raktachandana – Pterocarpus santalinus
Padmaka – Wild Himalayan Cherry – Prunus cerasoides
All the ingredients are added to 16 parts of water, boiled and reduced to 1/4th part, filtered and used.Reference: Sharangdhara Samhita Madhyamakhanda 2/8, Astanga Hridayam.Dosage: 60ml morning before food
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Shankh Vati Tablets:
Shankha Vati is a tablet, used in the Ayurvedic treatment of gastric conditions, dyspepsia, anorexia. It contains heavy metal ingredients and hence should only be used under strict medical supervision.Shankh Bati ingredients:
48 g fine powder of each of
Kshara of Chincha – Tamarind – Tamarindus indica
Panchalavana –
Saindhava Lavana – Rock salt
Sauvarchala Lavana – Sochal salt
Samudra Lavana – Common salt
Vida Lavana – Vida salt
Romaka Lavana
Nimbu swarasa – Lemon juice – Quantity Sufficient.
Shankha Bhasma – Bhasma of Conch shell
Hingu – Asa foetida
Shunti – Ginger Rhizome – Zingiber officinalis
Maricha – Black pepper – Piper nigrum
Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum
Rasa – Herbal purified Mercury – 3 g
Vatsanabha – Aconitum ferox – 3 g
Shuddha Gandhaka – Herbal purified Sulphur – 3 g
The fine powder of solid ingredients is triturated with lemon juice to prepare a paste. From this paste, tablets are prepared, dried and stored.Reference: Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Agnimandya Rogadhikara 182 – 183 AFI. Vol. 1.Dosage: 2 tablets two times a day after food
Kamdudha Ras
Kamdudha Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine, with herbal and mineral ingredients, in tablet form. It is used in treating gastritis and bleeding diseases. This medicine is used more in North Indian Ayurvedic treatment method and should only be taken strictly under medical supervision. Kamdudha Ras ingredients:
Amrutha Satwa (Giloya satva) – Water extract of Tinospora cordifolia – 40 grams
Svarna Gairika – Red ochre – purified  – 10 grams
Abhraka Bhasma – Silica Bhasma – 10 grams
Reference:Ayurveda Sara Sangraha, Rasa Rasayana Prakarana, also mentioned in Rasa Yoga SagaraDosage: 360mg with honey
Manasamitra Vatakam
Manasamitra Vatakam is a tablet, used in the Ayurvedic treatment of psychiatric conditions, to improve intelligence, speech problems, etc. It is prepared from a combination of 73 ingredients. This medicine should only be taken under strict medical supervision. This medicine is formulated based on Kerala Ayurveda principles.Manasamitra Vatakam ingredients, how to make:
10 g of each of
Bala – Country mallow (root) – Sida cordifolia
Nagabala – Grewia populifolia
Bilva – Bael (root) – Aegle marmelos
Prishniparni – Uraria picta
Pravala pishti – Coral
Shankhapushpi – Clitorea ternatea
Tamrachuda Padika
Swarna Bhasma
Pushkaramoola – Inula racemosa
Mrigashringa Bhasma  – Bhasma made of deer horn
Vacha – Acorus calamus
Tapya – Makshika Bhasma – Bhasma of Copper-Iron Pyrite
Chandana – Sandalwood – Santalum album
Raktachandana – Pterocarpus santalinus
Mukta Pishti – Paste prepared from Pearl
Loha Bhasma – Bhasma prepared from Iron
Madhuka – Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra
Twak – Cinnamon – Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Magadhi – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum
Ghanasara – Karpoora – Camphor – Cinnamomum camphora
Aileya – Prunus cerasus
Vishala – Citrullus cholocynthis
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo
Plava – Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata / Vanda roxburghi
Rajata Bhasma – Bhasma of silver
Shilajatu – Asphaltum
Gojihva – Onosma bracteatum
Padmakeshara – Lotus – Nelumbium speciosum
Jivaka –  Malaxis acuminata
Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard / Mimusoops hexandra Roxb.
Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
Kshira Kakoli – Roscoea purpurea
Brihati – Indian Nightshade (root) – Solanum indicum
Kantakari – Yellow berried nightshade (whole plant) – Solanum xanthcarpum
Shravani, Mahashravani – Sphaeranthus indicus
Bhunimba – The Creat (whole plant) – Andrographis paniculata
Kritamala – Cassia fistula
Parushaka – Grewia asiatica
Haritaki – Chebulic Myrobalan fruit rind – Terminalia chebula
Vibhitaki – Belliric Myrobalan fruit rind – Terminalia bellirica
Amalaki – Indian gooseberry fruit – Emblica officinalis Gaertn.
Amruta – Indian Tinospora (stem) – Tinospora cordifolia
Shweta and Krishnasariva – Indian Sarsaparila – Hemidesmus indicus
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulata
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Somavalli – Sarcostemma acidum
Ashwagandha – Winter cherry/ Indian Ginseng (root) – Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal.
Nisha – Turmeric (Rhizome) – Curcuma longa
Usheera – Khus Khus – Vetiveria zizanioides
Draksha – Raisin – Vitis vinifera
Yashti – Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra
Riddhi – Vigna cylindrica
Durva – Bermuda grass – Cynodon dactylon
Hamsapadi – Adiantum philippense Linn. / lunulatum
Bhadra – Sida cordifolia
Lavanga – Clove – Syzigium aromaticum
Tulasi – Holy Basil – Ocimum sanctum
Kasturi – Musk
Kumkuma – Saffron – Crocus sativusQuantity Sufficient of each of  –
Juice extract of Trayamana – Gentiana kurroo
Water decoction of
Shankhapushpi – Clitorea ternatea
Vacha – Acorus calamus
Sariva – Indian Sarsaparila – Hemidesmus indicus
Lakshmana – Ipomoea sepiaria / Biophytum sensitivum
Bilva – Bael (root) – Aegle marmelos
Bala – Country mallow (root) – Sida cordifolia
Goksheera – Cow milk
Jiraka – Cumin – Cuminum cyminum
Somavalli – Sarcostemma acidum
Stanya – breast milk.The fine powder of herbal powder mix is triturated with the liquids and a paste is prepared, which is made into tablet form, dried and preserved.Reference of Manasamitra vadakam: Sahasrayoga Gutika prakarana 68, AFI Vol 1
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Can hemorrhoids cause anemia
Weakness is a condition where your body needs more iron to make red platelets. These red platelets make hemoglobin that conveys oxygen to the tissues in various pieces of the body. Iron insufficiency is the essential driver of sickliness.
Can hemorrhoids cause anemia
Though heaps is an anorectal issue where the veins grow and excite in or around the butt-centric locale. Presently you should think how sickliness and heaps are connected? In this blog, we will examine the reasons for frailty and the association among hemorrhoids and iron deficiency.
Nourishing insufficiency, significantly iron, folate, nutrient B12 is one of the significant reasons for pallor. Different supplements like a portion of different nutrients, copper, and zinc additionally add to the condition.
Typical Iron levels are 40-150 ug/dL (female) and 50-160 ug/dL (male). Typical qualities may fluctuate for various symptomatic focuses.
Chapter by chapter list
News Update:
Ordinary side effects of Anemia
What Causes Anemia?
Hemorrhoids and Anemia
Indications of frailty during heaps
How to Treat Piles and Anemia at Home?
Home Remedies for Piles include:
Contextual investigation:
News Update:
Sickliness is potentially the single greatest public nourishing test in India. Around 53% of ladies in the age gathering of 15-49 years and 58.6% of youngsters in the age gathering of 6-59 months are iron deficient according to the most recent National Family Health Survey. In correlation, 22.7% of men in the age gathering of 15-49 years are weak, which is definitely not a modest number by the same token. To counter paleness and other nourishment insufficiency related illnesses, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with its visionary National Nutrition Strategy is working tirelessly to accomplish Kuposhan Mukt Bharat by 2022.
Ordinary indications of Anemia
Indications of Anemia
What Causes Anemia?
The reason for weakness is typically an inadequacy of iron in the body and the low degree of iron can be expected to:
Absence of iron in diet ordinarily in kids or pregnant ladies
Substantial feminine dying
Draining inside the body which can be because of ulcers, malignancy or through the gastrointestinal plot.
Your body can't assimilate iron well. This happens when a piece of your stomach or small digestive system is eliminated.
Perhaps the most widely recognized reasons for draining in the gastrointestinal lot can be heaps. This can be inside the rectum or even external it. Allow us to comprehend the life structures of pallor and heaps.
Hemorrhoids and Anemia
Medical issue like ulcers, polyps, or heaps can each cause iron inadequacy or weakness. The example of heaps making sickliness a serious state isn't normal, yet it occurs. Rectal draining because of heaps can prompt a lot of blood misfortune from the body.
In the event that you are concerned you have iron insufficiency frailty identified with heaps, contact a specialist right away. Iron insufficiency paleness must be analyzed by a blood test or a progression of blood tests. Your primary care physician will be taking a gander at the total blood check, or CBC, to see the degrees of hemoglobin in the body. They may likewise arrange auxiliary tests like a colonoscopy to preclude other potential reasons for sickliness.
Manifestations of weakness during heaps
You may feel drained and powerless because of loss of blood. It gets hard to perform day by day exercises.
There is blood in the stool which may signify that you are losing blood from your lower gastrointestinal plot.
There might be stomach cramps or extreme stomach torment.
Agony in the butt-centric or rectum locale while passing stool.
Alongside torment and tingling in the butt-centric area, you may drain effectively regardless of whether you strain.
Different reasons for draining in the gastrointestinal plot can be malignant growth of rectum or colon, crevice, the runs, incendiary entrail illness (IBD) or intestinal contamination.
How to Treat Piles and Anemia at Home?
Start treatment promptly for iron lack sickliness in light of the fact that delayed weakness can prompt genuine unexpected problems. The initial step is to build your iron admission. Numerous food sources are wealthy in iron, for example,
Nuts and seeds
Red meats, fish, or tofu
Earthy colored rice
Raisins, prunes, and apricots
Your PCP may likewise endorse an iron enhancement to help the iron substance in the body. It is similarly as critical to treat the reason for the pallor – hemorrhoid. There are numerous approaches to treat hemorrhoids. Home solutions for heaps can treat the underlying stage heaps. A few specialists may endorse over-the-counter treatments and medication. In the case of nothing works, medical procedure is the final hotel.
Home Remedies for Piles include:
Increment your fiber admission. Fiber mollifies stool, so it tends to be passed without any problem. High fiber food varieties incorporate products of the soil, and entire grains. Another approach to get more fiber is through fiber supplements. These can be useful for the individuals who can't get sufficient fiber through their eating routine, or the individuals who keep on experiencing persistent blockage.
Stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water can likewise assist with keeping your stool delicate.
Stay dynamic. Ordinary exercise keeps your body moving. This can help your stomach related framework stay customary.
Try not to hold the call to pee or poo. Going when you feel the inclination can keep the stool from getting harder.
Sitz shower. Absorbing a sitz shower can assist heaps with recuperating.
On the off chance that no treatment works for heaps and draining proceeds, go for heaps laser medical procedure. In this technique, the laser is presented (not certain if this is a right word here) inside the rectum and energy is utilized to annihilate heaps with incredible accuracy. The blood supply gets removed, they contract and the specialist seals them with the laser. This method is exceptionally useful in managing heaps that have not been relieved for quite a while. There is no scarring and no twisted in the medical procedure.
Contextual analysis:
An instance of serious iron insufficiency paleness because of draining brought about by inside hemorrhoid
A 44-year elderly person saw blood while pooing. It was something typical for him so he didn't look for any clinical treatment. In any case, there was dyspnea on effort and the growing of the lower appendages. At last, he experienced issues strolling so he visited the specialist. He was determined to have extreme sickliness and was conceded to the medical clinic.
Reports showed an astounding decline in serum iron and ferritin, with no irregularity by endoscopic assessment in the upper stomach related parcel just as the digestive organ other than interior hemorrhoids. Thusly, he was determined to have iron lack weakness brought about by persistent draining from inside hemorrhoids. The specialists said that the iron-lack frailty because of the draining from hemorrhoids isn't uncommon, however the degree of hemoglobin level of 1.7g/dl with this case is amazingly uncommon and vital.
On the off chance that you or somebody you know is experiencing heaps and weakness, it is ideal to counsel a doctor for the right treatment plan. At Pristyn Care, we work with our patients to decide the best treatment for heaps with frailty. You can likewise keep in touch with us and our clinical organizer will hit you up straightaway.
Reference: https://www.researchgate.net/distribution/295744036_A_case_of_severe_iron_deficiency_anemia_due_to_bleeding_caused_by_internal_hemorrhoid
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drniteshkhonde · 5 years
Infertility can be Perfectly Manages by Ayurveda
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Infertility is the most common and traumatic disorder people are experiencing these days. The condition defines a person’s inability to conceive and give child birth even after several attempts and medications. The condition arises because of the following conditions:
 ·         Emotional instability
·         Hormonal changes
·         Nutritional deficiency
·         Environmental factors
·         Diabetes
·         Genetic disorders
·         Bacterial or viral infections
·         History of prostate or testicular problems
·         Ovarian problems
·         Physical injuries
·         Overexposure to heat
·         Medications and steroids
·         Age
·         Exposure to chemicals and toxins
·         Malfunctioning of the reproductive organs
 The Stages of Conceiving 
In order for any couple of get pregnant, there are four important stages: 
·         Ovulation: Woman producing and releasing healthy eggs
·         Fertilization: Man producing healthy sperms to fertilize with one of the released egg.
·         Transportation: Eggs traveling to the uterus through the pathway of fallopian tube.
·         Implantation: Fertilized egg getting attached to the interior of the uterus. 
As per all the stages of conceiving and getting pregnant, any malfunctioning taking place in ovaries, sperms, fallopian tube, and uterus leads to the pain of infertility. However, Ayurveda has a healing solution to the same.
 Ayurvedic and Infertility 
Ayurveda defines infertility as ‘Vandhyatva’ that in turn takes into consideration the four factors, Ritu, Kshetra, Ambu, and Bija with each of the factor having its own significance.
 ·         The proliferation phase of the uterus is known as Ritu
·         A healthy female genital tract is Kshetra
·         Elements that control optimal functioning of reproductive organs comes under Ambu
·         The functioning of the ovum and the quality of sperm is called Bija
 Talking about the reproductive health in Ayurveda it purely is based on the shukra dhatu, commonly known as reproductive tissue. This dhatu is a reproduction of metabolic transformation that mainly works through digestion of healthy foods and how the food is transported to different parts of the body including the muscle, bone marrow, blood, and finally to the shukra tissue. Hence, supportive diet should be taken to nourisn shukra dhatu and enhance its functioning in all parameters. Furthermore, the imbalance of the three doshas of the human body, vata, pita, and kapha also stays responsible for infertility in men and women. 
In response to the Ayurvedic condition hampering the course of fertility, there are many Ayurvedic herbs and Ayurvedic therapies. These medicines and therapies work wonders to cure infertility and give a sense of relief to all those suffering from the pain of not having a child.
 Some of the most popular Ayurvedic herbs that help cure infertility while promoting hormonal imbalance are:
 ·         Ashoka
·         Shatavari
·         Dashmoola
·         Aloe vera
·         Guggulu
·         Jeevanti
·         Punarnava 
Then the Ayurvedic therapies that prove beneficial for infertility include: 
·         Swedanam: A therapy that works to induce sweat with a view to flush out toxins
·         Vamanam: Detoxification process to free the body from undigested food
·         Shirodhara: A therapy that works to create hormonal balance
 Furthermore, there are yoga postures combined with herbal cure and Ayurvedic treatment for infertility. These yoga postures include:   
·         Nadi Sodhan Pranayama
·         Bhramari Pranayama
·         Viparita Karani
·         Hastapadasana 
Keeping all the Ayurvedic measures in mind, Parijatak marks a position as of the best infertility hospital in Nagpur. The skilled team there defines a course of treatment plan with a thoughtful combination of medicines, therapies, massages, and meditation with a view to deliver quality and effective Ayurvedic infertility treatment in Nagpur.
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The Ultimate Guide To low sperm count treatment Nagpur
Low Sperm Count Treatment at Parijatak
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A low sperm count is also known as oligospermia. Low sperm count means sperm quantity is fewer than 15million per ejaculation. This problem leads to a failure of conception. Low Sperm Count and Ayurvedic Treatment India, Male infertility is much heard of in today’s lifestyle. You may have heard that females are unable to conceive normally when they are weak, but the fact is that male fertility plays a great role in the childbearing problems of the modern times too.
Today, sperm count in men could keep falling without their knowledge. Fortunately, there are many ways in Ayurveda to increase a Low Sperm Count. But before we get to any of those tips, it is important to understand what causes infertility and sperm count issues.
Low sperm count shows that there is less chance of conceiving without medical intervention. You may take longer to conceive a baby. Intercourse has to be perfectly timed according to ovulation prediction. Also, minor changes in diet, lifestyle, and health may be required.
Basically, low sperm count is asymptomatic, but sometimes it shows as symptoms like:
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how to Increase Sperm Motility fast
Problems in intercourse
Low sexual desire
Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area
Decreased growth of body hair and mustache
Change in gait and body language
Several causes have been cited for low sperm count which are:
Inflammation of epididymis of testes, or some sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea, or HIV can cause the testicular damage
Erectile dysfunction
Surgery of bladder or urethra
Spine surgery
Use of medicines like-alpha blockers, steroids
Tumors of the pituitary gland
Radiation or chemotherapy
Undescended testicles
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Hormone imbalances
Defects of tubules that transport sperm
Chromosome defects
Celiac disease, a digestive disorder caused by sensitivity to gluten, celiac disease can cause male infertility. Fertility may improve after adopting a gluten-free diet.
Certain surgeries might prevent you from having sperm in your ejaculate, including vasectomy, inguinal hernia repairs, scrotal or testicular surgeries, prostate surgeries, and large abdominal surgeries performed for testicular and rectal cancers, among others. In most cases, surgery can be performed to either reverse these blockages or to retrieve sperm directly from the epididymis and testicles.
Industrial chemicals like herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, painting materials and lead might contribute to low sperm counts.
Heavy metal exposure
Radiation or X-rays exposure
Drugs like cocaine or marijuana reduce the quality and quantity of sperm
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Alcohol consumption and use of tobacco
Emotional stress
Male Fertility Test Nagpur
To protect your fertility, avoid known factors that can affect sperm count and quality.
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
Maintain a healthy weight
Manage stress
Avoid exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, and other toxins
Treatment of Low Sperm Count
Ayurveda has a separate branch which deals with the management of defective semen and spermatogenesis along with sexual pontification. This is called as Vajikarana tantra.
The treatment of Oligospermia comprises administration of Rasayana and vajikara dravyas or medicines (verificatory or aphrodisiacs) internally.
Panchakarma treatment like kshetrikaran means suddhi of the whole body by panchakarma is effective.
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Panchkarma like basti, uttarbasti, shiridhara, virechan, vaman are advisiable.
Herbs like kapikacchu, ashwagandha, gokshur, mash, Amalaki, Shatavari, are quite effective. Natural Foods to Cure Erectile Dysfunction.
Ayurveda and Sperm Count
Ayurveda has the goodness of herbs and formulates herbal remedies for low sperm count treatment. With traditional methods, Parijatak Ayurveda brings hope as it is one of the best infertility treatment clinics in India.
Fertility clinic Nagpur
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The doctors hold expertise in their fields and provide the best formulations and recommend natural foods to cure low sperm count and erectile dysfunction. Visit Parijatak.com to get more info and talk to us about the perfect solution for your infertility treatment.
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parijatak01-blog · 7 years
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 Joint pains affect people all over the globe. Knee problems considered as normal after the certain age. While that is common knowledge, what is not is that knee problems are not always a product of aging bones. Instead, it can result from knee injuries, besides arthritis. The nature of the pain depends on the underlying cause. Patients report a dull pain in and around the knees or sharp pains in either of the knees. Dull or otherwise, sometimes, pain can really immobilize you if not taken care of. Parijatak – Knee Pain Treatment in Nagpur. Parijatak, a health center that uses Ayurveda to treat orthopedic problems has just the solution to relieve patients of chronic knee pain.
 Understanding Knee Pains through Ayurveda
For years, practitioners of Ayurveda have closely studied the many kinds of knee pains. What came out of the study is that joint problems are chiefly of two broad kinds. If you have a growing pain in your knee with no preceding injury to attribute to, then it could be the outcome of low bone density. That happens when your bones, and as a consequence, your joints are poorly nourished. The mild pain and discomfort can deepen to permanent immobility, should you avoid seeking care. The second identified a cause of knee pain is toxic overload. It adds to the weight of the bone and stiffens it up when too many toxins are accumulated in the joints. Inflammation can result in pain later.
 Knee Pain Treatment in Nagpur
A simple Ayurvedic knee pain treatment in Nagpur that has worked wonders for many is oil massage. The masters use lukewarm coconut oil to massage the affected knees. This works up the blood flow to the joints and relieves the areas from pain. Recommended ones are chingati satva & Parijatak leave juice.  Milk and turmeric is another Ayurvedic potion that works spot-on for knee pains. again you can use dalchini & sunth as home remedies.
 There are two kinds of joint problems in Ayurveda. The first one, Vata dosha is a disorder that evolves out of an imbalanced Vata or the central controller of the mind and body. Poor circulation, digestion, and metabolism are some of the major symptoms of Vata Dosha. Another cause of painful joints is poor orthopedic health that can be contributed by both low nourishment and arthritis.
 Knee Joint Pain Treatment
Ayurveda has a holistic approach towards healing. In joint pains, the take of the ancient masters is no different. Ayurveda recommends people to take up a healthy lifestyle and dietary habit to counter bone degeneration. More than any particular nutrient, specialists recommend inclusion of all kinds of tastes in the diet because it helps. Your daily meals should have all the six tastes, namely, salty, sour, sweet, bitter, pungent and astringent. In addition to that, you should increase your intake of organic milk for the required calcium supply. Add to the current portion of vegetables by introducing kale, root veggies, kale, asparagus and such.
 So, while an Ayurvedic clinic like Parijatak might put you on a diet. Additional therapies are also carried out to support the regime. Oil massage using fat-hen is one of the very effective Knee joint pain treatment methods. Sporadic application of fenugreek paste is another treatment. Anointing the affected joint with coconut oil and massaging periodically helps in relieving pain and promoting blood flow to the particular joint.
 We all are suffering from pain in our day to day activity. It may body pain, leg pain, knee pain or back pain. Body pain, leg pain is commonly due to viral fever or overexertion. But knee pain and back pain may be severe if neglected and it leads to chronic disorder. Here I would like to explain knee pain.
 Types Of Arthritis
 Osteoarthritis – It is most likely to occur after middle ego. A progressive condition that slowly wears away joint cartilage. Is one of the major factor for knee joint pain
Rheumatoid Arthritis- It can occur at any age. It is an inflammatory condition causes usually due to saturated toxins in knee joint causes pain ( Amasanchiti ).
 Post-Traumatic Arthritis- Develops due to injury to the knee. It may be injured due to meniscus, ligament, muscles bones or tendencies. this knee joint pain treatment is the only panchakarma due to vata & rakta is associated.
Gout – called as vatrakta starting joint pain from small joint and stuck to knee joints. and causes knee joint pain.
 Factors of chronic knee joint pain –
 Old age
Previous injuries to knee
Calcium deficiency and Vit D deficiency
Sprain and strain to muscles
Bab posture
Post-menopausal hormonal deficiency
 Constant knee joint pain
Swelling of knee joints
Shooting and sharp pain when in use
Cracking sounds at the time of movements
Movements restrictions
Loss of joint space
Abnormal structure of knee joint
Difficulty in walking, limping due to discomfort
 Treatment to Advised
 Swedan –Hot formation with medicated steam facilities the movements of joint especially knee joint. It also reduces the pain & stiffness. After swedan, the cells get activated & flush the toxins away from the body. The cellular metabolism improves and rejuvenates the knee joints.
 There are many types of Swedan:
 Nadi swedan – when pain is limited to a part of body or single knee joint then it is used. It is carried out by boiling of drugs like rasna, Aranda, dhashmula etc.
Pinda Sweda – the bolus of churna or Patra are formed & then heated over a pan or dipped in boiled decoction and apply over affected part of knee joint by gentle rubbing. The churna or Patra used in this treatment had analgesic &  anti-inflammatory properties.
 JanuDhara – the medicated decoction or oil poured over the affected parts of a knee joint in the stream along with gentle massage &  stroke.. This is very effective in vata , pitta & rakta dushti. It provides strength to muscles & tendons.
 Janu vasti – medicated oil poured in a pool like structure for a fixed duration of time over knee joint. knee pain treatment in Nagpur. It causes the oleation of a knee joint. it reduces pain & swelling of the knee joint.
Pichu – the sterile gauze is dipped into medicated oil & kept for some period of time over an affected area. This provides nourishment to bones muscles, tissue & knee joint. it will prevent the further degeneration of knee joints. it helps in healing of cartilage.
 Njavarakizhi – giving treatment by boluses njavara medicine with a decoction of balamul to give the strength to knee joint to reduces the vata and increasing the stability of knee joint.
 Njavaratepa – is medicinal fomentation with njavara instantly applied and removed to increase nervous strength for a knee joint.
 Lepanam – Application of medication paste over the affected knee joint. The paste is allowed to stay for some period of time. Hot or worm application of lepa done.The lepanam had antiinflammatory & antianalgesia property.
 Elakizhi – The boluses of medicinal herbs for increasing circulation, reducing vata & strengthen with alignments of a knee joint. knee pain treatment in Nagpur
 Podikizhi – The boluses of dry choornas of medicinal herbs for reduces Vata and amasanchiti ( toxins ) of a knee joint.
 Jalukavacharan – Application of leech over the affected area. Leech suck the impure blood and secrets the enzymes into the body through saliva causes reduction in pain  & inflammation of knee joint.
 Basti – Basti is the best treatment for Vata Dosha. Medicated oil & medicated decoction strengthen the joints & soft tissue, rejuvenate the tissue & eliminates the toxins from body hence healing mechanism occurred faster in a body.
 Virechana – elimination of doshas through purgation. it pacity the pitta, kapha & Vata doshas.
 Abhyantar chikita ( Internal Medicines )– like abhyantar Sneha pan means administration of medicated ghee or oil causes internal oleation of a body.
 The medicines like kaishor guggul , yograj guggul ,  mahayograj guggul , dashmul kwath ,rasna saptak kwath, ammrutadi guggul, yogendraras,bruhat vatchintamani,etc used for internal use.
 These varieties of treatment give results in any condition of the patient up to the age of 95 yrs old patient, I had already treated from the age of 20 yrs to the age of 95 yrs thousands of patient successfully.
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Joint pains affect people all over the globe. Knee problems considered as normal after a certain age. While that is common knowledge, what is not is that knee problems are not always a product of aging bones. Instead, it can result from knee injuries, besides arthritis. The nature of the pain depends on the underlying cause. Patients report a dull pain in and around the knees or sharp pains in either of the knees. Dull or otherwise, sometimes, pain can really immobilize you if not taken care of. Parijatak – Ayurveda Join Pain Treatment Center India. Prijatak, a health center that uses Ayurveda to treat orthopedic problems has just the solution to relieve patients of chronic knee pain.
Understanding Knee Pains through Ayurveda
For years, practitioners of ayurveda have closely studied the many kinds of knee pains. What came out of the study is that joint problems are chiefly of two broad kinds. If you have a growing pain in your knee with no preceding injury to attribute to, then it could be the outcome of low bone density. That happens when your bones, and as a consequence, your joints are poorly nourished. The mild pain and discomfort can deepen to permanent immobility, should you avoid seeking care. The second identified a cause of knee pain is toxic overload. It adds to the weight of the bone and stiffens it up when too many toxins are accumulated in the joints. Inflammation can result in pain later.knee pain treatment in nagpur
Knee Pain Treatment in Nagpur
A simple Ayurvedic knee pain treatment in Nagpur that has worked wonders for many is oil massage. The masters use lukewarm coconut oil to massage the affected knees. This works up the blood flow to the joints and relieves the areas from pain. Recommended ones are chingati satva & Parijatak leave juice.  Milk and turmeric is another Ayurvedic potion that works spot-on for knee pains. again you can use dalchini & sunth as home remedies .
Arthritis or Tender joints. The side effects of this globally dreaded condition range from mild achy joints to stiff fingers, bone erosion to immobilization. Conventional medicine has not really been fully effective in treating arthritis or its symptoms. A lot of people has turned to the science of Ayurveda to find impressive results from non-medical knee joint pain treatment.
There are two kinds of joint problems in Ayurveda. The first one, vatadosha is a disorder that evolves out of an imbalanced Vata or the central controller of the mind and body. Poor circulation, digestion, and metabolism are some of the major symptoms of vatadosha. Another cause of painful joints is poor orthopedic health that can be contributed by both low nourishment and arthritis.
Knee Joint Pain Treatment
Ayurveda has a holistic approach towards healing. In joint pains, the take of the ancient masters is no different. Ayurveda recommends people to take up a healthy lifestyle and dietary habit to counter bone degeneration. More than any particular nutrient, specialists recommend inclusion of all kinds of tastes in the diet because it helps. Your daily meals should have all the six tastes, namely, salty, sour, sweet, bitter, pungent and astringent. In addition to that, you should increase your intake of organic milk for the required calcium supply. Add to the current portion of vegetables by introducing kale, root veggies, kale, asparagus and such.
knee pain treatment in nagpur
So, while an Ayurvedic clinic like Parijatak might put you on a diet. Additional therapies are also carried out to support the regime. Oil massage using fat-hen is one of the very effective Knee joint pain treatment methods. Sporadic application of fenugreek paste is another treatment. Anointing the affected joint with coconut oil and massaging periodically helps in relieving pain and promoting blood flow to the particular joint.
We all are suffering from pain in our day to day activity. It may body pain, leg pain, knee pain or back pain. Body pain, leg pain is commonly due to viral fever or over exertion. But knee pain and back pain may be severe if neglected and it leads to chronic disorder. Here I would like to explain knee pain.
Types Of Arthritis which affects Knee joint pain Treatment in nagpur:-
Osteoarthritis – It is most likely to occur after middle ego. A progressive condition that slowly wears away joint cartilage. Is one of the major factor for knee joint pain
Rheumatoid Arthritis- It can occur at any age. It is an inflammatory condition causes usually due to saturated toxins in knee joint causes pain ( Amasanchiti).
Post-Traumatic Arthritis- Develops due to injury to the knee. It may be injured due to meniscus, ligament, muscles bones or tendencies. this knee joint pain tratment is the only panchakarma due to vata & rakta is associated.
gout – called as vatrakta starting joint pain from small joint and stuck to knee joints. and causes knee joint painknee pain treatment in nagpur
Factors of chronic knee joint pain –
Old age
Previous injuries to knee
Calcium deficiency and Vit D deficiency
Sprain and strain to muscles
Bab posture
Post-menopausal hormonal deficiency
Constant knee joint pain
Swelling of knee joints
Shooting and sharp pain when in use
Cracking sounds at the time of movements
Movements restrictions
Loss of joint space
Abnormal structure of knee joint
Difficulty in walking, limping due to discomfort
Tests Advised
X-ray of knee jointknee pain treatment in nagpur
CT scan
Blood tests-
Uric Acid
RA factor
CRP, Vit Biz, Vit D, Serum Calcium
Clinical Tests are – HLA B27, ANA
Bone Mass Density
Structure Of  Knee joint pain treatment in nagpur
Trauma-  Common Knee injuries are due to tears in one of the three main ligaments of the knee, tissues that old the knee together. They are anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), medial lateral ligament ( MCL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).
Tendon injuries can occur due to overwork or over stretching. Use of tendons occurs during running, jumping, lifting heavy weight items etc.
Knee bursitis – due to injury which produces inflammation in bursual. Bursa is small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the outside of knee joint and make tendons and ligaments to glide easily over knee joints.
Fractures- Knee joint, is made up of patella, tibia, fibula, and femur. Fracture to any bone leads to structural deformity in the knee joint.knee pain treatment in nagpur
Dislocation of Knee Cap –
Some injuries to knee joint cause dislocation of the knee cap. it is very painful condition and it also causes injury to vessels and nerves.
Degenerative Tissue Disorder:-
It includes osteoarthritis of knee joints. It is occurred due to damage to cartilage and surrounding tissues of the knee joint. It is produced pain, stiffness, and restriction of movement.
Connective tissue disorders
knee pain treatment in nagpur
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder that affects the joints of the body. It effects on the lining of joints of the body.  It effects on the lining of joints results in pain and swelling of knee joints and if it is unrated it can cause bone erosion or joint deforming.
Treatment to Advised
Swedan –
Hot formation with medicated steam facilities the movements of the joint special knee joint. It also reduces the pain & stiffness. After swedan the cells get activated & flush the toxins away from the body. The cellular metabolism improves and rejunvates the knee joints.
There are many types of Swedan:
Nadi  sweda – when pain is limited to a part of body or single knee joint then it  is used. It is carried out by boling of drugs like rasna , eranda, dhashmula etc.
Pinda sweda – the bolus of churna  or partra are formed & then heated over pan or dipped in boiled decoction and apply over affected part of knee joint by gentle rubbing . The churna or patra used in this treatment had analgesic &  antinflammtory properties.
JanuDhara – the medicated decoction or oil poured over  the affected parts of knee joint in stream along with gentle message &  stroke.. This is very effective in vata , pitta & rakta dushti. It provide strength to muscles & tendons.
Janu vasti – medicated oil poured in pool like structure for a fixed duration of time over knee joint . knee pain treatment in nagpurIt causes the oleation of knee joint . it reduce pain & swelling of knee joint.
Pichu – the sterile gauze is dipped into medicated oil & kept for some period of time over affected area. This provide  nourishment to bones muscles, tissue & knee joint  . it will prevent the further degeneration of knee joints . it helps in healing of cartilage.
Njavarakizhi – giving treatment by boluses njavara medicine with decoction of balamul to give the strength to knee joint to reduces the vata and increasing the stability of knee joint.
Njavaratepa – is medicinal fomentation with njavara instantly applied and remooved to increase nercvous strength for knee joint.
Lepanam – Application of medication paste over the affected knee joint. The paste is allowed to stay for some period of time . Hot or worm application of lepa done .The lepanam had antiiflammatory & antianalgesic property .
Elakizhi – The boluses of medicinal herbs for increasing circulation , reducing vata & strenthen with alignments of knee joint. knee pain treatment in nagpur
Podikizhi – The boluses of dry choornas of medicinal herbs for reduces vata and amasanchiti ( toxins ) of knee joint.
Jalukavacharan – Application of leech over the affected area. Leech suck the impure blood and secrets the enzymes in to the body through saliva causes reduction in pain  & inflammation of knee joint.
Basti – basti is best treatment for vata dosha. Medicated oil & medicated decoction  strenghthen the joints & soft tissue, rejuvenates the tissue & eliminates the toxins from body hence healing mechanism occured  faster in body .
Virechana – elimaination of doshas through purgation . it pacity the pitta , kapha & vata doshas.
Abhyantar chikita ( Internal Medicines )– like  abhyantar sneha pan means adminstrion of medicated ghee or oil causes internal oleation of body . The ghee used are-
Mahatikta Ghrut
Dashmula Ghrut
Amrutadi Ghrut
shatavari ghrutam
amrutha guggul
guggul tikta kashayam
mahayograj guggul
trayodashang guggulu etc . lots of medicines are there to work on knee joint in differant condition acoording to chronicity and acutness and dosha condition according to nadi of patient.
Ghee or oil pacify the ruksha ( dry) & khara ( rough) guna of vata.
Shaman chikitsa –
The medicines like kaishor guggul , yograj guggul ,  mahayograj guggul , dashmul kwath ,rasna saptak kwath, ammrutadi guggul, yogendraras,bruhat vatchintamani,etc used for internal use.
These variety of treatment give results in any condition of patient up to age of 95 yrs old patient, I had already treated from the age of 20 yrs to the age of 95 yrs thousands of patient successfully. Dr.Nitesh Khonde 154,shankar nagar,near garden,nagpur-440010
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