#Dima Nicorina
alunclewe · 3 years
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Well, dang it, here I am again finishing a drawing just before midnight.  I guess it’s good that I am drawing every day, but I really ought to do it earlier in the day.
Anyway, this is another character I’ve drawn before, but this time it’s not a redesign; I’m pretty happy with the design I came up with for this character on the first try.  But she’s one of the main characters for this project, so I’m going to need several drawings of her in different poses and from different angles for the pitch bible, so, uh, here she is in a different pose and from a different angle.
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alunclewe · 5 years
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Welp, I’m getting this drawing up not only just before midnight, but also four days after the last one.  Sorry; not having a laptop has kind of slowed me down this week.  (I do have one now—the new charger finally arrived yesterday—but I didn’t have one for most of the week.)  Of course, I use my desktop for drawing anyway, since that’s what my Cintiq is attached to, but not having a laptop still slowed me down in general and made it harder to get things done.  That, or I’m just clutching at excuses.  Maybe a little of both.
Anyway, this is another character from the same project as the last drawing.
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