#Din loves him and tries not to think about the number of laws of physics Luke breaks on a daily basis
Luke: *calling from the kitchen* Hey, Sweetie, I'm making some pancakes. Do you want some?
Din: That sounds great, Cyar'ika, thanks.
Luke: Okay <3
*A loud thud is heard*
Din: What the hell was that?
Luke: The flour!
Din: That sounded heavy, how many pancakes are you making?
Din: Luke, how many pancakes are you making.
One Hour Later:
Luke: I call it Mount Pancake.
Din: Baby, I love you, but what. The. Fuck. How many of these are you even going to eat?
Luke: :)
Din: Stop smiling like that.
Luke: :)
*The pancakes are gone by noon. Din got three.*
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nolanell · 3 years
The Diner: Writer Wednesday September 15th 2021
Writer Wednesday Submission: @autumnleaves1991-blog and @clydesducktape
Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x Force Sensitive Female Reader. This is a mid-20th Century Americana AU with Sheriff!Din Djarin.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Cobb Vanth being a cheeky shit trying to get a date, mention of old-fashioned notions of relationships, allusions to a waitress being hit on while she's just trying to do her job, mentions of a traffic accident, allusions to money being tight once if you squint, the often thankless job of being in food service, a woman closing her workplace alone, mention of a gun and being threatened with one, description of a physical fight, swearing including once specifically derogatorily toward a woman. Please let me know if I missed anything.
Author's Note: This just... happened. I had an AU idea and ran with it. It's a combination of my love of BTTF, Stranger Things, and Americana. The Force exists in this AU but otherwise it's just Earth in the mid 20th Century.
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It started out as it usually does. The cop and his partner coming into your diner for breakfast. That’s where anything usual abruptly stopped. The cocky, thinking he was hot shit officer was actually the junior. The quiet, reserved, almost shy one was the Sheriff. And that was before you even started on how attractive you found the senior officer. Normally, you never gave law enforcement a second glance. You didn’t want a rep as ‘the officers’ girl’. But this Sheriff was different. There was something very attractive about the way he always kept his Sheriff’s hat on, how his tall, muscled frame moved elegantly through the diner and how his broad shoulders stretched out the back of his shirt, which left your eyes following down his back to his wonderfully trim waist, then his cute ass that always sat on one of the stools at the counter.
You were fascinated by the fact he always had aviators with dark brown lenses when outside, swapping them for dark-framed clear lenses when he was inside. You weren’t sure you had ever seen him with no glasses, let alone no hat. But the lenses weren’t the thick glass-bottom bottles that your brother had, and he was law enforcement, so he couldn’t have very poor eyesight. He spoke softly, but firmly, and was nothing but politeness to you. He always greeted you ‘Good Morning’ and said please when choosing his meal, and said thank you when you brought it over. He thanked you for every single coffee refill and tipped well. On the days he got a call before he could touch his food, he always said not to worry about boxing it up for him, as he’ll never get a chance, but to give it to someone in need.
This went on for a couple of months, to the point you even had some small talk with him. Or more accurately, he complimented your hair when you had a new style done, and you found a heat crawling up your neck to your cheeks as you thanked him. The next day, his hot shot partner tried his luck.
‘Well good mornin’ darlin’,’ the younger man drawled as you approached the bar seating.
‘Good morning, officer,’ you smiled your waitress smile. ‘Sheriff,’ you smiled a little more genuinely. ‘What can I get you two this morning?’
‘Well honey, can I have a cup of coffee, a number 3 set breakfast… and a date to take you out Saturday night?’ the young officer smiled.
‘I’m sorry, I’ve got the early shift on Sunday,’ you looked apologetic toward him.
‘Aw come on darlin’, I’ll have you home by nine,’ he protested with a smile.
‘I wish I could,’ you made your laugh as genuine sounding as possible.
‘Sure you can, honey,’ he was persistent, you’d give him that.
You were scrambling to think of what to say next when the Sheriff came to your rescue. ‘She said no, Vanth,’ he said in that soft voice, but there was a hard edge to it.
‘Aw c’mon sir, you can’t blame a guy for tryin’ can you?’ Vanth protested.
‘Perhaps not, but you can respect a lady when she says no,’ the Sheriff replied.
‘Yes sir,’ Vanth mumbled as he stared down at the counter.
You shot a thankful smile toward the Sheriff. ‘And what can I get you, Sheriff Djarin?’
‘A coffee and a number 4 set breakfast please,’ you caught his smile under the brim of his hat.
‘Of course,’ you picked up the menus. ‘I’ll be right over with coffee for you.’
If you hadn’t had the hots for him before, you definitely did now. It wasn’t so much the rescuing you from Officer Vanth - you would have escaped that, like you had with so many patrons before. It was the smile underneath the hat that really made you melt, and the tiniest hint of a dimple that got your heart racing. And his statement about respecting a lady? It seemed the Sheriff was quite the gentleman, coupled with everything else you saw. You didn’t think that you could ask him if he wanted to go on a date with you though; certainly not now, and probably not in front of Vanth, which would be asking for trouble. You weren’t sure if he would appreciate a lady being so forward either. You didn’t know a lot about Sheriff Djarin, but you wanted to find out. The rest of breakfast that morning passed without incident, the Sheriff doing his usual routine of thank yous and tipping.
The next interaction you had with Sheriff Djarin that wasn’t solely you taking his order and making small talk was around a week later. You woke up that morning with a really bad feeling. You couldn’t shake it, you couldn’t put your finger on what it was about though. You just felt like something bad was on the horizon. When Sheriff Djarin and Officer Vanth came in and ordered, you found yourself boxing it up for them before you realised what you were doing, and brought it over.
‘Darlin’ we haven’t had a call,’ Vanth smiled. Once he stopped sulking when you turned him down, he’d not let it sour his interactions with you and was just a friendly, but flirty officer. Still thought he was hot shit, but you could put up with that.
‘Call it a bad feeling, but I think you might need it,’ you replied with a friendly shrug of your shoulders. ‘Can I get you some coffee in take away cups?’
‘Please, if it’s not any trouble,’ the Sheriff nodded.
As you came back with their coffee, you were greeted with a wide eyed Vanth. ‘How did you know, darlin’?’ he asked.
‘How did I know what?’ you asked.
‘There’s been an accident on the highway out of town, we’re gonna be busy for a while,’ Vanth explained, still wide eyed and looking at you incredulously.
‘We don’t have time, Vanth,’ the Sherrif warned as he stood up, balancing his breakfast box and coffee in one hand. He pinched the brim of his hat between his thumb and index finger, and inclined it slightly. ‘Really appreciate your help, and thank you for making sure we still got this,’ he gestured with the other hand.
The two men left, you could hear Vanth mumbling about how he’d never known anything like it. The rest of your shift passed without incident, though your friend Shirley did ask how you’d done it.
‘You know I don’t know, hun,’ you sighed as you cleared one of the booths. ‘Always been able to do it, even as a kid. Helped my grandpa on the farm a lot.’
‘Well, that’s a gift you wanna hang on to,’ Shirley said as she twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. ‘You just might be able to bag that Sheriff if you do.’
You threw your dishcloth at her playfully and giggled. You hadn’t told Shirley about your little crush on Sheriff Djarin, but she claimed she could see it a mile off. You thought you had been being subtle about it; perhaps not as subtle as you thought. Then again, you assumed Officer Vanth would have something to say if he noticed it, so maybe Shirley was just teasing uncannily close to the truth. As you and Shirley closed up for the night, you found your thoughts drifting to Sheriff Djarin. Did he have a family at home? Friends to hang out with after his shift? You thought about him all the way home and as you made your own meal in your tiny kitchen. You kept thinking about him as you had a bath and read your book. You didn’t even think about how much you wish you could afford a television set like you usually did. You fell asleep thinking of him and your dreams were of lifting off that hat and gently pulling those glasses away…
To your immense surprise, you saw one Sheriff Djarin on his usual bar stool when you emerged from the diner kitchen the next morning. It wasn’t his presence that was surprising, but the fact that he was on his own, and not in uniform. You’d never seen him come in when he wasn’t on duty. Those dark framed glasses were still on, but the Sheriff hat was absent, and you saw a delightfully fluffy head of brown, curly hair and you got a much better look at his face. And if it was possible, you fell for him even harder. You could see his eyes now the brim of his hat was gone, and they were a beautiful, soulful dark brown. He had the beginnings of a beard, slightly patchy along the jaw but this just added to the charm of his looks. He wore a plaid flannel shirt, black and red, with the sleeves rolled up just past his elbows. He still looked deliciously broad shouldered, but now you could see those muscular forearms in all their glory, while his biceps caused the fabric of his sleeves to strain slightly. You hadn’t seen him come in, so could only see about two thirds of his top half, but you were mentally praying he would be wearing jeans that hugged his waist and that insanely cute ass.
‘Good morning, Sheriff,’ you smiled as you poured him some coffee. ‘To what do we owe the pleasure on your day off?’
He smiled, that hint of a dimple (that you saw when Vanth tried his luck) returning. It looked almost boyishly adorable rather than handsome when he wasn’t in uniform. ‘I wanted to thank you for your help yesterday,’ he looked up at you from over the top of his coffee cup.
‘Who, me? That’s very kind Sheriff, but I didn’t do much,’ you protested.
‘What you did was very helpful,’ he placed his coffee cup on its saucer. ‘Officer Vanth and I were so busy with the accident that we didn’t get a break all day,’ he explained. ‘We would have had nothing to eat or drink without you. Not to mention your warning got us mentally prepared.’
‘Well, I’m glad I could help in some way,’ you fiddled with your apron as you spoke. You weren’t used to being thanked, other than the diners when their order arrived, and of course the impeccable politeness of Sheriff Djarin. Your job instinct kicked in. ‘And what can I get for you this morning?’
He smiled again, a warm, genuine one with the ghost of that little dimple. ‘A number four set breakfast please,’ he said.
The diner was busier than usual today, so you didn’t have much time to talk to the Sheriff, despite Shirley trying to cover all the tables so you could. You almost didn’t see him leave, just catching him pulling out his wallet as you finished taking orders at once of your tables.
‘If you just give me a moment to put this order in the kitchen, I’ll get you your change, Sheriff,’ you called out to him as you pinned the order to the hatch.
‘No no, the change is for you,’ he waved his hand in disagreement. ‘You’re busy, don’t worry. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.’
You didn’t pick up his bill until after he had left and you almost dropped it when you saw what was there. He had tipped five dollars and change on his order - nearly half of his bill total. Shirley saw your shocked face and quickly came over.
‘Hun, what’s up?’ she asked.
You twisted your wrist slightly so you could show her the bill and what the Sheriff had tipped. Shirley’s eyes popped. It was just a tip, you told yourself. Just a tip for the good service and for helping him out yesterday. But he did come in on his day off, when he never had before, seemingly just to thank you.
The routine was back to normal the next day, as Officer Vanth was back with the Sheriff and they were both on duty. You were somewhat glad for the Sheriff not having two days off in a row. That uneasy feeling had returned, but you had a much clearer idea of what might happen. As Vanth stood up first and headed out of the diner, the Sheriff following, you took a deep breath.
‘Sheriff Djarin?’ you asked.
He turned around to face you. Vanth had thankfully not stopped.
‘Would you be so kind as to stop by the diner this evening while I close up?’ you couldn’t meet his gaze.
‘Everything okay?’ he sounded surprised.
‘I just… I have a bad feeling. And I’ll be closing alone as Shirley has to go early,’ you explained.
He nodded. ‘I’ll be by just before close.’
‘Thank you, Sheriff Djarin,’ you smiled.
The rest of the day passed without incident, and Shirley left early. She almost didn’t want to go, but you told her it wasn’t worth missing her doctor’s appointment for. When you explained the Sheriff was coming around at close to make sure you were okay, she squealed with delight and made you promise to call her once you were home to tell you everything about what happened. You had tried to explain nothing would happen aside from a Sheriff doing his duty, but Shirley wouldn’t have it. So with a promise of a call that night, you continued with your day, that feeling building in your stomach.
Sheriff Djarin was not there just before close. He was not there at the start of your closing time routine. It was probably something at the station or a case had come in late, you told yourself. You could not push down that uneasy feeling as you went through your close down routine. You had cleaned all the tables, double checked the kitchen now the staff had gone, and you were about to start cashing up the register when it happened. A man burst into the diner; you cursed yourself for not locking it, even though the owner said you only locked it at exactly close time, not a minute before. He was wearing a mask and brandishing a gun.
Your hands shot up in surrender the second he opened the door.
‘Open the register!’ he screamed at you.
Hands shaking, you slowly lowered them, speaking as you did. ‘I can’t just press a button to open it, I have to get a key. It’s under the counter and I can reach it without moving, you’ll just see my hand dip under,’ you were surprising yourself with how calm you sounded.
‘Just hurry up!’ the man barked.
You reached under the counter and slowly closed your eyes. You’d only done this once before and you prayed it worked again. You felt the torch fly into your hand with a dull thud against your palm and your eyes flew open in shock. It worked! You had to be quick for this next part or it was all for nothing. In one quick movement you brought your arm up and hurled the torch toward him as hard as you could. The torch hit him in the shoulder, knocking his balance off and dropping the gun. You sprinted round the counter and barrelled into him, your shoulder smacking into his stomach and shoving him to the ground. You put your foot on the gun.
‘You crazy bitch!’ he shrieked as he clutched his stomach.
It was at that moment you saw a patrol car pull into the diner car park, and Sheriff Djarin leapt out and came running toward you. He took one look at the man and then your foot on the gun, and cuffed him.
The man grunted and yelled in protest as he was hauled to his feet. ‘Hey, I didn’t do anything! Let me go!’
‘I can bring you in warm, or bring you in cold, your choice,’ the Sheriff said flatly. The man continued to struggle, but was quieter.
Vanth emerged from the patrol car, surveying the scene with an expression between amusement, incredulousness and impressed. ‘Darlin’ are you sure you actually needed us?’
You let out a weak laugh.
‘Vanth, take this man down to the station while I get the waitress’ statement?’ the Sheriff was in full on duty mode, speaking sternly.
‘Yes sir,’ Vanth nodded, holding the man securely and taking him to the patrol car. ‘I’ll report back once he’s processed.’
As soon as Vanth was driving away, Sheriff Djarin’s demeanour changed. He was softer, more concerned, you’d even say remorseful.
‘I’m so sorry,’ he said as he walked closer to you. ‘We had an arrest just before your closing time, I couldn’t get here.’
‘It’s okay,’ you smiled. ‘I figured duty called.’
‘But you weren’t safe,’ the Sheriff protested. ‘Despite what Officer Vanth thinks.’
You gave a much more genuine smile, and even laughed. ‘This isn’t the first time I’ve closed alone. You get used to taking precautions.’
The Sheriff let out something between a laugh and a huff. ‘Let’s go inside and I’ll take your statement,’ he said as he put his hand on the small of your back and guided you back toward the diner.
You felt a rush course through your body as his hand connected with your back. You walked with him and as you went into the diner, fired up one of the coffee machines. Almost by instinct, he sat on his usual stool at the counter. You sat on a stool too, with one between you, turning to face him.
‘Well, this isn’t how I was hoping this would happen,’ he said, and bit his lip as soon as the words left his mouth.
You were so shocked, you didn’t say anything. Shirley had teased you about liking the Sheriff, but neither of you had considered he might like you. You just smiled dumbly in response.
By the time you gave your statement, checked through it, then Vanth came back with the patrol car, and you were taken home in said patrol car, it was about three hours later than when you would normally be home. The Sheriff had insisted on walking you to your door.
‘Would you like me to come by at close tomorrow?’ he asked.
‘I’m actually not working tomorrow, but I would feel better for the others if you did, thank you,’ you smiled up at him. It was only on your doorstep that you realised how tall he was.
‘Of course,’ he nodded. ‘Are you back the day after?’
‘Yes,’ you smiled. ‘I’ll have your number four ready, don’t worry.’
For the first time ever, you heard him properly laugh. ‘Can’t wait,’ he said as he squeezed the brim of his had with his thumb and index finger, and inclined it slightly.
You let yourself in your apartment and noticed the patrol car only pulled away once you had closed and locked the door behind you. Immediately, you picked up the phone and rang Shirley.
‘What in the world, hun?! It’s so late! Are you okay?’ she gasped down the phone.
You relayed the events of the evening, Shirley cheering when you related how you moved the torch and then got a hit with it, and she squealed with joy when you told her what the Sheriff said as you sat on the stools at the counter.
‘Thanks for looking out for me for tomorrow hun,’ Shirley said as you came to the end of your story. ‘And I’ll put in a good word for you with the Sheriff tomorrow!’
‘Shirley don’t!’ you groaned.
The next morning, you heard a knock at your door, a little later than your wake up time for work. Throwing on your dressing gown, you called out ‘Who is it?’
‘It’s Sheriff Djarin,’ you heard that unmistakable voice behind the door.
You checked through the peephole anyway, then opened the door. ‘Good morning, Sheriff,’ you smiled. ‘What can I do for you?’
‘Oh, I um, brought you these,’ he said, bringing out a hand from behind his back to reveal a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers.
Your face lit up. ‘Sheriff, they’re beautiful, thank you.’
He took a deep breath. ‘Listen, when it’s just you and me,’ he said as he took his trademark hat off, ‘you can call me Din.’
Your eyes lit up with this new tidbit of information, which seemed much more significant than just three letters. ‘Of course, Din.’
He gave a huge smile at your response and that adorable dimple finally revealed itself fully. You had definitely fallen for Din Djarin, and you suspected he had fallen more than a little bit for you.
‘Could I take you to dinner? Maybe tomorrow night?’ he asked hopefully.
‘I don’t know about that Sheriff, I’m on the early Sunday shift,’ you teased.
‘I’ll have you home by nine?’ he offered, smirking as he remembered your gentle turn down for Vanth.
You laughed, the conversation coming back to you. ‘I think I can manage to ten tomorrow night.’
‘Then it’s a date,’ he smiled and reached for your free hand, kissing your knuckles. ‘I’ll pick you up at seven.’
‘Seven it is,’ you nodded. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Din.’
He smiled and headed off to his patrol car. You closed the door behind him, and began arranging your flowers in your tiny kitchen. You couldn’t wait to ring Shirley tonight.
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suzume42 · 8 years
Send me an au and I’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
@thooru-chan sent ‘Legend of Zelda Broly x Trunks’. I struggled with it (LoZ is a *massive* playground), but I think I got it! Please enjoy! No set game universe.
1) They are from the tribe of the Saiyans; a rumored cousin tribe to the Gerudo. Instead of the desert though, they live deep in the hostile mountains and have the opposite problem to their supposed cousins: their tribe is almost completely male, with the rare woman here and there. The rumors about the Saiyans are just as vicious though: that they’re bloodthirsty bandits who prey on mountain travelers and nearby settlements, that they’re mindless savages, and of course, all the rumors about how they steal away women and all the awful things that happen to them. Rumors are just rumors though.....mostly.
Broly was born into the tribe, naturally, but his massive power, boosted by having Din’s blessing (a red starburst on his shoulder, outlined in gold to also indicate that he is a rare Chosen) soon isolate him and he is quickly pressed into temple service; guarding what is supposedly the Temple of Farore, where the Triforce of Courage is said to be hidden.
Trunks was not born into the tribe. No one even knows who his mother is; Vegeta went wandering to gain experience about the world and when he finally returned after a number of years, he had a little four-year-old with him. As the Prince dumped him into the communal nursery, all he said was “This is my son, Trunks.” It was the first and only time Vegeta explicitly claimed him as his son. Trunks, with his lavender hair and pale blue eyes, was quickly made an outsider. His blessing mark doesn’t help, a blue spiral on the back of his left hand, Nayru’s blessing, the only one among the tribe full of those blessed by Din or even Farore. The odd blessing, plus his obvious status as a rare half-Saiyan, causes many in the tribe to mock and even reject him.
Their statuses as outsides is what causes them to first find each other and a fast friendship soon forms.
2) This friendship evolves into love over time, as the years pass and they grow still closer together. They earn titles, though not completely honorable ones. Broly is mocked as ‘The Legendary’ or even ‘The Guard’ given his massive power that he doesn’t use in addition to being the one who’s held a position as temple guard the longest. Others would have found their way into the warrior barracks or into the exploration groups; Broly had found himself content with the temple and stayed, again to the mockery of other Saiyans.
Trunks is called ‘Princess’, again for a variety of reasons. He can’t be called ‘Prince’ because his father still holds that title and many view his smaller, softer form as ‘womanly’, in addition to his gentler temper and Trunks being more prone to try and talk a situation out first over just fighting it out. It’s still better than his other title, ‘The Bastard’. Vegeta still won’t claim him and still no one knows who his mother is. It’s far better still than ‘Tailless’. 
To the Saiyans, tails are sacred. A tailless Saiyan isn’t considered a ‘true’ Saiyan. Trunks, who hadn’t been born with a tail, has endured this rejection all his life. He grows his hair long instead, down to his waist, and often wears it in a low ponytail or a loose three-strand twist braid. Very few realize this is his attempt at a tail of his own. Broly is one of the very few and when they’re alone, he’ll let his tail hold onto Trunks’ braid or ponytail, first in companionship, later in love. (King Vegeta, Trunks’ grandfather, realizes it as well, but never says anything about it.)
When Broly finds out that Trunks is planning to leave the village, to try and find his mother and learn about the rest of his family, the larger Saiyan immediately offers to go with him without hesitation. It’s the deepening point in their relationship, when friendship evolved into love.
3) Trunks enters temple service to both spend more time with Broly and to get away from Vegeta. It also gives them the time and privacy they need to plan their departure. It is during one of their examination rounds, to make sure the temple grounds are stable and whole, they come across an unconscious traveler. A strange boy wearing green with golden hair and, once he awakes later in one of the temple rooms, brilliant blue eyes. He is marked by Farore and also one of her chosen (a green leaf over his heart, edged in gold, he shows them readily when they ask.)
He doesn’t speak but they find a way to communicate; his name is Link and he’s on a journey to find the Triforce of Courage. He needs it to defeat a great evil, led by Ganondorf of the Gerudo tribe. It’s sobering and heavy news. Trunks decides to bring it to both Vegetas for consideration; plus Link would need the permission of King Vegeta to enter the temple. No one can go in without it, not unless they work with the temple service and even then, there are some rooms that will not open without the King’s permission.
It’s a disaster that snowballs unexpectedly into a bigger one; King Vegeta is dismissive of the news and refuses permission to Link to enter the temple. Prince Vegeta sneers and comments how the Saiyans have no need to worry about some little upstart from the desert; they’re *Saiyans*, what could ever pose a threat to them?
Then the bigger disaster: Paragus, an adviser to the King and a well-respected veteran of the tribe, betrays them. He’d been working with Ganondorf in secret, planning to hand over the Triforce of Courage in exchange for becoming the new King of the Saiyans. In exchange for his cooperation, Paragus had been given a magical artifact set: a crown and hand ring; whoever wore the crown would be controlled by whoever wore the hand ring. Paragus forces Broly to wear the crown and sends him to kill Link. 
Broly fails when Trunks stands between them; he cannot hurt Trunks, even in his mind-controlled rage state. So Paragus forced Broly to fall back into the temple, where Paragus is searching for the hidden Triforce piece. King Vegeta, still in shock at the destruction Broly had caused, finally gives Link permission to enter the temple. 
Trunks goes with him and no one dares stop him.
4) The temple is tricky but they manage. It forces a person to focus on tactics and strategy over sheer brute strength. At one point Trunks makes a comment about how it’s no wonder the Saiyans never really bothered to venture through it and Link silently laughs with him.
They find Broly deep in the temple, in a room that holds a statue of Farore suspended above a seemingly endless chasm, her hands cradling a stone triangle. Paragus had forcibly kept him in an enraged state and Broly is half-mad from the uncontrollable power. The ensuing fight is hard and horrible but they pull through, somehow. 
It’s costly though; Trunks had taken several blows for Link, who isn’t Saiyan but Hylian, who isn’t as physically sturdy as even a half-Saiyan like Trunks. The last blow he took put him in one of the temple walls and he stayed there, unconscious and coughing blood. The sight of the blood gets to Broly and he starts to regain his reason, horrified at what he has done, even if he was made to do it.
Paragus reveals himself then, having found the Triforce of Courage, though it rejects him. The power Ganondorf gave him goes wild and takes Paragus over, driving him mad with it. He goes to kill Trunks, cackling that the new age for the Saiyans shall begin now with the death of the filthy whelp. Broly meets him fist for fist, his rage and power breaking the control crown.
If Link thought the first battle was hard, watching the two Saiyans fight is on a whole new level. They destroy the temple around them and Link is quick to try and pull his new friend to safety. How they survive through it is a miracle that Link doesn’t question. 
Broly kills his father, crushing him with some of the temple’s rubble. They think it is done with, but then the temple starts crumbling around them. Trunks, having regained consciousness, uses the last of his strength to literally throw Link to safety as the platform they’re on crumbles. He falls into the chasm and Broly throws himself after him. The last Link sees of them is the pair falling together into the darkness. 
5) After claiming the Triforce of Courage, though he doesn’t feel worthy of it, Link tries to find them. It takes what feels like days to navigate the lower parts of the temple, the areas most likely to be connected to that chasm and eventually he does find something: a Saiyan tail and a purple braid, left just inside the doorway of a side entrance to the temple; in the snow outside are fading footprints of a single person. There’s a heavy finality to the situation that Link can’t describe but he takes both items back to the Saiyan village. 
King Vegeta accepts the tail and braid with a tight-lipped silence that speaks far more than it should. Prince Vegeta is pale but also silent. They send Link away with a blessing of the Saiyans and an offer to return if he’d like. As he leaves, Link vows to say nothing of the sounds coming from behind him, the ones that sounds suspiciously like sobs and angry swearing.
6) Link meets them again, months later, traveling through the land to try and find a sacred artifact to allow him to open the doors of one of the sage temples. Trunks wears his hair short now and Broly is still quiet but it’s a far more peaceful silence now. They’re on a journey of their own now, not just to find Trunks’ mother but also to see the world as it is beyond the mountains. They give him a communication charm to let Link contact them if he ever needs their help. Link wishes them well and hopes they can heal from the past.
7) When they find him, Goku unintentionally hurts them both here, for a variety of reasons. He’s powerful but controlled, has a loving and close-knit family with his non-Saiyan wife and father-in-law and his half-Saiyan children, and is warm and friendly to the point of near-obnoxiousness. 
They have to leave quickly but slowly, so slowly develop a close friendship with Goku and his family. It is through Goku that they finally find Bulma, who holds her lost son tightly while crying and accepts Broly just as easily. It’s a warm and nice change from before. 
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