wolfisland · 4 months
right now frankly drinking bleach sounds less painful than the fucking burned throat i have from smoking shitly. pathetic loser ass lame ass dweeb ass idiot fucking bong rip dumbass cant properly smoke a bong diphead. dumb fuck. i sound like steve-o
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kiruamon · 2 years
Prison AU 2
Like promised the second part of this au!:D
Let's start with Oz's first day in prison!
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"Hey dipshit! Listen carefully. From today, you are mine. I can do whatever I want with you. That means if I say jump, you jump. If I need a punching bag or a doormat, you'll gladly taking it. No complaints. Or else you'll be really sorry. Do you understand me?"
Too afraid to raise his voice, Oz just nodded as he silently hoped to survive the next 24 hours.
Well Oz survived his first days in prison, but things were still rough.
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"Out of my way diphead!"
Without further warning, Oz was pushed out of the way by Damien and landed face-first on the floor. So this was how the rest of his future would look during his stay here? … Great… He'd probably better get used to it quickly.
Aaaand a scenario I already mentioned in part 1!
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"So. Say. Why did they bust you here? Tax fraud? Pickpocketing? Run a red light?"
"… lack of a surname," Oz answered hesitantly, not daring to move even an inch as long as the demon was still resting his elbows on him.
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Silence followed his answer.
"Pfffh. Kekekekeke! You can't be fucking serious! That's the most idiotic thing I've heard since Dave from cell 7 tried to flush himself down the toilet to escape! Spoiler. It didn't work."
It is unavoidable that Oz encounters the other prisoners from time to time which aren't the nicest company there is. And in times like these, Oz is pretty thankful that Damien is keeping an eye on him.
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"W-why… did you… help me?"
"It's obvious, isn't it? If any of these shitheads mess with my property, I have to show them their place. Simple as that. Plus, I really can't stand those fuckers."
"O-Ooooh… "
"What's with the long face all of a sudden? Did you thought… Urgh! Whatever! Listen. If you don't want any trouble with the others, just stay close to me."
"O-okay… "
Over time Oz becomes a bit braver when interacting with a certain spicy red adult. Damien on the other hand is not sure what to think of that.
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"Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Stop touching me!"
It must had been ages since anyone had last touched him without the intention of ramming a fist into his face or stomach. Damien was almost about to push the guy away, but damn, feeling the cool hand gently stroking his forehead and head actually felt goo- no! No it didn't! Fuck was that irritating!
"Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to… ", Oz stammered, before withdrawing his hand in a hurry. "I… was… just wondering what… what kind of face you're making," but just touching Damien to brush the demon's hair aside without first asking him was - of course - going too far and… And… Damien looked less angry than he had expected. Rather confused than angry. And… why were both his cheeks and the tips of his ears so pink? How strange. Could it be tha-
But before Oz could finish his thought, Damien suddenly screamed so loudly that it made him jump. With noisy steps, the demon stomped away to the corner of the cell farthest from him, crouched down and scowled at him through his long hair. … okay, yeah, nevermind his stupid hunch, he would be dead by tomorrow for sure.
Oz suggests Damien to braid his hair. Damien can't bring himself to say no to him, even if he doesn't understand why. Could be because of the noob's stupid and all sparkly white eyes when Oz suggests his idea to him.
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"They're so long."
"Hadn't got much of a choice. The fuckers don't give me scissors or other sharp stuff. Otherwise I would have shortened it long ago."
"For real? … And yet you take such good care of it." Oz thought Damien's long hair looked lovely. But maybe he shouldn't say that out loud.
"Oh, shut up," Damien grumbled, before he muttered more quietly to himself: "… why do I even let you have your way with me?"
With Damien being the troublemaker that he is, and despite being a great brawler even the prince of hell sometimes gets into fights that are too much for him alone to handle. Also: Oz can be surprisingly protective when necessary.
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"Stay away! Not one step closer! This is your last warning."
"… very well… If this is your final decision, I won't hold back any longer."
After Damien was patched up Oz was more than a little relieved to see him back in their cell.
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"I-I… I'm so… so glad you're b-better again!" sobbed the giant noob in front of him so badly that Damien had a hard time understanding the exact words, while big tears rolled endlessly down his cellmate's cheeks.
What the fuck was going on? How was he supposed to deal with this? He wasn't used to someone bursting into fucking tears over him! At least not like this. Why… why did the noob even cared about him… ?
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"Stop whining already! It wasn't even that big of a deal." Seriously. A big guy like that, and then such a crybaby.
But maybe he deserved some praise. Just this once.
"You know. For being such a coward, you didn't fight too bad." Damn was it hard to reach for Oz's head! But with a little stretching Damien somehow managed to pat his head.
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"No need to look so surprised. If necessary, even I can express a little gratitude."
Let's say... after that they become more comefortable around each other.
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Yeah, not much to say about this sketch. Just some hand holding while sleeping.<3
Also, there was that weird day when Oz accidentally got some changing clothes in the wrong size and instead of walking around with a top that was too small to fit, he decided to shrink himself a bit.
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"Wait. What… no, wait… huh? What the heck is going on with you? Why are you suddenly so… so… small? Did they wash you too hot or…?" What kind of absurd game was being played here?
"Haha… haaaah… sorry... I probably should have mentioned it sooner. I guess you could say that I… that I can change my appearance? At least to some extent? Sort of. Oh my, this has gotten really weird… "
Oz loves Damien's fluffy hair. Very much.
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"Argh! I said you can touch it, not that you can use it as your fucking pillow!"
"Just one more minute, please! It's soooo soft~ " He could do that all day if Damien would let him!
It kind of became a habit. Which gradually lessened Damien's loud protests.
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Damien: *just thinking* //He is doing it again! I have to do something about this! Now! ... okay, maybe five more minutes. But then... then... urgh... When did the Noob become so bold? Or did I lost my spite? Nah, can't be.//
And there are these days when Damien just needs someone to listen to him and is very grateful for Oz being there.
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"I hate this place." "I hate not having a way out." "I hate all these stupid assholes who think they can do whatever they want to me." "I'm Damien fucking LaVey! Not some little gangster." "I hate that I've been stuck in this fucking shithole for two years without knowing how my dads are doing…. " "I hate that I can't stop wondering if they even remember me… "
"I'm sure they do," Oz replied more confidently than he perhaps should be. But after everything he'd already heard from Damien about his parents, it just had to be the case. For several days now, his mind had been rattling. Various ideas, which promised a chance of escape. For his new friend. There was no way he would leave Damien alone in this prison. Never.
Sometimes Oz will ask Damien for a little favor.
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"And it's truly no problem?"
"Nah. And at least like this, I get the chance to tower over you for a while."
What a relief. He just missed the contact with his friends. Hugging them or just sitting comfortably together with them. So he was glad that Damien understood and fulfilled his surely weird request without much questions. It simply felt good to be held in his arms. To feel some warmth. Oz was glad for having Damien by his side. And not simply as a substitute for his friends. Over time, he had really grown to like the arson-loving prince. A soft chuckle escaped his mind. "Yeah, right. Thanks Damien~"
"No more thanks. I get it. Sometimes you just need a little closeness."
Yeah, that was true.
Aaaand for the finish. Damien finally gets his revenge on Oz! Wait. What?
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"Hah! Take that! This is my revenge for all your cheeky moves! Quiet now, aren't you? And don't even think that I'm done with you yet. I told you on your first day, remember? You are mine. And what's once mine, I never give back."
Was it bad that he didn't minded Damien's so-called revenge? That the idea of more made his heart beat faster and faster? He could get used to this feeling.
Hope you had as much fun with this as I had!;)
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mvncesa · 2 years
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“That’s a snake, you diphead.”
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lordendsavior · 2 years
have you seen the liam interview with that Paul guy...like I know Zayn has his issues but liam just needs to stop bringing up names to try and stay relevant, or even sound like he knew him as it seems zayn just wants to be left alone
it's not even about bringing up zayn himself, it's about brining up his family in such a low and shitty way. that part got me furious. also taking a dig at how zayn and gigi's relationship ended? take a long hard look in the mirror diphead
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vanityloves · 3 years
ngl the older brother was p weird for just staring at that girl wtf is he doing look away diphead
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ruslanruslan · 4 years
okay but why are you pinning that post ??
cuz im the other owner diphead
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tolbachik · 4 years
Admiral Diphead
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hi chip dip!
Chip looks at you excitedly. Before motioning Allegro to stand beside him. Allegro stands next to him, Chip whispering something next to his head. Allegro seems to giggle. Pitch notices the bastards. 
Pitch: Ay what’re you goons giggling about hm?
Allegro: Heehee!! Oh you knoww...
With your attention focused on Pitch and Allegro you fail to notice Chip behind you, and suddenly, before you can even turn around.
It seems the little ankle biter splattered sour cream and onion dip on the back of your head and Chip and Allegro were HOWLING with laughter. Rallentando joining in once he notices. The rest of the group giggles.
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leonleonhart · 5 years
who's art r u vauging bro if they're a diphead i wanna block em if they arent already (if u dont wanna say tho thats fine; if thats the case im sorry you had to see Bad Art)
the same name other folks throw around
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captaingrawlix · 5 years
pound one out for fair, i guess
hey sonboy @stuffingagainsttheworld you wanna take your new goldie to the saucer and forge new identities as jockeys, completely unaffiliated with whatever bs our diphead friends are up to? cuz like, you know they’re gonna come caterwaulin’ at me to be the getaway vehicle when this blows up
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ofknowlcdge · 2 years
miguel could you say 'fuck' for me :) or 'asshole' how about a real curse word
"Shocking diphead, if you think your goading is going to make use those words, you can shock off."
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soul-doctor · 2 years
Anna is hot
{^ Why thank you~ ^} ! Sorry but Sreech's diphead took her. ! {^ WILL YOU SHUT UP THIS ASK ISNT FOR YOU! ^}
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vickyelizabethgalan · 7 years
Re-Viewing Suicide Squad: Still Just as bad as Before
Hey everyone!
If you read the title of this post, you probably clicked to question my sanity. I, like many, went to watch Suicide Squad when it first came out and I, like many, thought it was insanely terrible. HOWEVER, I also realized it was a fun movie with a great soundtrack and half-way decent acting. Recently, I re-watched the movie because I was running on the treadmill and, in my boredom, decided to watch it free on-demand. What followed was 2 hours and 17 minutes of Will Smith, Viola Davis and Cara Dela-whatever horror movie. I mean, B-movie horror (and that’s insulting movies like “Attack of the 50ft woman”). I’ve decided to write a mini-review about the movie, focusing mostly on the actors and their portrayal of the characters. In an attempt to keep the length of the post shorter, I’m just reviewing the top-billed actors and characters I felt were the most egregious. Without further ado…here’s Suicide Squad: 
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Jared Leto: We begin with the Clown Prince and least needed character in the movie. The feelings I have for Jared Leto’s Joker can be summarized with: Does he even count as a joker? With alumni such as Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill and even the late Heath Ledger, The Joker may be considered one of the most famous comic book villains of all time. However, something that has always been consistent is the Joker’s psychological, however humorous, HUMOR. The Joker is sick and sadistic but there is always, in his mind, a punchline. That is one of the reason’s Leto’s Joker fails. The marketing of the movie focused on how cute it was that he played weird pranks on his co-stars in an attempt to show the world he was “in character”. Sorry to break it to you, but even the Joker would never send Batman a rat or dead pig. He might, however, kidnap your loved one and turn him into a sadistic version of himself 
Ok, fine, this movie didn’t exactly focus on him or his relationship with the Bat, I agree. It did focus (and completely manipulate and romanticize) on his relationship with Quinn, and that might just be the most disturbing part of the film. I, personally, love Harley Quinn. Her craziness and mad love for the Joker is addicting to watch and as Harley’s comic book story-line progresses, it’s even nicer to watch her realize the wrong that is her “mad love” for the Clown Prince. It’s better to watch that Harley realizes how abused she is and attempt to leave (in her own Harley way). Finally, it’s better to watch Harley actually almost succeed in killing the Joker for everything he’s done to her. 
The movie forget something though. Throughout everything, Harley’s love is very rarely reciprocated by Joker and it’s even doubted that Joker could ever feel the same way for Harley. The movie distorts the relationship to make it look like the Joker is willing to “sacrifice” and “care” for Harley and that is seriously out of character for him. The movie is so desperate to re-brand the “mad love”, that there is even a line saying “She was his queen, and god help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen”. The movie greatly misunderstands and misrepresents what Harley is to Joker, a pawn. Don’t believe me? Hollywood Reporter seems to agree and voice my exact worries: 
If there was one constant in the portrayal of the relationship between the two characters in both comic books and animation, it was that Harley loved the Joker more than he did her. Actually, it could be argued that the Joker didn’t love Harley at all — that his occasional sweetness and attempts to woo her were merely manipulative attempts to keep her from being too much of a nuisance. Certainly, there would be countless appearances by the Joker without Harley in which she wouldn’t be mentioned at all, and when the two did share scenes, it was as common for him to be cruel as to be affectionate.
In recent years, this has been addressed in the comics themselves. As Harley has slowly transitioned from supporting player to solo star — the Harley Quinn comic book being a surprise hit for DC Entertainment, leading to multiple spinoff titles in the last few years — her relationship with the Joker has gone from awkward, uncomfortable comic relief to a problem that needed to be solved.
-When Harley Met Joker: A History of the Twisted ‘Suicide Squad’ Love Story
So this is my biggest problem with the entire movie: The Joker is reduced to a Hot Topic shopping, emo tattooed boy who cares and waddles around in a circle of machine guns. The portrayal is a lack of respect to the character who has so much more sophistication than what was portrayed. I’d love to know what Leto was studying so hard while he was mailing condoms and rats, which is just gross, that made him think any of this was ok. Needless to say, I’m not looking forward to seeing him in future installations. 
Margot Robbie: I basically said everything i needed to say about Harley in the Joker section but in general, I’d just love to point out that Robbie is beautiful and does a great job as a beautifully insane diphead. She talks crap for most of the movie and my favorite moment would just be when she blurts out “What was that? I should kill everyone and escape? Sorry, it’s the voices. I’m kidding! That’s not what they really said.” That quote does a really good job of setting the scene for the kind of character Robbie’s Harley Quinn will be. She is fast talking, crazy and eye candy. This, however, is terrible considering in her history, Harley has been all of this and way more. Harley is smart, agile in combat and over-all powerful. So it makes me wonder why we need to pair her with the Joker so much, she really doesn’t need him. Joker was completely unnecessary in this movie but Harley is needed because, along with Deadshot, she basically IS the Suicide Squad. 
Cara Delavigne: Why does this woman think she can act? She really has little to no acting ability and this movie shows it. She is either the least enjoyable part of the movie from how bad her acting is or the opposite, because I was laughing every time she was on screen. I couldn’t help but compare her to Shakira and her “Hip’s Don’t Lie” music video. Enchantress is a character I was unfamiliar with before the movie but I felt like I knew her even less when I saw her character, an archeologist, break a rare artifact upon finding it. I never understood where she came from or what her motive really was. She felt a lot like Apocalypse from X-Men, just some all mighty mutant who wanted to rule the world, original. The part that bothers me the most about her character is that she is brought into the Squad to become the movie’s villain. If it wasn’t for Waller, Enchantress wouldn’t have been a threat. 
Viola Davis: We’re almost done, but no Suicide Squad review would be complete without talking about the Queen, Amanda Waller. This is a woman that is so strong-willed, even Batman follows her order. Viola does an amazing job, as she normally does, BUT, it’s not the best work we’ve seen her do. She seems very disinterested for most of the movie and the audience writes this off as a character trait when really, it’s just the actor who couldn’t care less about the role she’s portraying. Great job but it’s only great because everyone else is so bad.
Will Smith: Now I end this review with the character I consider the redeeming factor of the movie: Deadshot. Before this film, I knew very little about him and now all I know is that he never misses and his daughter is his greatest weakness. Will Smith is an amazing actor and, honestly, if I knew more about Deadshot, maybe I would be able to critique his performance more. For now, he basically gives the movie the motivation it needs to continue and he gives it the character emotion and humanity. He seems to be one of the more fleshed out characters of the film and one of the better characters. 
And this, ladies and gents, is my review of Suicide Squad based on the portrayal of the characters. This is also the first modern movie I have taken to review so please let me know any other movies I should be reviewing. Thanks for reading!
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aspocknamedjim · 7 years
I was tagged by @transpannacottafugo I tag @sinbad-gerfang  @beeloh  
rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. then tag some friends.
You choose: JJBA, FMA, AtLA
The first character you loved:
JJBA - Johnny Joestar
FMA - Edward Elric 
AtLA - Aang, i had a huge ass crush on him in 3rd grade
The character you never expected to love so much:
JJBA - Fugo
FMA - Greed
AtLA - Uncle Iroh
The character you relate to most:
JJBA - Abbacchio
FMA - Olivier Armstrong
AtLA -  Toph
The character you’d slap:
JJBA - Diavolo, then kiss him, then die
FMA - Roy, just tell riza how you feel you diphead
AtLA - season 1 Zuko
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
JJBA - Kars
FMA -Rose
AtLA - *prepares for anon hate* Azula
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
JJBA - Risotto
FMA - Scar
AtLA - Zuko
3 OTPs:
JJBA -FuGioMis
FMA - Roy/Riza
AtLA - Toph/Zuko
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cutiefrankie · 7 years
what the fuck am i my fathers father jesus christ hes a literal child
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tchaikostabrovich · 8 years
I made it to 700 followers!!
Thanks to all of you lovely dipheads who continue to stick with me even tho my blog sucks You guys are the real MVPs
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