disisphlebotinum · 4 years
Going to start the Once Upon a Time rewatch I threatened before, but take a break and do another Agents of Shield along with Lil. If she does every episode then I will be there every Wednesday with her.
Using the tag #DisDoesOnceAgain, because fuck tagging everything all the damn time. Never making that mistake again. Did y’all see all those AOS tags? There are a million of them!
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
I know that I’m supposed to finish Once Upon a Time, start Agent Carter, and catch up on Rewatch with Lil... but hear me out.... Babylon 5 rewatch.... I mean that sounds pretty rad don’t it.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
Today I might do a couple of #DisDoesOnceAgain. I would like to finish Disc 2 of season 1. There is also the second episode of #RewatchWLil for Agent of Shield. Maybe start a #DisLosesLibrarianVirginity? Is there a better way to tag me watching The Librarians for the first time? I am open to suggestions.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
2x18 Selfless, Brave and True
Did we start season 2 yesterday?
Important Question though: Do I want tacos? Or just quesadillas?
“I’m turning into wood” so many jokes, so little time.
I agree with Emma. Tough love for the murder please.
Hook is out and about. That makes me happy.
I remember this ends with August turning back into a real boy instead of the man he grew up to be. I would have loved with August had stayed a man.
Relegating August to Snow’s redemption journey is hitting on a nerve. I don’t like it.
The answer was rice and cheese tacos.
My cat is really trying to test my nerves today.
Regina figuring out Ned is perfect. Season 1 Regina would have never.
Scooby snack. (if you know, you know)
“I burdened him with weight no child should have to bare and I called it love.” Damn. Well ain’t that the therapy I didn’t know I needed.
This whole steal magic storyline was never for me. 
I feel like maybe magic should beat taser? I don’t know. It just makes more sense to me that way.
:( August looking for Emma.
I think I would like this chick more as a villain if she weren’t pretending to be in love with Neil. 
August used to check in on Neil? So, Neil knew she was in Storybrooke?
So August sent the postcard. At least that makes sense.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
3x01 The Heart of the Truest Believer
I’ve been waiting SO long for season 3. I am going to obsess over Hook and Swan. Everything else is going to be pretty painful to read. Good luck.
Babies come covered in goo.
I want to see the war between Wonderland and Neverland to be the actual hub of magic.
Here is our season dose of Emma’s abandonment issues.
I would like to explain to Emma how beliefs work. Not a specific set of beliefs, but the concept of beliefs as a whole.
Why is Rumple insulting Emma? It doesn’t seem actually helpful to the situation.
Ted and Tamara were dumb. Like super dumb.
Some good Emma and Hook-ness happening now. I believe this is our first genuine moment as well. 
I forgot that Neil went to the Enchanted Forest. I’m so so so so so so so HAPPY  to see Mulan and Aurora.
I love when Regina gets to use her powers for helpfulness. It just looks so damn good on her.
The heart crushing was unnecessary. There is a small chance that Tamara could have been a redeemable character. 
I like the siren. “I don’t need friends to kill you. You’ll kill yourself.”
Regina really ain’t good at that thinking things threw part of planning
This is the Robin Hood I remember.
There would be better moments for Regina and Snow to fight. Charming got real dumber real fast. Is it the storm? If I were Emma I probably would have jumped too, just for different reasons.
Pan and Henry... I can’t.
That was the moment Regina, Hook, and I all fell in love with Emma.
I guess I do get the shows argument that Henry would be the Truest Believer. He decided his mother was the Evil Queen and then them be the facts so...
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
1x22 A Land Without Magic
Everyone fucked off and let me watch my show. Season 1 finale, LETS GO!
Hello random Graham appearance that I forgot ever happened.
Jennifer Morrison’s acting this episode is probably why they thought Dark Swan would work in later seasons. Poor dudes...
I love that Emma immediately looks to Regina for help even though she is the reason it was all happening.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE breaking the ‘there is no curse’ pretext.
This is so not the episode I want to be in the Enchanted Forest for.
“It’s storming like a bitch.”
I wonder what would have happened if she had tried kissing August? Like, that’s still platonic true love, right? That’s how we end the show. True love between a mom and kid.
Who lower’s Regina down when she decides to visit her old friend? Since it’s a two man job?
I love dragons. Typically I can be won over when a show throws a dragon at me.
I like Snow’s casket. 
Love Gold getting Belle back. Before that whole ship got very complicated.
So glad we are about to breaking curses.
I love that Belle still loves Rumple. Given whats about to go down between the two of them, this is probably the moment when everything went wrong.
Bringing magic to Storybrooke.
They really put their best CG into the curses.
Regina’s smile when she sees the magic coming is so rock and roll.
We got a better pay off to “magic is coming” than we did “winter is coming.”
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
3x22 There’s No Place Like Home
I really dragged season 3 out, huh
I might pause after season 3 for a while. I’m most convinced/praying that no one is actually reading these anyway, but I think my mood is shifting from fantasy to science fiction in my television shows. I’ve only seen Babylon 5 once which feels like a crime, so I think I am at the very least going to watch it. I don’t know if I’m going to blog about it. I also need to finish Star Trek the Next Generation so I can move on to the next Star Trek series. I think Voyager?
Neal and Emma flashback. Emma in glasses. This episode really wants my attention.
I got nothing but bitterness over Marion and it ain’t even her own fault. It’s clumped in with my Robin and Regina issues where I just immediately think and say it with me kids FUCK YOU SHOW.
Why isn’t Snow awkwardly putting her neck above the rope like the first time? Damn, as I was typing she did it once. Sassy young Snow is still pretty cool. I like her smart mouth. I wish she had kept it verses the wet blanket she becomes.
They really threw that flashback to draw me in and then have not given me anything sense.
Should I eat some ice cream?
I fucking hate time travel. It never makes any sense.
Regina actually does look scared of Dark Fairy Dust. I guess it means so much in this episode because it’s our only real recourse against Zelena. So you know, last episode mulligan. I genuinely don’t remember.
All actions have consequences, except mine, says the villain.
The castle is lame.
Snow is now a Ladybug? I really really really don’t remember this.
I like that Emma is being Princess Leia.
Hook is taking great care of Emma. I really appreciate it.
The show really used and abused Marion for plot. Fuck you show.
Trying to redo and fix Snow nd Charming relationship is cute for like a minute.  I am ready to move on. Where’s my Neal flashbacks? I really didn’t appreciate Neal when the show was first airing as a I should have.
I really wish Emma could have just gone through the portal rather than Rumple stopping her. “What the hell am I doing in here?” was pretty funny though. I also wish that we could have gotten to see more of Storybrooke without Emma rather than her just being gone for a few minutes. Like a whole year of Storybrooke trying to get Emma back. Only as an episode though.
I know they always wanted to me care and feel something about the fact that they name the baby Neal and yet it has never caused my heart to grow three sizes.
The fact that they call him a Prince in Storybrooke is weird.
Their chemistry is really out here fucking with my equilibrium.
So that’s where the Jolly Roger has been. That is definitely make out worthy.
Weird random wedding, bow.
How dare they do this to Belle. She deserved so much better than what she is wearing.
Also where Gold and Bella are headed, Fuck you show.
Can’t we please get the villains?
Robin and Regina, Fuck you show.
Fuck you show. WHERE ARE THE VILLAINS. Get to the damn cliffhanger already. Wasting my time with this shit.
Emma is actually handling someone who knew Regina as Evil yesterday meeting modern Regina today perfect. Yet it doesn’t make anything better. FUCK YOU SHOW.
We finally getting to this cliffhanger?
Oh shit. I forgot about the Ice Queen storyline. At least we get Elsa and Anna. She walked so weird.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
1x19 The Return
Opps. We may or may not finish season 1 today.
Is this the episode where August turns to wood?
David trying to kiss Kathryn on her forehead is not sweet, its gross. He has done enough to her. He could at least keep his hands to himself.
I call bullshit on any of these people caring if Mary Margaret ever came home again.
My roommate just asked me when Emma was going to find out that Henry was her son? 
David sucks and so does his apology. I don’t know why she always thought he would catch her though, they were literally broken up and being idiots. Don’t they not get back together until the curse is broken? If so, lame.
Ready to skip immediately to Neil. Young him is just a waste.
I remember when this was first airing, when we believed that August was Rumple’s son. 
And that is how a boy becomes a Neil. Not an August.
Dick move show. This whole having Mr. Gold apologize to August shit is just cruel.
I forgot Sydney was our scapegoat for Kathryn’s disappearance. Do we ever seen Kathryn again after season 1?
“I’m taking back my son.”
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
1x02 The Thing You Love Most
Starting my day off with some fairy tales sounded sweet so here we go.
The trailer voice in the previously is so freaking weird.
Henry being validated by the clock is beautiful. I love that Mary Margaret also notices. Henry is the key to unlocking Emma, but they really did try to show that Snow was the deepest connected to the Enchanted Forest when none of them could remember. Or at least that is how it felt to me.
Henry and Regina. So painful to watch in the beginnings. I just want to scream at them YOU LOVE EACH OTHER YOU IDIOTS. To be fair, I also want to scream that during every Emma and Regina scene. YOU LOVE BEING MOMS TOGETHER YOU IDIOTS! Henry and his two moms are the single best development I love about this whole series.
These actors are committed.
Imagine the budget of a real forest in real snow!
Witches trading and negotiating curses is really adorable. If I tell someone I am a witch, this is how I assume they start seeing me. And I am not entirely put off by it.
The fight between Regina and Maleficent did not age well.
Does the blind woman ever come back? All these darkest souls ever come back?
Kristin Bauer van Straten is really really really really really way too fucking underrated. Especially when it comes to the story line of her daughter in later seasons.
I don’t know why Giancarlo Esposito is not in every show I watch. Oh Sidney...
It is really sad that Henry starts the show with all this confidence and then just slowly starts chipping away at it until suddenly he is an adult overnight. 
I forgot why but I don’t like Jiminey. The fact that he is trying to hand her a file and believes he is a doctor should be every red flag for Emma. I like how quickly the was like, you are right he is calling Regina. Doctors do not willingly give out files!
Jamie Dornan’s accent is great. The constant head movement is not.
I don’t think teachers get to tell parents they can’t talk to their kids. If I am a parent and I need to talk to my kid, it’s going down with anyone trying to stop me.
Mug shot. :)
Operations. I need to start naming my ideas as Operations. Cobra is so fucking random.
Emma also started with confidence that just got slowly chipped away.
I want to skip to later seasons when Regina isn’t the villain. Like I want to see magic come to Storybrooke and then jump to other bad guys. She is more fun as a tortured ally.
Robert Carlyle put his back, his blood, his sweat, his tears, his farts, his breath, his best foot, his left foot, every tooth, every finger, every toe into his performance as Rumple. 
Patricide is never easy.
Jamie Dornan cannot stop shaking his head!
Again, just a sad tactile mistake Regina. You could have had so much control of the situation instead of building an enemy. 
It is sweet that her father immediately knew that he was what she loved the most. I love that they actually talk about it, even though none of it is productive.
The cinnamon and hot chocolate thing is weird. Only because it’s not a weird thing in actual life so the fact that the show is obsessed with it is just weird.
Just because something is crazy doesn’t mean it isn’t true is just a general life lesson. 
Henry is so smart before this moment. I know he is a kid with feelings but I really want him to just understand that Regina needs to be hold things that are not what he wants to hear. He understood that concept last episode.
Burning story pages feels like something that should have haunted us more.
Mr. Gold is such a little shit. 
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
3x21 Snow Drifts
Everything happened at the end of the episode. Random time portal created when it shouldn’t have and what not.
Tiny Emma. This is going to be bad.
For the record, it’s still pomp and circumstance to have a potluck at Granny's.
Robin and Regina. Fuck you show. Really don’t want to hear about Robin’s wife right now especially with where this shit show of a relationship is going. It could have been so good though!!!!!!!
Where this Rumple and Belle shit is going… also still FUCK YOU SHOW.
Can I please get some Hook and Emma?!?!?!?!! Please?!?!?!
I don’t understand Grumpy’s joke.
I mean we should all be in shock Ruby still exists after they shoved her into every episode of season 2.
I don’t understand why Emma wouldn’t think through the part where Henry has another mother.
How did no one in town not notice the time portal until Henry pointed it out? Do these people not look at the sky?
Did they just say betamax?
I asked for Hook and Emma. Thank you. Kind of. I would prefer them not in the past for the most part. Regina sucks in the past.
The Bandit Snow White actually does sound good.
Hook is actually the perfect guide for Emma in the past, and her outfit is the best season 3 has given us.
Why is Snow chopping a tree? Oh I get it. Emma is basically having the voyeur’s greatest dream come true. Watching from a creepy distance.
Does this mean that Emma will no longer exist? Cause she just fucked up her parents meeting and falling in love.
The book pages being blank is great.
It really sounded like Rumple said “you’re fucked”
I will never get enough scenes of Killian Jones on the Jolly Roger.
Emma is like molesting that Hook. It’s a lot.
Horny stupid Hook is hilarious.
It must to something else to watch the girl you like make out with the past version of himself. Hook, like Fitz, is a man who gets jealous of himself. I will never not love that.
Rumple really is their giant mulligan, huh?
Royal Balls are lame.
I mean, I love Hook and Emma content but this episode is all not that interesting.
It all comes down to the world’s ugliest ring.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
3x20 Kansas
I’ve been trained to see Glinda as the bad guy. I don’t remember how it plays out on this show. I just remember it being boring.
For the record, Emma is correct. Hook should have been honest. However, get the fuck over it.
It’s so sweet Regina is by Snow’s bedside. So weird.
Charming’s opinions really do change about Hook every 10 minutes. Sometimes its within the same episode he’ll be like “this dude is okay” and then 10 minutes later will be “he’s just a filthy pirate.”
Why is Emma blaming Hook for the curse and Zelena’s plan entirely?
So we’re establishing everything to be a Zelena vs. Dorothy. Great. Great. Peachy. Fucking awesome. I hate this show when I don’t love it.
That was the dumbest most obvious way to get rid of Emma’s powers. She literally was told what would happen.
Lol. “For Little John.” Snore.
I think I’m just personally just bitter because Regina should be more powerful. At least as power as Zelena.
I forgot this Dorothy. It’s hard to imagine how this Dorothy ends up with Ruby. Feel like the age difference… not in a just being judgmental kind of way but in a should someone get arrested kind of way?
Is that Dr. Whale?
Season1!Henry for the win. Believing for no reasons. I believe in Regina too.
Lol @ Zelena’ melting.
I’m sticking with Glinda really being a bad guy.
This is all too convenient. Probably all just a vision Zelena saw or something.
Yep, there the bitch be.
I think my favorite thing about Zelena might be that she calls the flying monkey “Beautiful One.”
Regina is like doing the right good character thing, but just get rid of Zelena. It would actually be for the best because you will literally never get to be the sisters they should have been. I like that Regina does get to claim with a full chest that she is a hero now.
Glinda is kind of part of what made Zelena villainous. She really could have handled that all better.
Zelena’s jealousy is still an ugly color on me with how hard I relate it though.
“Evil isn’t born it’s made. And so I good” probably the best line of the show. That should have been a tagline to something.
They really did Gold and Belle dirty in this show. They created an a-tier level ship in the first few seasons. If only her giving him his dagger had been enough.
You’d think having to pretend to give birth on a show would be cruel enough, but no, they really dressed her like that.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
3x19 A Curious Thing
I’ve been spelling Neal wrong this whole time.
Also this title would have been better used for Wonderland.
Lol @ at the adds for the live action Cinderella movie no one saw and Agents of Shield when they were still pretending it was still apart of the MCU. I have mixed feelings about the idea of Quake continuing in the MCU. Like, if they are going to keep her Daniel together than I’m all for it, but if you bring her back just to have her lose Daniel and Kora on top of everything I am done with you and your ability to breathe.
I almost never like starting in a flashback, but if it brings me Aurora then who cares. Where is Mulan?
I don’t know why anyone thought Snow and Charming having a baby wouldn’t cause problems. We’ve literally been here and done this before.
Are Aurora and Philip monkeys now or were there monkeys pretending to be Aurora and Philip the whole time?
I don’t like the costumes, except Regina’s hair. That’s where the budge was.
Why is Granny at the table?
Robin and Regina. I hate you show.
Everything is better with Emma in it. Basically anything happening on this show should have Emma in it until we fuck it all up with Dark Swan.
Emma yelling at Henry was actually great, expect for she should know better. He doesn’t want her keys for a Gameboy. Of course Hook is Step Dadding though.
Why does the book magically appear for Snow White?
Snow being butt hurt that Emma wants to go back to the dream life Regina gave her is so much about her own feelings. It is always about how Snow feels being the one who had to lose her kid, which is tragic. I grant you she has something to be butt hurt about, but it doesn’t discount Emma’s feelings. However in their scenes it always does, and that’s annoying.
“The Good Witch of the South” really don’t hold up, does it?
Snow doesn’t have a pure heart? She killed Kora…? Regina saw the darkness in her heart… Did that change? Did Charming have super heart fixing sperm?
I would usually agree with Snow, there should always be another way, but at this point, fuck it. What is David really bringing to the story anyway? (I say pretending this isn’t going where it’s going)
Why is Hook helping Henry?
I miss season 1 Henry. Teenage Henry is lame.
I’m glad Regina gets Henry back though. She deserves her son to at least know exactly who she is.
Of course it couldn’t be as simple as breaking the curse.
For all my shit talk this is actually a great scene. As much as I shit talk Snow and Charming, they are really out here killing each other/themselves for every one. The fact that this leads to them sharing a heart is actually really beautiful. It was beautiful when it first aired, on whatever rewatches I’ve done, and it is actually hitting still now.
Well it was great and then Zelena shows up.
I’m glad the show had the same common sense that I did which is Regina’s love for Henry is just as much of true love Emma’s.
Regina is really out here in her Evil Queen get up feeling empathy. She is an epic character.
Ain’t Snow pregnant though? You’d think being half hearted would have some effect on a baby. Especially the brief time she spends not having any heart at all.
All of the money in this show went to Regina’s hair and those damn curses.
Regina is me. “Tell me about the pizza.”
Henry fanboying over Robin Hood is actually adorable. However, still fuck this show over Regina and Robin.
I hate everyone for not believing Hook.
Rumple really looks Rumple-like. It’s confusing me over which time period we are in.
Neil sent it! And Hook and Neil were bros. Like real bros! Why doesn’t any of these stupid not dead people remember that?
I’ve been spelling Neal wrong this whole time.
Replacement baby incoming.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
3x18 Bleed Through
Now that the previously ons reminded me, why doesn’t Hook just tell Emma again?
Green apples. A perfect gift in my opinion. Especially when some peanut butter.
The things Zelena say about Regina make sense in a cruel way but the things she is saying about herself are completely bullshit.
Zelena controlling the Dark One is lame and I hate it.
I appreciate Robin stepping on the arrow just to make sure while he picks up his son.
Season 3 Regina is my jam. It makes me happy. I always love a good guy doing bad things for good reasons. Unless it’s Fitz in season 5 of Agents of Shield. I still need therapy over that.
Belle refusing to help Regina makes no sense to me. In season 1 maybe, but right now, nah.
Kora flashbacks. Always depressing. I will be mentally checking out here for my own safety.
Of course Snow would ruin the ceremony.
Hello Ghost Kora.
I love Emma playing with magic while Hook is being a brooding idiot. I really don’t understand why he doesn’t just tell her?
Not going to lie, very distracted by Zelena’s cleavage.
We’re pretending magic has laws now?
Huge LOL at Kora just slugging Regina to get into Snow.
Really sick of this backstory. It just makes me angry. I didn’t this much justification for Kora to be the way she is. “A more worthy wife” Go fuck yourself show.
I really don’t understand why Emma would assume Regina would no longer help if it mean Snow would never be born, when literally NEVERLAND HAPPENED! Regina should have been way more offended when she explained the obvious no Snow, no Emma, no Henry.
The direction of this episode is really bad. Like, someone’s first job kind of bad.
Zelena and Rumple is gross. I don’t want this at all. Like he literally banged your mom. This is gross.
Rumple honoring Neil by killing Zelena works for me. Why can’t it just work out that way?
Tough placenta sounds creepy but also like it should be a band name.
Do we ever learn more about Princess Ava? Like she was a saint and then she was a bitch. Do we ever find out more?
Snow’s voice is getting so squeaky.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
3x17 The Jolly Roger
The armored guy is Hook, right?
“You don’t need a ship to be a pirate.” They’re talking about me.
Never let your dudes buy you a hooker and expect it to end well.
What’s Ariel’s issue with Captain Hook? I don’t remember this one too well. Out of all the characters I was trying to guess, I legit thought Snow before I considered that it could be Ariel.
Charming & Snow are still annoying.
I want Regina to teach Emma so hard. I want the moms bonding.
Snow and Charming are definitely not fun and I’m glad everyone knows it. Including them.
Never in the history of ever has Smee had this big of balls. I’m proud of our boy.
Hook and Emma really want to make out right now.
I’m confused about what is up with Ariel.
I think Hook pretending not to remember Prince Eric is probably because he is a dead flying monkey by this point.
Regina is secretly shipping Hook and Emma too.
Hook is pretending, right?
Hook being a hero made him butt hurt. Awww…
The way Regina is teaching Emma magic right now is how I try to teach my roommate how to drive. Just fucking do it.
Kind of disappointed with Black Beard.
Why do Ariel and Eric always get done dirty?
Zelena is better at being evil than Regina ever was. They are really out here proving wicked is better.
I’m glad Eric and Ariel are actually getting their ending.
I would love Hook more if he just came completely clean.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
3x16 It’s Not Easy Being Green
Very short.
I like Tinkerbelle and Regina’s friendship. I don’t understand why I don’t remember it from the first few viewings of the show.
I’m mostly just internally squealing over Emma and Hook.
And I have nothing to say about Zelena.
This is going to be a short post.
Also, Snow White is annoying.
Also fuck this show for making me attached to Gold and Belle.
Hook started step dadding from the jump and has not stopped yet since.
All these witches being in love with Rumple is the single most unbelievable part of this show.
My roommates are now watching loud videos so I can’t hear the show. Who cares, right?
I hate this show for making me attached to Robin Hood and Regina.
Really forgot that Harrison was the Wizard and not just a flying monkey.
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disisphlebotinum · 4 years
3x15 Quiet Minds
Emma is doing a good impression of her mother and it is making me unhappy.
Belle is the first person who mentioned wanting to bring Gold back so why is she so surprised that it is possible?
Is this the beginning of the Belle and Hook friendship I swear was canon at some point?
I still don’t understand why Neil had to go back to the Enchanted Forest in the first place, because the curse didn’t bring him to our world. He found his own way.
Lumiere is weird. I don’t like it. I’d rather have the talking candlestick holder back.
Henry is still doing third grade homework.
Poor kid. I’m literally sat here listening to his voice change. He probably got bullied bad when the show was airing. I hope he’s doing alright now.
Emma is being super soft with Neil.
Hook is also being super soft with Neil. Fuck. Things are going to go way bad soon.
I ship Hook and Emma pretty hard. But Neil and Emma had something. They really did. I could watch a whole hour of them just talking about their shared wackiness they call lives.
I wish we were not killing Neil to bring back Rumple.
This is irresponsibly tragic. Fuck you show.
The insult to the injury was Rumple going back to his cage after.
This probably is the best way Emma can handle telling Henry that Neil died again.
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