#Divorce Lawyers Dubai
somirejinish · 6 months
The Best Law Firm in Dubai for Diverse Legal Needs"
At Somi Rejinish, clients benefit from the insights of top legal consultants in Dubai who possess a deep understanding of local and international laws. Whether you're a business seeking corporate legal advice or an individual facing family-related issues, our legal consultants provide personalized and strategic guidance tailored to your unique situation.
Navigating Legal Waters with Expertise: Your Legal Advisor in Dubai
Somi Rejinish goes beyond the traditional role of a law firm by serving as your trusted legal advisor in Dubai. Our team takes a proactive approach to understand your needs, offering strategic counsel that ensures you make informed decisions in legal matters, whether related to business, family, or personal affairs.
Best Legal Consultant in Dubai: Excellence in Every Case
As the best legal consultant in Dubai, Somi Rejinish is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the successful outcomes we achieve for our clients across a spectrum of legal areas, including corporate law, real estate, family law, and criminal defense.
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uaeaheada · 10 months
4 Steps to Take to Find the Best Lawyers in Dubai for Your Requirement
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Finding the best lawyer in Dubai is crucial when facing legal issues or seeking professional advice on various matters. Whether you are dealing with a business dispute, family matter, immigration concerns, or any other legal situation, having a skilled and reliable lawyer by your side can make all the difference. In this blog, we will discuss four essential steps to help you find the best lawyers in Dubai to meet your specific legal requirements.
1. Define Your Legal Needs
The first step in finding the best lawyer in Dubai is to clearly define your legal needs. Different lawyers specialize in various practice areas, such as corporate law, family law, real estate law, criminal law, or immigration law. Understanding your specific legal needs will help you narrow down your search and find lawyers who have the expertise and experience relevant to your case.
2. Research and Gather Recommendations
Once you have identified your legal needs, start your research to find potential lawyers in Dubai. You can begin by seeking recommendations from friends, family members, or colleagues who have previously worked with lawyers in the city. Personal recommendations can provide valuable insights into a lawyer's professionalism, competence, and client satisfaction.
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Additionally, conduct online research and browse through Dubai law firms websites and directories. Look for lawyers with positive reviews and testimonials from past clients. Take note of their qualifications, areas of expertise, and any relevant achievements or awards.
3. Check Credentials and Experience
Before finalizing your decision, thoroughly check the credentials and experience of the lawyers on your list. Ensure that they are licensed to practice law in Dubai and are registered with the relevant legal authorities. Verify their education, certifications, and any additional training or specializations that may be relevant to your case.
Experience is a vital factor when choosing a lawyer. Look for lawyers who have extensive experience handling cases similar to yours. A lawyer with a track record of successful outcomes in cases like yours is more likely to provide effective representation and legal advice.
4. Schedule Consultations and Ask Questions
Once you have shortlisted a few potential lawyers, schedule consultations with them. Many lawyers offer initial consultations free of charge. Use this opportunity to meet the lawyers in person and ask specific questions about your case. During the consultation, discuss the details of your legal issue and assess how the lawyer responds to your concerns and queries.
Ask about their approach to handling your case, potential strategies, and expected outcomes. Inquire about their fees and payment structure, so you have a clear understanding of the financial aspect. A good lawyer will listen attentively, provide clear explanations, and offer honest assessments of your situation.
Finding the best lawyer in Dubai for your legal needs requires careful research, gathering recommendations, checking credentials, conducting consultations, and finding reliable law firms in Dubai. Taking these steps will help you make an informed decision and find a skilled and reliable lawyer who can effectively represent your interests and provide the best possible legal guidance. Remember that a good lawyer will not only have the expertise and experience but also communicate effectively and make you feel confident in their abilities to handle your case. By investing time and effort in finding the right lawyer, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful legal outcome.
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best-lawyers-in-dubai · 11 months
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proconsultadvocates · 10 hours
Family Lawyers in Dubai
Looking for reliable legal counsel for family matters in Dubai? Trust Proconsult Advocate for expert guidance and support. Our team of experienced family lawyers specializes in handling diverse family law issues with compassion and expertise. Contact us today for personalized legal solutions tailored to your unique needs. visit now:
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A guide to finding the Best lawyer in India
Step-by-step guide to help you find the best lawyer in India:
Identifying legal needs: Determine the specific area of law one requires assistance with, such as criminal law, civil law, family law, corporate law, etc. This will help one narrow down the search for a lawyer with expertise in that particular field.
Research online directories: Utilize online directories that provide a comprehensive list of lawyers in India. Websites like Xperts Legal, which provides for a pool of legal experts in their fields, allows one to search for lawyers based on location, practice area, and other relevant filters.
Check credentials and experience: Once you have a list of potential lawyers, research their credentials and experience. Look for their educational background, years of practice, bar association membership, and any additional certifications or accolades. This information is available on Xperts Legal.
Schedule consultations: Contact the lawyers on your shortlist and request an initial consultation. Many lawyers offer a free or reduced-cost initial consultation to discuss your case or legal needs. This meeting will allow to assess their communication skills, knowledge, and compatibility with your requirements.
Discuss fees and payment structure: Inquire about the lawyer’s fee structure during the consultation. Understand how they charge, whether it’s an hourly rate, a fixed fee, or a contingency basis. Clarify any additional costs, such as court fees or administrative expenses.
Consider specialization and expertise: If your legal matter is complex or requires specialized knowledge, consider hiring a lawyer with expertise in that specific area. Specialized lawyers are often better equipped to handle intricate legal issues and provide effective representation.
Importance of finding the best lawyer in India
Legal expertise and knowledge:
Protecting rights
Strategic guidance:
Legal representation:
Efficient handling of legal matters:
Access to networks and resources:
Alternative dispute resolution:
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bestlawyersindubai · 29 days
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hhslawyers · 3 months
#Divorce is a difficult and stressful process, especially when it involves different legal systems and cultural norms. If you are an expat living in the UAE and considering a divorce, you may have many questions and concerns about the procedures and implications of ending your marriage. In this article, we will explain the main steps and options for filing for divorce in the UAE, depending on whether you are a Muslim or a non-Muslim.
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Marriage and divorce in the civil personal status law — Al Dhaheri International Advocates
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The Emirati legislator issued the Civil Personal Status Law pursuant to Federal Decree Law No. (41) of 2022, and the provisions of this law apply to non-Muslims, whether citizens or residents of the United Arab Emirates, and one of the parties may insist on applying the law of his nationality in matters of marriage, divorce, inheritance, wills, and proving Lineage
It may also be agreed to implement other legislation regulating the family or personal status in force in the country instead of applying the provisions of this decree law.
In applying its provisions, the law took into account equality between men and women in rights and duties, such as testimony, so a woman’s testimony before the court is taken into account just like a man’s testimony, as well as inheritance. Men and women are equal in the distribution of inheritance.
Here we will only highlight civil marriage, divorce, and joint custody in accordance with the provisions of this law
Civil marriage
In order to contract a civil marriage, both spouses must have reached at least 21 years of age
Marriage must not be between brothers, sons, grandchildren, paternal uncles, or uncles
The marriage is performed before the documentation judge of the competent court through the spouses filling out the form prepared for this purpose
The spouses may agree on the terms of the contract, and what is stipulated in this contract regarding the rights of the husband and wife during the marriage and post-divorce rights, in particular joint custody of children, shall be taken into account between them.
The marriage contract form must include the disclosure of each spouse about the existence of any other previous marital relationship for either of them, indicating the date of the divorce, if any, as well as the wife’s acknowledgment that there is no existing marital relationship.
The husband must submit this declaration if his legislation does not allow him to have multiple wives. In all cases, the husband must disclose any existing marital relationship before the documentation judge.
The marriage contract shall include evidence of the consent of both spouses verbally and in writing
Divorce and its procedures
This decree law excludes divorce lawsuits filed based on its provisions from being presented to family guidance committees, and they are presented directly to the court to issue a ruling in the first session.
Both husband and wife may, of their own volition, request the court to sign a divorce without prejudice to the rights related to divorce.
It is sufficient to request and sign a divorce if one of the spouses expresses before the court his desire to separate and not continue the marital relationship without the need to justify that request, explain the harm, or place blame on the other party. The divorce takes place by court ruling after the other party announces it.
The divorced woman may submit a request to the court after the divorce ruling is issued to obtain a ruling for alimony from her ex-husband. In the event of failure to agree on the conditions or controls for this alimony or other financial requests in the marriage contract, acceptance of the request and its duration are subject to the judge’s discretion.
Joint custody
This decree law also introduced a new concept of custody that was not applied in the United Arab Emirates, where men and women have equal right to joint custody of the child until he reaches the age of eighteen (18), after which the child has freedom of choice.
Custody, according to the meaning of this law, is a joint right and a shared and equal responsibility of the father and mother after the divorce. It is also a right for the children so that one parent does not have the sole responsibility of raising and seeing the child without the other.
This is unless the two parties submit a request to the court to prove custody of the person who is worthy of achieving the interests of the child in custody
Or one of them requests to waive his right to custody in writing before the court
Or submit a request to the court to remove the other party from joint custody and drop his right to custody for any reason acceptable to the court, such as eligibility issues, the danger of the person participating in custody, or the failure of the joint custodian to perform his duties.
In the event that the father and mother disagree regarding any matter of joint custody, either of them has the right to submit a request to the court to decide what the court deems appropriate in the interest of the child in custody.
Law firms, legal consultations, and the best law firms in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates are seeking to support the judiciary in implementing this law, up to the point of its issuance, and achieving family stability by filing lawsuits that arise from the implementation of this decree law.
Written by — Bahaa Al-Sharqawi
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legalservicesuae · 7 months
استشارات قانونية في الخلع في الإمارات
هذا المقال يطرح أهم المعلومات القانونية المتعلقة بالخلع في الإمارات العربية المتحدة. ولسهولة الطرح سنغطي مواضيع الخلع من خلال الإجابة على أهم الأسئلة المتعلقة بشروط الخلع وإجراءاته، وحقوق وواجبات طرفي العلاقة أثناء دعوى الخلع، وأثر الخلع على الأطفال من حيث حضانتهم والنفقة عليهم.
لقراءة المقال كاملاً: اضغط هنا
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aegiswine · 9 months
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Divorce can be a challenging and emotionallyhttps://aegiswin.com/ charged process, especially when it involves navigating the legal complexities of family law. When you find yourself in such a situation in Dubai, you need the best divorce lawyer by your side to guide you through this difficult journey. Aegiswin stands out as the premier choice when it comes to findinghttps://aegiswin.com/ the best divorce lawyer in Dubai. With a stellar reputation, a team of experienced attorneys, and a commitment to excellence, Aegiswin is your ultimate partner in achieving a fair and favorable divorce sehttps://aegiswin.com/ttlement.
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hlootahlaw · 10 months
Indian lawyer in Dubai for divorce
Seeking an Indian lawyer in Dubai for divorce proceedings? HlootaLaw has experienced legal experts who understand the cultural nuances and legal complexities. With empathy and professionalism, we guide you through the process. Explore our website to find the right support for your divorce case.
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awslegals · 11 months
AWS Legal Group is a global law firm in Dubai with more than 30 years of experience in the Middle East. Our lawyers have worked with individual and corporate clients from more than 40 countries, based out of our offices in the UAE, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the UK. We are the best Civil Lawyers in Dubai. We are unmatched in our dedication to client satisfaction and the provision of professional legal services, and our results speak for themselves.
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uaeaheada · 1 year
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toni475 · 1 year
The best divorce lawyer in Dubai
expert in divorce and divorce casesThe search for the best divorce lawyer in Dubai is increasing, specializing in divorce provisions stipulated in the laws of personal status lawyers in Dubai in force in the United Arab Emirates - the Emirate of Dubai. Also see Dubai lawyers.This is in line with the increasing divorce rates in the country to be among the highest rates in the region, as it reached about 30% at the end of 2020.However, according to a statistical report prepared by the Dubai Statistics Center in partnership with Dubai Courts and the Community Development Authority, a decrease in divorce rates was observed by 35% over the four years between 2016-2019.This indicates the success of the endeavors and relentless efforts made by the United Arab Emirates to support family stability. Especially through the establishment of the Family Guidance Center, which is a cornerstone of divorce procedures in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, and deals with all disputes related to personal status.Despite these attempts, divorce remains among the most popular cases that couples seek as a divorce lawyer in Dubai, to seek the help of his legal experience in resolving the problem of their marriage according to legal means, after the lack of means of joint living between them. You can also see a lawyer in Dubai.Check out the best smart lawyer in DubaiThe problem of divorce | Consult a divorce lawyer in Dubai:And because divorce is a problematic issue at the family, societal, legal and Sharia levels; Individuals and legal entities are disturbed by the notification of division and rivalry. محامي طلاق في دبي
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proconsultadvocates · 11 hours
Child Custody Law in UAE
Need legal guidance on child custody law in UAE? Look no further! At Proconsult Advocate and Legal Consults, our seasoned experts provide comprehensive assistance tailored to your needs. Contact us at +971 4 3298711 or email [email protected] for reliable counsel.
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clevercrumb-1 · 1 year
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Meet the Best Lawyers in Dubai: AWS Legal Group
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