#Doctor Rewinding Machines
slittingrewinding · 2 years
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batchprinting · 2 years
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
ML au: Miraculous Piece
(Basically just aged up miraculous heroes in the world of one piece)
Marinette D Cheng: (the D stands for Dupain) Aka Lady Luck. Captain/ Chef of the Miracle Pirates. Devil fruit: Make make fruit: A Paramecia type that allows her to create any object with her imagination. From clothing, weapons, even battle ships. Bounty: 777,777,777 Berries (most Notable crime: Killing a celestial dragon (it was actually Adrien, but it was a fake death)) Moniker for her in the navy’s own words ‘Luck beyond comprehension)
Adrien Agreste: AKA Black Cat of Chaos. Vice Captain of the miracle Pirates. Devil Fruit: Break break fruit: A Paramecia type that allows the user to destroy anything that makes contact with his left hand (so long as he wills it). Bounty: 444,444,444 berries. (Most notable crime: Attempted murder of a celestial dragon (this was Gabriel agreste, and it was real)) (his bounty is Alive only) (he is the son of the celestial dragon which is hidden)
Alya Cesaire: Aka Mirage Thief. Navigator of the Miracle Pirates. No devil fruit. Has weapons that make illusions and uses dials to deliver strong attacks. Also handles finances. Bounty: 111,222,333 Berries. (Most Notable crime: Stealing from a Celestial Dragon)
Nino Lahiffe: Aka. Shell shocker. Helmsman of the Miracle pirates. A Sea turtle Fishman (basically looks human but has a shell and greener skin). Master of Fishman karate, special technique Bubble art. Perfect at reading the flow of the ocean. Bounty: 231, 123, 321 Berries. (Most Notable crime, Freeing slaves from a celestial dragon)
Maxkov Kante: Aka. Metal scourge. Shipwright of the Miracle Pirates. Half human and half machine as a result of Vegapunk. He has an Ai intelligence inside him named Markov, thus choosing to go by Maxkov. Creates new tech for his crew. Bounty: 101,001,100 berries. (Most notable crime, Having information the world government wants)
Alix Kubdel: Aka. Devil Rabbit. Archeologist of the Miracle Pirates. Devil fruit: Clock Clock fruit: A Paramecia type devil fruit that allows the user to rewind or fast forward time around them by holding their breath. The more it’s used the bigger the headache the user gets. Can read ponoglyphs. Bounty: 333,333,333 berries. (Most notable crime: Threat to world government)
Rosé Lavillant: Aka Fragrant Healer. Healer/doctor of the miracle pirates. Rosé was a sick child that thanks to a master of herbal alchemy saved her life. Studying the herbs for years she became incredibly good at curing diseases. Her dream is to never let a child suffer from sickness like she did. Bounty: 80,080,008 berries (most notable crime: Assisting the miracle pirates in their attack on Sabody)
Luka Couffaine: aka Serenading Serpent. Musician/Therapist of the miracle Pirates. Devil fruit: Snake-Snake fruit: Model: Viper. His snake form allows him to slither quietly and use potent poisons when needed. He is looking for his sister who was kidnapped by the world government. Bounty: 150,000,000 berries ( Killing a vice admiral and attacking a war lord of the sea)
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
For the writing prompts could I please request 3. every mall is haunted, obviously with Taakitz please and please and please?
"Every mall is haunted, obviously," Taako says with the kind of confidence one might use to declare that war is over, or that the sun would burn your tongue if you licked it, or that Ms. Frizzle is a lesbian. 
"Sure," Kravitz agrees automatically, because he's been seeing hearts where important visual information oughta go for like, months now. And then, "Hang on, rewind. You believe in ghosts?" 
"No," Taako spits back, cockily feeding quarters into the breaking room vending machine. "But ghosts don't need to be believed in for spook'emup horseshit. Are you really eating a Lean Cuisine again? I swear to God, I'm going to invite myself over and-"
"No no, don't deflect, you- fucking can't–Taako you say this shit and words have  meanings, you're aware of this, right?" 
"-Like that's not even a joke, or a bastardization, that's culture you're devaluing with those three hundred forty calories, you know that, right? If it were a currency, the bank would be on fire." 
"Taako," Kravitz, exasperated. 
"Kravitz," Taako, cartoonish. He slams the button just liked the taped notice on the thing says to not to, and a Dr. Pepper falls out for the fiftieth consecutive time. "What am I supposed to blame, capitalism? Nah, this is fuckin ghosts, and you know it." 
"I guess if any place in the mall was haunted, it would be the Burlington Coat Factory," Kravitz concedes. 
"Burlington GHOST factory!"
"Uh huh." Kravitz can't be in love with him. He can't. Surely he just has some kind of disease instead. He isn't going to go to the doctor though, so the world may never know. "What spooky thing happened, then, chef?" 
He twirls his path-ketti and takes a Big Happy Bite and does Not gag, no one can claim otherwise. 
"All the fuckin' mannequins were in the grand hallway when we opened! Posed like- I don't wanna hurt your delicate sensibilities–"
"I'm not allergic to dirt, Taako."
"They weren't even fucking! Like, obviously if they were dolly-dallying and Barbie Bussin' it open, pause for applause," 
"Applause," Kravitz says dryly, because Taako won't go on if he doesn't get some acknowledgement, and again, this guy? This one? He's having romantic dreams about this fool? Christ alive and back again for one final tour, get tickets now on KVX9, at 8:30, 12:30, 4:30–
"They were all gruesome murder scenes." 
"Oh. Maybe the prankster just isn't horny."
"Couldn't be it!" Taako does a great big HMMM. "Maybe we should do a stakeout." 
"Why?" Kravitz blinks slowly at him. "The mall can be haunted. It's fine. Ghosts are above my paygrade." 
"Damn," Taako says, sighing and dramatically flopping on the table, and then turning to give him the biggest puppy dog eyes Kravitz has ever seen. "I was hoping you 'n me could bang it out together." 
Kravitz chokes on his heart leaping into his throat, and Taako lounges and languishes as he waits for Kravitz to spit up The Spaghetti Satan Would Deny. 
"Yeah?" He finally manages. 
"Mhm. This." 
"Not like. A movie?" 
"Chaboi can't sit through movies, I don't know why this shocks you." 
"Fair," Kravitz croaks. He shakes his head. There is one true path. He is cursed to fucking Candyland. His fate was set, predestination, there is no Fuck Nah option. "I…guess?" he says, regretting and anticipating in equal measure immediately.
"Fuck yeah!" Taako pops up like a wacky inflatable tube salesman. "I gotta make some snacks!!!"
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alienaiver · 1 year
Kaminari and 3? I love the colour theme of your blog! It's so sunny and happy
i gotchu my dear! and thank you so much 🥹🧡 i like that you think of it like that, that was the intention!! 🧡✨
number 3 is: "just please open your eyes" which.. took a heavy turn here 🫡
warnings include canon typical violence and wounds (no wounds are described in any detailed or gore-y way but they are still there and mentioned briefly) but dw, a happy ending and 1.2k words!
(this was also formatted and posted from my phone as i have flunked down on my gengar plushie and cannot get up. if theres any mishaps let me know and ill fix them on my pc tomorrow! 🥰🧡)
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Kaminari whips his head around, a triumphant smile on his face as he searches for your hero suit's color scheme in the mess of settling debris and civilians. This is the first respond and rescue you both have officially been a part of as Pro Heroes and the overwhelming victory has Kaminari's veins buzzing in a way that he haven't felt like before. He might even feel brave enough to confess to you right now.
Now, where are you?
In more depth he takes in his surroundings. There's paramedics by their vans, helping civilians with their wounds and cuts, over by the setting sun there's his mentors talking to civilians who passed by, there's Bakugou crouched down by an unconscious person and then there's the media by the edge of the scene, trying to catch the scoop of today's events. Only one building fell down and that was the villain's doing. The debris around you is so small and dusty because Bakugou's fast reflexes and quirk prevented the falling debris from being big enough to kill anyone. Kaminari sure is lucky he's got so capable friends -- colleagues, he reminds himself with a cheerful glee.
Wait, rewind.
Who's Bakugou crouched over? He's checking for a pulse. Kaminari scrunches up his eyes to get a better look and his heart stops beating as time freezes. He thinks that his breath hitches but the second that the dusty air returns to his lungs, everything goes into overdrive. His heart beats faster than he thought was possible, sweat travels down his brow, his back and his hands feel sticky. Every muscle is begging him to move, to run.
So he does. He runs and screams and yells your name as loud as he's able, hurrying to be by your side. He stumbles and falls down on his knee and in the back of his mind he does register the scraping, the blood trickling but none of that is what he feels.
There's blood on your face. Kaminari can't see more for the paramedic hooking you to a machine. He pushes and pulls uselessly at Bakugou's arm and somehow, the brute lets him -- doesn't even reprimand him for accidentally scratching.
Did the debris hit you? Did the Tech Villain get a hold of you before Kaminari zapped and paralysed him? Someone grabs a hold of his arm but he can't tear his eyes away from you to look at who it is and what they want.
In a muted, underwater sort of way, he hears Yaoyorozu's voice as she starts fiddling with him, putting a mask over his face without kaminari flinching or moving to stop her. It seems logical in a situation that isn't, so he lets her.
At the hospital, the doctors have a hard time being allowed to check the cut on Kaminari's abdomen that's still bleeding and while Kaminari has always prided himself in being way more collected in serious crisis than his peers (which is a debatable feat according to you and Sero, but he digresses), he shamefully has to admit that a coffee table has been punched hard enough to break in blind rage. He refused to leave your side, so the doctors have settled on fixing him up as he looks at you from another bed they put in for him. Cruelly, his mind supplies the thought that he'll probably receive disciplinary action at the agency for acting out like this on his first job and creating trouble for the doctors and paramedics. He scoffs at the thought, eyes trained on you.
Someone is patching up a minor cut on his shoulder as he sighs out, "just please... open your eyes."
He's drained now. His battery's running on empty and the buzzing that's been going in his ears settle to a low hum so when he's asked to lie down on his stomach so that they can clean a wound on the back of his thigh, he simply does as he's told without a fight.
He falls asleep. Somehow, miraculously, he manages to fall asleep while fear and anger has him tossing and turning in his mind, drowning and burning, crying and yelling. His dreams are nothing comfortable, but they're not tangible either. He can't describe any of what he sees and hears in the dream to anyone, they're not coherent.
So when he wakes up with a startle, his eyes widening as tears roll down, he's surprised to feel a weight on his mattress that isn't his own. Slowly, almost fearfully, he turns his head to his left, where you're propped up, a fidget toy in your grasp.
He whispers your name, almost in disbelief and you look at him with a bright smile. Your head's still wrapped in bandages and he can see that you're connected to an IV you've dragged with you to his bed, but you seem... fine?
The way you so casually greet him with a grin deflates him slightly as he lets his head fall back on the pillow. "You're okay?" he asks muffled half through the fabric and you put down whatever gadget you were fidgeting with and runs a hand through his hair, "are you? I heard from Momo that you've caused quite a stir."
"You were unconscious!"
"I got a concussion and passed out."
He looks up at you with furrowed brows, "they hooked you up to some kind of machine."
You can't help the snort that escapes you. You can tell he's anxious and from what Yaoyorozu has told you, he hadn't listened to anyone since he spotted you passed out.
"Yeah, because they couldn't assess the damage properly on site and needed to take precautionary measurements until I was brought here, you know protocol. All this has done is give me a giant headache and a free pass from writing reports for a few days. I'm okay, Denks."
He sighs as he snuggles close to you. You wrap an arm around him like you usually do when he gets cuddly and needy. Your heart is beating faster than you'd like to admit and hope he doesn't notice. He'd been so beautiful today on scene, fighting with confidence and brilliance. You wanted to confess when the battle was over.
No time like the present, right?
"Hey Denks?" you carefully ask, and he hums a reply but seems to exhausted to look up at you. You kiss the top of his head and feel him tense, "I'm in love with you. I'm sorry i worried you."
There's quiet for a moment, like time stands still. Then, he jumps to sit up, groan from the pain of his stitches -- though no less excited -- and yells out a, "really?!" with stars and hearts in his eyes. You can't help but laugh.
Kaminari's never been subtle, but you needed some time before you were ready. Then, he coughs into his hand and turns all serious and nods solemnly, "mhm. I mean, I appreciate the apology. Don't pull that shit on me ever again."
He tries to shake hands with you, face still pulled tight like he's doing business and you just laugh, grab his hand and pull him down so he's face to face with you, "I'll do my utmost, handsome." and then you kiss him. You both grin into the kiss before deepening it.
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idkaguyorsomething · 9 months
the edge of destruction episodes are also rather buckwild, because it comes after they’ve done the “one trip to the past, one trip to the future” thing, but this is the actual episode where we get the doctor’s characterization and dynamics with the others set in stone. everyone spends half the story in their nighties. they do among us for thirty seconds. the doctor threatens to kick barbara and ian out into the vacuum of space and barbara calls him a little bitch. susan goes crazy and starts stabbing a sofa. the tardis drink machine is broken. and the reason everything’s been happening is BECAUSE THEY LEFT THE REWIND TIME SWITCH ON. the climax revolves around the doctor explaining how spring-loaded switches work to the audience before saying sorry. then they all have a snowball fight and ian puts on the best/worst coat of all time. truly an experience
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chiveburger · 2 years
I pretested an older man today at work and there are times where people get curious about what machines do what for their eyes. before when I was greener, I didn’t have the answers myself but after 5 months I kinda do... I combine whatever my doctors tell me and whatever I find on google so he was asking me what I was doing and I was explaining it to him. he wasn’t crude? but just kinda cold, as some white men in their 60′s are. then when I placed him in the room for the doctor he was just like “thank you, you have really good bedside manners. a lot of people don’t value and understand that but you do” and I was like "oh thanks sir...” but I didn’t even know what good bedside manners meant 😭😭 I know it had the implications of being a compliment though lmaoooooo. apparently it just means like the behavior you have when treating others, and specifically in this case a health worker towards a patient and I’m glad he thinks so, but weirdly enough a lot of patients have come in saying things along the same lines. which is what I find funny because while I don’t think I’m purposely rude, in my head I’m just rewinding my dialogue and repeating it everyday. my goal is always to get these people in and out of my clinic as soon as possible so I can go home but I guess it’s nice they think I’m polite and kind. 
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I posted 4,343 times in 2022
48 posts created (1%)
4,295 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 330 of my posts in 2022
#for future reference - 17 posts
#the blogger rambles - 16 posts
#the blogger watches - 15 posts
#kinnporsche - 14 posts
#about the blogger - 9 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 8 posts
#the untamed - 6 posts
#anyway - 6 posts
#jeff satur - 5 posts
#wow - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#anyway my mom’s thing makes me twitchy because i mostly just try to remember to eat enough in a day and don’t fuss about the contents
My Top Posts in 2022:
The streaming session of the KinnPorsche world tour I was participating in kinda fell off the rails during the English version of Why Don’t You Stay, which was very sad. Hopefully it turns out okay for the rest of it tomorrow.
My thoughts in no particular order:
Dang, Slot Machine is awesome and I should go look them up. (We amazed a random discord member who randomly wandered into the stream about Mile having previously been just a filthy wealthy dude that played the guitar)
Oh my goodness, Jeff!!! Said multiple times, by multiple people.
The VegasPete scene was chef’s kiss. Gonna wax dance show critic here but Bible has some amazing physicality and charisma. Like I’m pretty darn ace and I still can tell that he’s hot and does amazing work as Vegas. I’m in the middle of episode 10, so I haven’t fallen headlong for Pete/Build yet…but it’ll probably happen.
So highly amused that Barcode made up for the clothing deficit amongst everyone else singlehandedly. Pretty sure I missed the main brouhaha about the song he performed to, but nobody mentioned it was a cover of a Blackpink song! I love Blackpink!!!
The chat punched the air when Tay slapped Time. It’s possible to do polyamory ethically. Whatever Time’s deal is…isn’t it. On a sidenote: more Tay centric fics please.
I was highly amused that the mom got a sarong for her little thing with Chay/Barcode. The subtitles were on a horrendous delay, so I don’t actually know what all went on, but it’s cute that she was momming him.
As for the KimChay…I don’t quite see how that ending was horrible? Slightly more open ended than it could have been. But the flipside of forgetting the bad times is remembering the good ones. Obviously there were some good times or else Chay would not have been devastated by Kim’s betrayal. And…then there were technical difficulties and we had to stop the stream in the middle of Jeff’s performance. So that was lame. But Jeff did a good job before technology decided to pitch a hissy fit.
I concur with the person that said they hoped Jeff had gotten cleared to sing by a doctor. I’ve only listened to a few of his live performances and I could tell his range was a little rough. Don’t let them force you back into singing before your vocal cords have healed!!! That’d be awful if you permanently damaged them.
Anyway. Looking forward to the final half and all the Magic Mike bits.
14 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
I’d like to give Jackson Wang and whoever else is on his creative team congrats for having an excellent track record on music videos. I just watched the one for Cruel and my gosh that was neat. I like the through line of vapory lifeforce from Blow. That was cool.
My writing fingers might be slightly inspired…so who knows what’ll come.
17 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Finished the second half of KPWT!!!! Once again in no particular order.
Would it have killed them to fix the subtitles before releasing the rerun tickets??? Like seriously, I thought youtube subs could be iffy, but these were…special. They could have held off on letting people do the rerun viewings long enough for them to fix the timing and the quality. Yeah, live subtitling is super labor intensive…but afterwards…you get to pause and rewind to make sure you’ve got it correctly.
Anyway. The Minor family thing was entertaining. I would probably strain something in my back if I had to do flips in the air. It’d be fun…but yeah…I’m not nearly as athletic as Bible.
Build playing the saxophone amused me to no end.
I’m excited for the MileApo flick and hopefully they plunk it on iqiyi or something so I can support BOC with my watching.
I’m very impressed at how many parents were there…because if mine were at such an event…I’d change my name and move to the Southern hemisphere.
I must give JJ’s arms and shoulders an honorable mention because he has obviously worked hard on them. I certainly would not want to get tackled by him.
I snickered when I saw how tall the heels on Jeff’s boots were during the final…clubbing moment…or whatever we are calling it. Finale of some sort. Anyway…Jeff is tiny and Barcode is definitely taller than him and I am delighted. I say this as if Jeff isn’t possibly taller than me by a couple inches. Crap. I’m gonna have to look that up. Anyway, Jeff is all the gender in a pint sized package. Except for where he’s still probably above average height.
Ahem. Lovely experience, would watch again if they fixed the subtitles.
22 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Oh dear lord, if the infantilization of Apo that’s going on on twitter by some people also has a side of ableism…I will riot.
I haven’t exactly watched a lot of interviews with him but the ones I have watched screamed possible adhd. He could just be very energetic. But if he does have adhd…infantilizing the grown man is doubly aggravating.
Anyway, glad I don’t go searching for stuff on twitter.
24 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I wish I remembered who wrote the fic with Kinn comparing his accent in English to Vegas’ and lamenting the fact that nobody was gonna send a second son to an international school and that’s why there’s a difference. Because it lives in my brain rent free and I wish I’d made a note of the fic.
26 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Title: Unveiling the Power of Flexographic Printing: A Comprehensive Guide
Flexographic printing, a dynamic and versatile printing process, revolutionizes the world of packaging with its innovative approach. At the heart of this technique lies the Flexible Photopolymer Relief Plate, tightly wound around a rotary cylinder—a distinctive feature that sets flexography apart. Let's delve into the intricacies of this process and explore why it has become the preferred choice for product packaging.
**Flexographic Printing Unveiled**
Flexography's magic unfolds as inked plates, adorned with subtly raised images, dance around a rapidly spinning cylinder. This swift, one-step process, coupled with the use of quick-drying ink, makes flexography the hallmark of efficiency in product packaging. From butcher paper to metallic films, flexo embraces a myriad of substrates, unleashing limitless branding possibilities for packaging companies.
**Navigating the Flexographic Printing Process**
Initiating the print process involves loading the printing plate onto plate cylinders. With each color requiring a separate plate, precision is paramount. Advanced video-assisted mounting machines ensure accurate alignment, paving the way for flawless image transfer onto the substrate.
Ink, the lifeblood of the process, traverses from the tank to an anilox roller, meticulously regulating ink deposit with its cell-like impressions. A doctor blade, a vigilant guardian, prevents ink flooding, ensuring a crisp, positive print image. As the printed image meets the substrate, a swift drying process, facilitated by various techniques, concludes this symphony of precision.
The final act unfolds at the outfeed and rewind stage, where substrates, now adorned with vibrant prints, pass through Die Cut Stations for the finishing touch.
**Advantages of Flexographic Printing**
Flexography boasts several advantages that make it an ideal choice for medium to high-volume print runs:
- Blazing speeds, perfect for long print runs.
- Compatibility with a diverse array of substrates.
- Minimal setup times, ensuring high-quality output with minimal waste.
- Single-pass efficiency, eliminating the need for separate printing, varnishing, laminating, and die-cutting processes.
- Cost-effectiveness in both equipment and maintenance.
**Why Opt for a Flexo Printing Press?**
Beyond speed and cost efficiency, Flexo Printing Press offers a host of benefits that can sway the decision-making process:
- Lower ink costs per square meter compared to digital printing.
- Enhanced flexibility and durability, catering to various colors and substrates.
- Increased production capacity for labels in shorter time frames.
- Versatility in applications, from cold foil to laminating glue and varnish.
- Inclusion of inline finishing within the Flexo Press.
- Adaptability to diverse industries, such as textile, packaging, and label printing, fostering market appeal and competitiveness.
- Ability to print on an extensive range of substrates, including paper, board, foil, plastic film, cellophane, recycled materials, and textiles.
Flexographic printing stands tall as a comprehensive solution, marrying efficiency, versatility, and cost-effectiveness—a triumph for businesses seeking to elevate their printing capabilities.
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meclinicseoul · 1 year
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Wagyan Paradise (Super Famicom, 1994) Part 8
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After taking out the space station, Takuto finds that the sinister shadow’s real job was to hide an ocean base for the Namers. He decides to swim inside and investigate it.
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...So, this is probably the most shocking screenshot to get. After swimming through the ducts of the base to get in, Wagyan Paradise shows off the next gimmick level it has, being a minecart level similar to what you’d find in Donkey Kong Country (Though not nearly as hard). Onward, Takuto, on the poop trolley to go to school!
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After a ride on the poop trolley, Takuto finds that Dr. Devil isn’t the only guy trying to impersonate Dr. Wily. This fishman isn’t all too pleased about the destruction of his machine that was making the sinister shadow cloud from earlier.
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After defeating that mad doctor Namer, we find his name is Namerstein. Because of course it is.
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The next stage follows another cool gimmick where Takuto can yell into a bubble-blowing pipe, and his voice comes out encased in a bubble that slowly floats in one direction and can be used as a platform. This series is so creative, it's a shame it tends to have very short simple levels. It's a bit like if Super Mario 3D Land/World was a third of its actual length.
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So it’s about at this point of the game that the narration before levels starts to give up on any kind of actual story and just points out stuff that’s happening. It’s a bit of a shame, though it does pick up again later on, and I still appreciate the presentation trying to tie it all together. It really does make me think of the Klonoa games.
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At the end of this stage, Takuto runs into Namerstein again, only this time he’s turned himself to a cyborg. That's a bit much considering Takuto only beat him at a baby japanese word swap game.
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Honestly, if I cared enough, I could actually use these Wagyan Land games to probably learn Japanese. In this game, the kana slowly spell out at the bottom of the screen and you have to pick the image that corresponds to it. In this case, it's a lion. Unfortunately for my higher education into learning a new language and jumping fully into weebdom, I only play Wagyan Land games for the plot.
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Of course, being a dumb American whose knowledge of Japanese is next to none...it's time to just spam choices til I get it with the power of Rewind!
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After winning a game fair and square, the mad doctor spouts gibberish and explodes, and it's back to the water for Takuto! I assumed that Google Translate was messing up here, but I firmly believe he really was just spouting gibberish as the loss to a baby robot kaiju thing at a baby Japanese game was too much for the mad doctor robot to handle. This is the second time you've blown up a robot today, Takuto!
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Takuto’s expressions just say it all.
Something else to note, I don’t think Dr. Devil is actually in this game at all. Maybe he’s on vacation, maybe it’s on the fact this game is probably done by a completely different team. First Wagyan is written out, and now Dr. Devil isn’t the bad guy? My childhood is ruined! I hate change! Namco, how dare you do this to a series I’ve been invested in for a week at this point!
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<<<Back to Part 7 Continue to Part 9>>>
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Feelings at 27
To hit it home early, I don't feel loved, but what does that mean? It took me a while to understand the meaning of it. I'm not a self-aware person at all. I'm an engineer and a Ph.D. student who loves things - machines, computers, algorithms, programming, AI, and so on. My love for things dominates over being conscious about people or myself. I remember all my life my parents, whom I love so much and know they love me, pushing me to be a better person. I felt like it was my responsibility to be the best for my younger siblings and for the sake of the bigger family. But who is the best? How to be better? What should I do? Well, for an Egyptian-born in a middle-class family, to do better is to get high grades in school and go to med school or engineering, perhaps. Plain and simple. My bigger family has no physician family member, so they always wanted me to go to med school, perhaps because they need someone when they get sick, and it takes a long time to find good doctors around. Anyways, all I got from my loved ones is a push to do better in school and praises when I do that, which I really appreciate. You chase good grades, and you get a reward as things. Those are not simple words. Those words were/are my entire life. No more, no less.
Let me be clear here. I remember that I was never hugged or felt safe to hug anyone, not even my parents or siblings. I never tried it, and when they did try to hug me when I was older, I didn't want it and couldn't feel it. I love them, but it's in my heart and the actions I take to serve them that show it. Giving them advice or helping them financially is all that I love to do. The way I was raised was to seek perfection in school. Everything else was secondary, including friends, mental health, food, gym, hobbies, or love. I didn't even know most of these things. Now add another challenge to the messed-up feelings that I felt: I left the only people who I know love me and the whole country, and traveled to the USA, a country in which I don't know a single person. A country full of people with different interests, languages, and cultures. Why? The answer is simple: I was programmed to chase things and opportunities without being self-aware. To be honest, I'm really glad that I came to the US, and I would do the same if time rewinds.
In the USA, my focus on things exploded, and my self-awareness and people connections were diminished even more. I was 18 at that time. I learned some lessons very quickly early on, summarized in three words: I am alone. My friends, whom I spent two years with, graduated or transferred to different schools, and no words from them after that. Moreover, my PhD PI sees me every day in the lab. Our relationship is simple: work. My attachment to people was gone, and my attachment to things was getting stronger. However, I did two internships and lived in 9 different apartments in two cities in just 8 years. I get strongly attached to at least the place which I call home, my room. This bond gets severed each time I move to a new place. Now I'm living in a nice apartment. I admit I love it and I call it home, but I love it in fear. I don't want to be attached. I know that I'll leave someday. These feelings are sad. You have to understand that at this point, my apartment is all I have; it's the place where I express myself freely and do what I want to do, not pressured by others to do "the right thing" or "be better."
The story goes on. In late high school, I learned the meaning of loving someone other than my family members. Our relationship was both good and bad. She loved me, or at least that what she said, but every time we had an argument, she broke up with me. She said multiple times that we were not meant for each other and that we should break up. This happened more times than I can count. Every single time, she would block me, and I couldn't call her. I had to go meet her in person with flowers and take her on a date to apologize. Apologize for what? I had no idea, and I didn't care at that point. It didn't matter who was right or wrong. What mattered was that I was the only one taking the extra step to apologize and try to make things right. I admit that I became deeply attached to her. I now realize that the reason I kept going back to her over and over again was that she was the only person I had this attachment with. Without her, life would be tough. This chapter of my life adds a lot to my feelings at 27. Do I feel loved? No.
I will summarize my feelings here with a story of me talking to my dad. He told me that I should get married to a girl from Egypt, even if she's still a student. We would live in a long-distance relationship for a couple of years, have children back home in Egypt living with their mother and learning Arabic and Egyptian culture for some time, while I stay in the US, finishing my Phd or working and making money after Phd. You, the reader, should understand and feel what I feel at this point. I'm a 27-year-old person pushing my entire life to do better in school, having no bonds with anyone or anything, living by myself without self-awareness, fighting foreignness and the Phd life, not feeling loved, living in fear to express my opinion about things in the country of "freedom", eating junk food and losing health chasing what? I will answer you. I'm hoping that one day soon (hopefully after finishing my Phd if I don't drop out), I will exit this messed-up cycle of life. I will not have to push anymore. I will live with a woman who loves me as I am, for who I am, no matter what happens between us. I will have children to teach them love. I will give all my heart, soul, and love to them. I will trust them, and they'll trust me. I'll be loved. This is my beautiful dream. That's it. That's all I want. If for a second, I felt that I would give up this dream and my future beautiful family to live abroad and to keep pushing harder and harder away from the people who love me, having my kids grow up without knowing me, without having bonds with me, then it's much easier to quit everything now. If I thought that, I'd have zero energy or power to continue to even drink a cup of water in this messed-up world.
That's my feelings at my 27th birthday. See you next time!
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conpaptexroller02 · 2 years
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tyrecordmachine · 2 years
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batchprinting · 2 years
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rewindingmachines · 4 years
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KEW High Speed Manufacturer, exporter & supplier Of Doctor Re Reeling Machine, Doctor Rewinder Machine, Doctoring Rewinding Machine, Doctoring Rewinding, Doctor Rewinding Machine, Winding Rewinding. We have designed and built for accuracy for doctoring use with air brake with reel diameter, Edge Guide with actuator for the Unwind reel, Air shafts for Unwind & Rewind units. It is used to salvage badly rewound coils produced on the Slitting and Rewinding Machine.
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