#Doesn't feel guilty abt killing anybody tbh
deathinfeathers · 1 year
//I love that you guys have enough faith in Lute to assume she doesn't actually enjoy the ghastly shit that she does...and I hate to tell you that that faith is toootally misplaced.
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unnerving-presence · 2 years
On my shit again, you get more Caleb fluff headcanons as a result -
Caleb's the absolute definition of 'ride or die' (cowboy pun intended) He doesn't give two shits what happens, he's sticking around until the absolute end unless you tell him otherwise or betray him in some way. Oh you have horrible mood swings? That's okay bbgworl so does he. Lowkey kinda crazy? That's foine shawty it makes you so quirky and not like other girls. Man's a simp, what do you expect
With that being said, I also believe that Caleb is one of the more patient killers in a relationship despite his short temper. He's surprisingly tolerant to a lot of bullshit, and while he'll call anyone pissing him off out right away it takes a lot for them to really get to him yk
ALSO on the topic of his short temper, it doesn't matter how angry Caleb is, he would never hurt his S/O purposefully outside of a trial (unless consent was given, if you're into that) If he accidentally hurt them, while upset or not, I feel like he'd definitely be fucked up for a while.
Once he realizes what he did, he'd probably be terrified of touching you unless you initiate it, and once you make it known that you're not upset and you're okay with him touching you he just kinda... holds you for a while. During so, he's just whispering apologies nonstop, I genuinely don't believe he in any way wants to hurt his S/O and it pains him to even do it during trials.
After he's done feeling bad (for the most part) he'd probably try and get you to hurt him somehow, eye for an eye kind of thing. I had a family member that accidentally slapped me when we walked into each other and wouldn't let me walk away until I slapped him back, I feel like he'd probably try and do the same thing. (If you do slap him, please mind the jaw)
i am not complaining at all i love hearing yalls hcs also long ass post below lol
caleb always gave me arthur morgan/micah bell vibes?? that first hc just sorta reminded me of how dedicated arthur was to his gang and it just reminds me of caleb all the time ajhfdjksf (I'm so obsessed w rdr2 rn so feel free to send in any asks relating to it even tho this is a dbd blog LMAO)
i think caleb only gets a temper when people intentionally try to get on his nerves or if he messes up on something too much. i think anybody would be angered by betrayal, so i dont think he'd have too much of a temper other than him getting smacked on the head by pallets and simply making a mistake. i wouldnt be surprised if he was bipolar tbh
i completely agree with caleb not hurting you. sure, he kills people, but that doesn't mean he would intentionally hurt you. caleb respects you and never believes you are deserving of pain. i also feel like caleb thinks its immature to hit someone just because their emotions get the best of them, so he doesn't want to hurt you just because hes angry at you (he's a little bit of a hypocrite cause he'd def rock someones shit if they tried to talk shit abt you)
if caleb does hurt you accidentally or not (if its not on accident its probably one of those RARE times his anger takes control) he would probably distance himself for your safety. he'd definitely scold himself for it too. i feel like caleb likes to hide certain emotions from you so you can worry about yourself and not him, so you might not even know he's feeling guilty about it. he knows it makes him seem like an ass if he doesn't say anything, so he will confirm that he will do better and that he knows he did wrong
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