#Dogma was a single 11 year old father (this is taking into account my headcanon that he already did age at a slightly slower rate than most
mwolf0epsilon · 6 months
Tulpa is 10 when Dog vanishes.
It has been 3 years since he's been administered the cure for his accelerated aging, so he's technically 14 in clone years rather than the 20 he would have been if he'd gone without. As such, he doesn't cope too well with the loss of his beloved pet and best friend.
Tulpa is 16 when Dog returns.
Although, to be quite frank, he hadn't really left. A fact which Agi had tried to tell them countless times in her own way, before inevitably giving up and then forgetting about it. Dog had not gone far at all, he'd merely been underground. Sleeping. Changing. Growing.
The reunion was chaotic.
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