#Lots of trials and tribulations getting that down to a fine science
mwolf0epsilon · 9 months
Tulpa is 10 when Dog vanishes.
It has been 3 years since he's been administered the cure for his accelerated aging, so he's technically 14 in clone years rather than the 20 he would have been if he'd gone without. As such, he doesn't cope too well with the loss of his beloved pet and best friend.
Tulpa is 16 when Dog returns.
Although, to be quite frank, he hadn't really left. A fact which Agi had tried to tell them countless times in her own way, before inevitably giving up and then forgetting about it. Dog had not gone far at all, he'd merely been underground. Sleeping. Changing. Growing.
The reunion was chaotic.
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neeterloveschenford · 3 years
RNM 3x05
So another Alexless episode. Did that part of it suck? Very much so. I miss him. But that means we’ve got two out of the way already. I am glad that now we can focus on rebuilding the foundation for the epic love story of Malex. There was a lot of goodness to go over this week. There were also a few things that weren’t so great. But overall I’m still loving this season. So let’s dive right in.
Let’s get the bad over with first. I get what they were trying to accomplish with the racism story. It’s one the most important issues our country faces today. And with one of the main characters being a cop, police brutality has been in the back of most of our minds since the beginning. And with Max’s white savior complex, well I can see how we got to where we are with ep5. But as people far more eloquent than I have pointed out, it’s almost like a “very special” sitcom episode.
Their hearts were in the right place, but you can’t solve something this complex in an episode of tv. It reminded me of when Arrow did their gun control episode. Miraculously Mayor Queen and the city council came up with a solution to the city’s gun problem, but we never got to hear what that problem was. They just all patted themselves on the back for fixing it. It came off as extremely hollow. It was nice to see Maria, Rosa, the reporter, and one of the Lopez’s set up Jordan to find out the truth, but in the end did it solve anything? Is racism in Roswell suddenly going to go away? I think we all know the answer to that. Was it good that they tried to address something that is on the hearts and minds of so many viewers? In theory, yes. But this is just something that is next to impossible to do in a sci-fi fantasy show about aliens. I do think their hearts were in the right place though. So I will give them props for at least wanting to do something more socially relevant.
So now for the good stuff. My sweet baby Kyle lives!!! I mean, we knew that he would, but I was still smarting from last week. And him waking up on Max’s couch with an alien stuffy was hilarious. I love Kyles’s relationship with Max and Michael. They all want to still hate each other, but they are actually friends. It’s a fun dynamic.
Liz and Heath are starting to bore me a little. We need to find out he’s in Deep Sky already. Right now, he’s just pretty to look at. It’s a shame. Jeanine talked about him being a real threat to Echo. Right now Forlex was a bigger threat than Heath and Liz. If he’s not part of Deep Sky, then I’m not sure what the point of his character is.
Arturo and Rosa were fantastic together. I love their relationship. In fact I love all the Ortecho relationships. We need more Ortecho family moments. They are so loving and supportive of each other. But they still behave like family. I want to see more moments of Liz and Rosa arguing over silly things. I want to see Arturo encouraging his girls to do more with their lives. I just want to see them eat pancakes together. They make me so happy.
Kyle and Michael! Science bros are my favorites. I love that Michael wanted to make sure that Kyle was safe. He still wants to hate Kyle for everything that he did in high school to Alex, but he sees Kyle for the man he’s become. And the I agree with my man-sitter line made me snort out loud.
Isobel continues to be a badass. I love that she was able to reign in her emotions and figure out what Jones was hiding. She continues to show just how strong-willed she is. And I find the whole thing with Jones bringing up Noah pretty interesting. Makes me think Noah played some part in the dictator’s regime when they were on The Oasis. I’m hoping they delve into that at some point. I’d love to see Karan come back if only for some flashbacks to their home planet. Maybe he was even part of the resistance. Maybe he used to be a good guy, but the broken pod really did drive him insane. I think it would be fascinating either way.
Maria is starting to bother me again. I wanted to see a change in her. But she still seems to ride roughshod over everyone. I would be fine with that if that was a recognized part of her personality. Some people are just like that. If you own it and realize that sometimes you hurt people but try to do better the next time, then that would be one thing. But the narrative still seems to be that Maria can do no wrong. I’m not expecting there to be any comeuppance for her, especially about 2x06. But if say Rosa or Isobel were to check her every once in awhile, then it would go a long way to making her more likable. I mean Isobel is very similar, but few people are afraid to put her in her place. I don’t know. Maybe it’s something that will happen a little later down the line.
Pretty sure that there’s something more to racist deputy. Maybe it’s because the actor that plays him was the big bad in the last season of Agents of SHIELD, but I’m not buying that he’s just a one off character that’s going to disappear. I haven’t figured out a good theory about him yet, but he’s made me suspicious.
Pretty sure when Jones first did the whole hand print thing with Max in the premiere, he did something to him that would make him drain life force from whoever he gave a handprint to. If you think about it, somebody was going to need to be healed and Max would sacrifice himself to save them. And then Max would have Jones “fix” him because he wouldn’t want someone to die just to keep himself alive. So by doing so, Jones set up a series of events that would let him download himself into Max. I think that was Max’s entire reason for existence. I think Jones is the dictator and that the reason he’s “immortal” is because he’s been downloading his consciousness into clones for some time now. Max wouldn’t forget what Kyle’s name was. Also, the whole scene with Liz and “Max” was so obviously Jones. His body language and the tone of his voice was not Max. I think maybe Max is still in there. (He knew Maria and seemed concerned.) But I think he’s not alone.
I’m going to end this review with my sweet baby boy Michael. The way he has grown and changed over the last two episodes makes me so happy! This is what all of s2 should have been for him. But, alas, we’ve had to have him do all this soul-searching in a handful of episodes. But it has been so good. His admission to Rosa that they were wrong for putting her in the front seat of that car was perfect. Not only did he need to own up to what they did, but Rosa needed one of them to do so. Neither Max nor Isobel have apologized for making Arturo the target of the racists in town. I can’t wait to have more Michael and Rosa scenes. And I can’t wait for Alex to see the change in Michael. We are so close y’all. Alex and Michael are both so different than they were when we started this journey with them. Do they both still have things to deal with? Yes. But now they’ve both seen that they are capable of change. They know they can both become good for each other. When they come back together this time, they will both have the ability to deal with the trials of tribulations of life. They will be able to commit to making their relationship work. It’s going to be so glorious!!
Well that’s it for this week. Sorry I got this posted late. I’ve had some family things to deal with this week. It’s been a rough week. But I have next week to look forward to. I just know that we are now at the beginning of the epic love story we’ve all been waiting for. So until next time my loves!
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news-lisaar · 4 years
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gscdiva · 6 years
October 10, 2018
I had a talk with a coworker yesterday and he was saying that people are a product of their environment and that we sometimes have to overlook the way that they may act or the things might say. I agreed that people are a product of their environment; however, as an adult you have the opportunity to break that stigma and make positive choices for your life. We cannot help the environment that we grew up in as children, but as we get older and wiser and we learn for ourselves how the world works, and learning the differences between right and wrong, we can learn how to overcome the obstacles of our past.
Growing up I had many challenges in my life. I never knew my father growing up, my mother died when I was four, and the closest male figure I had my grandfather died when I was in middle school. My grandmother raised me. Although this was not bad, but her grief was so great, she used alcohol to cope with her loss. When I saw and hung out with friends and their mothers, I knew I was missing the relationship I never had between a mother and a daughter. Growing up without father created some interesting consequences in my life…
Thank God, the one thing I did have was a strong church family and the best teacher mentor in the world, Ms. Perryman a great BFF and my family. They were my village before I even knew what a village was!
My church family introduced me to the Lord. They loved, nurtured, and cared for me.
Ms. Perryman took me under her wing and helped me to find the strength within me. She introduced me to a love for the fine arts.
I also had a great best friend that made me late for school every morning (smile). Colette did not know this but she saved me in so many ways just being there, our walks to school, movie nights at The Renaissance Center, lunch at Olga’s Kitchen, hanging out with her family at their home, and our love for Hall and Oats!
My family, The Heaths, I cannot say enough about my cousins were extensions of myself. We grew up as siblings. The many days, nights, holidays, spent at my Aunt Lucy and Uncle Walker’s home was safety for me. The times we spent playing games and sitting on the stairs watching TV in the front room. My Aunt and Uncle’s marriage was what I longed for…
Leroy, Marc, and Aunt Pat, they are my Louisville Crew! I cannot forget about my little brother, ShaRonda’s twin, and my little cousin and my Aunt. When I met Leroy at age 19, he accepted me as his sister and loved me unconditionally, even through some crazy stuff never once judging me! Since then he has been my little/big brother and protector. Marc was my buddy! We spent many hours hanging out in his mom’s room watching TV at our grandmother’s house. Our favorite movie was, Weird Science, and we knew all the words to the whole movie! I think we still do! My Aunt Pat was always there for me with the best advice and she always had my back! I have many great memories hanging out in her room talking about life!
They were all the perfect balance I needed to deal with the dysfunction in my life and kept me from spinning out of control. They gave me a little balance and stability when I needed it the most. I made sure my daughters had a village that they could lean on, so when my grief got so hard for me, and they could not lean on me, they had them. I thank God for my village grown up, because I do not think I would be the woman today without them.
The woman I am today is not the little girl I was at four when my mom died. The woman I am today is not the same person I was at 5 and 16. The woman I am today is not the woman I was 20, 30 years ago. The woman I am today is not the woman that I was 2 years ago.
The woman that I am today has learned a lot about life and death. She is no longer the same abused, knocked down, beat up, discarded, and rejected girl, teen, young adult or woman. I am no longer running from life… I am embracing the life I have been given. Good or bad Ups or downs Celebrations or grief Love or Hate
She is a survivor! I know that I am a Survivor! I will always get back up!
I know that I can depend on JESUS for anything and everything in my life. He told me, “I can do all things through HIM, because he gives me strength” Whenever I call on him, HE is always there. Even when I do not call on him, HE is still there. I know my future is greater than my past and GOD has some amazing things in store for me! I am READY!
Even though, I have learned to overcome the obstacles of my past, I realize that it will not always be easy. I will continue to have trials, tribulations, and storms. However, just like the title of my blog…there is always “Blessings in the Storm!” I will continue to function during the storms and make sure my focus is on the Blessings!
I love you all! Have an Amazing Day in the Lord!
I am a Survivor! October 10, 2018 I had a talk with a coworker yesterday and he was saying that people are a product of their environment and that we sometimes have to overlook the way that they may act or the things might say.
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