#Dolores McDonough
ozu-teapot · 1 year
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Les galettes de Pont-Aven (AKA Cookies) | Joël Séria | 1975
Jean-Pierre Marielle, tortured artist (with Dolores McDonough)
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Turismo Sanitario En MadridThe facultad y personal de nuestro departamento están dedicados a proporcionar, el estado de la técnica, la atención excepcional basada en la evidencia de lesiones y enfermedades musculoesqueléticas. Hay muchas razones por las cuales activo Ortopedia y Medicina Deportiva se ha transformado en una de las prácticas ortopédicas más reputados y de mayor desarrollo en el estado. Un jergón ortopédico proporciona una mayor comodidad y apoyo para aquellos que padecen de dolores de espalda y los dolores, artritis y inconvenientes en las articulaciones. Ella era muy agradable, muy informativo y paciente acerca de de qué manera activar mi pasaporte en mi Medicare. Resurgens ortopedias en madrid Ortopedia en McDonough cuenta con cinco médicos expertos en todo género de condiciones ortopédicas, incluyendo la columna vertebral, la cadera, la rodilla, la mano, la muñeca, el codo y el hombro. Davidson y sus colegas examinaron cuatro la calidad y accesibilidad de la información en línea sobre becas ortopédicos pediátricos y no encontraron vínculos del programa en la web de la Sociedad de Prótesis Pediátrica de América del Norte una busca en Google cedió enlaces directos a 68 por cien de los programas.
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ericfruits · 5 years
Convicted Judge Suspended
The Ohio Supreme Court has suspended a former judge for a felony conviction.
The Vindicator reported
Judge Diane Vettori will not be able to hear cases at the Mahoning County Area Court in Sebring while criminal charges against her are pending.
A spokeswoman for the Ohio Supreme Court cited a rule which states that judges are disqualified from acting as a judge while there is an indictment or information charging them with a crime punishable as a felony.
An information filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court charges Vettori, 49, of Canfield with stealing at least $92,000 from a former client’s home after the client died.
Vettori-Caraballo, 49, of Youngstown, was charged via criminal information with one count of fraud, one count of structuring cash deposits and one count of making false statements to law enforcement.
She was charged in federal court with stealing at least $96,200 from a former client, said U.S. Attorney Justin E. Herdman and FBI Special Agent in Charge Stephen D. Anthony.
Vettori-Caraballo stole between $96,200 and $328,000 in cash that was in the home of a client when that client died in March 2016, according to the information.
Vettori-Caraballo was elected to position of judge in Mahoning County Court #3 – Sebring Court in 2002, with jurisdiction over misdemeanor criminal and traffic charges and other matters in Sebring and Beloit Villages and Berlin, Green, Goshen, Ellsworth, Smith and Washingtonville Townships. She was reelected in 2006 and 2012, according to the information.
She also provided estate planning services to Robert Sampson, including drafting his will. On Nov. 20, 2015, Vettori-Caraballo filed an application in Mahoning County Probate Court to administer Sampson’s estate. The application stated Sampson died without a will. The probate court, unaware of Sampson’s will, appointed his closest living relative his sister, Dolores Falgiani,a s the administrator three days later, according to the information.
Sampson died in 2015.
Vettori-Caraballo prepared Falgiani’s will on Nov. 3, 2015. The will made 16 specific bequests to relatives and friends and bequeathed the rest of the estate to Animal Charity Human Society of Boardman and the Angels for Animal Charity in Canfield, according to the information.
Sometime in October or November 2015, Falgiani stated she was in possession of several shoeboxes of cash stored at her residence. Falgiani was found dead in her home on March 10, 2016, according to the information.
On several subsequent occasions in 2016 and this year, Vettori-Caraballo filed a notice of newly discovered assets with the court. Each time, she failed to disclose the cash she had stolen, according to the information.
The information also charged Vettori-Caraballo with structuring 22 deposits of the cash she stole into five different banks within four weeks to avoid regulations that require banks to report cash transactions over $10,000 to the IRS. In addition, the information charges that Vettori-Caraballo lied to the FBI when she was confronted about the theft and the structuring of cash deposits.
This case was investigated by the FBI and is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Brian McDonough and Ann C. Rowland.
If convicted, the sentence in this case will be determined by the Court after consideration of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, which depend upon a number of factors unique to each case, including the defendant’s prior criminal record, if any, the defendant’s role in the offense and the unique characteristics of the violation. In all cases the sentence will not exceed the statutory maximum and in most cases it will be less than the maximum.
(Mike Frisch)
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greenroofscom · 7 years
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Project of the Week: 38 Dolores by BAR Architects, April Phillips Design Works, American Hydrotech, Tournesol Siteworks, William McDonough + Partners & more... http://www.greenroofs.com/blog/2017/10/23/greenroofs-com-project-week-for-october-23-2017-38-dolores/
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drubblernews-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://drubbler.com/2017/03/04/ulster-unionist-leader-mike-nesbitt-is-to-resign/
Ulster Unionist leader Mike Nesbitt is to resign
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Image copyright Pacemaker
Image caption Walking away: Mike Nesbitt is to stand down as leader of the Ulster Unionist Party
Ulster Unionist leader Mike Nesbitt is to resign – the first major casualty of the Northern Ireland Assembly election.
“The buck stops here,” he said, announcing his decision as the count continued and shortly after he won his seat at the Strangford count.
Sinn Féin has increased its vote in the poll, while the DUP has largely held its place.
There is just one more seat to be declared, 89 out of 90 have been confirmed.
Image copyright Stephen Hamilton
Image caption The Mid-Ulster count gets underway in Ballymena
The turnout for the election is the highest since the vote which followed the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.
A total of 64.8% of the electorate voted – up 10 points on last year – beating the 2003 figure by 0.8%.
Mr Nesbitt said the electorate had rejected his message and he had to take responsibility for what happened.
End of the night analysis – BBC News NI’s Political Correspondent Gareth Gordon
This election has produced more than its fair share of storylines. Having lost a number of prominent figures including former deputy leader Danny Kennedy and Jo-Anne Dobson, UUP leader Mike Nesbitt said it would be the height of hypocrisy if he did not take full responsibility. He leaves his party facing an uncertain future.
It has also been a difficult election for the DUP. Party Chairman Lord Morrow and former minister Nelson McCausland are among those who lost their posts.
But it has been a great election for Sinn Féin. Their vote is up almost 4% and they are breathing down the DUP’s neck.
Alliance looks like coming back with its eight seats. For the SDLP, the high points include the come back of its former deputy leader Dolores Kelly in Upper Bann and the surprise success of Pat Catney in Lagan Valley thanks to Ulster Unionist transfers.
Media captionWatch: Mike Nesbitt announces he is resigning as UUP leader
The Ulster Unionist leader is among seven party leaders to be returned.
The others are First Minister and DUP leader Arlene Foster; Sinn Féin’s northern leader Michelle O’Neill; Alliance Party leader Naomi Long; SDLP leader Colum Eastwood; TUV leader Jim Allister and Green Party leader Steven Agnew.
Image copyright Niall Carson
Image caption Michelle O’Neill, Sinn Féin’s Northern leader, celebrates winning her seat
DUP leader Arlene Foster declined several interview requests from the BBC. However, in her acceptance speech, she said the run-up to the election had been “challenging”, but the focus was the future.
“Let us move forward with hope that the common good will be able to prevail over narrow divides of interest; hope that civility can return to our politics; hope that a functioning assembly can be restored and hope that a Northern Ireland with so many overlapping cultural identities can be home to all of us,” she said.
Image copyright PA
Image caption DUP leader Arlene Foster is re-elected in Fermanagh and South Tyrone
Four former ministers – two from the DUP, one from the SDLP and one from the Ulster Unionist party – lost their seats.
The first big shock of the day came when Alex Attwood, SDLP, lost his seat in Belfast West. The second was when Danny Kennedy, UUP, was eliminated in Newry & Armagh – he had been an assembly member since 1998.
Image copyright PAcemaker
Image caption Alliance leader Naomi Long celebrates her success
Later, DUP stalwart Nelson McCausland lost his seat in Belfast North and his party chairman Lord Morrow lost his seat in Fermanagh and South Tyrone.
The SDLP suffered a body blow in Foyle – the traditional heartland of the party and former seat of its founder John Hume.
Sinn Féin came home first and second in the count, leaving the SDLP leader Colum Eastwood and Mark H Durkan trailing in their wake.
Media captionFormer MLA Alex Atwood was eliminated in the 2017 count
The party, which once held sway in west Belfast, no longer has a presence there after Mr Attwood’s defeat.
The election – the second in 10 months – was called after the collapse of a coalition led by Arlene Foster’s DUP and Sinn Féin’s Martin McGuinness.
Image caption Long-standing SDLP assembly member Alex Attwood failed to secure his seat in west Belfast
Mr McGuinness resigned over Mrs Foster’s refusal to step aside as first minister pending an inquiry into the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme, which could cost the Northern Ireland tax payer £490m.
SDLP leader Colum Eastwood said Sinn Féin were the “net beneficiaries” of a huge nationalist turnout intent on punishing Mrs Foster.
Image copyright Tony Hendron
Image caption Danny Kennedy, UUP, prepares to speak to the media following his defeat
Former DUP Minister Jonathan Bell who was suspended from the party for allegedly speaking to the press without permission over the RHI scandal, has also lost his seat.
Under Northern Ireland’s power-sharing agreement, the government must be run by Irish nationalists and unionists together.
Media captionTake a look at how BBC News NI has covered elections over the past 20 years
A total of 1,254,709 people were eligible to vote for 228 candidates competing for 90 seats in 18 constituencies. The turnout was up across the board.
Among the smaller parties, Gerry Carroll, People Before Profit Alliance, kept his Belfast West seat. However, his running mate Michael Collins was eliminated on the first count.
The largest unionist and nationalist parties after the election will have three weeks to form a power-sharing government to avoid devolved power returning to the British parliament at Westminster for the first time in a decade.
Image copyright Liam McBurney
Image caption Sinn Féin’s Niall O Donnghaile, DUP candidate Christopher Stalford and Alliance candidate Emmet McDonough-Brown at the Titanic Belfast count centre
The BBC News NI website will carry the latest election results and analysis on Friday and throughout the weekend.
Image copyright PACEMAKER
Image caption Some dressed up as crocodiles on polling day, in reference to Arlene Foster’s remark likening Sinn Féin to the reptile
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ozu-teapot · 1 year
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Les galettes de Pont-Aven (AKA Cookies) | Joël Séria | 1975
Dolores McDonough, Bernard Fresson, Jean-Pierre Marielle
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ozu-teapot · 1 year
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Les galettes de Pont-Aven (AKA Cookies) | Joël Séria | 1975
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cinemacinemas-fr · 5 years
📺 #ALaTéléCeSoir sur @ParisPremiere #LesGalettesdePontAven de #JoëlSéria avec Jean-Pierre Marielle, Claude Piéplu, Jeanne Goupil, Dolores McDonough, Romain Bouteille,... 🎬 2 ou 3 choses à savoir sur ce film #BandeAnnonce ▶️ https://t.co/6G4gdCmBqn https://t.co/DhFZF3HXr9
📺 #ALaTéléCeSoir sur @ParisPremiere#LesGalettesdePontAven de #JoëlSéria avec Jean-Pierre Marielle, Claude Piéplu, Jeanne Goupil, Dolores McDonough, Romain Bouteille,... 🎬 2 ou 3 choses à savoir sur ce film#BandeAnnonce ▶️ https://t.co/6G4gdCmBqn pic.twitter.com/DhFZF3HXr9
— Cinémannonce (@cinema_cinemas) April 9, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/cinema_cinemas April 09, 2019 at 02:00PM http://twitter.com/cinema_cinemas/status/1115585148920008704
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cinemacinemas-fr · 7 years
Les Galettes de Pont-Aven de Joël Séria (1975) #MrCinema 232
Retrouvez la bande-annonce du film Les Galettes de Pont-Aven ponctuée des secrets de tournage et d'anecdotes sur celui-ci. ■ Abonnez-vous sur Youtube ► https://goo.gl/dck70g ■ Suivez-moi sur Twitter ► https://goo.gl/IMyExb ■ Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ► https://goo.gl/eWnGLq ■ Suivez-moi sur Instagram ► https://goo.gl/N7expq 🎥 Les Galettes de Pont-Aven est un film français réalisé par le cinéaste Joël Séria sorti en 1975. ✎ Méprisé par les siens, Henri Serin, représentant en parapluie, s'accommode au mieux de sa vie de démarcheur en Bretagne. Un beau jour, il décide de tout laisser tomber pour vivre d'amour et d'eau fraîche. Il échoue à Pont-Aven et fait la connaissance d'Emile, un peintre local imitant Gauguin, et avec lequel il partage ses beuveries... 🎬 Fiche technique ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Réalisation, scénario et dialogues : Joël Séria Directeur de la photographie : Marcel Combes Musique : Philippe Sarde Date de sortie : 20 août 1975 ☺ Distribution ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Jean-Pierre Marielle, Claude Piéplu, Jeanne Goupil, Dolores McDonough, Romain Bouteille, Andréa Ferréol, Bernard Fresson, Dominique Lavanant, Martine Ferrière, Gisèle Grimm, Louison Roblin, André Chaumeau, Anne Alexandre, René Berthier, Jean Legall, Evane Hanska ✎ Sources Wikipedia: http://ift.tt/2gbDpPI ✎ Sources AlloCiné: http://ift.tt/1aQVWoQ https://youtu.be/AeASvuid-W8
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