#Donate Online to Skill Development Charity in India
nirmala7210 · 10 months
Charity Donations: Transforming Lives and Communities
Charity donations, also known as philanthropic contributions, are voluntary acts of giving that aim to support a cause or organization deemed worthy of assistance. These donations can be in the form of money, goods, or services, and they play a vital role in addressing societal challenges, promoting social justice, and empowering individuals and communities.
The Significance of Charity Donations
In a world grappling with complex issues ranging from poverty and hunger to environmental degradation and healthcare disparities, charity donations stand as a beacon of hope, providing a means to alleviate suffering, promote sustainable development, and foster a more equitable society.
Charitable giving extends far beyond the immediate impact on beneficiaries. It serves as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals and organizations to collaborate in addressing critical societal issues. The collective power of charity donations can drive innovation, mobilize resources, and amplify the voices of marginalized communities.
The Impact of Charity Donations
Across diverse sectors and causes, online donations have a profound impact on lives and communities. Here are a few examples:
Education: Charity donations support educational initiatives, providing scholarships, funding teacher training, and expanding access to quality education for underprivileged children.
Healthcare: Donations fund medical research, support healthcare infrastructure, and enable access to essential healthcare services for those in need.
Environmental Protection: Charitable contributions support conservation efforts, promote sustainable practices, and raise awareness about environmental issues.
Disaster Relief: Donations provide immediate assistance to communities affected by natural disasters, offering food, shelter, and medical aid.
Social Welfare: Charity donations support organizations working to combat poverty, provide food assistance, and promote social welfare programs.
Types of Charity Donations
Charity donations can be made in various forms, each with its own advantages and considerations:
Monetary Donations: The most common form of charitable giving, monetary donations provide organizations with the flexibility to allocate funds to their most pressing needs. Online donation platforms have made it easier than ever to make secure and convenient monetary donations to a wide range of causes.
In-Kind Donations: Donations of goods, such as food, clothing, and medical supplies, can provide direct and tangible support to those in need. In-kind donations require careful coordination and logistics to ensure they reach intended beneficiaries effectively.
Volunteerism: Volunteering time and skills is a valuable form of charity donation, providing organizations with human resources and expertise. Volunteer opportunities exist in diverse areas, from mentoring and tutoring to fundraising and event management.
80G Tax Benefits in India
In India, charity donations are recognized for their positive impact on society and are encouraged through tax incentives. Donations made to specified charitable organizations are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.
80G deductions reduce an individual's taxable income, thereby lowering their tax liability. This tax benefit serves as an incentive for individuals to contribute to charitable causes, supporting social development and empowering organizations to make a difference.
Making a Difference Through Charity Donations
Every act of charity, no matter the size, contributes to a larger movement of compassion and collective action. Individuals and organizations can make a difference by:
Choosing Reputable Charities: Researching and selecting reputable charities with a clear mission, transparent operations, and demonstrated impact.
Donating What You Can: Contributing what is financially feasible, whether it's a small monthly donation or a one-time gift.
Spreading Awareness: Encouraging others to donate and support causes they care about, amplifying the impact of charity.
Volunteering Time and Skills: Sharing time and expertise to support organizations directly, making a personal contribution to the cause.
Charity donations, in their diverse forms, are a powerful tool for positive change. By supporting worthy causes, individuals and organizations can contribute to a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. The act of giving, whether through monetary contributions, in-kind donations, or volunteering, is a testament to the inherent compassion and collective spirit that drives positive transformation. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, online donations will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping a brighter future for all.
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digiweb-insight · 2 months
DigiWeb Insight : Your Premier Digital Marketing Partner
Welcome to DigiWeb Insight Internet Marketing Agency, your award-winning partner in digital marketing. Our data-driven approach ensures your business thrives through expertly crafted online marketing campaigns.
Our Expertise
Our Focus
Since our founding in 2023, DigiWeb Insight has been dedicated to empowering businesses across various industries with top-notch marketing strategies. From a single-person startup, we’ve evolved into a full-service digital marketing agency, serving thousands of clients globally, including from Germany, Hong Kong, and the United States. Our clients range from startups to large franchises, spanning diverse industries.
As we grow, we continuously refine our methods and invest in the latest tools and resources to provide our clients with unparalleled services.
Our Mission
At DigiWeb Insight, we are digital marketing experts. Our dedicated team of over 220 professionals, located across 34 states and 10 countries, collaborates seamlessly to develop and execute effective marketing campaigns. Our diverse team, hailing from the United States, South Africa, the Philippines, India, and beyond, brings unique skills and extensive experience to every project, ensuring your long-term goals are met.
Our Results-Driven Approach
We prioritize strategic planning to deliver tangible results. Our digital marketing team goes above and beyond to ensure our campaigns not only attract new business for our clients but also promote sustainable success.
Our Digital Marketing Services
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhance your organic search rankings and boost brand visibility with ethical SEO practices.
Web Design and Development: Improve your website’s usability and attract loyal customers.
Social Media Marketing: Engage your target audience and improve customer interaction through social media.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing: Reach your ideal audience with targeted paid advertising campaigns.
Video Production: Tell your story and captivate your audience through powerful video content.
Content Writing: Our writers craft compelling content that supports your business objectives.
Online Reputation Management: Build and maintain a positive brand reputation to attract more business.
Conversion Optimization: Increase website engagement and turn more visitors into customers.
Amazon Marketing: Optimize your Amazon listings and pricing to maximize sales.
eCommerce Marketing: Streamline the buying process and reduce costs with effective eCommerce strategies.
Digital Marketing: Gain comprehensive control over your online presence with customized digital marketing solutions.
Core Values of DigiWeb Insight
Our Pillars of Success
Gratitude: We lead with thankfulness and humility, giving back and making a positive impact.
Respect: We treat everyone with respect, assuming the best in ourselves and others.
Ownership: We take responsibility for our actions and resources, and we work to correct our mistakes.
Work Ethic: We act with integrity and do the right thing, even when it’s challenging.
Think Bigger: We strive for constant improvement, embracing change to overcome obstacles.
Honesty: We build trust and respect by maintaining integrity in all our actions.
Our Commitment
Our success stems from our strong culture and values. We focus on maintaining these values to ensure the happiness and growth of our clients and employees. We invest in our team’s personal and professional development, creating a community of skilled and responsible employees.
Join Our Team
We are always looking for motivated digital marketing professionals to join our growing team. Contact us to learn how you can become part of the DigiWeb Insight family!
At DigiWeb Insight, we believe in the power of community. For every new client we take on, we provide a micro-loan to an aspiring entrepreneur through Kiva to support their business growth. We also match employee charity donations and engage in community service to make a positive impact locally.
Discover how DigiWeb Insight can elevate your business. Contact us today to get started!
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restingrishface · 4 months
A type of international private business self-regulation known as corporate social responsibility (CSR) or corporate social impact aims to support philanthropic, activist, or charitable societal goals through community development, professional service volunteering through pro bono programs, administering grants to non-profit organizations for the public good, or ethically oriented business and investment practices.
India is one of the leading nations in terms of CSR. With a significant emphasis on social performance as demonstrated by the firms' CSR projects, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as an effective strategy for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs, often referred to as the Global Goals, are an international initiative to end poverty, safeguard the environment, and guarantee that everyone lives in peace and prosperity.
This is where Marpu Foundation | NGO comes in.
Respected National Youth Awardee Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi is the founder of "Marpu," a synonym for transformation. Marpu Foundation uses each person's potential to transform the world for the better. Their main goals are to advance sustainable development, ecological consciousness, and voluntarism. They provide people the confidence to express their goals, strive for sustainability, and build partnerships with groups that share their values. Through inventive solutions driven by empathy, rather than traditional charity, their efforts bring about real and noticeable results.
Marpu also specializes in corporate volunteering and provides a range of initiatives to companies who want to involve their staff in worthwhile corporate social responsibility endeavors. It offers the greatest employee engagement initiatives available, enabling staff members to be the catalyst for meaningful change through a variety of in-person and online volunteer options. Whether it's leading child skill-building sessions, planning community clean-up drives, or planting trees to fight climate change, Marpu Foundation supports corporate volunteering programs that fit partner firms' unique goals and interests. It provides a wide range of initiatives that are designed to address the diverse sustainable development goals, including environmental conservation, health, and education, among many others. Investing in Marpu ensures total fulfillment and the achievement of sustainable development objectives thanks to their committed staff.
A few ways Marpu helps companies fulfill their Corporate Social Responsibility are:
- Adopt a Project
- Corporate Donations
- Volunteerism
- Payroll Giving
- Event Sponsorships
- Donation Boxes
- Cause related marketing
Overall, since the majority of volunteer activities are led by young people and students, who are the planet's future, the Marpu Foundation is the perfect vehicle for change toward a more sustainable and secure future.
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#marpufoundation #ngo #csr #communityservice
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Last Minute Tax-Deduction!
Thank you for 2022 and Happy 2023!
Cynthia Brian
29 min ago
Miracle Moment®
“Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can
In all the places you can
To all the people you can
As long as you ever can.”
Great Non Profits
A Message from Founder/Executive Director, Cynthia Brian
For twelve consecutive years, ever since the inception of Great Non Profits, Be the Star You Are!® has been honored as a Top Non Profit by Great Non Profits and Candid, formerly known as Guidestar. We don’t take this award lightly.
The volunteers work diligently to consistently provide the highest level of service to the programs we provide and the outreach we serve. Teen radio hosts, Book Reviewers, Researchers, Content Providers, Event Volunteers, Disaster Relief Workers, Book Review Director, Kindness Coordinator, and many others from around the world show up to provide their talent, skills, time, and efforts. At Be the Star You Are!®, we truly care about the development and empowerment of our volunteers as much as the people we serve. Teen volunteers indicate that their involvement with Be the Star You Are!® has played a pivotal role in their positive development and growth. As the Executive Director, I am proud of our volunteers and the work we all do to make our world a more kind and inclusive place.
And we do all of this through individual and personal donations and a 100% volunteer staff, including myself. We don’t receive state or federal funding. We depend on YOU!
We are grateful to the donors, sponsors, and supporters who have contributed financially to our mission of empowering and encouraging women, families, and youth. Thank you, thank you!
As we say goodbye to 2022 and welcome 2023, we extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has been part of our galaxy. We look forward to continuing the journey together.
If you want an end-of-year tax-deduction, or just want to make a final donation, you can easily do that online through PAYPAL Giving Fund, with no fees. DONATE here: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Checks can be sent to Be the Star You Are!®, PO Box 376, Moraga, Ca. 94556
At the end of this newsletter, you can read a summary of a few of the accomplishments of this grassroots, all-volunteer charity and other ways you can help.
From all of us, to you and your families, continue shining.
May 2023 be the best year ever!
With gratitude,
Cynthia Brian
Founder/Executive Director
Be the Star You Are!®
PO Box 376
Moraga, California 94556
DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Turning over a new leaf
by Shubham Acharya
Another year has gone by, and a new one approaches. Starting from Christmas through the new year, the air is filled with such a festive feeling and a renewed sense of hope that it is almost tangible. The new year presents a strange paradox, on the one hand, we are elated for the fresh chance we are given, followed by disappointment when we inevitably fail to fulfil the laundry list of new year's resolutions we undertake. So, this new year, let's keep things simple and instead of making a list, let's follow the tagline, "A little something for me and a little something for you." Do something for yourself—take a trip you've always wanted to take, buy a gadget you've always wanted to buy (within reason, of course!)—as a reward for surviving the previous year, and do something for someone less fortunate than you, whether economically or in terms of family: spend some time with them, lend a sympathetic ear to their problems, as little and as much as you can to alleviate some of their pain and return some of your festive happiness and hope. Lastly, I wish you a very happy and prosperous new year 2023!
Shubham Acharya is an IT professional, passionate about history and antiques living and working in India. He loves reading books and collecting antique coins. As a Be the Star You Are!® volunteer in Mumbai, he believes strongly in women’s empowerment and children’s literacy. Shubbam writes: “My mother was a teacher in a government sponsored school in one of the poorest localities in my area, so I grew up very aware of the importance of education and literacy in changing people’s lives. Having said this, I fell in love with the Be the Star You are!® motto ‘To be a leader, you must be a READER’.”
Bragging Rights!
With no paid staff and all volunteers, since receiving our 501c3 status in 1999, Be the Star You Are! has:
Served 555,927 individuals and families
Donated to 118 organizations
Logged 670,999 volunteer hours and growing
Distributed $2.1 million plus in resources
Broadcast 2200 unique hours of positive programming through radio broadcasts.
Published 5 signature award-winning books, Be the Star You Are!® 99 Gifts, Be the Star You Are!® for Teens, Be the Star You Are!® Millennials to Boomers, No Barnyard Bullies, and Miracle Moments®,
Written and published over 2530 book reviews in collaboration with The Reading Tuband Express Yourself!™ Creative Community.
Interviewed over 2500 authors, experts, and celebrities.
Honored by the California Assembly for 20 years of community service.
Nominated for the California Governor’s and First Lady’s Service Awards
Honored with five-star ratings as a Top Rated Non-Profit by GuideStar and Great Non Profits for the Women’s Empowerment, Arts and Culture, and the Arts Appreciation Campaigns since 2010.
Be the Star You Are!® encourages and supports its volunteers to GROW people.
READ the congratulation letter from California Assemblywoman Catherine Baker
READ recognition letter from Assembly California Legislature Assemblymember, Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
2021 Founder Cynthia Brian honored and featured on the Points of Light Inspiration Honor Roll celebrating outstanding individuals who improve the lives of others.
2022 Founder Cynthia Brian honored and featured on the Points of Light Inspiration Honor Roll celebrating outstanding individuals who take action to create change in communities
3 original films by volunteers accepted into International Earth Gratitude Festival: Cynthia Brian, Ruhani Chhabra, Sharanya Roy
Do You Want to Help? Here are lots of ways to make a difference.
Send a tax-deductible contribution or offer a monetary tribute or memorial for a loved one.
BUY an unique NFT
Buy our books by the case or as singles through our office
Buy our "Read, Lead, Succeed!" T-Shirts to give as gifts.
Buy a unique NFT to hold, share, or sell.
Make $100 donation and receive our 3 signature books
Donate air miles
Sponsor or advertise on our radio programs
Donate goods that can be auctioned off at an event
Make BTSYA a beneficiary of your UNITED WAY donation
Sponsor an event making the charitable beneficiary
Buy or Sell on eBay through GivingWorks
Shop online at thousands of stores by using one of these sites that give back:
              Amazon Books
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               Humble Bundle Digital Content
#Giving Tuesday PayPal adds 1%, Donate at https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Volunteer time
Become a Benefactor
Establish A Charitable Giving Account with an Investment Firm in the name of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3
Donate rent money for our storage space
Please join our Galaxy of Stars and support BE THE STAR YOU ARE!® with your contributions and/or ask your company to be on our team. Visit our creative community at http://www.BTSYA.org for book reviews, news items, newsletters, and press pass clips.
PO Box 376,
Moraga, California 94556
Make a donation via Paypal Giving Fund
View a partial list of beneficiaries we have served.
All donations are tax-deductible according to law. A tax receipt will be emailed to you for all donations over $25.00.
Thank you again for being stars in our universe. Enjoy a happy, healthy, blessed New Year! And remember to do all the good possible, always!
Share StarStyle® Empowerment: https://cynthiabrian.substack.com/p/do-all-the-good-possible
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ingek73 · 5 years
We Need to Talk About the Sussexes’ “Global Brand”
Sunday, 23 June 2019
Amidst a flurry of Saturday morning tasks, I caught up with my sister on the phone yesterday. We mulled over several topics before she inquired about the blogs and reports concerning the Royal Foundation: "Why do they blame Meghan for everything? What exactly is she supposed to have done that's not in line with the way the royals operate professionally?"
I've thought about these questions quite a bit since. It led me to carefully consider the reaction to news the Sussexes will leave the Royal Foundation and start their own charitable arm later this year. Surely, this is positive news? Well, apparently not. For this announcement has been met with....you guessed it....more criticism levelled at Meghan. Never mind it's been widely acknowledged the Sussexes did not push for the split, although all four are said to be pleased with the outcome. Headlines and furious social media posts appeared recently with such titles as "This is all Meghan's fault", "The Sussexes don't know their place", "They are not happy with their place within the family", "All they care about is creating a 'global brand'". You get the gist of it...
The term "Global Brand" has been bandied about along with outlandish speculation. Harry and Meghan have been accused of attempting to profit personally, running amok from Buckingham Palace with their own agenda and using this platform to break the royal mould. In the eyes of some the Sussexes are the downfall of the monarchy. What with their solid work ethic, proven successful projects, worldwide popularity and desire to use their roles for good, the Queen and her top aides must be positively shaking in their boots (or in Her Majesty's case her black patent Anello & Davide shoes). This is all sounding rather ridiculous isn't it?
Why has this been allowed to continue, escalate and take over the narrative you might ask? It's stemmed from an era of click-bait media where the lay of the land allows online journalists to write first, ask questions later, or better still don't ask them at all. A seething online fan war where misinformation becomes factual and, particularly, a complete lack of understanding, education and knowledge about the monarchy is worn as a badge of honour. I'm going to underline that because this is the crux of the issue and one which badly needs to be addressed before we are to endure months and years of vicious attacks against the Sussexes' foundation and future work. As long as this level of false information circulates on the internet and readers accept this as reality, it's not going anywhere, and I for one find it outrageous.
So, back to my sister's questions... "Why do they blame Meghan for everything? What exactly is she supposed to have done that's not in line with the way the royals operate professionally?" Step by step, I intend to answer that question using facts and senior members of the Royal family.
A 'Global' Royal Family?
As noted above, talk of a global 'Sussex Brand' has been used in the most derogatory sense. Members of the Royal family never focus on global issues, right? Incorrect. The royals' work in the UK is of course their primary job, but it isn't representative of their roles' sum total. Not at all. Representing Her Majesty in the Commonwealth and globally, in addition to supporting their own causes around the world plays a part in the working lives of most of the Royal family. I'm pleased to have learned of, and I'm delighted to share, the extent of those efforts by members of the British Royal family.
Certainly, when one is searching for an exemplary example of charitable work on any scale, we need look no further than the Prince of Wales. I could easily dedicate ten posts to his life's work and only barely scratch the surface. What I will focus on are his efforts and successes outside the UK to demonstrate the reach the Royal family has had for decades. Since Charles founded the Prince's Trust in 1976 (using his navy severance pay) to help vulnerable people get their lives back on track, his interests have grown to the point where he has over 400 patronages. His boundless desire to help others and to maximise the impact of his role has seen him launch, lead and support a number of charities further afield.
Have you heard of the Prince of Wales's Foundation Romania? Established in 2015, to take forward Charles' work in the country, the foundation develops a number of projects to support architectural heritage preservation, farming and sustainable development in Romania. As with much of Charles' work, it's about taking a practical, results-driven, sustainable approach. Relevant skills and practical courses are delivered to small farmers, producers of artisan food as well as Romania's wounded soldiers. Charles fell in love with the country, culture and people following a visit to Transylvania in 2007. During a speech at the Babes-Bolyai University he said: "I have often been asked about what brings me so often to Romania, what makes this place so special. The answer is, to me, very simple: you, my Romanian friends; your cultural and nature patrimony, your traditions, but also your capacity for innovation and change. All that you represent after centuries of history – your identity and your entire potential. All the energy you can expand to change something. These are the things that make you truly special in the entire world."
As with all members of the Royal family, the Commonwealth is an important part of Charles' life. Throughout his visits to member nations, he knew he wanted to make a lasting impact wherever he could. The Prince's Trust Australia delivers social impact by "transforming lives and building sustainable communities in Australia". Promoting enterprise skills, sustainable communities and supporting young people and defence members and their families are the core areas of the trust.
The Prince's Trust Canada is a registered Canadian charity established by Charles in 2011. It provides entrepreneurship training for veterans and transitioning Canadian Armed Forces members, helps young people reach their potential through employability programs, and supports Indigenous communities as they revitalise and protect their languages.
Next, we look at the Prince's Trust International, the definition of an organisation with global reach. Since its launch, the focus has been on delivering pilot programmes in countries around the world. They now have pilot programmes underway and established partners delivering programmes in Australia, Barbados, Canada, Greece, Jordan, Malta, Pakistan and New Zealand. If that's not enough, the plan is to move to a number of others countries in the coming years. Much like the Prince's Trust UK, the goal is to support and enable young people to avail of opportunities and improve their futures.
The Duchess of Cornwall is President of the Brooke, a worldwide organisation providing veterinary treatment for horses and donkeys. They reach over two million working horses, donkeys and mules across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Organisation staff include vets, animal welfare experts, and advocacy and development specialists. Camilla, a lifelong animal lover, is also a joint president of Elephant Family, a charity founded by her late brother Mark Shand in 2002 to save the Asian elephants. Again, supporting causes close to her heart is in addition to her duties on behalf of Her Majesty - it's not a case of running roughshod over the monarchy.
Shortly before the Earl and Countess of Wessex married, the Wessex Youth Trust was established to help, support and advance registered charities which provide opportunities specifically for children and young people. The Trust is proud to support worthy organisations both at home and internationally. "Internationally, funds have been directed to a wide variety of organisations - a Down Syndrome speech therapy centre in Moscow, and an orphanage in Chernobyl; a paediatric ophthalmology unit, training scheme and Flying Eye Hospital in Nepal and the Philippines as well as an HIV/Aids support programme in Uganda. In addition, donations have also been made to disaster relief operations - such as 9/11 and a children's home in Sri Lanka which helped victims of the 2004 tsunami."
Sophie has been a global ambassador for the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness since 2013. More from the Palace: "In 2013, this role took Her Royal Highness to the Orbis flying hospital programme in India and Qatar where she saw first-hand the many global issues around preventable blindness. Following the Countess' visit to India and Qatar, Her Royal Highness wrote an article for the Telegraph to coincide with World Sight Day. In India, Bangladesh and Nepal the sight-saving organisations are focusing on childhood blindness. In Sudan, Pakistan and Egypt the organisations are focusing on the Trachoma Elimination Programme. Her Royal Highness has drawn much attention to these on-going projects through her visits to the regions and has helped drive the plans forward through working closely with the organisations, and many youth and community events."
More from Buckingham Palace:
'On International Women’s Day 2019, the Countess publicly announced her commitment to champion the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda and the UK’s Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative (PSVI), at a reception for Women Peacebuilders at Buckingham Palace. WPS both recognises the disproportionate impact of conflict on women and girls and the positive role women play in building peace and stability.
The PSVI aims to prevent conflict-related sexual violence as well as responding to the needs of survivors, tackling stigma and strengthening justice and accountability. As a central pillar of the Countess’s work, HRH has spoken at the Commission on the Status of Women at the UN in New York, and attended a Foreign Office conference on PSVI with survivors, government and NGO representatives. The Countess also continues to highlight international efforts towards women’s role in peacebuilding - in India, for example, HRH learnt about the country’s contribution to UN Peacekeeping and heard from women peacekeepers on active deployment.'
A life of service has seen Princess Anne travel all over the world. After serving as President of Save the Children since 1970, Anne officially became Patron in 2016. Most recently, she has travelled to Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Mozambique, Ethiopia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. (with many thanks to Helen G for her research on this). In her role Anne has also visited China, Cambodia, Botswana, Madagascar and the Philippines. Save the Children strives tirelessly to protect children and give them the best possible opportunities in life.
The Princess has been involved in the creation of several charities including TransAid, transforming lives through safe and sustainable transport in 23 countries. More from the charity: "In Sub-Saharan Africa, road deaths are the third biggest killer following HIV/AIDS and Malaria (Source: the World Bank) and the problem will only rise with the growing population. Drivers are at risk every time they sit behind the wheel due to a lack of legal enforcement and training, and badly maintained and overloaded vehicles. People living in rural areas of Africa often struggle to access vital services. Around 75% of maternal deaths can be avoided through timely access to vital childbirth-related care. Our work includes an Emergency Transport Scheme to transport pregnant mothers with complications. We also help community health workers reach the families who need them." Anne also works closely with Riders For Health, an international non profit that provides health care to rural African villages.
The Duke of York launched Key to Freedom following his 2012 Diamond Jubilee Visit to Women’s Interlink Foundation (WIF) in India. The aim of the initiative is to empower women who have been victims of abuse by helping them acquire skills to become economically independent. Today, scarves made by women participating in Key to Freedom are sold at the Royal Collection Trust Shop.
The Foundation in the US
The next segment involves the US element. I think it's only natural to assume the Sussex Foundation will have supporters from the US. After all, Meghan is American. She has very well-connected friends in the US and she's going to bring an element of support to the table from across the pond. This has been largely feted as hugely controversial and another example of Meghan not following a traditional royal path. Using facts, this can be disproved as nonsense once again. When the Royal Foundation become operational in 2011, an American wing was established. American Friends of the Royal Foundation donated over $3.6 million since its inception. Prince Harry joined the US arm of the Foundation in 2013 for a major event supporting projects including the Royal Foundation's partnership with Harlem RBI to support Project Coach.
During a visit to New York in 2014, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended a private dinner for American friends of the Royal Foundation hosted by long-term supporter, Sir Martin Sorrell, the chief executive of the WPP advertising group.
In fact, Prince Charles set up a charitable foundation in the US: "The Prince of Wales Foundation USA is the affiliate organisation of the Prince’s Trust, enabling tax-efficient giving for US supporters of His Royal Highness’s philanthropic interests. We are fortunate to have a growing base of American supporters who see real value in investing in the lives of disadvantaged and marginalised young people in the UK. The Prince of Wales Foundation was founded by HRH, the Prince of Wales in 1997."
Prince Harry's collaboration with Oprah on a mental health series has been cited as the ultimate example of the Sussexes going rogue. Not so. Prince Charles has collaborated with US entities on several documentaries including the 2012 documentary Harmony: a New Way of Looking at Our World. The piece focused on three decades of Charles' work to combat climate change. The film was based on the book of the same name, which Charles co-authored, about how man has become "dangerously disconnected from nature".
NBC released the following statement at the time of the collaboration:
'NBC is teaming up with Prince Charles for a new TV special about the environment. Harmony, which is slated to air in November, stems from Prince Charles' three decades of work fighting climate change and searching for new solutions to the worldwide environmental crisis.
"The Prince of Wales has such a passion and vision in providing leadership on this crucial climate issue that confronts the world," Paul Telegdy, NBC's executive vice president of alternative programming, said in a statement. "We are honored to partner with him to showcase these issues that are important to American audiences."
The film, which will air during NBC's annual "Green Is Universal" week, features rare footage of Prince Charles' interview with Nobel Peace Prize winner, former Vice President and longtime environmental activist Al Gore, as well as interviews with other government leaders, farmers, environmentalists and entrepreneurs.'
Charles' environmental work has not been without its setbacks. He was actually ridiculed for being one of the first to talk about climate change: "I found myself in conflict with the conventional outlook which, as I discovered, is not exactly the most pleasant situation to find yourself." Determined to following in his father's footsteps, Harry declared last year he hopes to continue his work in Australia: "Ladies and gentleman, those words were shared in speeches dating back to 1970 and up until 2002, by my father, the Prince of Wales. And yet now, nearly 50 years later, those sentiments resonate just as much today, if not more, than ever before. My father and others have been speaking about the environment for decades - not basing it on fallacy or new-age hypothesis, but rooted in science and facts, and the sobering awareness of our environmental vulnerability. And while those speeches would sometimes fall on deaf ears, he and others were unrelenting in their commitment to preserve the most valuable resource we have – our planet."
What About Commercial Partnerships?
Although the Sussexes' foundation does not yet have a name, it has been suggested (with not so thinly-veiled attacks) commercial partnerships may be in its future. Whilst we have absolutely no idea what the plan is at this time, yes it's possible and no it's not unusual. Commercial partnerships have been essential to ensuring the success of Charles' projects. Take Duchy Originals for example. Established almost 30 years ago, the leading organic brand is now stocked on the shelves of Waitrose supermarkets. It's aim is to support local producers and all profits go to charity.
The success or failure of any royal trust or foundation lies with its principles and the team behind it. Harry and Meghan are taking this on with a record of success. Simply look at the Invictus Games, look at Sentebale, the Endeavour Fund, Coach Core and many other projects and initiatives Harry has worked with. Meghan's first project with the Hubb exceed all goals, and smashed it's target of £250,000, raising over half a million. The ripple effect is heartwarming and inspiring. Today, the women of the Hubb were working with British Red Cross to welcome and feed refugees in Hackney London.
The pair have tangible results behind them and there's every reason to believe this will be a success. Fundraising will be an important element; again they've proven more than adept at this, raising millions for Sentebale with 'Sentebale Nights' and the Sentebale Polo Cup.
Again, fundraising has been key to Charles' success. In 2017 he raised £170 million for charity. He raised more money than anyone else in the UK. In 2013-2014 he raised £143 million for 15 of his charities. It's the year-after-year dedication that has led to these results. It's a case of beating the drum constantly, and loudly.
Overshadowing Senior Royals
The next accusation hurled at Harry, and particularly Meghan, is the suggestion they are somehow trying to overshadow more senior royals, namely the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Was Prince Charles trying to overshadow his parents with the Prince's Trust? Was Anne playing a game of one-upmanship against Charles with her tireless efforts and global work? Of course not. Harry and Meghan are not in competition with William and Kate. They are not setting out to outdo them and derail the course of the monarchy.
The Queen is the monarch. Then it will be Charles, and then William. The monarch is the head of the family, there's no issue there. The monarchy is comprised of working members and their collective efforts up and down the country, across the UK, across the Commonwealth, and across the globe. It's a team effort. That's not going to change. Harry and Meghan want to use their roles to the full, they want to work hard on behalf of Her Majesty and, like the other royals referenced, use their platforms to support causes close to their heart. This is all being done with the full approval of the Queen and Charles. The new Foundation has the full support of the family. The Queen appointed Harry and Meghan to Commonwealth roles; she passed her patronage of the Association of Commonwealth Universities to Meghan almost immediately after the marriage. That sounds to me like a monarch who has faith in her granddaughter-in-law. Not a Queen who fears the newest member is rebelling against the system. The rapturous reception the Sussexes have received in Dublin, Morocco, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga is further evidence these roles are ideal for the pair. Their popularity and soft power needs to be harnessed to the full. This is all good for Team Windsor as a whole.
Prince Harry has been a global star all his life; his wife was always going to be under the spotlight. It is not the Sussexes' fault the media are obsessed with their every move. They are an asset to the monarchy and have carried out their roles with aplomb. From the day of their engagement, Meghan has thrown herself into her role, and she hasn't put a foot wrong. To chastise and tear her down because she's an intelligent woman who wants to succeed in this role is appalling and frankly sexist. Ambition is not a dirty word, especially when it's being channeled into a life of philanthropic dedication. The royals have a fantastic platform; they are uniquely placed to be in the position to help others and effect change. The fact they are being belittled for doing their jobs is truly baffling to me. We should unreservedly expect the very best from working members of the family.
The reality is the monarchy must modernise to survive and the Sussexes will play an important role in that modernisation. More from Vernon Bogdanor who famously wrote: "Monarchy has to adapt and evolve to survive. It can't be ahead of public opinion, but it can't be too far behind."
'In November 2005, Chris Mullin, the former editor of Tribune and then Labour MP, was invited to Clarence House where he heard the prince [Charles] speak "without notes, with passion and self-deprecating humour, holding our attention for a full 20 minutes. Always he comes back to the same point. How to widen the horizons of the young, especially the disaffected, the unlucky and even the malign … What influence he has he uses, sometimes to great effect, even at the risk of treading on official toes. It isn't just talk. His mentality is can-do – and he has a track record of achievement clearly visible for anyone who cares to look. Let he who has done more cast the first stone.'
So, when my sister asked me: "Why do they blame Meghan for everything? What exactly is she supposed to have done that's not in line with the way the royals operate professionally?" My answer is quite simple. Meghan has done nothing wrong; she's simply following in the footsteps of those who came before her.
*A sincere word of thanks to those who helped with the research, facts, figures and links on this.
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oklahomaprelawland · 4 years
New Efforts To Protect Vulnerable Targets From Telemarketing Fraud
By Anna Schmidt, Oklahoma City University Class of 2022
October 9, 2020
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Arguably one of the largest issues facing certain vulnerable populations in the United States today is telemarketing and internet-based fraud. Telemarketing fraud can be defined as any type of scheme in which a person intentionally deceives the victim for the purpose of financial gain or for access to the victim’s personal information. [1] The most frequent schemes involve a combination of telephone calls and electronic access to information or online credit card transactions. Telemarketing itself is not illegal, yet there have been regulations passed that limit acceptable hours for calling and require that telemarketers disclose the purpose of their call immediately to ensure its legitimacy and the recipient’s understanding. [2]Telemarketing fraud has evolved over timein order to remain successful. The typical victims, however, have remained quite consistent.
The primary and most frequent victims of telemarketing fraud in the U.S. are elderly citizens, above 60 years of age. [3] The U.S. Department of Justice estimates 10% of older Americans are affected by telemarketing fraud every year. [3] In 2017, the Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act was signed as a bipartisan campaign by President Trump, to promote justice and protection for elder citizens who may be vulnerable to targeted attacks. [4]Since the act was signed into law, the Department of Justice has initiated hundreds of criminal and civil cases over fraudulent activity that targeted seniors. [4]. In March2019, 260 individuals were charged in a large campaign which handled cases of fraud reported across the nation. [5].
The lawsuit of the United States v. Maven Infotech Ltd., which has remained unsettled due primarily to the global scale of its reach, demonstrates a typical form of telemarketing fraud targeting senior citizens. Maven Infotech began a wire fraud scheme based out of India in 2012, and the case was raised in 2019. [6]The international reach of the case caused continuous delays, as the Indian central authority was repeatedly unable to locate or serve the defendants charged. [6] Challenges of tracking and dealing with international fraud is common among cases of this nature.
Maven Infotech conducted fraud by calling elderly U.S. citizens and misleading them to believe they required expensive technical support software to protect their computers. [6]The scheme relied on the created threat to call recipients that their computers were vulnerable to hackers who would soon gain access to and steal passwords, bank account information, social security numbers, and any other sensitive information available with computer access. Maven callers would have the victim on the line grant them remote access to their computer and would then confirm the computer’s vulnerability to create in the victim a sense of urgency. [6] Victims would then send their credit card information to the Maven caller to purchase the offered security software. After an initial payment of hundreds of dollars for the fraudulent software, Maven callers would frequently call victims repeatedly after the first incident, claiming they needed to pay for additional or extended coverage.
Those who reported their experiences with Maven’s fraud, a majority of whom were elderly, often experienced pop-up internet icons which caused their computer to be unresponsive or frozen. This is a form of “browser hijacking” [6] and demonstrates the scam’s invasive nature. Many victims reported that the pop-up icons had similar appearances to well-known and reputable companies, misleading them to assume the icon was legitimate. Those responsible for this Maven Infotech fraud scheme have been charged with executing a scheme with intent to defraud and obtain money yet have not been located.In June 2020, new efforts utilized local news in Kolkata, India, to find the charged parties, and the case remains ongoing. [7]
Another case of telemarketing fraud arose out of a calling center in Lima, Peru, and targeted older Spanish-speaking citizens in the U.S. by threatening victims in order to solicit payment. [5] Three Peruvian men plead guilty for their involvement with the large fraud and extortion scheme:Johnny Enso Hidalgo Marchan, Rodolfo Hermoza, and Francesco Guerra Perez. [8] All three were charged and sentenced with time in prison for their work overseeing call centers which coordinated with an entity in Miami, FL. [5]The scheme involved calling victims and posing as attorneys representing government agencies. Posing as official, they would accuse victims of owing thousands in debts for failing to receive products. They would threaten bad credit, legal proceedings, and deportation unless they paid settlement fees to resolve alleged debts. [5]
The scheme these men oversaw targeted the vulnerable population of elderly Spanish-speaking U.S. citizens who lacked confidence in their language skills. [5] Threatened by what the telemarketer claimed, victims would quickly pay the requested fees. When Perez was sentenced in June 2020, the total amount victims lost to this fraud campaign approximated $1.5 million. [8] This case was settled by the defendant’s sentencing more quickly than the previously listed case against Maven Infotech, yet both required international investigation.
Currently, telemarketing fraud has been occurring on a large scale, in response to social conditions in the Covid-19 epidemic. New trends in telemarketing fraud include posing as charities to gain access to credit card information for donations, posing as government employees offering advanced benefits or loans if given access to bank account information, posing as relatives or military service members who claim to need financial help due to job loss, and calling Medicaid recipients offering vaccines or Covid-19 testing in order to gain access to personal information. [9] In all of these different schemes, elderly victims were targeted.
The Consumer Protection Branch leads efforts by the Department of Justice to protect the identities and economic security of Americans by enforcing laws and initiating civil and criminal cases for fraud. [10]Violators found guilty of carrying out fraud are prosecuted under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2325-2327 for Telemarketing Fraud, which prohibits intentionally deceiving a victim by telephone call [11], and often applies to many common scams such as pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, and advanced payment scams. [1]
Multiple agencies have developed with government sponsorship in direct response to telemarketing fraud,in order to gather reports that aid in tracing and convicting those responsible. Reporting databases include the National Adult Mistreatment Report System, the National Incident-Based Reporting System, the FTC Consumer Sentinel Network, and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. [4] Each system operates in a unique format anda clear description of each can be found on the U.S. Department of Justice website. While all operate and record in different manners, they each serve a shared goal to bring justice and protection for elderly victims of fraud.
Finding and charging those responsible for telemarketing fraud is often not quickly accomplished. One issue may arise from the nature of those targeted, as elderly victims may be challenged by using reporting systems if they are not user friendly. This challenge slows research which depends on reports. Additionally, many cases of telemarketing fraud, like the two described earlier, involve parties working across international borders. The geographical expanse presents an additional layer of tracking and locating difficulty, even when parties responsible have been identified. Regardless, effort from the government agencies tasked to root out these cases remains constant in meeting challenges. Telemarketing fraud is a complex issue that plagues many in the U.S. today, and efforts to bring justice and prevention in this area can provide a great service to those vulnerable and targeted.
[1] https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/phone_and_telemarketing_fraud
[2] https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/statutes/telemarketing-consumer-fraud-abuse-prevention-act
[3] https://www.justice.gov/elderjustice?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
[4] https://www.justice.gov/elderjustice/eappa-data-overview
[5] https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-peruvians-plead-guilty-overseeing-call-centers-threatened-and-defrauded-spanish-speaking
[6] https://www.justice.gov/file/1141131/download
[7] https://casetext.com/case/united-states-v-maven-infotech-pvt-ltd
[8] https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/peruvian-man-pleads-guilty-overseeing-call-centers-threatened-and-defrauded-spanish-speaking
[9] https://www.usa.gov/common-scams-frauds
[10] https://www.justice.gov/civil/consumer-protection-branch?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
[11] https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2325
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What are the various registrations needed for providing manpower services in India? What are tips to get government tenders?
There is many opportunity in India for recruitment agencies Click Here to know more. There are the various registrations required as below
 Business Registration
 When you start recruitment agency first decide business entity. Business can be started as a Proprietorship, Partnership, Private Limited company or Limited company. Recruitment company can be started as a LLP or Private Limited Company. They provide number of the employees with the labor laws .
 2. Tax Registration
 Recruitment business would have to have a services tax registration with service tax regulations.Service tax registration can be obtained for the recruitment business once the annual sales turnover crosses Rs.9 lakhs. The recruitment business would have to levy service tax at the rate of 14.00% and remit the same with the Government once the annual sales turnover crosses Rs.10 lakhs. VAT or TIN registration is typically not required for a recruitment business, as recruitment agencies are not involved in the selling of goods or products.
 3. ESI /PF Registration
 If the recruitment business provides employment only to 10 or less persons, ESI registration is not required. ESI registration is required when the number of persons employed in a business exceeds 10. PF registration is required when the number of persons employed in a business exceeds 20
 4. Recruiting Agent License
 The Emigration Act, 1983 requires that those who wish to recruit Indian citizens for employment abroad be registered with the Protector General of Emigrants (PGE), The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs.
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  19) Associate yourself a good up-line providing internet based marketing things. The days of knocking on doors and calling the white pages are just about over. Today, the internet dominates the minds of the masses, and that is where they pay a visit to search for about at all. So needless to say, you want a team the best help explode your recruiting success with the web, Continue Reading. Good for your health to keep company with a team that can display you how to setup extremely webinars, online training, also better, an up-line likewise let do everything for anybody!
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 What are the initial year goals for this situation? Are there strategic duties required, pertaining to instance recruitment strategy development? What planning responsibilities are necessary?
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 2) In video, Cruise states he's doing all he can accomplish to make a difference and he wants in order to do more. Alright, so what does Cruise do that's making such an impact on world? Is he building schools in poverty-stricken countries or physically raising money for the perfect cause? People read headlines on celebrity charity - where is he mentioned amongst names like Sean Penn, Oprah, Danny Glover, and Bono? Perhaps he was speaking of the founding and donation-raising for Downtown Medical to provide 9/11-rescue workers detoxification therapy based upon the works of C. Ron Hubbard. Medical professionals and firefighters were within an uproar. I've to admit - religious-based treatments really touchy subject.
 Applications that like everyone else's application, he says, are simply part in the herd and quite often are partially read, overlooked, or worse, discarded before being read because nobody in order to read all 150 practices. (As an HR specialist with a recruiting background, I can attest to that).
 When choosing your report on prospects, it's imperative the leads have been sold once. Using recycled leads can be described as problem and show a potential negative influence on your venture. If the prospects you're contacting as well receiving messages from other prospectors, your chances of an effective sale are low. No-one wants in order to slammed with multitudes of offers. It might a little more costly initially for incredibly best lead lists, but you can rest assured the investment will be worth things.
 Finding a right job anyone is not really that easy, you have recommendable knowledge, a person are confident enough to deal with any involving interview, but here take my words you should get to be able to deserve and sometime you simple don't realize what information mill now. I am frequently keep our self small in regards to demand. We need to have in mind the market; currently have to get insight information to be aware of regarding the demand patterns. If you are a skilled IT professional and trying to find a change, you could be a real gold for someone, but you have in order to locate who is actually need? Is not it.
 One technique many home-based business owners online forget to take associated with is the signature line in emails and when posting in forums. This is often an useful gizmo to market your business, specials and tournaments. I receive many emails from business owners who don't include a signature line with their business name, and sometimes they for you to even put their name towards the end of the email! This is linkedin profile unprofessional, but makes it much harder to garner more information about their business. Every email sent this technique is a potential sale alone.
 Keeping these minor points in mind would allow you clear your bank tests. Keep yourself updated with any adjustments to the bank exam syllabus and prepare from is not question papers accordingly. Once the goal is placed and you might be thoroughly prepared, you can secure an encouraging future.
 Coaches should ask their team leaders/captains to describe their own philosophy of leadership. For this states history difficult terminology for a child. Coaches can also ask players what it indicates to be an effective leader. "Their experience of leadership may quite different from yours. Talk about the leaders whom they respect their particular lives and why. Also ask them about leaders don't respect exactly why." This in itself can be an interesting conversation because many players today have very different role models than when coaches were growing up.
 Really, might be. All it takes is a piece of the ingenuity once they be reaping the advantages of low cost recruitment within weeks at practically. Expensive recruitment is becoming something of slimming thanks to our own little friend called the internet. The digital world has abolished needing having to cover expensive printed advertisements or advertising with several recruitment enterprises. The internet can be your low cost saviour.
 Types of bodybuilding routines - complete and ripped. Full body means that you work all major muscle groups in one workout session 2 or 3 times a seven days. Split routine means that you work different muscular tissues on different days (i.e. chest, shoulders, triceps day 1; legs abd day 2, back, biceps day 3, etc). How are you aware which one to choose? There is no definitive give an account to this main issue. My recommendation would be to use a full body routine 3 days a week for customers 3 months if you have not lifted weights before, then switch with split basic.
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sewa-bharti-malwa · 9 months
Empower Lives: Transforming Communities through Online Donations in India (Indore, India)
Support Sewa Bharti’s mission of uplifting the underprivileged! Join hands in transforming lives across remote tribal communities and urban slums. Your online donation in India » fosters education, healthcare, skill development, rural progress, and communal harmony. With over 1.75 Lac nationwide centers and 3000+ committed volunteers, every contribution propels us closer to a brighter, more equitable future. Donate today and be the catalyst for change!
Donate : https://www.sewabhartimalwa.org/donate.php
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nirmala7210 · 11 months
Making a Difference: The Power of Charity Donations and Online Giving
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Charity donations have long been a cornerstone of humanity's collective efforts to make the world a better place. Whether it's supporting critical causes, addressing social issues, or contributing to community well-being, charity donations play a vital role in creating a positive impact. In the heart of India, Delhi, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) have been instrumental in channeling the generosity of individuals and organizations. This article explores the significance of charity donations and the role of online donation, especially concerning NGOs in Delhi.
The Impact of Charity Donations
Addressing Pressing Issues: Charity donations serve as a lifeline for NGOs in Delhi and across the globe, enabling them to tackle pressing issues such as poverty, education, healthcare, and environmental conservation. These funds empower NGOs to implement projects and initiatives that can transform communities and lives.
Amplifying Individual and Collective Impact: Each contribution, no matter how big or small, has the potential to make a difference. When people come together to donate, they amplify their collective impact, providing a more significant resource pool to address complex problems effectively.
Promoting Social Responsibility: Charity donations foster a sense of social responsibility among individuals and organizations. By giving back to society, donors participate in building a more equitable and compassionate world.
Supporting NGOs: NGOs in Delhi play a critical role in filling gaps in government services and addressing localized issues. Charity donations provide the essential financial support that enables these organizations to operate, expand their outreach, and maintain their essential services.
Online Donations: The Digital Revolution
With the advent of the internet, the landscape of charity donations has evolved significantly. online donation has emerged as a convenient and efficient way to support NGOs and causes, not only in Delhi but worldwide.
Accessibility and Convenience: Online donation platforms have made it easier than ever for people to contribute to their chosen causes. Donors can make payments from the comfort of their homes, using various digital payment methods.
Transparency and Accountability: Online platforms often provide detailed information about NGOs, their projects, and how donations are utilized. This transparency builds trust among donors, knowing that their contributions are being used effectively.
Global Reach: Online donations have expanded the reach of NGOs in Delhi, allowing them to tap into a global donor base. Donors from around the world can support causes they are passionate about, transcending geographical boundaries.
Real-Time Tracking: Donors can track the progress and impact of their contributions in real-time, providing a sense of connection to the causes they support. This transparency fosters a deeper sense of engagement.
The Role of NGOs in Delhi
Delhi is home to numerous NGOs that work tirelessly to address various social and environmental issues. These organizations rely heavily on charity donations to carry out their missions. Some notable areas where NGOs in Delhi make a substantial impact include:
Education: NGOs like Pratham and Teach For India focus on improving educational outcomes for underprivileged children. Donations to these organizations support initiatives like literacy programs and teacher training.
Healthcare: NGOs such as the Delhi Foundation and Aashray Adhikar Abhiyan provide healthcare services to marginalized communities. Donations help in funding medical camps, providing essential medicines, and improving access to healthcare.
Poverty Alleviation: Organizations like Goonj and Butterflies work to alleviate poverty in Delhi's slums. Donations are used to provide food, clothing, and shelter to those in need, along with skill development programs to enhance livelihoods.
Environmental Conservation: Delhi faces significant environmental challenges, including air pollution and water scarcity. NGOs like Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group and Delhi Greens work on projects aimed at improving the environment, and donations support these initiatives.
The Way Forward
The importance of charity donations and online donation cannot be overstated, particularly in a city like Delhi, which grapples with numerous social and environmental issues. As individuals and organizations increasingly recognize their role in contributing to social change, the impact of these donations continues to grow.
By donating to NGOs in Delhi and using online platforms, individuals can support meaningful causes and participate in the collective effort to create a more just and sustainable future. Whether it's education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, or environmental conservation, every contribution counts and helps build a brighter tomorrow. In the age of online donation, making a difference has never been easier or more accessible.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Observing Ramzan in the time of COVID-19
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/observing-ramzan-in-the-time-of-covid-19/
Observing Ramzan in the time of COVID-19
As millions of Muslims observe Ramzan, the month of dawn-to-dusk fasting, how will social distancing and self-isolation work in a world fearing contagion from an unseen enemy?
For the first time in recent history, the Saudi Arabian government has closed down Al-Masjid Al-Haram (The Great Mosque) in Mecca and Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (The Prophet’s Mosque) in Medina, considered to be Islam’s holiest sites, for Ramzan, as part of its efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19.
And in much of southern India, the making and distribution of nonbu kanji (rice gruel) for the fast-breaking meal (iftar) through mosques is in doubt. While the act of prayer has not been affected, the community spirit that mosques foster during the holy month may be missing this year. Even so, people are determined to make the best of circumstances.
Staying safe
“Muslims throughout the world are facing Ramzan at the time of Coronavirus. But we hope everything will go smoothly as usual,” says Nawab Mohammed Abdul Ali, the Prince of Arcot, who is based in Chennai.
“I would advise my Muslim brethren to avoid going to the mosque for prayers during Ramzan. There should not be any congregation at all, whether for iftar or for taraweeh (special prayers). It is also part of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad that during medical emergencies and inclement weather, one should not go to the mosque for prayers,” he says, adding that people should stay at a safe distance this year, while conveying their festive wishes to one another, rather than embracing or shaking hands, as is commonly done.
Many community leaders feel that it is better for Muslims to stay in during Ramzan. “The virus does not recognise religion or for that matter, a fasting or non-fasting person. The best way out is to remain wherever one is,” says Mahmood Alam, former professor of Persian at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi and a published Urdu poet.
Two men pray in the old city of Hyderabad   | Photo Credit: Nagara Gopal
Alam and his wife have been in self-isolation at their Delhi home since March 18. “Every year, representatives from seminaries would distribute the calendar denoting timings for breaking and keeping the fast for each day. We will miss them this time due to social distancing. The best parts of Ramzan are the prayers. I wish there would be a safe way to help the poor and destitute with our donations during the lockdown.”
The calendars, which used to range from postcard-sized printouts to pamphlets, have transitioned online as downloadable ‘Ramzan planners’, complete with journal-style pages listing out verses and prayers. With its emphasis on abstinence, Ramzan has always been about self-restraint and introspection.
Of prayer and promise
‘Ramadan’ is an Arabic word whose root is Ramad, meaning ‘scorchedness of the earth due to excessive heat’. It is pronounced as Ramzan in much of South Asia.
Believed to be the month when the Holy Koran was revealed, Ramzan may be observed for 29 or 30 days, depending on the Islamic lunar calendar. The festival ‘Eid Al Fitr’ marks the end of Ramzan.
Most Muslims try to finish at least one complete recitation of the Koran by the end of the month, and mosques engage skilled qaris or trained reciters to conduct the late-night taraweeh prayers that are exclusive to Ramzan.
There is an increased emphasis on charity, especially on the payment of zakat, a fixed percentage of a person’s savings of the year to be given to the needy.
“This lockdown may be a blessing in disguise — one will be more focussed on prayer and less distracted by iftar parties and shopping,” says Fathima Sulaiman, a homemaker based out of Chennai, who is visiting her hometown Tiruchi. “The meals may not be as sumptuous as during previous years, but it is an opportunity for me to spend time with my extended family of 15 members,” she adds.
Reaching out
Elsewhere in the world, lockdown restrictions have seen unemployment and goods shortages, but these have been counter-balanced by growing communication between locality residents through online platforms like Nextdoor and Facebook.
“It’s unfortunate that the lockdown is on during the most anticipated month for Muslims because there will be no taraweeh prayers, community iftars and all-night stays allowed at our mosques,” says N Sabrine, an Indian-American real estate professional based in Dublin, California.
Sharing iftar among family and friends may also be difficult because getting groceries has become much harder. “Our local mosque is collecting food donations that will be distributed among needy families as part of Ramzan-related activities. Sermons will now be streamed online for the benefit of those staying in,” she adds.
A middle-eastern Ramzan feast with lamb kebab, chicken skewers and appetisers   | Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockPhoto
Many Islamic scholars in the US have announced schedules for app-based sermons throughout the month. In the UK, mosques in London will be participating in online initiatives like counselling and Korannic talks. This is currently unavailable in India.
“Due to the lockdown, there will be no prayers in mosques, but there is no plan to shift sermons online as of now,” says Moulvi Abdul Rahim, Tiruchi District Secretary of Tamil Nadu Jamathul Ulama Sabai (a council of Islamic scholars).
For Egyptian national Haitham el-Khouly, a software executive working in Qatar, helping those who have lost their livelihood due to the lockdown has become this year’s Ramzan goal. “People can no longer gather in the ‘iftar tents’ that used to be open to all during the holy month. I am planning to donate money to people who are going through a tough time in the lockdown,” he says.
Scaling back and reconstructing life’s timetable may not be impossible, says homemaker Fathima. “This Ramzan may be a chance to rediscover ourselves, bond better with our families, chat with old friends to rekindle past memories and to do all those small things, which we wanted to do but lacked the time.”
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voymedia1 · 6 years
Alexandra Riggs Interview Oobi
Who are you and what business did you start?
I’m Alexandra Riggs, a textiles and graphic designer. I started a business called Oobi over 15 years ago. Oobi is an ethical manufacturer of children’s fashion from newborn to 12 years. We are SEDEX rated and have a 5 star Good On You rating too. We specialise in 100% cotton, hand printed garments created to inspire children with colour, shape, movement and comfort.
What’s your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?
I studied art history and graphic design at university. After my PhD I took my screen printing skills to market with hand printed fabrics that we made into children’s clothing. I came up with the idea because of my passion for hand printing. My style for design is very happy, fun and colourful. It made sense to use my skills to make children’s fashion – plus I adore kids and love the freedom of expression that comes with designing for them.
Describe the process of designing, prototyping, and manufacturing the product.
It starts with sketching or finding a vintage print (or collaborator) and reworking the design. I sketch and draw for weeks and am never anywhere without my sketch book. Once my designs are finalised I turn them into graphic prints and choose the colours from a Pantone book. We then start to develop the prototypes for the prints and that is quite a long process where we redesign and recolour until they’re perfect. During that process we also come up with garments that we feel will be suitable for the fabrics, so that it’s very holistic. We let the fabric print ’speak’ to us in a way, and the collection is created.
From there we start to make samples and do extensive fittings with children of all sizes and ages. Once that’s done, the patterns are finalised. We then source our cottons and print in Jaipur, India. Once our fabrics are printed we start production of our ranges. During this stage there might be other changes that are made, like buttons that we design and create, dying trims like lace or ribbons, and sometimes tweaking designs once the samples are made in the correct fabrics.
Production of our garments is very relaxed and quite slow – we’re the antithesis of “Fast Fashion!” That is totally not our style. We don’t believe in pushing our seamstresses to work too fast. They work under internationally accepted standards which includes 8 hour days with a one hour lunch break and two 15 minutes tea breaks. Happy workers make happy garments. Plus our garments are designed to last and be passed down from child to child, sister to sister, friend to friend. We don’t design for landfill, we design for longevity!
Once production is completed, garments are packed carefully (we use minimal waste so no plastic packaging) and sent by sea to Australia and around the world to our distributors. We have stores in over 30 countries.
Describe the process of launching the online store/business.
The process takes a really long time because we like to ensure that we put as much information on each product as possible. So you’ll find extensive fit notes, the spec sheets and patterns, all the lengths and sizes in centimetres and inches plus multiple photos from our photo shoots, with garments shot from many angles.
We also make sure to give the right amount of information in written form, with notes about the features and highlights of each product. We integrate our Shopify site with TradeGecko because we have a huge warehouse with a lot of SKUs that need to be managed. That then integrates with our shipping app and means that all garments need to be weighed too.
Sometimes we want to do a giveaway with a garment, for example, we’re giving away Bunny Tail brooches with Bunny Print garments this season, so that needs to be managed between our platforms and also that message needs to be clearly and simply conveyed.
Finally we start to sneak peek photos of the garments on our social platforms and construct a newsletter and press release. During launch week we hire extra staff to manage customer service and pick and pack as those weeks are very hectic.
All garments need to be adequately tagged for SEO, for our search engine on site and also for our size filter. This is quite a long process too and we usually hire college students to come and help us out with that when it’s busy in the office.
Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?
Great customer service, high quality product, ethical manufacturing and a great experience online and post-purchase gives us an excellent return rate. It usually sits around 70% which means that basically, if you purchase from us, you’re more likely than not to come back. Our customers love the seamless experience and I believe that they really love our ethics.
In 2012 we also launched a “one-for-one” program whereby we donate a gift or garment to an Australian child in need for EVERY new-season purchase. In that way, our customers know that not only have they made their child happy with our garments, but that they’ve helped to put a smile on the face of a child in need. In Australia, we work with charities who give children an Oobi gift – and this could be their first every birthday or Christmas gift in their life. This knowledge convinces us that, even when it’s difficult to facilitate, we are doing a great thing and something important for our community.
How are you doing today and what does the future look like?
We are achieving our goals of being a sustainable, ethical and charitable company. Our profit margin is not as big as other companies of our size but that is because we donate a lot of our profits in garments and charity. Our growth is incredible and every year we get a new customer base which includes wholesale customers, international, distribution and of course, our oobi.com.au customers. If we weren’t so charitable sure, we��d be more profitable, but that’s not why we do what we do. Our staff are proud and happy to work for a company that gives so much – and job satisfaction and culture is incredibly important.
What’s your average monthly revenue today and what do you project it to be in next 6 months?
Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?
Keeping interested, on top of technology and trends and ’steering the ship’ when you need to is crucial. If something’s not working, we pivot. It’s important not to get too caught up in how amazing you think something is, if it’s not working for you or for your customers. It’s ok to say “that didn’t work” and move on. What’s not ok is to be so one-minded that you push a platform, design or idea that isn’t right for your customers or your brand.
The other thing we’ve learned is to be as honest and transparent as we can. If something is going wrong, we face it. Usually that’s being supplied late. So we might say “launching March” but something takes longer than expected so we just say “we tried to launch March, it’s launching April”. Customers are disappointed but they will forgive you if you let them know. The other thing with transparency is that we invited SEDEX into our factory and allowed them to do a full audit of our staff, facilities, wages, environment. That was scary because we knew we’re doing great things, but maybe in an audit they uncover something that’s not going right. Well, we did get a 5 star rating, but of course there were areas where we needed to improve, so we did that too.
What platform/tools do you use for your business?
We are on Shopify and we have some great apps there. Our favourite is judge.me where our customers can write reviews. It’s not expensive and it allows our customers to share photos of their kids, verify that they are 100% genuine reviews and customers (it’s linked to the email address that is given when a customer places an order), and it integrates really well with Shopify. We also like Bold for their currency converter as we have a lot of international customers. It’s free too!
Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?
It’s really important that you have enough capital to enable you to quit your job and even potentially work on your business without a salary for a while or, capital to expand if you grow quickly. Lots of great businesses go under because they don’t have a safety net. There are lots of ways to get crowd sourced funding for great ideas, or new ethical small building societies or banks who will give low-interest loans to entrepreneurs.
Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?
We always keep our eye out for great staff but we also have longevity with our employees. I’m working with an incredible team of people who have been with me for many years – so they’re more like family! There are often new people who come on board, especially in social media or casual or part-time roles. We also love to work with interesting young designers, collaborate on fabric designs, work with photographers, bloggers, stylists – so they’re not staff, per se, but they do work with us on projects.
Where can we go to learn more about you?
We are @oobi on Instagram: instagram.com/oobi , @oobigirl on Facebook facebook.com/oobigirl and our URL is www.oobi.com.au
The post Alexandra Riggs Interview Oobi appeared first on Facebook Advertising Agency | Facebook Marketing Company.
from Facebook Advertising Agency | Facebook Marketing Company https://voymedia.com/alexandra-riggs-interview-oobi/
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rajat123blog-blog · 6 years
Online Donation for Charity: Starting small can make a big Difference
Ever dreamed of living in a Better World? A world that is free from discrimination, disease and impoverishment? A world where people don’t judge individuals due to their physical incapability?If you are nodding in affirmation, that’s a very good sign.We all, at some point of time have wished to be powerful enough to change the world, without realizing that we always possessed the power- ‘The Power of Giving’. ‘Giving’ is not only an act; it holds much deeper meaning in the lives of both giver and the receiver. It is an initiative of kindness that transforms the life of the less fortunate. . When you donate in any form of Charity Donation you lend a significant helping hand for the welfare of the community.
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Donate Money Online
Apart from understanding the importance of giving, it’s equally vital to understand how your contribution benefits the destitute and the disabled in the best possible manner. Contributing to an organization like Narayan Seva Sansthan, that works to provide free of cost corrective surgeries to the physically disabled is Your Right Step ahead in enabling the society to achieve the required socio-economic growth.
Let’s discuss the top two reasons on “Why you should donate to charity”?
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We have been endued with a good life but it’s also important to realize that not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to all the means required to live a fulfilling life. Poverty still continues to haunt the lives of millions of people and numerous people are deprived of the most basic essentials.
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 If donating a little portion of your monthly financial gain helps in changing the life of even a single marginalized person suffering from physical incapability, then the act is completely worthy.
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Applying to Grad School, Designing Spaces for Productivity
Exactly ten years ago, Dr. Don Martin, launched his book, Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students, here on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® radio show. It’s only fitting that this knowledgeable and well-traveled tour guide, should launch the 2nd edition of his popular book with StarStyle once again. Noting the historic places and main events related to pursuing a graduate degree, Dr. Martin will be joined with Managing Director, Kevin Kiley. focusing attention on the side-roads, the detours, the miles, and even the possible potholes to avoid. Dr. Don writes in an easy style giving you the facts that you need to make your informed decisions about graduate school.  Dr Don and Kevin Kiley are offering a FREE 30 minute consultation via phone or SKYPE. To schedule your free consultation, email [email protected]
Employers are seeking an edge to grabbing the most qualified employees by hiring design firms to create spaces that will help their staff think, feel, and be healthy to maximize productivity. It’s not all about going green.  Eat to think.
BIO: Author Dr. Don Martin: 
♣ Has coached over 300 graduate school applicants in arts and sciences, business, law, medicine (master’s and doctoral), with a 97% acceptance rate
♣ For over 28 years, served as Admissions Dean and/or Dean of Students at Columbia University (Teachers College), The University of Chicago (Booth School of Business), Northwestern University (Medill School of Journalism), and Wheaton College (IL)
♣ Wrote and published Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students in 2008; second edition released in 2018; wrote and published an international Supplement for Road Map in 2009
♣ Former weekly columnist, U.S. News & World Report magazine; former contributor (four years) for SPAN magazine in India
♣ Provides graduate school webinar series for alumni – series premiered at Northwestern University
♣ Has made grad school presentations on over 50 college/university campuses in North and South America, Europe and Asia
♣ Earned a Ph.D. in Higher Education (Northwestern) and an M.A. in Communications (Wheaton)
♣ For more on Dr. Don’s professional background, see his LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-don-martin-354930b/
BIO: Kevin Kiley, Managing Director
As managing director of Grad School Road Map, Kevin Kiley coaches individuals on the graduate-school admissions process -- everything from preliminary research and preparing applications to interviews and choosing among offers of admission.
Kevin's background includes 5+ years as an MBA admissions director at Washington University in St. Louis and 5+ years in corporate talent development. His 20 total years of experience are nearly all in leadership roles. Kevin also is a national-award-winning communicator; his 8+ years of experience as a professional editor is highly leveraged in reviewing applicants' resumes and essays.
He has successfully coached graduate and undergraduate students, rising leaders, mid-career professionals, career switchers and medical doctors. Kevin holds certifications for career and leadership coaching, and his work has also spanned leadership communication, presentation skills, professional presence, team-building and conflict management.
Kevin has an MBA from WashU’s Olin School and was academically ranked 12th in a class of 117. He is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation. He and his wife live in Dallas-Fort Worth.
For more, see Kevin’s LinkedIn profile and the Grad School Road Map website.http://gradschoolroadmap.com
Listen to this interview on Voice America Network: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/108331/grad-school-roadmap-healthy-spaces-fire-recovery-guide
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kenzymirror · 6 years
I’m dangerously in love with Anambra man – Uche Umeagukwu, Miss Africa World
Christy Anyanwu
Model, entrepreneur, former Miss Face of Nigeria and reigning Miss Africa World, Uche Umeagukwu recently returned to Nigeria from her base in the United States, garnering honours and accolades in droves. Read also: Miss America beauty pageant no longer judges on beauty, scraps swimsuit While in Nigeria, the queen and her team toured various parts of the country, promoting her programmes such as KidsNHunger, digital skills marketing, online company card, Out-of-School Empowerment Foundation, waste reduction through industrial trash furnace, and development of television shows and films for Nollywood. She also distributed educational materials to children while promising to donate computers to many schools both in Lagos and Anambra State. In this chat, Umeagukwu talks about the lessons she learnt while abroad for many years and her experiences in Nigeria. It’s sure a good read. What do you miss most about Nigeria when you’re abroad? I miss the food. I like pounded yam with ofe oha. I like Nigerian peanuts, roasted corn, and Isi-Ewu. I miss Suya. Since I came, I have been eating Suya everyday. You have been abroad for over 10 years, what lessons have you learnt about life? If not for anything, I have learnt moral principles. Being straight forward and time conscious. If I have appointment with you at 10:00a.m, maybe I have to show up at 9:45a.m. I keep my appointment quite professional. Who influenced your growing up? My mum. She has a huge influence on me. I looked up to her. She was a fashion designer and
a very strong woman. I look up to her, but unfortunately she’s no more. She passed away with cancer in 2008. I still keep my mum’s legacy. I have a foundation called ‘Uche Foundation’ that makes free hair (wigs) for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. I donate free wigs to them. What were your memorable experiences growing up? I grew up in Enugu, which was the place I was born. I hope to bring down the projects I have in Lagos to Enugu. I have a project called ‘Out of School Children Empowerment Foundation’. We bring out-of-school children back to school. I want to expand that to Enugu and also empower women and youths. What do you miss most about your mum? She’s a strong woman. She always wants me to be focused and that I shouldn’t let anything distract me. She told me to always be on point by dressing well, wear my high heels, apply my lipstick, and go wherever I want. She always wanted to make sure I’m focused, which was the most important thing to her. Why did you go into beauty pageant? My first pageant was Face of Nigeria in 2015. I thought I was built like a model because of my height and physique. Someone brought me the Face of Nigeria (application) form; I contested and won. I live in Los Angeles and I have a hair company called, Uche Hair. It’s a luxury hair company; we import human hair extensions from Brazil and India. I have met with lots of decision makers in the US; so being a beauty queen is a good experience and a door opener for me. As the reigning Miss Africa World, what does the crown mean to you?
The crown stands for hope and salvation. It means I have the power to use my voice to give hope and save others from despair. My mission is to always use my platform to empower women, youths and kids through service and charity. You have many awards and traditional titles; can you talk about them? A week before I came home to Nigeria, the Anambra women in the United States honoured me with a philanthropy award, because I support a lot of organizations even as non-member. I give them products and encourage them. The Mayor of the city of California also honoured me with an award. However, when I came to Nigeria, I went to see Oba Shakirudeen Kuti, the Elewu of Ewuland in Oshodi, he said I’m not leaving the palace without a title. He gave me ‘Yeye Oge’. I asked for the meaning and he said ‘the most beautiful woman’. I went to see Oba of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Akiolu and he also gave me a title but I cannot pronounce it. I was told the meaning of the title is ‘the child that has brought glory to the nation’. I went to my Igwe in Uga, Anambra State; he gave me the title of ‘Adadioranma of Uga.’ I’m very impressed with what I’m seeing in my country. It means when you work hard, eventually it will pay off. That is the way I see it.
To cap it all, my governor, Willy Obiano made me the Senior Special Adviser to Anambra State in Diaspora. It means if you are in America or anywhere outside Nigeria and you want to invest in Anambra State or you want to showcase your talent, just tell me and I’ll bring you down to Anambra. The governor wants his people to come back home. So, that will be my job. Would you marry a Nigerian or foreigner? Right now, I am dangerously in love with an Anambra man. And I am looking forward to having the most glamorous wedding in a year or two in the heart of Beverly Hills, California. What’s your kind of man? He must be very tall and smart. As a beauty queen, how do you handle male admirers? I make friends with them. What’s your style? I like to dress up, even if I’m not going anywhere. I don’t like to appear casual. I like to be fully dressed at all times. I dress up, wear my high heels, even if I’m going down the street. My mum always wanted me to dress up, saying I wouldn’t know whom I’d meet at any point in time. Her advice is this: make sure you dress up, wear your make up, put on your high heels and always wear red lipstick. So, I wear my red lipstick all the time. You can see I have my red lipstick now. I like casuals too, I like jeans and I also like to wear traditional (attires). Anything that fits my physique will fly for me. What are your most cherished fashion accessories? I like handbags. My shoes have to be high, like 6 inches and above, even though I’m 5.11 and half feet tall. When I’m on heels, I’m 6.11 feet tall. What’s your advice for young women who want to be like you? My advice to young women is to be focused, don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t do it.
The post I’m dangerously in love with Anambra man – Uche Umeagukwu, Miss Africa World appeared first on – The Sun News.
The post I’m dangerously in love with Anambra man – Uche Umeagukwu, Miss Africa World appeared first on kenzymirror.com.
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dalepwithchari · 7 years
These are the 64 startups unveiled at Y Combinator W18 Demo Day 2
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Microbiome therapeutics, Photoshop for augmented reality, and cancer treatments were some of the ideas presented at Day 2 of startup accelerator Y Combinator’s Winter 2018 Demo Day. YC is increasingly using its massive class size (141 startups this time around) to fund especially risky frontier technology and biotech moonshots, while tempering the portfolio with more predictable enterprise companies.
Investors say that valuations for post-Demo Day raises have risen steeply recently. Some speculate that people who made a fortune on cryptocurrency are trying to invest their returns elsewhere, driving up demand for YC startups.
The accelerator still admits many international copycats of U.S. successes, and YC is also repeating itself a bit. The Podcast App pitched the exact same product and strategy as Breaker, which debuted at YC exactly a year ago. But there were plenty of ambitious and unique businesses unveiled today on the Mountain View Computer History Museum stage, and the room was — as always — packed with a who’s who of tech investors.
Check out our coverage of all 64 startups that launched on the record yesterday, plus our picks for the top 7 companies from yesterday. (Tomorrow morning we’ll have our favorites from today.)
Here are the 60+ startups that launched at YC’s Winter 2018 Demo Day 2:
Callisto is a sexual misconduct reporting software built for victims.
The company’s product works by asking people who are looking to report a perpetrator to give certain unique identifiers, like a LinkedIn profile or phone number. If two victims name the same perpetrator, they are put in touch with each other and then with with an “options counselor,” a lawyer who can give them options on how to proceed in handling the situation. The company says that victims that visit Callisto’s website are 5x more likely to take action. They’ve started by rolling out their product on college campuses and are now taking donation from investors to roll out the service to the startup community.
Bump is a peer-to-peer streetwear marketplace.
It’s the “eBay for Generation Z.” They’ve been rapidly building an online community, and achieved $25,000 revenue on $430,000 GMV already in the month of March. They claim to be profitable and also have a user community that’s engaged. Bump says that 600,000 messages are sent be users for every week. They believe they can eventually move beyond streetwear.
Read more about Bump on TechCrunch here.
The One Health Company
One Health wants to improve the treatment of canine cancer, using genomic testing and gene sequence to improve diagnosis and the efficacy of treatments.
They are running currently 2 test pilots, where they’ve made $39,000 in about two weeks
Onederful is an API for dental insurance.
Onederful says dentists offices lose $6B in revenue per year due to insurance claim problems, and spend $3 billion a year on high friction claim verification. Onederful’s API integrates with 240 insurance providers to rapidly and reliably verify a patient’s insurance and make sure the dentist gets paid.
Onederful doesn’t have to sell dentist by dentist, and instead is developing partnerships with the top dentist software suites for distribution. It’s currently in 120 offices.
Anjuna protects applications running in the public cloud.
The company says that right now about 30 percent of workloads are in the public cloud, and their goal is to help migrate the other 70 percent. The startup is using its memory encryption technologies to protect applications while in use, at rest and in transit. The company claims it can keep them protected even if someone nefarious has root access to the host.
BioRender.io wants to standardize the “visual language of biology and the software to communicate it.”
They believe there’s a $11 billion market opportunity to eliminate “ugly science pictures. So far they’ve been working with 300 institutions, including SaaS businesses in the life science industries. Their work has also been featured in science journals.
Airship is building a feature flagging framework that lets small startups roll out products the same way the the big tech companies do.
While A/B testing startups generally tackle small content changes like different headlines, Airship is letting customers ship entirely different features to swaths of users so that companies are more informed about how their audiences will react to redesigns or updates.
Read more about Airship on TechCrunch here.
Gainful makes personalized protein shakes.
Most protein shakes are designed for and marketed to male jocks and body builders. Gainful has customers take a five minute health quiz, then get personalized shakes delivered. 80K people have taken the quiz, building a huge health data archive for the startup. It has 2700 customers, with over half of whom buy a bottle. Gainful is growing 85 percent monthly with $40K in sales in February, and it’s profitable on each customer’s first purchase. Eventually, Gainful could expand into sports drinks, meal replacements, and personalized fitness plans utilizing the data its competitors aren’t collecting.
Quantierra sources real estate investments for developers.
It uses their database and algorithms to determine what can be built, its value, and the probability of it selling. Taking a 1.5% cut of any property they help sell, They’ve made $141,000 in revenue in 3 months, and say they have $310,000 in signed term sheets.
BloomJoy wants to be the “associated press for lifestyle content.”
They create and syndicate the content that they claim is currently seeing five million weekly readers in just a few short weeks. So far, they work with 19,000 publishers and have been generating $25,000 per week in ad revenue. It’s a $5 billion market opportunity, they believe. The team has a media background and previously sold a startup for $18 million.
YouTeam lets you “rent” engineers who work at consulting firms but aren’t currently doing anything.
The company takes a 20% cut of each job. They say they’re currently making $55k in net revenue per month.
Substack is a subscription publishing platform.
Subscription payments free journalists from relying on clickbait and sensationalism to get clicks and ad views. Substack lets any publisher or individual instantly launch a subscription product. Substack has 7,000 subscribers paying an average of $70 per year, and it takes a 10 percent cut. Its top writer now earns $300K. Eventually Substack wants to turn subscriber bases into communities, and expand into podcasts and video. With Kik’s CTO and a former journalist on its founding team, Substack wants to bring back the journalism revenue that’s slipped away to the social networks.
For more on Substack, read TechCrunch’s coverage here.
HelloVerify is doing online instant background checks in India where the the government has recently announced it will begin digitizing all personal records.
The startup has lined itself up to be among the first to take advantage of this legislation. The company currently has $3 million in annual revenue and has closed $1 million in orders in the past 60 days. The company’s early customers include Accenture, Infosys and Cognizant.
Look After My Bills
Look After My Bills is for people who want “lower bills with less hassle.”
The UK-based startup claims it can save users $320 per year by helping them manage energy, cell phones and broadband bills, by helping them switch providers and optimize for saving. They make $60 in commission every time a user switches businesses and have generated $84,000 so far this month from its 4000 users.
Station wants to be the app store of software-as-a-service by becoming the web browser people use while at work.
It bakes workplace apps into a sidebar on the browser for easy access that doesn’t see you getting lost in endless tabs. It’s integrated 500 different SAAS applications, with users downloading an average of 12. Station now has 11K weekly active users who spend more than 4.5 hours a day in the app. Eventually it wants to sell opportunities for deeper integrations to the big SAAS companies, and promotional discovery of their apps.
Torch want to bring executive coaching to entire companies.
The startup uses video-based conferencing software to help coach managers on skills that can help that improve. Managers can log in, set goals and track progress in Torch’s analytics dashboard. Torch was founded by a former executive coach and a data scientist. The team says that the startup’s revenue has been growing 45 percent month-over-month.
Edwin uses AI to teach English.
They say they can teach English in ⅓ of the time, at a ⅓ of the cost. You communicate with Edwin via Facebook Messenger or a voice assistant; on Facebook, for example, they have already obtained 757,000 users.
Meitre aims to be “Opentable for the world’s top restaurants.”
Focusing on the “top 3%” of restaurants that don’t have trouble getting reservations, Meitre says that instead of paying Opentable, they’ve found 55 restaurants that will pay them to reduce no-shows, sell more tasting menus and move demand to off-peak hours. This can result in “hundreds of thousands of more revenue each year,” they claim. So far, they haven’t had any customers churn and hope to expand to the estimated 50,000 restaurants worldwide that need this.
Pathrise helps train students to get better jobs in exchange for a percentage of their future salary via an income sharing agreement.
University career counselors are outnumbered by students 2900 to 1 on average, and their offices are outdated. First it learns about the student and uses data to surface relevant job openings. Its training can improve students’ cold emailing of recruiters, resumes, interview skills, and salary negotiations. It expects to earn $5K per student it gets hired. Starting with the 750K software engineering students, Pathrise sees a $3.75 billion market, and plans to eventually expand into other job types. Students spend a ton on their education, they scramble to get a job to pay back loans. Path rise could help them better leverage their schooling and find the right job for them.  
TrapFi pays freelance developers for contributing to projects as soon as their pull request is approved, rather than waiting for a monthly check.
They charge 1.5% of earnings made on the platform; in 2 weeks, they say they’ve picked up 500 users and generated $25,000 in transactions.
Sixfold Bioscience
Sixfold designs nanoparticles for treating cancer and other diseases.
They claim to be able to deliver gene editing drugs developed in CRISPR in a way that targets diseased cells without impacting healthy cells. They’re currently testing their nanoparticles in mice.
Jido Maps
Jido Maps is an AR startup that’s approaching the problem of persistence, or getting digital objects to stay affixed to the real world environment even when the sensors aren’t there to observe them.
The company calls itself a “save button” for AR, allowing users to place objects, save them and share that information with other users. After one month of beta, 59 companies are using the startup’s API and will soon deploy it to their combined 300k monthly active users.
Justin Kan, formerly of Justin.TV and Twitch, announced a “tech-enabled law firm for startups.” called Atrium.
He said that through his experience co-founding and investing in startups, he had “become an involuntary power user of corporate legal services.” Estimating that there is a $158 billion market for outside spend on law firms, Kan believes that Atrium’s software will help turn legal documents into data. He says that his services are being used to save clients from hourly billing fees for contracts, M&A, blockchain and other paperwork. Atrium “makes legal services fast, transparent with upfront pricing.”
LUS Brands
LUS makes haircare products for curly hair.
After decades of media pressure for people to straighten their hair, the public is now embracing curly hair. But managing it can require tons of expensive products and time. LUS makes products for specific curliness levels for a range of ethnicities. It bootstrapped its way to $1 million in sales a year selling $17 products. Gross profit is 70 percent, and the company has $400K in the bank. Now it wants capital to scale up to dominate the $50 billion a year curly hair product market with a brand that stands for “Love Ur Self”.
Read more about LUS Brands on TechCrunch here.
ZBiotics has made a genetically engineered drink that it says can prevent your hangovers.
The startup’s engineered probiotics break down acetaldehyde, one of the chief byproducts of alcohol metabolization that is thought to cause hangovers. Zbiotics says that when its product goes on sale at $5 per dose it will be the world’s first genetically engineered probiotic on the market.
Shogun helps companies quickly set up storefronts.
Small businesses looking to get off the ground and get their products online might be paralyzed by the sheer volume of stuff that needs to get done before a click-to-buy button even appears. Shogun wants to create a simpler workflow for a page editor to set up an online store on platforms like Shopify. The service is specifically designed with nontechnical people in mind.
Read more about Shogun on TechCrunch here.
DearBrightly offers personalized skincare prescriptions online.
Their primary product is a “retinoid”, which are used to help treat acne, psoriasis, and other inflammatory skin disorders. You send images of your skin to one of their partner dermatologists, you helps you establish a skin care regimen and get the necessary prescriptions.
Read more about DearBrightly on TechCrunch here.
Sketchbox is photoshop for AR and VR.
They believe that someday there will be just as many AR/VR designers as there are web and graphic designers today. So far, they’ve worked with over 2000 designers and found that the “power users” are spending an average of 3.5 hours per week on the platform. Companies like Microsoft, Oculus and Eon Reality have tested out Sketchbox. It’s a $6 billion market opportunity, Sketchbox believes.
Read more about Sketchbox on TechCrunch here.
EnvKey wants to be the LastPass of API keys.
As companies get bigger and bigger, the complex network of tools and APIs they have to access might start to get out of hand really quickly. EnvKey is there to try to keep track of all those keys and secrets and make sure they get updated properly. EnvKey also has tools in place to make sure only the right people have access to them internally.
Read more about EnvKey on TechCrunch here.
Tradewind Bioscience
Tradewind Bioscience is working on drugs that block the spread of cancer.
Its two founders both independently identified a cancer protein that occurs during the metastasization of cancer and chose to team up to tackle the problem. They’re focusing first on ovarian cancer, though they say that their therapies will work with “most” cancers.
Read more about Tradewind Bioscience on TechCrunch here.
Arrow wants to build Instagram for augmented reality.
Its app lets users attach text and emojis to real world objects and share videos of their AR creations. Its Autoemoji identifies common objects and facial expressions, and fills the screen with related emoji. The startup expects the number of modern AR-enabled phones to grow to 500 million in 2019, expanding its potential user base. Arrow’s public beta has seen 25K videos shared in 2 months. Building a new social content feed will be very difficult in the face of Instagram and Snapchat, but the autoemoji feature is innovative.
Wing It
Wing It is a Facebook Messenger bot that tries to get you out of the house on a weekend trip.
It recommends AirBNBs, local hikes, and other activities based on your preferences — things like distance from home, cost per person, etc. They’re currently seeing 70% weekly engagement from their existing users.
Read more about WingIt on TechCrunch here.
Tipe is a tool for developers that takes needless text out of their lives.
The startup makes it easier for developers to navigate code without have to constantly make content edits on the behalf of marketing, by enabling non-developers to make these changes quickly and easily.
As our own Jon Shieber wrote here, “Swayable was founded by three former physicists to help craft political messages that actually inform and persuade rather than simply incite and propagandize.”
They aim to help political groups a/b test their messaging to determine what messaging works best, while only sharing information that is accurate. They currently have $100k in monthly books, with customers including the DNC, and the ACLU
Read more about Swayable on TechCrunch here.
Quantstamp automatically checks smart contract security.
The new popularity of the blockchain has led to more enterprises using smart contracts. But manually checking their security is time consuming and expensive. Last year $300 million was compromised due to smart contract hacks. Quantstamp has developed an automated process that scans smart contracts for vulnerabilities.
It’s already earned $2.4 million in revenue doing six enterprise smart contract audits, and it has 50 customers in the pipeline who’ll pay $500K per audit. Quantstamp could take smart contracts mainstream by making enterprises confident they won’t get hijacked.
Glimpse K12
Glimpse is trying to cut ineffective spending at schools.
The company meshes education institutions’ accounting systems with student achievement data to help education institutions understand what they’re pumping money into and see where they’re getting the best return on investment when it comes to positive student outcomes. The team’s ultimate goal is to “fundamentally changing the way $800B is spend in education each year.”
ClearBrain helps companies target ads at the users most likely to sign up for a subscription, buy a product, or cancel their account (for example).
It pulls data from the tools that businesses are already using (like Segment, Optimizely and Heap), then deploys artificial intelligence to analyze and group users based on how likely they are to perform a specific action. The ultimate goal, according to CEO Bilal Mahmood, is “to democratize AI for marketers.”
Read more about ClearBrain on TechCrunch here.
Players’ Lounge
Players’ Lounge is an online platform where gamers can compete for cash.
Players can deposit money into their account and then search for other players who are willing to throw down a few bucks over a game of FIFA or Fortnite. The startup’s rating system lets gamers know if they’re taking on someone with a similar skill set or are out of their league.The company takes 10 percent of wagers and says they are growing 25 percent week-over-week.
Memora Health
Memora Health is “building a virtual nurse for patient follow-up.”
It turns out that every time someone leaves a doctor’s office, nurses are getting paid to follow up with the patient about treatments. Memora aims to automate that interaction using artificial intelligence. So far they’ve achieved $70,000 in monthly recurring revenue and have $3.8 million secured in LOIs. They say they’ve “built the infrastructure to follow up with every single patient in the United States.”
Treasury Prime
Treasury Prime makes APIs for banks.
Most banks still run on old mainframe computers and manual changes, leading to delays for banking services. Treasury Prime says its can accelerate the process of opening a bank account from 3 days to 3 minutes. The startup is building APIs for checking balances and transaction history, sending and receiving money by ACH and wire, and more.
It now has a live integration with a bank that’s issuing real bank accounts with Treasury Prime’s API. With a team that built APIs for Silicon Valley Bank and Stripe, and who sold a previous company for $200 million, Treasury Prime wants to modernize banking.
The moment a massive breach happens, Hunter2 hopes to already have a lab demo online for engineers to practice on.
Hunter2 serves as a tool to train engineers to better handle web app security through a soft-touch approach, giving employees semi-regular reminders of what skills the need and then having exercises build around real-world experience like the Equifax hack.
Read more about Hunter2 on TechCrunch here.
Slite is trying to reimagine collaborative tools for teams.
Imagine if Google Docs were developed by someone at Slack. Google Docs is already a pretty simplistic experience, but Slite aims to create a set of collaboration tools around a traditional notes application. The goal is to create a kind of hub where teams can come in and drop notes, ending up with something similar to an internal wiki.
Read more about Slite on TechCrunch here.
The Podcast App
The Podcast App wants to be the Netflix for…podcasts.
With 500,000 shows and 30 million episodes out there, The Podcast App helps people listen to spoken audio content, but eventually wants to move into discover and exclusive content subscriptions. The company expects there to be 500 million monthly podcasts listeners in five years, and wants to get 10 percent of them to pay $10 per month for exclusive access to top creators. The Podcast App has grown 50 percent month over month for a year, and now has 40,000 daily active users. But it will have to rise above a legion of other podcast apps, including previous YC startup Breaker which has the same strategy.
Read TechCrunch’s full coverage for more on The Podcast App
Groww wants to be the Robinhood for India.
The company says that while there are 250 million people in the middle class in India, only about 10 million of them are investing online. The startup is beginning its efforts with mutual funds, earning a 1 percent commision on transactions. Next the company is looking to take on stocks, bonds and cryptocurrencies.
Persephone Biome
Persephone Biome is trying to retune the gut microbiome to help cancer drugs work. They’re making a pill that contains gut bacteria.
They expect to go into clinical trials in 2019.
Biobot Analytics
Biobot Analytics analyzes city sewage “to estimate opioid consumption.”
Currently, “the best data is counting people who die,” which isn’t enough to help cities make predictions. The MIT-experienced founders said they are “passionate about using our skills to tackle the biggest drug crisis in American history.” So far they’ve received 17 letters of interest and believe this is a $1.5 billion per year market opportunity in the U.S. and Canada alone. In addition to drug use, they hope to also measure pharmaceuticals, infections disease and food consumption. This is “data that companies would pay billions for.”
Nectome aims to preserve people’s brains, for when and if scientists ever develop a method to upload your memories to a computer.
The catch (as explained by co-founder Robert McIntyre) is that the method is “100 percent fatal” — the company’s plans involve terminally ill patients, under anesthesia, to a heart lung machine that will pump embalming chemicals into their arteries.
Read more about Nectome on TechCrunch here.
Promise is a bail reform startup, offering counties and local governments an alternative to holding low-risk people behind bars simply because they can’t afford bail.
For each participant, Promise provides counties with a comprehensive intake procedure and then sets up each participant with a care plan specific to them. Promise will then monitor and support participants by helping them ensure they know when they’re supposed to appear in court, and remind them of obligations like drug testing or substance abuse treatment needed. The app also provides participants with job training, housing, counseling and referrals.
Read more about Promise on TechCrunch here.
Beanstalk is an indoor farming startup that can grows produce at the cost of outdoor farming.
The company simplifies operations while reducing cost with its own custom machinery that takes on some of the high-cost areas for outdoor farming. Beanstalk holds some advantages, namely they don’t have to worry about weather and don’t need pesticides. They’re focusing on heirloom greens like spinach to grow to start and are focused on customers within 100 miles of where they’re growing.
Nutrigene makes personalized supplements based on your own health data.
Users upload their 23andme (or similar) data, and they try to create tailored supplements accordingly. Eventually, they intend to move into personalized medicine.  They’ve say they’ve made $17,328 in revenue since launching 2.5 months ago, with a margin of 50% per order.
Read more about Nutrigene on TechCrunch here.
Precious is an iPhone app that uses AI to curate your baby photos.
It “scans that mess and finds the meaningful moments,” they said on stage. So far they’ve gotten 54,000 paying monthly subscribers and “create and update the perfect album for every child as they grow.” Using specialized AI, it determines what it thinks are the best photos and sends them to customers regularly. So far they say they have $180,000 in monthly recurring revenue and are profitable. They believe this is a $20 billion market opportunity.
Zyper wants to “re-create social networks for brands”.
It identifies a brand’s most engaging users, and offers them rewards relevant to the brand’s products (not money) in exchange for posting content about that brand. The company says they’ve made $1m in revenue since launching 9 months ago.
Cognition IP
Cognition IP is a tech-enabled patent law firm focused on getting the job done quicker and cheaper.
The startup claims they charge half the price of traditional law firms and that they file patents in 14 days while larger firms spend as much as 30 days getting patents filed. The company did this by building automation tools, like a smart search engine that takes a patent application and finds similar ones. They’ve also automated formatting, and built software that fills out forms for users. The company launched three months ago and is profitable with $200k in revenue.
Mirror AI
Mirror AI takes a photo and creates “thousands” of emoji that look like you. A few weeks after launching, they’ve got 300,000 installs.
Tarjimly connects refugees and immigrants with native speakers of their language for help navigating difficult situations, from paperwork to disaster response.
It’s anonymous, free, and works entirely within Facebook Messenger, with more platforms on the way. Read more about Tarjimly on TechCrunch here.
OurMenu replaces ordering from a waiter with ordering from a website.
Labor costs are huge for restaurants. OurMenu wants to let you order from your phone at your table instead of talking to a waiter, and without downloading an app. You scan a QR code on the table, choose your food, order and pay, and then the food is brought to you.  OurMenu plans to charge restaurants $300 per month for the tech, and will aggregate the menu choice data to sell back to them.
Archform is teeth aligner software startup that lets orthodontists create, design and 3D print aligners within their own offices.
The idea is to provide orthodontists with a way to better compete against some direct-to-consumer teeth aligner startups and cut down on the cost of Invisalign.
Read more about ArchForm on TechCrunch here.
Ropeo wants to be the Stitch Fix of Latin America.
The company offers a monthly clothing subscription service with some features optimized for its particular market. The company allows users to try before they buy and takes cash on pickup because credit card use is so low in LatAm. The company believes that they’ll be able to negotiate better deals with partners as they scale and that after clothing, they’ll be able to grow to sourcing different types of apparel.
Pulse is trying to crowdsource research and advisory reports by tapping a community of IT execs.
They currently have 3,000+ IT executives on the platform, and say they’re growing by over 100 companies per week. Its reports are free, instead aiming to make money buy connecting IT buyers and vendors.
Read more about Pulse on TechCrunch here.
Playbook is for college students who want to hang out.
It’s an app with 240 beta users at Harvard, 30% of whom use it daily. In March, they organized 101 get togethers and “most the people that hung out and had a great time didn’t know each other beforehand.” It’s available on both iOS and Android.
Read more about Playbook on TechCrunch here.
Delphia works with publishers to create applications that help their readers make decisions — think of them as BuzzFeed quizzes, but for complex decisions, and with real data science on the backend. The company’s first application was called Vote Compass, which told users how their political views line up with election candidates. Now it’s expanding beyond politics. Read more about Delphia on TechCrunch here.
Dana Cita
Dana Cita offers student loans in Indonesia.
Previously, there were no loans in the 260 million-person country where 76 percent of people are unbanked. Dana Cita believes student loans can be the start of an adult’s financial life, and a way to recruit long-time customers for other financial services. It’s originated $100K in loans to 52 borrowers so far. The question is whether after seeing the student loan debt crisis in America, Indonesians will want to take money from a startup.
Tributi wants to build a TurboTax for Latin America.
The startup says that the vast majority of people in Latin America have their taxes prepped by individual accountants rather than using software products. The company says upcoming tax reform across the continent will drive even more traffic to solutions like theirs. The startup says it is growing 25 percent week over week since launch.
EasyEmail is a Chrome plugin that analyzes your emails finds your most common phrases and autocompletes sentences for you.
So much of the emails that we send feel like they’re being written on autopilot. Wouldn’t it be great if they actually were? For users sending a lot of repetitive sales or PR emails, the service offers a system that will keep you from copy-pasting up a storm and let you intelligently blaze through your emails.
Read more about EasyEmail on TechCrunch Here.
Ben aims to be a unified platform for learning about, buying, selling, and storing cryptocurrency.
With the hundreds of wallets and exchanges floating around in the blockchain ether, it’s easy for novices to get lost in the fray. Ben’s mobile app distinguishes itself from other wallet exchanges by integrating crypto education, using the platform to also deliver news about currencies and offer Q&As related to crypto investing.
Medumo aims to reduce day-of medical procedure cancellations.
Last minute schedule changes can be costly for both the patients and the medical facilities.
But a lot of these cancellations aren’t by choice, but rather because patients forgot to fast or avoid certain foods before a procedure. Medumo offers support over text and email, providing instructions so that the patient is ready when they need to be. For its customers, they say it’s resulted in a 30% reduction in no shows.
These are the 64 startups unveiled at Y Combinator W18 Demo Day 2
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topicprinter · 7 years
Hey y'all, I've compiled a list of 50+ social start-ups that are trying to make the world a bit better :) In alphabetic order:Altruisto Altruisto.com is a browser extension that allows users to collect money for extremely effective charities while shopping online. It works with 1000+ shops including eBay, Booking.com, Barnes&Noble, Aliexpress, Etsy. For every $4.85 raised for Against Malaria Foundation two people are protected from malaria (via bed nets) and for every $1.19 raised for Schistosomiasis Control Initiative one child gets a year supply of antiparasitic medicine.Founders:Daniel WyrzykowskiAndela Recruits and manages African tech talent (developers) and integrates them into world leading tech companies. Backed by Chan Zuckerberg Iniative.Founders:Christina Saas Jeremy JohnsonArt Lifting Connects socially concious businesses to artist that are disabled or experiencing homelessness. Either for artwork in building spaces or work with licensing partners to develop co-branded merch.Founders:Liz Powers Spencer PowersAsarasi Sparkling Tree Water Mitigates water waste with the first USDA certified organic botteled water. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of would be disposed of water from the maple farming industry is resold and sparkled by Asarasi. The water mitigates waste and diversifies income for farmers.Founders:Adam LazarBarefoot College Barefoot College, aka The Social Work and Research Centre (SWRC) is a voluntary organization is a wide researching education empowerment organization. They provide classes to the "drop-outs, cop-outs, and wash-outs" in the village of Tilonia in India.Their efforts impact, education, skill development, health, accessible drinking water, women empowerment. They have prepared more than 3 million people for modern jobs.Founders:Bunker RoyBarefoot Power Provides affordable, reliable solar products to underserved energy communities. For profit social enterprise that provides families and small businesses access to power in Africa, India, Asia, and the AmericasFounders:Stewart Craine Harry AndrewsBayes Impact Bayes Impact is a Y Combinator-backed non-profit that builds operational solutions to the world's biggest challenges using data science. Uses data to create interventions for underserved people across the worldFounders:Paul DuanBogo Brush Bogobrush toothbrushes are beautifully modern, eco friendly, and made in the USA. With each toothbrush sold, one is donated to a person in need.Founders:Heather Mcdougall John McdougallBe my Eyes Free app that connects blind and low vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.Founders:Hans JØrgen Wilberg Christian ErfurtChange.org World’s largest online petitioning plaform that provides grassroots level empowerment for social change.Founders:Ben RattrayChange Heroes Video chat service that connects donors to nonprofits in education, housing, and global health.Founders:Taylor ConroyDefy Ventures This organization tackles mass incaceration and the related high recidivism rates by providing educational training to individuals with criminal histories.Founders:Catherine HokeDrinkWell Systems Developed a reusable arsenic absorbent to reduce the risk of arsenic poisoning and provide clean, safe drinking water world wide.Founders:Minhaj ChowdhuryDrops These apps let you donate spare change when you pay with your debit or credit card. They round up the price and automatically donate to one of the charities of your choice.Founders:Shea Rouda David MaliglowkaEcosia Ecosia is the search engine that plants trees with its ad revenue. Since it is based on Microsoft’s Bing, the results for most searches are as accurate as Google’s (it may be slightly worse for more niche searches or for languages other than English). It has been a certified B Corp since 2014.Founders:Christian KrollElephant Parade Open-air exhibitions of artist created elephants are placed in the streets of host cities to increase public awareness of the plights of elephants to support elephant conservation. At the end of the festival, the elephants are auctioned off with the proceeds going to NGO, Elephant FamilyFounders:Marc Spits Mike SpitsElvis & Kresse Creates stylish luggage and handbags from raw waste materials like fire hoses and donates 50% of profits to the Fire Fighters Charity.Founders:Kresse Wesling James HenritEnevo Waste manage company that uses sensor tech that allows business parters to know how much waste they're producing.Founders:Fredrik Kekäläinen Johan EngströmEverly Natural drink mixes - 1 for 1 - distributes a life-saving rehydration salt treatment for each pouch sold.Founders:Kyle McCollom Chris ColeFree Code Camp Free Code Camp teaches students to code in several languages for free, then partners them with nonprofit organizations to provide mutually beneficial web development. freeCodeCamp has donated US$ 1,400,000 worth of development work to nonprofits as of January 2017.Founders:Quincy LarsonFinnegans Finnegans provides food to food banks through their Good Beer arm which 100% of profits go to supplying food to under served individuals. They also engineered the "reverse food truck" which picks up food from donors instead of selling food for cash.Founders:Jacquie BerglundGlobal Giving GlobalGiving is a nonprofit that provides a global crowdfunding platform for grassroots projects around the world. Donate to charity and see your impact with regular updates.Founders:Mari Kuraishi Dennis WhittleGrassroots Business Fund Actively supports economically movile people in developing areas throughout Latin America, Africa, India, and Asia.Founders:Harold RosenHand in Hand Soap 1 for 1 soap brand - for every product purchased they donate a month of drinking water and a bar of soap to a child in needFounders:Bill Glaab Courtney AppleHandup A platform for donors to give directly to people who are experiencing homelessnessFounders:Rose BroomeImpossible Foods This company creates meat and dairy products without the use of any animal parts. They're the creators of the "Impossible Burger" a meatless burger that bleeds just lilke the real thing without any of the cruelty.Founders:Patrick BrownJanji Running clothes where 10% of sale goes to funding clean water projectsFounders:Michael Burnstein David SpandorferKhan Academy Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan with a goal of creating a set of online tools that help educate students. The organization produces short lectures in the form of YouTube videos. Its website also includes supplementary practice exercises and materials for educators.Founders:Salman KhanKiva Kiva is a non-profit that allows people to lend money via the Internet to low-income entrepreneurs and students in over 80 countries. Kiva's mission is "to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty."Founders:Premal Shah Chelsa BocciLifeStraw Water filter company. LifeStraw has been generally praised for its effective and instant method of bacteria and protozoa removal and consumer acceptability. For every LifeStraw product you purchase, a child in need receives safe water for an entire school year.Me to We For profit social enterprise that sells socially responsible products & services. They also donate half of their net profits to non-profit partner WE Charity.Founders:Craig Kielburger Marc KielburgerMud Love 1 for 1 mud based apparel, accesory, and mug company - each product provides 1 week of clean water to someone in need.Founders:Luke WrightNewman's Own CPG company that donates 100% of profits to charity. They have a variety of items from salad dressings to bottled wine.Founders:Paul Newman A.E. HotchnerPennies A platform that offers customers the chance for a microdonation when you pay by card in shops, online and in apps. It’s your choice every time, with no pressure, and no follow up.Pipeline Angels Network to match femme investors to entrepreneurs. They provide trainings to both new investors as well as entrepreneurs. The key insight is that investors provide funding largely to people like them. As white, male investors invest in white, males women and non-binary femmes provide funding to female social entrepreneursFounders:Natalia Oberti NogueraPulse Point Alerts CPR and AED trained individuals when someone nearby is going through cardiac arrest.Founders:Richard PriceRaise Me Provides microscholarships from colleges to high school students. For each achievement (like an A in a core class, or holding a leadership position in a sport), students can receive money towards a scholarship, redeamable once they attend that collegeFounders:Preston SilvermanRevivn Revivn collects excess hardware from businesses, secures thr data & repurposes unused tech for communities in need, provide a detailed hardware inventory & certify data destruction and ethical recycling.Round it Up America Restaurant partneres provide customers the opportunity to round up their purchase to the nearest dollar. Donations are given out quarterly to various nonprofitsFounders:Harald Hermann Jennifer WeerhelmSamasource Provides management and data services from a work source that uses "impact sourcing" which means they give work to people living in poverty. Thus far helped over 36k out of poverty. Has teams in US, Kenya, Uganda, and IndiaFounders:Leila JanahSevamob Aims to close the healthcare gap with a subscription based healthcare pop-ups in underserved communities. It provides comprehensive care including dental, vision, and nutrition education. The company’s tech platform also provides infrastructure for tele-health, healthcare IT, and point-of-care diagnostics to third-party clinics. The company currently facilitates 20,000 patient consultations per month in eight states of India and in South Africa, while about 500 third-party organizations are using the tech platform.Founders:Shelley SaxenaSevenly Sevenly is an apparel e-commerce website. Portion of the money from each purchase is donated to charitable causes.Founders:Dale Partridge Aaron ChavezSirum Supporting Initiatives to Redistribute Unused Medicine (SIRUM), as titled is a social enterprise to decrease medical waste in the US by destributing unused and unexpired druges to clinics. Using a tech platform, SIRUM allows manufactures, wholesalers, and pharmacies to easily donate rather than destroy meds.Founders:Adam Kircher George Wang Kiah WilliamsTabs for a Cause Donates money to charity every time a user opens a new tab. Through their sponsors, they have raised over $400k for charities.Founders:Kevin Jennison Alex GrothTeach For America Their mission statement is to "enlist, develop, and mobilize as many as possible of our nation's most promising future leaders to grow and strengthen the movement for educational equity and excellence." They essentially recruit highly educated individuals from top universities to teach at underprivledged schools. The organization serves 52 low income communities.Founders:Wendy KoppTerraCycle TerraCycle takes non-recyclable pre-consumer and post-consumer waste and turns it into a raw material to be used in new products.Founders:Tom Szaky Jon BeyerThe Soap Co Luxury, sustainable, and ethical soap company that comitts all of their provits to disadvantaged individuals (those with disability, visually impaired etc.)Toms Shoes The company designs and sells shoes based on the Argentine alpargata design, eyewear, coffee, apparel, and handbags. When Toms sells a pair of shoes, a new pair of shoes is given to an impoverished child, when Toms sells eyewear, part of the profit is used to save or restore eyesight for people in developing countries.Founders:Blake Mycoskie Alejo NittiUnited by Blue For every product sold they remove one pound of trash from oceans and waterways.Founders:Brian Linton Mike CangiWakaWaka One for One solar social enterprise. For every solar array sold, they donate a solar light to a family previously living without access to electricity.Founders:Maurits Groen Camille Van GestelWatsi Builds technology to finance healthcare costs like surgeris through crowdfunding.Founders:Chase Adam Jesse CookeWello Designed a water wheel at affordable prices that increases access to water. Allows users to get twice as much water in half the time vs head- loadingFounders:Cynthia KoenigWildHearts Office Donates a portion of office supply sales to the WildHearts Foundation. They provide price competitive office goods to major companies like Deloitte and Johnson & Johnson.Founders:Mick JacksonVision Spring Sells cheap eye glasses to people in the developing world. Also for every $5 donated to them, they can provide someone access to glasses.Founders:Jordan KassalowZidisha The first online microlending community that directly connects lenders and borrowers — no matter the distance or disparity between them. Allows users to fund people in developing nations capital for projects. For example, you could give $25 for a grocery stand or $100 to a beauty saloonFounders:Julia Kurnia
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