#Donghae & Leeteuk take their shirt off during bonamana
mysilentmemory · 2 years
Donghae & Leeteuk take their shirt off during bonamana
donghae #leeteuk #동해 #이특 #SS9inTaiwan
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sambart93 · 5 years
2018.11.30-12.01 Super Junior Live in Tokyo Dome [Super Show 7] Report
The DVD for this comes out on Wednesday, and people in Japan who pre-ordered should be getting their DVDs tomorrow SO it’s about damn time I posted this report! 
So I crazily got way into Super Junior these past 8 months so I took the plunge and went to their concert... twice. It was great! It’s been a while since I went so I hope I can remember most of the stuff but I shall try!
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*Yeah there were changes between the two days!
Song For You Superman (song only, no performance) VCR (Member Intro Shots) Black Suit Scene Stealer MAMACITA First MC Shirt Second MC Animals It's You One More Time Lo Siento (Nov 30) / Kyuhyun's Comment (Dec 1) VCR (Donghae's girlfriend dying in a car accident) One More Chance 愛してるって言えない (Yesung Solo) The Little Prince (Ryeowook Solo) 'Bout You Oppa Oppa Can You Feel It MC Runaway Too Many Beautiful Girls Bambina VCR (SUPERZ) On and On Super Duper Sorry Sorry Mr. Simple Bonamana VCR I Do Make You Smile Shining Star ENCORE: Devil Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! Miracle
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To the report! I’ll try and keep in order.
☆ I remember on Day One (Nov 30) the seat next to me was completely empty. And on Day Two (Dec 1) we got aisle seats so we had a lot of room to ourselves. Also I remember an older couple of women behind us on Day 1 and they sat down a lot and chatted throughout most of the concert -- which would’ve been fine if they’d talked quietly. Me and my friend spoke to each other throughout the concert here and there too.
☆ I remember goods being absolutely crazy! Both times I turned up 2 hours beforehand. Day 1 took 4 hours to get through the line, Day 2 took just over an hour but still, it was crazy! And the CD line on Day 2 was absolutely ridiculous!! I remember a foreign fan on Day 1, just before doors opened, asking us how long goods would take and if she had time to line up (doors open an hour before the concert) and I told her no because it took us 4 hours alone, at this time who knows how long it’ll take.
☆ Day 2 for pre-show was definitely the most fun! I was in my Doraemon outfit so all the fans knew immediately I was a Heechul fan, and because of that (and because he’s not as popular as some of the others) fans were giving me their trading goods of his for free! I even told them ‘I’m sorry I have nothing to trade for this,’ but they were always like, ‘no, we don’t want it!’ which I am super thankful for! Also I got sweets with little D&E and Heechul pictures inside, another woman gave me a Heechul magnet and photo. Just the fans were absolutely amazing!! And I’ll definitely have to pay it forward at the next cons I go to of Super Junior. They were all so kind! I need to repay that!
☆ Also on Day 2, we had less time waiting for goods so we had more time to relax and talk, so me and my friend ended up getting rather drunk before the concert which was fun and we took lots of pictures and talked about other KPop groups and such. It was a good bonding time with my friend xD
☆ I only saw two other people in Doraemon outfits so that made me happy hehe
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☆ I have to admit, I spent the first day just taking in everything; learning how KPop fans work, what chants are used where, what the order of the songs are, how the boys interact, how fanservice in KPop works etc. because it was my first KPop AND Super Junior concert so everything was new to me. So I spent the first day just learning how it all goes down. I also spent the first day just completely watching when and where Heechul leaves and enters the stage because I was worried he wouldn’t have much time, and I have to say he spent a lot of time walking on and off stage - surely it’d be better and would waste less energy if he just had a stool and sat on the stage?! But I guess he still has some pride in him because I feel like and me most of the fans are like ‘you can just sit on the stage and sing, we don’t mind! We’d rather you sat and sang than just completely leave the stage!’. So the second day I fully enjoyed everything that went down and I got super emotional in some parts.
☆ I love how the stage is set with 7 mannequins on stage in boxes. At first I didn’t think anything was odd but then in the last 10 minutes before the show started, I realised there were 8 members performing, so where the hell was the 8th member’s mannequin?! But the show does/did actually start with just the 7 members.
☆ But I have to say, Ryeowook makes the best entrance ever! He turns up part way through Mamacita at the back top stage, belting out notes in all his glory and the crowd went WILD both times. It’s such an epic and good entrance!
☆ Of course, all the fans were delights and happy that Superman (even as an instrumental intro) made a comeback! I heard some long time fans say ‘they finally listened to us and brought it back!’ which is great ^_^
☆ Heechul was so adorable during Shirt! Shaking his little butt around! If I remember correctly, on the second day, Siwon started smacking his butt when he started wiggling it xD
☆ Everyone lost their shit during It’s You. It is SUCH a good concept!!! Their outfits are great! The blindfolds are great! I love how Heechul pops up through the back top stage for his moment and looks so damn good! Everyone is thirsty during this performance xD it’s definitely an unforgettable one!
☆ On the second day, they cut out LoSiento so that they could talk a lot with Kyuhyun and so he could talk to the members and the crowd a lot. No one was expecting him to turn up, so when he suddenly appeared on the screen, the entire audience simulatenously screamed and then proceeded to burst into tears. I also burst into tears! And (at the time) I did’t even know Kyunhun that well but I knew/know how much the fandom and the members miss him so it was just the spiritual moment of ‘everyone is so emotional right now and I got dragged into it completely’. Kyunhyun was a little embarrassed and his Japanese was a little rough and he was totally shy because of that which was ADORABLE! He said ‘Oh please don’t look! I’m so fat right now!’ and everyone was like ‘NO! You’re cute!!’ and he said ‘watching you (members) on stage now and seeing how much fun you’re having, makes me really want to join you. I can’t wait to get back on that stage with you all!’ so adorable xD and he said it was strange being an audience members at the concert but he’s happy being so close to the fans and being able to see fan reactions and how they are around him. Also he got given a seat in the sound area rather than in the VIP area or even in a normal audience seat, because SuJu had completely sold out all their seats and he was proud xD (video here and here)
☆ Me being bias but I was sad they cut out Heechul’s rap at the end of Lo Siento so he didn’t appear at all for that song on Day One. He could’ve easily just cross-dressed and been the girl or could have sang/done the girl parts of the song --- and we would have ALL loved it! I thought it was a nice idea. And he wouldn’t really need to dance so his leg would be okay, and it would keep his stage time up too for his fans... just a shame they didn’t do. I’m sure he had his reasons but I’m sure he spent more time and energy walking up and down stairs than actually dancing and participating on stage...
 ☆ I have to say, on the first day, me and my friend started laughing at Donghae’s VCR. If you’ve ever seen a KDrama, you know EVERY romance show has at least one car crash -- we get it, Korea has a ridiculous amount of car crashes everyday. Car crashes are terrible, they kill and hurt people every day in the world. But I am so DONE with all the Korean media (especially the romance shows) having car crashes. So when Donghae’s VCR had his girlfriend dying in a car crash, I just burst out into laughter, ‘of course she’s in a fucking car crash,’ my body was just ‘here we go again’. It really is ridiculous how every KDrama has a car crash and how they even put them in got damn SuJu shows. I understand completely the reality of car crashes and I am not disrespecting real car crashes at all. But, I’m so done with this trope in the media Korea.
☆ Hearing Ryeowook’s voice properly through his ‘The Little Prince’ song at Tokyo Dome was such a blessing! I absolutely loved this performance and hearing him sing. His vocals really are no joke. He’s just perfect and is amazing at what he does.
☆ In contrast to the two ballad solos that Ryeowook and Yesung gave us, we had D&E being completely stupid with their melody of 'Bout You, Oppa Oppa and Can You Feel It. The entire audience lost it at Can You Feel It. We were all already hyped but that song sent EVERYONE overboard and jumping around; both audience and members. Me and my friend were dying of laughter during this part too! It was so much fun!
☆ I really love the concept for Runaway. They’re all in their school uniforms and they start in a classroom and in their seats before running around it and dancing. Also the hip roll movement they have in this song and Heechul having way too much fun with it haha
☆ The SUPERZ VTR had all the English speaking fans DYING because of Yesung’s mobile screen name is listed as “Yesex”. Me and my friend were dying but clearly the rest of the audience (either they couldn’t read the English fast enough or they had already been to all the other Super Shows so already knew about these VTRs; which seemed like 95% of them) didn’t react and were looking really weird at me and my friend when we started crying with laughter. 
The SUPERZ VTR was so strange though. Like it was trying to tell a story about a group who had gone their separate ways and were then trying to get back together for a final mission, but it barely told any of the story. The information was very broken up and half spoken, and then the VTR ends with Ryeowook capturing LeeTeuk (to which the entire crowd again went crazy and mental because Ryeowook is a baby! He can’t be evil! xD but he was!!!) and... the story was a mess and really difficult to understand. Is SUPERZ like an on-going story that they have at concerts that I’ve missed out on? I felt like I’d been told 0.5% of a story during that VTR. It had a great concept, what I got of the story sounded very good but the VTR itself was just a storytelling mess. GIVE ME ANSWERS! xD
☆ I hadn’t heard On and On until the concert and I immediately really loved the song! So I’ll probably get my grubby hands on it soon!
☆ LeeTeuk had me in tears of laughter during the Super Duper performance because he does THE FUNNIEST run/walk during it! He looks like a complete cartoon character! He was SO funny during this!
☆ THE HEECHUL DRUM SOLO!!! I absolutely LOST IT! Only 7 members are dancing in the front stage during the first half of this song, and me being me, I wasn’t paying attention to them, I was too busy trying to find where Heechul had gone when I noticed staff bringing on drums to the main stage. My brain immediately went ‘hang on... doesn’t Heechul play the drums?!’ and I went wide eyed. Surely enough he walked on stage shortly after that, but with most of the audience paying attention to the front stage because of the 7 members (and the main to back stage’s lights were off so everything was dark), they didn’t realise what was going on, so I was the only one freaking out for a few seconds before the lights went onto Heechul and he started his EPIC, AMAZING DRUM SOLO!!! I just died. I was holding my friend for DEAR LIFE! I lost it completely! The HIGHLIGHT of this damn show is definitely Heechul and that god damn drum solo! He looked so happy and so sexy on those drums!!!
Feast your eyes on these videos 1, 2
☆ I cried a lot during Make You Smile both days. When I first heard it on the single too, I immediately burst into tears. It’s just such a simple yet powerful and emotional song. I couldn’t stop my tears from falling either day.
☆ On the second day of their final comments (before the Encore) HeeChul pulled out a letter and it was in Japanese and spoke it out loud to us. I was just in instant tears because he is just the freaking sweetest. 
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I remember 10 years ago at Budoukan. It was our first show in Japan. I didn’t think we were so loved. I will never forget the fans I saw with my eyes that day. Thank you for loving me who’s standing on this stage. I’m still grateful for that now, and it’s something I’ll never forget.
Video here too.
☆ Towards the end of the show on the second day (I think after Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!) the fans got to give Super Junior a ‘Surprise’ message of ‘Welcome back to Tokyo!’ and of course Shindong was taking pictures and film of the Mexican wave and of the surprise.
☆ They filmed the second day too! Which will be the recording/video for the DVD/BR release which is VERY SOON! Order here, here, and here.
There was one major thing that struck me that gave me.... culture shock? Maybe it’s just Super Junior, or maybe it’s KPop Idols or Korean Artists in general, but during the concert I realised how little fanservice they gave to the audience. Is this normal for KPop Idols or is it just Super Junior? I didn’t see any of them really interact with the audience. I’m very much used to J-Pop / J-Idol concerts where the artists actually go out of their way to wave, shake hands, high-five, do silly poses or actions for fans, steal fan’s uchiwas (giant Japanese fan that usually has their bias’ face or name or some message on it), laugh at the fans messages, pointing at certain people, blowing kisses etc. I am used to artists paying so much attention to fans. But at Super Junior, they almost did nothing except looking and smiling at fans. Maybe they gave one or two waves but there was nothing on the level that I’m used to seeing. And I do not blame the boys at all, but it was this HUGE culture shock to me. Both shows I felt like something was off, something was odd, something was missing. And once I realised that it was the lack of fanservice, I was just hit with culture surprise. 
So, is this normal with KPop artists? Or is it just SJ’s style? Like I said, it’s not a complaint or anything but it was just this HUGE difference to what I’m used to that it kind of... dampened my experience? It definitely felt a little incomplete.
And now for photos me and my friend took randomly throughout the two days!
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There you go!! I hope you all enjoyed that report and it was posted just in time for the DVD release! xD
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