#Donnie dont go off cause he was very politely asked not to
cokowiii · 11 months
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He was eating a bag of bugs :)
The first part-ish
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nightsoulsworld · 3 years
Hello Bestie, I have a request for a song fic with bayverse Donnie with the song Gotta Be Somebody By Nickleback
I dont really have an idea for it, maybe fluff if ya could
Thank you!
Hello, bestie ! Thank you for your ask! I hope you will like it. If you don't like it, message me anytime 💜💜
Sorry for any mistakes in song fic ♥️
Words: 1,037
Here we go
Donnie x Reader
Somebody to love
When Donnie met Reader, he never thought that he fall head over heels for them. The Reader was from the start very polite and nice to them. They were so happy that they are not with the people who thinks that they're freaks or monsters. Donnie immediately befriend them, cause both of them share the same interests and Donnie find finally somebody who understands him and his nerdy stuff. Of course, soon he felt more for them. He was completely amazed by them and he wanted really badly tell them how he feels, but he was afraid of that what they would think. He don't want them to think that he's weird or something.
Here he is, hanging out in his lab with them. But he can't focused on project in front of him, he just can't. The Reader and Donnie acts more like couple than best friends. They always cuddle, they share really big and long hugs, sometimes they give him little kisses on his cheeks. Donnie put his favorite song GOTTA BE SOMEBODY by NICKELBACK. Little bit more louder, but both of them love this song and they don't mind. Reader was lost in the thoughts. They don't focused on project either. They just stare at it.
This time I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing
I'll know it by the feeling
The moment when we're meeting
Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
Donnie noticed and after few minutes he asked them; Okay, what's wrong? Something bothering you ? I'm fine,thanks Donnie. He don't take it from them. No, you're not! Are you sad ? Are you hurt? Did I do something? I said something to you ? He asked with inhuman speed. No,it's not you. Then what ? You know how you helped me study on that exam from Biology we had today. He don't forget. Yea, of course. Well, in school kids were laughing at me, calling me names cause I had from that exam 100%. Only me. Oh man. Y/N, come here. Donnie pull them into a hug and he rubs their back. Don't worry Y/N, those people don't appreciates how smart and intelligent you are. You know, the thing about smart people is that they seem like a crazy people to dumb people. Heh, you're right. Thank you Donnie. He kiss them on hair and rested his head on top of their and replied : Anytime Y/N. Anytime.
So I'll be holding my breath
Right up 'till the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with !
He took them to his bedroom, he closed the door behind them. Both of them say down on his circle bed and Reader after some minutes said : Can I be honest? Please, he replied. I've always loved the idea of not being what people expect me to be. This sentence made Donnie laugh that adorabl dorky laugh with his snort that make the Reader's heart melt. They always had thing for the nerdy turtle. They start to laugh with him. He makes them happy and they really appreciates that from him, even if he don't know what they feel for him.
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Out on the street, out in the moonlight And, damn it, this feels so right
It's just like Déjá Vu
Me standing here with you
Donnie and Reader can clearly hear that song from his lab and as the big fans of this song they start to dance around the room and lip singing to lyrics. They have great time, Donnie twirl them and they giggled with that giggle that got him everytime.
So I'll be holdin' my breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when I find the one that I'll spend forever with?
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Ooh! You can't give up
When you're lookin' for a diamond in the rough
Because you'll never know when it shows up
Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on
Donnie pick them up and he twirl them in the air. They only laugh and when he slowly get them back on their feet, both of their chests touching, they both feel chemistry between them . They look into each others eyes and in the heat of this moment, they leaned in and he kissed them slowly.
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me, oh!
Nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
When they pulled away, big grins on their faces, he told them:Y/N, you're really amazing and beautiful, I love you with all my heart, will you do me a honor and will you be my girlfriend? Ohh, Donnie. I love you too and I will be more than happy to be your girlfriend. They said and he only smiled and hug them with one more, twirl. They lay down on his bed and they were cuddling and talking now as a couple. Soon, they fall asleep with big grins, dreaming of each other.
Nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
There's else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
The end
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I hope you like it 💖💖💖
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paulvibe · 5 years
The Assistant (Paul McCartney X Reader) Pt. 2
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Words: 2.8k
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: All characters beyond The Beatles, and known Beatle acquaintances, are not real and of my own creation. There is one new character in this scene so, I figured I’d add a disclaimer :) pls dont sue me @ the beatles 
THE NEXT MORNING - Late August 1968
Your eyes gently peeled open to reveal the sun shining through a thin set of curtains. Birds could be heard chirping just outside, and a gentle breeze wafted in through a small gap in the window. You furrowed your brows not remembering an open window, but to be fair you were very stoned last night. You sighed softly, sinking back into the bed. 
Your attention switched to the arm draped around your waist, and the warm body curled perfectly, like a puzzle piece, around you. Paul. Your heart began to faintly ache, feeling so secure as the little spoon, but knowing it couldn’t last. You lay there for a few more moments before sitting up slowly. The pillow wall had been destroyed, each pillow scattered around you and the bass player. You sighed out of frustration and quickly climbed out of bed. Paul’s sleeping figure slightly adjusted, noticing the loss of heat from you. He patted the bed until he found a pillow and safely tucked it under his arm. 
You changed back into your dress quickly, tossing aside his t-shirt you slept in, before looking at Paul one more time. He seemed to still be asleep, holding the pillow. You grabbed your bag and shoes then walked over to the side he was laying on, gently kissing his forehead. His eyes opened slightly, waking up from the pressure of the kiss. You bit your lip and stood up, tippy toeing swiftly to the door, but Paul’s voice stopped you. 
“(Y/N)?” It was deep and sleepy sounding. 
“Yes, Paul?” You pursed your lips, and slowly turned back around. 
“Why are you running off?” His voice lulled you to want to go back to bed. You shook your head to clear the thought.
“I just… need to get home. I have Ringo’s event this weekend” You spoke. His tired eyes looked you up and down before he sat up a little more. He noticed you changed back into your own clothes and a slight disappointment settled on his face. Why was he disappointed? That you weren’t in his shirt anymore? 
“That’s a lame excuse, it’s not until tomorrow,” Paul commented, “Let’s get breakfast.” He added.
“Oh Paul, I’m wearing yesterday’s clothes and my hair isn’t done. I really shouldn’t. Imagine the articles they’ll write about us.” You quickly spoke, gesturing to yourself. Plus, you didn’t think you could handle breakfast. You just wanted to go home, curl up in a ball, and avoid Paul forever. At least until these feelings blew over.
“Borrow a dress from Pattie.” The man spoke, knowing you can't turn that down. You sighed heavily and folded your arms. There wasn’t a reason to not borrow a dress; she was readily available, and willing to share, and you didn’t have any immediate plans. Plus, Paul seemed desperate for you to stay with him.
“Fine,” You grumbled, finally giving in and adjusting your purse on your shoulder. “But, please take me home after.”
“I see the way he looks at you.” Were the first words to come out of Pattie’s mouth once the two of you were alone in her and George’s closet. You looked at her bug eyed and stuttering over a response.
“Oh shush, (Y/N).” Her delicate voice interrupted any stuttery mess that was about to come out of your mouth. Her arms swiftly shuffled through a rack of clothing, occasionally pulling out an outfit to show you. Pattie and You were quick to become friends-- as she was the only Beatle wife who didn’t have a child-- when you first started back in late ‘67. Over time you’d gotten too busy to hangout, but you still talked when you saw the other. 
“What about Linda?” You asked quietly, sitting on an ottoman that was in the couple’s closet.
“He would’ve married Linda months ago if it wasn’t for you, darling.” The girl finally spoke, pulling out a black and white striped mini shift dress with long sleeves and a flare at the bottom. You grabbed it from her grip and quietly slipped it on in a private corner of the closet.
“But why does he keep her around?” You huffed, exiting the corner to show Pattie the outfit. 
“Men are half-wits.” The girl explained, eyeing you up and down. “He will keep Linda around until you truly show you like him.” She motioned for you to spin with her finger. 
“But I’m the boy’s assistant. I can’t get into a relationship with one. Mr. Klein said so very fiercely, and it’s in my job contract.” You spun around, then looked into a mirror to survey the outfit for yourself.
“Listen, everyone knows that Paul won’t stay with Mr. Klein much longer,” Pattie whispered as though someone was listening, “You only have to bear it until he quits.” You felt a heavy pressure on your chest thinking about the man you liked leaving. You were under contract by Klein; and said contract clearly states that you have to remain an assistant for 5 years, unless the group was to disband. I guess if Paul did leave, then that technically means The Beatles are no more? Or will they continue on as The Beatles without Paul? Just thinking about it made your stomach twist.
“Thank you Pattie.” You spoke softly, turning to face the girl. Her words had made you feel better, even though your stomach was still in knots. So many emotions and thoughts were trying to process at once, you wish you could just forget and relax for a moment.
“Stick it out, I promise he’ll come around.” She said more softly, sitting on the ottoman. 
You gave her a lingering hug before walking out of the closet to finish getting put together. 
An hour later after completing getting ready you two said your goodbyes to Pattie and George, thanking them for their hospitality. Luckily, the living room people had left early in the morning, leaving you and Paul to be the last guests in the house. 
While the four of you chatted your goodbye’s, Paul’s hand crept to the small of your back, causing your cheeks to heat up slightly. Pattie took notice, giving you a coy smile with a wink. It only caused your cheeks to gather more heat.
“I’ll have Donny take you to the small Cafe to have tea.” George spoke, leading you and Paul out to the front of his home. A little black taxi sat parked in front of the path to the door, and a short pudgy man sat in the driver's seat. 
 “Ah g’day Lad.” The man spoke, stepping out of the car. 
“Don, can you take this lot to the Cafe?” George asked. Donny nodded with a smile, opening the backseat door for you and Paul to get in. You climbed in first, careful not to flash everybody present and the bass player followed in behind you. Donny also climbed in, quickly bringing the taxi to life and beginning in the direction of the Cafe.  
“You look lovely, by the way.” Paul spoke, causing you to put your attention on him. His gazed started at the bend of your knees and followed up your mini shift dress-- which had risen up your thigh higher thanks to sitting down-- continued up your front and finally to your face. You confidently held down a blush and eyed him as well. He was wearing a long-john type white shirt with a black knitted vest over top and some black jeans, as well as his hair and beard were combed neatly. 
“Thank you.” You let the blush escape slightly and bit your lip, quickly looking out of the window. Paul let out a soft chuckle, his gaze returning to the window as well. 
The ride was quiet, and smooth before Donny took a quick turn causing yours and Paul’s legs to touch.
 “Probably a damn yankee. They never know how t’a drive ‘ere.” He grumbled under his breath, raising his fist at a passing car. You cleared your throat, gently pulling your knee away from Paul’s. His look remained on the window, however, his leg moved, knee touching yours once again. So, this is how he’s flirting? it’s kind of sweet. Such a simple touch could have so much effect. 
A short five minutes later, you arrived at the Cafe. Donny pulled to the curb and allowed you and Paul to climb out. The little brick building sat in the middle of the block and a large metal sign held the logo. A few tables sat outside of the place, and a small menu was hung just right of the door. Once you entered, you were met with a square room. The counter and bar took up most of the space but three small tables sat across from it. Meanwhile, big ceiling fans swung trying to keep the stove heated room cool.
 You and Paul sat down at one of the tables in the corner. The room was surprisingly empty, for being Eleven-Thirty in the morning. But, that meant that nobody-- besides maybe the Cafe staff-- would hassle Paul. A waitress quickly took notice and walked over to the table, she handed menus to the two of you.
“Good mornin’ loves, what can I get ya started to drink, hm?” She was slightly older, maybe in her 50’s. Her brown and grey-streaked hair was pulled back into a slick bun, and she adorned a button up dress with white shoes and an apron. 
“Just water, thank you.” You said with a small smile. She nodded, then looked at Paul. You could tell she recognized him from somewhere but couldn’t put the dots together. 
“I’ll have a tea, thanks.” Paul spoke politely, then averted his attention to the menu. The waitress turned to look at you and gently nodded before heading to the kitchen.  
“She seems lovely.” Paul commented, his eyes looking at you now. You nodded, looking around at the decorations. There were a few random paintings here and there, most likely from local artists trying to make a quid. Little condiment packages littered the surrounding tables, and random signs in holders were next to them. 
Under the table Paul’s foot gently rubbed your leg, but you made no attempt to stop him. Of course you didn’t want him to flirt because you were always the one who got hurt; but it just felt so good. Pattie’s advice rattled the back of your mind; ‘You only have to bear it until he quits’. Also, Paul made you feel validated, though it sucked that male attention is what does that for you. However, with the knowledge that Linda would be in his arms the second you weren’t present, caused some chest pain. It really felt like two snakes were twisting around your guts. 
The waitress walked back over, bringing your drinks and to take your orders. She set down the cups onto the table and then grabbed her notepad and pencil.
 “And what’ll it be?”
“I’ll have the vegetable crepe,” You smiled, handing her the menu. She looked to Paul now.
“Just an English muffin with two eggs, thank you.” The man spoke. The waitress nodded, and left the two of you sitting alone again. Paul looked around the room, and out of the windows. It was almost an awkward silence, though it could just be you over analyzing the lack of him talking.  
“Did ya have fun last night?” Paul asked, turning his attention back to you. He rested his head on top of his hand, his gaze focused on you.
“Of course, I enjoy George and Pattie’s company.” You responded, sipping your water. Paul nodded, and took a sip of his hot tea as well. 
“I love spending time with you like that.” The man suddenly commented. Butterflies erupted in your stomach, disrupting your nerves once again.
“Why?” You asked, genuinely curious. Paul studied your face for a moment before responding. 
“Well, you’re fun company, (Y/N). You always party with us. And you’re the most competent assistant we’ve had. Even idiot Klien likes you!” Paul ended with a yelled whisper, as to not raise an eyebrow.
“You’re not afraid of people... You stick up for yourself.” He added. Your ego and blushed cheeks inflamed hotter. His compliments caused your heart to yearn. You wished you could be able to lean across the table and kiss him.
“Thank you,” You paused, “That’s probably the nicest thing anyone has said about me.” 
“Well, it needed to be said.” You man said softly with a gentle look. 
There was a few minutes of silence before the waitress returned with your food. She handed Paul his plate first, then set yours down after. You two ate in silence for the most part, save for a few comments about the food and beverages. It wasn’t an awkward silence anymore, somehow it just went away. Paul’s foot still occasionally rubbed yours as he would adjust on the chair. You couldn’t tell if it was on purpose, or accident. Either way, you secretly enjoyed his touch. 
You two finished out your meals, Paul paid, and then you exited the Cafe. A few photographers for the papers and fans sat outside. They immediately began to talk and scream when you two came into view. 
“Paul! Can you sign this please!!” A young girl screamed. Paul calmly took a pen and a receipt looking paper out of her hand, and placed it into his palm to sign it. 
“What’s your name darling?” He asked, bringing a bit of charm into his tone. The young girl blinked, absolutely stunned that Paul was a real person.
“M-Mary.” She stuttered out. 
“Beautiful name,” The man replied without skipping a beat. He handed the pen and paper back to her, then grabbed your hand and made a quick B-line towards Donny’s cab. Paul ignored pleads to sign or stop and chat, only nodding politely towards people as you two made your way to the taxi.
The bass player opened the door with haste, pushing you in first. He climbed in after and slammed the door closed. Flashes from the cameras still came through the windows.
“To (Y/N)’s home please.” Paul told Donny. He gave him the address and leaned back in the seat. The driver took off, leaving the photographers behind. Paul was taking you home, as promised. You almost didn’t want this morning to end.
“Are you okay?” Paul asked quietly, but firmly.
“I feel okay,” You responded, now looking up to meet his gaze. He was looking at you through his lashes now, with a hint of worry. 
“How- how are you?” You stuttered a bit at his gaze, it gave you heavy butterflies in your stomach.
“Just glad we’re away from that.” He then spoke, putting his hand on top of yours, which was resting on your thigh. 
“You’re acting crazy,” You commented with a snort, “Do you forget that I’ve done this a hundred times before?”
Paul’s realization that he was babying you like he does with Linda set in, and he let out a laugh to excuse the behavior. Whenever he was out with her and people would bombard them, Paul would turn into some type of linebacker, pushing through everyone to protect the woman. You’d witnessed it before for goodness sakes. 
“I’m sorry, love.” He finally commented. Was it a sign he was treating you like a girlfriend? With the protective side kicking in more? It was kind of flattering.
“No need to be sorry, Pauly.” You said softly, removing your hand from under his to place it on top, gently intertwining your fingers together. His, rough from bass playing, scratched yours slightly, but it hardly fazed you. His fingers clenched, tightening around yours, as though to solidify that he was feeling the same.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, as you and Paul only held hands and stared out at the passing scenery. Occasionally his thumb would rub your hand and vice versa, giving you butterflies. You wish it could be like this all the time.
Donny arrived at your apartment, pulling off to the side to let you out. You let out a gentle sigh as you released your hand from Paul’s and gathered your purse. You thanked the driver and climbed out, but before you closed the door, you gazed at Paul.
“Thank you for brunch.” You spoke softly. 
“It was my pleasure darling.” He responded with a smile. His bushy beard appeared more full with the grin plastered across his face. 
“I’ll see you on Monday Mr. McCartney.” You joked, pretending to act professional. Paul let out a laugh and you closed the door, feeling your ego boost a little.  You walked up to the door of your apartment and turned around just in time to see the car pull away and take off. In the back window you could faintly make out his figure staring back at you.
Taglist: @vixenstail thnk you bb <<<333
Pt. 3
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