#Dorsal Mudkip
axewchao · 1 year
I really love how you do hybrids for your Pokemon OCs! ^^
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I like it too! It's fun to mix n' match X3c
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axewchao · 1 year
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On one hand, I'm kinda mad at myself for not being able to pick a PMD Partner and stick with 'em, but on the other hand, it gives me an excuse to draw mons that aren't Dal or Dallie, so... full points? And admittedly, I had fun drawing these new faces, as well as Dorsal! I missed the little Huntkip X3
I guess I can look at it this way: if I ever decide to write a fic/comic surrounding Dal n' Val's adventures through PMD, I can use the ones that weren't chosen as background/supporting characters! Reusing for the win! :D
Now for a brief description of these four:
Emolga: An aspiring treasure hunter who longs to create the world's largest gem hoard. Good-natured at heart, but her love of gold and jewels can and will get her into trouble if no one's around to keep her in check. Despite having more than a fair share of close calls, she keeps a smile on her face as she flies toward her next goal. Her Morpeko heritage gives her a bit of mean streak that shows itself when her lucky ruby is touched without her permission.
Jangmo-o: A warrior-to-be who lacks the humility that's commonly associated with their kin, only focusing on getting stronger and little else. They had no desire to join a guild, let alone form a team with anyone, but Chief Kommo-o insisted. Partnering up with someone weaker will only serve to slow them down in the end (and get someone killed, but that's a given), so what could possibly be learned from this...?
Scorbunny: Basically Super's Partner on a sugar rush, this rabbit's unable to sit still for longer than two minutes. Whether it's running or tunneling, this bun bun is going a mile a minute, purely because they have tons more energy than they know what to do with. Of course, going in blind will lead to trouble sooner or later, so this little one's gonna need a whole guild's worth of Pokémon to reel 'em in...
Mudkip: It's our dear friend Dorsal! ...who I only drew once before :'D A lonely little Huntkip whose dream is to become a great Rescuer; someone that can be depended on in times of crisis, having been inspired by a Rescue Team that saved his life years prior. But because Dorsal's inherited traits make him look like a hungry predator and scares people, he can't work up the nerve to sign up at a guild...
The first three mons have yet to be named, and the Jangmo-o and Scorbunny's genders have yet to be determined! Yet another thing I struggle with: picking the Partner's gender, even though it means jack shit with a side of fuck all gameplay-wise :'D
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axewchao · 2 years
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If there's one thing I agonize over, it's picking a Partner and sticking with it. Doesn't matter if it's Rescue Team, Explorers, Gates, or Super, I just can't seem to make up my damn mind. All the combinations must be attempted. All of them. :'D
In the end, the lucky winner for Dally's latest PMD adventure ended up being this Mudkip, named Dorsal!
Unlike the Explorers Partner in canon, Dorsal's flaw is less timidity and more self-consciousness. His Huntail traits cause him to constantly have the look of a predator eyeing their next meal (especially when he grins), which continues to intimidate others even after he's been living in Treasure Town for quite some time. He fears that he's "too unsettling" to be a proper rescuer (which he would prefer over normal explorations), and that his appearance will only become more threatening if he evolves.
This doesn't stop Dorsal from being kind, though, as shown when he offers to help an oddly-colored Charmander after the latter's precious pendant gets stolen by a Zubat and Koffing. Recovering said pendant is merely a snippet of what Dorsal truly wants to do; become someone confident. Someone that others can rely on without fear or doubt. And while he doesn't buy the other's claims of being a human, he does believe Charmander when he mentions a very special friend that needs to be found. That much sounded true.
The next morning, Dorsal and Charmander make their way to the Wigglytuff Guild, both for Charmander to file a missing 'mon report and for Dorsal to (hopefully) become an apprentice. With how far guild connections go and how far apprentices are known to travel for missions, they're sure to find some clues, right? Charmander agrees to stay in the guild as well, both because he has nowhere else to go and it'd be better to learn how to fight under the guild's guidance.
The more the merrier, for all Dorsal's concerned. Dude's lonely and wants someone to talk to.
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