#Dove Fullbear
psi-king · 9 months
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Very rough concept of the mental bosses in Dove's mind. Their mind focuses on suppressed emotions and grief. Dove handles their grief in the worst way thinking the world has failed them once their dad got frozen under the ice, making those they loved to pieces and looked up to, into monsters in their mental head space, including Helmut.
Similar to Bob's level these mental representations are false representations. The grief bears take over each of the stages of grief without acceptance since Dove never accepted the reality of things.
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psi-king · 4 months
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The goobers are here. <3
Updated my true style once again, much happier with it.
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psi-king · 1 year
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I've finally finished and uploaded the Prologue and Chapter Two, technically Chapter One, of Grulovian Tales. Decided to post these both at the same time as the Prologue is purposely short.
Vault images relate to a scene in the storyline, so if it's not making sense without reading the chapter, that's why. I didn't get one drawn for the Prologue I'll probably do that later on.
This storyline is riddled with headcanons, as this is entirely an AU. Some lore MIGHT be changed or altered to fit the AU.
Lelyah Hennigar sucks, by the way, she is very abusive so it's best to pretend she never existed. It's why I purposely never had her appear directly in the storyline, she belongs in the trash. Dove ends up with not just one but two amazing dads and that's all that matters :>
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psi-king · 2 years
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It seems I have redesigned Dove quite a lot compared to last year so I made her a new miniature reference! More information about her under the cut.
Dove Zanotto-Fullbear is the daughter of Helmut Fullbear who is the third head and therapist of the Motherlobe. Tending to have a colorful personality, she is easy to get along with and is overly laid back. Despite being polar opposites, and his sketchy past, she is happily married to Gristol Malik, and is a mother of three.
Aliases Little Bear ( close family and friends only ) Third Head ( by Hollis ) Chief of Optimism ( official title ) Hibiscus ( codename ) Mother Bear ( by the Junior / Intern Psychonauts and close friends/family Dovebear ( by Bob and Helmut only, sometimes Gristol ) Miss Fullbear ( used instead of Agent Fullbear to stop confusion ) Miss Forgivi ( in PSI King's Sensorium ) Dove Plant ( in Bob’s Bottles ) Gzarina Dove ( in Fatherland Follies and by Gristol occasionally ) Hippie (by Coach Oleander) Gender: AFAB, Genderfluid Sexuality: Bisexual Age: 34 Occupations: Psychonaut Chief of Optimism ( Third Head / Therapist of the Psychonauts ) Jet Pilot ( only in case of emergencies ) Therapist at Whispering Rock camp ( very occasionally, usually handing work at the Motherlobe )
Height: 7′2″
Mind: Love Bear Island PSI-Powers: Mediumship ( specialty ) Astral Projection Marksmanship Telekinesis Levitation Shield (specialty) Telepathy PSI Energy Transfer Psycho-fabrication  ( specialty ) Herbaphony ( very weak )
Family: Helmut Fullbear ( biological father ) Dove’s unnamed mother ( biological mother ) † Bob Zanotto ( step-father ) Gristol Malik ( husband ) Gzar Theodore Malik (father-in-law)† Gzarina Rokel Malik (mother-in-law) Andrick Malik ( son ) Eleanora Malik ( daughter ) Wenzel Malik ( son ) Tia Zanotto ( grand-mother )† Bob's unnamed father ( grand-father )† Bob’s unnamed sister/sister-in-law ( aunt )† Truman Zanotto ( step-cousin ) Lili Zanotto ( first step-cousin once removed )
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psi-king · 1 year
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duve and gurstl
I can't explain how much I love the feddy meme. So I drew it with this couple.
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psi-king · 1 year
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Full finished reference for Dove. Been meaning to do this for a while but I got lazy.
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psi-king · 1 year
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Sorry that I have been gone for so long, dealing with gender troubles and stuff. Guh.
Have some very rough sketches I'm going to clean up later of my Coraline AU centered around Dove's family.
Also what's this? Dove is transmasc enby now like me? Woo! Please only refer to them as They/Them now, as well as me. :)
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psi-king · 1 year
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Redraw of a piece I did back in October of last year cause oh boy I loved it so much and wanted to redo it with the new way I draw Dove and Gristol. I’m still obsessed with these two love birds.
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psi-king · 2 years
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Dove was a equally good and bad influence on Gristol, and Theodore is a heavy sleeper. Let the chaos ensue. Just hope he doesn’t wake up.
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psi-king · 2 years
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Screw Theodore’s views on his subjects, these two was the best of friends as kids. I’ll prob touch this sketch up a bit tomorrow aaaaa, I wanna draw in the memory vault style so bad.
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psi-king · 1 year
does Dove have an intern? Or did they have a mentor in the past?
All information I'm about to tell uses lore from my AU Grulovian Tales so things might be very different from canon.
Dove have an intern?
There is a yes and no answer to this. Do they have an official intern? Well in Grulovian Tales none of the heads have a full-time intern, they all share the responsibility as their jobs as the three heads are highly time-consuming. This leaves Dove mainly as a mentor to both Adam and Norma, and when Truman goes missing they end up becoming a full mentor to the two for a while. [ In Grulovian Tales the Junior Psychonauts still have mentors until they are adults. ] They also take responsibility for all interns cause the three heads are sort of mentors over anyone in the junior psychonauts and internship program, just never full-time like the others.
Did they have a mentor in the past?
There is a depressing, chaotic, and good answer to this.
Before they lost their dad [ Helmut Fullbear ] and their papa [ Bob Zanotto ] started avoiding them cause they reminded him too much of Helmut; they used to have the two as mentors.
But after the fall of Grulvoia, Dove ends up unofficially adopted by their cousin Truman Zanotto who becomes a mentor to them until adulthood.
But they also had a fourth mentor, a non-psychic spirit actually. This 4th mentor was no other than Gzar Theodore Malik.
This is a little confusing but in my AU Theodore was on his deathbed when Gristol was 14, a year after the dam disaster. His brain ended up donated to Otto's brain tank and Dove, the same age as Gristol, stumbled upon it due to being able to see lost spirits who are aware they are dead.
Dove was interested in psychology at the time, and was determined to get their mind off the whole loss of their father situation by taking on one of the toughest challenges they could, knocking actual sense into Theodore.
This not only led to Dove keeping Theodore in one of those balls similar to Larry for a large portion of their life, but also led to Theodore in a way becoming a sort of mentor to Dove. He pushed them, rather strictly, in a certain way to pursue their dreams of psychology, and due to this Dove became a psychologist way before they even reached their 30s. That's how they got their job as the Motherlobe's psychologist and added to them becoming the third head.
Due to Theodore having no real power to break Dove, it was impossible to end up in another Maligula situation so Dove was never really in any real danger the whole time. Just a person way to determined to crack Theodore's narcissism and make him realize what he did was wrong. After 20 years of this yeah it made a big difference in the corrupted king, but in a weird way if it wasn't for him Dove would of fallen into a deeper depression and never became the Motherlobe Psychologist or the third head so yeah, he was most certainly the 4th unofficial mentor of Dove. [ At the same time everything that was destroyed in their life was due to him so he had to fix it somehow ]
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psi-king · 1 year
1: Dove is active and has difficulty sitting still unless she meditates or works on paperwork in her office. When in meetings with the other heads, she thinks better if she can be up and moving.
4: At first it appears like you've gained her trust instantly, and she may treat you like she'll do anything for you. The truth is due to her past, she has horrible trust issues. Even though she might help you with anything you want, she'll for a while think you'll just use her or toss her to the curb once you get what you wanted from her.
11: Dove can make her confusion unnoticeable as she figures out ways to make you explain what you meant without making it obvious she's confused. Most likely if she's staring at you with an almost blank expression, she's confused.
22: She rarely gets jealous as an adult, but when she was a teen it was a hell storm. She would get upset at anyone who had a healthy bond with their family, as she at the time had lost hers. Doesn't help she was being heavily manipulated by her mentor at the time to act that way. After breaking free of her mentor's mental grasp, she learned to calm her jealousy in adulthood.
39: As a therapist, it's her job to see flaws, but not in a bad light. She tries to help people recover from toxic flaws and praises positive flaws as making a person unique. Not all toxic flaws she pays attention to, as with her husband's self-centered nature she's overlooked it mostly.
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psi-king · 1 year
I’m very close to being able to release the prologue and chapter one of Grulovian Tales. With this said I should make it clear that originally when I made Dove her connection to Helmut was sibling related. This was scrapped this year and instead has been upgraded and replaced to a biological father and daughter connection. I just wanted to state this as the change was abrupt and not properly stated other than a bio on Dove’s reference sheet.
Anything from Dove’s past storyline I uploaded way back in last year should be entirely forgotten, as the Grulovian Tales version is the correct / replaced one. Thanks for understanding.
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psi-king · 2 years
How psychic 7 feel about fact that Bob's and Helmut's daughter dates son of guy who ruined Lucy's life?
(Also, Dove is great, im just really curious)
Oh, joy! This question is gonna be so fun to answer >w<! Sorry in advance for the long paragraphs! Some of this is related to your question, some of it is backstory filler since this question lets me get it out cleanly. The answer to your question is in bold and italics if you don't wanna sit through reading the other!
Everyone was pretty iffy on the whole situation, as no one could really tell if Gristol was using Dove or not ( he never did once during the whole time ) to progress his plan further. Helmut was probably the only one who was most understanding as it's in his blood to be forgiving.
Dove and Gristol's relationship acutally didn't start after Gristol was discovered. She and Griss were close-knitted friends as children ( without Gzar Theodore knowing of course ) and Helmut got used to seeing the bratty prince around then. Fast forward to when Gristol was hiding behind his Nick identity, that's when the two ended up rekindling relations, and even started dating. The most important part of that is Gristol was pretty much his old self around her, as he found no need to keep up the Nick persona ( though he did continue to lie about his past and name so his identity wasn't told to the whole motherlobe as Dove is a chatterbox ) When Gristol was finally discovered, Dove was pretty upset and the two broke up for a few weeks but that doesn't really throttle the two much at all cause they end up seeing each other once again while he is in the Psychoisolation Chamber.
This is where everyone started getting very worried about the two being in a relationship again, as most assumed Gristol was just using the third head to get back to his tricks, though due to the heavy about of reformation tactics and methods Dove started using she was able to get Gristol to once and for all put away his evil plans. Though the first time he was let out of the chamber he was met with a lot of judging eyes, especially from the heads. It took a lot of apologies and buttering up for him to even be ALLOWED in the Green Needle Gulch where Dove's house is.
Due to Dove and Ford's agreement on rules, Gristol is not allowed around Lucy. The only time he was taken to see her is to apologize and that's it. No one wants him to screw up and break Lucy again.
Since Helmut was kinda accepting to begin with, time for the other psychic seven. Bob was the second one to warm up to having Gristol around. He managed to get the royal-minded prince to take a small interest in gardening, even though Grissy was and still is rather fussy about the dirt and grim that came with it.
The third to warm up would have been Compton. I've had a headcanon for a while that Gristol has always been interested in cooking, so he learned quite a lot from Compton, however, Boole's anxiety constantly put him on a heavy edge with the prince as it took him a while to properly trust him.
The fourth is both Cassie and Otto, as the two basically just followed the others trust in the prince. Cassie though is a bit different of a case. She was like a mother figure to Dove, so she still carries a bit of judgment about Gristol. This is mainly cause of her past where there was a lot of snakes in her life, so she fears Gristol might turn out as one as well. Otto on the other hand just has neutral feelings about everything, like " Oh ok I guess this is fine. " energy.
Ford and Lucy have not warmed up to having the prince around. Ford sort of understands, but with how much he and Lucy went through due to Gristol's father the two are not taking any chances.
Though I just want to add here that Gristol hated his father a lot. The two always butted heads throughout the entire time Theodore was alive. Thedore was always very neglectful and cared more about being a king than he ever did about Rokel and Gristol. Rokel is completely different than Theodore, she was constantly shamed by Theo for her wants for a better kingdom. She knew about Dove and Gristol's friendship when the two were kids, and tended to put a lot of care into making sure Theodore never found out cause she feared what would happen to Dove. Rokel is still alive and has put down her royalty status to enjoy life more, though she still is pretty nitpicky, just like Gristol, cause its hard to just throw away the life of living fancy.
And a bit more about Theodore and Dove's connection;
Due to Dove's mediumship powers she HAS seen the ghost of Theodore and has to put up with his judgment of her. Theodore under no circumstances likes Dove, and is pretty aggravated at Gristol for taking the path of kindness he did.
Also thank you for taking an interest! Dove means a lot to me so it's fun to ramble on about 'er!!
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psi-king · 2 years
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Only one of these is a positive one which is ironic considering Dove is the Chief of Optimism.
It's going to take me a while to make Dove's personal mental figures so I decided to roughly doodle how she appeared in the mind of her family and close friends. These are just quick concepts I'll refine them later.
Some Psychonaut's two spoilers are underneath so if you haven't played the game maybe avoid this post.
Miss Forgivi: The mental figure representation of Dove in Helmut's mind. She is the sense of emotion, emotional awareness in a way. She is seen as a band manager due to her job as a higher-up. The only difference is when the band splits up she tries to keep her positivity, something Helmut felt like Dove would have to make it through the psychic seven splitting, however, that wasn't the case in the real world as Dove's positivity was due to her suppressing and bottling negative emotions over time.
Dove Plant: The negative mental figure representation of Dove in Bob's mind, the boss plant figure. This figure is symbolism of how Bob thinks Dove sees him as an absolute failure of a father due to a bitter fight they had soon after Bob started using alcohol as a coping mechanism. This plant is always seen crying and saying Bob never truly cared about her, due to him leaving her to fight her demons alone. This plant is a part of the boss trio however she controls the currents instead of direct attacks, sending Razputin sailing backward instead of forwards.
Doe Fullgoat: The semi-negative mental figure representation of Dove in Compton's mind. Compton was always like a third father figure to Dove, and due to that, she appears as a non-boss judgmental goat entity. Even though she doesn't come off as judgmental like the others, she is a more serious representation of Dove's addiction to pills, as she can be seen eating noneatable items in the level to stop progression forward till dealing with her. She's the only goat in the level that would never touch a real food item.
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psi-king · 2 years
Transmasc Nonbinary ♡ 22 ♡ They/Them ♡ Gay ( Hetero-curious for a few fictional females )  Demi-Aroace ♡ Autism Creature
Welcome to my page, I'm Bittlebat but you can call me Bittle, Frank, or Cal. I'm a multi-fandom and original character centered blog who posts a lot about OC x Canon and my comforts.
HEAVY REMINDER: Dove is now the biological child of Helmut. I changed it this year from the old sibling narrative. Please forget that old storyline of a brother adopting his little sister, it is NOT the same and Helmut / Dove are not siblings in this new version, but instead have been upgraded into father and child.
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
☀️ Grulovian Tales [ AU ] - This AU is a personal self indulgent one centered around my fancharacter Dove Fullbear and the tales around their life.  Gristol Malik is a major part of this AU and is partially reformed. His childish and self centered nature is still present but not to a degree of being harmful anymore.  This is not a AU based around getting rid of Gristol’s NPD.
Major characters within this AU: Dove Fullbear, Gristol Malik, Helmut Fullbear, Bob Zanotto, Theodore Malik, and Rokel Malik.
☀️ Ask Blog [ AU ] - This blog doubles as an ask blog for my alternate universe and fancharacter Dove Fullbear. I will take questions that’s toward my alternate universe versions of the “ major characters “ list above this post. I will take questions for minor characters but reminder it will be centered around my alternate universe and I prefer questions directed about my alternate universe.
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
 Gristol Malik ♡  Fred Bonaparte ♡ Compton Boole
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
⛔ I do NOT support or endorse: Pedophiles and " MAPS ", cub porn artist, racists, zoophiles, LGBTQ+phobic people, sexist, people who ship disgusting content constantly seen in proshitter communities, people who draw disgusting content like hate art/incest/typical proshitter stuff/etc., or people who are just horrible types of people like morally wrong sympathizers/nazis/etc. ⛔
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