#Doves with Pink Bows (Yanceford/Barfestache)
callmegkiddo · 2 years
Yanceford Angst/Fluff
(Sending requests one by one)
Another request from the old man!
Aight, just cuz I feel petty, I'm doing fluff
You and your greasy ass are doing Wilford angst in your RP already with Father numero dos-
Soft rays of sunlight bleed through the blinds, waking up the ego from his slumber. His long locks of hair splayed out on the pillow like some sort of spider. Blinking his tired brown eyes, Yancy reaches out to his side for his lover. He feels nothing.
Shooting up, Yancy's eyes wide with alarm searching for any sign of Wilford. "Bubblegum?" the free bird calls out for his unusually bright partner. He pushes the covers off of him, letting the cool breaze of the AC hit his uncovered feet.
He shifts around the bed and gets off the soft mattress. His feet felt the cold wooden floor. He slips on his slippers and shuffles out of the room. Rubbing his eyes, he pushes past the cracked open door. His unkempt hair shadows his face as he walks to the shining lights of the living room.
Sitting on the couch were Bing and Yan, both of which were playing some Uno, with Sliver Shepard, Magnum, and Ed watching. Yan was busy watching Bing struggle to find the right card to counter her, but when she noticed Yancy, she happily waved at him. "Ohayōgozaimasu Yancy-kun!" everyone looked up and greeted the free bird a good morning.
Yancy chuckles under his tired breath, walking over he ruffles Yan's hair playfully. The teenager whines at this and swats his hand. "Mornin Yan... Do you know where Wilford is?" Yan giggles like a schoolgirl, already seeing through Yancy's tiredness. She points to the kitchen, "Yep, He's making pancakes!" Yancy sighs with relief and pats Yan on the head gratefully.
"Thanks, kid" "Don't go making out on the counter again!" Bing called out, his optics still focused on his hand of cards. Yancy blushes a tad, remembering exactly what Bing was talking about.
Scoffing the free bird flipped Bing off. And with that, he went to the kitchen.
Just as he took a step inside the confines of the kitchen, the sun flashed him in the eyes. He hisses in protest and covers his eyes, of course, the blinds were pulled back.
A soft gasp rang against the checkered tiles of the kitchen, Yancy looked up, still shielding his eyes. There was Wilford, with his bright pink mustache and pretty but also frilly beige apron. His eyes were wide with what looked like a dear caught in headlights.
Yancy smiles warmly, the sunlight reflected off of his sweetheart so perfectly....
Wilford blushes at the warm smile and pouts, "Don't just stand there! Help me beat this batter!" He protests at Yancy, waving at him to come closer. Yancy chuckled and shuffled over, he wraps his arms around Wilford's waist, letting his chin propped up on the ego's shoulder. "Pancakes?" He asks with a small smirk, his eyes studying Wilford's movements. The pink ego puffed his chest out, his eyes shining with pride, "Why of course! Aaand" He pulls out a bag of candy, "Choco chips!"
Yancy's smile grew as he sighed, nuzzling Wilford and planting a kiss on his forehead. The pink ego laughs wholeheartedly, his bashful grin shining in both of their memories.
They would never forget these moments, these domestic, and soft moments... Never...
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