#Dr. Spiller
discotitsposts · 2 months
there’s no place like home season 7
gonna tell u rn this is one of reid’s finest moments
spillers ahead
i like this ep a lot
the feeling of watching this one while it’s storming is elite
dudes a storm chaser lol
awww will and jj
rossi gonna regret not taking the time off
that’s so nice they made a donation to ALS in carolyn’s name :)
tornados fascinate me
reid looks so good help
wheels up in 30‼️‼️
love storms yayy
LOL the plane shaking
reid my beloved
rossi’s scared lol
LOL when reid’s talking about turbulence
reid can pulverize me pls
don’t accept beer nd weed from strangers kids or they might take u and take ur body parts to put their dead brother back together in the middle of a tornado
reid stop being sexy challenge
oops he lost right away
tornados are so destructive but so beautiful when photographers get them on camera
can u imagine getting the message that a violent tornado is in your area that must be terrifying
ew body parts
so the unsub is dr frankenstein
i feel bad for jj she has to be that far away when her kid is rlly sick she can’t leave bc of the storm then :(
hotch is such a nice understanding boss
he speaks so fast i love it
my sweet little rambler
i wonder if this episode is not only based on a real case but like how common is this one like r there actually amateur dr frankensteins
lol garcia being grossed out
garcia: reid you scare me
rossi: join the club
whoooohoo rain and thunder
bro kidnapped him and his wondering why he’s trying to leave
i’m so tired
that’s smart to hide in a drainage pipe
hJhwjejdjakwsmHWHEOSOWJRNE beautiful
reid figuring it out
how the hell the kid supposed to drink a beer if his mouth taped shut
he should say yeah and then bite him
ok but “the delusion will completely take over” is so funny bc my spencer delusion has
bros like no i don’t fucking remember bc i’m not ur brother
storm chasing fbi agents!!!
lol playing chicken what reid
garcia the guide
isn’t there two tornados
my god the way reid talks is just so attractive i love the way he speaks pls talk to me forever spencer
bros playlist is fire ngl
“it’s all good” dudes gonna chop his head off
“who r they” the hottest fbi agents
the way he yells ugh
they saved him!
how did they film this? with like high powered fans ?
bro walked into a tornado
i wanna be in a storm shelter with reid
doesn’t jj tell a story to henry aww
i love that her actual son played her son on the show that’s so cute
i see why she did an audio book recently her voice is rlly soothing i almost fell asleep
that was relaxing
the end
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cosmicanger · 3 months
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Willy Spiller
Night View from Mulholland Dr. Los Angeles, 1979-1985
archival pigment print
110 x 80 cm
edition of 5 + 2 AP
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More headcanons
Lady Redundant Woman
Beatrice grew up in an environment of her family constantly working. Their job just happened to be a copy shop, which started her obsession with a copier.
Like I’ve said in a past post, I headcanon LRW having a Punk-Rock phase. Full Mohawk (or whatever the hairstyle is with the hair somewhat hanging down the front of the face)
Beatrice’s family shop closed down, which is where she moved to working with Dave. Growing up living next to and working with copy machines, she felt offended when Dave, who’s just a guy, gets chosen to be manager over her.
Chaotic Neutral
Dr Two-Brains: These two are the gossipers. The absolute tea spillers. The shit talkers
Leslie: These two are close friends. They actually met back in highschool for a competition the two schools were having, but they don’t remember each other.
Ms Question: Also close friends. They’ve known each other since highschool, except unlike Leslie, these two went to the same school and remember each other. Beatrice being a villain somewhat inspired Question to become a villain.
Tobey: “Man, fuck them kids” -Beatrice probably. She flat out thinks Tobey is a gremlin.
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wereplant · 2 years
So, I’m doing a hack of Mork Borg that’s sort of a ripoff of Skaven in that it’s about the countless legions of ratmen and their eventual ascent to the surface world. It’s all from the rat’s point of view and the “hero” classes are Skaven clan knockoffs. Here’s my take on a sort of Stormvermin, fighty-rat. Enjoy!
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Zealous Murderat
Begins with 1d6x10 tokens and d2 omens.
HP: Toughness +d8
Your loyalty lies with…(d6):
1. the charnel temple of the Fecund One.
2. the crippled warlord, Gnarlmaw.
3. the rat-man who pays you the most.
4. the elfen crone who hexed you.
5. the wet thing whispering in the dark.
6. no one. You’ll kill anyone or anything.
Quick and violent, roll 3d6+1 for Agility and Toughness. Dull-witted, roll 3d6-2 for Presence.
Rhabdophobia; You hate and fear magic, rendering you either unable or unwilling to use scrolls. If you begin with a scroll, you may reroll or you can tear it to shreds and piss on the remains.
Despite all my rage; You can give into violent impulses, throwing yourself into a berserker rage and ripping your foes to bloody ribbons. Working yourself into a foaming frenzy requires a single round. While enraged, you make two attacks per round and roll damage twice per hit, using the higher result. Throwing caution to the wind, defense is DR 14.
Roll d8 on the weapon table and d3 on the armor table. You also begin with one of the following:
1. Brohdgrym’s Heir: The oozing, maggot-eaten severed head of a dwarfborn princeling. When brandished, nearby humanoids roll a Toughness test (DR 12 for enemies, DR 10 for pcs) or spend d4 rounds violently retching. Creatures with an acute sense of smell can track the head or its bearer by scent with a DR 10 Presence test, due to the clinging stench.
2. Gut-Spiller Helm: A battered helmet adorned with an array of brutal metal spikes and horn-like blades. When worn, grants -1 incoming damage as a normal helmet. In addition, you may make one counterattack per round when you are hit, punishing your foe with a goring thrust of your head (DR 10 attack, d6+1 damage).
3. Scavenged Whetstone: All that was left of the previous owner was a broken knife, a chunk of bloody scalp, and a filth-coated whetstone. You can spend downtime sharpening a weapon with this whetstone. Attacks made with the sharpened weapon are rolled with a +1 to attack and damage for one fight before needing sharpened again.
4. Clangorous Flail: A heavy bronze bell affixed to a solid wooden handle by a length of rusty chain. Two-handed, d8 damage, DR 10 attack and defense when you wield it. 1 in 6 chance an enemy wounded by the bell goes deaf. Stealth is out of the question for the wielder.
5. Gnibblah’s Bone Flute: This delicate instrument is carved from the bleached shin bone of some unknown beast. DR 10 Presence test to play the flute and attract d4 helpful rats (3 HP, Morale 5, Bite d3 with 1 in 6 chance the bitten contracts a random disease). They understand you and follow simple commands to the best of their ability, but will flee if abused and will spread news of your betrayal to their legions of brethren.
6. Thing-Skewer: Cruel, barbed prongs top the business end of this vicious stabbing weapon. D6 damage, DR 10 attack and defense when you wield it. If thrown, the foe is impaled by the skewer on a successful hit, taking d3 damage every round until it is removed with a DR 12 Strength test.
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almamogen · 7 months
Hva skal jeg gjøre når McAfee Software sier "Datamaskinen din er i faresonen"?
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Når McAfee Software advarer om at datamaskinen din er i faresonen, bør du umiddelbart kjøre en fullstendig systemskanning for å oppdage og fjerne eventuelle trusler. Sørg for at McAfee er oppdatert og at brannmur og sanntidsbeskyttelse er aktive. Vurder også å oppdatere operativsystemet og andre programmer for å forsterke sikkerheten.
McAfee er et utmerket valg hvis du leter etter et antivirusprogram som tilbyr sanntidsfunksjoner for oppdagelse av skadelig programvare for alle enhetene dine til en overkommelig pris. Det er en kjent programvare med mange vanlige funksjoner, inkludert Wi-Fi-sikkerhet, en passordbehandling, skrivebordsoptimalisering, en filmakulator, en PC-renser, identitetsbeskyttelse, en VPN (Virtual Private Network) og en brannmur.
Selv om McAfee er den riktige løsningen for de fleste av dine behov og budsjett, fungerer det noen ganger ikke på enkelte enheter. Hvis beskyttelsesstatusen din i sikkerhetssenteret har endret seg fra grønt til rødt, er det bekymringsfullt. Du bør spare tid og ringe vår McAfee kundeservice med en gang.
Når McAfee-programvaren sier "Datamaskinen din er i faresonen", indikerer det at brannmuren er deaktivert. Selv om det er nyttig å kontakte McAfee-teknikere i dette tilfellet, er det noen få trinn du kan ta for å få det til å fungere igjen:
Last ned og kjør McAfee Diagnosis & Repair Tool
McAfee-DR er et automatisert verktøy som er nyttig for å diagnostisere og reparere tekniske feil med produktene dine. Du kan bruke den til å fikse problemer med brannmuren. Men sørg for å trykke på JA-knappen når du blir bedt om å 'tillate apper å gjøre endringer på enheten din.'
Løser det tekniske McAfee Firewall-problemet manuelt
Hvis dette verktøyet ikke hjelper deg, kan du enten ta kontakt med vår McAfee kunde service Norge eller følge trinnene nevnt nedenfor. Men før du følger prosedyren, sørg for at du ikke har noen andre tredjeparts antivirusprogrammer installert på enheten din.
Klikk på Windows- og R-tastene for å åpne dialogboksen Kjør.
Kopier og lim inn følgende kommando i Kjør-vinduet: "%programfiles%\common files\mcafee\platform\mcuicnt.exe"/platui personalization
Trykk på OK-knappen for å kjøre kommandoen.
Sørg for at brannmuren er oppført under Gjeldende funksjoner eller Tilgjengelige funksjoner på siden Funksjoner.
Du kan følge ett av disse trinnene avhengig av situasjonen:
Hvis brannmur er oppført under Gjeldende funksjoner, lukker du siden, utvider den relevante delen og følger de nødvendige trinnene.
Hvis brannmur er oppført under Tilgjengelige funksjoner, hold siden åpen, utvide den relevante delen og følg de nødvendige trinnene.
Hvis brannmuren ikke er oppført under enten gjeldende funksjoner eller tilgjengelige funksjoner, lukker du siden, utvider koblingen "Installer McAfee-programvaren på nytt" og følger de nødvendige trinnene.
Å følge tipsene og triksene nevnt i denne bloggen vil helt sikkert hjelpe deg med å fikse feilen og få antivirusprogrammet til å fungere igjen. Hvis du har noen tvil eller spørsmål, ikke nøl med å ta kontakt med vårt McAfee kundeserviceteam.
Du kan kontakte vår McAfee tekniske støtte når som helst. Vi er tilgjengelige via telefon, e-post og til og med live chat support 24/7. Det spiller ingen rolle når feilen dukker opp, eller du kobler til oss fordi vi jobber døgnet rundt for å støtte deg.
Opprinnelig kilde
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chelseafcwmemes · 9 months
No surprises in this, but whenever denmark does some sort of media I'm all for a lot of people reading it!
Didn’t expect anything less from DR but i’m glad they are writing about it and asking questions from the Danish camp. DBU and their CEO have been awful in handling all this so i’m glad it’s been shown that the player(s) aren’t taking the same stand.
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crvvys · 1 year
reading Dr Hortense Spillers’ article Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe. and I already know I’m gonna have to read it another 3x bc it is incredibly dense and academic lol but I understand it for the most part. I’m more than half way done with it so far. after that I’ll pick the books I want to rotate. probably 4
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angelloverde · 2 years
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"Mo Soul" Player Playlist 30 September
1. B.D.M. Feat. Stingray Davies - Sting In The Tail 2. Gene Harris & The Three Sounds - Your Love Is Just Too Much 3. Dr. Lonnie Smith - Freedom Jazz Dance 4. Mustafa Ozkent - Zeytinyagli Yiyemem 5. Kashmere Stage Band - Super Strut Pt. I (Kenny Dope Remix) 6. Giovanni Damico - Italians In A Line 7. Suba - Felicidade (Buscemi Remix) 8. Kraak & Smaak Ft. Cleopold - Alone With You (Purple Disco Machine Remix) 9. Groovejet Feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Spiller 10. Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - Inspiration Information 11. The Ambassadors - Ain't Got The Love Of One Girl (On My Mind) 12. Cymande - The Message 13. Stateless - Falling Into (Swell Session Boy Wonder Remix) 14. Kaidi Tatham - It's About Who You Know 15. Willie Hutch - Brothers Gonna Work It Out
If you really want to enjoy music and help musicians and bands, buy their lp’s or cd’s and don’t download mp3 formats. There is nothing like good quality sound!!!
(Angel Lo Verde / Mo Soul)
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pernillemagda · 25 days
I kind of get the ratings this time and it's fun also doing the voting under the names yourself
I get them as well, but I don't know if it is just my phone, but it only shows the ratl.g and not the usual comments about why each player get the rating they does
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ortografiskapologet · 8 months
James bondage
Jeg ser From Russia with Love for første gang, mens jeg spiller i C Major på mit Roland klaver. Hotelejeren, Karim Bey, sukker, da hans kone forsøger at forføre ham, og siger "Back to the saltmines" haha. Godt svar, Karim Bey, Hotelejer i James Bond filmen fra 1963. Han spiller vidst også en vigtigere rolle end bare hotelejer, men jeg har ikke helt fulgt med. Men budgetet er helt klart forstørret siden Dr. No, der udkom året før. Plus i denne film introduceres den notoriske skurk "Blofeld", O.K.S. Doktor Klo, fra Inspektor Gadget. Nu hvor jeg tænker over det, er han stensikkert en sammensætning af Dr. No og Blofeld. Og jeg er den eneste i verden der først fanger den nu... 5/5 stjerner indtil videre!
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drspillervn · 9 months
Dr-Spiller - Thương hiệu mỹ phẩm đạt chuẩn mỹ phẩm sinh học đầu tiên trên thế giới do liên minh châu Âu chứng nhận năm 2012 Địa Chỉ : Q.Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội. Hotline 09046 444 88 Chi tiết liên hệ tại : Website : https://dr-spiller.vn/ Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/DrSpillerSkinlab.VN Social : https://www.pinterest.com/drspillervn/ https://gravatar.com/drspillerskinlab https://www.instapaper.com/p/drspiller https://qiita.com/drspiller
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By: Bernard Lane
Published: May 9, 2024
The gist
England’s Cass review has revealed that the fast-growing gender clinic of an Australian children’s hospital does not screen new patients for autism.
In an international survey commissioned by the British paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass, one of five unnamed Australian clinics reported that it does not screen for autism because it claims such screening is “not accurate in [the] trans population.”
Clues in survey responses suggest this is the gender clinic at the Queensland Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, which also has the quickest fast-track to puberty blockers for children as young as age 8-9.
Patient numbers there reportedly rose from 190 in 2017 to 922 in 2022. In 2019, the Queensland clinic had more than 200 minors on puberty blockers1. Also in 2019, a concerned member of the public asked the clinic how many girls with autism were on blockers and was told no such data was kept.
Two other Australian gender clinics in the Cass-commissioned survey—identifiable as those at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne (RCH) and the Perth Children’s Hospital [PCH]—use the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) to screen for autism traits.
The results of this screening test do not amount to a formal diagnosis but can identify children for referral to an autism specialist for diagnosis. A 2019 study stated2 that the PCH gender clinic “does not have capacity and resources to formally diagnose [autism].”
Youth gender clinics in Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands use the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule for screening, according to the Cass survey.
The over-representation of minors with (sometimes undiagnosed) autism in gender clinic caseloads internationally is a key concern in the debate3. One theory is that gender confusion may be a product of children with autism being immature and desperate to fit in, having rigid and concrete styles of thinking, and obsessional interests.
RCH in Melbourne has reported that 16 per cent of a patient sample had autism4. The prevalence of autism in the general population of Australian children is thought to be less than three per cent.
A psychologist whose daughter attended the Queensland gender clinic told GCN that in her experience “the psychological assessment was not thorough, and no history of trauma5 was taken.”
“If they are not digging deeper to carefully screen for trauma and neurodivergence and treating these issues, then they are applying very poor science,” she said.
Clinical psychologist Dr Vanessa Spiller pointed out that screening for autism was recommended by the first clinical guideline for co-occurring autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and gender dysphoria in adolescents.
“Diagnosing [gender dysphoria] can be complex in adolescents with ASD due to ASD-related weaknesses in communication, self-awareness, and executive function6,” the 2016 guideline by Strang et al says.
Dr Spiller told GCN that in her opinion, it would be negligent for a gender clinic not to take into account the effect of autism and its impairments on a minor’s capacity to make decisions and give informed consent to medical treatment.
Last month’s Cass report says England’s new regional services to replace the London-based Tavistock gender clinic should include autism specialists in their multidisciplinary teams, and standard assessment of new referrals should screen for autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions.
A Cass-commissioned evaluation of international treatment guidelines includes the 2018 “Australian standards of care” document issued by RCH in Melbourne and used across Australia’s youth gender clinics.
The Cass researchers note that the RCH guideline is among the majority of guidelines in which the recommended domains for assessment do not include neurodiversity or autism7.
[ Video: US whistleblower Tamara Pietzke objected to seriously disturbed children, some with autism, being “affirmed” and given hormonal interventions ]
The detail
Australia’s Health Minister Mark Butjler has played down the relevance of the Cass report, saying that “the clinical pathways are different in the UK from Australia.”
Last month, Western Australia’s Liberal leader Libby Mettam, who is in opposition, cited the influence of the Cass report when announcing a policy to prohibit puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and trans surgery under the age of 16, pending a comprehensive review.
“The need for urgent action is compounded by the rapidly growing number of children being diagnosed and treated for gender dysphoria in [Western Australia],” Ms Mettam said. “Our review will also inquire into why we are seeing this rise in diagnosis.
“There are currently more than 100 children and adolescents being treated at Perth Children’s Hospital with either puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones, with the youngest aged 11.
“When experts are telling us the potential permanent side effects of these treatments can include infertility, sexual dysfunction, obesity, heart and liver disease, blood clots and atrophy of the genitals, we need to investigate.”
In line with England’s Cass report, Scotland and Wales have announced restrictions on puberty blockers.
In Canada, Alberta’s premier Danielle Smith said the Cass report vindicated her province’s plans to prohibit blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors aged 15 and under. She said she had spoken to Dr Cass to better understand her report.
“If we want to take a science-based approach, we’ve got to use the best information available,” Ms Smith told the National Post.
In the US, South Carolina has moved closer to becoming the 25th state to restrict medicalised gender change for minors.
Behind the mask
The Cass report cites research suggesting that those who identify as transgender or non-binary are three to six times more likely to be autistic than the general population.
“These findings are echoed by clinicians who report seeing teenage girls who have good cognitive ability and are articulate, but are struggling with gender identity, suicidal ideation and self-harm,” the report says.
“In some of these young people the common denominator is undiagnosed autism, which is often missed in adolescent girls.
“Despite often being highly articulate, intelligent and skilled in many areas, autistic young people have difficulties with social communication and peer relationships, which may make it difficult for them to feel accepted and ‘fit in’.”
In her book on the scandal at England’s Tavistock gender clinic, journalist Hannah Barnes recounts how some staff were “stunned” by the clinic’s poor data collection when this was revealed in court proceedings brought by detransitioner Keira Bell.
“[The clinic] could not even tell the High Court how many of the young people put on blockers were autistic,” Ms Barnes writes in Time to Think.
“Some staff feared that they could perhaps be unnecessarily medicating autistic children. Less than two per cent of children in the UK are thought to have an autism spectrum disorder. Yet, according to [the Tavistock], ‘around 35 per cent of referred young people present with moderate to severe autistic traits’.”
In 2020, the regulatory Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspected the clinic.
Ms Barnes writes: “In a sample of records of young people referred for puberty blockers, the CQC found that more than half referred to autism spectrum disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Yet, the regulator noted, [the Tavistock] generally did not record how many patients had a diagnosis or a suspected diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. ‘Records did not demonstrate consideration of the relationship between autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria’ or that the needs of autistic patients had been ‘fully investigated’.”
“It wasn’t that anyone thought that it was not possible to be both autistic and trans, but clinicians openly questioned whether the over-representation of autistic young people [at the Tavistock] warranted pause for thought and a change in practice.”
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[ Charts: Co-occurrence of gender dysphoria and autism spectrum disorder, overall and by age group ]
[ The chart on the left shows that in 2015, almost seven per cent of those with gender dysphoria also had an autism diagnosis; this figure rose to almost 17 per cent in 2021. The shaded areas indicate 95 per cent confidence intervals. Source: Cass report ]
Under the waterline
The psychologist whose daughter was seen by the Queensland gender clinic told GCN that in her opinion the approach to assessment there “put the cart before the horse.”
“Gender dysphoria is similar to other psychological conditions disproportionately affecting teen girls and young women, in that we see obsessional rumination related to identity, appearance and the changing body,” she said.
“But it’s the tip of the iceberg. Underneath the presenting issues, we almost always find neurodivergence and/or trauma and/or anxiety disorders, and shame. [The Queensland gender clinicians] are, in my opinion, missing everything under the waterline.”
The psychologist, whose daughter in time re-embraced her birth sex, was sceptical about the clinic’s stated reason for not doing autism screening.
“What is about this so-called ‘adolescent trans population’ that means standard [autism] assessments used the world over with young people are not suitable for these young folk?”
Clinical psychologist Dr Spiller said the Queensland clinic might be correct in claiming that autism screening tools have no norms for trans-identified individuals.
“[But] if you took this argument to its logical conclusion, it would be impossible to assess or diagnose anyone who identifies as transgender with anything—a learning disorder, depression, anxiety, intellectual disability and so on, because there are ‘no norms’ for them,” she said.
“It is accepted practice to use the tools you have available and to use clinical judgment and observations until new tools are created, if necessary. 
“Ethically, it would be deemed a greater risk or harm to not diagnose someone, even with poor tools—it would stop kids from getting support in schools, early intervention, and [funding under Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme]. That would be considered discriminatory.
“The underlying brain areas impacted by autism are universal and include deficits in adaptive functioning (social skills, self-care skills), executive functioning, communication and sensory issues—regardless of gender identity.”
“The [approach of the Dutch pioneers of paediatric gender transition] differs from the [Tavistock’s] approach in having stricter requirements about provision of psychological interventions. For example, under the Dutch approach, if young people have gender confusion, aversion towards their sexed body parts, psychiatric co-morbidities or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) related diagnostic difficulties, they may receive psychological interventions only, or before, or in combination with medical intervention. Of note, in 2011, the Amsterdam team were reporting that up to 10 per cent of their referral base were young people with ASD.”—Dr Hilary Cass, interim report, February 2022
Gender change as a solution
In 2018 de-identified case notes, psychiatrist Dr Brian Ross from the Queensland gender clinic discusses the overlap between youth gender dysphoria and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
“Individuals with ASD have the same rights as other individuals to appropriate assessment and treatment of gender-related concerns,” Dr Ross says.
He cites several possible reasons for minors with autism identifying as trans or gender-diverse, including the wish “to find a community or tribe” or the belief it will be “safer to change gender” after sexual assault.
He suggests a girl with autism might identify as a boy because she thinks “boys are logical, girls are complicated and unkind in ways I don’t understand.”
And boys with autism might identify as a girl because they are “shy, submissive and introverted, don’t like dirt on their hands, [are] vulnerable and prefer intellectual pursuits.”
Dr Ross adds a warning that “these psychosocial explanations do not explain that for a socially disabled adolescent, the choice of another gender [at] variance to their biological assigned gender could in fact worsen underlying ASD factors.”
He describes three gender clinic patients with autism—
W, a nine-year-old female. Diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Wore boys’ clothes from age of four. “Solitary non-imaginary play with a preference to be a ‘dog’ where he would bark like a dog and seek affection by rubbing himself against others like a dog.” Could not fit in with peers. Mother thought her daughter might have identified as a boy because she lacked the more advanced language and social skills of her female peers.
Mother concerned that puberty blockers might deny her child the positive effects of her natural oestrogen and “disadvantage her child’s true gender journey.” Dr Ross reassured mother that the clinic had allowed W to enter early puberty to expose the child to oestrogen and the resulting intensification of gender dysphoria favoured the early use of puberty blockers. With natural sex hormones suppressed, W would have “a better ability to explore and experience his gender identity without the distress of his gender dysphoria.”
L, a 13-year-old female. Identifies as a boy. Father diagnosed with brain tumour when she was five months old. “Observed to not socially function in a socially appropriate [way] at school or in the family.” Few friends. “Acknowledges that he is becoming socially avoidant and experiences increasing anxiety in some social situations.” Special interest in the history of Prussia and American statesman Alexander Hamilton.
Diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at the gender clinic after speech therapist noticed language impairments. “Delay in detection of ASD may have arisen with the preoccupation with the father’s illness and death throughout this child’s development.” L describes four personas inside her head: “C, a gay man with HIV who is angry; R, an angel-like character who is protective of all the other personas; V1, a man who likes sex; and V, who is wanting a physical form, such as his own physical body, to express himself.” Dr Ross says L presents “as a socially odd ASD transgendered adolescent who discusses his issues in the psychodrama of his various personas” but is not psychotic or suffering from dissociative identity disorder (once known as multiple personality).
S, a 12-year-old male. Initial psychology screening suggested autism features. “Wanted to be a girl because they are kinder and seem to have and hold more friends than boys that he found rejected him after a period of time… [His] desire to be a girl arose from his need to have friends and be accepted in the context of his lifelong social skills deficits and impaired social functioning… [He] was unable to articulate any other benefits of his desire to be female [and] was not able to describe any revulsion of his male body.” Dr Ross concludes that S meets the diagnostic criteria for ASD level 1 (or Asperger’s syndrome) and does not have gender dysphoria.
GCN put questions to the office of Queensland Health Minister Shannon Fentiman and Children’s Health Queensland.
Trans the autism away.
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lucamoreirareal · 11 months
Revista Mensch celebra lançamento da edição impressa com festa em São Paulo
Nesta quinta feira ( 10) o alicerce do Fre restaurante em São Paulo estremeceu com a festa bombástica promovida pela revista Mensch. A nova edição impressa da publicação veio recheada de grandes nomes do mercado como: Letícia Spiller, Fernando Fernandes, Sonia Braga, Tuca Andrada, Dr Veit, entre outros notáveis. Para comemorar a chegada de sua 33a edição o editor geral André Porto escolheu um…
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ledenews · 1 year
Youth Services System, Inc. To Announce Good Samaritan at Press Conference
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Youth Services System, Inc. (YSS) will announce their 2023 Good Samaritan recipient during a press conference to be held on July 11th, 2023 at 10 A.M. in the Hazel Atlas Building fourth floor conference room, located at 87 Fifteenth Street in Wheeling. Since 2008, YSS has honored a Good Samaritan each year by hosting a dinner celebrating the recipient’s dedication to bettering the lives of children and families in our community. Past honorees include: YSS founder Ronald C. Mulholland, Tom Burgoyne, The Women’s Giving Circle, Sister Constance Dodd, Kathleen Hogan Schenk, Dr. Bernard Grubler, Ann Thomas, Dr. Lee Jones, Judge George Spillers, Lary Loew, Ronald Klug, Randy Worls, Linda &James Bordas, Susan Hogan, Dr. William Mercer, Jay T. McCamic, Barry & Lisa Allen & the Zieggy Tribe, Charlie Schlegel, along with the Vineyard Church and Pastor Chris Figaretti. The 2023 Good Samaritan Tribute Dinner will be held on Thursday, September 14th at the River City Banquet Hall. Full details and ticket sales will be announced soon. For more information about Youth Services System, Inc., visit: https://www.youthservicessystem.org/. Read the full article
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redspamedia · 1 year
Claudia Krüger
Area Sales Manager Dr. Spiller Kontakt:[email protected]+49 171 4984433 Dr. Spiller GmbHVoglinger Straße 1183313 SiegsdorfDeutschlandwww.dr-spiller.com
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crvvys · 1 year
I’m gonna be compiling some black historical media when I get a chance. partially for me but mostly for my niece. my dad was the historian for me and I want to be that for my niece with a less aggressive approach lol. so I have a lot of reading to do and movies to watch
I love my sister but she is not the conscious one in the family lmao that’s always been my dad and I. she remembers my black militant phase though and we laugh at it now but I wasn’t wrong to learn a lot of what I learned. I was just super focused on some topics that don’t work long term. I needed to widen my horizons so now I can do this for my niece.
found a PDF of Dr. Hortense Spillers’ essay Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe so I’ll be reading that later.
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