#Drag Queen MoL
yonderghostshistories · 4 months
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Terry Jones as Mr Long Arms
Graham Chapman as Drag Queen
Green Elephant Butler
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displayheartcode · 3 years
Better ideas than the John/Mary trash fire romance
Wayward Sisters
A bunch of the final girls coming together and taking down how the show treats them
Wayward Sisters
A bunch of high schoolers learning how to hunt ghosts from videos made by the disgraced ghostfacers
All of those people the Winchesters saved??? Like, how are they doing???
angels in season nine (?) learning how to be human
Wayward Sisters
What about those hunter kids from that other episode?
Oh no a bunch of Girl Scouts found an abandoned MoL bunker
A social worker dealing with the supernatural with the help of their EMT buddy
Wayward Sisters
Kansas playing on a loop
Slow burn purgatory angst romance between two monsters who are trying to break out
The racist ghost truck returns with the monster bugs
Wayward Sisters
A day in the life of Garth
Two FBI agents follow the sloppy tracks Dean and Sam left behind
Rowena as the queen of hell but it’s shot as a mockumentary
Wayward Sisters
A hunter with no faith and a fallen angel solve mysteries in the American heartland as they grudgingly fall in love
A teenage werewolf trying out for the high school basketball team
A hunter is dragged out of her grave and is forced into a conflict between heaven and hell
The Roadhouse
Wayward Sisters
Jo attempting college
Wayward Sisters
Wayward Sisters
Wayward Sisters
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dragons-bones · 5 years
For the WoL/Scion/Echo-y type person ask meme! ALLIANCE: Does your character have any important relationships with major NPCs? Friendships, romances, rivalries?, (outside of Aymeric, of course) and LOYALTY: Is your character notably committed to any of the major organizations in the story other than the Scions? The Grand Companies, Garlond Ironworks, the many guilds of Eorzea, etc.?
So besides Synnove’s glaringly obvious personal relationship with a certain Lord Commander, she’s also very good friends with Cid and, well. Pretty much the whole of the Ironworks. Synnove’s experiments require tech that she had to build herself, which got her interested in engineering, which means Synnove, Cid, Biggs, and Wedge should not be left unsupervised for longer than four bells because shit’s gonna happen. (Cid and Synnove also have the kind of friendly vitriolic rivalry that comes with being two of the smartest people in the room but having semi-reasonable egos about it. Their friendship is also why the Arcanists’ Guild gets first dibs on some of the newer Ironworks tech or reverse-engineered Allagan items like the tablets; the Admiral is not complaining, but she still doesn’t want an official Ironworks-Guild collaboration anywhere near her city.) In terms of magical nerdery, Synnove has actually gotten Urianger to shout during debates on theoretical arcanima, and whenever both are able to make it to the Rising Stones, Y’shtola will get dragged into their “discussions,” too. And then Alphinaud shows up aaaaaand someone get a referee. (They’re having fun, I promise.)
Alakhai is the one who’s probably closest to the members of House Fortemps, due to her relationship with Haurchefant. Count Edmont is definitely a father-figure to her (though the rest of the Squad are also very fond of him, and call him “Uncle Edmont”) and Emmanellain is her bratty little brother; her relationship with Artoirel is a bit more formal. She also considers the Upright Thieves part of her Eorzean family.
Rereha is a bard and a queen gossipmonger who’s basically been using her travels as the Warrior of Light to expand her information network. She and Tataru are drinking buddies, and that should terrify everyone. She also gets along well with Thancred (their outrageous mutual flirting is going to go nowhere, and everyone knows it, but they’re having too much fun), and with him and Riol, runs the Scions intelligence apparatus. She is also totally making eyes at Hien, woman is thirsty.
Heron gets along with just about everyone, she’s easygoing like that. Lucia and Handeloup she counts as close friends, and helping them train the Temple Knights helped keep her from going stir-crazy during Heavensward. She’s also the one who gets along best with Alisaie (although it’s safe to say the whole Squad thinks of her as another sister), and frequently talks things through when the young elezen needs advice.
Synnove is basically defined by her membership in the Arcanists’ Guild; it’s her primary job, after all, and it’s even more so now that she’s Vice Chair for the Aetherophysics Department. She thus also has very close ties to the Maelstrom, and the Guild works the Maelstrom and Yellowjackets often enough that she’s been granted the provisional rank of Storm Captain should she need to take command if a mission goes pear-shaped.
Rereha is a member of the Order of the Twin Adders; she spends quite a bit of time in Gridania and the Shroud, even after she made amends with her mother after she ran off to Gridania after quitting the Thaumaturges’ Guild. She doesn’t quite get this whole governance by the Elementals thing, but she learned quite a lot while so far from home, and this whole bardic thing? Yeah, she’s pretty damn happy with that. And the Adders officers are so fun to tease.
Heron is a free paladin, but with her family connection, she’s very close to the Sultansworn; many of the older members were her babysitters or mentors when she was very young, and they’re effectively extended family. She’s also a member of the Immortal Flames, currently Captain, and in between contracts, she’ll lead a squad out in the field.
Alakhai is first and foremost an Upright Thief and she wears that title with pride. The Thieves were her first friends in Eorzea and she is very protective of them. And while she no longer lives on the Steppe, she still considers herself a member of the Noykin tribe, and has made an effort to stay in contact with her tribe. The Questir and Mol are tribes friendly to her own, and she found herself very comfortable back in Reunion–though even though the Oronir are some of the Noykins’ best customers, they can fuck right off.
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voideater · 6 years
Jean Mol l Profile/LFRP
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(please note: Jean is not a nice man. He’s deeply troubled from his past, he eats people, he digs up graves, and he likes burning ‘problems’. He’s not hell bent on destroying everything ever or wanting to fight whatever breathes but he hates the Holy See of Ishgard and a lot of people and his idea of fixing problems is straight up murder. His RPs tend to delve into a lot of dark areas)
NAME: Jean Mol
ALIAS: The Mad Dog of Ishgard/Queen
AGE: 32
RACE: Elezen, Duskwight
PERSONALITY: Jean is fiercely loyal to people who have earned his favor. His favor is hard to earn, easy to loose and he’s a man of extremes ruled over by his emotions and instincts. He can be either the best ally or worse enemy but outside of his more extreme tendencies he’s pretty damn fun to befriend.  
Physical Appearance ––– –
HAIR: A firey shade of red orange, it’s his natural hair color and he’s very proud of it as it’s silky, clean, and styled.
EYES: One dark grey, one light grey mechanical one.
HEIGHT: 6′4. Shorter for an Elezen but still pretty tall.
BUILD: Slim, he’s not muscular at all but not unhealthily thin. He looks like he could put up a fight through sheer speed alone.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: The false eye. It’s very 
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Long diamond earrings, rings, bracelets, makeup...Jean is very out there with how he chooses to accessorize and he loves it.
Personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Scientist....of sorts. 
HOBBIES: Drag, research, dancing.
RESIDENCE: The Lavender Beds with his husband. He does keep a hide out in Shirogane and has a room in the Obsidian Court’s manor within the Mists.
BIRTHPLACE: Ishgard, right by the brume.
LANGUAGES: Eorzean common, very vague Hingan.
FEARS: To be abandoned. He’s experienced it a lot and being all alone is his greatest fear in life. It’s something he’s had to make himself get used to in the past and right now he’s in a pretty nice situation that he’s desperate to hold on to. 
He is a fiercely loyal, tenacious man who often lets his emotions rule him.
Relationships ––– -
Parents: Mother and father, alive but he’s been disowned by them. He still steals from their shop.
Siblings: Sister, deceased by his hand and ultimately eaten by him and his soon to be husband.
Spouse: Ulaan/Elun Mol
Children: Drag, adopted Allagan node shaped like a Xaela child.
Lovers:  None.
Enemies: He has many of them given his status in society as a criminal in the underworld, especially his status as the Mad Dog of Ishgard, a feared arsonist and heretic who burned mansions without rhyme or reason. If you want to be his enemy feel free to let me know and we can arrange something!
Traits ––– -
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganised / organised / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Additional Information ––– –
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.(this does not include his necessary ones.)
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
Plot Hooks ––– –
The Mad Dog of Ishgard - His old alias hasn’t been forgotten and he’s still known by it. His mannerisms are a dead give away to who he really is and many Ishgardians still whisper about the monster (or to some hero) who got revenge on the wealthy through his acts of arson. A person in the underground of Ishgard would know more about the cannibal that Jean is in actuality and of his escape from being an indentured servant. 
The Court of Thieves - Jean is a representative of them and it helps him keep his ‘Mad Dog’ side chained. He’s surprisingly kind to people within the underground and those who are down on their luck and desperate. 
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obannthepunished · 6 years
oof i forgot to post notes
Nott is Fjord's daughter now
Calianna?? i missed the spelling im sure her sheet will pop back up, but she wants an Item from the storehouse. She has also called jester and kiri cute which is gr8 Oooh she's got left side draconic shit
im working so like... bad notes
theyre all being dicks but shes determined theyre lovely i love her too much
theyre heading toward the... unterloch??? close enough
"Mr caleb" - Callie
Jester has Kiri on her shoulders <3
"MR FJORD" (with the lil j noise lmao) ooooh i love her
its super duper misty/foggy, they cant see much
Nott is Bren for this lmao, gives Febron some fuckin booze Callie, @ Fjord: (some comment about parenting)
Callie calls Febron "Mr Creepy Pervert" which i think is. just fab. move over molly youve been replaced as my fav (jkjk molly my darling i love you)
i do love that its "i need a d6" and everyone clamours to give. ive done that. its so nice. Big fuckin fireball burns off the fog in a wide area, and also damages something that comes for them taliesin your vicious mockery needs work Fjord casts Witch Bolt? Sick
ok ok notes picking up now promise, around Frumpkin looking out over shit with Caleb layer of bones inside something or other. a tree trunk. something matted in corner.
taliesin and laura pointing in EXACT unison is really creepy
marisha gets that nat20 on a survivl check
Febron nearly walks into a venus fuck trap, Callie levitates him, and they bat him away like a balloon
Caleb is very good at being a dickhead and i adore him
Fjord sees a shadow and they fan out, Callie Fjord Beau Yasha Molly?
Shadow is a bulbous humanoid, super boily, trollish in nature Beau distracts w some ball bearings oh ja callie thinks molly is a super devout bahamut follower
Callie is from port demali originally! raised by a cult taken in off the street
Jester is charged with going to make friends with the troll and hands Kiri over holding her under the arms... wings? And Fjord takes her by the scruff and literally EVERYONE gets mad (Nott takes custody instead)
Jester sends her duplicate out, and the troll attacks it and then runs away when it fails
pearl hilted daggers in the trees mark the way
there are corpses set up for show ew
Jester is gonna try and Speak With Dead
Q: What Did this to you? A: Swamp fish men under the ground
Q: How many? A: Many
Q:did anything hurt them more A: TLDR when we cut them, they bleed
Q: --nvm the troll gets Febron
Beau is ALSO unconscious now
Matt: That ends your turn fjord? Fkord:... yyyeah i cast regret
Caleb is casting things and IM HERE SCREAMING SLOW REPEATEDLY AT 5am
Yasha burns her movement to get close and DROP IT
Jester casts Healing Word THANK GOD 7hp
troll gets away w febrons super dead corpse
back to speak with dead on the halfling Q: which way is the safehouse a: (head curves to right) hundred feet that way
The cult worshipped The Queen idk ic ant remember the proper name, part of a ritual the bowl, ueen of chromatic dragons
Callie cleans the water so Nott can see, which is sweet
jester + callie comlimeting one another is so cute this is th new otp
big big tree hollow chamber
Nott gets fragment of possibility and goes down a lil hole, falls but casts featherfall
they all godown, kiri in a corner, and they talk too much and lose their surprise round
Fjord is stabbed w harpoon 8( and then is bitten!
i love it when they call molly "mollymauk" it genuinely fills me with some joy
Fjord is nat20 harpoon'd too. AND AGAIN AND UNCONSCIOUS but half orc so 1hp Fjord is pulled in, beau sentinel's it before it can get at him, but it still takes its bite- misses, thanks to Molly's blood maledict. nvm he goes down again.
Yasha gets real mad and murders one of the fish buoys
Duplijester casts cure wounds by hugging Fjord
I love when the CRew starts fuckin singin all together its so beautiful. the lollipop every time.
Beau flurry of blows it and its dying but not gone.
Fjord gets the hdywtdt with his FUCKING eldritch blast
Callie is a little possessive of kill. "a little" also i know shorthand itd be cali but fuck you im homestuck til the end
Kiri stabbing dead things (callie voice): i kill people! Marisha is amazed by how magnets work
lots of money found. manacles.
Nott finds the bowl and hides it REALLY WELL from Callie Caleb Identifies the bowl, it's for communicating with the Queen and requires blood.
Fjord has little panicky flashbacks of being in the shipwreck oh sheisse he continues under the water though. big room, piled up treasure, 5-6 fish dudes.
Caleb calls Everyone over except Jes and Nott, no, now including Jester. Beau snatches the bowl from Caleb. and now theyre all super mad at caleb for this what the fuck yall.
Cult of the caustic heart, servants of the scaled tyrant Callie is being honest YAAAAAAY
Beau drags Caleb away and lectures him, but Callie stands up for him which is Really Nice. Mol: "YOURE ALRIGHT CALEB, YOURE JUST A SHITTY COMMUNICATOR"
YASHA HAS THE SWORD THAT DISPELS MAGIC shes gonna stab it IT WORKS!!!!! SHE SHATTERS THE FUCKING BOWL!!!!!!! Callie just gives her a big hug awww and yasha pats her
Callie + Jester are now pen pals Callie leaves
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Cardiff, Fulham and Huddersfield set to become worst relegated teams in Premier League history
REVEALED: Cardiff City, Fulham and Huddersfield Town become the worst bottom three in the history of the Premier League … unless they all win their last games of the season
Cardiff City, Fulham and Huddersfield Town already downgraded to championship
They would combine
Dan Ripley for MailOnline
| High standards, points wise, but the fight against relegation is ready to record new lows
In the run-up to the final game of the season, the bottom three have already been confirmed in the top flight with the defeat of Cardiff City by Crystal Palace on
But despite Neil Warnock's fight against the penultimate weekend at to stay on, they will become part of the worst set of relegated teams in Premier League history.
<img id = "i-267ba297a894c633" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/06/13/13147252 -0-image-a-36_1557146369220.jpg "height =" 448 "width =" 634 "alt =" Cardiff City was relegated to the championship on Saturday after the defeat to Crystal Palace on Saturday after the defeat by Crystal Palace "
Cardiff City was relegated to the championship on Saturday after the defeat by Crystal Palace
<img id = "i-2eb6d90628cbb2ac" src = "https: // i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/06/13/13147426-0-image-m-40_1557146395160.jpg "height =" 532 "width =" 306 "alt =" Fulham are also downgraded from the top flight
028 ]
Cardiff joins Fulham and Huddersfield Town and is relegated from the Eredivisie
The trio currently has 72 points, with which it would reach a historic low. ] That means to avoid setting a new low benchmark, Cardiff, Fulham and Huddersfield Town should all win their last game of the season to prevent them from the ultimate & # 39; terrible trio & # 39; to become.
Two wins and a draw would
For comparison: Birmingham City, West Bromwich Albion and Sunderland set the existing record in 2006, with the Baggies taking one point out of the possible nine on the last day of the season in Everton.
[Cardiff's strijd tegen degradatie ging door tot de voorlaatste speeldag van het seizoen] of the Season "
The trio has collected only 72 points between them with only one round of games to play
2016-17: Swansea City, Stoke City, West Bromwich Albion: 97 points
Hull City, Middlesbrough, Sunderland: Newcastle United, Norwich City , Aston Villa: 88
Norwich City, Fulham, Cardiff City: 95
Wigan Athletic, Reading, Queens Bolton Wanderers, Blackburn Rovers, Wolverhampton Wanderers: 92
Newcastle United , Middlesbrough, Newcastle United, Newcastle United, Middlesbrough, Newcastle United, Newcastle United, Middlesbrough, West Bromwich Albion: 98
2007-08: [194SheffieldUnitedCharltonAthleticWatford:100
2005-06: Birmingham, West Bromwich Albion, Sunderland:
2003903 Leicester City, Leeds United, Wolverhampton Wanderers: 99
2002-03: West Ham United, West Bromwich Albion, Sunderland Ipswich Town, Derby County, Leicester City: 94
2000-01: Manchester City, Coventry City, Bradford City: 94
1999-00: Wimbledon, Sheffield, Wednesday, Watford: 88
1998-99: Charlton Athletic, Blackburn Rovers, Nottingham Forest: 101
1996-97: Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Nottingham Forest: 113
Bolton Wanderers, Barnsley, Crystal Palace:
1995-96: Manchester City, Queens Park Rangers: 100
1994-95 *: Crystal Palace, Norwich City, Leicester City, Ipswich Town: 144
1993-94 *: Sheffield United, Oldham Athletic, Swindon Town: 112
1992-93 *: Crystal Palace, Middlesbrough, Nottingham (19459028)
Burnley, Hull City
* 42-game Premier League season (1994-95 saw four teams relegated) and Portsmouth then avoided the plate an absolutely new record on the last day of the 2009-10 season, with Burnley Tottenham Hotspur and Hull City signed against Liverpool.
Getting nine points appears a large order for the bottom three of this season.
Historically, the bottom three in the Premier League usually darken 86 points.
However, this also included a Derby County team that ended record lows with only 11 that campaign – dragging with Reading and Birmingham City in a combined 82 points.
Sunderland & # 39; s George McCartney (left) and Kelvin Davis are looking at the next relegation in 2006 as part of a trio of sides that fell with a combined total number of points of 79 "class =" blkBorder img-share "
<img id =" i-bcafd903c03b9146 "src =" https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/06/13/ 13149216-0-image-a-44_1557147428793.jpg "height =" 424 "width =" 634 "alt =" George McCartney of Sunderland (left) and Kelvin Davis are looking at the next relegation in 2006 as part of three sides that fell with a combined total of 79 "class =" blkBorder img-
Sunderland & # 39; s George McCartney (left) and Kelvin Davis are looking at the next relegation in 2006 as part of three sides that went down with a combined total of 79
The 2006 record was almost defeated almost four years later, but Burnley & # 39; s 4-2 win over Tottenham Hotspur on the last day caused the & # 39; class of 2010 & went well with 79 points
The best combined total comes in 144 points from 1994-95 – but that featured four relegated teams from a 42-game season. a three-man system sets the record at 133 from the very first Premier League campaign, but that was also a season of 42 games.
More than 38 games Most points of three relegations are 113 points set by Sunderland, Middlesbrough and Nottingham Forest in 1996-97
Intriguing, this season also combines with the least points ever recorded by the champions, with Manchester United winning the crown with only 75 points.
<img id = "i-a47d71 ae5f65755d "src =" https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/06/13/13149252-0-image-a-47_1557147463038.jpg "height =" 555 "width =" 634 "alt = "Eric Young from Palace is tackled by Tottenham & Garry Mabbutt during the 1994-95 season, with the Eagles becoming the only side in the history of the Premier League that relegated fourth from bottom" class = "blkBorder img-share "
<img id =" i-a47d71ae5f65755d "src =" https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/06/13/13149252-0-image-a-47_1557147463038 .jpg "height =" 555 "width =" 634 "alt =" Eric Young of Palace is tackled by Tottenhams Garry Mabbutt during the 1994-95 season, with the Eagles becoming the only side in the Premier League's history that relegated fourth from bottom "class =" blkBorder img-
Eric Young of the palace is tackled by Tottenhams Garry Mabbutt during a 1994-95 season where the Eagles were degraded the only side in the history of the Eredivisie erd as fourth of bottom
Stuart Pearce (right) disputed possession with Sheffield Wednesday & David Hirst in 1997. Nottingham Forest would be demoted to part of a trio of teams with a record of 113 points "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Stuart Pearce (right) disputed possession with Sheffield Wednesday's David Hirst in 1997. Nottingham Forest would be demoted to a part of a trio of teams with a record of 113 points
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