#Dragonborn Rowenna
isobel-thorm · 2 years
The Dragonborn @ all the hostile Rieklings after siding with them at Thirsk Mead Hall
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isobel-thorm · 1 year
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Tagged by @deputyash to make some of the kids in this picrew. Got a lil carried away so I shortened it to: 
Everlee Grey before Jackie ​ ➡️ After Jackie (Cyberpunk 2077) Rowenna before The Companions  ➡️ After The Companions (Skyrim) Fred Daniels (RDR2) // Deputy Nic Raylan (Far Cry 5)
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isobel-thorm · 2 years
OCs and Red Flags
Tagged by @faithchel to do this uquiz. 
Switched up the characters a bit so I can have the actual characters with glaring red flags in their narratives to see what they have
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​daddy or mommy issues haha 
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emotionally unsensitive/unavailable youre numb lol. youre not a very sympathetic person
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obsessive youre always fixated on certain things, preventing you from moving on
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ur lowkey manipulative gaslight, ur not cool
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isobel-thorm · 3 years
☔ for the moodboard meme for whoever you'd like! <3
☔ - Muse's favorite kind of weather
Mei / Nic / Cal / Orion / Leo / Rowenna: Snow / Winter
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isobel-thorm · 3 years
🖋🖋🖋🖋 give me some obscure oc facts please
Jane aggaaiinn
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Is usually one of the more level-headed people out of the Oceanic Survivors. But when she loses Daniel, who was like a Weird brother to her for years, she, as the kids say, went feral to the point Jack and Richard both had to hold her back from doing anything rash in retaliation.
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Dragonborn Rowenna
Any time Farkas wants to do something his particular brand of Stupid that will most likely end in death or injury, she reminds him (read: guilt trips) he's part of the reason she was on a better path in life than before she met them and if he dies who will stop me from going back to it, oh, woe is me.
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Warden Queen Katryn Cousland
When she was a child, Nathaniel showed her a little twirly-trick for using a bow. Years later once they’re reunited, her doing the trick like it's second nature/she's practiced it enough to know it without really trying is one of the reasons he comes to his senses about where his loyalties lie.
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isobel-thorm · 4 years
🖊 🖊 🖊 🖊 🖊 🖊 for (2) ocs of your choice!
Let’s go with my two Skyrim Dragonborn bc I miss them something fierce.
Was in the Dark Brotherhood for the start of her time in Skyrim, but after ascending to leadership she was told to kill Narfi, and her conscience kicked in. She refused to kill him, helped him with his quest, then collapsed the Night Mother’s cave. It ended in a fight but she talked the survivors down and left. She passed out near Whiterun where the Companions found her and nursed her back to health. She started solid friendships with all but Njada, but left because she felt they were too good for her. She fell in with the Thieves Guild as a happy medium, and the Rest of Her Life happened from there.
Going off of that, she may or may not have caused the “unfortunate accident” Njada got caught up and died in.
Paarthurnax is still very insistent she’s got a good heart, which makes no sense to her.
Saved Ralof’s life even after siding with the Imperials, and she stays in Whiterun while he sulks about the Imperial’s eventual victory.
She still ends up being Ralof’s #1 drinking buddy until their old age. Torvar’s a lil jealous.
Married to Farkas and they have Vilkas live with then because she didn’t want to separate her favorite boys.
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isobel-thorm · 2 years
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Tagged by @strafethesesinners and @euryalex to make some of the kids in this technical dollmaker
We’ve got: 
Max Anderson // her Altieri variant  Warden Queen Katryn Cousland //  Dragonborn Rowenna
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isobel-thorm · 3 years
5, 6, 10, 16, 17 + rowenna xx
5) How were they perceived before their Dragonborn identity became widely known? The new idea is that basically Rowenna was a tool before and after coming into the title. She grew up in the Brotherhood so to peers and higher ups, she was just another cog in the wheel. She was trained to follow orders blindly, not question much, death and destruction was A-OK. She might still??? be the Listener so she went from tool to Useful Tool That Should Be Coveted (and Envied). 
6) How are they perceived by the major villains- Alduin, Harkon, Miraak, etc.? For Alduin and Harkon, not to have them be Loki on main but its very much “an ant has no quarrel with a boot”- they don’t see her as much until it’s too late. Miraak’s the only one that realizes he’s a little too evenly matched before it’s too late to the point where they almost got along before Hermaeus saw to that. 
10. Which factions are they aligned with? Including civil war sides, Thalmor, guilds etc.   She grew up in the Brotherhood until adulthood, got caught up in the arrest and basically skimmed being with the Stormcloaks because Ralof was really the first genuine friend she made but she also tried to steer clear of the war. From there she got swept up into the Companions, they helped her become a better person, and then she fell down a couple of steps on the moral ladder because Brynjolf recruited her for the Thieves Guild, but she adopted that mentioned Robin Hood mentality so she could justify it. She tried to do the Mage College for a bit but it was Too Much for her, and she ain’t touching the Thalmor shit with a 100 ft pole. She toed the Dawnguard line too, but brokered peace between them and Serana and then basically just stole Celann to be her housecarl and never spoke to the rest of them again. 
16) Where did they choose to live and what drew them there? Does it really feel like home? After the arrest the first place she settled was Riverwood because Ralof was there and it felt very homey, and then she was in Riften for a while because it was homey and familiar, and then she was able to build Lakeview Manor around her self-forced retirement because it was close to friends, relatively secluded and the place was gorgeous. 
17) What’s their style- do they tend to wear armour and if so, what sort? Otherwise what’s their average day-to-day clothing? While travelling she switches between Nightingale armor and Ebony Mail, and when she’s just hanging out at home or in a protected city she’ll only ever be seen in Tavern Clothes. 
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isobel-thorm · 4 years
🖊 🖊 🖊
Someone did this for their fantasy game kids a while ago and I miss mine, so: 
Dragonborn Rowenna: Only trusts Teldryn Sero to babysit her and Brynjolf’s kids. No one knows why and figures there’s some giant, long-winded explanation, but no, she just loves how much Teldyn adores and would die for the kids. 
Katryn Cousland: Once won a drinking contest against Varel, and then they proceeded to go out on the town singing tavern songs at the top of their lungs. They’ve both sworn each other to secrecy about that night. 
Rhia Trevelyan: She had her first kiss with Fairbanks when they were children and their parents had dragged them to court.
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