#Dream peaks💝✨
eternadreeblissa · 5 months
Where... Where am I?...
Darkness created from the boulders and rocks that tower above and cloud the skies, I feel I am in a cave. And the only source of light, was through the shrooms and fungi that glow within this place.
I raised myself from where I laid, the heaviness of my body weighed on me yet it did not stop me from composing myself, until eventually, I can stand on my own two feet.
Where is this place? Is this a dream?..
And then, I heard a voice. Alongside the strumming of a harp.
A voice so gentle and soothing, like a lullaby.. In a language so foreign yet also so familiar to me...
My head turned to the source, as if hypnotized by command from a siren. I closed my eyes in wonder, relishing the music flowing within my ears, before treading forward the dark path ahead.
Before me, was an opening, carved like a ragged archway. And beyond what lies there, is a girl with golden hair showered in the light from the large cracked opening in the distant sky.
A girl? What is she doing here?
...And she looks rather familiar...
For a moment, I did not move much. I allowed myself to listen in, enjoying the melody which her fingers and voice play in harmony. Before slowly, I walked up to her. I dared not rush, for I do not want to startle her and ruin such calming melody. And so, with every step I take, not a sound of even the soft ground beneath my feet would scratch, as I slowly advance forward until I was a meter away.
She had not noticed my presence even once. Seemingly immersed in her melody.
But that's alright. I am but a mere bystander. And all I wish is to enjoy the melodies she plays for whomever. Even if she may not see me, I don't mind staying here for a little while.
Yet, now that the distance had shrunk greatly from where I once stood, my eyes had widened upon recognition on who this was..
...Thankfully, the song had ended, when I accidentally uttered her name. It seemed I was correct, as the face she made when she turned to me was one of shock.
She... Knows me? No.. She *remembers* me?
"Zelda... What are you doing in here? Should you not be in the village of Skyloft?" The words had slipped from my lips..
"I.. I was just playing in peace in here for only a moment. That is all..." She turned from me, cradling her harp with her crestfallen face. "But... What of you? Why are you here?"
"I've come to find you. I was looking for you everywhere." Was I? Since when?
"I see... I'm sorry for worrying you." She stood and smiled apologetically to me. And then, her face had suddenly morphed into an expression of worry. "No... Wait. We shouldn't be speaking to each other."
"...Pardon?" My thoughts exactly.
"Hylia... Hylia will come for you." She shook her head, her eyes squeezed shut as she grabbed my hands.
"Ava, please, go! Immediately! Please leave Skyloft at once!"
"L-Leave?" I was taken aback. To where? Do I even have the means to depart from a sky island like Skyloft?
"I-I'm sorry. Please go, please leave me here before she—" her pleas were cut off, as her knees had weakened and landed on the earth.
"Sun." I called her. But why Sun? Is it because.. "Sun, I would not blame you for any of this, for any of what would happen. Even if you yourself truly wish for my demise, I know it was only—"
Static. The sounds had been muffled and it's harder to hear. I'm not sure what to make of the rest that transpired.
Yet if there was anything I could at least make out...
"I... I only wanted Sky and I to be happy.. How did it turn out like this? I'm so sorry, A—..."
...Zelda was in conflict with Hylia. A division.
Have I... Done something?
I could not linger on my thoughts for long, nor can I even ask any of the questions I wish to address at least to myself within my own mind. As the sounds of a bell echoed from the skies and Zelda hitched her last breath beneath me. I wish not for her to be alone... "Sun.. I forgive you." I held her close to me, as the light blinded me.
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