#Dreamcatcher sua
mechaknight-98 · 8 months
Overwhelming Overtime (NSFW) FT: Sua
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She has no business being this needlessly hot
Your boss was both the best boss you ever had but also the worst. See when you started you had this quiet but strong boss named Kim Minji. Sure she was a bit spacey but when push came to shove she would shove back. She was a tough but extremely pleasant boss but he was promoted and in turn, chose Kim Bora (her right hand) as her successor.
You had met Kim Bora before in fact she was the one who hired you. She was a tiny little thing with a fire that drove her to win at all costs. When you interviewed her the thing that stood out most was the rapacious look she had. You thought it was because she hadn't eaten that day but as you got to know her and did a few projects with her you quickly learned that her intense appetite was all genuine. You were no slouch yourself you strived to lead the pack and often did with your out-of-the-box solutions and creative problem-solving skills. Kim Bora or Sua as she demanded to be called now was often reliant on you for not only your insights but also rigorous morale-boosting efforts. So much so she had you in her old position 4 months after you got hired, and a week before the first major audit of the quarter. The audit went well but it was after that when “Kim Bora” died and “Sua” took over completely.
The day after the Audit you got in early to work on a side project you had going on. You were off the clock obviously and needed a quiet space that wasn't your apartment you shared with several roommates. While you worked a co-worker and designated “office puppy” Yoohyeon walked in
“Well well well. Who do we have here? A hard-working Hound slaving away before his shift even starts?” Yoohyeon says to you. You look up from your project and smile admiring her short blue hair which she had dyed the previous week.
“I'm good Puppy and how about you?” you ask giving her your full attention.
“I'm tired. That audit took it out of me. It also didn't help that Gahyeon and Siyeon’s work all got corrupted at the last minute.” Yoohyeon laments. You console her reminding her it's over and that Bora and you finished it.
“Thanks, hound…hey where's Bora?” Yoohyeon asked as you and here usually come in around the same time.
“Oh, she’s at my place. We didn't finish work until 3:30 last night so she stayed the night since it was closer,” you explain. Yoohyeon smiled at you.
“I knew you were a hound but I'd never take you for a dog,” Yoohyeon says with a pleasant laugh
“What do you mean?”
Yooyheon gets shoulder to shoulder with you and nudges you“Taking her back to your place, after a stressful day of work. A little bit of Office romance in the air?” she questions. You shake your head and try to deny it but there's this pit inside you and in that pit, something has awoken as you think about your boss in some less-than-professional ways. Yoohyeon notices your laptop and asks what you are working on.
“Oh it's just a movie script,” you say which makes Yoohyeon’s eyes go wide
“Oh can I be in it?” she asks preciously. You say sure and she beams off happy. By the time you finish up the first draft of the last scene, your boss walks in. She walks over to the desk and leans in as normal.
“Hey, honey. How are you?” you hear Bora ask.
“I'm fine boss. Just wanted to get some quiet time in before work. Did you enjoy your breakfast?” Bora smiles tired and nods as she drags herself to her office. Her voice is Huskier than usual from fatigue and further awakens the pit inside of you that is currently imagining your cock stuffed down her…Wait did she just call you honey? you think to yourself. You're not allowed to think for too long as the work hustle and bustle starts. As you settle in you get a call from Bora.
“Dear, can you come into my office please?”
Instinctively you say sure thing baby without being able to stop yourself before it comes out.
“Thanks, honey,” Bora said before hanging up the phone. You try to push down the feelings arising from the pit inside of you as you walk to her office. The pit had other plans though as your brain conjured lurid visions of you and Bora around the office until you got to her door. You see her and you going at it on Siyeon’s desk Bora screaming your name. Doggy at Gahyeon’s cubicle. Bora venting about how much of a little brat she was. Bora deepthroating you in Dami’s chair talking about how deep you are in her throat. It's disorienting and distracting but before you enter Bora’s office you breathe and calm yourself. You open the door to see Bora leaning back on her desk It is almost enough to send your body feral as you see not only her cleavage but also the way her pantsuit curves around her fit body. Your visions continue of her smothering your cock with her tits. Had you had less self-control you would have gotten on your knees and eaten her out before pounding her into oblivion and both of you pass out.
But instead, the words out of your mouth were “Yeah boss what's up?”
“We have a new hire and she should be coming in soon. I would like you who welcome her with me since you're my left hand.” her innocent reference to a previous inside joke had made you laugh and calmed the raging beast inside. You both sit in her office waiting for the new hire. Sue walks over to you and leans on you for a bit. She groaned before she said.
“Geez how did you still wake up so early today?” Bora asked. You shrug and respond “Not sure.” Bora smiles at you with admiration. Before hugging you.
“See that's what I love about you, honey. your persistence is unrelenting and inspiring.” the pet name reawakens the beast inside and you struggle to regain your composure. Until the door opens. In walks in a pretty blonde with bright eyes. She smiles and sits to the right of you across from Bora’s desk.
“Good morning Mrs Han,” Bora says. You nod as well as Mrs. Han sits next to you.
“This is my left-hand man Percival but we all call him Hound,” Bora says. Mrs Shin looks over at you confused.
“Each of us was given animal-related nicknames I got Hound after a particularly brusque interaction with a potential business partner”
Bora laughed and exposed the following, “you nearly bit his throat out when he attempted to forcefully couple with our little Fox Gahyeon”
Han’s eyes went wide as she remembered the story from two months ago about an office employee who broke the arm and several other bones of a CEO who was currently under investigation for multiple accounts of Misconduct. Mrs. Han laughed and said, “I heard about that. The article I read said it took 5 guards to stop you from killing him.” Mrs. Han teased
“I wasn't going to kill him,” you say
“Hound I know you're trying to not scare off the newbie but remember we are a primarily women-led office so I wanted her to know we have a hell of a guard dog helping who takes care of us,” Kim Bora explains. You shrug which makes Bora laugh. After that, Siyeon walks in and takes Mrs Han away, before she can. Bora asks you,” Hey honey can you pick up the food for today’s luncheon? The order will be ready at about noon.” you nod and walk out. When you get back to your desk you find that moment later Siyeon approaches
“What's going on between Sua and you?” she asks flatly.
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
Siyeon pointed to Sua’s office and said “Sua called you a bunch of pet names like babe and honey.”
“Oh good you heard it too, so I am not hallucinating that,” you say relieved you say half half-joking.
“Yeah, Handong asked me if you two were dating?” Siyeon asked confused. You shrug equally confused. Siyeon smiles at you and asks how you are handling it and why she's calling you that.
“Well, she stayed at my place after we got off last night since it was so late. As you know I live within walking distance from the office, but we didn't do anything but watch a movie and eat fried chicken. I got her some beer but I don't get why she's acting so different. I let her sleep in my bed sure but nothing happened because I slept on the couch.” you explain.
“I mean do you like her?” Siyeon asked
“Yes!” you explain “Too much to be exact” you add
Siyeon looks at you confused before saying “What do you mean?”
You sigh before answering “Well you have to promise me that you won't call HR on me.”
“Wait why?” Siyeon asks confused
“Just promise me and I'll explain.” you sigh again
“Okay. So ever since this morning when Yoohyeon came in and teased me about Bora and me. My mind has been racing and giving me visions of her and I “having a good time” all over the office.” you explain
Siyeon’s eyes go wide “Holy shit.” she exclaimed a bit too loud causing others to take notice. You tell those who looked over that you just shared a good recipe with her. You get suspicious looks all around but everyone eventually goes back to what they were doing.
“Oh, so you like her,” Siyeon affirms. You nod and she responds by asking, “What are you going to do about it?” you hesitate before you respond in a whisper
“Probably transfer departments, but hopefully it won't come to that.”
Not only did Sua come to work with more enticing attire but the pet names continued and her touch became increasingly more flirty. It was agonizing. It also didn't help that the work days got longer so your invites to her became more frequent. On the nights she stays she cuddles you relentlessly. On the off nights, she teases you all day with flirty touches and revealing outfits. Your only respite was your chats with Siyeon which would always end the same. “You should just fuck her and see what happens.” and your response would be. “Siyeon that's our boss. I can't do that” Siyeon would shrug and leave. Usually, after that Sua would call you in to start working.
Weeks go by the treatment gets better and worse. It became so flagrant that Dami asked you if Sua and you were dating. This is significant because Dami and you barely talked about anything besides work. That wasn't even the craziest part. You would think that with this unrelenting sexual tension between the two of you work productivity would be diminished and you'd be at each other's throats, but the exact opposite happened. All of your metrics/numbers were through the roof, and Sua and you were on fire. Spend almost every evening together after work going on cute dates all over town, but eventually, the guilt and overwhelming infatuation began to eat at you.
So You call in a favor with your friend Sakura who works in a different department. She gets you transferred in the nick of time because Sua’s advances grew more intense each day and the Beast inside grew more rapacious to indulge your hunger. That night before the schedule transferred Sua and you were working late on a massive project. Sua knew she and you were going to have to stay late so she brought a change of clothes. Her work out however was distracting you as it was a blue crop top with a black tie (which fueled several more fantasies and visions) However that wasn't the worst part. Every time Sua would stretch or lean into you the crop top would move and you get a major peek at her breasts. You are barely holding it together when the two of you finish up.
“Ah, I can't believe we finished all that,” Sua exclaimed you nodded quietly. She looks over to you her eyes Misty and sincere. So you tell her the truth… partially
“I feel stuck. Like I love working with y'all but I just need a change of scenery,” you say holding back the fact that for the last three weeks, you have had an erection that wouldn't go down no matter how many times you jack off at home because of her. Sua seems to take your words at face value and is saddened. You invite her to stay the night, which she takes. Your night with Sua is surprisingly chaste and comforting. The two of you go to a nearby steak house where you both eat and fight off fatigue. When the bill comes you pay for it as Sua has gone to sleep sitting upright. You smile at her cut expression. When it's time to leave you carry your passed-out boss back to your place. As you do you hear Sua say “I feel so safe in your arms honey.” it tears you up inside because your brain is full of images of groping her and having your way with her. When you get home you set her down on the bed and lock the door. You try to get to sleep but every time you close your eyes visions of her and you plague you. The most common being her riding you into orgasm after orgasm after orgasm till you were left raw and shaking under her tight lithe body. She mentioned how she was a dancer so you also would imagine all of her flexibility being put to use as you would pound into her through various positions. These dreams left you painfully erect and awake. You eventually do fall asleep however and can relax with Sua who eases on the sexy teasing the weekend she stays over.
As you work with Sakura and her team dubbed “le serrafim” due to the angel statute outside of the office you excel. Productivity goes up as you help the operations leader Chaewon whip the team into shape but you can't help but miss Sua. So on your first free lunch break, you visit your old office. on the way you stop at your and Sua’s favorite sandwich shop and get yours as well as hers. The Lady smiles at you and asks “Where's your work wife?” you explain to her that you had been transferred for fear of getting too close. the clerk nods and tells you life is too short to fight love so just go with it. You laugh as you head back to the office. The air is cold as you walk in. The remaining people working look at you with confusion. You ignore them and walk over to Sua’s office. You notice a distinct fragrance but you can't place it.
You open Sua’s door and are shocked at what you see she is wearing. It's a suit Jacket over a bralette and shorts.
“Aish why don't you ever knock?” Sua groans as she works on her laptop until she looks up to see you.
You tried to be good. You did but her outfit was too much for you not to let the beast out. You walk over to her and carefully set your food down before walking behind her desk and kissing her passionately. You pull her shorts down to see she wasn't wearing underwear. You fish out your cock and tell Sua.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me? You little minx.” Sua moans into your lips through a kiss before saying
“I know. I wanted you to take me. What stopped you?”
You roll your eyes at her, “You were my boss and I didn't want to get fired.” as you spoke you lower yourself down to her pussy. She smells exquisite. You take an experimental lick which causes Sua to buck her hips into you before she pulls your face back up.
“I don't need you to tease me. I need you to fuck me. We can do build-up later.” Sua demands. You acquiesce and align your cock with her folds and you plunge in. “Yes, baby yes.” Sua moans as you begin thrusting into her. As you do you vent your sexual frustrations to her.
“That whole last week before I transferred you left me with a boner I couldn't get rid of or sleep off. I'd be having these intense visions of fucking you all across the office,” you growl at her as you pound into her. You slip a hand under her bralette to learn she isn't wearing a bra either “You're such a slut.” you tease Sua. She arches her back as she leans into your body
“No, I just know what I want and how to get it.” Sua rejects
“Oh and what do you want?” you question
“You. Now shut up and cum in me. I need it.” Sua demands. You finally fully submit to her and the Beast inside as you plunge deeper into her pussy. She groans as your cock pierces her again and again.
“God you're so tight,” you say in between thrusts. Sua smiles at you deviously and says
“Wait till you fuck my ass then will talk about tight.” her words are so hot that you tumble into your orgasm blasting her womb with your seed. Sua moans as she comes all over your cock.
“Fuck you came so much,” Sua says as you drip out of her.
“Can you take the rest of the day off?” you ask. Now that you had a taste you needed more.
“Oh so now you're bold and brave. Where was all of this 4 months ago when I was practically throwing myself at you?” Sua demands
“Look I didn't want to assume anything, especially after that bozo tried to put the moves on Gayheon.”
“My hero.” Sua teases you before kissing you again.
“Sua you keep this up I'm going to fuck you all day in this office.”
“Ooh, I like the sound of that.” Sua purred.
“I don't think your employees will So I am going to ask again. Can you take the rest of the day off?” Sua looked at you with a focused and determined look before groaning.
“No, I can't. We have a big project coming up, but today is Friday so you can meet me after work.” you furrow your brows and nod. As the both of you get dressed and try to clean each other up.
“Also we are dating now officially,” you say which causes Sua’s sexy smile to turn into a bigger wholesome one, as you sit down and hand her the lunch you got her.
“Good. I'll see you tonight hound.” you nod and get back to work.
The rest of the day is cake for you now that you've removed that Sua-sized monkey off your back. A lot of the tension you felt washed away. The horny brain fog seemingly lifted and you powered through work with an intensity that impressed and scared Sakura. After work, she asked what had gotten into you
“My girlfriend,” you reply as you go home. Sakura's eyes go wide and smiles.
“Well, then you probably should get going!” Sakura asserts. You nod as you leave for your apartment. You order fried chicken as you wait for Sua to arrive. Two hours later Sua arrives with food at the same time the order arrives. You met Sua while picking up the chicken from the lobby. She smiled at you and walked with you to the elevator.
When entering your apartment Sua grinned happily, “Ah my home away from home.” she said as she sat on your couch. You set the food out for the two of you.
The air grows humid, as the anticipation builds. "So how was work?" you ask trying to resist the urge to pound her in that moment. Sua smiles and responds,
"No, you don't get to just be normal with me like you didn't fuck me in my office." Sua teased
"But babe you looked so hot." you protest
"I know I did, but that wild beast in you couldn't help himself and now you need to take responsibility for your actions. Do you have any idea how you left me so horny after lunch. I had to masturbate during one of my afternoon breaks something I never do because I kept thinking about your cock the rest of the day pounding me. Now you are going to come over here and fuck me. then we are going back to the table to eat." Sua says as she takes her sweatshirt off revealing she was wearing nothing underneath, but in all honesty her words had left you hard anyways. You walk over to her and strip which draws a wide smile out of your paramour. You draw your manhood out of your pants and plunge into her core. You start slowly hoping to not cum fast but Sua was having none of it.
“No enough of the foreplay fuck me like you mean it. I need your cum.” sua demanded so you oblige. As you take her from behind you smack her ass a couple of times before really pounding her. Sua moans. “Yes claim me as yours. Fuck your slutty pussy cum in me.” Seeing Sua so lost in her own pleasure sends you barreling to your own release. You feel her tighten as she screams and cums all over your cock. She then pushes you down and begins riding you.
“I love how you look under me. Maybe I should sound proof my office and take my cock whenever I need it.” the possesiveness in her voice was surprisingly hot to you. You keep pounding her relentlessly as Sua arches her back into you she says, “you like how my pussy takes you. You line how it just wraps around you to tight like a vice.” her words and tone prove to be to much and you cum into her again. You feel her body also reach it's peak as well. But the two of you keep going. Sua’s body is so enticing that you can't help yourself. So you keep pounding her. Sua moans in exctasy “yes keep going she encourages as you venture deeper into her folds. Sua groans in pleasure.
“You like that?” you ask aggressive. Sua moans in response letting you know all you need. Your hand reaches out to her clit where you gently rub and massage. Not used to the overwhelming sensation causes Sua to cum almost immediately. You follow her as well down the rabbit hole of pressure as your errection finally goes down. Sua is almost ready to mount you again but you hold the tiny woman back and put on enough clothes to eat the meal you paid quite a bit for. Sua laughs and gets dressed as well.
Sua jaunts over to your dining table and sits across from you ready to eat. She sits down and eats with you. out of habit, you hand her an ice-cold beer which she happily accepts. While you do so Sua asks some very serious questions.
“So how's the new job?” Sua asks shyly
“It's fine I love working with the Fimmies (the nickname of the department) Although I do miss working with y'all.”
“Yeah, it hasn't been the same in the office without you. I don't have my late-night partner in crime to do sand which runs, or joke partner to make those endless meetings go by faster.” Sua explains
“Well you've always been welcome here I mean I did give you the spare key,” you reply
“ I completely forgot about that.” Sua chuckled. The two of you ate a bit in silence until Sua gave you an intense look. You both got up and raced to each other. Your kiss was passionate and intense. As Sua explored your mouth with her tongue she would bite your lip. On your side, you were desperate to fuck her again and were stripping her to the best of your ability. You stared at her big pale tits desperate for a taste. Sua licked her lips as she stared at your bulge. You attack each other's bodies in a very mirrored sense. You devour her tits while she clutched your cock.
“Yes, baby suck my fat tits.” Sua lets out her voice made Husky, and raspy with intense lust brimming from her body.
When you were both naked Sua smiled, and you plunged into her suffocatingly tight pussy again
“God you're so hot taking my cock.” you exclaim to Sua who moans back
“You like how this tight slutty pussy takes your cock?” Sua moans
“Oh god yes I love how tight you are.” you compliment. It sends Sua wild
“I can't believe you kept this cock from me for almost a year. It fills me up so well” she yells. You bring your eyes up to hers and she engages in another lurid kiss. She is as desperate for this as you are. You paw at her tits now covered in a thin layer of sweat as claws at your face trying to kiss you deeper and deeper Sua grinds on your crotch hard before demanding, “Baby please cum for me I need it. I need you to cum for your slutty noona. I need you to fill me up.” her words and the suffocating tightness of her folds push you over the edge, but Sua is as relentless in pleasure as she is in business and keeps grinding you hoping to coax you into another session, but your body doesn't work like that and so you have to pry her off of you. Fueled by her insatiable appetite for you she gets down on her knees and begins to suck you off. You groan
“Fuck babe at least let's get to the bed first.” you groan out. Sua smiles then drags you (by cock) to the bedroom. After getting into the bedroom and locking the door she says the scariest and horniest thing you've ever heard
“I'm going to fuck you until your brain is mush. You are going to cum in all my holes and on my tits. When I'm done with you your balls’ contents will be all mine. So relax and let your noona drain you.”
You gulp as you watch Sua’s eyes narrow with such intense lust, and want that you begin to grow hard under her gaze alone. She licked her lips as she sashayed over to you. You laugh to yourself because you remember how Gahyeon did little animal cartoon signs she put on each of your doors based on how she saw each of you. Sua was the only one you think Gahyeon got incorrect she was not a warm Crow tit. She was a ravenous tigress and she was not going to be stopped from taking what she wanted. She gave an experimental lick of the right side of your rod and when she reached the top of your head she gave a probing Pierce of your slit. The sensation was insane your body felt on fire in both positive and negative reactions but Sua was a lot stronger than she looked leaving you at her mercy. She smiled watching you squirm as took you down her throat. She looked up at you with an evil smile that gave way to her malignant intent to drain you drier than Death Valley. The crazy part is some weird part of you likes it, and your body relented to her demands. Your dick grew harder in Sua’s mouth which made her smile even bigger as she inhaled more of you. When she came up for air she smiled before devouring your cock whole. The hungrier she became the harder you got for her creating a vicious cycle until you came down her throat. Sua’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she swallowed your load. As she came from your still-hard clock she smiled before saying “One shot. one kill” You can't help but laugh at her goofy expression and attempt to be sexy.
“Ah, what?” she yells at you before smacking your thigh. The sexual tension bow having dissipated considerably left you with your close work friend whom you spent many hours with. She crawled up to you and smiled.
“I know this is early but God I love you,” you say to Sua which only makes her smile more.
“Well to me we've been dating since you let me in your house. We are just official now,” she says with self-assured confidence. You laugh as the both of you sit up.
“We should finish eating.” you propose. Sua nods, and the two of you get up and put on underwear so neither of you were sitting on cold metal with bare ass. Sua moves her chair close to your side while the two of you eat.
She gives you an inquisitive look before asking, “Hey how do you feel about food play? Or other kinks like that.”
You hesitate as you are pretty vanilla in your taste. Sua picks up on this and says “Don't worry I'll be with you the entire time.” She smiles at you in a way that’s reassuring before hugging you. You chuckle and Sua asks, “What’s so funny?”
“You go from cute to sexy at the drop of a hat. It’s jarring but also funny.” You answer and Sua smiles. The two of you finish your meal before getting up.
“You wanna finish that movie?” Sua asks. You nod as the two of move to your couch. The two of you sit comfortably and watch the end of Shin Ultraman. After the movie Sua stretched before yawning, You were so right that was a good movie and scratched that Avengers itch I'd been having."
"I know right? Plus you're in and out in a quick two hours max." You respond
"Yeah. Maybe next time I'll give Mask Rider a try." Sua said pleased. Her eyes narrow as she gets closer “we have one hole left.” she said hungrily before pulling both of underwear down. She gets on top and says “let me ride you baby.” before sinking her ripe ass on your manhood. You groan Sua’s eyes widen with rapture as she bathes in the adoration you give her as you paw at her breast trying to release the overwhelming sensation of her ass on your dick. She also revels in the dominance she has over you. “You like your tight little ass.” Sua says as she bounces on your cock while you massage her tits. You nod.
“Good because from now on this cock is always going to finish our sessions in this tight little ass.” you groan as Sua speaks. She loves watching you squirm under her. “I need an answer dear.” Sua says in a honeyed yet malicious tone. .you're trying to hold on but Sua demands your attention as she is trying her hardest to force another orgasm out of you.
“Babe stop trying to hold off and just let me wring you dry.” Sua teases as she rides you harder. Your moans serve as more fuel to her passion as she rides you determined to drain you. “Come on baby cum for me. Please cum for me.” Sua’s words make you explode inside of her which triggers her orgasm. Sua smiles before saying “not bad for my work husband. When she hops off your dick she laughs at your still hard dick. She smiles and wraps her tits arou d your cock. You scream as pleasure and pain blur and sends you into another orgasm. Sua gets up when your cock finally softens but it's not for long as she starts to rub your cum all over her tits. Your dick hardens once more and you put your foot down.
“Sua stop I can't cum any more.”
Sua mounts you and says “we’ll see about that.” you growl at her and slam your cock into her pussy. If she needs to drain you to get off then you would get your pleasure first. You thrust into her violently as Sua is enraptured. Her pussy squeezes you tight as your sensitive cock runs in and out. You groan as her body draws another orgasm out of you and sends her into another orgasm. Sua screams, “yes baby yes.” before the two of you pass out. When you come to you still feel a wet sensations around your cock. You jolt down and see Sua and you are still connected. You sigh and go back to sleep content and at peace with holding Sua tighter.
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draculasdaughterrr · 2 months
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𖤐 ﹏ ✩ ˖ 📱
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junethestudent · 10 months
Hlo~ Mercy
May I request
GP Dreamcatcher reaction to their gf wanting to have sex for the 3rd time in a day? Like them whining and whimpering complaining that their needy?
June Note: Hi okay I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me to write for Dreamcatcher!
ALSO- I apologize for taking so long to respond, I’ve been very busy at work.
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JiU comes off as caring and considerate but she definitely wouldn’t hesitate to fuck up your hole for the third time-
I feel as if she would ask embarrassing questions and whisper sweet nothings in your ear to get a rise out of you..
“Are you really sure you want me to pound your pussy again?”
“If it’s what you want then of course baby.”
JiU would take it slow as your bodies get back into the rhythm of it, constantly checking on your wellbeing. But as the pace quickens you would be fucking like horny animals..
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SuA would make you beg for her while she degrades you for being such a horny slut.
“All you’re good for is fucking y’know? Such a worthless slut like you.. of course you want my cock again. Needy whore~”
She would cock her head back and moan as you clench against her length, her hands rubbing the small of your back.
“Are you getting all tight around mommy’s dick? Do you want mommy to paint your pussy white?”
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Similar to SuA, Siyeon is dominant and rough. The difference is that she praises you instead of degrading you.
“You want me again? You’re so sweet to me baby, you wanna please my cock for the third time?”
As she pounds into you she runs her fingers through your hair and tucks her head into your neck.
“Tell me where it feels the best. It must be here because every time my tip hits you twitch.. should I stop?”
She definitely teases you during sex-
She holds the back of your neck down and pulls her drenched cock out, slapping the head against your swollen clit.
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Handong is more considerate and would easy-going about it, responding positively. Her main goal is pleasing you, although she is excited that your pussy is wrapped around her cock again.
“Tell me what feels best for you.. ‘wanna make you feel good,” she’d whisper in your ear while slowly entering you.
She is shy switch in my opinion. Although she is mainly dominant as it is her main goal to fulfill all of your needs.
Every time you touch her she moans and buries her cock deeper inside you until her balls are squished against your ass.
“Am I doing okay? Is it good?”
She’d sound so desperate too.
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Shy bottom. I’m not debating, I am saying. But Yooh could switch if you asked her to.
“You mean like.. you want it inside you again? My cock?”
She would do that nervous chuckle she always does, and twiddle her fingers around all anxious to touch you.
But her cock would still be hard from last time and she needed you so bad, so she was happy you wanted her inside you again.
She would bury her face in your breasts as she slowly inserted her cock, moaning at your wetness and the way you teased her. Blowing cold air in her ear and telling her she was just a “horny puppy.”
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That smirk that she always does- ugh. She would grab your hips and pull you closer to her.
Mating press. Mating press. Mating press.
Her hands pressing your thighs further into your chest as she breeds you with no hesitation.
“Little whore wants it for the third time? How much cock are you gonna beg for?”
And the way she sticks her tongue out- ooh. Her balls would get all tight as she uses you like a fleshlight. She would wipe the sweat off her face and brush her hair back with her hand, all while laughing at your desperate expression.
“Mhm.. take my cock pretty slut. ‘Gunna make me blow my load in you.”
Dami would have her eyes rolled back as she comes, her deep moans echoing throughout the room as she slaps her cock against your slit, spraying her seed everywhere.
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She wouldn’t know what to do, a nervous mess as you seduce her. She would be all giddy and puppyish.
But she would still smile all innocently as she fucked you. She would make comments that came off teasingly but she was just being genuine.
“You’re still so wet even after the first two times.. mngh- you feel good!”
And she’s so sweet that she’d ask for your permission to come inside. She’s so desperate to fill you up.
“Is it okay to come now? I feel all tingly..”
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June Note: If it wasn’t obvious I really love Dami’s energy. But I’m OT7!
Also I really like balls. On a girl of course.. not a man. Girl penis domination.
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So, we all agree that last Dreamcatcher comeback is a hit, right? From the title track to the b-sides to the concept is all incredible.
Another thing we agree is that they look always more hot and sexy in every comeback.
I mean, Yoohyeon never lose a chance to flex her abs and this blue hair on her looks incredible.
JiU has to be one of the most underrated beauties in the industry and this look with tattoos makes me go kinda feral.
Gahyeon has not came here to play: face card never declined, especially her lips, so plump and soft.
And in the end, Sua: her body is bodying and the tease with her boobs... just shsjahsvh😵‍💫🥴
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hwchaey · 1 year
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𔘓 𝓛 ִִֶָ 𝗌𝗎𝖺 : simple ✿
ㅤ ⊹ㅤ 𓈒 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𖹭 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀⠀ ۫ ꒱
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woosansang · 1 year
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panda-writes-kpop · 1 month
who you gonna call? (winchesters!) ~ k. br.
a/n: raaaahhh happy SuA day!!! a little late on the international end of things but it's better late than never, right? anyways enjoy this fic, I had so much fun writing it that I may get back into watching supernatural. :) also the title is based on an edit of the winchesters brothers to 'ghostbusters' by ray parker jr!
I normally don't do a separate trigger warning for specific triggers, but since this is the first time that a piece of work has touched on such a serious topic, I wanted to put a big disclaimer out there. There is a scene in the fic where suicide is discussed as a possible cause of death. There's isn't any more graphic of a description than the word being thrown around once or twice; however, I feel it is my responsibility as an author to inform you of this. That being said, if you or a loved one are struggling, here's a list of international suicide hotlines that can help you if you need them. take care of yourselves, my loves, and remember that you all are beloved by me. ❤️
tw: BRIEF MENTION OF SUICIDE, main character death, lots of blood and gore in this one, not accurate to the Supernatural episode (Season 1, Episode 5) that it is based on, reader's parents died at an early age, it's a mixed bag of angst, fluff, and hurt/comfort with an open ending
summary: after one of the worst nights of your life, a pair of "reporters" roll into town and ask you questions about your dead friend. unfortunately, one of the girls, SuA, is a bit too charming for her own good. your curiosity towards the girl brings you closer to her, and it brings SuA closer to solving your friend's death, as well as the death of your parents.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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“Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody-”
“Stop!” You cry out before shutting your eyes. “Don’t do this!”
“You know it’s not real, right?” Ryujin looks at you as concern laces into her voice. “We can leave, if you’re uncomfortable-”
“You’re both chickens!” Yuna teases you before turning back to the bathroom mirror. “O’ spooky mirror ghost, tell these losers to go back home!”
She cackles as you open your eyes and place a steady hand on the counter.
“Yuna, I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” You bite your lip as tears start to form in your eyes.
Yuna’s smile immediately fades as she pushes Ryujin aside to pull you into a hug.
“I’m so sorry! I was just playing around, and I didn’t mean to make you cry.” She whines before placing her head on your chest. “Please forgive me!”
With pleading eyes, Yuna looks like a wounded puppy as you gently comb your fingers through her hair.
“It’s alright, Yuna,” You reassure her as your free hand wraps around her side, “I know you didn’t mean any harm. I’ve just been sensitive to these things since people started spreading those haunting rumors after my parents died.”
“Those people are assholes,” Ryujin injects, “and you shouldn’t pay them any mind.”
Yuna bobs her head up and down before letting you out of her arms.
“That’s why you’ve got us!” She proudly says before looking in the mirror. “We’ll protect you from anything, ghost-related or not.”
You let go of Yuna before heading towards the bathroom door.
“Thank you, to the both of you.” You wipe away the tears that threaten to fall as Ryujin grabs your hand and guides you away from the bathroom.
“C’mon, I’ll make you some hot chocolate and we can talk about those cute girls you’ve been seeing at college.” She teases as you smile back at her.
“Girls? What girls?” You play dumb, which causes Ryujin to laugh.
“You know exactly what I mean.”
Your other hand catches the door frame as you look back at Yuna.
“You coming?”
“In a minute!” She gleefully says as you remove your hand from the doorway.
A second later, and it would’ve been crushed by Yuna slamming the door shut. You allow Ryujin to drag you to the kitchen as your thoughts begin to wander.
It’s silly to believe those rumors, right? Maybe I should be brave like Yuna and face them head on.
After Yuna slams the door shut, she turns the light off and grabs the candle from the sink. With a spare match that she stowed away in her pocket, she lights the candle and sets it back onto the counter.
Yuna looks at herself in the mirror, locking eyes with the reflection that looks back at her, as she smiles to herself.
“It’s just a child’s game - what harm could it do?”
She leans close to the mirror before whispering, “Bloody Mary.”
A single shiver runs up her spine - fear? adrenaline? panic? fate?
She sighs to herself. 
This is stupid.
“Bloody Mary.” Her voice rings out again, and this time, the candle wavers in the wind.
Yuna looks out to the window in the bathroom, but it isn’t wide open or slightly cracked. It’s completely shut, with no holes to be seen.
A new shiver runs down her spine - this one she identifies as pure terror.
What’s going on?
“Bloody Mary.” 
The words leave her lips before she can stop herself. Yuna immediately turns on the lights and looks around.
There’s nothing here - you’re just a scaredy-cat!
She breathes out before wiping a tear from her eye.
I must’ve really scared myself if I started crying.
She looks down at her hand, expecting to see nothing but a teardrop, but she sees blood.
Her blood.
A scream is caught in her throat, threatening to escape as she looks in the mirror.
This time, she sees blood falling from both of her eyes, and a shadowy figure in the back.
A woman.
Bloody Mary.
You grab the warm mug from Ryujin’s hands before taking a sip of the hot chocolate. Like an impatient child, you take a sip and are immediately reminded why doing so is a terrible idea. You quickly set the mug back down as the liquid in your mouth is scolding your tongue and throat as it travels down to your stomach.
“Fuck,” You wipe your lips, “that’s hot.”
“It’s hot chocolate, you know.” She nudges your arm before taking a seat next to you in the dining room.
You roll your eyes as she laughs at her own bad joke.
“Thanks, Einstein.”
Her mug sits on the table, right next to yours, as her hand grabs your arm.
“How’s college life? Meet anyone special?”
“Not yet. I’m focused on my studies.” You shrug off her nosiness, but Ryujin’s persistent.
“You can’t just spend the rest of your life slaving away at work, you know.” 
“You can’t just spend the rest of your life working at a shitty cafe, Ryujin.” You mimic her voice as she loudly gasps.
“Excuse you! My caramel macchiatos are anything but shitty!”
You both laugh before falling into a comfortable silence.
Her fingers run up and down your arm, and you find comfort in the gesture. She’s been your closest friend since your parents died, back during your first year of high school. Through her, you met Yuna, her neighbor and childhood best friend, who had the biggest house on the block.
It was easy to escape the pain of being in a home with no parents when you could simply spend every night at a friend’s house. It wasn’t like their parents complained - you all got decent grades and stayed out of trouble, so what was the harm?
“It was nice of Yuna to offer her house to me since I’m in town for the week.” You say, as Ryujin nods.
“Her house is always open to me. The benefits of being neighbors, I suppose.” She looks over to the hallway where the bathroom is. “Yuna, come out here before your hot chocolate gets cold! I don’t want to hear any complaints if it already is!”
You laugh before looking out to the hallway.
“That’s odd. She’d usually have some sort of smartass comment to say by now.” You glance at Ryujin, who seems perplexed by Yuna’s odd behavior.
“You’re right. She’s never this quiet. Do you want to check in on her, or should I do so?”
“I’ll do it.” You quickly get out of your chair and head towards the bathroom.
“Yuna!” You call out to her as you slowly approach the bathroom door. Nearly every light in the house is on, yet you feel some sort of darkness around you.
C’mon, Yuna, now is not the time for jokes.
“Yuna, please come out! Ryujin and I, we’re worried about you!” You stop before the door, fist raised to knock against it.
You knock once, twice, thrice.
No response.
“Yuna, please!” Your voice becomes more desperate as you continue to knock. “This isn’t funny!”
You try to open the door, you’re past the social politeness of knocking in case she’s taking care of private business. You’re worried that she slipped and fell, or maybe she hurt herself and didn’t want to say anything-
A key. There has to be a key somewhere.
You look down to see if you can spot a key, but your eyes widen at the sight in front of you.
Blood soaks into your shoes and the carpet below your feet.
You shriek in terror.
“What’s wrong?” Ryujin races around the corner as you start sobbing.
“Call an ambulance! I think Yuna’s, she’s-” 
You choke on your own tears as Ryujin scrambles to find her phone to call for help.
Your mind can’t help but to make a terrible comparison, one that you thought you would never have to relive.
This was exactly how you found your parents, all those years ago.
“Mom! Dad!” You call out from your bedroom. “You guys forgot to turn off the hallway light!”
You tightly hug your stuffed rabbit as you wait for one of your parents to respond. They were the two people you trusted most in the world, even though you were a young teenager.
Making friends didn’t come easy to you, especially not in high school, when most of the friend groups had already been decided.
You did talk to this one girl in your math class - Ryujin - but she was more of a study buddy than anything. A friend that simply saw you as a means to an end.
How tragic.
“Mom! Dad!” You call out for them again, wait for a response, and then get out of bed. “I wanted to stay curled up in bed, but I can’t do that when you guys are ignoring me!”
You sigh before putting on your slippers and trudging towards the hallway.
You exit your bedroom and turn to the left as you find the lightswitch with ease. That, however, isn’t what peaks your interest.
It’s the steady stream of a red liquid coming from the master bathroom.
“Mom…” You trail off before walking towards the door. “Dad?”
As you approach, a metal tang hits your nose. It isn’t any red liquid - it’s blood.
Red and white lights consume your vision as you sit on the steps of the front porch. In the distance, you can hear Ryujin talking with one of the paramedics, but it all feels like white noise to you.
Could it really be? Could the same entity that killed my parents really have done this to Yuna?
It’s all a jumble of lights, endless questioning, and paranoia until a hand meets your shoulder.
You look up at Ryujin, who tries to give you a forced smile.
“What did they say?” You softly ask as Ryujin takes a seat next to you.
“They think it was a stroke, or some other heart condition. That’s the only thing that could’ve caused her eyes to be like that.”
“Her eyes were liquified, just like my parents.” You quietly say. “Paramedics said they died of strokes, too.”
“But I don’t get it. Yuna ate healthy, exercised regularly, and didn’t seem stressed at all. That’s why they’re looking into suicide as a cause of death too.”
“You can’t be serious, Ryujin,” You glare at her. “Suicide?”
“We never really know what’s going on in someone’s head.” She shrugs before letting her head fall between her knees. “How are we going to tell her family about this? We should’ve been in there with her, maybe we could’ve caught the signs sooner-”
You lean your head against her shoulder and offer her a bit of comfort.
“Trust me, dreading the past doesn’t help at all.”
“What are we supposed to do, then?” 
When Ryujin lifts her head to meet your eyes, she hides her face in a valiant effort to hide her red eyes and quiet sniffles. You gently rub circles into her back as she grabs your shoulders and pulls you closer to her.
“We grieve, we remember, and we move forward with our lives.”
“Hustling for pool money again?” Siyeon asks, not daring to lift her eyes from the newspaper.
“Uh-huh.” SuA tosses a stack of cash on the bar table. “What do you think?”
“That it’s better than the credit card scams, but worse than an actual job.” Siyeon bluntly says before SuA grabs a chair, spins it around, and takes a seat.
“Think what you want, but it’s money and it’s right there.” She proudly smiles before looking at Siyeon. “Speaking of jobs, have you found anything?”
“This might interest you.” Siyeon grabs a pen and circles an article in the paper before tossing it to SuA.
“What am I looking at?”
“A girl from a prominent family died about a month ago. Shin Yuna was her name.” Siyeon explains.
“What’s so special about her that requires our… unique expertise?”
“Read the autopsy report in the paper. Her eyes were completely liquified, and they found most of the blood in her body within her skull. They claim that her cause of death was a stroke.”
“No shit.” SuA bites her lips as her eyes gloss over the page. “Are we dealing with a pissed-off spirit, a deranged vampire, or something else?”
“I say that we give it a look before those men over there get mad at you for your hustling.” Siyeon grabs her jacket as SuA takes a sip of beer from the stein in front of her.
“Hustling is an underappreciated art form.” SuA argues before putting on her leather jacket. “Let’s go.”
Siyeon shrugs before grabbing the newspaper from SuA.
“Let’s go.”
“This feels wrong.” Siyeon raises her fist to the door before looking back to SuA’s ‘67 Chevy Impala. “Are you sure there isn’t anyone else we can talk to first?”
“Family and next of kin is always the best source.” SuA adjusts the aviators on her face as she admires her reflection in a side view mirror. “We have to rule out witchcraft and demonic possession, just so we can be sure that we’re dealing with a pissed-off spirit.”
“Yuna’s family… her parents have been through enough. Should we really not start anywhere else?” Siyeon’s hesitation causes SuA to sigh and walk towards the house.
“Where has this hesitation come from? It’s not like you.” SuA places her sunglasses on the top of her head before knocking on the door.
Siyeon crinkles her nose in disapproval before moving to the side.
“Mr. and Mrs. Shin, a moment of your time!” SuA calls out while banging on their front door.
She stops for a moment and waits for an answer, but no one responds or comes to the door.
“They must be out of town.” Siyeon shrugs before watching SuA grab a bobby pin from her hair. “Don’t tell me you’re going to-”
“You said they weren’t home,” She argues, “and we have to learn about our victim one way or another.”
She places one knee on the ground as she lowers herself to be eye-level with the door. One hand grabs the door knob while the other takes the bobby pin and begins to mess with the lock and-
Easy does it, baby.
“Hey, I’m pretty sure trespassing is illegal in all parts of the world!” A voice yells, which breaks SuA’s concentration.
Startled, she launches herself to her feet before Siyeon walks backwards and falls into SuA, sending them both to the ground.
“Nice one.” SuA grumbles before Siyeon scoots aside.
“You tried breaking in!”
“You encouraged it!”
“You two have to be the worst thieves I’ve ever seen.” A pink-haired girl walks from the next-door house to greet them at Yuna’s home. “Or you’re the next Nancy Drew in-training.”
“Who are you?” SuA quickly stands up before offering a hand to Siyeon.
Siyeon takes the hand and quickly reaches for her wallet in her back pocket, most likely looking for whatever fake ID will get them out of a potential cop car ride.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?” She innocently tilts her head as her piercing gaze makes SuA sweat under her leather jacket. “The nearest police station is five minutes away, and I know the deputy’s daughter-”
“Ryujin, that’s enough!”
SuA lets out a heavy breath as her knight in shining pajamas appears at Ryujin’s side. With messy bed hair and a kind smile, they look much less terrifying (and much cuter) than Ryujin.
“Ryujin, that’s enough!” You march towards Yuna’s house as Ryujin sheepishly backs down from the two women in front of her. “They’re probably interns at a newspaper who were sent to look into Yuna’s death.”
“Yeah, sorry we forgot to mention that to you.” The taller one rubs her neck before putting her wallet away. “I left my college ID in my car, I can go get it for you if you’d like-”
“Nah, don’t worry about it,” You shrug before looking at her, “Names are enough for me.”
“Siyeon.” The taller girl sticks out her hand, which you gladly shake.
“And you?” You look over to the smaller girl, who simply smirks.
“You can call me the woman of your dreams.” She flashes you a charming smile before Siyeon elbows her in the gut. “Fuck! What was that for?”
“Her name’s SuA.” Siyeon apologetically says as SuA grabs her stomach in pain. “She can be a bit… much at times.”
You simply smile at SuA, who leans against the doorframe to look tougher.
And less like a child who got their hand stuck in the cookie jar.
“SuA, Siyeon, it’s nice to meet you,” You say before quickly introducing yourself, “and this is Ryujin.”
“You still didn’t tell me why you’re knocking at our dead friend’s front door.” She deadpans as you place a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s better that they bug us instead of her parents,” You say, “who have been out of town since the funeral. Rumor is that they’re going to sell the place, but it’ll most likely get torn down.”
“Right. No one wants to live in a house where a woman died.” Siyeon looks at the door for a moment. “Is there any way we could look inside? For our article, we need a full biography of the victim, and we thought her childhood home might fill in the pieces that we don’t know.”
“Yuna.” Ryujin sternly corrects Siyeon. “Her name is Yuna.”
“I-” Siyeon pauses, rethinking her answer. “Yuna, of course. Apologies.”
Ryujin scoffs before nodding. 
“I wouldn’t feel comfortable being in there without her parents’ permission, but we can talk to you in Ryujin’s house.” You clarify before Ryujin can say something argumentative in response.
That, however, does not completely stop her from responding as Ryujin’s head snaps towards you.
“You can’t be serious! They’re strangers-”
“-Yet, they’re much better than the other reporters and photographs that have come around here.” You say before beckoning SuA and Siyeon towards Ryujin’s house. “C’mon, we can tell you everything you need to know. We were her closest friends, and we were there when she died.”
You don’t miss the way that SuA’s eyes light up when you say the last part.
She must be really invested in this case.
“This hot chocolate is really good.” SuA remarks before offering her glass to you. “Want some?”
“No, I’m alright,” You lean towards SuA with a smile, “but Ryujin’s coffees are so much better.”
“Are you shit-talking my hot chocolate?” Ryujin yells from the kitchen as you slide into the stool next to SuA.
“I thought you said it was okay to do so, as long as you said your coffees were better!” You holler back as Siyeon takes a seat next to SuA.
“My coffee is fantastic, by the way!” Ryujin says as you chuckle to yourself.
Never change, Ryujin.
“Maybe I could buy you some, as a treat for your hospitality?” SuA gives you a wide grin before nudging your shoulder.
“Maybe.” You teasingly shrug before looking at Siyeon. “Are you sure you don’t want anything besides water?”
“No, I’m alright. I feel like we’re imposing on you already.” Siyeon gives SuA a sharp glare before looking back at you. “Do you mind if we ask you some questions about Yuna? It’s not exactly surface-level stuff, and if we cross any boundaries, be sure t-”
“-Did you notice anything weird going on with Yuna before she died?” SuA enters the conversation with the gracefulness of a one-ton elephant. “Any flickering lights, sulfur around window sills, increasing or decreasing temperatures…”
“No, none of that,” You shake your head before thinking, “but there was one thing that she did say, before she died.”
“What was it?” SuA looks deep into your eyes, and you’d blush under any other circumstance.
“The three of us - me, Ryujin, and Yuna - were in the bathroom a few minutes before she died. When we were in there, Yuna was teasing me and she started chanting Bloody Mary in the mirror. I stopped her before she got to the third one, but I can’t help but wonder…”
You bow your head for a moment to recollect yourself before speaking again.
“...I’m sorry, you didn’t come for speculation. So no, there wasn’t anything weird with Yuna before she died.”
You glance over at Siyeon, then to SuA. The two girls are staring at each other with an intrigued look on their faces.
They can’t actually believe this story, right?
“Have there been any other deaths like this in town?” Siyeon asks.
Here we go.
“Two, actually,” You start to chew on your lip, “my parents.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.” 
The words fly out of Siyeon’s mouth as she tries to pick her jaw up off the table. 
“Don’t be, it was seven years ago. But yes, when I found them, their eyes were liquified, just like Yuna’s.” You offer a weak smile to your companions, both of which look like they’d rather be five feet under the ground than right next to you.
And everyone wonders why I don’t like to talk about my parents - the response is always similar to this.
“Can I ask a stupid question?” SuA takes a sip from her mug after responding.
“Did you play Bloody Mary before your parents died?”
Your eyes widen as SuA’s bluntness.
“SuA!” Siyeon reaches behind you to smack SuA on the shoulder. “Why would you ask something like that?”
“I’m forming a theory on what’s happened here,” She pauses for dramatic effect, “a damn good one if you ask me.”
Siyeon clears her throat before grabbing her water and standing up.
“Alright, we’re done here. Pardon my partner’s rudeness.” Siyeon walks over to SuA and hauls her onto her feet.
“But my hot cocoa-” SuA whines, which causes you to laugh.
“It’ll be here if you have any more questions.” You wave at the two girls as they bicker and exit the house at the same time.
Ryujin slowly approaches from the kitchen with her eyebrows furrowed.
“Why’d you tell them all that? You know they’re not reporters, right?”
“I don’t know, Ryujin,” You say before patting the vacant stool on your left, “there was something different about those two. They might just be nosy tourists, but I think they might be able to find something in connection with Yuna and my parents.”
“Be honest - you just let them in because SuA was eye-fucking you-”
“Alright, SuA, what’s your theory?” Siyeon places her feet on the dashboard before SuA swats them away in disapproval.
“We’re not dealing with a demon or a vampire or a werewolf. This is just a seriously pissed-off spirit. One that looks like Blood Mary, apparently.” SuA says before turning the car to the left. “We need to look into unsolved murders in the area. Perhaps one that has to do with eyes?”
“Spirits do like to kill their victims in ways that resemble how their murderer killed them. A twisted sort of revenge.” Siyeon nods along. “What would cause the spirit to attack once, and then not attack until seven years later? Usually, these sort of killings happen in rapid succession.”
“That’s the part that has me stumped, too.” SuA pulls into the motel parking lot with ease before putting the car into park. “Let’s get some sleep and see what we can figure out in the morning.”
SuA runs her fingers through her hair as she stares at the headline for the morning news broadcast on TV.
A Deadly Sleepover: Three Teens Found Dead in Local Home!
“You think it’s our spirit?” Siyeon asks as SuA places her head into her hands.
“They said that the girls had their eyes liquified.” SuA absentmindedly looks up to the ceiling.
Why does there always have to be more deaths before we catch our murderer?
SuA watches Siyeon sort through a few newspaper clips while looking at her computer.
“Tell me you’ve got a lead.” SuA taps her foot against the motel flooring as Siyeon nods.
“I do. I cross-referenced local unsolved murders with any autopsy reports of eye gouging or similar injuries, but I couldn’t find anything on the victim’s side.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” SuA asks as Siyeon hands the computer to her.
“Look here. Lucinda Brown, 25 years old. She was murdered in her home by an older man who had his eyes gouged out at the scene of the crime.”
“Jesus.” SuA scrolls through the autopsy reports. “You think this is our girl?”
“Timeline matches up. Lucinda was murdered twenty years before any murders occurred here. That’s enough time to drive any person, living or dead, to insanity. Speaking of, her murderer managed to escape jail time by pleading that he was mentally unwell at the time of the murder.” Siyeon replies.
“Alright, so what do we do now? Dig up some old bones and give them a communion in fire?” SuA suggests, which is quickly shot down by Siyeon.
“The woman was cremated, so that’s a no-go. There must be something else tying her to the mortal world.” Siyeon ponders for a moment. “Let me see the laptop again.”
“Sure.” SuA hands it back to Siyeon before looking at the TV.
The reporter’s interviewing a neighbor who had heard nothing of the incident, except that the girls had been playing Bloody Mary with a handheld mirror in the backyard.
“Bingo,” With a satisfying click, Siyeon turns the laptop to face SuA, "we've got our object of interest.”
On the laptop monitor is a picture of the crime scene from Lucinda Brown’s home. It’s obvious that this was a home invasion - a dresser was knocked down in the background, sheets were tangled with each other on the floor, and blood was splattered across every possible surface in the room.
No wonder the family cremated the poor girl.
SuA’s eyes drift up towards the middle of the picture, where a floor-length mirror stares back at her. In the middle of the mirror, written in blood, is a simple message: Help Me.
“She knew she was going to die there.” SuA softly says. “One last act of rebellion against her killer. I think we’ve got our ghost, but the question remains: where’s that mirror?”
“I can’t believe you still kept the thrift store, after all of these years.” Ryujin adjusts the cap on her head before leaning over the counter. “I know it’s your parents, but that place gives me the creeps.”
“I know.” You nod as you stare out of the cafe window. “There’s just a part of me that would hate to see it go to ruin.”
“So you just leave it in limbo?”
“So I just leave it in limbo.” You answer as she looks over to the register. 
“You could always come work with me, y’know. I might own this place one day.” Ryujin’s eyes sparkle with ambition, and you can’t help but laugh at her goals.
“You work on that, Ryujin.” You take a step back before the door opens. “Well, if it isn’t our reporter friends.”
“Friends?” SuA scoffs before walking in. “I thought I left a better impression than friends.”
“Maybe I want you to make a better impression now.” You tease before grabbing your coffee. “Order something first, and then we’ll talk.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” SuA rushes over to talk with Ryujin, which causes laughter to fall from your lips.
Wonder if she’s like this with every person she meets…
“Siyeon.” You greet her as she admires the display of baked goods. “You should try the donuts so Ryujin doesn’t have to burn anything in the oven.”
“It was one time!” Ryujin yells as she writes SuA’s order on a cup.
“I’ll get something in a minute, but I wanted to ask you if you saw the news this morning.” Siyeon places her hand on the display case as her eyes look through the different options.
“I did, yes,” You lower your voice before asking, “do you think it’s related to the other deaths?”
“Given that the girls had the same wounds that Yuna did, I’d say there’s a strong chance that it is.” Siyeon quietly answers.
“Do you know how to stop them?”
“We have a strong idea. Have you seen a mirror like this?” Siyeon grabs a folded-up piece of paper and hands it to you.
You grab the paper and carefully unfold it, and you gasp as you stare at the crime scene in front of you.
“I-” You pause as you notice the mirror in the corner, “I think I’ve seen that mirror before. My parents used to have one just like it in the thrift shop that they owned.”
Siyeon’s eyes widen as she looks over at SuA.
“I’m listening, hold on.” SuA hands her card to Ryujin before walking over to the two of you. “Mind if we take a look around there?”
“I thought you wanted to have a coffee shop date.” You smile as she bashfully looks away for a moment.
“Ah, so now it’s a date.” SuA chuckles before leaning against the counter. “We can change plans, as long as you don’t mind having a third wheel.”
“As long as you two aren’t making out in the back of the Impala, I don’t really care.” Siyeon shrugs before Ryujin hands her a baked good.
“Here’s one slightly toasted-but-not-burnt donut.” Ryujin says before grabbing a coffee from the back. “And your black coffee, you heathen.”
“I prefer my coffee black instead of liquid sugar, thanks.” SuA remarks before taking a sip. “Perfect.”
“Whatever.” Ryujin rolls her eyes before looking out of the window. “Hey, did you see that woman?”
“What woman?” You look out to the road, but there’s not one car or person outside except the Chevy Impala.
You notice the visible panic on Siyeon’s face as she walks over to Ryujin. 
“What does she look like?”
“Well, she had pretty blonde hair, but her face was a little messed up. It almost looked like she was dead or something…” Ryujin confesses.
“Fuck.” SuA sets her coffee aside before grabbing Ryujin. 
“What are you doing?” She frantically looks around as SuA drags her to the car.
“If you want to live, you have to come with us.” 
The door slams shut as Siyeon follows after her.
“We’ll explain in the car, I swear.”
“Are you serious?” Ryujin breathes deeply through her nose as Siyeon covers the rearview mirror with a small towel. “If so, I’m fucked.”
“But she didn’t say Bloody Mary three times!” You try to reason with SuA as she steps on the gas after pulling out from the parking spot.
“It doesn’t seem to matter who said it.” SuA runs a red light in town as you fumble with the keys in your hand. “What can you tell us about that mirror in your parents’ thrift shop?”
“I remember that they sold it to a woman in our neighborhood, a few weeks before they…” You trail off. “You’re telling me that this mirror killed my mom and dad?”
“Not the mirror as much as the spirit attached to this.” Siyeon says as she lowers the passenger seat window.
“This is insane, right?” Ryujin looks over to you with a look of fear that doesn’t normally sit on her face. “I can’t believe that you believe this!”
“I mean… I’ve always felt that there was something wrong about their deaths, but I didn’t think it was a literal haunting. I just thought it was a mean rumor that the neighborhood kids saw.”
“The same kids that would play Bloody Mary with that mirror?” SuA asks as you point out the thrift shop in the distance.
“You guys have done more to solve my parents murder in the last twenty-four hours than the police have done in seven years.” You shake your head. “I don’t know how I could thank you.”
“Let’s save your friend first, and then let’s talk about thank you’s, alright?” SuA pulls into a nearby parking spot as you hand Siyeon the keys.
“Are you positive that the mirror is here?” Ryujin looks over to you as you nod.
“The woman who bought that mirror had died a few weeks later, of an actual stroke, and one of her children took it with them when they moved out of her house.” You explain as SuA nods along.
“That explains the lack of murders in seven years, but that means someone brought it back to your town.” 
“I’ve used the thrift shop as a storage unit since my parents’ house was torn down two years ago. A few weeks ago, I saw that someone placed a floor-length mirror outside of the back door, so I brought it inside so it wouldn’t get smashed.” You hand the picture back to Siyeon. “The same mirror in that photo, minus the bloody message.”
“I hate to rush the exposition, but I’ve seen Bloody Mary in your side mirror.” Ryujin says before slapping a hand over your eyes. “Can we please get this show on the road?”
“Right. You get the hammer, I’ll get the shotgun.” Siyeon says as she and SuA exit the car at the same time.
“I’m fucked, aren’t I?” Ryujin whimpers as you rub her shoulder. 
“They hunt ghosts, or whatever they tried to explain to us. We have to keep you alive long enough for them to deal with this.” You attempt to comfort her as you hear the trunk of the car slam shut.
You roll down the window as SuA approaches your side of the car.
“Hey, be careful out there. I still want to get coffee with you sometime.” You offer her a cheerful smile as she runs a hand through her hair.
“You don’t have to worry about me, babe, I’ve got you. Both of you.” SuA winks at you before walking towards the thrift shop.
You shyly look away as Ryujin punches your shoulder.
“Can you flirt with her when I’m not near certain death?”
“Of course there isn’t any electricity.” SuA quietly grumbles before flipping the light switch off. “Where did they say the mirrors were?”
“Up ahead, and to the left.” Siyeon says before following your instructions. “Here we are.”
“How many mirrors are there?” SuA says as she looks at the collection of floor-length mirrors. “Do we start smashing, or…?”
“Maybe if we summon her, she will appear from the mirror that was in her house.” Siyeon says before turning to a mirror hung on the wall.
“That’s a terrible idea that will get us both killed.” SuA tries to pull Siyeon away, but Siyeon pushes her aside. “Don’t do this, I’m warning you.”
“Too late.” Siyeon locks eyes with the reflection in the mirror. “Bloody Mary, Blood Mary, Bloody Mary.”
The lights above them flicker as SuA approaches the first set of mirrors. The reflection of the flashing lights nearly blinds her, but she manages to smash the first one with little difficulty.
“Do you see her?” SuA yells before smashing another mirror.
“Not yet!” Siyeon calls out before turning to the side. “Keep going!”
The lights flash with increasing frequency as SuA continues to break every floor-length mirror that crosses her path.
Why would anyone ever have so many mirrors?
Again and again, SuA smashes every mirror that she sees. And again, none of them seem to stop the flashing lights. She travels deeper and deeper as her hammer strikes every mirror in her path.
SuA’s deep into the back of the thrift shop when Siyeon screams in pain.
“Siyeon-ah!” SuA yells out before running through a different part of the store.
How many different types of mirrors are there?
“She’s… here!” Siyeon manages to get out before another scream escapes her.
SuA doesn’t have time to smash every mirror she sees - she has to find the mirror, and fast.
She flies through the store, to the musical accompaniment of Siyeon’s sounds of terror and pain, until she spots a mirror with the tiniest bloodstain on it.
“Guess the mirror wasn’t totally clean, huh.” She says to herself before the hammer connects to the mirror.
It shatters instantly, just as Siyeon goes quiet. 
“Siyeon!” SuA backtracks quickly, only to find Siyeon laying on the floor with blood coming from her eyes. “You okay?”
“I’ll live,” She mutters before slowly getting off of the floor, “but she won’t.”
Siyeon weakly points ahead of her, where a woman that matches Ryujin’s descriptions and the autopsy report disappears into a cloud of black smoke.
“You think she’s gone for good?” Siyeon quietly asks.
“As long as the mirror stays shattered, I’d say so.”
“I suppose I should say thank you.” You say as you approach the Chevy Impala.
SuA leans against the driver’s side door with a smirk.
“I suppose I should say that you’re welcome, but I think an apology is in order.”
She sheepishly looks away as you wave off her concerns.
“Don’t worry about the mirrors. They’re not worth the price of someone’s life.” You look over to the thrift shop. “Besides, it’s time that I let that place go. It’s just a collection of bad memories and poor decisions. Something more positive and welcoming should take its place.”
“You’re selling it?” 
“No, I’m giving it to Ryujin. She’s dreamed of owning her own coffee shop since she started working at that little cafe uptown.” You gaze at the keys in your hand. “She’ll make better use of the space, I know it.”
SuA tilts her head at you.
“How is she?”
“Fine. Nothing that a pint of beer and a bit of therapy won’t fix.” You laugh to yourself. “How’s Siyeon?”
“A bit shaken up, but nothing major. Brushes with death are pretty common in our line of work.” 
“Well, for your sake and mine, I hope you’ll be a bit safer through your travels.” You bite your lip as SuA takes a step toward you.
“You’ll be thinking of me, even after we leave? How sweet.” SuA teases you before you retaliate.
“It’s not every day that I meet a girl as forthcoming, kind, and attractive as you.” You flirt back before taking a step towards SuA.
It’s in this moment that you realize how close you are to one another, and another step from one of you will cause your bodies (and hopefully your lips) to collide.
“If you keep sweet-talking me, I might not be able to leave.”
There’s a shred of honesty behind SuA’s flirting - she’s seriously considering staying for another night or two.
“Maybe that’s the idea,” You take a half-step forward, and you place a quick peck on her cheek, “but you have more people to save, no?”
“Unfortunately, I do, but I’m not ruining this moment.”
SuA pulls you closer by grabbing your hips, and before you have time to relax, her lips collide with yours. You immediately kiss her back as your hands land on her shoulders.
You only break off when you need air, and SuA looks at you with a proud smile.
“Maybe I’ll come back some day.” She lets go of you before pulling her aviators off of her head.
“Maybe.” You softly repeat as SuA climbs into the car.
Siyeon offers you a friendly wave before rolling down her window and handing you a piece of paper.
“For later, when you miss SuA.” She says before the Impala pulls out of the parking spot and heads back onto the road.
After the car leaves your field of vision, you look at the note in your hand.
Written in pen is SuA’s phone number, followed by a brief message:
For when you miss SuA, or if anything in this town ever requires our area of expertise. - Siyeon.
You smile to yourself.
Maybe you’ll call the Winchester girl and see if she’s free for a week or two in the future. Maybe you’ll call just to hear her voice and ask about her adventures. Maybe you’ll wait for her to track down your phone number and call you first.
maybe, maybe, maybe.
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nsfwflint · 1 year
Fuck, okay Sua. Jesus.
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yizaicons · 8 months
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✦ random icons 💬 like/reblog if use ✦ 
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shykpop · 1 month
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SuA icons, +like or reblog If you use
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batman99s · 3 months
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SuA (dreamcatcher) - moodboard
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softkiseu · 1 year
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。 ・ ☆ ° 。 ⋆ ↻ ✨
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🌉 ↺ 。 ・ ☆ ° 。 ⋆
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junethestudent · 10 months
Work Ethic
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June Note: I have so many inappropriate things to say.
Mommy Sua x F! Reader
TW: Swearing, aggressive behaviors, degrading, and choking.
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You had recently started a new job as an assistant for the CEO of a music company, the CEO was a character to say the least.
Kim Sua was not the friendliest person at the office. Often keeping to herself she never paid you attention.
Her lack of attention implied that she wanted you in her office as less as possible. Each time you entered with paperwork and such she shot you a dangerous glare.
Today was no different from other days.
You clocked in and waited for Sua to order you around. Except today there was no call for you.
Until your lunch break hit.
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Your desk phone rings out as you open your lunch box. The name across the screen read, “CEO Kim.”
Despite your annoyance you set your lunch to the side and pick up the phone.
“Hello Ms. Kim. What can I get for you?”
“I asked for the income and cash flow statements nearly an hour ago,” her voice is full of bitterness.
“Not that I recall? I did not receive a phone call.”
The other end of the line is silent for what feels like an eternity. Then she speaks again, in the fakest voice possible.
“Would you mind bringing them up now? I would greatly appreciate it.”
The beep indicating the call had ended rang through your ear. Reluctantly, you set off to find the documents and a hot cup of coffee to lessen her anger. As you approach her office you feel an impending sense of dread.
“Ms. Kim? I’m entering now,” you walk into the room and up to her desk, gently placing the coffee and papers down.
She turns and studies you with a smirk on her face. “Well, it took you long enough. What is that?”
She points to the hot cup of coffee placed near the papers.
“It’s coffee, I thought you might want some since it’s fresh.”
“I don’t like coffee,” she says bluntly. Without looking back at you she flicks through the papers, sighing at the sight of each one. Then she pauses.
“The cash flow statement is missing. Mind telling me where that would be?”
She folds her arms under her bosom and grins. She loves it when she has a reason to scold you.
You cannot seem to respond to her question. You swore you had it when you first took the statements. A cold sweat washes over you as she rises from her chair.
“Come over here. Now.”
You comply with her request and step near the edge of her desk, swallowing hard with fear as you do so.
Sua circles you like an animal hunting their prey. She rests her hand on your shoulder and rubs tenderly.
“This isn’t what I hire you to do, is it? All I asked for was the statements.. you can’t even do that for mommy?”
Her use of the word “mommy” catches you off guard. Enough for her to pull your arms back and slam your head onto the table. Her hands faintly massage the small of your back, down to your thighs and up your skirt.
You clutch the edge of the desk and shudder at the feeling of her hands carelessly violating your body.
“I apologize Ms. Kim-“
“Ah-ah! Behind closed doors you call me mommy now~”
You take a deep breath and restate your sentence. “Please accept my apology mommy. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
She scoffs and waves her hand in dismissal before reaching to the first drawer of her desk. You can see the outline of an object the color pink.
“Face forward. It’s none of your concern what I have.”
She fidgets with the tight fabric of your skirt until it lifts up, slightly ripping in the process. You can hear the sound of a buckle being fastened slowly, and you know what is coming right then.
“Play with yourself for me, do it nicely baby.”
Your hand slips into your panties, you rub in slow motions which can only stimulate your clit so much. The wetness dripping from in between your thighs was more than enough to make Sua giggle into your ear.
She thumbed your clit and occasionally pinched it until you yelped out in discomfort. The sight of you falling apart piece by piece turned her on more than words can describe.
Her hand brushed against the back of your neck. “Well now, I think I’ll take what belongs to me.”
She slides two of her fingers into your panties and pulls them down until they drop to your ankles. Without warning she spreads your ass and thrusts the strap deep into your cunt.
It feels impossible to contain your lustful whines as she works the strap deeper into your tight little hole. The friction of the silicone against your walls makes you quake in pure bliss. You feel out of control and desperate, enough to make you jerk and twitch and knock items off of her desk.
Including the still hot coffee you just spilled onto the income statement.
“Oh. Why did you do that? That’s naughty.”
Sua pulls your hair back until the back of your head is pressed against her shoulder. Her other hand grasps your throat, tightly squeezing until you’re gasping for air. You only fight her attacks for a mere second as the feeling of her dominating you is so exhilarating.
Each thrust into you is another moan forced from your mouth. Sua won’t let you muffle your cries either, she wants every sound coming from you to be audible to everyone. You’re sure at least one person has heard you by now.
The stickiness of your cunt, the sweat dripping from your forehead, and the lewd noises escaping from your lips make her hungry for more. Sua doubles over you, your hips crashing against the wooden edge of the desk.
You feel dizzy and helpless, your lower half becoming more and more vulnerable as you reach your climax. You quaver as she finishes you off, piercing your cunt with the tip of the strap until you fall onto the desk, your juices coating her strap in lubricant.
With a satisfied laugh she unbuckles the strap and drops back onto her chair.
“You’re not done pretty girl. I haven’t come yet. On your knees.”
You wipe away your tears and fall to your knees in front of her soaked pussy. Your tongue wipes away the juices leaking out as your nose presses against her swollen clit. She forces your head against her, her legs closing and wrapping around your neck.
“Yes that’s it, keep moving that tongue for mommy.”
She bites her lip and stares down at you, praising you for your exceptional work done on her cunt. The feeling of your tongue slipping through her folds and then back into her hole makes her whimper, her dominant demeanor almost slipping.
She quickly regains her composure and rides your face to finish herself off. Her eyes roll back as she comes on your face, her juices squirting out and splashing you in the face.
She falls back and watches you in approval. The sight of your smeared makeup and rumpled clothes is a real accomplishment for her.
“That might have been the best job you’ve done since working here. Now, why don’t you go get a copy of those statements for me princess?”
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June Note: This might be my favorite piece I’ve ever written. I think..
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The best of the week
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So, another week of hot pics and gif ended today and it's only right to share with you people some gems😌
Let's start with one of main characters of this period: Mommy Jihyo. Another angle, another fantastic view of her chest. The white top does an amazing job in showing off her body 🤭
Then we have another JYP girl and leader: miss Yeji. Do I really need to comment on that GIF? She's going crazy with those body rools. And look at those abs, she's really serving🤗
Double GIF for my girl, Jeewon. This hottie is definitely too underrated, both for her talent and her body. Go show some love to her and her group recent comeback🥹
Mommy Solar can't miss in this playlist. She's so hot and she knows it lol. Look at her going down and bouncing that ass for us, all of that with a smirk on her face. And once again, the abs!!! I'm feeling weak🥴
And last but not least, Sua from dreamcatcher, that was not satisfied with the pics of her in the pool, she has to remind us that she has a huge cake ready for us, even if she's such a goofy sometimes lol
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austrianinsomnia · 1 year
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Just Dreamcatcher in Red and nothing else! ❤️
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knatdreamart · 2 years
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