#Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürstin von Flügel
pigtailpoll · 1 year
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the-robot-bracket · 1 year
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TOM propaganda
Drossel von Flügel propaganda
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pochqmqri · 7 years
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I sketched Drossel, her original and ‘Charming’ model
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New muse arrival
Essentially where Jenny is located in a house. It was more likely a condo. With four bedrooms, basement bathroom, kitchen, lab, inventory room, and entertain room. Jenny was in the living room watching some TV. She felt bored as she as the only one in the whole house. There was her drone, Mini-XJ9, but she felt as a non-sapient AI.
Jenny: sighs “I hate this. Living in a house all to myself and no one to share it with.”
She had sent fliers, and e-mails, for three roommates who can bunk with her. But it was weeks since she sent them in.
That was until a knock on the door was heard.
Jenny: “Hmm?”
She got up and heads to the door. When she opened it up there was another robot. White, twin tails, blueish-teal optics, and a bit shorter than Jenny.
???: “Are you Jenny Wakeman?” She had a bit of a German accent when she talked. Even had a few luggage behind her.
Jenny: “Yes, I am. What is your name?”
???: ahem
The new robot flipped her twin tails with her head and poses.
Drossel: “The 19th Lord of Uranos' Kingdom's Tempest Domain.” She took in a deep breath. “...Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürstin von Flügel. And I’m here about the roommate advertisement.
Jenny: “Oh. Super. Great... I asked for roommates, and I get the rich girl.” Thought to herself from that last sentence. Then let’s her in. “Can I get you anything, Drossel?”
Drossel: She walked in. “Only see to it your people bring my bags in.” She then noticed and looked around to see no maids, nor even butlers. “Oi. Where are your servants?”
Jenny: “No where. I don’t have servants.” Getting her things inside.
Drossel: She looked to have taken it back. “No... staff? Then who handles all the cleaning and maintenance for you?”
Jenny: “Simple. In this house, we do things for ourselves. Chores, errands, etc, etc...”
Drossel: shocked “You mean... we do the chores... ourselves?”
Jenny: “Yes.”
But before she could back out from the staying offer, her butler, Gedächtnis, called on her phone.
Drossel: Hallo, Drossel von Flügel.
Gedächtnis: “My lady, consequently, your late had made something in his books. That one must perform their own tasks for everyday use in the event you can’t rely on someone else. This could help you to practice on robot-to-human relationships.
Drossel: Slumped and sighs, then quickly stood back up “Fine.”
Gedächtnis: “Excellent. Auf Wiedersehen.“
The call then hang up, leaving a rather annoyed duchess in this predicament. Drossel then turned to Jenny.
Drossel: “Right... best show me how to do these things.” Had her hands on her hips.
The robot hero smiled, then shows her new roommate around the house. To the robot duchess, this would be a very long time with her.
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raygirlramblings · 11 years
Well my friends, I finally did it.  I bit the bullet and bought something I have wanted for a great many years.  That's right.  I finally saved up the money to buy that Fireball Charming figurine!!!
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Man, I love this show!!!  And the Figma figure of the main character Drossel is something I've had my eye on for a very long time.  And now i finally have it I have to document how hella cute it is, so consider this an unboxing post.
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And here she is!  Isn't she the cutest little biscuit you ever did see?  She's so neat and sleek and well designed and so nice to hold *eeeeee*
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I have always admired Figma models for their range of movement and Drossel is no different.  In fact it would be completely possible to re-create poses from the show using this figure (I would but I'm ham handed.  I've already managed to damage her by breaking one of her fingers...GACK)
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She comes with a whole range of adorable accessories, including two new back-head pieces, her own little robot diary companion, a bitchin' royal red cape (not pictured because the dang thing is so fiddly) and these cute hipster glasses
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Not to mention this badass astrologer toolkit
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All in all she has got to be one of the best figures I own and I love her to bits!!!.........
though i have to apologise for the crappy pictures.  I'm not very good at photography.  Lemmie see if i can take some pictures in slightly better light...
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Well that is a little better!  Now I can get some shots from further away
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......I forgot to mention the other figure I bought recently ^_^
Guys, please meet my newest housemate.  A lifesize Rayman 3 statue
Almost 20 years since I played the first Rayman game and fell in love with the character, 11 years since Rayman 3 was released...I finally have a Rayman statue to call my own.  He's got a scarf tassel missing but I DON'T CARE. I LOVE IT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I will be posting better pics of him soon with the rest of my Rayman collection ;D
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willrc-blog · 12 years
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this is all I see when watching Alexander in action
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the-robot-bracket · 1 year
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Loser Poll
Drossel von Flügel propaganda
Emma Matthews propaganda
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the-robot-bracket · 1 year
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Loser Poll
Yes Man propaganda
Drossel von Flügel propaganda
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