#Dual summoner and the Darkling
amiramorozova · 4 months
Dual Summoner and the Darkling - the plan pt. 2-
My mind was racing with the reality of the situation..I was pregnant again by my husband Aleksander..which I didn't mind but the plan was going to be difficult to get done if people found out so I had to take it in strive as the plan was already in motion. There was no going back when it came to the plan and Nikolai knew I was in love with a man he considered a traitor.
I was looking over some things as I heard a knock and went to the door seeing Queen Tatiana. She was the last person I wanted to see right now as she looked at me. "May we talk? Mother to mother" Tatiana asked as I nod.
"Of Course, Moya Tsaritsa" Amira said
I moved and let her in as she saw Kira on my bed asleep. I closed the door as I walked over and tucked my infant daughter in as I turned to her wondering what she wanted...was it about the engagement? Would she insult me for giving birth to my daughter?
"I've arranged something for your engagement..and my seamstress could prepare you something appropriate.." Tatiana said as I knew that would mean corsets the worst thing I could wear right now.
"I see..well I am going to dress as a General not a princess.." I said as the Queen knew my virtue was gone after all I was a mother..and I knew she was going to probably say something. "Your time with General Kirigan may be called into Question.." Tatianna said as I knew she was just going to keep coming at me for that but I would not falter.
After a little talking we went separate ways but I humored her meeting with the seamstress who had me in a beautiful gown but I couldn't move my Arms and I couldn't breathe with it on. So the seamstress went to get another corset as I went to change out of the one on me when I heard someone walk in and looked seeing Vasily.
When I walked out I saw Vasily approach me. "Amira..you denied me back in the little palace because you were being bedded by the darkling.." Vasily said as I kept my calm and looked at him.
"May I help you Moi Tsarvech?" Amira asked as he looked serious at me. "I'd rather you call me Vasily, in private" Vasily said
"Moi Tsarvich, I would not want to offend you." Amira said as he was annoyed with me but that was the case. "You call Nikolai by his name.." Vasily said as I knew that it wasn't entirely true but Nikolai was helping me protect Kira.
"You know he can't make you a Queen, only I can" he said as I looked at him knowing Aleks could make me a Queen too..Aleks was going to make me a Queen and my daughter a princess. Yet, I smiled at Vasily knowing this was about me rejecting him. "I promise you I have no such ambitions.." Amira said
Vasily didn't believe me but I didn't need him to..what I needed was the plan to work. Then I'd see the end of the lanstovs..except maybe Nikolai..he was trying to help me. Once he left I was able to finish with this seamstress before returning to comfortable clothing. When I went out into the hall Alina slapped me as I was surprised but quickly recovered.
"You can Fool the others but I know you're working with the darkling." Alina said as I knew she was right but that didn't mean I was going to tell her as she glared. "Our power combined can destroy the fold." Amira said to Alina.
"Big talk..I don't buy your act..since I know you.." Alina didn't finish as I cut her off. "You say that and you'll get no one on your side. I have a one year old, I have to protect her.." Amira said as I knew that people didn't have to like me but when it came down to reputation that I was known for years by second army and Alina had only been with second army for a year. I did get close to Alina and whispered "You know being with him for as long as I was..I learned his methods of leading. His mistakes in some of his choices." I whispered before walking away from Alina. 
Time was slow for me and this fake engagement was annoying me more everyday but I tolerated it. Some of the food they offered me was making me queasy from being pregnant but I held it back and kept a neutral expression. They tried offering me figs and I turned that down like now as I hated them. 
Once I was able to get back to my room and undo the general attire they'd given me I scooped up Kira as she was asleep and I held her. "My little dual summoner.." I whispered as I knew she had Shadow and Sun..she was the best parts of me and Aleksander. I looked at myself in the mirror holding her as I looked at my rings on my necklace..despite everything that was happening I was still his wife..and doing this fake engagement with Nikolai to be close to the royals.
When Aleksander appeared to me I smiled in the mirror before looking at him "You keep check in on me." I said as he walked over touching my cheek as I smiled knowing only I could see him..or so I thought. Kira opened her eyes and looked at him "papa.." Kira said as I was surprised and then Aleksander seemed even surprised. 
"Something mother once said, blood or amplifier it's all the same..she's our blood." Aleksander said as I nod but then there was a knock on the door as I looked at Kira and put a finger to my lips as I walked over to the door opening it as I saw Nikolai. 
"Sorry for bothering you Amira, may I come in?" Nikolai asked 
I knew Nikolai couldn't see Aleksander but it was clear that Nikolai wanted to say something as I noticed Aleksander watching us but kept my focus on Nikolai. Nikolai smiled seeing Kira in my arms as he had a hand behind his back before he pulled out a dress for Kira, which surprised me because he didn't have to do that.
"You didn't have to bring something for Kira." Amira said as Kira was still in her black attire, something we had a preference for when I was with Aleksander was her showing she was his daughter. Nikolai seemed to be getting a bit close which I didn't know was good or not as he saw my rings but he also had to put on the act. 
"Madraya insists that if she's to be apart of this, she'd prefer you put her in color that isn't his color." Nikolai said as I didn't like it but saw Aleksander nod. 
I took the dress and nod "I will see to it next time I bring her out she is in the dress.." Amira said 
Nikolai was glad I seemed to take the dress as he got close and I looked at him as Kira was keeping him still a good distance since I was holding her. I sorta yearned for physical touch but this ghostly physical touch I had with Aleksander right now but I didn't want anyone else to touch me as Nikolai placed a hand on my arm. "I will protect you and your daughter..but if anything else has happened you must confide in me so I can help you further." Nikolai said 
I wondered if I should tell him that I was pregnant again but I wanted to keep going with the plan at hand, yet Aleksander just nod as if to go ahead and tell him. I knew Aleks would not lead me wrong and knew that if he wanted me to tell Nikolai then I would as I adjusted Kira and rubbed my neck a little knowing that this was personal..very personal. 
"If I tell you, it stays between us..not even your madraya can know what is going on." Amira said 
Nikolai seemed to realize this was personal but he had already noticed my behavior at dinner with the queasiness of it all. I didn't want anyone knowing not even Alina as he waited for me to explain what I wasn't telling him. 
"I'm pregnant..with Kira's sibling." Amira said 
Nikolai seemed shocked and realized I was with Aleksander before my escape..and that time had resulted in my pregnancy. Nikolai nod in understanding as he seemed to think about what happened and how to handle it. Aleksander was just walking behind Nikolai so I didn't have to look anywhere else to see what happened. 
Nikolai leaned close and whispered in my ear "I have a plan but you have to be willing to make it look real." Nikolai said, as I nod since Aleksander was encouraging me to just go along with what his plan was. 
I walked and put Kira to bed as she fell asleep then walked back where Aleks stood beside me where I could see him and then waited to see what Nikolai said. I think Nikolai knew I was uneasy about whatever he had in mind so he was careful about how he approached it to me about his idea. 
"Madraya knows your virtue can't be questioned with a daughter..and she hasn't known what I have been up to with my travels away." Nikolai said as he walked over and took my hand. 
Every part of me wanted to pull away the moment he touched my hand but I listened to him knowing that it wasn't my plan. None of this was my plan, Aleks had come up with the plan and I was following with it but on my own terms as Nikolai leaned in close to me. 
"How far are you willing to go to protect this new baby?" Nikolai asked as he knew that depending on the plan for things, I could be found out when I started showing if this plan wasn't over before I did. "I'll do anything to protect my child." Amira said 
Nikolai put a hand on my cheek and acted like he was going to kiss me but stopped and pulled away. "I'll figure out something to help with your baby, but I won't kiss you while you're thinking of the darkling." Nikolai said 
I knew that he wouldn't understand that I was promised to Aleks, I loved Aleks and no one could remove that from me. Even now I would always belong to Aleksander but Aleksander made a motion for me to make Nikolai believe I was into him. I kept myself from glaring and put a hand on Nikolai's cheek. 
"You can help me forget.." Amira lied
Nikolai looked at her knowing that he had honor but he pulled back, "We have to make it convincing at the party..flirtatious gestures and anything to show you are commited to the engagement.." Nikolai said as he bid me good night and left. 
I sighed and walked to the bathroom where no one would interrupt my conversation. Aleksander walked in there and I closed the door as we looked at each other as I ran some water. 
"Well that was a fail.." Aleksander said to me
"You knew I was going to struggle with this..you're my first everything. My first love, my first kiss, my virtue was taken by you.." Amira said silently 
"Yes, but I need you to make Nikolai fall for you. The way you got my heart..either way your role as Queen is secured." Aleksander said 
I wanted to slap him, he planned that I kept up the charade of this engagement no matter what..the aim was the same regardless..the throne. My position as Queen on that throne..
"You want the throne..just promise me when you make an attack on the royals you take out the King and Vasily and you let Nikolai live." Amira demanded 
Aleksander put a hand on my cheek as I closed my eyes enjoying the phantom connection we had as my eyes opened looking at him. "You have a soft spot for the Sobachka..Moya lapushka" Aleksander said 
"Perhaps, but he is protecting Kira and the new baby from being killed. The moment it is known I am with child again, your child they will turn on me." Amira said 
"Unless you go to bed with the Sobachka..then people wouldn't question it." Aleksander said as I was shocked. 
Did he really just suggest I sleep with Nikolai? How could he say that? I thought
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ ,   @wheresthesunshinesblog  
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unmeihaa2 · 3 years
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                                     𝑴𝑰𝑺𝑪. 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑪𝑨𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑺 : 𝑨𝒁𝑬𝑴
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          Azem’s true name is Kore. The name Persephone didn’t come until later on when the people began to divide themselves over the summoning of Zodiark and Hydaelyn. After refusing to side with either faction and bearing the brunt of the scorn of both sides, she gives herself this new name ironically. (Darkling vc: Fine. Make me your villain.) This is also around the time she makes the decision to step down from her seat on the Convocation.
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          I tried to dig for it and couldn’t find it, but I believe there was a part in MSQ where Elidibus refers to the WoL as “Bringer of Death” and I like to think that specific choice of words was some very, very small part of him that remembered Persephone, though obviously he would not have been conscious of it.
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          Were Koharu to ever fully reawaken as Azem and opt to cast aside the experiences and identity of her life as Koharu in favor of taking up her ancient mantle —— which would primarily be in an Ascian AU verse, though I have been toying with the idea of her possibly delving into the memories stored within Azem’s Convocation constellation crystal —— she would likely not go back to the name Kore and stick with Persephone. After all, through all her births and rebirths as a sundered fragment, she has been the Warrior of Light and has actively opposed the Rejoinings, making the name Persephone well chosen and the moniker “Bringer of Death” well earned, regardless of whatever her intentions may have been or currently be. The road to Hell, et cetera.
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          Playing on her themes of duality, Kore was a dual-class White Mage/Reaper —— or whatever the Amaurotine equivalents of the time might have been, especially given the Void — the Dark-flooded Thirteenth Shard, and thus Voidsent, didn’t exist until the Sundering.
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          And playing into the half the year in the underworld, half the year in the overworld part of Persephone’s mythology: Kore only spending roughly half her time in Amaurot and spending the other half of her time eating volcano grapes adventuring and as part of her role as the Traveller. It’s not all spent away at one time, but the amount of time she spends away does roughly equal about half the Amaurotine year. The role is also less actually ‘adventurer’ so much as she acts as the eyes and ears of the Convocation, reporting back about the status of the other peoples around the world. Though she’s not supposed to get involved in their troubles, she often does. If it’s something she can help with, she will. This results in frequent censures, much to Hades’ chagrin.
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          In addition to her role on the Convocation as the Traveller, she very much enjoyed making use of creation magic and dabbled in the creation of both flora and fauna, highly favoring flora. Some of her most notable creations were the Elpis flower and the mandragora court. She’d often spend time with both Halmarut, and Lahabrea on occasion, at Akadaemia Anyder for their expertise in both fields. She often spent a great deal of time in Elpis itself with Hermes, having an immense fondness for his flying creatures. The lanner mounts were his concept and a gift to her.
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          She brings seeds/plants back from the places she visits. Some of the seeds/plants she donates to Halmarut’s research, but Kore’s garden, which is definitely a mixture of both edible and non-edible flora, is well-known throughout Amaurot. In truth it’s not actually her garden, it's a public space that she appropriated, but it’s widely accepted as “hers” as she is its primary caretaker (with Halmarut assisting while she travels). And those purple trees you see all over Amaurot and Lakeland and the one in Elpis? She did that. Without permission.
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          She likes to encase flowers, or even simply flower petals in crystal. Never wilting, forever beautiful. An undying spring. It’s mostly just something she does for herself, though plenty have been left to decorate her garden. On occasion, she’ll gift these creations to those she cares for, typically fashioning it into something wearable; an earring for instance.
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          haha hades and kore kids zagreus, makaria, and melinoë maybe one day i’ll plot them out but for now just know that They Exist(ed)
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amiramorozova · 4 months
Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira Silina) pt. 9 Puppy Shadow
A soft knock on the door echoed through Catalina's house, signaling General Kirigan's return. Amira opened the door to find him standing there, a faint smile playing on his lips.
"Amira," Kirigan began, "I was wondering if you would join me for a stroll in the city. I would like to know my soulmate better."
Amira, with a hint of defiance in her gaze, agreed to the invitation. As they ventured into the heart of the city, where the lively atmosphere enveloped them, Amira couldn't help but notice the watchful eyes that followed General Kirigan's every move.
Kirigan led Amira through narrow alleys and bustling marketplaces, his keen eyes observing everything around them. They stopped at a quaint cafe tucked away from the bustling crowds, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enticing them.
As they sat in the outdoor seating area, Kirigan initiated a conversation that delved beyond their Grisha abilities. He asked about Amira's childhood, her dreams, and the experiences that shaped her into the person she was today. Amira, though willing to share, maintained a subtle defiance in her responses.
"I've had my share of challenges, General," she remarked, her eyes narrowing slightly. "But I don't let them define me."
Kirigan, undeterred, continued to unravel the layers of Amira's past. The defiance in her tone only seemed to deepen his intrigue. The night unfolded with shared stories, laughter, and a connection that was both reluctant and undeniable.
As they strolled through the city, Amira's defiance softened into a guarded curiosity. She found herself captivated by Kirigan's tales of ancient Grisha history and the struggles he faced. Yet, she remained determined not to let him completely unravel her secrets.
On the rooftop of a building, with the city lights sparkling below them, Kirigan gazed at Amira. "Amira, there is more to us than just our Grisha powers. I am glad to have this opportunity to know you on a deeper level."
Amira, her defiance giving way to a glimmer of vulnerability, met his gaze. "General Kirigan, don't mistake my openness for complete surrender. There are parts of me you will never know."
The night in the city had not only unveiled secrets but also showcased the defiance that fueled Amira's spirit, a spirit unwilling to be entirely consumed by the enigmatic General Kirigan.
He chuckled a little and kept walking with her "You will find I have patients to discover what those things are..we have all the time in the world.." He said 
Amira didn't want to give him any clues but she knew he was also right..he had eternity..they had eternity to know one another. 
As they walked though, Amira stopped when she heard the sound of puppies and she went over to where they were. She saw a group of puppies that was blonde, brown, white and one black one. General Kirigan was not usually around animals except horses. 
"Do you want one?" He asked her as she looked at him. 
"I wanted a pet when I was younger..Sierra and I would always talk about what we'd get." Amira said as she was still wearing his necklace. 
The man in charge of the puppies was going to shoo Amira away when he saw the General and changed his mind as he looked at her. "Which one do you like young miss?" He asked her 
Amira looked at the group of puppies as she thought about it before she picked up the black puppy and felt the puppy lick her cheek as she laughed. Aleksander was a bit surprised but he gave the man payment for the pup. He had a feeling he'd be rewarded in the future for doing this for her. 
As they walked she held the puppy who relaxed in her arms, he questioned what her moves were going to be now that she was a pet owner and he'd paid for this puppy. 
When they returned to Catalina's house, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek in appreciation surprising him. "Thank you for the puppy..Good night General." Amira said 
They went separate ways that night and for a few days he had to figure out what he was going to do. 
Amira had gone to the market to get puppy supplies for her new puppy she named Shadow with her grandmother Catalina. She'd gotten her food, supplies and a leash along with a collar. She loved that she had the opportunity and when a month passed and Aleksander came back to see her. 
Amira was outside with her dog that had grown a bit and she was laughing as the dog was a great companion. Nico was watching her making sure no one was going to harm her and when he arrived Shadow barked. 
"Seems you've been training her well." Aleksander said as Amira looked seeing the General. 
"Yes, I have and Nico has helped." She said as she knew she had merely three months left here in her Grandmother's care before becoming his permanent guest. He nod as he walked over and kissed her hand.
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TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 4 months
Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira Silina) pt. 2 1st army camp
Amira's pov
Growing up was easy, ten years went by like it was nothing and I trained to become a powerful Grisha..and I had my own best friend Nicolas Stark. My twin sister was crushing on Nico but then I was his best friend. So when we left and went to first army camp, it was seeming to go fine. I got into Cartography and he was a Corporal tracker..we just happened to get the same unit which was fine.
As we arrived, I got out of the vehicle and walked with Nico as we were walking in camp..it wasn't going to be easy but we would make it work. As we walked, I felt a nudge and then looked seeing Alina..I'd know my cousin anywhere but her friend didn't remember me. Alina and I exchanged looks as we both knew what we were..but the look on Alina's face was like..she'd forgotten..
Alina, have you forgotten? I thought
I wouldn't be surprised if Alina tried to deny being a Sun Summoner, where I embraced it. She did run off to who knows where..as Nico and I did some learning we were in the 37th regiment and Alina and Mal were in the 36th Regiment which was fine. For months I got to stay by Nico's side which was great for me as I honed my skills in the mean time.
When we were in line to get meals, Nico and I would joke around as we got the meal and then went and sat down. Some thought I was Nico's girlfriend but he put them in their place saying we were just good friends..and it was true. I was old enough to get my grisha soulmate mark anyday, soulmate mark can vary anywhere between the initials of the grisha they're meant to be with or their power symbols. I hadn't received mine yet but I hadn't met mine yet it seemed or maybe I had but was not old enough to know then.
Then I saw Alina having trouble with the cook, it annoyed me how they treated her differently for being half shu. I went to get up but Nico pulled me back down. "Mal will handle it..besides we all know not every ravkan accepts shu, half or not." Nico whispered as I nod in agreement. Yet, I went to my tent later and got some snacks I did have and found Alina sitting alone as I dropped it in her lap and sat by her.
"You seemed to have done well for yourself..but you haven't been practicing.." I said as Alina looked and tried to hand it back. "I don't want your charity cousin." Alina said but I insisited. "You have to eat Alina, this whole thing is stupid.." I said as we had to watch Grisha training.. "You should be there..training with the Grisha." Alina said quietly as I laughed a bit. "Oh yes, training under the man who my father dispises the most in this world..I did meet him ten years ago..the General." I said as she looked shocked and I looked at her. "He showed up after you disappeared..he's not bad looking at all Alina. Yet, he never came back to try to test me or Sierra." I said
Alina just seemed speechless but she knew she'd been tested and she got out of it..She ate some of the snacks. "They're talking about going into the fold again..another skiff crossing. " Alina said as I nod knowing about that and took a sip of a drink I had. "They're choosing tomorrow the ones who are going on the skiff..let's hope it's not one of us." I said before getting up and leaving her to eat as Mal came to Alina.
I didn't feel like celebrating or anything so I went to bed and that morning was when I heard the sound of a carriage approaching and then felt the tingling feeling on my neck. "hm" I said as I got up and got ready like usual going to breakfast hall and sitting with Nico..It was Nico who noticed as he waited till after we ate. "Amira, your neck.." He said as I looked at him and then moved my hair over it..
My Grisha soulmate is nearby.. I thought
Aleksander's POV
The carriage ride from the little palace to the first army camp was quite long, I knew there was a lot to do and little time to do it as I knew checking on the Grisha was top priority..as the carriage entered first army grounds by the fold. I felt that feeling on my wrist and this time I looked seeing two symbols..one didn't intrigue me but the other did..Sun. I knew this happened ten years ago when I visited the Silina family so I knew then, it was someone related to Catalina that was my Grisha soulmate. A Sun Summoner, and from the looks of it also Tidemaker..my mind went to Amara's daughters, after all being the Generous General I was back then I did let Amara leave to be with her own Grisha soulmate so perhaps this was the saints rewarding me.
Could it be that a Grisha would sneak into first army? Pretend to be something they're not? I thought
As I got out of the carriage when it stopped, I headed to my tent first as I'd decided to bring Aiden Nikitin with me. I was going to let the squaller visit his family but seemed his half sister may be closer than I thought. I got things ready and go over preparations for tomorrow before I'd decide to investigate the grisha in hiding. After that was settled I went to the first army General.
"General Kirigan, is there something you need?" He asked
"Do you have any soldiers with the last name Silina here?" I asked
"One, Amira Silina. She's a Cartographer in the 37th Regiment, she's around here somewhere." He said
Amira Silina..and that is the name Aiden said is his half sister..so that means she's here among humans. I thought
"It has come to light that Ms. Silina, may be Grisha. Her family is well acquainted with 2nd army's grisha trainer. Have someone find her and bring her to my tent tonight." I said as he nod and then I walked away.
Amira's pov
I looked at Nico still panicking a little when I saw his color...black. I knew then that I was on limited time to figure out my situation. I could only hide for so long before he knew, if he didn't know already. Nico followed my gaze seeing the General.
"General Kirigan.." Nico said
"My time is up soon..so after the picking with the skiff, let's throw a small party with your friends and my cousin and the other cartographers. Make it the best before he finds me.." I said
Nico didn't seem to like this but then he moved my hair "AM" He said wondering what that meant but I wouldn't say..not here. I moved my hair back and knew it was only a matter of time.
I get tonight only...if he doesn't drag me to his tent tonight.. I thought
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 4 months
Dual Summoner and the Darkling - The Plan-
I started thinking about everything knowing that many things could happen if I didn't keep track of what was going on and that was the problem. Aleks seemed to have his plans in track but not including me into everything. Though one day when Aleks and I were spending time with Kira when Alina and Mal escaped which Ivan told us. 
I still didn't like Ivan and he knew it but that was my opinion as he didn't like me being Aleks's wife. I was meant for this life way before I'd even known about it and when Aleksander had people go look for Alina no one could find her..
Months went by and Aleksander had gone on his own to search as I was left with Kira. Nico was to watch me and when things went bad again all the grisha in the little palace including myself were taken by the fold and put in cages. Kira was just a toddler, but she was in the cage with me as I hated this..I was a Sun Summoner and Tidemaker and they turned against me.. 
"How could you?" I asked as the first army soldier looked at me, in my black kefta and my daughter by my feet. "You want to talk about how could we? You are a traitor like the other Sun Summoner..sleeping in your General's bed and having that kid by your feet." The army soldeir said 
I wanted to yell and scream but they were not listening but Nico was among them trying to reason. "Let her go..she's actually for our side." Nico said as they looked at him and the argument started about what I was and wasn't meant for. I hated the people who wanted to have me here near the fold but I felt something as I saw a glimpse of shadows and nichevo'ya with my connection to Aleksander. 
He promised not to make more of those.. I thought 
Suddenly sound came from within the fold, I knew what it was and I wasn't scared but the first army soldiers were. Nico looked at me as I made a motion for him to get by my cage and he did as the first army soldiers tried to move him from me but then a  nichevo'ya came out from the fold as the first army soldiers screamed. Then Aleks, came out from the fold as I figured out he was in the fold or Alina tried pushing him back in as he walked out seeing us in cages as he used small shadow blades to open cages and chains. 
He walked over to me when he saw me in the cage as he used a shadow blade. "So they captured you and Kira.." He said as he pulled the cuffs off my wrists as I nod and then he took my hand leading me out after I picked up Kira and then we went over to where Genya where she also was released. 
"What happened? You went after Alina and then next thing we knew we were all evacuated out of the little palace?" Amira asked as she knew that something was going on. 
"I found Alina and she knocked me back in the fold, people turning against us again...I had no choice but to call forth the nichevo'ya to assist me." Aleksander said as he took her hand and looked at her. "Now, I'm quite famished and you look like you need some relaxation so let us go find something to eat." He said 
People followed behind us as we were all heading with him where he led us to some kind of mansion as we walked in. I had a feeling something wasn't right but I had to manage it on my own as he was in the midst of planning his notion for the throne. I knew if we were going to win then I was going to have to make a move on my own as I walked in and he looked up. 
"Let me go out there..with Kira. I can get close to Alina and I can get closer to the royals since I never turned on them." Amira said 
Aleksander didn't like the idea but he knew I had a point, I had good reason to want to help the cause but it meant we would be separated again for awhile. He got up as he walked over and kissed me as I kissed him back. "You know how dangerous this can be.." Aleksander said as I nod. 
"It's more dangerous if I do nothing...the royals will take 2nd army survivors that fled before the evacuations..I can get close. Get to lead them and distract everyone while you gain your goal." Amira said 
He seemed surprised by that but he knew I had a point and so he kissed me as he took me to bed for our last moment together as we made out and well other things. When we were done I got up cleaned off and left with Kira..once we got so far..since I'd left my kefta with Aleks I went to first army camp as I'd made myself look like I'd been traveling for awhile..and timed it perfectly as I saw Alina with Nikolai Lanstov as I collapsed knowing the prince couldn't resist helping a girl. 
Nikolai came to my aid as he helped me sit up and seen Kira holding onto me as he looked concerned. "You're Amira Silina.." Nikolai said as I nod knowing the world never knew me as Amira Kirigan..I even moved my wedding band and engagement ring onto another finger since our wedding had been secret. "I am..I escaped..he's gotten too much out of control and I had to protect her.." Amira said 
Nikolai helped me up and took me over as Alina looked at me, I kept up my act as this was the plan I had came up with..second army was going to be mine for Aleks. Alina was too much against Aleks but then she seemed concerned too especially seeing Kira, she didn't even know I had her. 
"You have a daughter?" Alina asked as I nod and soon we were all traveling soon by horse as I was able to ride with Kira. Alina looked at me but I was focusing on moving the horse and keeping my infant daughter safe as I leaned down and whispered things in her ear as we didn't have another amplifier..we had the stag with me connecting me to Aleks as we kept going. 
As we traveled for awhile, I saw Aleks out of the corner of my eye not physically there but watching seeing how I was handling my plans. I was doing my work but it was easy as I kept going and soon we ended up in a sanctuary as we got down as Marie and Nadia both came and hugged me seeing I was safe. 
"You're alive.." Nadia said as I nod and handed Kira to Marie "Keep her safe." Amira said as Marie nod and took her inside. 
I walked inside and got a room set up for me and my daughter when a knock on my door came and I heard it. "Enter" Amira said, Nikolai walked in seeing me preparing the room for myself and my daughter. He walked over and I looked over "What can I do for you, Moi Tsarvech?" Amira asked 
Nikolai looked over to me as he looked over at me wanting to say something but he hesitated at first. "How do we know you're not working with the darkling?" Nikolai asked as I knew that was going to be a question most people asked as I looked at him. 
"I'm a mother, I escaped him to protect my daughter...I thought he loved me would give up this whole vengence thing for me but he used Alina's power while he let me have my own. I do what I need to so I may protect my daughter." Amira said as I looked at him wondering he believed me and it seemed he did. 
"You go before my parents, they'll kill you on the spot so let me help you..I'll bring you and your daughter under protection under my name." Nikolai said 
I was in shock at the proposal that he was just giving me, under his name meant a real proposal..marriage. He held up my hand with the rings Aleks's had put on me "And these go on a necklace, you do love the darkling but you love your daughter more so for her own protection put them around a necklace." Nikolai said 
I couldn't say anything yet but then I saw Aleksander behind him who looked pissed but if I had to go through with my plan this was it. "Alright..but I want second army." Amira said as Nikolai looked at her "Seems he did teach you negotiations." Nikolai said 
To show I was serious I took my rings off and put them on a necklace that was around my neck and when it was done, Nikolai put the lanstov emerald where my engagement ring and wedding bands belonged as I was doing this for the plan. Aleksander was pissed but he knew that our wedding was so secret not even the royals had known...little did I know my desire for a second child had already started from our last time together. 
When I walked with Nikolai to the room, I joined Nikolai at the table with the royals as we ate and Kira by my chair as I picked her up and fed her from my plate. Even though the Queen did not like me, she seemed to soften at seeing me put my child first before my own needs as I kissed her head. "My sweet girl." Amira whispered 
I heard the royals talking and listened as I knew I never chose to side against the royals so when Vasily started talking about Grisha and traitors being killed I spoke. "If you need a leader loyal to the crown then I shall lead second army." Amira said as she looked at them and they seemed surprise. "No offence Miss. Silina but what proof do we have that you have any loyalties to my family?" Vasily asked 
Vasily and I both looked at each other and I nod as Vasily stood up as he raised his glass. "It is my great pleasure to announce the unity of Lanstovs and Grisha with my engagement to Amira Silina." Nikolai said 
A few Grisha gasped as they seen me sitting with my daughter on my alp as I knew that it wasn't that easy. Nico was brought forward as I stood up and seen Vasily try to get up but I spoke. "My guard, Nicolas Stark former first army and not a deserter." Amira said as Nikolai nod. The Queen was shocked with the news but then Vasily had wanted me before Nikolai had came into the full picture. 
After that we all went separate ways as I went to my room with Kira and closed the door as I sat on the bed and relaxed as I used the connection to see what Aleksander was doing as he sensed me and turned to me. "Amira..an engagment?" Aleksander asked 
"I did what I needed to. I needed to get close and if I can get close to the royals..Alina can't have 2nd army or stop me." Amira said as he walked over to me and placed a hand on my cheek as I kissed his hand glad we could still touch..but then I felt sick as my connection broke and I had to run to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet. 
Aleksander reconnected with me seeing me in the bathroom as he smirked a little and I cleaned my mouth as he looked at me. "Congratulations Amira..you're pregnant again. Make sure the plan goes as we want." He said as he went over to me kissing my forehead. "Let's hope this one is a boy. So when you become Queen, you don't have to be bothered by the need for a male heir." Aleksander said then disappeared. 
I'm pregnant..again..and Kira is only going to be two..saints..  I thought
TagList: @lifeisingrey​, @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 4 months
Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira Silina) pt. 5 Time with the General pt. 3
I wanted to go after her but my hands were kind of tied with the fact that he was my soulmate and keeping me from going. He walked over to me and pulled up the hood on the cloak as he looked at me. "Come on, we're going." He said as he took me out and I was half expecting just us when Nico was there with our things..and by our things I mean mine and his. 
Kirigan got me on the horse infront of him and he looked over at Nico. "You're going to be her protector, to keep her safe and try to keep her out of danger." Kirigan said to Nico who just nod. I looked at him and he looked at me but we both knew our lives were never going to be the same..when Kirigan got on behind me I prepared myself as we were heading out. 
"I need to see Alina makes it safely." I said as he looked down at me but she was my cousin and I just needed to see. It was going to be heading the same way anyway so it would all work out as he galloped the horse in the way the carriage went. I knew that I was in for a long journey so I had to be wise about my choices..
Of course when we arrived there was a fight, I felt his shadows but as he kept going I heard her scream..the horse was still moving but I jumped off and I didn't think twice as sun orbs came to me and I motioned them as blades towards the druskelle attacking his grisha as I felt him jump down beside me and he cut a druskelle in half that was about to kill Alina. 
"Impressive..you're stronger than I thought." He said to me as I didn't answer him, I wouldn't speak but saw his grisha looking at us since I had the cloak on they didn't know it was me who threw the sun. I walked towards Alina as I helped her up "And this is why we train and don't run off." I said as she looked at me and she smiled "I knew you'd come.." Alina said as I looked at her and put a hand in the pocket of the cloak as I handed her a handkerchief. "Wipe your face, he got druskelle blood on your face..it's gross." I said as she took it and wiped her face.
I heard Ivan in the distance talking to Kirigan "Another Sun Summoner, why didn't you say something General?" Ivan asked as he looked our direction. I kept my face covered but where I was able to see everyone. "She's not to be known." He said as Ivan looked shocked as I smiled a bit and then saw Nico walk over "Well done." He said as I nod. Ivan started complaining a skilled Sun Summoner was useful. "Perhaps, but she's going to train under her grandmother..One who you will respect  and refer as Lady Catalina if you meet her." Kirigan said 
I looked at Alina who seemed to be shaking and I led her to the horses "Come on, you'll ride with us." I said as she looked unsure but then I was the one in all black. "So..you exposed yourself.." Alina said as I looked at the horses "Half of what I can do.." I said as I stood with her and then Kirigan walked over to us. "Alina, you'll ride with the tracker, Amira, you'll be with me." He said as he helped me back on. 
The four of us traveled until it was dark and then we made camp as I pulled down the hood and sighed. I noticed he'd gotten camping gear earlier as I saw even Nico had some camping gear. "You girls can stay in the sa-" but Nico was cut off by the General as he grabbed my wrist "She'll stay in my tent for safety." He said as he led me away. 
Saints, to know we're soulmates he acts like he owns me. I thought
Nico walked over and grabbed my other wrist and pulled me which got me stuck in the middle and get Kirigan annoyed. "She's my best friend and you want me to protect her. That includes protecting her from you.." Nico said as he tried to get me free but then it seemed like a back and forth of who was going to win a tug of war with me in the middle. "Both of you let go or I will kick both of your asses." I said which got Nico to let go but then the General refused and I spun myself to make him let go. 
I walked to the tent where Alina was and we both went inside of it and laid down as we slept. I wanted nothing to do with the either of them right now as Alina and I slept. So when the morning came I heard the sound of packing up and Alina woke me as we went out. I pulled the hood over my head again as we kept moving. 
This would have made more sense for me to have rode with Nico..he's very insistent on me being with him. I thought 
When we came to Poliznaya, the city before Os Alta and I looked seeing grandma's place come into view as we all got down and walked to the door. Kirigan walked over knocking on her door as Grandma answered as she looked at us and I pulled down the hood. "Come in." She said as she gestured us in. 
We all walked in and I got rid of all my protection throwing it on the couch as I was in my first army uniform. "Amira is going to be staying with you for the next four months." Kirigan said as I looked around before my grandma spoke. "So you found out about her.." Grandma Catalina said as he presented his wrist with my markings and when I looked back her eyes met my own. "Your soulmate.." Grandma Catalina said as I nod. "Father is going to be livid." I said with no sarcasm in my voice because it was the truth..my father would not like this one bit. 
He stayed for merely a few moments before walking over to me and taking my hand as he kissed the top of it. "Our courtship has begun now that you're here just outside the walls." He said as he smirked and then left as I was shocked..courtship? I didn't remember agreeing to one but then I thought about our marks...it was a sign even if I hadn't agreed.
A courtship.. I thought 
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 2 years
Dual Summoner and the Darkling pt. 55
Glossary- Moye Serdtse - my heart
While we stood there I was wondering what kind of power would a boy have, if she was a dual summoner like me then would he be too? I didn't know if that would happen again, for all we knew if we had another baby they could be shadows like him to carry on the shadow summoner bloodline. I heard her cute baby laughs as I smiled before walking over to the window and looking out at the other Grisha who were training.
A son... I thought as I closed my eyes to imagine what the boy could look like, I could see a boy with my hair color but his dark eyes.
When I opened my eyes I was thinking about how much I would like that too but we needed to give Kira her time. She was just a baby at the time and it would be good to give her a good one to two years before that would happen. I heard him moving behind me as I was still looking out at the others. "Something on your mind, Moye Serdtse?" Aleksander asked as I felt his arms around my waist. "Just thinking..my love." I said knowing Baghra was protected by me, he would not cross me cause light and Shadow aided each other but they could also be lethal to the other. Walking this path of eternity alone did not seem to fair well with me.
"Are you doing anything behind my back since I've been told to wait?" I asked, I knew it was silly and this was normal but a past was a past regardless of what Baghra said there was always a chance. "No, I have no reason to." Aleksander said as he lifted my hand showing my wedding ring. "As long as you wear this, you have my loyalty." then he went up ever so gently going over my collarbone that it sent a chill down my spine as he was reminding me that I was tied to him by the stag. "And the power of the stag is ours."
I was going to say something more but then he kissed my neck which always made me feel better about things. I knew what he wanted and time was about up for the waiting as the doctors said but I wouldn't jump in too early. "Hm..Aleks.." I said as I had to hold strong but our connection between us told him enough. "I can't wait till you're off this silly restriction." Aleksander said as he went over to his table.
A few days passed since that encounter and we both kept busy, I had put Kira with Baghra as I was walking around the little palace. I heard some of the Grisha girls talking and laughing but I tried to ignore them. "Too good to be around us now that you're his wife?" I heard a familiar voice that I knew was Zoya speaking. It was only a matter of time before I crossed paths with Prince Nikolai again.
What will I do when I see the prince again? Aleks hasn't given up his dream of the throne but it means I have to conceal my ring. I thought
I was in my thoughts but then I felt air knock me off my feet before air stopped me from hitting the wall and land me back on my feet. I knew it wasn't Zoya who did that as I heard the voice. "Why don't you go against someone your own level?" A male voice said as I knew it wasn't Nico. I looked up seeing my half-brother, from what I figured standing there in the squaller color. Zoya didn't seem to like it and spoke first. "Who are you? Another guard for the General's wife?" Zoya asked as he walked where she could get a better view. "Aiden Nikitin, I believe you and I have sparred together as squallers. I would advise you to back off my little sister." Aiden said
Zoya's expression was priceless hearing I had a squaller brother, I didn't care anymore. We were all going to be going to war soon enough with the Druskella. I stayed long enough to take in the way she was surprised. "W-What? You are brother and sister? But your small science is not the same." Zoya said as I laughed a bit. "A grisha normally inherits one of their parents small science." I reminded Zoya as she glared at me. "My mother is squaller, we might be siblings but we have different mothers." Aiden pointed out
"Thank you for helping me before I hit the wall." I said to Aiden, he looked at me, and while we didn't talk much I just merely tolerated he was here. "You have a daughter, you already have the weight of the fold on your hands. Are you strong enough to take it down as you are?" Aiden asked as I went to answer him but then backed down. I wasn't...I didn't know if I ever would be but that wasn't the point.
I can't tell him we're gonna use it as a weapon again. I thought
Suddenly the sound of three sets of feet were there and my guards were by my side. "You three are late." Aiden said as I looked at him finding he was a bit blunt with them. "Sorry, but she is safe on grounds." Marie and Nadia said. I just shook my head as I watched Zoya started running at me as she started hand to hand fight with me.
You just don't give up. I thought
I was only using half my strength to fight her as everyone watched, I wasn't needing to make a point but I was able to win against her. "Keep this up and you'll lose all your friends. I can't stand you but I am willing to tolerate you." I said as she glared at me. Marie, Nadia, and Nico all pulled me in the other direction as I sighed a bit. They led me to Baghra's hut and I stayed there for several hours as I knew that my attitude was just...I was trying to be nice and I wasn't sure with Zoya I ever could be.
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog  
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amiramorozova · 4 months
Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira Silina) Pt. 8 Horse ride
The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the elegant estate of Catalina De La Rosa. The air was crisp, carrying the scent of blooming flowers as General Kirigan approached the grand entrance. He knocked on the sturdy wooden door, the sound echoing through the quiet night.
Catalina herself opened the door, a mixture of surprise and curiosity on her face as she beheld the familiar face of General Kirigan. "General," she greeted with a nod, "what brings you to my humble abode?"
"I hope I'm not intruding, Catalina," the general replied with a polite bow. "I've come with a request that involves Amira. I trust she is still under your care?"
Catalina's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Indeed, General. Amira is settling in quite well, thanks to your generous arrangement."
Kirigan nodded. "I'm pleased to hear that. I thought a change of scenery might do her good. However, I've also come with a different proposal. May I speak with her?"
Catalina gestured for him to continue, and they moved to a more private area of the house where Amira joined them.
"General Kirigan," Amira greeted, a mix of respect and curiosity in her tone.
"Amira," Kirigan acknowledged with a nod. "I trust you're finding your stay comfortable?"
Amira nodded, grateful for the opportunity he had provided her. "Yes, General. Your kindness has been more than I could have hoped for."
"I have a proposition for you," Kirigan continued. "I thought you might enjoy a change of pace. How about a midnight horse ride under this enchanting night sky? I believe the stables hold magnificent creatures that deserve to stretch their legs."
Amira's eyes widened at the unexpected invitation. She exchanged a quick glance with Catalina, who nodded encouragingly. "I would be honored, General Kirigan."
With that, the trio made their way to the stables, where the horses awaited. As they rode beneath the starlit sky, Amira couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the twists and turns that had led her to this moment, riding alongside her Grisha soulmate.
Little did she know that this midnight ride would mark the beginning of a journey filled with unforeseen adventures and a connection that transcended the ordinary.
Amira enjoyed the gentle rhythm of the horse's movements beneath her, the night air carrying the scent of blooming flowers as they rode through the forest. General Kirigan rode alongside her, his presence both comforting and intriguing.
As they ventured further into the moonlit night, Kirigan broke the silence. "Amira, I hope your stay at Catalina's house has provided the tranquility you needed."
Amira nodded, her gaze fixed on the path ahead. "It has been a welcomed respite, General. I can't express my gratitude enough for your generosity."
"I'm glad to hear that," Kirigan replied, his voice carrying a hint of warmth. "You possess a unique power, Amira, one that could play a crucial role in the future. I believe these months of solitude will allow you to harness it fully."
Amira couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "What do you foresee for my future, General?"
Kirigan's eyes gleamed in the moonlight. "There are forces at play, Amira, forces that demand the strength of Grisha like yourself. I sense great potential within you, and I believe that together, we can shape a destiny that goes beyond the ordinary."
The gravity of his words hung in the air as they continued their journey through the night. Amira pondered the path that lay ahead, the mysteries of her power, and the connection she felt with General Kirigan.
Back at Catalina's house, Catalina watched from the window as the pair rode into the distance. She sensed the weight of destiny weaving its threads around Amira, and she couldn't shake the feeling that their lives were intricately connected.
As the first light of dawn began to break on the horizon, Amira and Kirigan returned to the estate. 
Amira paused, then spoke softly, "Our destinies may be intertwined, but I am just your permanent guest when I go to the Little Palace in less than four months."
Kirigan met her gaze, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "Guest or not, Amira, the threads of fate connect us. In the Little Palace, we shall continue this journey together, navigating the challenges that await. Your destiny is not merely a guest; it is a vital part of the path we shall tread."
Back at Catalina's house, Catalina watched from the window as the pair rode into the distance. She sensed the weight of destiny weaving its threads around Amira, and she couldn't shake the feeling that their lives were intricately connected.
As the first light of dawn began to break on the horizon, Amira and Kirigan returned to the estate. The night had been a journey of revelations, forging a bond that transcended mere mentorship. Little did Amira know that her destiny was now intertwined with the enigmatic General Kirigan.
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 4 months
Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira Silina) pt. 6 Music and a walk with the General
Being under grandma's house was weird but it was pretty easy to get around then Nico was to watch me so it all worked out. Grandma went and got me clothes that were not the kefta or my first army uniform as we were going to keep me secret. So once changed it was fine, and I went about things like usual.
So after a few days we all went to the local area where they were doing some karaoke and I didn't know Aleksander was coming to visit me that day as I sat by my grandmother as we watched people performing with songs and enjoying while drinking. Then I got gutsy and walked up as someone let me choose an instrument at the time and I did. Just as he walked in with some of his grisha, I started to play and sing. 
I was smiling and having fun with it when I saw him and saw he was distracted by my singing. I was just having some fun but it worked out here. When I was done I walked back over to where my grandmother was and took my seat as I looked over seeing him looking at me. 
I didn't know he was coming or I'd have came to do this but then we were courting. Everyone ended up standing except him and we all started dancing which I was dancing with Nico since he was in charge but when he spun me, I ended up coming face to face with Aleksander as he took my hand and spun me. We didn't even talk as we blended in with the crowd.
"So, why are you here?" I finally asked as he spun me around and I felt him holding my hands still while I was infront of him. "I came to visit you. Yet, I found out that you're here..and you can sing." He said 
I was quite surprised but then I knew he had four months to woo me and I was not going to be some easy target for him.  "General, you won't be able to woo me easily." I said as he twirled me and smirked "I love a challenge." He said 
When it was done, like last time he kissed my hand and bid me good night as I left with grandma and Grandpa knowing that at least for now I was able to manage my own. Still I was able to turn in and lay down for the night.
The next morning, the sun cast a warm glow over Grandma's house, signaling another day in this temporary haven. As I enjoyed breakfast with Grandma, the doorbell chimed unexpectedly. There, standing in his usual enigmatic manner, was General Kirigan. He had an air of formality, yet his eyes betrayed a hint of curiosity.
"Amira, would you mind joining me for a walk?" he asked, his tone carrying an unexpected warmth. I exchanged a puzzled glance with Grandma before nodding, bidding her a brief farewell, and stepping out into the crisp morning air.
The town, usually serene, seemed to hold its breath as we strolled through its winding streets. The cobblestones beneath our feet echoed the quiet conversation that unfolded between us. General Kirigan was a man of few words, but each one seemed to carry a weighty significance.
As we reached the outskirts of town, the atmosphere shifted. The quaint houses gave way to open fields, and the sounds of everyday life faded into the background. The silence between us became palpable, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.
"You have a remarkable talent," he commented, gesturing to the town behind us. "I hadn't expected to find such a spirited performer in this quiet corner of the world."
I smiled, appreciating the rare compliment. "Life here has its own rhythm. It's easy to overlook the extraordinary in the ordinary."
He nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Much like you, Amira. There's more beneath the surface than meets the eye."
Our conversation meandered through topics both mundane and profound. He spoke of his experiences, the challenges he faced, and the burdens he carried. In turn, I shared stories of my childhood, the dreams I harbored, and the quiet joys of family.
As we walked, the initial discomfort gave way to a surprising camaraderie. I found myself opening up to this mysterious general, and in return, he revealed glimpses of vulnerability. The walk became a turning point, a bridge between two worlds that seemed irreconcilable.
When he returned me to my grandma's place, he kissed my hand as he'd done many times in our encounters. "Till next time Amira.." He said leaving me speechless and then I went inside
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 4 months
Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira Silina) pt. 4 Time with the General pt.2
He led me over to the table and pulled out the chair for me as I took a seat down, wasn't like I could just do anything else. At first eating was in silence, I was away from my friends..my things..and here with him. My soulmate..what could I do?
"Sun Summoner father, Tidemaker mother. You inherited both." He said as I wouldn't speak but he knew that from my marks on his wrist. "Amira, I just want to talk to you, I have no interest in risking your safety. Consider this escape from first army a debt paid I owe your grandmother." He said as I looked at him then and about chocked on my food when he said that as I had no idea he owed Grandma a debt.
"A debt?" I asked as he nod "Beyond what your father says, I do honor those who helped me in the past..people like your grandmother..and I don't think she'd want you in harms way. So you'll return to her and in four months, I'll come for you to come to the little palace as my protected permanent guest." He offered 
I realized he had no intention to put me at the front, to make me Ravka's savior..and yet I thought of Alina. Alina was trained briefly to be a Sun Summoner but she'd denied her power since running off. "You said I won't leave until after the skiff crosses.." I said as he nod and then he left for a second and then came back with a cloak in his color. 
Did you know I would be in first army? I thought 
I looked at the cloak, it matched the one he had on when he entered our party, he wanted us to match. He wanted people to know that he was claiming me.. "You'll wear this and stand with me as we watch the crossing happen together.." He said as I took another sip of my drink and looked over. "And the protection?" I asked as he looked at me. 
"Name someone you trust to be your guard.." He said as I knew I could pick a Grisha, Aiden or I could pick a human, Nico. "A Grisha and A human to protect you." He added as I looked at him knowing that wasn't what I expected.. "Aiden Nikitin and Nicolas Stark." I said 
I seen a scowl on his face at mentioning Nico but I wouldn't abandon my best friend for anything. Plus, my sister would get a chance at being with him so in the end he agreed and said he would arrange it for me though I had my doubts. I still thought of Alina but I wouldn't out her..
After we ate he knew I'd been with the cartographers all day so I was good and he walked me over to a table and had me sit. "Let's see your talent." He said as he sat down some distance. "Draw something.." I looked at him but then saw he had materials there and I started to draw something, at first I wasn't even sure what it was going to be but an hour maybe two and I was done.. He walked over and he was shocked seeing what it was..the stag. 
"So it calls to you." He said 
I knew it called to all Sun Summoners..it was choosing us all but one would be given it's power. I grabbed the drawing and folded it up knowing that he wanted it's power..I wouldn't give it to him even if I could. "I'm tired..it's been a long day" I said as he nod and led me to a cot in another section of his tent. "You'll sleep here." He said as I looked at him but he nod and I gave in and laid down, I felt him put a cover over me and then walk away but stop before he was too far. "Sleep well Amira." He said then continued walking. 
He's not what I expected.. I thought as I slept 
Aleksander's pov: 
I walked away from her, letting her rest as I went to my table and thought about the plans. I knew gaining her trust was essential but I knew she was hiding something too. I just couldn't figure out what..I had more to do and morning came before I knew it. So I had a meal set for when she woke up and I saw her stir. Aiden had walked in with her things as I pointed where she was and I let them have privacy.
When she came to the table with Aiden, she seemed fine as she ate. She didn't have much to say and then we got ready as I had her walk with me. 
Amira's pov:
Wearing the kefta and the cloak, walking with him I thought everything would be fine as I saw grisha who were going on the skiff coming out..I saw one of them glare at me. I figured she was close to him or something..yet he had his arm around me as we walked. He motioned for those going on the skiff to head to the skiff and we walked..most didn't see us as they were too busy getting ready but then I saw my General from first army. 
"General Kirigan, I see you have Amira..is she Grisha?" General Yure Teplov asked as I looked at him. "I know her family and it comes to light she's someone I need to protect so after the crossing. She's going home." He said which surprised the General Yure Teplov
I wasn't really saying anything but he looked at me "So, is this true?" He asked me as I looked at him. "Yes, sir..apparently I am General Kirigan's soulmate." I said as he noticed my necklace. I refused to say more, I wouldn't admit to being Grisha. "You got through testers somehow." General Yure Teplov said as General Kirigan spoke "Actually she was exempt from it, her arm was harmed." He said 
I nod but looked away but then the first army General sighed "Starkov and her team of Cartographers are going on the skiff..maps were destroyed." he showed me the maps and I ran my hand over the burns. 
This is..burned by fire..but this one was burned by sun.. I thought 
I kept a neutral look and I could tell the sun burn was faint, Alina truly wasn't as strong as me since she probably did it on accident. "I could have redrawn these maps myself.." I said as I knew how to do it. "You're not going." Kirigan said 
We walked away after that and I saw the skiff as I stood with him where we could see it..Alina was on it. She was taking a risk for Mal. "Who is Starkov?" Kirigan asked as I looked over at him. "My cousin." I said as we saw it move. 
I knew Alina had been selfish with Mal for years..she ran off neglected her training because of Mal..and when her scarf blew our direction..well I grabbed it since it was close. I looked towards the skiff again and saw her looking back as she met eyes with me and seen I was with him in a cloak of his color just before it went in. 
Be safe Alina.. I thought 
I sat down by him while he stood watching wanting to see..I needed to hear it if the screams happened..and maybe ten, twenty minutes in we did..but then there was Sun light in the fold. I stood up and I realized it was Alina..and then Kirigan took me back to his tent holding my wrist and brought me in there as he saw the realization on my face. "You know that sun light..your cousin?" He asked as I nod..
He had me sit and later Alina was brought in the tent as he was facing me with his back to them. "Come closer." He said to Alina as she stepped closer. He turned around and motioned for me to do as I wanted..he must have figured it out as I went over to her and hugged her. "Are you ok?" I asked as she hugged me back and said nothing. I heard him approach and then backed away as things went another direction than when I came here. 
He did test Alina and she was proven to be the Sun Summoner..as she looked surprised..it was out of my hands. I couldn't tell him not to, I can't tell him what to do and Alina begging me to speak up. "Cousin.." Alina said to me as Kirigan looked at her and then over to Ivan. "Take her to the carriage. Escort Ms. Starkov to the little palace." Kirigan said 
Ivan nod and then looked back at me who was still behind Kirigan "And the other one?" Ivan asked as Kirigan looked at me and opened his hand to me. I hesitated but took his hand "Ms. Silina will be heading home. For the next four months and then she'll be brought to the little palace as my permanent guest." He said as they nod. 
"Tell them.." Alina said as she knew I was a Sun Summoner too but I didn't need to tell them. Kirigan knew already and I had to keep quiet. "Amira, don't do this tell th-" but I stopped Alina "He knows already.." I said as they took her away..
I'm sorry Alina.. I thought
-To be continued in pt. 3-
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 4 months
Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira silina) pt. 1 Beginning
Growing up was supposed to be easy, Alina was taken in by the Silina family..her extended family. Amira grew up with her cousin and Catalina didn't make them do much. It was when they were seven and eight that Amira and Alina went to volunteer at an orphange with Catalina as they helped out..and that is where Alina met Mal. 
Amira stayed with ger grandmother, helping out and they did this for a week when a grisha group came testing the kids. Amira watched as the kids were tested, some showing to be grisha..and some just human. Amira purposely made sure she had a wound and kept her inner power from showing and then she went to warn Alina but saw Alina with Mal as they were talking and she listened. 
"If you want to run, I'll run with you..my family..well they're my extended family." Alina said as Amira was shocked..but then she heard Ana Kuya walking toward the door. She went over and looked at Alina "Be careful Alina.." Amira warned.
Ana Kuya noticed the group of three, she knew the two girls were merely helpers but the Grisha testers were insisting all children tested as she tried to push Amira and Alina along with Mal. Amira got free "Don't.." Amira said as she knew too well what she was but that while wounded she couldn't be tested. Alina had a shard in her hand as Ana Kuya tried to say something but then Catalina came in. "Is there a problem?" Catalina asked 
"The Grisha testers want all children within the orphanage tested.." Ana Kuya said to Catalina as Catalina may have been annoyed but she knew Amira was not to be tested. "You cannot have Amira and Alina tested without my consent." Catalina said as Ana Kuya took Mal leaving the two girls. 
Catalina looked at the two "Come along, we should go soon." Catalina said as she saw Amira's wound and then put a wrap on her wound. "You are exempt from being tested, decreed by a friend of mine.." Catalina assured Amira as they were heading out..Catalina made it so far with the girls when two grisha got infront of them. "All children are to be tested.." A grisha said as Catalina again remained calm. "Your General can come speak to me directly, Baghra decrees that the children under my care are not to be touched. If your General asks who denied such a thing. you may tell him my name, it's Catalina." She said as they were shocked but let them through. 
Alina wanted to go back for Mal, to be friends with him but she had to go..yet few weeks later Alina ran off and met up with Mal as hey ran away together..Just around that time, Catalina knew that Alina would reunite with Amira someday so she'd turned a blind eye. It was dark and she let Amira and her father do their nightly sun practice at dark as Amira struggled with it as she sat watching Amira...but then heard the sound of a carriage as she motioned for them to stop. When she heard the sound of the carriage door opening, she relaxed. "We're in the back, amazing you could make a visit for your mother's old friend." Catalina said 
Amira merely watched her grandma as her father led her to a sitting spot and the General came around the house. Catalina watched as the General approached her family "I hear you stopped my Grisha from testing two children.." He said as he saw Amira, he saw her arm banadaged. "She's hurt, they wouldn't have been able to test her anyway." He added 
"Baghra has put an exception on my family, as you should be wise and honor such things." Catalina said to him as Amara and Sierra walked out. Aleksander noticed the other girl and seen the girls were twins. "Twins..is she the other girl?" Aleksander asked as Catalina shook her head. "The other is not here, she left..we're looking for her right now." Catalina said as he was not impressed with that.
"Someday we will meet again.." He said but he was looking at Amira, he was old enough to feel it the feeling of his soulmate's initials on his wrist but he wouldn't look for now. He showed himself out and left them in peace.
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 4 months
Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira Silina) pt. 3 Time with the General pt. 1
Nico and I gathered with everyone as we talked about the party just before we were all called for the selection of who would cross the fold. Nico stood behind me as he put a hand on my shoulder, I was unfazed by the gesture since he only wanted to protect me. I knew he cared for me, but I wouldn't betray my sister..and now my soulmate mark was on me. 
Listening to all the names, I was relieved and glad that our unit wasn't apart of the skiff crossing but then I looked over at Alina who looked worried. Mal was picked to go, I knew then she'd try to get on the skiff and if I didn't have General Kirigan on my tail now I would help her but my hands were tied. I knew for now I just had to let it go and see what happened as we headed out but our general spoke. "Amira Silina, if you're still here...General Kirigan wants you at his tent tonight.." He said 
I heard him but I kept walking as I was going to do things my way, not the General's way as I went about things as normal. We arranged the party and I indulged quite a bit as everyone was celebrating..night fall came..a little sooner than I'd like and I'd completely forgotten about the General and things..Nico and I were dancing as Alina was dancing with Mal. We were carefree in the moment and then the sound of footsteps could be heard..I looked over the side of Nico's arm as I saw Aiden, my half brother and the General. 
Saints.. I thought 
Aleksander's POV
I looked over the symbols seeing the two..I knew I needed a Sun Summoner for my plans for the fold..but this was Catalina's granddaughter. I owed a debt to Catalina a long time ago when Baghra had abandoned me at a certain point and Catalina showed kindness to me. A woman the same age as my own irritable insuffering mother showed an ounce of kindness to me and not just because my mother was her friend. I knew I couldn't take her granddaughter before the King, make her granddaughter the one who would save Ravka..it would have to be her choice.
Night time came and soon I waited for her to come, yet she never did..I wondered if she was playing hard to get. I went out and motioned for Aiden to come over. "General." Aiden said as I thought about my next words. "Lead me to your sister Aiden, help me find her." I said.
Aiden seemed surprised but he did as I asked and with little time we found a group of soldiers having a little party. I remembered the features of a child ten years ago, brunette with blue eye color. I may not have known her much then but as I looked I noticed not many fit that description. Still, there seemed to be a feel of a celebration and then I saw her, the moment our eyes met I just knew she was Amira. Seeing her dancing with a man so close made me angry that she could do that without a care. 
"She's friends with that man, they've been friends since they were kids." Aiden said 
A friend? Well that would change but that was probably also a benefit in my pocket. A protector for her when the time came as I cleared my throat and then saw everyone look at me. "I'm looking for Amira Silina" I said 
Without a word, most looked at the brunette I saw, the one that I knew was her. Amira looked at me and then she took a deep breath and walked forward. "I'm Amira.." She said as she hid her soulmate mark with her hair. I knew no one could see my real initials on her neck as I took a necklace out of my pocket, a black leather necklace with my symbol on the necklace. I covered up my initials by doing this and she seemed surprised as I removed my hands and held out a hand to her. "We have much to discuss..you'll be sleeping in my tent tonight.." I said 
I saw her worry a bit but she hesitated only for a mere second before she put her hand in mine. She looked back at everyone and smiled. "I'll be fine." She assured but I had more going on as I made a motion to Aiden who left and came back with a kefta that was just black and placed it on her. It fit her perfectly and then I heard people asking questions.
"Ms. Silina, is my soulmate..but she is not going to the little palace yet. After the crossing she'll be sent home..where she'll be safe." I said as they looked surprised at my words. I saw even that she was surprised. "You can't just..dismiss me like that." She said as I looked at her. "It is for your safety.  I will need a protector for you so there is that.." I said as she nod before I bid everyone good night and took her to my tent. 
Amira's pov
I was speechless, he was serious right now? He was going to send me home..and let my friends be taken by first army. I walked with him but since he'd put me in a black kefta no one looked twice at me. Once in his tent, he let my hand go and I felt a little strange about that. "Keep the necklace on. It'll keep my initals safe from being seen. The kefta will keep you safe from bullets..and you're not actually going home. You're going to Catalina." He said
I was in shock, this man was..well he is my Grisha soulmate and to hear he wasn't going to take me to the little palace was shocking. "So that's it? You're not going to test m-" I didn't finish as he showed me his wrist...sun and tidemaker..my grisha gifts.
"Exposing you would only put you in danger.." he said and then he led me into another part of his tent. He had the largest tent I had ever seen and he offered me a seat as I sat down then noticed the table had been set for two with quite a meal.
The General gets a bit of luxury. I thought
"You must be hungry with that party." Kirigan said as I stayed quiet. I didn't know what to say.
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 2 years
Dual Summoner and the Darkling pt. 56
When I walked into Baghra's hut I saw her with Kira as I smiled a bit knowing this was perfect to me. My husband was expecting me soon anyway as Baghra noticed me. "Amira, is everything ok?" Baghra asked as I nod. "I met my brother today, Aiden." I said as I knew that there was nothing more I could say since he'd stood up.
Baghra nod in understanding as she knew that it was not unusual for me to do. "Has Kira been good? I can take her if you're going to be busy." I said but I kinda wanted to leave her with Baghra just a little longer since I'd gotten off my restriction. "Nonesense, you have things to still do...you have plans to do. Your restriction lifted today." Baghra said as I nod. I hadn't even been allowed to really get into a fight till today but it was what it was.
I spent some time there with my daughter as I couldn't be happier then I went to find Aleksander. Of course my guards walked with me when we past Zoya before breaking off from me as I didn't need them for this next. I knew exactly where he was as I walked into his war room but stopped seeing he was finishing up a meeting. Aleksander was talking with Ivan and Fedyor about a task when he noticed me then not long after he sent them out as they bowed to me.
Aleksander seemed to know what today was cause he walked over and he backed me up against the wall as he kissed me. I kissed him back as I was excited my arms went up to his arms as his hands went to my waist as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he used the door that connected the war room to our room as he laid me down.
"I hated that you had to be on such a restriction..still hate it but you're free now." Aleksander said as he started to remove my kefta that I had on. While he worked on mine, I worked on his to remove it then worked on his General jacket till he was left in his shirt and pants. I went to reach for his shirt but he'd reached for mine as he lifted it up and his eyes looked at me with desire as I felt him ground his hips against mine as I groaned feeling how much he was already ready for me. "I've been waiting..waiting for my beautiful wife to be ready to have me again and now it's time." He said with lust in his voice as I smiled at his words. "I'm all yours." I assured him
As we kissed and soon removed everything it was perfect that afterwards I laid there with him and lightly ran my finger over his chest as I laid with him. "I missed this." I said as he held me and he was in thought. "So what are your thoughts on the sea whip?" He asked as I knew that we had found it but I'd gotten sea sick with being pregnant with Kira. I didn't want it as I had the stag "Aleks, we have the stag here within me..let's wait a few years after we have our second child and when they're grown we can go back after it." I said but he didn't seem to like that answer. "We let your tracker friend get much older he might be able to figure out where it is again and then we have Alina and Mal." He reminded me
Alina..how did I forget about her so easily? Oh right, I stopped caring about anyone who wasn't him or my friends or my daughter.. I thought
"I forgot about them.." I admitted as not many even knew we were married and then there was the youngest prince returning to the royals. "We still have the royals to deal with too." I said as he nod. "Easily disposed of as no one would question if their saint had to accend as their Queen." He said as he already knew my feelings when it came to ruling Ravka but he wasn't seeming to think about that right now.
Can you stop acting like I am just going to take the throne.. I thought
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog  
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amiramorozova · 1 year
Dual Summoner and the Darkling -Another tale- Pt. 5 Bedroom (18+)
I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt his hand on my shoulder as I looked at him seeing that he was looking in my eyes. "Amira..you ok?" He asked as I nod. Those thoughts about him made me want him more as I leaned in close. "I'm just fine." I assured him as I kissed him. He kissed me back as we started to get enthralled again as he kissed my neck again as I moaned softly. 
This man..he has such an effect on me.. I thought 
I knew too well that it was our soulmate connection but still, I knew what I wanted and clearly he did too as we both removed each others clothes before we let them fall to the floor. I may have been shorter than him but that didn't mean I couldn't outsmart him. I pushed him on my bed as he was surprised and then went over as I climbed on top of him. 
"Amira.." Aleksander said as I knew too well he wanted this just as much as I did. Part of me knew this was just my desire to feel something I hadn't in awhile but then I stopped..could he have tumbled someone else in the time we'd been apart? That thought lingered in my mind for a few moments. 
He put a hand on my cheek as if he could tell I had hesitations "Amira..I've been searching for you all this time." He said as I felt my hesitation slip as I kissed him and he kissed me. I felt him adjust me before he thrusted inside of me as I moaned in the kiss and he used it to his advantage as his tongue slipped into my mouth and I was surprised. 
The pace between us was evident and I broke the kiss as I moaned and leaned my head back..I had a feeling that I shouldn't be enjoying this but I couldn't help it. We kept thing going as I tried talking while tumbling. "Have you tumbled other girls?" I asked as he seemed to only increase his pace as I gasped. 
"Even if I had, none  compares to you." He said as he kept thrusting up into me as I gasped..and moaned as I leaned my head back. Part of me started to scream in my head that I needed to stop but I was too much into this as I knew I hadn't in so long..but the idea that another grisha touched him sort of angered me.. 
"That was not a.." I moaned as he hit just right spot within me that made me tremble, it didn't seem to matter what I did..We were soulmates..We were betrothed..We belonged together. " Amira, eya fyela chi.." Aleksander said as I knew he had to be lying..he just told me he loved me and that couldn't be true.  (Translation: eya fyela chi - I love you)
My mind started to have many thoughts while we continued like why did I even allow this? He was the only one..the only one that I allowed to be with me like this as we moaned before I felt my release hit me. I stopped thinking about Kaitlyn being there as we kept going till we both collapsed after we both reached our end.. he had his arm around me as we both caught our breaths.
He had me look at him as we looked at each other and he seemed satisfied like I felt. "Eye Fyela Chi" Aleksander said as I shook my head. "Stop saying that..you don't." I said as I knew this was a mistake..all of our hookups were mistakes yet I kept making this choice. I removed his arm and got up as I knew if I stayed there he'd just try to remind me more about what just happened. 
Saints..I'm doomed to make this choice over and over with being his soulmate..soulmates always end up together..but this was.. I thought
I felt him come up behind me as he pulled me close to him, the skin contact didn't help my thoughts as he smirked. "DId you or did you not tumble other girls before finding me again?" I asked as I knew the answer..a man has needs. Women had needs too, I had to satisfy my own when I needed. 
I felt him touch my side as his hand slid down it "Yes, I had. I searched everywhere for you..but you seemed to always be so many steps ahead of me..you're different." He said as I looked at him from the corner of my eye. Was I really different? I tumbled with him..how many girls had he manipulated to use them? 
He turned me around to face him "I didn't force you into this. You wanted this just as much as I did Amira.." He said as I hated the truth in his words..I did. I could still feel his hands on me in places no one else had touched even though he was only touching my shoulders. "You're my soulmate..you didn't ask the most important question. What I was thinking about when I was with them.." He said as I wondered if I even wanted to know. "What were you thinking about?" I asked as I figured it couldn't be that bad.. He lifted one hand up to my cheek as he leaned in and kissed me..my mind didn't want to resist all the way as I kissed him back and when he pulled away he looked into my eyes. "You..I thought about how it felt with our on again off again hook ups...how you look so distracted in pleasure..the way you looked just a few minutes ago." He said 
I looked at him in surprise knowing that I was always being a bit harsh. "I am used to not having you around..so forgive me if yo-" "Push you into desire..make you feel things that you know you shouldn't." He said as he moved his hand down and slid his fingers inside of me as I moaned in reaction. "Whatever you do to yourself, is nothing compared to what I do..that brings you pleasure." He said as he started to move his fingers as I trembled under his touch and closed my eyes.
He started to increase his pace as I moaned again "See, your needs need taken care of too..you just need to let someone take care of them." He said as he continued but he backed me up to the wall which gave him more space to probe as I tried keeping my thoughts cleared. "That's it Amira..just let me take care of you.." He said as I tried to not let it show but fuck he knew exactly what he was doing as he knew how to bring me pleasure like no one else. 
He kept up that pace as he wasn't letting up and I moaned but I should have been paying attention to the fact he was also getting hard on my moans cause he removed his fingers as I gasped to thrust inside as he thrusted inito me fast and hard as I gripped on his shouders as we both moaned before it wasn't too much longer we released togther..
Saints..that felt good...but like with every time we cum togther..saints..another pregnancy scare in my future.. I thought
Eventually we pulled apart and got dressed as we walked out..Kaitlyn was having some tea and she whistled seeing us. "Damn, when you both go at it..you go at it for awhile.." Kaitlyn joked as I knew I still had my job. "Shut up." I said 
Aleksander seemed to smirk as he took my hand and kissed it. "I will get you to see that eya fyela chi. I'll see you around.." He said as he left. 
He keeps saying he loves me..no way he does.. I thought
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ ,  @wheresthesunshinesblog
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amiramorozova · 10 months
Best Friends to Eternal lovers - Baghra's POV and Alina's POV
Having to fill in for my son to bring forth a girl who could not summon at will was absurd...but it was technically his wedding night since he and his bride chose to go get the girl instead of running off to their wedding night early. So I did as asked and when it was time, brought Alina before the King. The King and I hardly had much interaction to say the least. 
"Moi Tsar, this is Alina Starkov. The Sun Summoner." I said as he looked at her, had my son been here there would probably be more finess, he knew how to charm the royals. Something I taught him but then he was my son. "Well let's see what she can do." He said as I nod to a Grisha who helped make the room go dark so the King could not see. 
I didn't have a choice but to amplify the girl so she could see for herself that she was sunlight and even the royals were impressed. When it was over, then the King stood up. "Amazing, when can she start?" The King asked as I kept my cool despite my annoyance with being here in my sons place. "That will have to be taken up with General Kirigan, when he returns from his honey moon with his newly wife." I said 
The King realized then he had no way of finding out the details he wanted with his General on a honeymoon with being newly wed. It was rare to even see a General get time and to see the two were off, I almost half expected Amira to come back pregnant with his child..the idea of my first grandchild seemed odd. 
"Well get her training started, the faster we can become one nation the faster we can end the talk of this united Ravka." The King said as we both bowed. I walked Alina back to her room where she was hugged by the other Grisha and it seemed they all accepted her except one..the one who wanted my son's attention but lost it to his wife. After that we made it ot her room and she seemed to have questions. 
"So you are?" Alina asked as I was still annoyed about this entire situation. "Baghra, I train the Grisha. I also help out when he needs it which is rare but then he doesn't get married everyday." I said as she must have picked up the idea that I was annoyed with his choices but it was his choices. "You don't like his wife? She seems nice, she said she's a hundred and eighteen years old.." Alina said as she must have noticed my annoyance.
-Alina's Pov-
Baghra was annoyed, I wondered why but she didn't seem to right out answer. "Yes, they are older than they both appear. The stronger the grisha, the longer the life." Baghra said though I got the feeling there was so much more than she was letting on. Baghra then looked like she wanted to tell me something but then she saw a fabrikator come and they talked over a few things. 
"You're going to do practice starting tomorrow and you'll do combat practice. You will come and do lessons with me after that." Baghra said as I nod but had a feeling she would tell me in time. 
As I went to my room I laid down, one thing I saw when we were walking was grisha girls upset..I wondered what that was all about but figured that I would find out in time.4
-Baghra pov-
Walking back to my hut I wondered how far this was going to go, who would Aleksander give the stag to if he was truly going after the stag. Though, I knew the truth or I could guess who he would give it to...Amira. 
The whole reason I wanted to keep Amira from Aleksander was in case he got power hungry..especially after Merzost but it wasn't working. No matter how much time I kept them apart, they found each other over and over again. Aleksander had become obsessed with his grandfather's study and now he had not one but two Sun Summoners to do his bidding..I could only hope that Amira will make wise choices.
I thought about warning Alina about Aleksander, how he might turn Amira into his own benefit. Warn her that he might try to find a way to split the amplifier between them to trigger both of their power..but it wasn't heard of..
He would never break the laws and try to give the stag to both..would he? The more I thought about it the more I thought he might try to figure out how to do just that. Have both of them bound to his power, but where Amira would be free as his lover..he would turn Alina into a slave. I knew I had to prepare her for whatever would come. 
My Son will not win..
//Wedding night on the next chapter//
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ ,   @wheresthesunshinesblog  
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amiramorozova · 10 months
Best Friends to Eternal lovers - traveling back
Having her be the Sun Summoner meant that I was safe, Aleks wouldn't have to worry about me being exposed but push came to shove then I would use my power against the druskelle. Aleks had the grisha soldiers take Alina to the carriage that we had arrived in and get her to the little palace. When we were alone I looked at Aleks "You know that druskelle will come looking for her. We have to follow the carriage and you owe me a wedding night still." I said as he nod and got a cloak from where it was hanging as he pulled it over me and pulled it over my head. 
"Druskelle show up, you take them down with your Sunlight..you let no Druskelle live if you do.." Aleksander said as I nod in agreement to what he wanted. As we went and got on horses we prepared to go and headed off following to the carriage..but then I heard someone call for me and I looked back seeing Nicolas Stark but I had to go. 
Sorry, not able to stop and chat.. I thought 
Heading off with the Aleksander on horses we made good distance but then he slowed down his horse to let me go ahead. I knew why, it had to look like he didn't know or that I was him so that no one suspected at first. As I made it, I saw druskelle fighting Grisha and one getting near the carriage as I formed sunlight blades and cut down the druskelle present keeping my head covered as that got their attention and they came running at me as I jumped off the horse. I knew my identity was to remain secret and I got a lot of the druskelle but then one got really close only to be cut in half by Aleks and get the cloak covered in blood and then we heard Alina yell as he cut that one in half and seen it was clear.
"More than likely their allies heard their screams and seen the light so they retreated." Aleksander said 
Ivan approached showing respect as I walked over to Alina and helped her up keeping the cloak over my head. Ivan spoke up "who is this? This Sun Summoner.." Ivan asked as Aleksander ignored him and went over to us. "Now that we're here the druskelle will be wanting to come. So we need to make haste in traveling." He said as Alina nods and then looked at me, she didn't know it was me just that it was someone.
"General.." Ivan said but Aleksander got annoyed with his pestering and he sighed. "This stays confidential between those present." He said as he removed the hood of the cloak and revealed my face which made everyone gasp.
"You're a Sun Summoner.." Alina said as I smiled at her. "Much more than that..I'm a tidemaker too" I admitted as I looked around. Ivan approached and opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "Don't let my appearance fool you Ivan. I'm older than you, my husband and I are close in age." I said which made him shut up.
We started to move on from there and then had to set up camp at a certain spot. Alina walked over to me and sat down. "So people say the General is over a hundred years old..and you said you're close in age with him.." Alina said as I looked at her and nod. "He's a year or two older than me..we were childhood friends." I admitted as she was shocked.
"So you're.." I didn't let Alina finish as I smiled. "A hundred and eighteen years old..or so." I said knowing Aleksander was telling people he was a hundred and twenty years old or so...not the truth. That he's much older and stronger than he appears. "Sun Summoners and Shadow Summoners live long lives..I have loved him since I was sixteen and I have had to let him go and survive all this time to get here.." I admitted
Alina was processing what I said knowing that I loved one man my entire eternity and I would only love that one man. My Aleks, my grisha soulmate, my everything..I got the whole story of the fold. The threat on the Grisha, the threat on Baghra..Luda's death.
Aleks motioned for me to come to him as I got up and walked over to him. I loved the fact he was able to be there for me and I was able to be there for him.
"I'll have to talk to the King of her arrival..tell him we saw the light just as we were going to start our wedding night." Aleksander said as I knew camping out in the woods not what I wanted. "Once I arrange things with the King, he's sending us to somewhere private." He said
I was glad and shocked at the same time but happy to know that he was going to be alone with me for some time. Alina seemed to notice how close we were and I didn't mind that as I kissed him.
After that we headed off to bed and in the morning finished traveling back to the little palace. Once there, I went to bathe and Alina was showed to a room.
I waited a little bit before Aleks returned to me and he nods. "The King wishes to see her. Baghra will present her.." he said and then pulled me close. "And as for me, I am all yours for the next few days.." Aleksander said as he kissed me and I kissed him back. I loved this so much having him all to myself.
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ ,   @wheresthesunshinesblog  
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