#Dublin gay event
Revisiting information from Tom Bower's book Revenge and current events in the House of Windsor.
Misan Harriman: All Roads lead back, to Soho House & the person Rachel described as her "gay husband," Markus Anderson.
Anglo-Nigerian photographer, Misan Harriman, was instrumental in Meghan’s 2014 post-Trevor re-brand from Deal or No Deal Briefcase Girl to faux philanthropist/humanitarian.
Allegedly he's also gay, along with the other "boys" in MEgain's Soho House Circle. All in "contract" marriages with female "beards" like Rachel Meghan Markle. All liars.
According to Tom Bower's research (Revenge p. 63), Meghan was determined to use One Young World as her launching pad to celebrity philanthropy.
She was unknown to the OYW founders and event staff so she contacted Misan Harriman to ask for an introduction to his friend, tennis star, Boris Becker.
Becker was already scheduled to speak at the Dublin conference and Misan pitched the idea of Meghan's participation.
Becker referred Meghan to HIS AGENT, Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne.
If I remember correctly, in Gina's pre-wedding articles and interviews, she mentioned that Meghan contacted her office in 2014 to express an interest in helping with the OYW conference(s). I had no idea that Meghan and Misan were friendly while Meghan cohabitated with Celebrity Chef Cory.
MEgain did not choose Misan for her engagement photographs. Misan has only been in the photography business for five (5) years.
Soho House members, the York Sisters, invited Misan to capture the moment Edo proposed to Beatrice. (sigh & smh) SAME Eugenie who told the press, "we really like her..." when someone (OMIT & Jessica) gave Camilla Tominey permission to publicize their affair. Camilla repeatedly writes that William MUST forgive Sparry. Tominey cares nothing for the Wales family or the country. Her interests are rooted in greed and irresponsible reporting to sell papers.
Notice The Meghans began paying Misan during MEGXIT. He captured the stills and video footage for Megflix. He is also paid by Invictus. There's a lot of cash flowing into Misan's bank account via The Meghan and their archeficicial business ventures. IRS, where you at???? 🤔
I'm not sure why I included the following in my original 2022 post: "Allegedly, during Harry's 2 nights in Tornto (babysat by Jason Knauf), just before he flew to the US-FL IG, Meghan (while cohabitating w/Cory & just back from spending Mother's Day weekend w/Cory's parents) Meghan told Harry about her interest in helping him with the Invictus Games."
One thing that stands out to me is how much both Meghans lied during the engagement interview:
Sparry & MEgain admitted (on international television) that they were secretly dating for 5-6 months BEFORE Tominey received the story.
Do the math. If they met in July of 2016 and had 5-6 months together in secret, Camilla's article would have been published in December or January, not October/November.
Camilla's article was published at the time of their Toronto (soho house) Halloween party with Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank: October 2016 = only 3 dating months.
If they began dating during Sparry's Spring promotional visit to Toronto for Ingriftus, then YES--- they were "together" (like spooning bananas) for five (5) months before MEgain leaked the details to Tominey
Sparry is just as much of a compulsive liar as his wife. He lies about the unnecessary details:
"we had to announce your megnantcy for the tour because you were showing..."
"It's true, you did blend in-----‐until our farewell week..."
I have future content coming about Victoria Hervey and Dan Wootton's despicable behavior during kategate. At the moment I wish she would stop extending open invitations for Sparry "to come home," when he's repeatedly been clear that America is his home & America is where he feels safe.
In my opinion, Sparry and MEgain deserve to be married to one another FOREVER!! Initially I viewed Sparry as her victim but just because Sparry is mentally & emotionally unstable and intellectually "sub-educational" (as Lady C would say), does not excuse his character issues: lying, cheating, stealing, grifting to achieve fame and fortune in America. People all over the world with low IQs know the difference between right and wrong. There is no excuse for Sparry's crimes.
Royal Families cannot expect their people to look past bad behavior. Charles got what he wanted, "Camilla." Despite the good press she receives, the majority of the world sees Charles as spoiled and feckless. I do think he will be surprised to learn just how many Brits wish he & Camilla would just go on a permanent holiday.
In a world of meritocracy, we have watched Meghan Markle, Sparry, and Andrew get away with murder. Zero on the job consequences for bad behavior------>Out of touch with everyday people.
Andrew & Sparry have caused permanent damage to brand BRF. When Charles chooses tone deafness over humility and shame, they are begging the people for a Republic.
Normal people pay a price for their unwise decisions. Selfish Charles chose Jesus' resurrection day to rub Andrew into the faces of the British people and global royal watchers.
People won't take these moments of pure contempt for the will and opinions of the people and just let it all go due to cancer. Charles is still seen as a feckless king who will ultimately destroy this monarchy because it appears he cannot or will not manage his household.
Go to church Andrew & Fergie, but not in front of the cameras and not at the expense of the taxpayers. These are not difficult situations for Buckingham Palace. Does anyone have a working brain? It's as if Charles is deliberately destroying everything his mother & father worked so hard to preserve.
I agree @sassyfrassboss and don't get me started on Sarah's health related virtue signals. Why is it so difficult for Fergie to stop talking? And why won't Andrew go away and live out a solitary life? No one wants to shake hands with Epstein's pal. No charity wants to be represented by Epstein's pal. Consequences.
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Andrew is reviled and despised because he refuses to accept responsibility for his unwise choices. He has no remorse for choosing "sleazy e & co" over his family and his country. It's not complicated.
I have drafts of future content about the York's. Surmise it to say, Andrew and Sarah are just not bright people. What's worse is they are selfish and refuse to step out of the limelight to give their daughters & grandkids a fresh start.
Unfortunately, like The Meghans, Eugenie was willing to exploit the identities of other people's children while concealing the face of her own child with stickers.
Ultimately Eugenie used the Jubilee to change course. She finally held up the child to show his face. Cute child. What's not cute is the elitist mindset that "blue blood makes us extra special."
After visiting Davos, Eugenie was quick to parrot her elitist, WEF talking points. There was no critical thinking about the issue(s) (like, "hmm, my husband wears glasses"), just a regurgitation of elitist talking points.
No one wants to see Andrew on Easter Sunday or for that matter at any other holiday. Seeing him jolly on parade is a slap in the face to all who had a deep affection for Queen Elizabeth's virtues and basic human decency. It's past time for him to retire from public life.
Rolling up to Easter service as though the York's are respectable members of society who serve Jesus Christ is absolutely shameful.
Not because of a liar named Virginia and her fake photo, but because of Andrew's REAL Central Park, NYC photos and the video footage of Andrew coming and going from Epstein's NYC home. Not to mention their big Epstein dinner with guests like Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos and Woody Allen---- to name just a few.
Andrew used tax payer's money to travel in support of Jeffrey Epstein upon his release from prison.
A man who was convicted of sexually assaulting under age girls served about 12 months in prison and upon release he threw a NYC party for his royal pal Andrew! The Palace was "too honorable" to reply, "No thank you. Have a nice life." Andrew seems too self centered to concern himself with the commandments to "avoid even the appearance of evil" and to "honor" his mother & father's legacies.
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runningforthemills · 2 years
Things/answers i'm hoping to see if we get a new season
Max :
- Max has to find out about Clance's baby. But when? Before it's born, or after? Will she decide to come back to help her friend and lose everything she's worked so hard to get? Will Guy come back?
- I know that Esther and Max are supposed to become a double pitcher feature or something but there's no way this isn't going to create jealousy. Even more complicated if they're together. I'm expecting a great beginning and then things just going South.
 - I want to see every single friend of Uncle Bertie. That's it, that's the story.
 - How will Max and Carson keep in touch? Now that they're going to be in different places, we need other ways to tie the two stories together. I would love to see them play against each other but I don't think that would be allowed (a mixed game of a professional team and exhibit one ? Not sure how that would happen).
 Carson and the Peaches:
 - Obviously, I want to know what happens with Charlie and Carson. Did he actually see her and Greta kiss (the angle was weird)? Did he just hear Carson say she wouldn't come back? And what about that part where he said he was just "hanging out" in Dublin but we saw him in a hospital? Is he sick and dying? Is that why he came back? Would Carson be able to leave him if he's sick? My hope is for a polite divorce but i'm not too optimistic about it. You could think that he'd just want her to be happy because he loves her so much, but the fact that he lied about the letter is a bad sign. Also, Carson, honey, you gave him all of your money. Please get it back before leaving him.
 - The Peaches return, after an eventful off-season. I'm guessing it wouldn't be realistic to have the exact same team as last season. Hopefully the fan favourites are still there, but i think it'd be nice to introduce new girls. They could for example cause mayhem, even be antagonists? Since now almost all of the Peaches know about them gays, it would be too comfortable if they kept it that way. It would suit me, but from a storytelling point of view, we need to have stakes. Or maybe one of the newbies could flirt with Carson nonstop hehe.
 - New room arrangements! Carson and Greta wouldn't be put together because that's too easy. Maybe one of them could room with a new girl.
 - Now this is just for my hurt/comfort loving ass, but i want Carson or Greta to get hurt in a game and have the other one take care of her. Don't look at me.
 - Who's going to say "I love you" first? My money's on Carson, since she already said it to Max and she's much less guarded than Greta. But Greta letting herself fall for the first time since Dana? That's special. I would cry, actually. If Carson's the one to say it first, it'll probably just slip during a particularly soft moment. If Greta's the one to say it first, i can see it slip during an argument about Carson not being cautious enough and Greta being scared for her.
 - Moms. Let me explain: we need to know why Carson's mom left. Maybe meet her? BUT I'm also intrigued by Greta's mom. Greta doesn't want her mom to know where she is, but Joe doesn't seem to think it's that big of a deal. And Greta said that when they caught Dana and her, she was fine. So... Is her mom cool? Why is she hiding from her? We could meet her too. I'm imagining her descending from her helicopter in the middle of a party, Cher-in-Mamma-Mia-2 style. We won't meet both, though, but a battle of the moms WOULD be hilarious.
 - Will Carson still be coach? My guess is that with the success they had last season, they'll probably get a new coach. Hopefully this one doesn't suck ass.
 - I need the Peaches to go play a game in Idaho, near Carson's farm- uh, her house, and we could see her sister and dad and they probably still wouldn't be impressed but a Peach or all the Peaches could get angry at how they're treating Carson and let them know how amazing Carson is. Bonus points if Beverly's the one doing it.
 - The competition between Greta and Joey must have an impact on their friendship. Maybe they get very close to breaking but something brings them back together?
 - WE NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT MAYBELLE. How many children does she have? Is she divorced?
 - Please please give Shirley a boyfriend it would be so fucking hilarious to watch her navigate the "energy" and the "eye-contact".
 - What exactly is going on with Lupe and Jess? Suspeachious.
 - Esti learned more English (mostly cursewords because Jess taught her) during the off season and now she won't shut up. And, when she arrives back to the house, she’s delighted to hear a few of the Peaches greet her in clumsy Spanish. They’ve been trying to learn the basics during the off-season to surprise her. Also how did she end up there? What's her story? I want to know!!!
 - Celebrate Esti's 18th birthday this time!!! Don't let her celebrate alone!!
Those were my thoughts, thank you for coming to my TED talk :)
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homomenhommes · 8 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more 
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1307 – On this date - Friday, October 13, (a date sometimes linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition) the French king Philip IV ordered all French Knights Templar to be arrested. The Templars were charged with numerous heresies and tortured to extract false confessions of blasphemy. The trials were based on these confessions, despite having been obtained under duress. After more bullying from Philip, Pope Clement then issued a Papal Bull on November 22, 1307, which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets.
Brian Lacey, in his book Terrible Queer Creatures: Homosexuality In Irish History writes about how accusations of same sex male relations were used as a weapon in the purging of the Order of the Knights Templar.
The first known homosexual purge in Ireland concerned the Order of Knights Templar, which had been established in Ireland in the 1170s under the auspices of the English King Henry II. The respect for same-sex male relationships, characteristic of the pre-Christian era in Ireland and which carried over well into the Christian epoch, waned as the power of the Catholic Church grew.
The Irish purge was preceeded by the French purge, which had its origins in the desire of the impoverished 14th century French King Philip le Bel (the Fair) to get his hands on the Templars' wealth. Philip had engineered the election of the bishop of Bordeaux to become Pope Clement V on condition that he put an end to the Templars, and Clement duly set up an inquisition in which allegations of homosexuality against the knights were in the foreground. "They were said to have included homosexual acts in their private rituals and to have insisted on sexual intercourse with new recruits," Lacey wrote. "It is an indication of the negative feelings against homosexuality in that period that this could be made as one of the principal charges against such a powerful institution."
The homosexual English King Edward II was ordered by Pope Clement and pressured by the French monarch to seize the Templars' extensive holdings in Ireland, and the Irish Knights Templar were arrested en masse in February 1308. The inquisition opened its trial of the Irish Templars in January 1310 at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. While only a few of the Knights confessed to the charges of sodomy, the order was abolished and much of its property expropriated.
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1948 – Alan Bray (d.2001) was a British historian and gay rights activist. He was a Roman Catholic and had a particular interest in Christianity's relationship to homosexuality.
Bray was born in Hunslet, Leeds, to a working-class family. His mother died when he was 12, an event that profoundly affected his relationships. He attended secondary school in Leeds, where he met his lifelong partner Graham Wilson. He attended Bangor University and spent a year at an Anglican seminary before beginning a career in civil service.
He became involved with the Gay Liberation Front in the 1970s and actively campaigned for gay rights. His interest in sexual politics influenced his work on history, which culminated in two books: Homosexuality in Renaissance England (1982) and The Friend (2002). The second book, The Friend, was published posthumously.
His book, Homosexuality In Renaissance England, first published in 1982 and still in print, is a classic of meticulous research and independent thinking on the origins of the modern gay identity. It shows how sodomy was regarded in Elizabethan cosmology as a sinful desire to which all men were potentially subject, but that homosexual activity was widely tolerated and had not then come to signify the deviant psychological type it later became.
His final project, The Friend, explores same sex kinship ceremonies and unions that permeated the culture of pre-modern societies. A particular focus is on joint tombs inscribed with declarations of love - the most illustrious being the grave of Cardinal Newman. It was while discovering these burial sites that Alan realised his research was also a personal act of remembrance and mourning for friends lost to Aids.
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1981 – (Kelechukwu) Kele Okereke is an English musician, best known as the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of the indie rock band Bloc Party.
In March 2010 Okereke came out as gay in a Butt magazine article, and he then gave an interview and appeared on the front cover of the June 2010 issue of Attitude magazine. Previously he had been reluctant to discuss his sexuality, though he had compared himself to famous bisexuals Brian Molko and David Bowie, as well as Morrissey. He also discussed the homoerotic story behind the Bloc Party song "I Still Remember" and the semi-autobiographical nature of it. In June 2010 Okereke was named as the Sexiest Out Gay Male Artist by music website LP33 in its annual survey.
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1982 – Ian Thorpe is an Australian swimmer who specialises in freestyle, but also competes in backstroke and the individual medley. He has won five Olympic gold medals, the most won by any Australian, and with three gold and two silver medals, was the most successful athlete at the 2000 Summer Olympics. At the 2001 World Aquatics Championships, he became the first person to win six gold medals in one World Championship. In total, Thorpe has won eleven World Championship golds, the third-highest number of any swimmer. Thorpe was the first person to have been named Swimming World Swimmer of the Year four times, and was the Australian swimmer of the year from 1999 to 2003. His athletic achievements made him one of Australia's most popular athletes, and he was recognised as the Young Australian of the Year in 2000.
Born in Sydney, Thorpe grew up in the suburb of Milperra and hailed from a sporting family. His father Ken was a promising cricketer at junior level. Thorpe's mother Margaret played A-grade netball.
Thorpe's success has often led to allegations that he had used banned performance-enhancing steroids. In 2000, prior to the Olympics, the head coach and captain of Germany's swimming team accused Thorpe of cheating. They asserted that his physical attributes were symptomatic of steroid use and that his ability to exceed prior records believed to be drug-fuelled made his feats worthy of suspicion. In 2007, the French sports newspaper L'Équipe claimed that Thorpe showed "abnormal levels" of two banned substances in a doping test. Thorpe denied the charges and the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) later confirmed that they had investigated Thorpe in the past, for abnormal levels of testosterone and luteinising hormone (LH), but had dismissed the result. FINA dropped its investigation and closed the case.
Thorpe has himself been prominent in the campaign against drug use. He has called for the introduction of blood testing, promised to surrender a frozen sample for retrospective testing and repeatedly criticised FINA for drug-testing procedures that he regards as inadequate.
After years of denial, whilst being interviewed by Michael Parkinson in 2014 Thorpe came out as being gay. In the interview, Thorpe stated “I’m comfortable saying I'm a gay man. And I don't want people to feel the same way I did. You can grow up, you can be comfortable and you can be gay." He added "I am telling the world that I am gay … and I hope this makes it easier for others now, and even if you've held it in for years, it feels easier to get it out."
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1990 – South Africa: The first Pride parade on the African content takes place in Johannesburg. Eight hundred people attend. It is organized by the Gay and Lesbian Organization of the Witwatersrand (GLOW) which was launched by gay anti-apartheid activist Simon Nkoli in 1988.  He said, "I cannot be free as a Black man if I cannot be free as a gay man." He died of AIDS in 1998 in Johannesburg.
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2006 – In New York City, Michael Sandy  (1977 – 2006), the gay African American man from Brooklyn who was beaten and then chased into the path of a speeding car on the evening of Sunday, October 8th, dies on this day after his family instructed doctors to take him off life-support. Sandy, who turned 29 on Oct. 12th, had been in a coma, never to regain consciousness, and diagnosed brain dead since the attack. The three Brooklyn men who were charged with hate crimes in the attack on Sandy – John Fox, 19, Ilya Shurov, 20, and Gary Timmins, 16 – were charged with assault and robbery as hate crimes. On this day, NY police announced that the charges would be upgraded to include murder.
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2009 – Uganda introduce Anti-Homosexuality Bill
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 2 months
So I'm traveling to Ireland for the first time ever later this year, was wondering if you could give me suggestions of any particularly gay things to do in Dublin while I'm there?
tbh there's not a ton, we mainly just have a few gay bars.
There's The George, Street 66, and Panti Bar. I think Love Tempo is technically sort of a gay bar? IDK it's new. They have slightly different vibes depending on what you want. Every Saturday there's a club night called Mother, it's probably the biggest gay club and mostly plays techno-ish music.
That's really the main gay stuff in Dublin tbh. Depending on where you're here exactly there are more periodic events that happen.
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A page in issue #9 of Gay Community News (1988) detailing Halloween events, with the main attraction of course being the Annual Halloween Ball hosted by the former staff of Flikkers Dance Club of the Hirschfeld Centre. The 6th iteration of the legendary ball would be held at the Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Dublin 2.
If you're searching for costume inspiration this year, look to the photos from these incredible balls - my favourite image is of a man dressed as a gin and tonic, complete with bubbles and a lemon wedge!
Happy Halloween!
More info here: https://archive.gcn.ie/spotlight/sin-and-sleaze-at-halloween
Publication: Gay Community News
Date: October 1988
Issue Number 9
Copyright © GCN.
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hello-god-its-me-sara · 8 months
"EVICTION (Ireland, 1998). Historical short film written, produced and directed by Tom Waller. Based on the short story "Wildgoose Lodge" by William Carelton, a nineteenth century tale of terror based on an actual event - first published in 1830 under the name "Confessions of a Reformed Ribbonman". Re-set during the Irish Famine in 1847 and filmed in Co. Tipperary, Ireland in 1998. Shot on 35mm Fujifilm in Panavision 2.35:1 by Chinese/Malaysian DoP Teoh Gay Hian.
Starring Denys Hawthorne (IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER), Rupert Vansittart (BRAVEHEART) and Cillian Murphy (INCEPTION). Edited by Eddie Hamilton, Original Score by Mark Jensen. Selected for the Dublin International Film Festival in 1999. (c) De Warrenne Pictures Ltd."
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asa-m-holland · 9 months
A S A . H O L L A N D
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FULL NAME: Asa Michael Holland HOMETOWN: Swords, Ireland DOB: October 24, 1978 AGE: 45 GENDER: Cis Man PRONOUNS: He/Him OCCUPATION: Head Librarian SEXUALITY: Gay HEIGHT: 5'7"
Full bio under the cut! Please read trigger warnings before proceeding!
TW // Medical malpractice, homophobia, abuse
Asa grew up in a small family home in a town on the outskirts of Dublin. Both parents were devoutly Catholic and the whole family walked to church multiple times a week. He worked summers helping clean up the little church-house in the valley and his father often pawned him off to ‘learn a hard day’s work’ at various places in town. Despite his father having plenty of money and working at a bank in the city, Asa was often treated like he had to provide for his family as well. He wanted to spend time with his siblings but it often fell on him to get a job first, get his sisters to school. There was immense pressure from his family at all times to be the model son.
He had always been introverted but starting in high school, he started to rebel, getting angry at his parents and lashing out at them. His father had just started a very high-profile job in the government and his 13 year old son was the least of his issues. Eventually, Asa was sent away to a home for ‘troubled teens’ and was essentially beaten into submission by orderlies and people who did not care about his wellbeing or his mental stability. He was treated like a problem, like an inmate in a prison at the age of 14 and was kept there for years due to his father’s negligence and lies. Saying after Asa came back for a short time once that he was still ‘acting up’. That they had failed and he would expose them if they didn't forge documents to send Asa off to a mental institution.
Through it all, Asa was manipulated into thinking he was the problem. That he had done so much wrong that he was being punished, and would continue to be for the rest of his life- tormented by the Devil. Because of his father's lies, he was in and out of a few psychiatric facilities, given experimental medical treatments, and treated as insane. His father was a constant terrifying presence in his life, always finding a new place to send him off to in Ireland, Wales, and London.
Asa changed the course of his fate when he fled to the U.S. After stealing his father's money, he began to formulate a court case to close down the corrupt most recent institute he had been stuck in - St. Irene's in London, that had given him permanent head trauma from the misuse of ECT. Using meticulous planning and organizing, Asa was able to craft a perfect court case to take down the mental institution, put the doctors in charge behind bars, and win a huge settlement of money.
All the while he worked for a sweet little old lady who ran a large library in Ashmore. He'd been taken in to organize- a quiet and sometimes (unintentionally) unsettling man who had trouble finding any sort of job, given some grace. As she prepared to retire, she let Asa take more control of the library, going from just putting books away to planning library events, running the social media, handling all computer systems, and talking to customers.
Now Asa is the Head Librarian at Ashmore. A weird little man covered in tattoos who some find a little offputting and others weirdly charming. Asa cares about his employees and cares about his job-he's an artist in his free time and has a little historical home in Old Ashmore where he takes care of 5 cats.
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friendsonfridays2 · 8 months
Who we are
We are friends on Fridays, we aim to create a trendy young social group for the girls, the theys, and the gays of Dublin. Every Friday we host events to help meet new fun and exciting people. Expect unique events every week including, karaoke, cocktail making and wholesome events from time to time.
Dublin is a hard city to meet new people in and we want everyone to be living their best life in this vibrant city so lets get socialising!
slay besties x
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coochiequeens · 10 months
I already posted one story about Irish citizens and foreign surrogacy
Now there will be a conference to help gay men exploit more women
Ahead of the Growing Families conference on September 16, which will explore the current situation of surrogacy and egg donations for parents in Ireland, the organisation’s Global Expert on Surrogacy, Sam Everingham, discusses what attendees can expect from the event.
Mark Davidson and his partner Damian’s journey to parenthood began at a Growing Families conference back in 2016. They connected with a Californian agency in LA and by August 2016 were matched with a US surrogate. A month later, they completed their IVF and transferred their first embryo in February 2017. It worked.
Fast forward four years and they engaged in a second journey. With less available funds, this time they switched to Canada, and worked with the country’s largest agency. Within just six months, in April 2022, they were matched with yoga teacher Meghan Kolodka from Sun Peaks, British Colombia, a first-time surrogate who loved their video profile.
With their remaining embryos still in California, Meghan agreed to travel to San Diego for embryo transfer. With young children of her own, Meghan had committed to no more than two transfers, so the pressure was on.
Again they were lucky. A month after Meghan’s first embryo transfer in September 2022, it was clear there was a growing baby. In early July this year, they welcomed a son Hudson.
With experience of both the US and Canada, Mark will share what he and Damian learned at Growing Families Dublin conference on September 16, 2023. But it’s not all about us as parents. Their surrogate Meghan, along with three others (two from Ireland) will also share what they look for in intended parents.
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Tracy Horan is a Dublin-based solicitor who has been assisting gay Irish singles and couples to navigate surrogacy for 15 years. In those early days, India was a popular destination, then Thailand. When both these closed, Tracy noticed an increased interest in the well-regulated destinations of Canada and the US. Closer to home, another – unregulated – destination, Northern Cyprus has more recently become popular with many of her gay clients.
“We have had many many babies born over there,” she says. “The system is really working. In regard to legal support, it’s a well-oiled machine”.
Legal advice remains essential says Tracy, “Particularly if you are thinking of going to a country that is not one of the very well-known ones”.
“Every journey is different. There is always some kink. We are dealing with babies, humans and biology. You don’t know what’s going to happen.”
A lot turns on the attitude of the intended parents, how positive they are,” Tracy advises. “You have to be relaxed about it and prepared for the knocks if they come.”
Tracy will also be speaking on September 16. With Ireland about to legislate for domestic surrogacy, the event will also give airtime to how these arrangements work in practice.
Tracy predicts domestic surrogacy is going to be hugely popular. “I’ve done a number of domestic surrogacy cases in Ireland already, so it’s not a new thing, it has been going on.”
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In regard to Ireland’s new legally sanctioned domestic surrogacy model, Tracy just hopes that professional screening protocols are introduced.
“Vetting of surrogates, making sure they’re looked after, making sure they’re psychologically prepared to carry a baby.
“What I would hate to see is…a situation where anybody could become a surrogate. You just don’t know how these people are going to react. In other countries (eg the US) there’s a protocol before you become a surrogate. I would hope that we have something similar in Ireland.”
In relation to international surrogacy, Tracy thinks the recommendations from the Oireachtas Committee are likely to be adopted by government, but there remain many questions.
“I would hope that the legislation will allow intended parents a structure that is easier…and faster for them to get declaration of parentage, particularly for the mother”.
At the Growing Families surrogacy and egg donation conference in September, a Senator from the recent Oireachtas Committee will share her perspectives on the Committee’s recent recommendations and how they may play out.
There is talk that the changes may come into effect quite suddenly. Tracy predicts that October or November this year is the likely timing.
Meanwhile, the event on September 16 is a unique chance to not only meet professionals offering well-regulated programs but to hear from parents who have recently created families in Canada, the US, North Cyprus and Argentina as well as the surrogates who helped them.
In a fast-changing environment, this is a must-attend event to learn about the reality of both domestic and offshore donor and surrogacy options to build a family.
Tickets for the Growing Families surrogacy and egg donation conference are just €30 which includes lunch, afternoon tea and networking drinks. Check out the full program and tickets here
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dan6085 · 1 year
Top 20 largest street parties that are well-documented:
1. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - This annual event is one of the world's largest street parties, attracting millions of visitors each year. It features samba parades, colorful costumes, and lively music and dancing.
2. Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany - This annual beer festival is one of the world's largest street parties, with over 6 million visitors each year. It features traditional Bavarian music, food, and of course, beer.
3. Mardi Gras in New Orleans, USA - This annual event is a celebration of music, food, and culture, attracting over a million visitors each year. It features elaborate parades, colorful costumes, and plenty of food and drink.
4. La Tomatina in Buñol, Spain - This annual tomato-throwing festival attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. Participants throw tomatoes at each other in the streets, creating a massive tomato fight.
5. Notting Hill Carnival in London, UK - This annual event is the largest street party in the UK, attracting over a million visitors each year. It features Caribbean music, food, and dancing, with colorful costumes and elaborate floats.
6. Holi in India - This annual festival is a celebration of love and color, with participants throwing brightly colored powder at each other in the streets. It is celebrated all over India and is one of the country's most popular festivals.
7. Festa della Sensa in Venice, Italy - This annual event is a celebration of Venice's maritime history, featuring a boat parade and other nautical-themed activities.
8. Dia de los Muertos in Mexico - This annual festival is a celebration of life and death, with participants dressing up in colorful costumes and painting their faces to honor their ancestors.
9. Chinese New Year in China - This annual festival is one of the world's largest street parties, with over 1 billion people celebrating across China. It features dragon and lion dances, fireworks, and plenty of food and drink.
10. Edinburgh Hogmanay in Scotland - This annual New Year's Eve celebration is the largest street party in Scotland, featuring music, fireworks, and other festivities.
11. Saint Patrick's Day in Dublin, Ireland - This annual festival is a celebration of all things Irish, attracting visitors from all over the world. It features parades, music, and plenty of green beer.
12. Songkran in Thailand - This annual festival is a celebration of the Thai New Year, with participants throwing water at each other in the streets to wash away the past year's sins.
13. Fiestas de San Fermín in Pamplona, Spain - This annual event is best known for the running of the bulls, where participants run alongside the bulls in the streets of Pamplona.
14. Cariwest in Edmonton, Canada - This annual festival is a celebration of Caribbean culture, featuring music, food, and dancing in the streets.
15. Saint Lucia Jazz Festival in Saint Lucia - This annual festival is a celebration of jazz music, attracting visitors from all over the world. It features concerts, workshops, and other jazz-related activities.
16. Gay Pride Parade in Sao Paulo, Brazil - This annual event is one of the largest gay pride parades in the world, attracting millions of visitors each year.
17. Yi Peng in Chiang Mai, Thailand - This annual festival is a celebration of the Thai Lantern Festival, with participants releasing thousands of lanterns into the sky.
18. Boryeong Mud Festival in South Korea - This annual festival is a celebration of mud, with participants slathering themselves in mud and taking part in mud-related activities.
19. Glastonbury Festival in the UK - This annual music festival is one of the largest in the world, attracting over 200,000 visitors each year.
20. Burning Man in Nevada, USA - This annual festival is a celebration of art, music, and self-expression, with participants creating a temporary city in the Nevada desert.
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kittykatinabag · 1 year
Something I've noticed tonight when I went out to a "queer" St Patrick's Day eve event here in Ireland:
Queer spaces and people are still spectacles here.
Sure there were plenty of queer-coding folks out tonight (honestly most of the visibly queer people were gay men but whatever). But there were so so so many more hetero people. And Ireland, especially Dublin, is a small place. My friends who I went with who have local connections saw so many people they knew. To the point where my friend's boyfriend who was doing some gender fuckery (and slaying it btw) felt unsafe because he kept seeing people he knew and went home early to quell his anxiety/keep his social standing in tact.
Which is fucked. I know most of the young people don't care/are queer/are supportive but the fact that networks are so intertwined here that an offhand mention might reach the wrong ears is decently terrifying.
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trve · 2 years
While I think you should try and take the safest option - if you end up deciding to just kip in Dublin after the event, Gay Spar (the one next to the George) is open 24/7 and u can just grab some food and a table, bring a phone charger or book or something and wait it out for a few hours til trains are running again. Better than slumming it in an alleyway!! But keep yourself safe pls 🫡
ooh thanks for the advice, i forgot gay spar existed lol
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contactsanta570 · 2 years
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asa-m-holland · 7 months
A S A . H O L L A N D
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FULL NAME: Asa Michael Holland HOMETOWN: Swords, Ireland DOB: October 24, 1978 AGE: 45 GENDER: Cis Man PRONOUNS: He/Him OCCUPATION: Head Librarian SEXUALITY: Gay HEIGHT: 5'7" TIME IN ASHMORE: 5 years
Full bio under the cut! Please read trigger warnings before proceeding!
TW // Medical malpractice, homophobia, abuse
Asa grew up in a small family home in a town on the outskirts of Dublin. Both parents were devoutly Catholic and the whole family walked to church multiple times a week. He worked summers helping clean up the little church-house in the valley and his father often pawned him off to ‘learn a hard day’s work’ at various places in town. Despite his father having plenty of money and working at a bank in the city, Asa was often treated like he had to provide for his family as well. He wanted to spend time with his siblings but it often fell on him to get a job first, get his sisters to school. There was immense pressure from his family at all times to be the model son.
He had always been introverted but starting in high school, he started to rebel, getting angry at his parents and lashing out at them. His father had just started a very high-profile job in the government and his 13 year old son was the least of his issues. Eventually, Asa was sent away to a home for ‘troubled teens’ and was essentially beaten into submission by orderlies and people who did not care about his wellbeing or his mental stability. He was treated like a problem, like an inmate in a prison at the age of 14 and was kept there for years due to his father’s negligence and lies. Saying after Asa came back for a short time once that he was still ‘acting up’. That they had failed and he would expose them if they didn't forge documents to send Asa off to a mental institution.
Through it all, Asa was manipulated into thinking he was the problem. That he had done so much wrong that he was being punished, and would continue to be for the rest of his life- tormented by the Devil. Because of his father's lies, he was in and out of a few psychiatric facilities, given experimental medical treatments, and treated as insane. His father was a constant terrifying presence in his life, always finding a new place to send him off to in Ireland, Wales, and London.
Asa changed the course of his fate when he fled to the U.S. After stealing his father's money, he began to formulate a court case to close down the corrupt most recent institute he had been stuck in - St. Irene's in London, that had given him permanent head trauma from the misuse of ECT. Using meticulous planning and organizing, Asa was able to craft a perfect court case to take down the mental institution, put the doctors in charge behind bars, and win a huge settlement of money.
All the while he worked for a sweet little old lady who ran a large library in Ashmore. He'd been taken in to organize- a quiet and sometimes (unintentionally) unsettling man who had trouble finding any sort of job, given some grace. As she prepared to retire, she let Asa take more control of the library, going from just putting books away to planning library events, running the social media, handling all computer systems, and talking to customers.
Now Asa is the Head Librarian at Ashmore. A weird little man covered in tattoos who some find a little offputting and others weirdly charming. Asa cares about his employees and cares about his job-he's an artist in his free time and has a little historical home in Old Ashmore where he takes care of 5 cats.
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growingfamiliess · 3 years
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Parents who have engaged in surrogacy in the US, UK, Canada, and Ukraine will talk about their experiences, the highs and lows and tips for those on the journey or considering surrogacy. Molly Tierney (mum via US/Canada), Neil McDonagh (dad via UK) Sinead Gallagher Hedderman (mum via Ukraine) Jason Kenny (dad via Canada) Book your tickets here: https://www.growingfamilies.org/surrogacy-donor-seminar-dublin/
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