#Duncan Idaho behaviour
the-gom-jabbar · 7 months
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1K notes · View notes
alexagirlie · 3 months
At the Touch of You
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A/N: This is one of the absolute favourite fics I've written for the Duneverse. Just 8.4k of Paul having orgasms lol. Header by me, divider by @cafekitsune
Fandom: Dune
Pairing: Paul Atreides x Duncan Idaho. Paul Atreides x Others
Rating: E
Wordcount: 8.4k
Summary: Paul attends a spice orgy at Sietch Tabr. He has much to learn.
CWs: Smut. Lots and lots of smut. Orgies. Spice use. Drug use (spice). Oral sex. Blow Jobs. Cunnilingus. Anal Fingering. Anal Sex. Rough Sex. Group Sex. Voyeurism. Pinning. Possessive Thoughts. Possessive Behaviour. Minor breathplay.
Taglist (pls let me know if you wish to be added/removed: @softhecreator @gatoenlaciudad @almostg
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Paul looks down at the small innocent looking vial in his hand, rolling it back and forth across his palm. It was made of glass and contained a thick clear liquid with just a glimmer of red-orange powder. Spice.
He had been given the vial a few minutes prior by a young woman. She had been shy but insistent that he take it. The young woman, who introduced herself as Jarameen, explained that the oil was used for religious and ritual practices. Either in the privacy of your own yali with your chosen partner or during group rituals. One such ritual was taking place in two nights time if he was interested in attending.
At that point Paul's face had been bright pink and burning hot. Spice orgies, she was referring to Spice orgies and was inviting Paul to attend. He couldn't look Jarameen in the eyes. She said a quick goodbye and took off towards the market, disappearing into the crowd.
He had read little regarding the Spice orgies prior to coming to Arrakis as the filmbooks did not have a lot of information on the practice. He knew it involved the ritual consumption of Spice and making an offering to the gods of the water of one's body.
Paul was desperate to learn as much of the Fremen culture as he could so decided that he would attend, if only to satisfy his curiousity. However under no circumstances would his Mother or Duncan ever find out.
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A few nights later finds Paul dressed in a loose pale coloured shirt and a simple pair of dark pants. He leaves his Yali and makes his way quietly through the winding tunnels and caverns of the sietch. He could hear the faint pounding of drums, the rhythmic sound getting louder as he got closer to the ritual chamber. It was situated deep within the sietch, passed where the living quarters were situated and the market. Paul figured it was so the noises from the ritual did not disturb others who were not in attendance.
When Paul arrives he sees a large crowd already gathered. Men and women of varying ages and states of undress. He tries not to stare too obviously at the naked flesh all around him but several bodies of particular attractiveness catch his attention as he makes his way into the room.
The chamber was crafted much the same way as the yali's, just on a much larger scale. The walls and ceiling were draped in moisture traps and decorative fabrics hiding the stone and hanging down creating little rooms and alcoves. These spaces were filled with cushions and the Fremens reclamation fabrics. Even water shared to honour the gods was reclaimed for use by the sietch.
Paul finds a spot on the outskirts, leaning back against the wall and settling in as the ceremony gets started. The beat of the drumming reaches a crescendo then stops, silencing ringing out as everyone falls quiet.
Paul watches with rapt attention as a man and woman step up onto a raised platform of rock in the middle of the chamber. They were scarcely dressed in loose translucent fabric, symbols drawing across their skin in dark ink. Face, hands, chest, it was unlike anything Paul had seen among the Fremen to this point. He made a mental note to ask Chani about the symbols the next time he saw her.
They raised their hands above their heads and tilted their heads to look up at the ceiling. They began speaking in harmony, a prayer in the Fremen tongue. Paul does not understand all the words but he understands enough to know that they are asking for the blessing of the gods, a blessing of Shai-Hulud. That they were offering a gift of their bodies water to honour the gods.
As they are speaking, an earthenware bowl is being passed around the room, from person to person. The bowl is large, and painted with a scene of the desert sunset and the Shai-Hulud moving through the dunes. Reds, Orange and Yellows. It was quite detailed and very beautiful.
Everyone participating in the ritual takes a sip of the thick liquid inside before handing it to the next in line. When the bowl reaches Paul he takes a moment to inspect the contents. The liquid is thick, almost the consistency of mud if Paul was to be honest and shimmered with the Spice contained within. Flakes of dried herbs floated across the surface.
He took a hesitant sip and the flavour burst across his tongue. There was the sharp tang of spice melange, burnt cinnamon and ginger. Comforting and strong. Paul also thought he could recognize the taste of clove and cardamom. He could not place the taste of the herbs but assumed they held significant ritual purpose since they were included in the mixture.
He let the flavour sit on his tongue another moment then swallowed thickly. The liquid slid down his throat with a strange warmth, a warmth that spread out through his body once it hit his stomach. It spread into his limbs, making them tingle and burn with sensitivity. The warmth centered on his groin and he could feel his cock begin to fill. It was achingly hard in seconds and pressed up against the fabric of his pants, leaking, the first small offering of water to the gods.
As the spice continues to work through Paul's body his head spins and he begins to sweat. The second small offering of water to honour the gods. His mind gets foggy and he has to close his eyes and take a few deep breaths to gather himself. When he opens them there is a woman standing in front of him, she smiles and Paul spots a flash of tongue as she licks her lips. It was the Priestess who was facilitating today's ritual.
"My name is Yasmin. May I assist you in getting undressed Usul?" She asked, waiting for his slow nod before reaching out to help him undo the top couple of buttons on his shirt. "The first time can be overwhelming, the Spice mixture will be potent. But I can assure you it will all be done with consent, you tell someone no and they will listen".
She gestures off to the side where a number of Fremen warriors stood on guard. They had not partaken of the ritual drug and were present to ensure all the rules were followed.
As she pulls it up over his head another set of hands come around from behind him and undoes his pants. Fingers pressed teasingly against the hardness found there. Paul's eyes fall shut and he lets his head fall back against the warm body behind him with a small moan. The feeling of a firm chest telling him it was another man. Opening his eyes he looks over and sees the face of the Priest. It seems the two work as a unit in all aspects.
Between the two they had him stripped down to nothing in just under a minute. The Priestess lowers herself to her knees at his feet, looking up at Paul through dark sooty lashes, her blue on blue eyes dark and heated.
"May we be your first full offering, Usul? May I take your water into myself as a vassal of the gods?"
Paul's body managed to find enough blood to flood his cheeks with red, arousal and embarrassment equal. He knew that sex was the point of this ritual but wasn't expecting to be asked so blatantly.
"I'm… I've never…" Paul couldn't quite get the words out, to bring himself to say out loud that he had never been touched by another before but the Priestess seems to understand.
She smiles up at him, "Then I would be doubly honoured Usul, to be your first".
Paul was not completely ignorant of what to expect next. He had snuck a few more explicit filmbooks and his imagination was vivid late at night when he would take himself in hand. Though in his heart of hearts he wished for the body touching his to be familiar, tall and broad and warm. A body he knew from sparring and companionship. A body he knew he would never be able to touch.
The first kiss of her mouth to his cock sent sparks up Paul's spine and made him weak in the knees. The only thing holding him was the strong grip of the Priest's arms around him. He was a solid, warm weight at Paul's back. Paul had a vice grip on the Priest's wrists as Paul was unsure what to do with his hands and hoped that was an okay place to leave them.
Yasmin's tongue snuck out from between her lips and just touched the tip of his cock, collecting the fluid gathered there before disappearing back into her mouth. He couldn't look away from her, as she let out a small hum of pleasure. It was as if the taste of him was everything she had imagined.
Paul's cock throbbed and they watched as it gave a visible twitch in the air. Yasmin's mouth twisted into a mischievous smirk before she leaned in again. Mouth open and wet, sinking down on his cock, inch by wonderful inch. Paul's brain whited out as her nose met his body and she sucked hard as she pulled back up to the tip of him.
Paul couldn't help the sounds he made, desperate and loud. Her mouth was hot and wet, sliding up and down his cock obscenely. Paul knew this would not last long, his orgasm was building fast, faster than it ever had when he was alone. He could feel her throat tighten around his cock and barely had enough restraint to not thrust, to not chase the sensation to his completion. He wanted this to last.
The arms around him tightened and Paul was pressed back into the body behind him. The feeling of the Priest's hard cock pushed along the crease of his ass only serving to push him closer to his end.
Paul felt a hot breath on the shell of his ear as the Priest spoke to him.
"Don't try and hold back Usul, let the pleasure sing through you and release it to the gods."
Paul felt warm calloused fingers travel up his stomach, chest, until one hand slid over his pectoral, taking a nipple between thumb and forefinger giving it a sharp pull. Paul's mouth falls open, keening as each pull sends a burning hot jolt of pleasure up his spine. The other hand joins the first, both nipples now being pinched and twisted leaving Paul a panting whining mess.
This was the last push and Paul was done for, coming with teeth clenched around a scream, his whole body tensed up and shivering through the release. Yasmin's mouth and throat worked steadily to draw in every drop, swallowing it down.
Paul didn't know this but several of the gathered people had stopped to observe the would-be messiah experiencing his first offering. Not just because of his pale skin and strange green eyes that captivated so many. But also because they were eager to see how the off world duke would take to one of their most sacred rituals. As it turns out, he took to it as if he were born to it. A truly perfect offering.
After the Priestess had finished sucking Paul's brain out through his cock she rose gracefully to her feet and took Paul's face between her palms. She slid her fingers up into his hair and used the hold to pull his mouth down to her in a kiss. It was closed-mouthed and chaste at first but she gently coached Paul into making it dirtier. Coaxing his lips open and his tongue out to play against her own.
Paul could taste the lingering saltiness of his spend mixed with the burnt cinnamon of Spice on her tongue. It was strangely intoxicating and Paul chased the flavour hungrily until it was gone from inside her mouth.
Yasmin pulled away with a laugh, placing a firm hand in the middle of Paul's chest when he made to follow.
"Go Usul, go and enjoy everything tonight has to offer".
Paul hesitated, shooting a glance over to the Priest, whom Paul could see was still hard. His cock was purple at the tip and leaking beads of pearlescent fluid in a steady stream. His mouth watered.
The Priest caught Paul's glance and was quick to assure Paul. "I appreciate the interest Usul, but I only share my water with one". His gaze locks onto Yasmin and Paul can see them share a smile full of love and adoration. He looked back at Paul, "Go, I'm sure plenty of others would love to show you all the pleasures the night has to offer".
With a smile of his own and a nod Paul did just that.
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By now the drug had kicked in at full force. His cock was hard again, his mind was foggy with arousal and Spice. He felt loose and relaxed and couldn't keep the large smile off his face. The Priest had been right and it did not take Paul long to find another that was willing to bring him to orgasm.
Paul floats from person to person, taking pleasure from whoever shows an interest. Men, women, he didn't care and found pleasure in both. They used their hands, their mouths, and one memorable moment where a handsome man had pulled Paul down into his lap. He used firm hands on Paul's waist to push and pull him against his body, hips gyrating, grinding down until Paul couldn't take it and splattered their stomachs with his release.
Paul had lost track of the number of partners he had that night but by the end his orgasms produced no more water. They left him spasming and making vocal high pitched whines, eyes wet with tears. Another small offering to the gods.
Paul doesn't remember the walk back to his Yali, but he awoke several hours later with a groan. His whole body ached, his balls in particular throbbed, and he was sticky with a mix of his and his various partners' release. He rolled onto his back and raised his arms above his head trying to stretch out the kinks. Back arching he groaned again when the door to his Yali opened, the large form of his swordmaster, Duncan Idaho, filled the doorway.
"Time to get up Paul, your mother is waiting for you".
With a jaw cracking yawn Paul rolled out of bed and to his feet, padding across the room to the reclamation chamber, needing to freshen up before getting dressed. He thought nothing of his state of undress, it wasn't anything Duncan hadn't seen before in the years as Paul's combat teacher. He did however miss the look Duncan gives him as he walks past. As Duncan takes in the sheen of dried cum on Paul's body and the faint finger shaped bruises along his hips.
If Paul had been paying attention he would have seen Duncan's face twist into a look of desire and jealousy. Eyes racking over his body with clenched fists. But he wasn't and by the time he had exited the reclamation chamber Duncan had wrestled his emotions back under control and nothing showed on his face.
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A few weeks later Paul receives the invitation to attend another Spice orgy. This time from the Priestess Yasmin herself, and he does not hesitate to agree to attend.
Paul had learned many things about the orgies since he attended the last. He learned that the herbs added to the Spice mixture were used to heighten sexual arousal allowing those that consumed it to reach their climax more often. There was also a contraceptive mixed in making the ritual safe from unplanned pregnancies.
He also learned that being selected to lead the ceremony was a huge honour. That Yasmin and her partner, Vishneer, had only just been elected to their positions before the last ritual. Each pair would lead the tribe through the ritual for one year then a new pair would be selected.
They painted their bodies with symbols reflecting their desires for the tribe in that year. Plentiful harvest, lots of children, courage in battle. Chani had thought the line of questions amusing but had not hesitated to answer them all until Paul was satisfied.
He couldn't wait for the night in question and a chance to learn even more.
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A week later finds Paul sneaking out of his Yali again, only this time he has acquired himself a shadow. A shadow in the form of his swordmaster.
Duncan is not a stupid man, he had put two and two together and determined that Paul's state that fateful morning had coincided with a Spice Orgy the night before. It would make sense that the Priestess and Priest would invite the possible Madhi and Paul, being the knowledge seeking young man he was would attend. And it would stand to reason that attendance would mean participation.
He knew Paul had never had the opportunity to explore his sexuality back on Caladan and did not blame him for trying things now. It didn't stop the surge of jealousy over the thought of others touching Paul but that was his problem, not Paul's.
His choice to follow Paul this time was simply so Duncan could keep an eye on him. To make sure no one was trying to take advantage of his Duke while he was high from the Spice and vulnerable. It had nothing to do with wanting to catch a glimpse of Paul undone, lost in pleasure, nothing at all. Duncan had gotten very good at lying to himself.
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As the ritual began Paul was determined to expand his experiences this time and learn how to give pleasure to his partners. Not just receive it as he had the last time. It was quick and easy to find someone willing to teach him what he was desperate to learn.
Soon Paul found himself on his knees, head between the thighs of a woman slightly older than himself. Her hands were in his hair, guiding his head, guiding his mouth over her core. She was so, so wet, his mouth and chin covered in it, a mix of saliva and her body's water.
She was giving him instructions, telling him what to do to make it good for her. When to rub his tongue across her clit or give it a hard suck. When to slide fingers into her, to curl them up towards her pelvis searching out the spot that makes her throw her head back on a moan. Makes her hips start to rock down against him.
Her fingers tightened in his hair to the point of pain and pulled a moan from Paul's mouth. The sensation traveling down his spine and lighting a fire in his groin. Cock throbbing between his legs, he couldn't help but to reach down with his unoccupied hand and grip tight around the base. Another moan escaping his mouth, this one echoed back to him from above.
His partner's hips began moving against his face more insistently and Paul intuited that she was approaching her climax. He doubled his efforts, fingers moving in her smoothly at just the angle she had instructed him. Sucking firming on the nub of nerves, a gentle application of teeth and her body went tense. Gasping, moaning sounds falling from her mouth and a flood of fluid spilled over his fingers and down his wrist. Her grip on his head not loosening for several minutes as she rides out her orgasm.
Once she releases him Paul leans back on his heels and wipes his clean hand over his mouth. Biting his lip he hesitates before asking the question he wanted to ask.
"Did I… did I do okay?"
His partner, Sahila lets out a breathless giggle and reaches out to run a gentle hand through Paul's hair. "Darling you were perfect".
A flood of warmth pools in Paul's gut at the words and his cock twitches where it sits still hard against his thigh.
"Would you like to continue being good for me, Usul? You said you wanted to learn how to give pleasure?" When Paul nods, she reaches out a slender arm and becomes over a man who had been hovering just out of Paul's line of sight. "Bakula. Come here my love".
The man who walked forward was massive, the largest Fremen Paul had ever seen. He was almost as tall as Duncan and he even looked a few inches broader in the shoulders. He carried himself like a warrior, even while nude.
Surprisingly it was only then that Paul noticed It. His cock. It was huge, much like Bakula himself and Paul felt a mixture of arousal and not a little amount of trepidation at the sight. As he got closer and Paul got a good look the arousal started to outweigh any other feeling he had. It was big, yes, long and thick, and the thought of getting his mouth on it made his head swim and his cock leak onto the ground.
Bakula stops at Sahila's side, taking her hand and bending down to lay a kiss across her fingers. "Yes Mistress?"
"Usul would like to learn how to give pleasure with his mouth, be a dear and lend us a hand"
She directs Bahula to take her place seated in front of Paul and then kneels down beside him. Her fingers find their way back into Paul's hair and with her voice in his ear she guides his head down.
It took a bit more work for Paul to get the hang of sucking cock, but he was soon able to get control over his gag reflex and take Bakula all the way into his throat. It was messy and made his head swim with lack of air and Paul loved every second of it.
After his crash course Sahila and Bakula sent Paul off to practice his new found skills. Over the course of the next several partners he showed how quick a learner he was. He was so focused on pleasing his partners his own need was left unfulfilled. Eventually Paul allows one of his partners to change the plan, offering to show Paul the potential of a good fuck.
Paul allows himself to be pulled away from the crowd and into a more secluded corner of the ritual chamber. Says his name is Rajani and he lays Paul out on his back and crawls between his spread thighs. The man uses his mouth and hands, first paying lavish attention to Paul's weeping cock before moving lower. Hands pushing Paul's legs up and out so he can place a wet open mouthed kiss to Paul's hole.
Paul's whole body spasms and he tries to push back against the sensation mindlessly. He is unsuccessful but it doesn't stop the trying. One of his hands flew up to his mouth to stifle the noises that tried to escape. It was wet and wonderful and as his body loosened up and relaxed around his tongue his partner slid a finger in beside. The finger was wet and from the tingling sensation Paul recognized the ritual oil from his own explorations of the substance on himself. One quickly became two then three, thrusting in and out of Paul's body stretching him open.
His cock was red and leaking against his stomach, twitching with each push when it happened. A twist of the wrist and those fingers brush up against his prostate and send him hurtling over the edge. His cock shooting spurts and spurts of cum across his chest and stomach.
It took several minutes for Paul's brain to restart. His partner waits patiently, Paul's legs wrapped around his waist and one hand is rubbing firmly up and down the length of Paul's thigh. His own hard cock a hot brand across Paul's skin, wet with oil.
"You alright to continue Usul?" He asks and Paul nods. The man spreads Paul's thighs out further and slots himself in between. Lining his cock up with one hand he pushes in, slow and steady until he bottoms out inside of Paul. Paul can't breathe. It feels so very fucking good. He thought the fingers felt amazing but this was even better and as his partner begins to thrust his cock is quick to fill with blood once again. Unbelievably fast, even with the help from the ritual drug.
Soon Rajani is thrusting in at a punishing pace, Paul moaning non stop. He doesn't see his next orgasm coming and within minutes he is once again shooting across his stomach. His mouth opens on a soundless scream as his prostate is milked through to the end before his partner slows down to a stop.
Rajani checks in again, getting consent to continue and so pulls out and manhandles Paul over onto his hands and knees, chest pressed to the ground. Paul's head swims with the rough handling, keening high in his throat.
He nodded frantically and pushed his hips back to meet Rajani's as he thrust back inside Paul. This angle was even better than before, each thrust hitting his prostate dead on, sending sparks of over sensitivity up Paul's spine. Strong hands gripped his hips and pulled him back hard onto the cock inside him, fucking him relentlessly. And Paul just takes it.
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Unknowingly to Paul, Duncan is watching him from the perimeter of the ritual chamber, taking steps to stay out of Paul's line of sight. He is seething with jealousy, growing stronger and stronger as Paul moves from partner to partner. The other men in particular, make his blood boil.
He had almost stepped in after getting a look at the first man Paul was presented with that night. He had been tall and thickly muscled, big enough to make Duncan second guess his chances in a fight. He had only relaxed after seeing the gentle way the man handled Paul, constantly checking before increasing his intensity. The woman with them a guiding hand, instructing Paul on how to please him with his mouth.
Duncan knows he has no right to feel this way, Paul wasn't his to covet and yet he couldn't stop himself. Couldn't stop himself from imagining walking forward, ripping the man who was now fucking Paul away and taking Paul for himself.
Duncan feels a flood of shame following his disrespectful thoughts and he forces himself to look away. Paul was not his, Paul would never be his and he needed to leave before he did something he would regret.
His feet did not move and his gaze found its way back to watch as Paul came for a third time. Watches the man fucking him reach around with one hand and jerk Paul off in time with his cock thrusting inside him. Can see Paul bite down on his own fingers to try and stifle the sounds coming out of his mouth. He failed, Duncan could hear them clear across the chamber. His cock throbbed. He finally steps back, turns his back on his view of Paul and heads back to his Yali.
If he shoves a hand down his pants as soon as the door is closed and spills over his fingers in a few short strokes to the image of Paul getting fucked then no one else needed to know.
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Paul enjoyed his second Spice orgy even more than he had his first. As he made his way back to his Yali he took stock of everything he had learned about himself that night. He learned that he liked to be given instructions, being told exactly what to do to bring his partners pleasure. Hands in his hair pulling tight until his eyes watered, the sting of teeth or nails in his skin. Of being held in place and used.
He also learned that while he was attracted to men and women he definitely preferred sex with men. Especially oral sex with men. The feeling of a hard cock sliding across his tongue and into his throat. Of being on his knees. The saltiness of cum.
It wasn't something he had ever thought he would like but the proof was in the constant hardness between his legs all night. And the mind blowing orgasms at the end.
As he was settling in bed his last thought was how much better it could be with a very specific partner.
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Paul did not expect how sore he would be the next day as he was getting ready for training. Today he was training with both Chani and Duncan and knew he was going to die by the end. He couldn't hide the limp and Chani proceeded to tease him mercilessly. Duncan was strangely quiet about the whole thing, which Paul thought odd, normally the big man would be the first to poke fun at Paul about anything
He shrugged it off, one of them teasing him was enough, and refocused back on his training.
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Paul begins taking lovers outside the orgies, experimenting with all sorts of acts and positions. His favourite encounter so far was with a man named Xand, who had Paul begging by the end with each thrust of his hips. Paul was on his knees, face down in the bed, his arms pulled behind his back, forearm to forearm and secured with a length of rope that had been as soft and smooth as silk. Xand had been using Paul tied arms as leverage, pulling Paul back onto his cock, driving it relentlessly into his prostate.
A litany of please, please, please falling from Paul's lips, getting louder and louder the closer he got to the edge. His eyes were wet with un-shed tears and all he could think about was spilling helplessly across the sheets. But he knew he wasn't allowed yet, hadn't been given permission.
Soon Paul lost the ability to form words, shapeless sounds spilling from his open panting mouth. He was so close, he just needed a little nudge to finally go hurtling over the edge. He was desperately holding on to that last little shred of his control, wanting to be good and not come before he was told he could. In the back of his mind he registers the heat of Xands body leaning over his back and a wash of warm breath hits the back of his neck.
"Go on then Usul, cum!" And Paul did, screaming and body shaking as his cock soaked the sheets below him. He lay there panting and spent as Xand pulled his cock from Paul's hole and finished himself off with a hand. Coating Paul's lower back in his cum.
Needless to say the vial of Spice oil he had been given needed replacing several times over.
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Paul's new found venture into casual sex was a little bit of a well kept secret. Well kept as in everyone knew but no one brought it up, especially around Lady Jessica or Duncan Idaho.
Jessica had awkwardly tried to bring up the situation, wanting to make sure Paul understood that a Fremen bastard should be avoided. When Paul mentioned that unless it was somehow possible for Paul himself to get pregnant, she really had nothing to worry about. She never brought it up again.
As for Duncan, every time he observed someone sneaking in or out of Paul quarters just made him more and more jealous. Each day it became harder to keep his distance, harder to remember why he couldn't, why he shouldn't.
It all came to a head one day when Duncan had entered Paul's yali to retrieve him for that day's training. He expected to find Paul running late but what he found was Paul on his knees. On his knees, hands clasped behind his back and a tall, broad Fremen man driving his cock down Paul's throat.
Duncan saw red and before he could stop himself he was striding forward to rip the man away from Paul with a growl. Ignoring both their protests he drags the man over the threshold of Paul's room and shoves him out. Closing the curtain in his face cutting off the sound of him cursing Duncan out.
Turning back into the room he plants a palm in the center of Paul's chest and gives him a firm shove backwards. Making Paul stumble back until he hits stone and Duncan is crowding him against the wall. Paul's breath escapes him in a gasp and Duncan doesn't even give him time to recover before leaning in and taking Paul's mouth in a possessive kiss. His tongue diving past Paul's lips and sliding against into his mouth.
Paul's hands reach up and grab two fistfuls of his shirt. For a second Duncan thought Paul was about to shove him away but he uses the grip to pull Duncan even closer. Hitching a leg up across the back of Duncan's thigh he grinds up against him, drawing a groan out of Duncan's mouth.
Upping the game Duncan picks Paul up and pins him against the wall, Paul's legs moving to wrap around his waist. He had one arm under Paul's ass holding his weight, the other was behind Paul's head. Equal parts protecting it from the hard stone and wanting to get his fingers into Paul's curls giving a tug and drawing the most delicious sounds from Paul's throat.
Duncan chases those sounds pressing their hips together causing Paul to throw his head back on a gasp of Duncan's name. Taking advantage of the newly presented skin Duncan begins laying biting kisses down the length of Paul's neck. He picks a spot just above Paul's collarbone and latches on, sucking and biting until the skin turns purple. He sucks several bruises into the skin above Paul's shirt collar, each one darker as Paul urges him on. Harder harder harder.
He slots a knee between Paul's legs, pressing it against the wall and using it to take Paul's weight so he can free the hand that was holding him up. He starts to unbutton Paul's shirt, mouth moving over the newly exposed skin. Latching onto a pink nipple once he gets enough of the shirt open. Paul's fingers tangle in his hair, pressing his mouth harder against his chest.
"Teeth, please Duncan use your teeth" Duncan grinned against Paul's chest before giving Paul what he asked for. This time.
Soon he has Paul so worked up he is grinding down against Duncan's thigh. He alternates between both nubs until they are red and puffy before removing his mouth. He moves both hands under Paul's ass, getting a firm handful of both cheeks before pulling Paul away from the wall. His weight felt like nothing in Duncan's hold.
He walks Paul across the Yali and tosses him on the bed. Duncan takes a quick minute to tie his long hair back before kneeling on the edge of the bed. Reaching out and grabbing Paul around the hips he manhandles him up the bed until his head rests on the cushions. Paul's hair is a riot of messy curls across the fabric.
Once Duncan has Paul where he wants him his hands move up under the edge of Paul's shirt, pushing it up his chest. Kneeling between Paul's spread thighs Duncan presses his lips to each inch of skin as he unveils it. He uses tongue and teeth, leaving little red marks across Paul's chest.
Paul was making the most delicious noises and Duncan thought he deserved a small reward. Pushing the shirt the rest of the way off his lips met Paul's. His hands moved up to Paul's shoulders, up his arms lifting them above Paul's head and pinning them down. Paul offers no resistance, in fact the move seems to excite him even further, his hips bucking up into Duncan's stomach.
Duncan pulls away from Paul's mouth with one more sweep of his tongue "Keep your hands here, can you do that my boy?"
He waits for Paul's breathy yes before trailing kisses down Paul's jaw and neck. Working his way down Paul's chest and stomach, by passing his nipples even with Paul arching into the touch of his mouth as he moves past.
Once he got down to the hem of Paul's pants he sat back up and took a moment to look at the young man under him. Paul was a vision, he had kept his arms above his head and Duncan could see the grip he had on the pillows. Hard enough for his knuckles to have turned white.
He was watching Duncan back with eyes that were heavy lidded and dark with desire. His gaze was appreciative, traveling down from Duncan's face, over his broad chest and finally down to his groin where his cock was tenting the front of his pants obscenely.
Duncan soaked up the attention, Paul's obvious attraction settling something inside him. He decided to tease Paul, just a little.
"Like what you see my boy?" Paul's eyes snapped back up to Duncan's face and he blushed. Duncan took pleasure from the knowledge that Paul's blush did in fact extend down his chest. Something he had wondered about the young man for a few years now.
That pink hue only darkened as Duncan pulled his own shirt over his head, the muscles in his shoulders and chest rippling. He then made quick work of Paul's pants and undergarments, eager to see Paul fully nude once again. This time up close and not from across a crowded chamber.
He was even more beautiful and Duncan made sure to take it all in. His long, long legs which framed Duncan's hips so perfectly. His cock was longer than Duncan thought, slender like Paul and was already leaking against Paul's stomach. Duncan's mouth watered and he wanted to get that cock in his mouth but he wasn't done torturing Paul yet.
Without breaking eye contact he leans down and places a gentle kiss on one sharp hip, then the other. Brushing his nose along the crease between groin and thigh, Paul's legs spreading wider in response but he keeps his hips on the bed. Duncan spared a brief thought towards whomever taught Paul how to behave so well but shoved the jealousy aside. Paul was under him now and he intended to keep him.
It's Paul who finally breaks eye contact as he throws his head back on a moan as Duncan continues the path of his mouth down the inside of Paul's thighs. Down to his knees, his calves even the soles of his feet before making his way back up. Back past Paul's twitching cock, a quick nip at one nipple pulling a whine from Paul's throat before he takes Paul's mouth once again.
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Paul had never felt so seen, so cherished by a partner and it made sense that the first time he was made to feel that way would be with Duncan. His oldest and most dear friend, the man he had been pining over since he was only 16 years old.
He opens his mouth to Duncan's tongue and utilizes all the tricks he had learned from his partners over the last few weeks. They spend several minutes kissing, Duncan's hands moving over Paul's body, his weight pressing Paul down into the bed. Things were heating up and Paul couldn't stay still any longer, his hips starting to grind up when Duncan pulled himself away.
Paul watches as Duncan gets up from the bed and with rough hands he spins Paul around and pulls him down until his head is hanging off the edge of the bed.
Duncan then moves to stand in front of Paul's face and starts unbuckling his belt, dropping it to the floor. Paul had a feeling he knew what was coming and was already dropping his mouth open and waited for Duncan cock.
This drew a chuckle from Duncan, "bit of a cock slut these days eh my boy?" Paul just opens his mouth wider and extends his tongue in response. He loved sucking cock and wasn't ashamed of the fact.
Paul watches as Duncan unbuttons his pants and pulls them down just enough to get his hard cock out before reaching out to grasp Paul's head between his large palms. Paul's cock leaked at the site, Duncan was huge, bigger even then Bakula.
Duncan adjusts the angle of Paul's head so his cock slides in nice and easy, right to the back of Paul's throat. Duncan pauses there and Paul moans as the salty taste of him explodes across his tongue.
Paul can tell that Duncan was struggling to stay in control, to not just start thrusting and he was having none of it. Reaching out he wraps both hands around the back of Duncan's muscular thighs and uses the hold to pull Duncan even deeper into his mouth. He fights his gag reflex and swallows around the thick length.
Duncan seems to get the hint and gives a few slow thrusts before pulling back so only the head of his cock was in Paul's mouth. "Pinch my thigh hard if you need me to stop”
It takes a couple of minutes for them to find a rhythm that worked for both of them but soon Duncan was sliding smoothly in and out of Paul's mouth. He loses track of time and just lets himself be used, floating in the pleasure he was feeling until he could no longer ignore his own arousal.
Paul was so hard, the feeling of Duncan's cock hitting the back of his throat over and over making him throb against his stomach. He removes one hand from Duncan's thigh and reaches down towards his cock, intending on getting a hand on himself to relieve some of the pressure.
Duncan was faster. He snatched Paul's wrist out of the air, "None of that my boy, you cum when I tell you, not a minute sooner". He places Paul hand back on its place gripping his thighs and begins picking up the pace.
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Duncan can feel himself getting close, Paul's mouth wet and warm and so open for him. But he doesn't want to cum like this, he wants to cum inside Paul, so he pulls his cock out of Paul's mouth, pausing to admire the saliva drooling out of the corners. The flush spread across his face and down his neck. His cock looked painful, leaking and red.
Next he helps Paul sit up, steadying him as he sways from the blood rushing out of his head. Duncan gets them resettled the correct way around in the bed. Paul's head back on the pillows and himself kneeling between Paul's legs. He runs his hands up Paul's smooth thighs, knee to groin, thumbs digging in until he can push Paul's legs up to his chest.
"Hold these up for me"
Paul was quick to obey hooking his knees over his elbows and holding them spread. Duncan groans at the site, Paul was deliciously flexible and he looks so good spread open for Duncan. His rim was pink and slick?
Duncan feels a growl rumbling up his throat and he reaches out to touch, thumb rubbing against Paul rim and coming away glistening with oil. "Did you let him fuck you Paul?"
He was sinking two fingers into Paul before he had even gotten a response, sliding all the way to the knuckles with no resistance. Paul moaned out a breathy yes, prompting Duncan to follow up with a hard bite to Paul's ass cheek. The little slut was going to get wrecked and never look at anyone else again.
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Paul loves the possessive move, the pain from Duncan's teeth making him jerk and keen. He isn't sure what comes over him next, all he knows is he wants more and so tells Duncan all the details from last night's partner. How the man had bent over for Paul, screaming his name. How thick his fingers felt as he slid them inside Paul, how his cock felt as he brought Paul to orgasm. How Paul was attempting to return the favour when Duncan had interrupted them. How good he tasted. Any piece of information Paul could think of to drive Duncan wild with jealousy.
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Duncan knows what Paul is doing but takes the bait anyway and sets out to wreck Paul. The two fingers he has in Paul's ass quickly work up to 4 before he finally gets his mouth of Paul's pretty cock. He sucks him in until it hits the back of his throat and then applies strong suction on his way back up. Greatly enjoying the sounds he is pulling from Paul's mouth as he sets up a quick pace, angling his fingers so it brushes against Paul's prostate every third or fourth thrust.
Soon he had Paul begging, "Duncan, Duncan please! Fuck me!" He was moving between Duncan's mouth and his fingers as best as the position allows and Duncan felt deeply satisfied at getting him so worked up. "Fuck I'm going to cum, please I can't!"
Duncan wasn't ready for Paul to get off and pulls his mouth and fingers away. "Where's your oil my boy" Paul releases one knee to blindly reach under the pillow pulling out the small glass vial.
Duncan gets the lid off and coats his fingers, sinking them in Paul's hole making sure he was adequately wet before smoothing the rest over his cock. Relishing the feeling of Paul's eyes on him as he strokes himself. Duncan can already tell this will not last as long as he wants, just the touch of his own hand pushing him close. The reality of finally having Paul is overwhelming.
It's time to give the young man what he wants and Duncan uses one hand to line his cock up with Paul's hole. With the other he encourages Paul to wrap his legs around his waist before he starts to push in. There was a moment of resistance, Duncan was quite large, then he slid past the first ring of muscles, Paul gripping him tightly. After that it was one easy slide to seat himself all the way inside his Duke.
Duncan has to pause here, Paul was gripping him like a vice and he did not want to cum so soon. Paul had his head thrown back, mouth hanging open panting while his hands were gripped so tight in the bed spread his knuckles had turned white. Duncan ran a hand up the outside of Paul's thigh and gripped him around the waist.
"You alright Paul?" He asked the younger man, thumb rubbing back and forth across the soft skin of his hip.
He watches as Paul opens his eyes, the green he was so familiar with almost completely swallowed by the black of his pupils. His voice had a strained breathless quality when he answered. "… please fuck me Duncan".
Who was he to deny his lord any longer. He set out to do just that. Both hands gripping onto Paul's waist he set up a punishing pace, using his grip to pull Paul back onto his cock with each thrust. Paul was letting out a continuous stream of moans and curses, getting louder and louder as Duncan adjusted his angle until he was nailing Paul's prostate on each pass.
At one point he reaches down and grabs one of Duncan big hands, removing it from his waist and bringing it up to his throat. Duncan groans deep in his chest and tightens his fingers ever so slightly over the pale column. It was enough to cut off Paul's airway just a bit but not so much he couldn't speak and soon he was begging Duncan to let him cum.
Duncan decided to finally have mercy on his boy and was quick to give him permission. He hadn't even gotten a hand on Paul cock before the younger man was spraying his stomach and chest with his release. Duncan found the sight of Paul cumming untouched so arousing that it only took another two, three thrusts before he was following Paul into oblivion. He barely had the presence of mind to fall to the side and not crush Paul under his weight.
They laid there side by side and breathless, their sweat being wicked away and absorbed for later use. As Duncan's breathing returns to normal Paul rolls into his side and props his chin on Duncan's chest. Duncan doesn't even need to open his eyes to know that Paul is staring intently at his face. He struggles to keep a grin off his face, it wouldn't do to seem too satisfied with himself.
"What is it my boy?"
"How long?"
Duncan cracked an eye open at the vague question "how long what?" He asked.
"How long could we have been doing this?" Paul broke eye contact for a moment before looking back at Duncan's face.
Duncan chuckled "I don't think I ever would have done anything if it wasn't for the Spice orgies… and all the lovers you had taken since" Without the driving force of his jealousy went unsaid.
Paul's eyes widened in surprise and he pushed himself up on an elbow so he looked down at Duncan "You knew about the Spice orgies?"
"Yes Paul I knew about the Spice orgies" Duncan answered as he reached out to tuck a curl behind Paul's ear "you were not being exactly subtle".
"Oh" That seemed to be the end of it and Paul laid his head back down on Duncan's chest, nuzzling in. Duncan felt himself drifting off to sleep when he felt Paul suddenly bolt upright.
"Wait, does my mother know about the Spice orgies?" Paul sounded so horrified that Duncan couldn't help but to break down howling with laughter. He was happier then he could remember being since before coming to Arrakis and it was good.
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Paul was dreaming. He saw the birth of his sister, Alia. Saw all she was destined to be and accomplish. He saw them retake Arrakeen with the help from the Fremen. He saw the fall of the Emperor and Paul's ascension to the throne. Duncan is a constant companion by his side, his strong right arm, his shield. He saw their wedding day, married in the traditional Caladan manner under the light of the twin moons, hands wrapped in ribbon the colour of the seas. He sees them grow old and in love and happy.
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cominy-kiwami · 2 years
dune messiah is the kind of book that warrants an instant re read. in the final sequence you get the sense that every question raised was answered, and then you want to go back through and see all the questions again with the added context of their answer.
it was incredibly focused, and it felt quite like dlc to the original book. a separate yet related story that recontextualizes the base work and is best consumed as a giver of perspective within the confines of that base work, rather than a continuation of it. and as a story that takes place chronologically farther than its base work, along with the constant theme that time does not matter in prescience, gives it a meta importance that is incredibly clever even if it wasnt intentional.
there are two interactions that have really caught my eye and been burned into it. the first is the one i posted about on my old blog, where paul asks korba if he sees himself as an apostle, which korba responds to by saying he has a clear conscience. the second is when alia is talking to hayt, and says "loyal, loyal duncan" to which hayt, having seen visions of disaster that coincide with reassuming his identity as duncan idaho, asks her not to call him that, and she says "but you are, and loyalty is a valued commodity."
these interactions both demonstrate very similar behaviour. they are about conflict of assumptions. and that is the theme that this book is completely saturated with.
hayt continuously wrestled against the ever growing being of duncan idaho in his mind, paul struggled against his reputation as a deity. stilgar continously lost faith in the atreides as they proved not to be as omnipotent as believed. there was the wider fremen conflict of Paul Being God vs Paul, A Fremen, Being Blind (which would according to fremen tradition warrant abandoning him in the desert.) the whole character of scytale is about changing their physical face to assume different identities. the soldier guy who lost faith in paul after seeing an ocean. korba who fervently supported and worshipped the ideology of Paul As A Deity and shirked paul as an actual person for it.
its so potent. i think just for clarity of purpose i prefer this book to the original.
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