#Duo Medialuna
thecubanartobserver · 2 years
Exposición “Post-it 8”, Colectiva
Exposición “Post-it 8”, Colectiva
Exposición Post-it 8 Artistas varios 16.10.2021 Galería Galiano Cada año el evento Post-It vuelve a dirigir los focos de atención hacia la generación más joven de las artes visuales cubanas. Tras su convocatoria -marcada por la situación epidemiológica- muchos artistas se volcaron a crear lo mejor para ganarse un “lugarcito en el parnaso” que es este evento dentro de las plataformas de…
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Omg Hailey you know me too well!!! You know how much I love this character, he gives me big Golden Retriever vibes and I love it 😌
Favorite Thing About Them:
Pffff everything…. 👀🤣. Okay but honestly one of my favorite qualities about him is how respective he is to not just everyone, but also to Bia in particular. When she doesn’t feel comfortable telling him everything (whether it’s about her sister or her feelings) he understands that and doesn’t push her to talk. He would usually just say “well if you need me though I’m always here for you.” And when Bia wasn’t ready to be in a relationship with her, instead of persuading her or pushing her to be in one, he understood and respected that. This character KNOWS boundaries and respects it completely. He gives her distance when she needs it. He’s always polite about everything and doesn’t try to force anything from anyone. He believes he can help everyone and so that’s what he always tries to do. That quality right there for me is definitely rare in a character but very much needed. So yes chef’s kiss 🥰
Least Favorite Thing About Them
Even the sweet like sugar characters aren’t perfect and make mistakes. In season two, when he discovered who his biological father was, I understand his dismay and resentment towards the situation. What I didn’t like at all though is how he treated Bia. The whole time, she was trying to help him feel better and be there for him. Instead though he used that anger to push Bia away which was such a big mistake. The least, the LEAST of all people he should push away is Bia because she’s always tried to be there for him and comfort him. She truly cares and has always been just trying to help. Plus she went through a lot with Helena, especially when she was starting to finally get hope again about the possibility of her being alive and there in Buenos Aires. But she’s never pushed people away, nor unreasonably treated them bad. I understand everyone experience emotional situations differently but Bia didn’t deserve that treatment. Thankfully though, he apologized in the end so he was back to being the happy, caring, respectful person he is 💞
Favorite Line:
“No hablas asi de ella.” I found it to be really sweet when Manuel defended Bia against Alex since he was behaving really rudely and would always scrutinize her so it was sweet to see him standing up for her. Plus I can’t think of any other lines at the moment, which there are some that I prefer more than this one it’s just nothing comes to my head at this moment 😆
Also “El Puma de Amor” that line is just so iconic for me.
Ngl him and Jhon was such a great duo/best friends. Jhon was definitely not the brightest and horrible with dating advice/dating in general and so it always made me laugh how when Manuel would give him good advice he would interpret it as the complete opposite. 😂
I think this is soooo obvious so I’m going to say it… Mara…. Ahh you got fooled there did ya 🤣. Of course it’s Binuel, the cutest in the world. They’re literal soulmates that are meant for each other. I love their interactions. Plus they lasted a long time without fighting or arguing at all which is also rare in a Disney ship so yes they’re fluffy, sweet, and probably too good for this world. 🥺
Mara and Manuel. A definite no for me. I think that ship right there is self explanatory, especially how it was so forced upon by Mara so yeah 😆
Random Headcanon:
This is going to be soooo random but him and Shawn Mendes are related. (They’re not of course) but in an imaginary world they are since they not only look very similar but also are very talented musicians (Manuel also loves playing the piano and whenever he does it reminds me of Shawn playing the piano). So yes they’re related and Manuel even follows him on Instagram too. If you guys don’t see the similarities, highly recommend you watch Stitches by Shawn Mendes first then go watch the Cuando Paso music video. You’ll probably see why there 😌😂
Unpopular Opinion:
I don’t know if this is unpopular or not but I LOVE Manuel in Bia Un Mundo Al Reves and even though it was weird to see him very differently, he did an incredible job with the role and was definitely my favorite character from BUMAR. For me, he was the best out of all of them (I had some favorites as well but seeing him act the complete opposite while acting very interesting and the way he presented his lines. It’s just so iconic). I haven’t thought of any other unpopular opinions about him but if I do I’ll let you guys know 🤔
Song I Associate with Him:
Life of the Party by Shawn Mendes (he definitely most likely have sang this to Bia at least three times)
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Medialuna by Camilo
I would also like to head canon that Manuel would sing all of these songs to Bia 😌
*I would also like to say that Disney did him dirty by not once having him fully sing/perform Dame Un Beso when it’s a literal bop and arguably one of the best songs off of the Grita album*
Favorite picture of them:
More like favorite picturessss 👀
Like if I’ll only choose one 😆
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weditchthemap · 5 years
A Look at Argentine Cuisine and Customs with Photos
For us, one of the highlights of travel is sampling the local foods. Food reveals a lot about a country; the spices and ingredients tell you about the climate and agriculture and the culinary rituals provide a glimpse into a country’s soul. While spending the last two months in Argentina we eagerly familiarized ourselves with the cuisine and customs. The tradition surrounding food in Argentina is special and unique. The culture thrives on social interaction and connecting with others over food and drink. Consequently, the customs affiliated with asado, maté, and café are as significant socially as they are gastronomically.
With substantial European heritage, Argentine food is influenced by Spanish, Italian, and German cuisine. You can find pizza or pasta on almost every menu. In Buenos Aires, the bustling capital city, you will certainly find culinary diversity but when it comes to food it seems that Argentinian’s have a strong preference for their familiar favorites. Many of which are very rich or “muy rico,” as the locals say, leaving me ready for an afternoon siesta. Truthfully, we found it challenging to make healthy choices when eating out in Argentina. This isn’t too surprising considering beef is king, white bread (preferably crustless) ranks second, and the ubiquitous ham-and-cheese duo is a close third. Let’s just say that I’ve had enough ham, cheese, and mayo white bread sandwiches for a lifetime.
Despite the rich foods, Argentine’s typically don’t over-indulge. They linger over meals and generally subscribe to a slower pace of life. Here, a meal is a commitment. One shows up fully present, ready to eat, socialize, and enjoy. Full attention is devoted to the food and company during meal times. These leisurely daily meals consist of a light breakfast, moderate sized lunch, merienda (a pre-dinner coffee + snack), and a late dinner; think 9pm or later. We were invited to one asado where dinner was served until 12am.
While I admire the food culture in Argentina, I find myself at odds with the eating habits. The small sugary breakfast, though tasty, sets me up for an early afternoon crash and going to bed with a full stomach, after a late dinner, certainly doesn’t benefit digestion. That said, I’ve come to love some foods, scorn others, and have remained loyal to my beloved dessert through it all. Fortunately for me, Argentine’s love sweets as much as I do. Seldom will you find a block without a panadería (pan=bread), or bakery. I called these bakeries panda-rias for longer than I’d like to admit….which I assume is a store where one buys pandas.
The Foods We Found in Argentina:
Medialuna translates to “half moon” these crescent pastries can be served salty or sweet. Paired with orange juice and coffee, this is the breakfast of choice for many an Argentine. Sometimes filled with ham and cheese because in Argentina ham and cheese makes everything better.
Bizzchotos buttery, flaky, layered breakfast biscuits. Have it with coffee and call it breakfast. 
Sandwich de Miga crustless white bread sandwich typically filled with ham and cheese. One thin slice of ham, one thin slice of cheese, a layer of mayo- call it a sandwich. Consider yourself lucky if you spot one on “pan integral,” or wholewheat bread. Not too many textures at play here, just a soft sandwich that’ll lodge itself to the roof of your mouth upon first bite.
Dulce de Leche the milkier cousin of caramel. It’s a sweet spread found in desserts and pastries. You can dunk all sorts of stuff in this confection- crackers, apples, bread- trust me, I’ve tried it all. A swipe of dulce de leche truly makes everything better.
Chipa absurdly delicious cheesy dough balls. An ideal on-the-go snack. The perfect stretchy consistency when you take a bite. Unexpectedly gluten free and made with cassava flour. Highly tasty. Highly addictive. It’s not possible to only have one.
Alfajores buttery shortbread cookies sandwiched together. Traditionally dulce de leche is the “glue.” Freshly made at bakeries or mass produced, dipped in chocolate and sold at kioscos- they’re a highly popular and ever-present sweet treat. You can find them with other fillings like fruit or chocolate. Stick with the simple ones, they really let the dulce de leche shine.
Dulce de Membrillo in Argentina the double l is pronounced “sh,” so, mem-bri-sho. Dulce de membrillo is made from quince and the similar tasting dulce de batata is made from sweet potato. Both are a firm jelly-like paste. Exceptional when paired with cheese.
Pasta Frolla a tasty tart or pie filled with dulce de membrillo, quince jam. Crispy crust + sweet filling = yum.
Tostado a few simple slices of white toast is a common breakfast choice. Served with butter and jam or sandwich style filled with ham and cheese.
Coffee Culture is strong in Argentina and there’s certainly no shortage of cafés. Stop by any time of day for a cafe con leche (half coffee, half milk) or cortado (expresso cut with a little milk) and feel free to linger for hours. You’ll always find a good deal on “promo.”
Café a shot of espresso in a teeny tiny little cup paired with a teeny tiny shot of water ‘con gas’ or juice. If you order a coffee without specifying any details, this is what you’ll receive. Argentines know how savor these minuscule cups as they sit, sip and chat for hours.
Mate it’s more than a drink, it’s a social ritual. Dried yerba mate leaves are steeped in a gourd shaped cup (sometimes made from a real gourd) and filtered through a straw called a bombilla. Mate is so ubiquitous that you’ll see people on the street with their mate cup in one hand and thermos of hot water tucked under their arm. On it’s own, mate is bitter. A rare few prefer it with sugar. Preparation requires skill; you need to consider the water temperature, the angle of the mate in the cup, the angle of the straw, and the way the water is poured. Mate is shared with friends, family and acquaintances. Consider yourself “accepted” if asked to share a round of mate. The full cup is drank in its entirety by one person and then refilled and passed to the next person. There are some rules associated with the mate sharing ritual. An important one: don’t touch the bombilla. That’s a real rookie mistake. To learn more about mate, click here.
Facturas step into any panaderia and you will find dozens of inviting facturas, or pastries. Usually very sweet, sometimes filled with dulche de leche. For mirenda enjoy a coffee with these treats.
Milanesa similar to schnitzel. Chicken, steak or veal cut thin, breaded and pan fried. Aka chicken parm sans cheese and sauce. Served with a squeeze of lemon on a plate with fries or inside a sandwich.
Morcilla blood sausage. An asado staple. I can comment further as I wasn’t daring enough to give it a try…
Asado this is not a barbecue, it’s an art form. The asador, the person manning the grill, tends to the meat and restocks the smoldering embers with meticulous devotion. The meat sets the pace for the evening as it’s served in courses when it’s ready. The meat is cooked low and slow for hours. The best cuts of meat are saved for last. While the meat is the star of the show, the social element is just as important. Everyone chats and snacks on picadas and wine while awaiting each course. To learn more about asado, click here.
Choripan not to be confused with a lowly street-side pancho or hotdog; this is a hulking grilled chorizo sausage, dripping with juices, and served on crusty baguette with all sorts of toppings. To find it, follow your nose to the source of the tantalizing smells on street corners, in parks, and at festivals.
Empanadas the omnipresent grab and go snack. Served baked or friend with a variety of fillings, including chicken, beef, corn, and ham and cheese. It’s a cheap and quick meal replacement. Always on a desperate search for vegetables the ‘verdura’ empanada quickly became our favorite. It’s super taste and filled with spinach or Swiss chard.
Chimichurri a garlicy sauce with olive oil and parsley. It’s used as a condiment for grilled meats. Don’t expect it to be hot or spicy. Argentine’s are adverse to food with a kick.
Lomo beef fillet or tenderloin. The leanest of the land.
Pizza expressing how I really feel about the Argentinian pizza is bound to offend a few Argentines, but the pizza is woefully unappetizing in appearance. Honestly, looking at it makes me sad. A (usually) precooked, thick, bulky crust is coated by a blanket of flavorless cheese, suffocating any traces of sauce. Always a strange splatter of olives tossed on as an after thought. I admit I am biased because my preference is for Neapolitan style pizza.
Proveleta crispy and golden brown on the outside, gooey and stretchy on the inside. Proveleta is cheese that’s topped with herbs and spices and baked or grilled until irresistibly bubbly. Just writing about it makes my mouth water. It’s also a reliable vegetarian option at an asado.
Fainá a flatbread made with chickpea flour. Another trusty vegetarian option. Fainá is served atop a slice of pizza or eaten on it’s own. It has a moist consistency and pleasant, subtle flavor.
Papas Fritas french fries are the most popular side dish and frequently accompany meat entrees. Mayonnaise is the dip of choice.
Tarta similar to a quiche, it’s a savory a lunch pie. Usually made with eggs and cheese and filled with different types of vegetables or ham.
Malbec Argentina produces more of this variety of wine than anywhere else in the world. The Malbec grapes are predominantly grown in the foothills of the Andes Mountains in the Mendoza province. Though Malbec translates to “bad beak” or “bad nose,” it’s anything but bad. Argentina has given the world a real gift with its Malbec. Read about Argentina’s wine region here.

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thecubanartobserver · 2 years
Exposición “El umbral de la montaña”, Dúo Medialuna
Exposición “El umbral de la montaña”, Dúo Medialuna
12.03.2020 Centro Hispanoamericano de Cultura Medialuna, la suma más allá de sus partes (Alfredo Coello y Osmani Domínguez Morales), vuelven a dirigir su mirada hacia esas circunstancias y convivencias que día a día formaron parte de la realidad conocida allá en su pueblo de la provincia Granma, cuyo nombre sirvió para nombrar esta relación artística. Ya nos tienen acostumbrados (recuérdense…
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thecubanartobserver · 2 years
Exposición "A campo traviesa", Duo Medialuna
Exposición “A campo traviesa”, Duo Medialuna
Exposición “A campo traviesa” Dúo Medialuna (Alfredo Coello & Osmani Domínguez) 15.02.2019 Galería Galiano La relación entre el objeto, su significado y sus materiales se rompe en esta exposición de los jóvenes artistas que conforman el Dúo Medialuna. Ambos, logran en las piezas de esta muestra, pensadas y esbozadas bajo la visión de haber aprendido en tutela de Arturo Montoto Echevarría,…
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