#Dylan Lenviv
palidan-sheep · 2 years
Why is no body talking about the when Kaitlyn, Ryan and Dylan were all discussing Nick in the pool house shortly before he transforms and Dylan equating Nick’s reaction to the pool water to that of a fish outta water?
It’s like the perfect idiom for that situation and everyone blew it off. Maybe it was the severity of the situation or everyone just being so mentally exhausted that no body wanted to acknowledge him being absolutely 100% right.
I love that before Dylan talks about the façade he is putting up, he shows hints at his intelligence /quick wits. (Edit- I know that he talks about this before the pool house, but I just wanted to put my appreciation out there for that detail.)
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looseinthecatroom · 2 years
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nickfurrcillo · 2 years
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v0id-do0dles · 2 years
Some sketchbook drawings
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
Another thing I really appreciate about The Quarry is the lack of “They’ve been bitten! Begone Thot!”
Even after they’ve seen what happens to Nick, Dylan still stays close with the group if ya don’t amputate and yet not a single soul goes “he’s a danger to us”, Not Kaitlync not Abi, and not Ryan.
As a matter of fact, Kaitlyn sticks around until the very end for Dylan and that makes me wanna cry. They clearly see something is wrong with Nick and yet, they still keep him close. They constantly look out for him and make sure he’s okay.
Ya could argue that they only stuck around with Laura because she offered something that would benefit them all but I don’t think so. I mean there definitely was an element of “you know the way so lead on.” But I don’t think have a shit about her being bit.
As a matter of fact, being bitten was just kinda like a “huh, me too.” Or “coolio.” It wasn’t ever as dire as it would’ve been in real life lol, we all know people would be freaking the fuck out, having a Ash situation from back in Until Dawn.
I actual think they didn’t care as much because they found out that they could’ve been cured. Knowing a sure-fire cure could’ve made the whole “they’ve been bit!” Not really matter much.
But anyways, I appreciate the lack kicking people out. It just makes the group feel more closely bounded not to mention tHE OVER USE OF IT. Also, could ya imagine the grudges people could hold? Hoo boi, that would get messy fast lol.
So speaking from experience, spending vast amounts of time away in woods will more often then not, make a group bond become stronger. I believe you can see that being shown here.
To a certain amount, they all trust each other. While the bonds vary from person to person, they all hold a minimum amount of trust and respect for each other and it’s enough to prevent anyone from saying “they need to go, they could be a danger.” Heck, it’s enough to even prevent the idea of kicking one out.
It’s not like went out of their way to get bit, none of them did. It all just happened. They didn’t blame one another for their misfortune and I also appreciate that lol.
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
I believe that if we ever get a dlc for this game, it should be about what a day(day’s/a week?) would look like living in Hacketts Summer Camp. Not on a full moon or close to one as we never hear any of the counselors being up past strange things happening.
Show us more of the counselors relationships with one another. Give the attention equally to everyone and not just 3. Maybe catch Jacob and Emma making out or Kaitlyn constantly looking out at the water watching Ryan. Nick and Abi being Nick and Abi and Dylan being painful awkward around Ryan and dropping obvious but playfull attempts at flirting.
Indulges us with tons of QTE’s and chances to be a summer camp consolers.
Things like Ryan’s sailing classes and have a boat tip too so show us that the no swimming rule was heavily executed and enforced. Kaitlyn and Jacob having a show off to see who was better at this or that. Climbing trees and running.
Make us come up with lessons and execute said lessons. Heck, this would be perfect for Multi player, having two people trying to function together while teaching a lesson to the kids and answering questions.
Maybe bring the missing counselors both by words and actions.  Mr H discreetly taking away Max and Laura’s letters when mail is being delivered or Kaitlyn complaining about the missing nurse.
Use the grocery store as a form of being able to by things that could unlock the ability to do this lesson or to host challenges for the kids.
I feel like there’s a lot of room to expand upon here and a lot of room for opportunity too. I’ve been to summer camps before, shits fun as hell and chaotic and shit.
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
I love Until Dawn but unfortunately I only like The Quarry.
gonna put spoilers incase ya yet to see the game, I suggest it. It’s a good watch but the ending is a tad-bit unfavorable. Shoulda stuck with the police interview, not a fucking length boring podcast...
Straight up, I absolutely enjoyed trying to understand the meanings of the Tarot Cards, I loved trying to imagine what would’ve happened had ya done this rather then that ya’know? What if they grabbed the fireworks? What if they went down this way rather then that way.
I had such a fun time piecing together the story and the clues.
But man, mystery and solving things aside, the lack of character exposure and development leaves a foul taste in my mouth.
Let’s start this off by talkin bout Nick.
From the play-through I watched(Jack’s) Nick was more or less dropped after the pool shit-show(maybe half way threw the game?) like, he explodes and then dips. We see him locked up on the Hacketts basement but what happened to him after the power goes out?
I get that you can’t really have us play him, he’s the enemy now but I just don’t feel like we really got the chance to play or interact with him. He was more or less incapacitated after his attack so there’s that too.
Just feels like Nick didn’t get awhile lotta time and attention given to him and he reminds me of Matt form Until Dawn. I get that he was essentially a Plus one being Emily’s BF but that man got like no screen time. He also reminds me of Jessica, home girl was asleep for like the majority of the game lmao.
Second off, Kaitlyn. She was also severely underused in my humbled opinion.
The way the game presented her, she just seem so full of potential, the way she put Jacob and Nick in the ground with her marksmen(?) skill's, how she often took charge of the situation, the fact that this girl jumped form a hanging car and landed back first on tires and proceeded to get up like nothing happened ?
They were playing her up to be the final girl and yet? She was just kinda there with Dylan against Caleb.
She’s like Sam tbh. Both feel like the final girls, both very bad assed and both reconfirm my *half hand flip*
Third off- ✨Ryan✨
He’s got to be my favorite but man, it just felt like there was something else to him, sorta like Josh.
He just felt like he knew what was going on or at the very least knew something that the others weren’t aware of. Considering how close he was to Chris, I wouldn’t have been shocked if he clued Ryan into the situation. Not outright tell him bout the werewolf’s but maybe that there’s creatures around here.
But who knows, maybe this is my over-critical mind thinkin that everything is sus and mistaking an awkward boy for something that he’s not. Also Him and Dylan ftw
Fourth- Emma. I don’t like her
No. Nope. Nuh. Not for me.
I just, no, She’s kinda manipulative and I don’t vibe with that. I get that Jacob is still in love with her and wants to stay with her and she doesn’t want to stay together. I can respect that, long-distant relationships aren’t for everyone so good on her for voicing her reasons. 
But there is absolutely no fucking need to string that boy on for that long, to keep flip-floppin and givin him hope. That's just not it girl. 
Also low-key thought that Emma and Abi were gonna be a item :P
Sixth of all Dylan is a fuckin king omg.
This man, i swear to god. He’s actual pretty damn smart and brave for telling Ryan to chop his hand off and being aware that there's an infection spreading when Nick is bite.  
He’s good “comedic relief”, quite funny and I like how he vibes with Ryan and  Kaitlyn. Gives off Chris vibes. 
I thinks he’s neat. 
Seventh goes to or girl Ash- I mean Abi. 
Lack of time and attention tbh. sounds/acts like Ashley. 
Kinda disappointed. 
Eight is Mister “needs to snap outta his fucking trance” Himbo Jacob.
He’s the jock(cough cough Mike cough cough) and just radiates himbo energy. 
Jacob, please im begging you, get over Emma. You’ll be better off I swear!!
Now on to various other rambles- 
Travis Hackett is Flame-thorough guy, could say the whole fam is but we all know how that fairs. 
I was also gonna cry my eyes out if Max died and Laura is pretty the final girl too. 
Also, don’t lie to me-the werewolf’s are just reskinned Wendigos. I get that they didn’t want to stick the whole fuzzy-wuzzy furry werewolf’s but surely, just surely, they could’ve made them just a bit more werewolf looking?
They all looked slimy and smooth, bit of fur here would’ve done some good at making it look more mangy and viscous. I get that they are all covered in blood and gore but, they just look like slimy Wendigos. 
I’m sure y’all could’ve guessed my stance on the end-credit scene but I’m sO DISAPPOINTEDIN THE LACK OF A GROUP REUNION. AH, there should've been tears shed for lost friends or tons of hugs and happy/awkward/flirty convos bout the whole damn night. but no, no, we got a podcast.
I get that it’s ties into the start with Ryan and the whatnot but we were robbed i tell you, ROBBED!!!
I’d give this like a 6.5 outta 10 tbh. It did keep me interested, loved all the clues and details despite some being super obvious(Dog boy...), Thought that Eliza was a good “replacement” for the totems and i enjoyed her but thought that her stroy kinda fell flat. You’d think she’d come out and like terrorize ya for your actions but no, she just threatens you. 
Honestly thought that Mama Hackett was gonna play a bigger role but i was so shocked when Jack blasted her face off lmao. Good realism tho, got the chance to shoot someone why not take it? why wait. 
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
So everyone knows that when we get our first scene with Ryan and Dylan, we get this weird perspective of their phones charging.
Obviously, we only saw the charging with Dylan and Ryan, not anyone else who had a phone on them but it’s easy to say they weren’t noobs and turned off their phones before hand lol.
I believe that it was a scrapped feature that would help with collecting evidence.
Ya hear Ryan in the pool house state that they need to take photos of anything considered evidence, as a matter of fact the evidence, when ya view it is in the form of a photo, but yet you don’t really see any of them using thier phones to take pictures of the evidence.
This could be and oversight, lack of motivation to animate the action of taking a picture, or me over looking things.
But I think that as the night progressed, you were suppose to be aware and stingy with collecting evidence, having to decide whether if taking a picture of that vile of blood in the tree was worthy enough to be considered evidence because of their phone battery.
Yeah the counselors could point out where they found evidence and the officers could come across the evidence too. Probably the reason why they scrapped this idea, it made no sense to lose evidence because they didn’t have the phone battery to get a picture despite the ability to tell the police where the evidence is or the police stumbling across it.
This is pointless tbh, I just needed to get this off of my mind lol.
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
(I’m more or lesscopying a comment I made on Reddit bout my thoughts on Abi)
I have a thing for severely under used characters and I canning help it. Nick is my favorite male character and Abi is my second favorite female character. First goes to Kaitlyn lol.
Abi is essentially the sweet, shy, wouldn’t hurt a fly type of girl. I get Ash vibes from her as I’ve stated, just minus the whole “they been bit! Begin thot!” ordeal. Now before anyone says anything, I get that The Quarry characters kinda represent most horror movie troupe but the game also showed us that everything is as black and white.
Emma may be the snarky, obnoxious, blowing bubble gum and twiddling her hair bimbo troupe, but she’s actual really smart and strong. Kaitlyn takes on the troupe of the final girl but she’s kinda of a dick and bossy. Nick is the follower guy, he trails behind Dylan and Jacob but he doesn’t want to, he’s just unsure of himself.
Unfortunately for Abi, that’s all she really is. The innocent troupe with no substance to her. She was essentially shoehorned off to the side like Nick, not much focus or attention for character growth on her character which don’t make any FUCKIN SENSE CONSIDERING WHY SHE CAME TO THE CAMP IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!
Granted, she did hold the only silver bullet in the group and that bullet could be used to either kill Werewolf Emma or Werewolf Caleb but like? That all she has to offer. A singular silver bullet that, with a lot of meticulous planning, Kaitlyn doesn’t even have to us. 
She runs off to the storm shelter or the camera room and just hangs there. Twiddling her thumbs innocently, waiting for the time to pass by.
What I would’ve liked to see what the option to bring her ass along to the scrapyard.
Whether Emma turns of not, I’d like have been given the chance for Abi to come along. If Emma has turned them maybe Kaitlyn would ask her to come along as it would be easier to keep an eye out for her, if Emma hasn’t turned them perhaps Kaitlyn or Dylan bring up possible needing an extra hand searching for either a rotor arm/functional car. Emma declines but Abi can opt to go.
Everyone else got a chance to shine and show that they are capable of surging the night and are willing to fight to survive but Abi?
She just runs.
And like I said, don’t make much sense considering she joined the camp in the hopes of becoming a more confident and less shy person.
Give that girl the chance to gain confidence in herself and give her character growth. Let her show a side to her that no one expected, this cunning and strategical side where she alines a pathway for the werewolf to take where at the end, a pile of cars crashes on top of it.
There’s a multitude of ways Abi can gain confidence threw out the game. She doesn’t have to take away the shine for the fucking awesome scrapyard scene, she can have her own separate chance to show off. Maybe she faces off against Nick but doesn’t realize it in the elaborate trap she set up.
Just, don’t say a character is there to change themselves and then not give them the chance to change themselves. That’s poor writing on your part and I will point it out ever chance I get it.
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
Cursed Nick x Oc (Try really hard enough, this could be a Y/N, just replace the names and pronouns.)
This loosely follows the path of the Good Ending, Abi is still *flips hand*.
Warnings- Cursing, blood? The usual ya’know?
Length- 1,350ish.
Part 2 outta 4
"IS THAT NOT WHAT YOU SAID!?" Nick yelled at her with an unfathomable rage coating his words. He lunged at her while throwing his hands out, she had just managed to doge his lunge, slamming her back up against the wall of the pool house. Nick collided with the ground and rolled onto his right side, his back turned towards the group.
Abi, Dylan, Ryan, and Kaitlyn all jumped to their feet caused of the commotion. They heard Osha's blood-curdling scream and the fight that followed after but did not see what took place. Nick began to pick himself up when Ryan pulled out the shotgun and aimed it at Nick, the attached flashlight illuminated Nick's face as he snapped his head back towards Osha.
His eyes beamed as the light hit them, reflecting the inhuman yellowish color that enveloped his once warm and soft brown eyes, the whites of his eyes had been replaced by a sickly grayish tint, and jagged lines of blood red lined the edges of his eyes. The remnants of the pool water helped to highlight his face and showcased that something was not right with him. On top of his change in eye color, the skin around them had appeared to be deprived of color and sunken in.
Far more than a sleep-deprived and long night.
"THAT WE'D BOTH GO DOWN TOGETHER?!" He pointed at her, as he continued to stand up. his eyes stared daggers into her soul as she began to move over towards the group, praying that numbers would matter to Nick. She placed her hand over her neck, blood spilled over her digits as the burning sensation of her skin and flesh being torn open flooded her body and mind.
Numbers and a gun, surely that would warrant a halt from Nick if that even was Nick anymore.
"Nick what the fuck dude?!" Dylan yelled while reaching his hand out towards Osha, beckoning her to get closer.
She was just about to snake her way over to them when Nick made another sudden movement, startling the group. a mixture of gasps and short squeals filled the air before being replaced by the silent nighttime and Nick's heavy breathing.
He was now fully standing up, his chest going up and down rapidly while still staring at her with his finger raised. His eyes twitched and his whole body jerked in an inhuman way. "Liar" he seethed threw clenched teeth, his lips curled bearing his teeth that were not his, yellowed and jagged.
Osha held her breath while staring back at him, her warm blood coated her hand now and ran rampant down her arm, soaking in her clothing. she opened her mouth to say something when Nick attempted to make another move only to be stopped by Kaitlyn yelling at him.
"Cut it out" She snapped stepping into the crossfire.
This did not phase Nick in the slightest, he glanced down at her before looking back up at Osha. His face contorted into a look of pure wrath and disgust like she had just told him that he was meaningless and worthless when to her, he was the exact opposite of that.
"Nick, I don't know what the fuck is going on with you but you need to stop." Kaitlyn snapped at him noting that he was ignoring her, she kept her distance from the man taking a step back as he took a step forward. "...Ryan" Kaitlyn called back to him, keeping her eyes on Nick.
Ryan had been tracking Nick so he was already ready to do the deed. He hoped it'd never come to that, he already had to remove Dylan's hand tonight and that would be too much for anyone else so he really didn't want to pull the trigger on Nick. He prayed that intimidation would be enough to ward off Nick.
But it seemed like intimidation wasn't going to work.
Nick took another step, rolling his shoulders while still holding a gaze with Osha. Labored breathing from before had turned into deep huffs and low growls, his body wouldn't stop jerking and twitching before he suddenly keeled over, grabbing his left side. He began to groan in pain like his internal organs were being misplaced and his bones were caving in upon themselves.
Collapsing to the floor he began to shout with agony, writhing on the ground for a few seconds before curling up into a ball. Tears had formed in his eyes and started to fall, they didn't cling to his face for long, finding themselves being thrown around the room.
Osha took this time to immerse herself back with the group. Everyone was scared and confused as to what was happening but yet none of them could move. None of them could find the strength needed to pick up their feet and either run away from the mess that was Nick or try and see what was wrong with him.
Kaitlyn looked back to Osha, her eyes honed in on Osha's fresh bite wound still covered by her blood-coated hand. Osha could feel the dread pool within her and the stares of the others on her person.
"Oh god" She mumbled softly while watching Nick. Her knees began to tremble and her vision began to blur.
Nick had rolled onto his knees and began to pick himself up, with each cry that escaped his lips, a growl filled after. He wasn't able to fully pick himself up when the unthinkable happened.
The sound of human flesh and skin being ripped apart filled everyone's ears, a sound that would leave an everlasting ring. Blood and bits of human flesh covered those far and near, chucks splattered against the wall and made way into the gaping mouths of those foolish enough to leave them open.
They watched in horror as their friend had transformed into the very thing that was hunting them.
They didn't even have time to call for him as he suddenly booked it out o the room, smashing threw a window and running off into the night. Not like any one of them really wanted to call out to him, but they didn't have time to do anything if they wanted to do anything.
It was all very quick and sudden so the room feel still and so silent that one could hear the others heart beat and blood rushing.
It wasn't long until the silence was broken.
"I-" Osha held her index finger up while looking out to the others "-am now going to pass out" and to which she promptly did such, her body going limp against the wall and sliding down it. her hand fell from her neck and smacked into the tiles as her body met the ground.
Dylan looked down to the passed-out Osha and back towards the other three a few times before speaking "I-I...I'm uh, I'm with Osha on this." He pointed down to her before seating himself on the bench and dragging his hand down his face followed by a long and drawn out groan.
Perhaps it was in spite of not actual being able to pass out.
"ohmygodohmygodohmy-" Abi began to yell, all in one breathe too. she began to fan at her mouth, spitting out the remnants of her friend out of her mouth while panicked speed walking around the room. She tried to avoid the puddles of blood around, the last thing she wanted to deal with now is the embarrassment of slipping and falling onto her ass because, well, she slipped on a pool of blood.
Kaitlyn took a deep and long breath in before starting the long, pointless, and rather a spine-chilling process of wiping her friend's remains off of her face. She really didn't know how to process what just happened and was fairly sure none of them knew how to. Ryan looked around at the others before doing the same as Kaitlyn.
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