aleielle-of-roshar · 8 days
since I haven’t worked on it in ages, here’s a basic ah desc of my three spec bio worlds so far because e (low quality lol)
the first one is a planet orbiting a binary sun- and therefore has a higher ambient radiation level than earth- in a period similar with the Carboniferous period, with loads of sunny cloudy misty jungles, and sprawling moist swamps- and crazy extreme mountains. There wre crazy messed up bacteria and diseases on said planet, and giant fungi. Way Higher oxygen levels, and slightly higher gravity. It has no moons. The sentient species there is a reptilian hexapod race (tribal stage- no metal working yet)- non humanoid- who can breath underwater, and are disease resistant and nomaid.. The second one is almost entirely an ocean, and rather warm, with a few small islands speckled here and there. Instead of traditional seasons, they have a hurricane season, two in between seasons, and calm season- and during each season the tides all seem to go in a different cardinal direction. This planet had plenty of crazy aquatic biomes, promoting diverse aquatic life. It orbits A star similar to earth’s, and has over a dozen small moons orbiting it. Its gravity is pretty much the same as earth’s. Their sentient species are a semi nomadic aquatic humanoid race- with two subspecies. The first one are the nomadic semi landwellers, who live on land during the calm season, and follow the tides wherever they bring them in the other seasons- and the second subspecies lives deeper underwater, on the floors on the shallower oceans, and aren’t nomadic. They are in a early medieval stage. The third planet was once lush- orbiting an older star, and orbited by two moons. But the space-farer six armed partially humanoid insectoid race on it (who doesn’ really colonize other planets, but they do mine them) has utterly destroyed the ecosystem with the over manufacturing of things- the smog so thick sun doesn’t reach the ground any longer, and the air so acidic that the water is no longer drinkable to any other race. If it weren’t for how hardy these insectoids were, the air itself would choke them. Literally everyone lives in extreme poverty- and the average lifespan is mid twenties- as they toll away for their Leader- the only one of them whose wings aren’ surgically removed, and he’s lived for centuries (which was normal before the pollution and near inability to grow plants that have much nutrients in it. As its a much older planet, there’s barley any mountains, and little geological shifting (ie: earthquakes). The oceans are practically dried up, only a few heavily acidic lakes remaining.
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aleielle-of-roshar · 8 days
Can’t decide which to design first sooo..
Which spec bio species on mine should I design first? Each has basic info on ‘em :D
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