coffinseas · 2 years
The ad had been posted over two weeks ago, and he was starting to lose faith that anyone would answer it. Were people really that well-off that they didn’t need to split the rent? Were they are in college dorms? If they were, wouldn’t they rather have a nice, cushy apartment with their own room? It was in a pretty good area, too!
Well, sort of. It was near campus, and close enough to a few busy streets, but just a block down was home to a few dilapidated buildings. Maybe that was what was putting people off?
Maybe they just thought it was too good to be true?
Whatever it was, he was starting to get frustrated. His hot chocolate remained untouched as it rested on the edge of the couch, and all he was doing was staring at the ceiling. 
Then, just as he was beginning to fall asleep, his phone vibrated right on its perch — his chest. He snatched it up immediately, staring down at the notification flashing on his screen.
Someone wanted to see the place. Someone wanted to see the place!!! 
He sat up and furiously texted back, asking the person when they’d like to come over, date and time. Then, without waiting for a response, he jumped off the couch and got to tidying up the space.
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