defensenow · 5 months
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warispos · 7 years
Hey, everybody. I have never used social medias for fundraisers, but today, I decided to give it a go, since it's not for personal gain.
Chris Garrett is a volunteer working in Ukraine as a member of an EOD/recon unit of the National Guard. A former British Army cadet, Chris suffered a wound that prevented him from serving in the British Army. This, however, did not kill the adventurer in him, and he travelled to Myanmar where he helped the Karen National Liberation Army with mine clearance and rebuilding  projects.
In 2014, he arrived in Ukraine, where he joined a volunteer battalion. While he has been labelled a mercenary by many propaganda overlords, Chris is a decent man, who is definitely not getting rich from putting his life in danger. Defusing unexploded ordnances and mines is a very dangerous job, and the unit he works with often has to buy its own tools to get the job done.
That's where I need you. Chris has set up three GoFundMe campaigns for supplies and training. I am not willing to go into politics about who is wrong or right in the war in Ukraine, All I can say is that Chris is a very decent and brave man, probably more than most of us. And he needs our help. Land mines and IED are shit.
I just ask you to share or donate, if you care, and ignore if you don't.
Thank you for your time!
Fundraiser for a medical stretcher: https://www.gofundme.com/combat-medical-stretcher
Fundraiser for landmine clearance training: https://www.gofundme.com/EODtraining
Fundraiser for an EOD bomb disposal suit: https://www.gofundme.com/eod-bomb-disposal-suit
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defensenow · 6 months
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defensenow · 10 months
"Collision of Forces: EOD-C Company & Desert Dustoff Joint Training at NTC"
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