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glitterblazercalum · 4 years
seventeen questions, and a much lower number of people game! thank you to sam ( @tirednotflirting) and cam ( @haikucal ) for tagging me! love lives in the -am names <3 
nickname: well,,, iba is a nickname to begin with. my best friend will try telling you that I wanted people to call me riri in fifth grade but she’s lying don’t listen to her
zodiac: libra sun/ virgo moon/ scorpio rising, and I finally have a tentative grasp on what this means thanks to mel! thank u mel I love u <3
height: like so tall. so so tall. if u consider 5′ 1 and a half tall
hogwarts house: this question keeps me up at night honestly. I’ve taken the full test twelve times and gotten slytherin six times and ravenclaw six times. I think I definitely used to be very identifiably slytherin but in one of my many existential crises over the topic I realized I’ve kinda lost some of my ambition,,, so uh... yeah let’s not get that deep. how about u all Perceive me instead,, do u think I’m more ravenclaw or slytherin?
last thing I googled: like cam, I always clear out my search history but I currently have a tab open for “can drones be used to deliver blood” bc I thought I was on to something but apparently this already exists and has been in use for a while   :(((( not as innovative as I thought I was
song stuck in my head: nice to meet ya by niall horan,,, uh no explanation really
number of followers: 55 we are a baby blog here at glitterblazercalum headquarters
amount of sleep: ha. hahahaha. what a great joke. three and a half hours usually, although I try to be in bed for at least four-five hours. BUT when I get super duper tired, either physically or emotionally, I am able to pass the fuck out and sleep for like fifteen hours at once
lucky number: well I don’t think any number is lucky per se but my favorite number is 13 for two reasons: it’s the day I was born and I like to be contrary to the ppl who are like “oooh thirteen is unlucky” like bitch my sixteenth birthday was on friday the thirteenth in spooky month I guess I’m just too powerful for u
dream job: I’ll do u one better I’ll give you my entire career plan: first, I graduate a year early and get my master’s in the year that I save. next, I apply to law school, get in,  and study intellectual property law and health policy. next, I become a kickass IP and health law lawyer. eventually, I will weasel my way into the supreme court and become the first muslim supreme court justice. but like, tomorrow I might decide I hate that plan and decide to become a surgeon or something idk
wearing: a shirt with obnoxiously flared sleeves I just keep whacking things by accident
favorite instrument: hmmm... probably piano? one of my best friends plays and one of my favorite memories from when we were a little younger is being at her house and letting her play me to sleep after I had been having a really bad day at home. honorable mention goes to any form of trumpet/ horn especially if it’s being played by jj from ajr <3
aesthetic: I have no idea what my aesthetic is I’m just going to do what bella did and list things I like: giant libraries late at night, neon lights bouncing off of my friends’ laughing faces, running across a room in stilettos, grand staircases and chandeliers, mosaic tiles in mediterranean houses, completely full legal pads with pages falling out, late night deep dives into random subjects, hearing my name announced for first place at debate tournaments, baking with my friends and it devolving into a competition for who can get the most flour and sugar on the others, bright laughter and twinkly smiles, curling up in a cozy armchair with the fire roaring when we’re snowed in, people talking to me about things they love and getting passionate and throwing hand gestures everywhere, people letting ME talk about things I’m passionate about, the split second of intense anticipation before the roller coaster shoots downwards, perfectly heading a soccer ball into the goal, watching the sunset and sunrise from my roof, and losing my voice after a debate tournament because I know that means I gave it my all. 
favorite author: this is just a dumb variation of “favorite book” and I refuse to answer both on the basis that I CAN’T make decisions. 
favorite animal noise: bro idk I guess a cat purring? I have very little experience with animals. 
random: apparently when my little brother was born and I was first brought to meet him  the first thing I did was ask the nurse who was in the room if we could return him
I have legitimately no idea who has or hasn’t done this I’m very sorry but my excuse is that I was avoiding tumblr anyways I guess I’ll tag @ashesonthefloor @cthlftv @calumcest @mashlums @blackbutterfliescal  @ashtcnirwin and anyone else who wants to do it!! oh also @clumsyclifford bc cam’s right annoying u is fun <3
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nako-doodles · 5 years
get to know me tag
i was tagged by @seokjinsult thank u bub 💘
name: shirley
nicknames: honestly call me whatever...my name rhymes w 99% of adverbs in the English language. bonus points if its especially creative.
gender: female (she/her)
zodiac: scorpio sun, taurus moon, scorpio rising
height: 172cm
time: 8:56pm
favourite musicians: I pretty much listen to everything but usually: vixx, bts, exo, day6, suran, dean, jeff bernat, offonoff, sam kim, crush, epik high, sekai no owari, one ok rock, chvrches, coeur de pirate, stromae
song stuck in my head: not actually a song but this entire mv has been stuck in my head all day: colde - your dog loves you BUT with a remix of sam kim - its you, apink - %% and sekai no owari - rain as the bgm.....they’re not even in the same key??......I dont claim to know how my brain works......plus, I just need some good vibes bc trump and this cold has been shitting on me all week
last thing i googled: ‘does the shutdown affect consulates abroad?’ closely followed by ‘hk-macau us consulate hours’ and ‘would passport applications be processed because of the shutdown?’ (to which the answers so far are: sort of, 8-17:30, kind of) but thats depressing so: @seokjinsult ask me to google pudu deers @/3am last night, aka the most grotesquely adorable thing ive ever lain mine two eyes upon
last movie i saw: detective conan: zero the enforcer bc i am serious and mature young woman who watches Serious and Mature movies
last song i listened to: either nph’s ‘sugar daddy’ from hedwig and the angry inch, raon’s cover of LiSA's ADAMAS or utada hikaru - chikai bc I dont remember and I dont feel like checking
other blogs: I stopped giving a fuck since I remade so nope
do i get asks: yes but also im always down for more
why did i choose my username: I wanted @jinandtonics but we cant all get what we want
following: 682 ahahaha...ha....h.....a
amount of sleep i get: 5 hours completely on my own volition bc I am physically and mentally incapable of going to bed at a respectable time
lucky numbers: 11
what i’m wearing: charcoal grey uni long sleeves with royal purple accents, white and neon pink running shorts, rose pink and sky blue flip-flops (don’t judge its 26 today with 96% humidity and I pray only for the sweet release of death. or more realistically, for it to rain tomorrow and sop away some of the hanging moisture.)
dream job: get paid to either eat delicious food or professionally tear people apart with words (which a complete waste of my stem degree but oh well)
dream trips: gastronomical trip around world and visit all my fave moots so I may hug all of them irl tbh
favourite foods: noodles, dumplings, hotpot, curry, pizza, pepper cheese poppers, New Years mochi...really as long as its delicious I'll eat it
the full xylophone that one time the music director decided that the piece just really needed a xylophone part
the piccolo for a fortnight before I managed to foist the part onto my partner in crime and first flutist in the orchestra (which is how I got dragged to do the xylophone)
the carillon at sather tower that one time I had summer classes and got to play the base counter melody to spirited away (I wasnt supposed to be there but #connections). 
a cajon for a song in choir once (I can never get on yoon ‘drum’ dowon’s level but you know, I kept the beat)
I tried to learn the guitar but I couldnt get a solid enough grip on the strings bc my hands are too small to wrap completely around the neck without dampening all the strings.
favourite songs: recently (despite all the rock songs ive listed so far) ive been listening to dean’s instagram, and offonoff’s bath bc the best way to kick the blues and colds is listening to chill songs
relationship status: my nose has been courting my tissue box all week, but its been rejecting my nose’s advances. must be bc it keeps undermining its essence.
favourite colours: pastel/baby pink, peacock blue/teal, lilac/periwinkle
three books:
sputnik sweetheart bc of the pictures released today from the far side of the moon
the bell jar
no exit bc i’ve been really feeling the ‘l'enfer, c'est les autres’ line
three tv shows:
teen titans go!
再創世紀 (another era)
book i’m reading now: can I pull a trump and officially say im not reading any book? *scandalous gasps abound* 
my dad’s copy of the Letters of Van Gogh, The Old Man Mad About Painting: Hokusai, and the copy of Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup that my mom has been badgering me to read have been sitting on my bedside table but my motivation is at an all-time low and I didn’t feel like reading since I came back
how many blankets do you sleep in: a thin sheet bc, as stated above, its hot and humid in the god damned winter and I want to cancel my subscription to this weather thanks
anything i want: to get over my cold, for trump to stop fucking up the government, for my wifi to be faster
I tag my loves: @t0d-oder-freiheit @seokjinsult @jinseas @bangpdgf @glowsj @odeng1e @monosgf @jinergy @kimseokjinniestan @jinbeann @seokjiniesgf @cafejoon @fakelovesgf @iiseok @honeylovecult @jeonsunicorn @jins-kiss as well as anyone who wants to do this 💘
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craigwinslow · 7 years
Adobe Creative Residency Complete ✅
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Over the past year it’s been a complete dream job to work, fully funded, pursuing my passion projects. I’ve found a new confidence in myself, in my work, and what I’m capable of moving forward. This residency pushed me to push myself, and as I usually do— I set the bar for myself high.
As it turns out, one year really isn’t as long as you think it is. 52 weeks went by really quick.
With my time as a resident officially over, it’s time for me to pass the torch to a fresh new set of residents, and offer what I learned along the way!
Here’s what I did with a year as Adobe Creative Resident:
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(Bold = I made a thing!)
Light Capsules 001 — Burlington, VT Full Moon Masquerade — Signal Kitchen (Collab room w/ Greg Davis) Light Capsules 002 — Joseph, OR Light Capsules 003 — Portland, OR Light Capsules 004 — Astoria, OR (Adobe Snapchat takeover) Typographics — Speaker, TypeLab 99U — Attendee Adobe Creative Jam Vancouver — Speaker Light Capsules 005 — Cincinnati, OH NikeLab x RT Animations Light Capsules 006 — Portland, ME Light Capsules 007 — Portland, ME XOXOFEST 2016 — Interactive installation with Ben Purdy London Design Festival — Speaker, V&A Museum Light Capsules 008 — London / Take Courage Light Capsules 009 — London / Barlow & Roberts Light Capsules 010 — London / Cakebread Robey Light Capsules Worldwide Party — Distillery Bar Light Capsules 011 — London / Wire Works Light Capsules 012 — London / Stoke Newington Palimpsest White Noise Now // SALT Light Capsules 013 — Detroit, MI feat. Miss Van Adobe Creative Jam Detroit — (Light Installation) Future of Storytelling Festival NYC — Attendee Adobe MAX — Speaker Adobe MAX BASH — Entry Installation Projected Surfborts Monster Project x Adobe SF — Light Installation  Adobe Creative Jam Portland — Speaker Light Capsules 014 — Portland / Hotel Philip Portland Winter Light Festival — Speaker Light Capsules 015 — PWLF / Roy Burnett Motors Light Capsules 016 — PWLF / Overland Cars Light Capsules 017 — PWLF / Jacob & Gile Light Capsules 018 — PWLF / Dillen Rogers Road trip to SXSW // Adobe Creative Cloud Instagram Takeover Light Capsules 019 — Los Angeles, CA Light Capsules 020 — Las Vegas, NV Light Capsules 021 — Winslow, AZ Impulse El Cosmico Airstream Projection — Marfa, TX SXSW — Speaker 20x2 // Austin, TX — Speaker PNCA — Speaker Motion Class ArtHackDay Portland (M I X) Beowulf // Ben Bagby // Princeton  — Experiential Design & Visuals Discovery Communications — Speaker VIVA Creative — Speaker Adobe Creative Jam RISD — Speaker Adobe Residency Closing Party — (Augmented ghost sign prints) Better Together — Design Week PDX // Collab w/ Cinco Design & Marmoset
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From the beginning of this journey, I met Libby, who became my adviser, my manager, —(actually more like our spirit guide) all along the way. We had weekly check-ins to keep on track, to dream bigger, (or dream smaller), and keep my overall scope in check throughout the year. Thank you Libby!
I hit the ground running, planning trips, scoping ghost signs, travelling a ton... then as I mentioned in my 2016 recap, I hit a point in November and became super overwhelmed. Not budgeting enough time for documentation, the completed projects quickly piled up, facing new work to be done. Those who know me, know this is nothing new. I don’t always give myself time to rest or reflect. This time, I actually forced myself to slow down. The big advice I can give is this: Pace yourself when pursuing a large project. It’s also totally fine to ask for help; getting extra hands with photo/video this year was a massive help.
A defining moment of personal progress this year hit me after my interview with The Great Discontent went live— a publication I’ve been a huge fan of, and all of the impressive creatives within it... I saw myself in a new light as my self-criticisms suddenly shifted to ‘proud’ as this independent design career I’ve been working so hard on the past 4 years is truly taking off.
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Portrait by Armando Garcia.
Some more thoughts about the residency.
Like most things in life, the more you put into something, the more you’ll get out of it. This has been especially true over the past year— I’ve pushed Adobe, and they’ve pushed me further. The strongest example of this was my idea to go to London. They pushed me further, saying I should make my light installations an official event at London Design Festival. Collaborating with Sam Roberts, to gain his local expertise, that series was a huge success and made a big impact following a feature on Creative Review, and Fast Co. Design.
The same thing happened with SXSW. Adobe asked me to speak at SXSW, and I responded “Hell yeah, can I road trip there?” which turned into a 12-day van adventure and super-fun Instagram takeover.
Despite my hat, it wasn’t a year full of YES. This residency helped me be critical of my time and be selective in the work I take on, to be honest with how much I can accomplish within any given chunk of time. I’m getting better at this. It’s still really hard to turn down something I really want to be part of, regardless of if I have ample time for it.
The big goal is to strike a balance— do the work, share the result, rest.
I’ve wrapped up a year of strong work, but I’ve admittedly been under-sharing how much has happened over the past couple weeks. I’ll catch up, it just takes time. That said, I couldn’t be more thankful for this opportunity & excited to get working on what’s next.
So, what’s next?
First off, I’m taking the rest of the month in Portland to slow down and catch up on aforementioned documenting. (Also a bit of internet website housekeeping.) Then I’m heading to NYC all June to participate in ITP Camp, and spend some solid time in New York.
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What next for Light Capsules? Easy answer: more Light Capsules!— in fact, I already completed my first post-residency installation in Washington D.C. for Funk Parade! Next up, I’m heading to Winnipeg on July 29 for a special 5-in-1 night event presented by Ghostsigns.ca which I’m incredibly excited for. I’ve also got my sights on Butte, MT mid-July, and Vancouver, BC... amongst many other fantastic candidate locations (New Orleans, Pittsburgh, & more) as I explore more ways to financially sustain the project.
As a result of my Adobe SXSW road trip, I’ve been working further with The Neon Museum to plan a large-scale audiovisual experience. It will be a significant undertaking over the next few months, and I can’t wait to share more specific updates on that, soon. We’re aiming for an October launch. Just in time for Adobe MAX 2017!
I’ll also be continuing my other project, White Noise Now. After the successful debut performance of “SALT” in Burlington, VT back in October, we’re excited to start planning our next performance locations.
Most excitingly, in the pursuit to optimize my studio workflow, I’m excited to announce I’m working with Conjure to help manage my studio as I take on more, and bigger, projects! I’ve got some other new ideas brewing up my sleeve, and it’s been great dreaming with them the past year.
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Fun story: When I arrived for my final interviews over a year ago, I saw this big ghost sign “A” on Adobe’s building, and thought it was (figuratively & literally) a good sign. It was only fitting to close out my residency by making it shine with all of our work.
Thank you, Adobe. 
What a fantastic experience to be a part of. What great people to share it with. Be sure to check out what my fellow residents Christine Herrin, Syd Weiler, and Sara Dietschy did this past year! Also JUST ANNOUNCED, meet the new residents for 2017/2018 and see what they’re planning!
Ambitious creatives, keep this residency on your radar.  It’s a dream job & life changer— I can’t recommend it enough. 
💚 — Craig
I’d like to express my personal gratitude to Libby Nicholaou, Heidi Voltmer, Mala Sharma, Mike Chambers, Stefano Corazza, and Alysha Naples, for their support over the past year!
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