toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
With my recent ETKK chapter introducing some Lin Kuei OC’s, I’ll try to give you all a little “biography set” tomorrow.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Enter the Kombat Kids OC’s: Not everyone, just ones that I feel will show up more often.
This’ll probably be a long one.
Students and staff.
Kimberly Lane: Resident IT expert and the one with all the info on the latest drama and gossip. Acts as the unofficial relay point for Cassie and the gang whenever they need a refresher on high school drama. She has a feeling that there’s something up with them, but as long as they keep their deal she can move past the quirks. Has a habit of referring to people by last names. Considers herself and Jacqui to be “Acquaintances.”
Quote: “Information has a price Briggs, and so do I.”
Matthew Key: Top of the mathematics class, much to his chagrin. Has a habit of appearing in places you wouldn’t expect him to. Attracts pigeons somehow and visitors are afraid he’s attained a psychic link. Normally quite standoffish, he’s more respectful towards people who actually try to engage with him instead of just pigeonholing him (haha) into “Math whiz.”
Quote: “Just ignore the birds, they’re not too bad.”
Daniel Blum: Once one of Chris’s bullying cronies, Daniel split away from the group in tenth grade and started working to become a person he wants to be instead of blindly taking orders. He’s not perfect, taking anger management classes and sometimes struggles with saying the right thing at the right time, but there’s no doubt he’s mellowed out. Likes astrology and is always ready for a friendly competition with newfound friends.
Quote: “Look, people change. That’s all I’m saying. I mean, look at me.”
Mr Vogel: The school history teacher. A tough grader who appreciates when students put in extra effort. Isn’t fond of idle chatter/distractions. Is low key interested in the old Outworld and netherrealm invasions and wishes there was more real information.
Quote: “Those who failed know who you are and what you must do.”
Mrs Burch: One of the physical education instructors who can be either your favourite teacher, or make your PE class into a living hell. Cassie is one of her favourite students, just ahead of Jacqui, who impressed her with the goal kick of the century.
Quote: “So, any volunteers? Or am I going to pick one?”
Mr Forden: A music teacher. Usually easygoing and chilled, unless you clearly disrespect him. His class has a bit of running joke with him saying “Toasty!” in response to a students talent show performance, but he rolls with it.
Quote: “I don’t expect you all to make masterpieces, but I expect at least a little effort on your part.”
Colonel Flagg: The “delivery driver” for the Kombat Kids missions. Cool headed and friendly, he’s one of the few soldiers who treats the team with respect instead of just tag along kids. Has a scar over his left eye from a BD mission.
Quote: “You four have fun. Bring back a souvenir if you can.”
Sargent Blake: A long standing member of the SF and one of the more vocal opposers to the “Next gen strike force.” Will refer to them as rookies but knows when to let his personal issues stand aside for a mission. Has tried arguing against the team, but lost.
Quote: “You’d best let the professional’s handle this.”
Colonel Chard: The fill in for Flagg whenever he’s off duty. He’s more bitter, especially in regards to Sonya, but is largely professional and respectful.
Quote: “She’s a hard person to please, but give it a whirl.”
Gemini: Another long standing member of the SF, Gemini prides herself on her technical expertise. Nowadays, she’s more than happy to see what Jacqui tinkers up to in the lab. More details on how I write her here.
Quote: “Knock yourself out.”
General adults:
Charleston Pesina: Owner of the “Mokap Mocha” coffee shop. Used to be a motion capture guy in Johnny’s films, now he lives the quiet life of coffee and teaching a karate class to kids who need it.
Quote: “It’s a boring life, but who says that a bad thing?”
Lily Price: Waitress at the “Grub Club” diner and the personal favourite of Cassie and friends. Gets extra tips by Cassie, even when she says it’s alright. Owns a pet frog, loves him with her entire heart and soul.
Quote: “What can I get for you four this fine afternoon? And, no, we are not hosting the nacho challenge anymore after last time.”
I hope you enjoyed? Keep in mind that there will most likely be more characters, these are just the ones I believe have the most prominence/necessary to be aware of.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Heads up for my ETKK OC’s, I’m going to try and avoid playing into obvious cliches when it comes to students. Just because they’re not the main event doesn’t mean I have to slack off. Also, there may be a few references for the perceptive.
I know I said “no posts.” But this is for an important cause, so I’ll give some leeway.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Okaaay 28,30,31 i know im late but im not getting any notifications even if I turn them on :/
Eh, better late than never, right?
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
I haven’t been criticised yet. I’d assume I’d handle it well.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
I like them both for different reasons. I like to keep myself open. I don’t want to spoil, but I have something special in my drafts.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
I don’t have many as I tend to rely on canon characters. But for MK:
I have two Tarkatan OC’s who are just minor characters. Karbrac, who is basically Baraka’s second in command and best friend. And Katir, who is a female, younger, more feral fighter than Baraka. She fought against Li Mei in the tournament to free Sun Do.
I also have a character in my ETKK called “Kung Ling.” She’s another character who left the traditional family home to explore the world and acts as Jin’s older sister in a way. Her house is where Jin usually stays without missions or training with Raiden. She’s also able to match Jin’s wit.
For my other stories, it’s mainly just miscellaneous students.
Thank you for asking and I hope you enjoy.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
5, 8, 9, 31 for the ask game!!
Well, well, well. Sure.
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
It’s hard to say. First of is part one of my five part series. Since it’s the first real story I spent a lot of time planning out.
There’s also this story, which I believe is my most popular one. It made me think “Huh. I can make things, and people will like them.”
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
Hard to say. I feel like characters with a formal tone are easy as I have a similar habit. Characters with snarky or sarcastic comments are easy. I’m adaptable. My “Across the realms” story is a testament to it.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
Characters with few portrayals so I essentially have to make something off the spot. I can normally work things out, but still.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
I don’t have many as I tend to rely on canon characters. But for MK:
I have two Tarkatan OC’s who are just minor characters. Karbrac, who is basically Baraka’s second in command and best friend. And Katir, who is a female, younger, more feral fighter than Baraka. She fought against Li Mei in the tournament to free Sun Do.
I also have a character in my ETKK called “Kung Ling.” She’s another character who left the traditional family home to explore the world and acts as Jin’s older sister in a way. Her house is where Jin usually stays without missions or training with Raiden. She’s also able to match Jin’s wit.
For my other stories, it’s mainly just miscellaneous students.
I hope you enjoyed, thank you for asking.
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