bonepile-shieldwall · 6 months
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butter3drainbows · 4 years
La squadra brainrot and my endless love for children and romantic comedies got me thinking. So imagine this, single dad squadra falling in love with their child's kindergarten teacher 🥺
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️✨ My fav F/Os as D-D-daddies??
Get ready for some UwU scenarios with La Squadra Dream Daddies asdgf
Oooh ♥️♥️♥️ Melone would be the dad that tries to be around the school whenever his work schedule allows it and is known as the parent who announces his presence loudly from the entrance 😂 Melone's attraction for his kid's teacher is poorly hidden with him visibly perking up whenever they bring his child to him. Every day he would take their hands, look them in the eye and earnestly thank them for taking such good care of his child when he is away. His child is really talkative and will have nothing but good things to say about their teacher when Melone asks them about their day. In the middle of his kid's excited recounting of their day, the child will share how they wish that their teacher would always be around the house and that they should marry their papa right away because he really reaaaally likes them. Melone would be thrown off the loop at being outed so suddenly but will be given hope when his child's teacher laugh and say, "Well it's a good thing we're both single then aren't we?"
I always like to imagine Risotto having a daughter that easily cries 😂. Idk, just the thought of an intimidating tank of a man crouching in front of his tiny daughter while rubbing her tears away with his thumbs or letting her hiccup over his shoulders makes my heart howl like there's no tomorrow 😭💖💖 Her teacher will follow Risotto's example and let them sob into their shoulders one rainy afternoon, swaying her from side to side and reassuring them that her daddy is on his way to pick her up soon and was just probably late because of the rain. Seeing his daughter quickly be soothed by their nurturing personality has Risotto's attraction for them increase two-fold. He knew then and there that he wanted them to be a part of his and his daughter's lives.
Illuso will be the dad who finds himself confiding his troubles as a single dad to his kid's teacher and while he sometimes feels like he's being such a burden by sharing his problems, the teacher always reassures him that it is absolutely ok and even encourages him to talk about it with them if he's comfortable enough to share more. The fact that his kid absolutely loves them was just a bonus. They were perfect. They made it so easy for Illuso to fall head over heels with their patience, empathy and kind smile. He's never felt such warmth from his former lover before and for them to provide it to him so selflessly makes him yearn for something more after being alone for so long.
Pesci's child is a born trouble-maker and stories of their antics are something that both he and the teacher would have in common to talk and laugh about during PTAs or in afternoons when Pesci would allow his kid to play longer in the playground after kindergarten hours. They will be quick to give him reassurance, even scold him when he feels like he's not doing enough for his kid to be a well-rounded person. Every kind word that leaves their lips is a strike to the heart for Pesci. They're so incredibly nice to him, who wouldn't fall in love with someone like them?
In Formaggio's case, he would fall in love with them the moment he lays their eyes on them. They look so much like his late lover it almost makes him believe that they were still alive. It was hard for him to keep himself away with the memory of his late beloved flashing with their every move when he observes them from afar. Their personalities can not be any more different though, and that alone snaps Formaggio out from his delusions that his late lover wil everl come back to him. He was glad he met them though. He can finally let go of the pain eating away inside him from losing the love of his life.
For Ghiaccio it all begins with his grandmother's recipe for her special almond cookies. He had his son take some as snacks to school and had apparently shared some to his teacher. His teacher loved the cookies and asked Ghiacco's son if his dad was open to sharing his recipe with them. Ghiacco was hesitant at first saying, "I'm not sharing your nonna's amaretti recipe just like that" but had a change of heart when his kid handed him a handwritten authentic recipe for Mustazzoli with a note at the bottom that says, "Perhaps a trade then?". And so began their quiet correspondence of shared recipes and personalized notes behind detailed instructions and drawn directions for where to get the best produce.Like Melone's kid, Ghiacco's feelings for the teacher will also be unceromoniously revealed by his son, but this time in the form of a drawing depicting him and his son's teacher sending love letters, as the child would call it, with little Ghiacco as the messenger of love. "Would you like to have dinner sometime?" read Ghiaccio on the latest shared note given to him by his son. He quickly looked at the wide-eyed child suspiciously, knowing how he may have had a hand in this sudden turn of events being how smart he is for his age. He shuffled through his Olaf bagpack and pulled out a piece of paper that had a number written on it before saying, "I got her telly number so you guys can call each other. Y'know like normal people."
Prosciutto probably didn't realize it but he fell in love with his daughter's teacher the moment he saw them give her a pep talk on her first day of school and actually manage to convince her to have him leave her. His daughter had always been fussy and it takes a lot of patience and time to actually get her settled for her to listen to him. They, however had managed to do this is seconds with their cheerful smile and soft words. The moment he realized he was falling was when this same teacher came up to his car window urgently tapping his window and asking him politely (but with barely concealed fury) to step outside when they caught him "smoking"(but really it was just mint candy that resembled cigarettes lol) in the car with his daughter in it. Prosciutto couldn't even put a word in at the flurry of words that left their pretty mouth. He didn't mind being told off by them though, it was obvious how much they cared for their students with how many times their concern for his daughter's well-being was brought up in their tirade. When he was finally able to explain that the cigarette was in fact candy, he couldn't help but chuckle at their mortified expression and the embarassment that came after. This person was interesting, he decided, he wonders if they were still single.
Gelato fell in love with his daughter's teacher the moment they mistook him as her kidnapper. He appreciates someone who knows how to fight and boy were they good at keeping him immobilized. Only when his daughter started crying to "let his papa go" did they release him from their chokehold. He was sure he was going to bruise from that. The redness on their cheeks and the hurried apologies only added to his attraction for them. How cute.
Sorbet also experiences the same situation as Gelato and will fall in love with the feisty teacher at first sight. He will commend anyone who has the ability to pin him face down on the ground being a professional in MMA himself and will be highly amused that the one person who was able to do so was his kid's innocent-looking kindergarten teacher. Looks to him like his kid is gonna have another person to call mama.
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travelsinser · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes
tripsofia · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes
travellingistanbul · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes
sofiatrips · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes
pinktoursbul · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes
bookingcruises · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes
huytas · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes
travelinbulgaria · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes
skitravelling · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes
vasilkatravel · 3 years
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Sympathy with Christ in self
I had intended and expected to visit Jacksonville, and I regretted not being able to do so. I had thought much of seeing again the venerable instructor of my youth, to whom more than to any other individual do I feel my obligations for those maxims and precepts which contributed so much to form my character. When I entered Phillips Academy I was already a professor of religion, and perhaps I possessed a little of it; but earnest and spiritual religion, benevolence as an active, living principle, and sympathy with Christ in self- denying effort to save men, were but little understood in my native place. The hints, therefore, which you dropped from day to day, the views you expressed, the exhortations and appeals you made to our consciences, together with the deep religious feeling you manifested in every thing, were all new to me. They were indeed spirit and life to my soul, and they waked up within me new thoughts and purposes, the influence of which I feel to this day. A blessed place was that academy to me, as it has been, I doubt not, to many others. To have seen your face, therefore, once more in the flesh, and, bowing the knee with you in prayer, to have joined in those fervent supplications with which many of your former pupils were so much edified, would indeed have been very gratifying; but it was not permitted.
Away from five beloved children
I am now on my return to my field of labor in the East, and we have already passed the Western Islands. This our second departure from our native land was much more trying to us than was our first, for we had now to tear ourselves away from five beloved children whom we left behind. May this painful separation be greatly blessed both to them and to us. To your prayers do we commend them, together with ourselves and our work. And may your own life be long preserved, that you may still for many years be a blessing to your friends! and that in the important sphere you now occupy you may be as useful to ten thousands of the children’s children as in times past you have been to the children themselves.
It is not probable that we shall ever meet again here; but no matter, for we are almost there. Time seems short, and eternity near; and this is just as it should be. May we daily feel the powers of the world to come, and be as strongly attracted thither as we are swiftly carried thither on the wings of time!
Christian love to all your dear children, and best wishes for all their children.
Your affectionate pupil,
To the Rev. Dr. Anderson, Secretary of the Board tour packages bulgaria, he wrote from the ship, on reaching Malta: —
MALTA, Sept. 5, 1853.
Separation from our beloved children
MY DEAR BROTHER, — To the day of our second departure from our native land we had looked forward with much ap-prehension; and we had long prayed that all the circumstances of it, and especially of our separation from our beloved children, might be ordered in great mercy and kindness. And God, “ who is rich in mercy,” heard our prayers, and sustained and comforted both their hearts and ours far beyond what we had expected. May He grant also abounding grace, that this separation, though now so painful, may be greatly sanctified both to them and to us, and to all our other dear relatives and friends, and thus prove a much richer blessing to us all that our presence with them could have proved. And in the same great mercy and kindness may He order all the circumstances of our re-entrance into our field of labor in the East, of our continuance in it, and of our final departure from it, together with our removal from all these earthly scenes.
Renewedly would we now consecrate our unworthy selves, and the poor remnant of our days, to the blessed service of Christ; and had we a thousand to devote, we would not reserve one of them for mere self-gratification.
To be connected with IIis great kingdom is to be con- nected with that which is not only great and good, but everlasting, and “of the increase of which there will be no end.” And to be connected with it in this very way of extending its humanizing, saving influences among whole races and communities of men who “ heretofore were not a people,” and “had not obtained mercy,” though it be attended with many privations and hardships, and much self-denial, is yet a work which the sons and (laughters of the church should esteem as a privilege exceedingly great and precious.
0 notes