icharchivist · 1 year
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Siegfried is joining the GBVS cast...... only Vane is missing so the full Dragon Knights gang is in VS. 
Can’t believe we got 3/4 of the Knights before they thought of introducing others saga like the Levin Saga or Irestill or the Magic School or the Vintage Weapons guys or the Evokers or even the Dragons.
Let’s see how long they wait until Vane joins the gang i guess?
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adhdvane · 2 years
i just want to keep rambling about ewiyar while i continue angel halo farming bc i apparently hit the tag limit on my reblog and tags got cut off and my adhd meds kick in so i cant shut up but i’ll put under the cut
and also add tags for my own sake so i don’t have to keep looking on a different page #i did enough raids to get to like 43 and then got like 5 drops today er last night i mean still same like day like per daily reset w/e #ewiyar's beak dropped twice for me when i was farming that raid #too bad i dont really have a need for it lol #it was kinda funny to like join raids and find out everyone had fainted and be like ok ok ok i'll fuckin kill it for you guys #dont bother reviving i'll be a good guy and not leach #bc i remember when ewiyar was the scary solo quest and i couldnt do it and had to fucking farm lineage fragments #so i could get gale rocks to uncap tiamat AND THAT WAS WHEN THE TRADE COSTED 100 FRICKIN LINEAGE FRAGMENTS NOT 30 #I HAD TO FARM 300 OF THOSE FRICKING THINGS BC EWIYAR HIT LIKE A TRUCK AND WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO CLEAR #and then i got the devil full uncapped and lucifer fully uncapped and traded for ullikuumi to have as a mainhaind #and dicpicked siegfried (fire) #and now in the solo quest ewiyar is a punk bitch bc i double angi and we all got over 40k to 50k hp #ewiyar is both less scary and scarier in raid form #bc like raid form if sieg's special party buff it up and ewiyar isn't casting march whatere or dragon's nest i wont even guard
i wont even guard bc i have a lot of hp and the buff give armor and tbh elixirs are unlimited and i have (currently) 379, like i MIGHT AS WELL YOU KNOW ACTUALLY USE THEM FOR SOMETHING. so there’s less of a fear of dying bc i can just... revive without feelings bad. the scarier thing about the raid is that there’s like two fated chain cancels, YEAH dragon’s nest at  40% and 10% how the fuck do you cancel both of those and having to gaurd and take the hit sucks bc you can veil against the skill seal but you can’t veil against all your charge bar is going and that’s just annoying as fuck, especially if your joining a raid later and it can be harder to get that fated chain ready for the first trigger and its like OH BOY NO BUFFS OR CHARGE BAR FOR ME :) BACK TO STEP 1 (except like sieg’s buff not being able to be removed and the lumberjack buff. im not using anyone with dispel cancel bc :) too bad) and like okay, even after overdrive buff go away, i s2g ewiyar still hits like a fucking truck past 40% compared to the other dragons. so like first 60% of hp, even more of a bitch than solo quest, 40% and under, oh god i need to be a little more careful. but like anyways i just wanted to ramble into the void about how glad i am at my improvement, bc like even when it was the first time i cleared the ewiyar solo quest, after i had those upgrades, i still did it with a careful team, using illnot and anila bc illnot has crazy delay game i s2g. and ewiyar was still scary to me bc that bitch has 1 charge diamond. I was bring more heals and a revive. but the ones i’ve been doing the past couple days, i just did with regular fire set up. didn’t bother changing the skills, leaf burning, dappling, clear. just bright tien and izmir. heck, last time i even played with swapping izmir with vasaraga bc i wanted to see if i could... actually see his ougi for once... i did, one time on both of the runs. it’s just.... hard to get him low when the hp pool is high and lots of heals... drain, dappling, ullikuumi... and then that lumberjack upgrade, and then him casting his skill every time the foe special attacks. admittedly i think those first times i cleared it i didn’t have wilnas... and that summon really really does make those hit 20 times trivial when that summon hits fucking 15 times. that and actually using tien. yeah... those triggers cancels are rarely a problem. sdkfjhsdlkfsoirjsdf if bonus damage didn’t count as a separate hit i s2g a lot of v2 cancels would be AWFUL. tbh making ewiyar disguise themselves as a cat was the best thing gbf could do for the most asshole dragon quest/raid. but like also bc of ewiyar’s voice lines, like the most on brand shit.
gunna throw my goddamn laptop out the window if angel halo keeps dropping harps. RUSTED WEAPONS HATE ME rusted weapon totals (not counting sabers): daggers: 26 fully 1 one star - feower 5* 7-25-2020 spear: 8 fully 1 no star - anre 5* 3-27-2022 axe: 9 fully 1 one star - threo 5* 1-22-2022 staff: 7 fully 1 no star - fif 5* 9-12-2021 gun: 30 fully 1 no star - tien 5* 05-01-2019 melee: 4 fully 1 one star - seox transcendence 4-19-2021 & 8-10-2021 (& 8-12) bow: 16 fully - tweyen 5* 1-15-2022 katana: 11 fully 1 one star - eahta 5* 12-18-2020 harp: 13 fully 1 one star - niyon 5* 11-21-2021
the reason i have like 18 fully uncapped sabers and 7 no star sabers is bc like i think at least 4 different months i remember to trade for the 8 in stock so at least 8 of the fully uncapped are traded. seofon was 5* on 4-15-2021 if i subtracted the traded and combined the 7 no star i’d have 11 fully 1 two star. which for the date feels more reasonable. tien makes sense bc she was my first 5 star. yo feower what the fuck man. eahta was like less than 5 months behind you and you have 15 fully uncapped on him. anyways back the angel halo mines bc i have 40 more relic fragments i need to farm
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icharchivist · 2 years
Oh, I had third thought just now
Faa is playable in versus. But... Ewiyar is also playable and when she defeats him, she makes Faa her slave or something... And yeah, she just fights as a cat and just in that super skybound animation she turns into dragon form... That's it. And her intro animation is that really proud cat walk animation
And has special animation when winning against Faa, Bubs and Belial, because it would be funny as hell
She is just... The Cat ™️
ohmygod LMAO. This would be very funny yes.
Ewiyar joining versus is now my new wish it would be so funny. full on a cat in the fighting game. We need it. I imagine gbvs only people would lose their mind i want it.
and the special animation against the wmtsb antagonists would be so funny i just want it so much.
please gbvs, make Ewiyar playable. please.
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