moonsb1996 · 9 months
Bakudeku makes me so Eww.
Is this the case. I went to look for pictures to pass the time after writing a regular novel until my brain was dead, right? Then I accidentally opened and found a Bakudeku-themed picture. So let's go look at something nearby to see what's so good about this toxic relationship that has so many fans. And I felt so sorry later that I wanted to pour acid on my eyes. (followed by salt)
Eww 1 . If it's Bakudeku (Deku is a girl) Bakugo has to opening Izuku's skirt. (Use a grenade to open the skirt) Or grab Izuku's chest.
Eww2 . If it's Bakudeku, both men. It had to be like Izuku's back was turned and his butt was in Bakugou's line of sight. If Bakugo didn't hold his hand. Bakugo moved between his legs closer to him (using the front, not the back).
Eww 3 If Bakudeku (Bakugou was a girl) besides her breasts being either really big or small. They are the ones who use force to explode in Izuku's face when she is displeased. Or maybe she was embarrassed by something, I don't know.
Eww 4 If Bakudeku (Baku is bottom) it will have a type like Bakugou was touched. or was harassed. Everyone was embarrassed to touch Bakugou's well-groomed skin. To the point of being embarrassed just by looking at it. I'm just here to complain. There's more to this than this.
Deku is lustful towards Bakugou (hugging, butt-grabbing, or more). Or Bakugou lusting over Deku. (Same above) or one pose Legendary Kabedon Called Deku loudly and punched the wall. Then say go on a date with me. Eww, how can people like this? I'm done complaining. I came across this and didn't understand what the hell this was all about. Thank you for reading until the end.
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
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Day 2: Fire / Oheň
Fandom: Les Misérables/Bídníci Lengt: Oneshot, 2.500+ words     Rating: G (General) Warning: None Parning(s): Enjolras/Grantaire Character(s): Enjolras, Grantaire, Joly, Bossuet Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friendship, Fluff, Pre-relationship, Sick fic, Not Beta Read For “Enjoltaire Winter Week” by @enjoltaire-winter-week​.
Grantaire, nasáklý nejen vínem a dobrými vtipy, ale také notnou dávkou sarkasmu, ironie a cynismu; se tentokrát kousnul do jazyka a předtím, než mohl říct nějakou hloupost, si jen zhluboka oddechl, což způsobilo další příval kašle. Joly ho opatrně pohladil po zádech v naději, že mu trochu pomůže. Bossuet se podíval na jeho prázdnou sklenku s horkým vínem a okamžitě se zvedl, aby mohl objednat další. Nebo raději nějaký bylinkový čaj. Enjolras se ještě více zamračil a nervózně poklepal nohou. Když přestal černovlásek kašlat, oddechl si. „N-no, asi moc ne,“ přiznal. „Jsi nemocný?“ zeptal se ho Enjolras opatrně. x  Grantaire, soaked not only with wine and good jokes, but also with a good dose of sarcasm, irony and cynicism; bit his tongue this time, and before he could say any nonsense, he just took a deep breath, causing another rush of cough. Joly stroked his back carefully, hoping to help him a little. Bossuet looked at his empty glass of hot wine and immediately got up to order another. Or rather some herbal tea. Enjolras frowned even more and tapped his foot nervously.  When the brunette stopped coughing, he breathed a sigh of relief. “W-well, probably not much,” he admitted.  “Are you sick?” Enjolras asked cautiously.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
A/N CZ: Povídka měla vypadat trošku jinak, ale jelikož by se jednalo o jedinou, která by porušovala G/T rating, rozhodla jsem se to trochu upravit a nakonec mi z toho vznikla tahle sladká povídka. :D Líbí se vám?
A/N ENG: The story was supposed to look a little different, but since it would be the only one that would violate the G/T rating, I decided to adjust it a bit and in the end this sweet story came out of it. :D Do you like it?
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erumeru · 3 years
Redrawing Sebby from Stardew Valley xD
(other drawings were from a long time ago)
Tap if blurry
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ewww1 xD
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eww2 xDD
Sebby’s sprite
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marcelharding5fan · 6 years
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