#EXTRA fun fact the neighbor was (is presumably) a hunter
lavenoon · 2 years
Luce, I love your tags so much (the most recent ones making me laugh lol) Please, never change! ♥
I have chronic "Can't shut up" disease, so the tag rambles you're stuck with! Plus the total lack of filter because my brain gets away from me. It's secret lore! <3
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thatfriendlyecho · 5 years
Sanders Sides AU: Modern Kingdom of Imagineria
Finally I make one of these! My 8 month writer’s block has finally diminished for now and I’ve decided to make an AU I’ve been working on for about a year (among other things).
This is a Modern Fantasy AU, where technology and real life bullshit exists alongside magic. As all good Sanders Sides AUs go, there will be ships. If you want a non-ship esque AU, leave now because there is a whole lotta LAMP.
Anyway, let’s get right into the character descriptions!
Roman Olivers (Dragon-Hybrid, 16)
Roman was born in Manchester, and even after moving to the modern Kingdom of Imagineria at the age of six, he still has a slight English accent.
Roman and his twin brother, Remus, were adopted after their mother was found dead curled around her children in the Endless Forest, just on the outskirts of Manchester. Their adoptive parents, a pair of now ex-dragon hunters, found the twins and took them in as their own.
They moved a few years later, after their mother’s scent vanished and they could leave without the twins remembering her anymore.
Roman’s mother was a fully-grown ruby-scaled dragon (presumably the last of her kind, according to his parents), and he has visible scales of his own on his shoulders, back of his hands, cheeks, neck and forehead.
He is not a full dragon, and he and his brother are half-human. (Or dragonborn, for all of you D&D buffs. Except that he’s mostly human in appearance)
Roman is insecure about his dragon heritage, and as such he grew a slight hatred for dragons. He has often stated that he would slay dragons that ever even set foot near his family.
He doesn’t have wings, but instead has a scaly tail that sprouts from his lower back.
He trips people sometimes, but don’t tell his mother.
All in all, he has serious body dysphoria.
He’s overly protective of his loved ones.
He’s been suspended twice, once because someone made fun of Remus right in front of him, and another time because someone was bullying Virgil.
Roman can create small flames from his mouth, though those have mostly been by accident. This usually occurs when he laughs too hard.
Roman and Virgil didn’t get along for a very, very long time. He eventually started catching feelings for him when he showed up to his front step on his birthday with a woven blanket that he still has not washed to this day.
Roman met Patton and Logan at a library, where Logan snapped at him for flirting with Patton while he was working.
He sings Disney songs on the regular as a coping mechanism.
He’s currently a sophomore in high school that works as his neighbor's babysitter.
Patton Hazir (Harpy, 16)
Patton was born in the Endless Forest, and when he left it for the first time, he appeared in Imagineria.
Patton’s name is actually completely different, but he doesn’t go by it because it’s too complicated to pronounce.
His nickname was Pat because that was the only part of his name that Logan could pronounce. The last name was a random sound he made after stubbing his toe, which kills his friends to this day.
Harpies become independent of their parents after ten years old, and as such don’t have the obligation to return home every night. Since he wanted to go to school, though most harpies don’t want a modern education, he still lives with him.
His parents are very sweet, and naturally they don’t mind.
Patton looks mostly normal, as harpies disguise themselves to present normally to the human eye. The things that seriously stand out about Patton is the fact that he has no ears, he has a few small feathers in his arms that he can’t conceal, and he has talons for feet.
When Patton is in his true form, he has eagle-like feathers sprouting from his arms in varying shades of soft blue. His waist down morphs into the bottom half of some large eagle, tail feathers and all. His torso and head remain as is.
As time progressed, harpies became more docile, and are now not such predatory monsters. They are still extremely territorial and it is unwise to cross a flock, but they are actually very friendly in comparison to a century ago.
Patton is the prime example of the kindest harpies to ever exist in the history of...ever.
He literally smiles at the sun when he wakes up what kind of-
Many people, especially those who are much older, still regard him with a watchful eye.
Patton thinks basically everything is cute. You could show him an imp and he’d pinch its cheek. (He's done this before and he regretted it immediately after)
The biggest challenge for him was Virgil, who we’ll get to in a moment.
They have some really cute moments together.
He can sing, though he’s really shy about it so it rarely ever happens.
His voice sounds enough like music that nobody complains (often).
Patton also has an insane love for sugar cookies, and whenever he’s stressed, he stress-bakes.
Since he doesn’t have a “modern home” in the forest, he usually shows up at Roman's or Virgil's house with a bunch of cookie ingredients.
He has a tendency to steal food, and can’t go into a grocery store without being closely watched.
He received a joke book from Logan on his birthday, and he regrets it. You cannot say anything without him making a pun.
He’s currently a sophomore in high school, and he assists the librarian at the Public Imaginative Library. He doesn’t get paid, and simply loves helping out. That’s how he met Logan.
Logan (Dryad, 14)
Logan was born in the Endless Forest without true parents, being as he is a tree nymph, or a dryad.
Logan was sorely misguided after he was birthed from Mother Earth, and as such he became very curious very, very quickly.
Mere minutes after being born, he wandered to a riverside and was almost killed by a hungry, stranded mermaid.
Luckily he morphed into a tree right at the bank of the river right before she could fatally injure him.
He has a bite mark on his side, which has healed into a scar from the mermaid attack.
Logan was not born naturally smart, and was in fact very naive at birth. He was curious, and never thought of the consequences of his actions until he left the forest and entered Imagineria.
When Logan left the forest, he hid in public parks, where he changed into his tree form for extended amounts of time.
Logan is a dryad, meaning that in Imagineria, if he wished to pursue an education, he could enroll for school on his own. When he learned how to read (he was 3), he became addicted to knowledge, and enrolled himself.
He skipped a grade, which is why he's so young.
The first word that he learned was "falsehood", and he found it very useful after he became friends with Patton, Roman, and Virgil. It is now his favorite word, and he gets very happy when he reads it somewhere.
The library became his home away from home, which is where he met Patton.
Logan is really book smart, NOT street/survival smart. He knows how to transform into a tree when faced with danger, but he doesn't know how to fight per sey.
Logan's appearance is humanoid in nature (no pun intended), and he has the palest skin tone of all the others. There's a slight green tone to his skin, and he sometimes grows small blue flowers that appear in his hair. He also has pointed ears and long claws that he can retract.
He can see well enough, but after meeting Patton, he grew envious of his glasses and made his own out of branches. Don't tell Patton that.
Logan gave himself his name. He doesn't have a last name because he finds it unnecessary.
Logan is a full-blown vegan, and the others need to take this into account whenever they eat together. He doesn't eat often, but he loves fruit and berries.
He's currently a junior in high school.
Virgil Anansi (Arachne, 14)
Virgil was born with the Curse of Arachne, as his family were a mischievous bunch of practicing witches and wizards. This basically means that they angered the ancient spider spirit and she cursed each generation's first born with the Curse.
Virgil was homeschooled until he was of high school age. He's extremely anti-social and insecure because of it.
Much like Roman, Virgil has body dysphoria, though not as badly due to his family.
The Anansi family is a pretty wild and close family, though they experiment with questionable black magic often. They were shunned from society after crossing Arachne.
Had it not been for his curse, Virgil would be classified as an Anansi Witch.
Virgil has three little sisters (triplets), a baby brother, two really weird fathers, a feral uncle who lives in the basement, a grandmother that drinks enough alcohol to poison a large pony, and a familiar for each of them. That makes 9 people and 9 familiars living together.
Virgil's familiar is ironically a spider, a palm-sized tarantula named Kisa.
Virgil had never felt different until he grew up and had to go to school. He was never bullied physically until he showed vulnerability in public.
Virgil's bangs only cover a little bit of his forehead, where three extra pairs of eyes are. They're a pupiless, orchid purple (as Logan dubbed them), and he can't make them vanish like his extra limbs and abdomen. He has fangs, but they're pretty small and elongate when he's hunting. On his back there is a "tattoo" of three purple diamonds.
Often times, when Virgil is being sulky, he makes spider silk blankets and scarves in his room while he listens to classical music.
Depending on what kind of music he listens to effects the sturdiness of his webs. Classical isn't his favorite genre of music, but he can't exactly listen to My Chemical Romance while trying to make an intricate design.
Virgil is an absolute sass master, and normally wins verbal arguments. (You can probably guess who he argues with the most.)
He convinced Patton to sing with him in the school talent show, and they sang Lovely Night from La La Land.
Virgil and Logan are the youngest of their friend group, though often times they feel like they're the ones reeling the oldest ones in.
Virgil's the youngest, and he's treated like the group's baby more often than not.
He and Patton were not super close at first because the harpy was afraid of spiders, and Roman hated his guts for reasons he still won't confess to. He had a hard time making friends with Logan because he was just as awkward if not worse.
He and Patton got really close after an incident caused Patton to break his arm, and Virgil nursed him back to health with potions and a whole lotta cuddling. It was cute.
Virgil met Roman first, which was the worst first impression he had ever given off. Especially since he immediately thereafter had a gay panic.
Virgil is a freshman in highschool, and eventually creates a job in which he creates spider silk blankets and sells them online.
These are the main four's character descriptions, but I can go into depth character appearances, character stories, the modern Kingdom of Imagineria, the Endless Forest, etc. I'm planning on writing the main plotline on AO3, but I haven't decided yet.
I guess I'll have to see. Mkay byee~
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