#so! chatty tags <3
lavenoon · 2 years
Luce, I love your tags so much (the most recent ones making me laugh lol) Please, never change! ♥
I have chronic "Can't shut up" disease, so the tag rambles you're stuck with! Plus the total lack of filter because my brain gets away from me. It's secret lore! <3
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mitamicah · 7 months
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Not me brainstorming ideas for my post op tattoo (context) like I'd contact the tattoo artist tomorrow and not in a 1,5 year or more
This was where my inspiration took me today I guess :'D
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nightmareslug · 5 months
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one of the perspective practices or whatever
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Tuvok’s personality in Workforce captivates me
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So You Looked Huh. Well.
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rurifangirl · 1 year
Never ask me to redesign this bitch for the next months or so bc he took too many years off my life . But he shall live another day and another slay
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Tags undercut:
@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @spoops-screams @edensrose @nsk96 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @flowergarden1 @sunnythesassy
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saltymongoose · 2 years
-With love, Chatty anon
FDJSLSF OMFG HI CHATTY!! 😳 Haha, I was honestly hoping to hear some of your thoughts after posting the one-shot, but I never could've expected this much of a response. I'm just speechless, wow. („• ֊ •„)❤❤❤❤
I don't even know what to say. You have no idea how happy I am that you love my writing so much, and how glad I am that the time spent waiting for this was worth it to you. I'm just absolutely elated (somehow an understatement), this is honestly one of the best pieces of feedback I've ever received lmao. Thank you for this, it made my day! 💖💗💕♥️💞❣️💝
(And P.S.: I love you too (and so does Doc ofc lol) <3)
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transgenderdragons · 1 year
my goodwill shtuff ^_^ (sorry images are really big </3)(ignore how extremely crusty and dusty my mirror is please n thank uuuu)
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my AWESOME trench coat thing!! i rolled up one of the sleeves ^_^ the red lining on the inside is detachable!
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my suit jacket with my skull tank under,,, i put them together and immediately went my god. blonde beetlejuice. ive never watched beetlejuice.
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my skull tank with the belt i got! ive wanted one of these belts for a hot second... goodwill always has my back with belts
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latestdreamgirl · 1 year
rahh ive been meaning to remake for SOO long 💪💪 so glad ive finally bothered to actually do it
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trashogram · 4 months
He Chose You (Pt. 2)
Rated E for the smex coming next chapter I SWEAR. ((Also there will not be any non-con in this fic, so please don’t worry. You’ll see when you read.))
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13
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Tag Requests: @loslox, @for-hearthand-home, @navierkalani
‘The worst thing they could be are swingers.’
Your heart was racing, and you felt ridiculous for how uppity you felt at the prospect of having dinner with your two elderly neighbors. 
Normally, meeting new people would cause a healthy amount of anxiety in you. You’d grown up into a recluse and upholding social niceties took most of your energy. It was even worse to be in their home, and among people that you likely did not have much in common with. 
These were personal reassurances that you told yourself after denying the first invitation for dinner with the Farrows. The guilt you felt, paired with the subsequent relief of not having to spend more than five minutes with your chatty neighbor, stirred an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
Of course you’d been unable to stop thinking about what a wretch you were, how karma was going to bite you on the ass for denying an old couple some company. 
And oh Karma did come back to bite you. Hard. 
You felt like you were hanging by a thread at work. Three weeks into the job and you’d already been reprimanded. Even the memory of your supervisor looking down her nose at you from the other side of her desk made your eyes water. 
“We have a ‘three strikes’ policy here. I’m afraid this will count as your first.”
Never having been fired from a job notwithstanding, you felt like the idiot your parents always purported you to be. 
If you’d have just stayed in your hometown, living off your parents’ good graces and kept your head down, instead of prancing out the door as if you had self-respect and no need for a safety net… 
Maybe things wouldn’t be so dire. 
Maybe you wouldn’t be on the verge of having a panic attack at this very moment, feeling the anxiety and restlessness from declining the previous invitation tenfold. 
With a deep breath in and out, you crossed the hall with the hesitance of a mouse approaching a snap-trap. You knocked on the door to Unit 606 with a shaking hand.
There was a moment left to blanch at the realization that you hadn’t brought anything with you. Like the shittiest, most thoughtless guest ever.
“You made it!” Mrs. Farrow held her arms out dramatically. “Come in! Come in! You’re right on time! Oh and you look lovely dear!”
“Thanks.” You felt heat rise to your cheeks as the door closed behind you. 
The layout of the apartment was a mirror image to yours, but you were overwhelmed by just how much stuff had taken up the space. From the kitchen to the living room, the apartment was brimming with kaleidoscopic color. Antique statuettes of unknown deities, handcrafted vases and sculptures in-set with gems and gold filigree, expertly framed posters of old Hollywood, and Persian rugs beneath well-worn furniture were visible from just a cursory glance. 
It distracted you from the unusually bitter, earthy smell that assaulted you upon entering. 
“Wow,” You said in genuine awe. “Your home is lovely.” 
“Aw, you’re too kind sweetheart. Too kind. Here, let me take your shawl - we’ll hang it up on the rack here, see.” She took your cardigan and placed it on an old hat stand before steering you out to the living room by the back of your shoulders.
There was a man sitting in a leather armchair adjacent to the couch. He was wearing a tweed jacket and his silver-blond hair had been combed back finely to show a pale, wrinkled face and eyes so dark they shone almost black in the lowlight. 
He looked at you with interest once you’d finally caught onto his presence, and opened his mouth to speak.
“Lou!” You laughed as the duck came racing over on its little legs. 
Without delay, the bird climbed onto your flats with an impatient flap of its wings, trying to balance while looking up at you adoringly. 
You couldn’t help but reach down and pat his little head, murmuring ‘hellos’ and ‘how you doing buddy?’ softly and sweetly. 
The man opposite you both smirked. “My wife was right. He’s quite taken with you.” 
“I’m always right!” Mrs. Farrow called out from the kitchen. 
You looked to the kitchen and back to, presumably, Mr. Farrow, an uncertain smile on your lips. 
“Welcome to our home.” The elder man’s voice was almost hypnotically deep. His hand was outstretched and waiting. “Please excuse me for not greeting you properly. When you get to be as old as I am, your body does everything it can to make you stay put in one place.” 
You shook your head. “Oh no, please don’t worry about it! I understand.” 
Mr. Farrow’s smirk seemed to soften as you spoke. 
“Please make yourself comfortable, my dear.” When he gestured to the couch, you awkwardly shuffled to sit down. Lou was right on your heels, loathe to spend even a second without your warmth. 
The duck ended up snuggled on your lap after begging to be lifted as you sank into the plush sofa. And you were grateful, hugging Lou to you gently as if he were a plush toy. 
It helped take your mind away from that spine-tingling feeling when it made a comeback — the way Mr. Farrow’s eyes glittered when he looked at you and his duck. 
‘Oh god, they probably are swingers. And they lure in their targets with this crazy well-trained duck.’ You thought, punching yourself in the face mentally. ‘And you fell for it. Walked right into their den of debauchery. You stupid bitch.’ 
“Here’s some water, honey. We’ll save the stronger stuff for dinner.” You jumped in your seat when Mrs. Farrow appeared at your side, setting a glass of ice water down on the end table beside you. 
You reached for the glass as its contents sloshed over the edge. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Farrow.” 
Mrs. Farrow beamed. 
“What did I tell ya, Warren? Isn’t she lovely? Just a peach. Lou is smitten.” She patted your shoulder. “And it’s Cassie, honey. Call me Cass.”
“You were right, Cass.” Warren Farrow intoned. 
He took on a conspiratorial tone as he addressed you once more. “You must know, my wife hasn’t stopped talking about you since you met the other day. I wondered if she was preparing us for a new roommate.” 
Heat flooded your face for the second time. “Aw.”
“Oh poo, as if you wouldn’a done the same.” Mrs. Farrow sniffed derisively. “Dinner in 5 minutes!”
Her exit left room for you to start a conversation, but you couldn’t find it in you to say anything. Mr. Farrow kept staring, smiling, which made you stroke Lou’s feathers for comfort that much more. 
The silence lasted a little while, save for the clinking, crackling, thudding from the kitchen dining room. Aside from catering to Lou, you surveyed your surroundings in an effort to avoid bouncing your legs.
The Farrows didn’t have a TV, only a large fireplace that they’d positioned their furniture around. There were displays on either side of the grate. On one stood an oversized chalice with intricate, swirling patterns. The other had a statuette of a goat-headed figure sitting crisscrossed on a throne, one arm poised to reach out to the sky.
You turned from the sight, head swiveling to face your human companion. He was eying you keenly again. 
“O-oh, the statue is…?”
Warren nodded. “Baphomet. Conceived as a false god around the time of the crusades. Most people see him as a depiction of Satan these days.” 
The association wasn’t too far-fetched, you figured with another look at the figure. Its goat-head and large horns were the most eye-catching thing about it. 
“I apologize if the sight upsets you, dear. I hadn’t thought to remove it before your arrival.” 
“Oh no, please. It’s alright.” You said. “It doesn’t bother me. It’s very interesting.” 
The rumbling hum at your side seemed to signal approval, or maybe general geniality with your neutral response. “Are you religious by chance?”
You turned to Warren again. 
“Ah, no.” You replied apologetically. “I grew up in a Christian area, but I was never very involved with the church.” 
Warren nodded. “That’s just as well. The institution and its practices can be stifling. I was never very involved with it myself.” 
“Religious artifacts have always been fascinating to me, however. There’s no shortage of temples and synagogues in this world.” 
“Have you been to many? For the history?” You were genuinely curious. 
The old man nodded again, stately and dignified even as he puffed up in his armchair like a peacock. “Cass and I are seasoned travelers. We’ve been to all 7 continents at least twice, seen the wonders of the world from the Hindu shrines in Malaysia to St. Basil’s Cathedral. I have a particular fondness for those countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. I was able to convince Cassie another trip to Rome wouldn’t put us in the poor house last year.” 
Your little huff of laughter was sincere, though the idea of traveling to Rome - or anyplace outside of the familiar - sounded amazing. “I’d love to be able to do that.” 
Warren’s head tilted to one side. “You’re quite young, I’m sure you’ll get the chance if you haven’t already.” 
“Sure.” You scoffed before immediately falling into contrition. “I’m sorry, that was rude of me —”
“Dinner time!”
Mrs. Farrow hollered from the kitchen, stopping you from trying to come up with a suitable excuse for yourself. 
Luckily, Mr. Farrow chuckled good-naturedly. He rose from his chair stiffly, legs visibly straining. “No need to apologize, my dear. But we best get going before the Missus comes out and drags us by our ears.”
All things considered, the dinner was perfectly fine. 
The jitters never left your frame, but you had chalked that up to a simple byproduct of your skittish nature. The red wine that Cass had insisted upon you made you feel warm and solid, at least. 
As did the fact that Cassie Farrow could hold entire conversations all on her own with very little effort or input from yourself. 
“You got a boyfriend, honey? Or girlfriend? No shame in that at all. We may be old but by no means bigoted. We’ve been all over the place, seen so many things - what’s natural to you and me could be the furthest from, in certain places. Isn’t that right, Warren?”
“Men in Ancient Greece often had relationships with other men.” Warren replied. “Royals in Europe had extramarital affairs with different sexes. It was all about keeping the bloodline pure, but romance was a different thing altogether.” 
“I haven’t dated in a while, actually.” You said. “It’s not been a priority.” 
Cassie nodded, exuberant as she drank from her wine glass. “That’s good too! Plenty of independent women these days! It’s about time, I say.” 
‘Quack quack’
Lou was beside you, red eyes locked in as he gazed upon you at the dining table. It made you giggle.
“Mm!” Cassie had a spastic moment. “I almost forgot!” 
The chair lurched out from under the old woman as she rose and scuttled out of the room. It left you blinking, and out of the corner of your eye you saw that same smirk on Warren’s face before his wife had returned. 
She had a small wicker basket in her arms. 
“This is for you, honey. Housewarming present from your kooky neighbors across the hall.” 
As she drew nearer, you caught a glimpse of the contents, some of which shone beneath the light of the overhead chandelier. 
“Thank you! You really didn’t have to.” The basket was pressed into your arms and Cassie was back in her seat before you’d finished your sentence. 
“Nonsense. It’s the least we could do. I still can’t believe no one welcomed you for a whole week!” 
The basket was lined with shredded filler, and nestled in between were little gemstones and crystals.
“There’s jade and ruby in there, and I believe there’s moonstone as well.” Mr. Farrow recalled. “Is that it, Cass?”
“Yes, yes, and carnelian too. It’s all scattered about there, with the Scrabble and the socks and the hand cream and oh!” Mrs. Farrow laughed. “Forgive us honey, we saw that little rubber duck and just had to get it for you.” 
There was a little rubber duck. It was a novelty type, with a tiny red jacket and a tiny black top hat. 
“It’s a carnival barker. No, it’s something like that. It’s on the tip of my tongue.” Your nose scrunched in thought. “Oh, a circus ringmaster!” 
“Exactly! See, what’d I tell you, Warren? She loves it!” 
“I believe I was the one who suggested it.” His voice carried through the otherwise silent dining room. 
“Oh well maybe it was, so what. She likes it. Don’t you, honey?”
“Yes, but…” You felt funny again. Tingly. “This is too much. Really. You’re both so kind but I can’t accept this.” 
A hand laid gently on your shoulder and you looked up at a frowning Warren Farrow. “It’s no trouble at all, my dear.” 
“The cost must’ve —”
“No cost, really. Gemstones and crystals are quite popular these days. You can find them all over. And the little trinkets are just the same. Given to you in good faith of course.” He patted your shoulder gently. 
You swallowed, eyes once again roving over the little mundane treasures. Silken feathers brushed against your ankle under the table and you met those red eyes, sparkling like the crystals in your basket. 
Lou was such a funny little thing. So expressive, he looked as if he were waiting as he stared at you. 
So funny. 
… You felt funny. 
Perhaps the anxiety from before was doubling back, just like that prickling sensation. It was less of a tingle and more a shiver or chill as you sat there. 
“I think it’s about time for dessert, don’t you?” Mrs. Farrow was saying somewhere far away. “You like chocolate, sweetheart? I made mousse, all fancy-like. It’s not as fancy as the kind you get at that restaurant downtown, the Ivy, but they’ve got fancy ingredients and such…” 
Reaching up to wipe the sheen of sweat from your forehead, you felt heat coming off from between your temples. With a shaky breath, you slumped down in your seat. 
The basket was gone. 
Your chair was scraping against the wooden floor as it was pulled out from the table. 
“Are you feeling alright, my dear?”
Wrinkled hands swept the hair from your face as your eyes rolled in their sockets. Words couldn’t get past the cotton-dry feeling in your throat. 
“It’s the wine, the wine. Said she’s not much of a drinker, it has to be the wine.” 
Cass’s voice was dampened and thick, like it was trapped underwater. 
Or perhaps you were trapped. Your head was spinning, limbs heavy as if you were a puppet sans strings. You had to be picked up from under your arms like a toddler and pulled upright. 
The next second you were walking through your neighbors’ kitchen, the door held open for you. 
“Maybe we oughta call a doctor? Honey, can you hear me?”
“I… yes. I can hear you.” It felt like an Olympic feat, but you spoke clearly. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s happening.”
You stumbled against the wall and strong arms caught you when your knees buckled. It was Mr. Farrow allowing you to lean on him, solid as a rock. 
“Cass is right, you had quite a bit of wine.” He said. Another pat to your shoulder.
Did you? You could’ve sworn it was just a glass. 
Your apartment was barren and blank, the smell of laundry comforting against the memory of that earthy incense smell. 
“Get some rest, honey. We’re right across the hall.” 
“Thank you.” You breathed, lying on your sofa bed. “Again, I’m very sorry. Thank you for the welcome.” 
“Oh no, thank you.” 
When you opened your eyes next, you were shrouded in darkness. The outline of your entertainment system was in front of you, and the kitchen at your right. 
It was raining outside; little raindrops smattering against the glass. The sound was normal, no longer muffled until you were straining to hear it. 
‘Well that’s good.’ 
The heavy feeling in your arms was still present. 
‘That’s not so good.’
You felt perfectly sane and hysterical at the same time. It was like being caught in the eye of a storm. The danger had abated momentarily, but would begin again shortly. 
Your door opened, and in your peripheral you saw a shadow cut across the wall as a new figure emerged from the hall. 
You squinted in the dark. ‘Lou?’ 
The duck’s silhouette stilled as if you’d spoken aloud. You could feel something shift in the air, tension breaking through to your mind when it could not seize your body. 
That shift grew stronger, sucking in the air around it until a dazzling flash and crack of light blinded you. 
Lou’s shadow was gone. Or… it had changed. The shadow on the wall wasn’t a duck anymore it was… 
Your blood ran cold as the man stepped into your apartment and let the door close behind him. 
“Hello there!”
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2baabbies · 13 days
🖤 Summer in Winter (faerie!felix x human!reader)
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I’ve been working on drafts of this since last October so I think it’s just time to post it lol
Words: 4200
Summary: Felix visits often, but is usually gone when you wake up in the morning. Wouldn't it be nice if he stayed?
Fantasy + Fluff + Smut + Humour
afab + fem!reader
CWs: none really, maybe pining?, implied scary fae lore but not elaborated on
Smut Tags: use of pet names, confessions during sex, chatty sex, light teasing, fingering, praise, so kissy and cuddly waaa, some dry humping, cunnilingus, reader is desperate af/slight begging, Penetration™️ (p in v), unprotected sex (practice safe sex pleeeease), creampie
@bookswillfindyouaway @rixenluv
Reposting this fic to other platforms, including as a translation, is expressly prohibited. Do not copy, alter, or claim this fic as your own. Absolutely no permission is given to anyone to post my works, even with credit, and this fic should only appear on Ao3 or Tumblr under my accounts. Reposting is not only plagiarism, but a direct violation of my wishes as the original writer and owner. Please respect writers and don’t steal!
Likes, reblogs, asks and comments are very welcome and appreciated <3
Perhaps it should feel abnormal to welcome the fae into your home, knowing the warning tales you grew up with as a child, but it does not. Especially when it is Felix. He was the first to find you when you moved into this new town- the first you trusted- and he only makes his presence more apparent once the cold winter hits. His visits become more intimate than they were in the warmer seasons, when he would linger at the edge of the treeline and watch you garden until you left a gift for him near the brush. Now when he visits he comes right to the door, asks to be let in, then sits and chats with you late into the night. Sometimes he is there when you wake up, puttering around the kitchen or reading in the living room. Sometimes he is not, and your gut sinks just a bit.
There is no name for your relationship, but you feel the tension building all the same. Felix, always a gentleman, sleeps on the living room couch when he stays over. But the unsaid ‘what if’ lingers in your mind at the end of each night, when you curl up alone in your own bed after long conversations by the fireplace. You try to stay awake and listen for his footsteps on his way out, but you never do hear them. 
One night, hours after you have retreated to your room for bed, you use the excuse of needing a drink of water to see if he has left yet. You are slightly surprised to see him still on the couch, his eyes shut and his breathing slow as if he is in a deep sleep.
Your heartbeat quickens as you look him over, you note how the moonlight catches the softness of his lips and the highlights in his golden hair. His pointed ears and nimble fingers twitch when the floorboards creak as you creep into the room. His freckles and delicate cheeks still charm you even if they are barely visible in the dim light. His eyes open slowly as he turns his head to look at you; lazily, eyelids half-lidded to give the impression that he was truly sleeping, but his sudden awareness breaks the façade.
“Can’t sleep, darling?”
His voice is gentle and a little deeper than normal, which rumbles you in a pleasant way.
“I’m thirsty.”
“Ah, let me.”
He rises from his spot and gracefully steps out of the room. You remain where you stand, waiting as you hear the glasses clink and the tap run. He returns and regards you calmly as you blink the sleep away.
“Are you alright?” He asks.
He guides a glass of water into your hand and tidies your hair where it was mussed by your pillow.
“I’m fine.”
You sip your water as he hums quietly.
“You just look like you have something to say.”
“When do you go back to the forest?”
He cups your cheek with a soft smile.
“When I know you’re asleep, and safe.”
“You don’t have to wait for me to fall asleep, you know. You can leave whenever you want.”
“But wouldn’t you be disappointed?”
Your cheeks flare as you feel caught.
“Does that matter?”
“It wouldn’t to some.”
Your heart skips.
“But it does to you?”
“Of course.”
“You really don’t have to stay, Felix.”
“I know, but I have to know you’re alright. I’ll just keep thinking about you if I leave now.”
His response may as well be a confession with the way Felix says it, and you do not know how to react. You blink a few times, suddenly sure you must be dreaming or hallucinating this. His warm hand on your cheek, caressing you gently, reminds you that this is real. 
“You will?”
It is all you can manage and your voice quivers out at the end of the question. You shiver and let him take the glass from your hand. Perhaps you are both nervous that you will drop it with how shaky his words have made you.
“You should get back in bed, sweetheart.”
You nod and let him lead you back to your bedroom. He sets the glass down as you crawl into your bed. You gaze up at him in the dark, feeling him pull your blanket up and tuck you in.
“Will you lay with me?”
He pauses as he contemplates your request.
“I’m cold,” You add, desperate to convince him.
“It is cold, isn’t it?”
You say nothing as Felix lifts the blanket and slides in beside you, but feel a bit of pride that he accepted your invitation. You try not to dive into his arms as they come around you, try to restrain yourself from melting immediately when you breathe in his fresh summer scent. He lays his head on the pillow next to you and, very loosely, embraces you. The position is a little awkward, but you are too embarrassed to move any closer.
“You avoided my question earlier,” You murmur into the pillow, half-hoping he ignores you.
“Hm, what was the question, darling?”
“Do you really think about me when you leave?”
You shut your eyes, your face feels on fire.
“Oh, always.”
Felix sighs softly and whispers, “I can’t think about anything else sometimes. It’s… difficult.”
“Because… I can’t help but fret over you. I wonder if you’re eating, and if you’re sleeping. I wonder who you are seeing. I wait helplessly when you go far away. I worry something wicked will find you, you sweet thing. And to be worrying like that all the time, it can make a faerie weak.”
You open your eyes and meet Felix’s gaze, longing and tired as he watches you.
“Yes. Always on my mind. Isn’t it shameful?”
“Why would you be ashamed?”
“Doesn’t it make you feel ashamed?”
You swallow.
“Not because… I think those feelings are wrong. Well, actually, that’s a lie,” You laugh breathlessly, “My whole life I’ve been told how dangerous your kind is, and not to let myself get trapped in fae magic. And love is a sort of trap, right? It’s vulnerability, it’s deals and promises, and in theory I should be wary. But I’m already so far gone, so what am I holding back from? But I don’t necessarily think these feelings are bad or want them to stop. God, I never want this to stop. I’m so happy with you. I just don’t know. I don’t know what to say, and I know I’ll say something that will make me more anxious because…”
You trail off as you notice Felix watching you with wide eyes.
“Because of this. Because I’ll run my mouth and regret it afterwards,” You finish.
“Oh,” Felix answers carefully, “You think wanting me would be wrong. Because you’re a human.”
“No, I-I don’t. I don’t care if it’s right or wrong, I just… I get embarrassed because I don’t know how to make it make sense to both of us. I can’t speak in front of you.”
“You’re speaking right now.”
You laugh at his teasing lilt.
“Yeah, and making a fool of myself.”
“Well, then you understand my predicament.”
“I don’t.”
“The feeling you’re describing now, this fear you have, I feel it every day when I leave you.”
“You do?”
“Yes. And it is so, so relentless.”
He continues to stare, patiently awaiting your reply. You shudder at the intensity in his eyes and they soften, before he pulls you closer.
“Are you still cold, my darling?”
You tense as he pulls you in. Your head comes to his chest and he slips his thigh between your legs. Your bodies curl together and his arms hold you a little tighter, with more certainty than before. You shakily squeeze him back, but the closeness is not what makes you shiver.
My darling. 
The alteration to your pet name is intentional.
“Do you…”
He chuckles and your lips shut tightly.
“Do you feel the same way?”
“I do.”
“Can you kiss me?”
He pulls back to look down where your head rests on his chest, and you look up.
“I could kiss you. That is certainly within my abilities.”
“You’re- ugh.”
You both laugh as he presses his forehead to yours. You begin to realize how warm he is, how every spot where your body touches his is soothed. His magic seeps into your body, making your chest tighten and stomach flip. The heat is almost too much, almost burning, but you refuse to move away. Everything intensifies when the laughter dies down and he finally kisses you.
His mouth moves slowly against yours, giving you time to register the contact and adjust to it. Your thighs tense as you press closer, and you feel his thigh move just a bit higher to put some pressure between your legs. You gasp and he breaks away, enough so you can both pant into the space between you. You duck your head as your cheeks heat up again and he gives you an experimental nudge. You barely muffle a moan in his shoulder.
“Sweetheart, how does that feel?”
You try not to rut yourself on his thigh but he pushes against you again, and you instinctively roll your hips to chase the pleasure.
“A-Ahn, nice,” You cry softly.
You bite your lip and look up pitifully as he leans back to take you in.
“Oh, you are precious.”
You whimper at his tone, somehow sounding both enamored with you yet taunting your reactions.
“I haven’t…”
“H-haven’t b-been touched in a while…”
“Oh, sweetheart,” He coos, “Would you like me to help with that?”
You nod and shakily exhale. He smiles and pulls his leg from between yours to replace it with his hand. You make a wrecked sound as his palm presses through your pants to cup your pussy. You whine and throw your head back as he rolls his wrist and spreads your legs wider.
He makes a pleased sound and, very chastely, kisses the dip of your throat. This draws a longing moan from you.
“Lovely little thing. I haven’t had a moment’s peace since I met you, you know? Not a day that I’m not thinking about you. You’re so much trouble.”
“M’sorry,” You moan.
“Mhm, are you? Does it not excite you a bit, to have me in the palm of your hand?”
You laugh at the irony as he draws his hand away.
“I-I didn’t know…”
“Oh, I know,” He breathes as he brushes his hand over your abdomen, “My sweet girl.”
You moan in agreement as he slips his hand down your pants and beneath your panties. His middle finger brushes over your clit then he curls the first digit between your folds. You jolt at the intrusion and tuck your face in his neck as he lovingly pets your hair. Soft sounds escape your lips as his finger carefully swirls inside you.
“Hm, darling?”
You buck your hips and whimper as he finally thrusts his finger to the hilt.
“I know, sweetheart. You like it though, right? Feels good?”
You are adjusting to his touch now, and begin rocking your hips as he adds another finger. He presses a kiss to your temple and cups the back of your head as he begins thrusting his fingers faster. You tense under his touch, becoming more wound up as he settles into a rhythm. You make a desperate sound when he spreads his fingers open and grazes his thumb over your clit.
“Felix,” You sigh, “Oh, Fe-elix…”
He chuckles and noses at your scalp as you press closer.
“You sound lovely, my darling. So good for me.”
Something snaps when he speaks and your climax hits you suddenly. Your body shudders from the intensity as he coaxes you through it with quick pecks and careful attention on your clit. You take in a gasping breath before his lips crash into yours, swallowing up your sounds of pleasure. His touch slows, but does not stop, as your legs tremble and you become boneless in his arms. He breaks the kiss and smiles as you whimper and twitch against him.
You nod sleepily as he finally slides his hand out of your pants. He gives his fingers an experimental lick and smirks as you throw your head back with a groan.
“You’re too much…”
“Hm, get some sleep, my love.”
Your head snaps back and he pecks your forehead as you stare blankly at him.
“Hey, w-wha-”
“Um, we’re going to bed after doing that, are you kidding me?”
He chuckles.
“You’re not tired?”
“You’re not… horny?”
Felix laughs and blushes as you pout at him. He swipes his thumb over your hip as he speaks.
“I have patience, darling. I waited this long for a moment to lay next to you, I’m sure I can wait a bit longer.”
You huff as you move to straddle his hips. He lets you shove him to the bed and stares up expectantly as you settle on top of him.
“What if you don’t have to wait?”
His eyebrow cocks up and his eyes rake over your body.
“Impatient, are we?”
You give your hips a tentative roll and bite your lip to muffle the whimpering gasp that threatens to spill out. Your clit is still throbbing, but your desire outweighs your sensitivity. You grind down again and smirk as you draw a groan from him. His hands fly to your hips and hold you in place as he bucks up to meet your thrusts. You giggle as you lean down to kiss him, which he returns eagerly. You lean away with a smirk.
You squeal when he flips you over and dives in to kiss you again, nibbling at your lips and peppering your face with sweet pecks. Delight bubbles in your chest as your abdomen swirls with desire. His hips are pressing against yours so you can feel his cock strain through his pants and the contact makes your head spin. He nuzzles his nose against yours and smirks at your moans.
“Do you want me, sweetheart?”
He pulls back slightly to look at you. You blink dazedly, still feeling drunk on your last orgasm and the heat of him on top of you. You spread your legs wider to let him press closer, which he does. You nod as you throw your arms over his shoulders.
“Of course, Felix. Do you want me?”
“I do,” He murmurs, “Every touch. Every kiss. Every moment. I want to take care of your every desire.”
“My desire is that you fuck me.”
He laughs.
“I will… do that, yes. I’m more than happy to…”
You laugh at how his usual eloquence has dissolved into sultry rambling, and draw him in for another kiss. You part your lips and he laps into your mouth, his hips jumping at the moans you let out. He slides your pants and panties down, allowing you to shimmy them off. You start to pull your shirt off and pause when he begins kissing down your neck, to your stomach, and lower below the blanket until he stops between your legs. You fling your shirt away and make a wrecked noise as his tongue slips between your folds.
“Mhm, Felix…”
You melt as he laps at your sex and hum his name shamelessly. He groans in response, vibrating your clit and drawing another wrecked sound from you. You whisper his name and try to stifle the crescendo of needy sounds he pulls from you to no avail. Suddenly, he stops and pops up from under the blanket. Your disappointed moan trails off into a fit of giggles as you take in his disheveled appearance. His hair has been fluffed up by the blanket that now hangs loosely off his shoulders. He blinks back at you, trying to decipher your reaction.
“Are you alright?”
“Come here.”
You pull him in for a kiss and taste yourself on his tongue when it slips into your mouth. He sighs when you reach down to unbutton his pants and wrench them down so his cock springs free. He breaks the kiss to mouth messy bites over your jawline and throat. You giggle and tilt your head back to ease his access, while one of your hands slips under his shirt and traces his abdomen lazily.
“Felix, come on,” You whine when he lingers on sucking a hickey into your shoulder, “Come on, please.”
“Remember when I called you impatient, my darling?”
You huff and smile wryly as he rises to pull his shirt off and fully remove his bottoms. He kneels between your legs, his cock standing hard against his stomach. You tsk softly and pull him into your embrace, lovingly cupping his cheeks as he sinks on top of you. He beams and brushes his nose against yours shyly.
“I haven’t been fair to you, have I?”
“I’m in no rush,” He breathes, his eyes fluttering as his cock presses against your soft skin, “Y-You’re always fair to me.”
“Are you okay?”
“Mh-hmn,” He pecks another kiss on your cheek.
“You’re sure?”
“I just love you so much.”
You freeze at the confession, staring through the dim light as Felix peppers kisses down your neck. You grasp his cheeks and pull him up to face you, he stares back with a surprised expression.
“Do you mean that?”
“Of course,” His brows furrow, “Of course I do.”
“You promise?”
He breaks free from your grasp to peck a needy kiss to your lips, then murmurs, “I couldn’t lie if I wanted to.”
“Lix,” You whine, “Please, I really need you. Fuck me.”
He laughs softly as he resumes kissing over your face and hooks his arms under your thighs, then slowly eases into you. You gasp as he fills you and your eyes shut in bliss when his cock presses deeper. A whimper escapes your lips as he slowly pulls out and lazily pushes in again. You open your eyes to see him studying your reactions, his lips parted in shuddery groans with each calculated thrust.
“Felix... Felix, oh my God…”
He kisses you, messily, open-mouthed and desperate as he draws another moan from you. You let him lick into your mouth and nibble your bottom lip as your mind goes hazy.
“That good, darling?”
He chuckles and leans back to let you breathe, still thrusting intentionally.
“My lovely girl. You look so good like this, my darling. I love it, I love you. Wanted this since the moment I met you.”
You let your head fall back as his pace quickens. Somehow your hands have managed to find his arms where they support your thighs and you grip his biceps tightly. He makes a pleased sound and presses closer, pushing your legs up to thrust deeper inside you. You whimper as the tension builds and you hear your own wetness dripping around his cock.
“Oh, love, my love,” He sighs against your chest as he rests his forehead in the crook of your neck.
You make a giddy sound when you feel his hips stutter.
“So good, Felix. I love you.”
He nods and nuzzles closer.
“J-Just about… there. Oh, darling, please.”
You giggle when his movements pause again.
“That’s- ah- perfect, Lix. You gonna come? Come on. I want you to, want you to come i-inside.”
He nods and continues with as many shaky thrusts as he can manage. He pushes in and pants into your neck as he finishes. You whimper at the sensation and squirm for some stimulation as he presses you into the bed. He drops one of your legs and reaches his hand between you to play with your clit. You whimper and look at him as he chases after your lulling high. His cock is still nestled between your folds when you reach your orgasm, and he groans when you clench around him. He gazes into your eyes lovingly as he rubs you through each wave of pleasure, until you begin to whimper from the overstimulation.
His hand slowly draws back and he gives you a deep kiss as he pulls out.
“Mhm, sorry. You were so lovely, darling. I didn’t want to stop.”
Your legs quake as you let them fall, while Felix kisses your forehead.
“Oh, Felix.”
He laughs and presses his forehead to yours with a cheeky grin.
“My, you really are sensitive. What a shame you haven’t been touched, you needed it.”
“Hah, you- mhm…”
He lets you recover from your orgasm with long, doting kisses to your lips and cheeks. You sink into the bed with a blissed out smile as his hands coast over your stomach and thighs.
“Still good, darling?”
“With you? Always.”
He chuckles.
“Always? That’s what I like to hear.”
“Don’t get too cocky.”
“Why not? Telling me you’re not satisfied? Please, feel free to speak your mind.”
“You didn’t last very long,” You tease.
“Neither did you.”
Felix winks and pecks your forehead before settling down next to you. You roll into his arms as he pulls your thigh over his hip and fixes the blanket over you both. You rest your hand on his chest where his heart is still pattering and feel your own swell with affection.
“Next time,” You decide.
“Next time we’ll take it slower.”
“So, there will be a next time?”
You giggle.
“Of course,” You gaze up at him dreamily, “You’re not done with me already, are you?”
It is supposed to be a joke, but you cannot help but worry.
“Darling,” He whispers, but it sounds like the air has been punched out of him as he gazes back at you, “I will never be done with you.”
You shiver as his hand rests over yours and he kisses the bridge of your nose.
“I promise, I meant it. Since the moment I met you, I knew we belonged together. And I was right.”
Your eyes tear up a bit and you nod quickly.
“I guess I just… I didn’t know if love meant the same thing to you that it does for me…”
His eyes soften and he pauses to search for the proper response.
“Maybe not, but I know with all of my being that I love you more than I can bear. Even harder when you love me back.”
“Because it hurts me so much to be away from you, and I want nothing more than to spend everyday with you like I am right now, I think it’s safe to say I want to be yours.”
You nod and sniffle.
“I want to be yours, too.”
“Always. I promise.”
He smiles.
“You know the fae aren’t ones to go back on our promises.”
“I know. I’m not either.”
His thumb glides over the back of your hand in soothing strokes as you finally drift to sleep.
When you wake the next morning you are alone, and for a moment your heart aches. You sit up slowly in the early light and sigh as you listen to the howling of winter winds and firewood crackling in the living room. Your brow furrows slightly and you move to get out of bed, then you pause when you realize you are dressed in your pajamas. You are feeling the soft linen and questioning when you were dressed last night, when your bedroom door opens.
Felix eyes you with shock when he sees you are awake and hurriedly comes to your side.
“Oh, darling. Did I wake you?”
You watch him intently as he sits beside you and pulls the blanket up to your chest.
“It’s still quite cold, love. Go on, you can go back to sleep. The fire is just building up now.”
He is rubbing your arm gently, spreading warmth over you like a second outside of the blanket will leave you frozen.
“You stayed.”
He pauses then looks at you with some relief.
“Oh… I did.”
“You… didn’t have to.”
You let him crawl in beside you and tuck the blanket around you both. He rests his head on your chest as you run your fingers through his hair.
“I think we’ve been over this, yeah? You don’t like it when I leave.”
“I know, but you usually go when I fall asleep.”
“Yes,” He leans up to look at you, “That doesn’t mean I have to leave when you fall asleep, does it?”
“Then I’m going to stay.”
He smiles and rests his head on your chest again, snuggling in with a content hum. Your fingers play with the hairs at the base of his neck as you stare at the ceiling.
“How long will you stay?”
He hums.
“As long as I can. But don’t worry, my love, I’ll come back.”
You smile and let your eyes fall shut as you fall asleep in his embrace.
“I love you, Felix.”
“I love you, my darling. So very much.”
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halucynator · 7 months
False Fronts III
part 3 of 4
the mastermind behind this one is @berryzxx as always thank you for your help bby (after this series finishes, i want you to fill my inbox btw)
i shouldve named jess chloe because damn this girl is giving off major chloe vibes from mlb. sorry if this is like underwhelming.
i might make a part 4 (but like only if you ask nicely) because this isn't an ending it can't possibly be an ending!!
Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing, "fake" dating, jealousy, not proof read and my writing
Summary: Being asked to fake date someone to get a petty ex off their back is the worst possible way of being friend-zoned. You, however, were willing to take any chances to get as close as you could to Theodore Nott.
now playing: cindy lou who by sabrina carpenter
reblogs with tags are always appreciated <;33
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4: fluff angst
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"Stop right there, bitch! Get the fuck away from my boyfriend." Jess's voice cut through the tense air, instantly drawing everyone's attention.
Theo sighed in exasperation. "Ex-boyfriend. And don't you dare talk to my girlfriend like that." His words carried a chilly intensity.
"Oh, she's your girlfriend now? That's hilarious because the last time I checked, you two were faking it," Jess retorted, a smug smirk playing on her lips.
The unexpected reveal left you and Theo exchanging a helpless glance. How did Jess figure it out? You had played the roles so convincingly that even you were starting to believe the lines had blurred between fake and real.
Before Theo could interject, Jess continued, her voice dripping with confidence. "Cut the act. You may have fooled everyone else, but the one person you wanted to fool hasn't been fooled."
You attempted to speak up, to question how she found out, but Jess swiftly shut you down.
"How did I know?" Jess glanced at you, then turned back to Theo. "Your "girlfriend" here," she eyed you "is quite chatty. Talks to her friends about how real it feels between you two. It's honestly so sad. She's desperate for your little facade to be real."
The weight of Jess's words hung heavy in the air. Theo's expression morphed from surprise to a mix of confusion and disbelief. You felt a pang of embarrassment and frustration. How could something you thought was contained within the fake dating scenario leak out and become gossip?
Amidst the tension, you struggled to find the right words to explain or defend yourself, caught in this sudden unraveling of a secret that had been meant to stay hidden.
Seeing the lack of reaction from either of you, Jess pressed on. "Pathetic, isn't it? Wanting something that's not real to be real."
Theo's jaw clenched, a knot forming in his brow as his gaze ricocheted between you and Jess, desperately seeking some clarity amidst the chaos. The gravity of the situation settled heavily, leaving you scrambling to find the right words to shield yourself from her accusations, to explain the bizarre blend of make-believe and genuine emotions that had intertwined.
"God, she's so pathetic," Jess continued, her words laced with a mocking tone that cut through the tension like a dagger. "He's gonna drop you, sweetie. You really think he'd date—"
Before Jess could finish her sentence, Theo's voice cut in, firm and resolute. "Enough, Jess. You don't know anything about us, so quit pretending like you do."
There was an edge to Theo's tone, a hint of frustration, as he stood his ground, shutting down Jess's attempts to sow doubt. His protective stance felt like a shield against her words, offering a reassuring anchor amidst the sudden storm of doubts. His words held a sharpness, a protective edge that cut through the tension between you, Jess, and him. There was an unmistakable weight to his tone, a warning that echoed with an intensity that couldn't be ignored.
Jess taunted, "Maybe, but I know this little fling of yours is fake."
Theo's frustration boiled over. "It's not fake!" His voice surged with an unexpected intensity.
Jess remained unconvinced. "Prove it, then."
Both you and Jess turned towards him, a shared look of confusion etched across your faces, curious about his next move.
And then he kissed you.
Just like that.
Theo's hand gently but firmly encircled your face, his touch tender yet commanding as he guided your gaze to meet his with an almost magnetic force. His eyes, ablaze with an unspoken intensity, drew you closer as he leaned in, the anticipation palpable in the charged air between you both.
With a tender yet deliberate motion, his lips met yours, igniting a spark that seemed to set the world around you ablaze. The kiss, at first hesitant yet brimming with an undeniable passion, swiftly intensified into a hurricane of emotions, locking you into a shared moment that transcended time.
As Jess stormed away, the tumultuous whirlwind of her departure seemed to only fuel the fervor of the kiss, heightening the sensation of intimacy and urgency. Despite her exit, the connection between you and Theo only deepened, the embrace continuing unabated, lost in the heat of the moment.
After the brief, surprising kiss, you and Theo pulled away, both slightly taken aback by the sudden rush of emotions that surged between you.
Theo's voice broke the silence, a hint of uncertainty lingering in his words. "Is what she said true?"
You met his gaze, the honesty in his eyes compelling you to speak your truth. "Well, that's what I was about to tell you before she rudely interrupted me," you admitted, a tinge of frustration evident in your voice.
Theo's expression softened as he took a step closer, a mixture of emotions playing on his features. "I'm sorry about that. Go on, tell me."
Taking a deep breath, you gathered your thoughts, finally getting the chance to express what had been on your mind amidst the chaos. "Theo, what started as a fake dating thing somehow... shifted. It wasn't just acting anymore. I began to feel something real, something I didn't expect. And I didn't get the chance to tell you earlier that... I think I might have fallen for you."
Theo's eyes widened slightly, surprise mingling with a hint of something that resembled hope. "Y/N, I... I feel the same way. I didn't plan on it either, but somewhere along the way, it stopped feeling like just a fake thing."
Before either of you could say more, footsteps approached, interrupting the moment once again. It was your friends, rushing over, oblivious to the emotional exchange that had just taken place.
"Hey, guys! What's up?" one of them asked cheerfully, completely unaware of the weight of the situation.
Theo shot you a quick look, a silent agreement passing between you to revisit the conversation later, as the group gathered around, blissfully unaware of the emotions that had unexpectedly blossomed between you.
As your friends gathered around, oblivious to the charged atmosphere between you and Theo, the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Laughter filled the air, and you both seamlessly blended into the group, concealing the emotions that had just occurred moments ago.
Throughout the evening, stolen glances and subtle smiles exchanged between you and Theo conveyed more than words ever could. It was a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken feelings now shared between the two of you.
As the night wore on, the group dispersed, leaving you and Theo alone in the quiet of the Hogwarts grounds. The air was thick with unsaid words and newfound emotions.
Theo hesitated for a moment, then turned to you. "Y/N, about earlier..."
Before he could continue, you placed a gentle hand on his arm, offering a reassuring smile. "We'll talk later, Theo. For now, let's just enjoy the peace."
A sense of understanding passed between you, a mutual agreement to let the night unfold without the weight of rushed confessions or overwhelming emotions.
Together, you strolled through the dimly lit pathways, relishing the tranquility of the moment. Letting the newly revealed feelings linger in that money felt right.
The air crackled with anticipation, and you couldn't help but wonder: would this newfound bond flourish into something more, or would the weight of uncertainty push you both apart?
Only one way to find out.
hello, hi! want more fics to read while i work on part 4? check out my masterlist.
part 4: choose your ending. fluff angst
tagging: @hisparentsgallerryy @hpnsfwaddict
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bamsara · 9 months
The Rehabilitation of Death
Chapter 3: The Threat of Alliance | Mystic Seller
“I really think you should know this.” His vessel stresses the word. They look unusually alarmed. Good. Discomfort for the traitor was a pleasant sight.
Narinder cranes away. “I am not one of your missionaries.”
“It knows your siblings.” They say. “It knew their names. It knew you.”
“We are gods. Of course our names are known.” He scoffs, back turning towards him. Might as well throw the blanket at them while they’re here so it doesn’t sit in the corner. “You are just incomprehensible.”
“It said they’re still out there. It said they’re stuck in purgatory.”
Narinder’s movements pause. - Haunted by nightmares of memories and torn by the implications of how cooperation is required for the crown's full power, the arrival of an unknown deity adds bigger problems to the table. His siblings, Bishops of the old faith, remain in the veil between life and death, and the lamb is determined to carry out their detachment from suffering, while Narinder wishes to ensure it.
A visit to the old vessel's home; Ratau learns of the fate of his previous master through a rather rocky introduction.
Some moments in-between; the daily life of a chatty lamb, and a really irritated cat.
Word count: 16,069. Read tags and notes for warnings. Thank you!
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sixhours · 3 months
One Day at a Time - Chapter 1 - Conception
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel Miller x f!OFC, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, SMUT, gratuitous smut, dubious consent (drunk sex), unplanned pregnancy, fluff, references to past miscarriages, angst, hurt/comfort, romance, age gap (~21 years), childbirth, fluffy baby stuff, I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
It was probably the alcohol.
No, it was definitely the alcohol. That shit was lethal and he should have known better.
Charlie wasn’t even supposed to be on the patrol roster that day. Joel was usually paired with Tommy; the brothers had a good rhythm and years of partnership that made their runs almost effortless. But Tommy’s kid was sick, and Charlie had shown up for his shift.
Joel didn’t mind. She was serious, a good shot, and she didn’t feel the need to fill the silence. Even Tommy could get chatty when the mood struck, and Joel was infamously allergic to small talk. It was one overnight run–ride north, spend the night in Beaver Creek, keep an eye out for hordes, and salvage and scavenge what they could–and then they’d come home.
If only she hadn’t cut her damn leg.
“Hold still,” Joel grunted as Charlie’s calf twitched under his hand. The gash was deep enough to require stitches, but he wasn’t going to try that, not with his arthritic fingers, not in this damp spring chill. He poured a splash of alcohol over the wound and winced at her hissed out-breath.
“Motherfucker,” she growled, and Joel’s cock gave an involuntary twitch at the timbre of her voice, a hazy borderland between pleasure and pain.
Yeah, he’d noticed her. The way her ass looked in those jeans, the way her thighs gripped the saddle and held firm, the way her competent hands wielded a rifle. Her hair was a shock of silver-white that complemented strange light gray eyes and full pink lips.
He’d noticed all of it. He was old as dirt, but he wasn’t dead .
When a clean rag was wrapped and tied around the wound, he sat back, examining his work.
“How the hell’d you manage that?”
She gestured to the corner of the outpost where refuse had piled up. “Was looking for the log. There’s a broken window, didn’t see it.”
“Log’s on the other side,” he grouched.
“Yeah, I figured that out,” she muttered, wincing as she shifted her leg.
“S’it hurt?”
She shot him a look. Of course, it fucking hurts.
So he handed her the flask from which he’d poured the makeshift antibiotic.
“This’ll help.”
Charlie took the first swallow greedily, eyes watering, wheezing and coughing when the stuff hit the back of her throat. “Holy shit, what is this?”
He smirked, taking back the flask and helping himself, letting out an involuntary cough at the burn. “They don’t fuck around at the distillery.”
“You don’t say,” she said, gesturing to him with a flick of her fingers. Give it back. He obliged.
He forgot he hadn’t had a stiff drink in too many months. He forgot the stuff was so potent . He forgot the cold made it easier to get shit-faced.
The drink helped ease the tension and pass the time as they passed the flask back and forth. It loosened his tongue and made him soft, malleable, fuzzy around the edges.
He remembers her leaning into him, seeking warmth. He remembers putting an arm around her and thinking she smelled really good, then her face was really close to his and…then the flask was empty and Charlie was straddling his lap and her hot little tongue was licking his mouth and he had no concept of how she’d gotten there.
Worst of all, he didn’t really care.
The next time he came to, she was pinned underneath him, three of his thick fingers pressing into the hot slick of her mouth. He watched, mesmerized, as she sucked them in deeper, swirled her tongue between the sensitive V of his middle and index fingers…then fucking smiled around them.
The noise he made was something between a croak and a moan, cock buried in her to the hilt, hips rocking against hers involuntarily as she clenched, clenched, clenched . At some point, she’d taken off her jacket and he’d pushed up her shirt, pulled the cup of her bra down over one perfect full breast, and he had just enough wherewithal for his lips to find her nipple, sucking it hard between his teeth. He fumbled then, wanting the other breast, but his other hand was still in her fucking mouth, pressing against the soft warm pad of her tongue, and he couldn’t hold himself up. He growled in frustration, used his teeth against the lace cup of her bra, pulled hard, and freed his target.
Then he promptly forgot what he was trying to do.
The little sounds she made, cooed and purred directly into his good ear, were going to drive him fucking insane. It shouldn’t have been possible to get this hard , not at his age, and certainly not while on the verge of blackout drunk. He felt like he’d taken one of those little blue pills he used to trade. And she was so wet, so soft. She was burning around him and he wanted to die in her fire.
Then his groin pulled tight, a molten heat pooling low in his belly, and he couldn’t make himself stop thrusting, couldn’t make himself wait.
“You–you gonna–” he fumbled, trying to get the words to cooperate but his tongue was a useless piece of meat in his mouth and he was too fucking gone.
Charlie’s strong body arched under him, cutting him off, and all he could feel was her sweet, slick fluttering pulling him deeper as she came with a wail. A dim part of his mind thanked a god he didn’t believe in and followed suit, spilling into her with a final sloppy thrust that wrenched a harsh cry from his lips and his mind from his body.
He vaguely remembers her pushing him off, panting and muttering about not being able to breathe, and then it all went black.
He wakes with a groan that tastes like bile. 
Oh, his aching head, his godforsaken head . He’s having a stroke. That’s gotta be it. Only explanation.
He rolls to his side in agony and dares a tiny peek through swollen, dry eyes. The light is a white-hot blade to his frontal lobe.
Nope, that’s not gonna work.
He hears retching outside. His hand touches something cold and metallic—the flask. 
The empty flask.
Jesus. He risks another glance at the too-bright world and it hurts a tiny fraction less. Maybe not a stroke after all. His cock is still hanging out of his boxers, flaccid and freezing, and he has just enough capacity to tuck himself back in and sit up before Charlie comes limping into the cabin.
The sight of her calls up a hazy memory of heat and searing pleasure along with a wave of nausea. It must come back to her, too, because she’s looking at him warily.
“Did we…?” she says.
“We did,” Joel mutters, forcing himself to stay absolutely still. The slightest movement leaves him feeling like a rowboat tossed on the open sea.
“Thought so. Shit.”
After a few excruciating moments, Joel’s stomach settles and he attempts to get to his feet. His back has other plans, and when she offers him an arm for leverage, he takes it reluctantly, pulling away at the first possible opportunity when he’s sure he’s not going to keel over.
“You go,” he says, closing his eyes. Oops, that was a mistake. The world spins behind his eyelids. He drags them open, stumbling toward the door, searching for something to hold onto.
“I think…we’re two people, who had a consensual–consensual-ish—”
Joel’s gut rolls, pitches, yaws. He flings open the door just in time, depositing the meager contents of his stomach into the mud.
Leaning on the door frame, her hand on his arm brings him back.
“This doesn’t need to be weird,” Charlie says. “Can we chalk it up to a couple of bad decisions and move on?”
“Yeah,” he grunts, swallowing another heave. “S’fine.”
He’s barely conscious for the trip back to Jackson. The glare of the early spring sun and the lope of the horse beneath him is nauseating. Charlie doesn’t seem to fare much better, but true to her nature, she doesn’t complain.
They ride through the gates and part ways with barely a nod and a wave between them. No one asks why their run proves fruitless, chalking it up to Charlie’s injury. She limps off to the clinic to get stitched up, and Joel staggers home, collapsing in bed to sleep off the worst hangover of his life.
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uponthefantasy · 4 months
happy that u write for all readers!! and, thanks for answering my questuon <3
how about (separate) platonic headcanons of Kyojuro Rengoku and/or Uzui Tengen having a Young Male! Tsuguko who isn't very chatty and rarely smiles but they get linda flustered and nervous when they compliment him (not in a romantic way)?
srry if u don't understand this, i'm not the best at explaining myself:(
Teasing | Rengoku and Tengen × platonic! tsuguko! Reader|
Writing below the line!
Please do not copy, but if you wish, I would like it if you could reblog!
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Kyojuro Rengoku:
• Kyojuro had always been a bit more persistent with you. Being his tsuguko also meant he needed to care and look out for you like a big brother would, which was hard when you barely expressed any form of emotion. He tried giving you gifts, making jokes, sharing his sweet potatoes with you, and yet, nothing. No sign of the slightest smile or any sort of glint in your eyes.
• Then, he found it.
• He sat on the edge of his porch, watching your firm stance and tight, expressionless gaze as you continued to practice the breathing techniques that you had been taught by the fire-haired male. Kyojuro's smile, if possible, seemed to go even wider as he watched you perform the technique perfectly without a flaw.
• "Good job, Y/n! You'll make a great hashira in the future, you know!"
• He watched as your cheeks turned red and the slightest tint of shyness creeped into your eyes, making his expression show a bit of shock. He had made you show emotion.
• Ever since that day, Kyojuro gave you multiple compliments as often as he could, his heart filling with a warmth ever time he watched the tiniest bit of emotion come to your face. He was happy he could bring out emotion of someone he held so dearly to his heart, someone as close as family.
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Tengen Uzui:
• In Uzui's eyes, nothing was more unflashy than a person who showed no expression, making him much more irritated when it came to training you. Even though he considered you someone very close in his heart, he could never stand the ways your expression never changed and how your voice barely spoke out unless for confirmation.
• "Uh! How can you not show any emotion after that!? You just ruined that flashy stunt you pulled off!" Uzui groaned in annoyance, looking at you with a deadpan stare. You had just performed one of the hardest moves in the book, almost perfect, yet you still showed no sign of happiness or suprise.
• "You know, if you keep pulling stunts like that, you might be able to rise the ranks quickly after your training. You might be more flashy than I thought, Y/n." His eyes widened when he saw you avert your eyes.....shyly. You had just expressed emotion! "OH, SO NOW YOU SHOW SIGNS OF LIFE! THAT'S ALL IT TAKES, HUH? ONE MEASLY COMPLIMENT?!" He shakes you back and forth with an irritated look as your face turns the slightest shade redder.
• After that, Uzui complimented you on the daily, making it an everyday mission to make you break out of your shell just a little more than the day before. "It seems to me like you're a lot more infatuated with your tsuguko than before." Hinatsuru spoke calmly, gazing up at Uzui. "Why must that be?"
• "Because Y/n is making a change to himself, and I couldn't be prouder."
I hope you enjoyed reading this! I know it sucked, but I haven't written fanfiction in quite a while.
@nnooahhsworld , here's your request as promised!
Please like, share, and reblog! ❤️
If you would like to request something, please just comment! I will write it out and tag you once it is posted on my page!
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little-vesper · 8 months
Hello there <3
My name is Vianna, but feel free to call me Vesper, Via, or any pet name or other iteration of my name.
I am currently an 18 year old first year uni student, who is getting her ass handed to her by the education system as I try to procrastinate my way through life :) This is a place for me to express all my unhinged, chaotic and horny;) thoughts to whoever wants to entertain my ramblings <3
Recently Updated: Kink
To start off
This is an 18+ blog, for the love of all that is good in the world (and my sanity) DO NOT interact if you are not of age or have an ageless blog
If you don’t like what you see here, feel free to block me there’s no hard feelings
I DONT send pictures or take pictures of myself in general, so please don’t ask
I’ll try and respond to all asks sent (but I don’t know how good at that I will be)
If you do DM me, try and send a little fact (something fun or just a niche thing you’ve always wanted to share) it helps me break a mental block and have an easier time dm-ing you back :) feel free to send anything, if you wanna send pics that’s perfectly fine with me, just don’t expect me to send any pics back <3
kinks <3
CNC/ r@pe play
Overstimulation and edging
Light degradation
Free use
Oral fixation
Age difference
Pet play
Primal play
Dumbification (tentatively figuring it out)
piss(I’m neutral to this tbh but again don’t quite know how to feel about it)
graphic niche violence (ie. I once had someone tell me they wanted to pull my fingernails off one by one and j3rk off with them, and I cringed so hard my body took a screenshot.)
Blood (anything to do with it really)
My tag will be #chatty vesper for my more unhinged/chaotic moments
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shitpostingkats · 3 months
your yugioh discord server au my beloved.
dunno if this already came up, but i tottaly see everyone chatting regulary (esp jaden the spammer-tm), minus yusei. he just lurks and gives a reply every second year/when tagged. </3
Yusei is the lurker who nevertheless responds immediately when tagged. The guy will never hop in and voice his opinion, but the second you @ him he has replied the nanosecond you hit send. He is, however, the biggest organizer of server movie nights, voice chats, and meet-up when multiple members of them are in the same city. This au is set after his series ended, after all. He's already keeping up long distance friendships with Jack, Crow, Akiza, and the twins. He is hardcore about keeping on top of online friendships. Sometimes he'll just pop into the vc while he's working and leave it open while he tinkers.
In ascending order of activity, Yusaku probably chats the second least. This tempered though, by the fact that they are always online. 4am in the morning? Yusaku is there. Yusaku's actually more vocal in the discord than in real life, after years of growing up raised by message boards an forums. If everyone sees it's been like 25 hours since they logged off, someone will shoot a message to Kolter, or they'll just log into vrains and hunt him down like it's the most dangerous game (getting Yusaku to log off and go the fuck to sleep)
Yuya took a while to warm up the the GC, but every day gets more bold with just kicking down the doors of the chat and going off about something or another. Also he's in a minecraft server with all his brothers and the bracelet girls, so if he's online but not responding, it's probably because he's griefing Yuri's dirt house for the third time this week.
Yugi's really active in the chat, a fact that never fails to blow Yuma and Yuya's minds. He'll be at a global release sponsored by every important duel monsters company under the sun, and he'll send pictures of Kaiba caught mid sneeze with the caption 'LOL'. He will be on NATIONAL TV AND TEXTING THE GROUPCHAT. His memes are legendary.
No one knows how to quantify Yuma's activity, because there's like a 90% chance most of the messages he sends are him???? But then there's also the possibility that half his messages are Astral feeling chatty, and it's very hard to tell because both of them are equally likely to start a rousing discussion on the morals of dolphins at 3 in the morning. Yugi is the only one who can reliably tell them apart.
And OF COURSE, AT THE TOP OF THE LIST, IT'S YA BOI, YOUR SUPREME MEME KING: JADEN YUKI. *insert airhorn sound effect* Spammer galore. Constantly uploading selfies of him standing in front of some eldritch abomination, or standing on the surface of Jupiter, or some other such equally questionable use of his powers. Liveblogs his annoyance at being made to do demonic paperwork. Makes incomprehensible memes that no one can tell if he's dunking on his henchmen again, or just really, really good at shitposting. He has a channel in the discord just for him where, every day, he just sends a single digit number, and some of the yu-boys are going crazy trying to figure out if it's a code, or some secret eldritch coordinates, or a massive ARG style prank, or what.
Yusei eventually reveals it's how many tries Yubel took to get the days wordle.
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