#Eating "Breakfast Pizza" or Pizzas with Egg in Pregnancy
ladywellcare111 · 11 months
Pizza During Pregnancy: Is It Safe Or Not?
Pizza During Pregnancy: Is It Safe Or Not? #Pizza #During #Pregnancy: #Is #It #Safe #Or #Not?
Consuming Pizza during pregnancy can be safe. If certain precautions are taken, avoid toppings such as raw or undercooked meats and unpasteurized cheeses. Choose veggies, margaritas, or well-cooked meat pizza with pasteurized cheeses. Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet, and prepare the Pizza in a clean establishment. Safe Pizza toppings during Pregnancy When it comes to safe pizza toppings…
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katefiction · 4 years
The Cambridge Cub
by katefiction (Maria) / 2012
A bright light burned through her eyelids. A large thud followed, and then a loud slam. At least it sounded loud to Kate.
Four am and William was getting up for his early shift.
‘William’ Kate croaked. ‘Turn the light off!’ She heard footsteps approaching.
‘How am I supposed to see in the dark?’ he said, flicking the switch on the lamp.
‘Says the search and rescue pilot who rescues people in the middle of the night… when it’s dark!’ she grumbled, pulling the cover over her head.
Kate heard his footsteps retreat and then a bang.
‘Shit!’ William yelled ‘this is why I need the bloody light on!’
‘Are you ok?’ she called to him, not knowing if or where he’d gone. She soon heard the shower running and willed herself to go back to sleep. She tossed and turned for two minutes, realising she may have felt a little guilty about making Will injure himself.
Dragging herself out of bed, she trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen, flinching at the cold tiles on her bare feet. In the space of thirty seconds, she had pulled out the coffee pot, two peices of bread, some eggs and bacon from the fridge and set to work making William a good, hearty breakfast to start his day. The smell of the cooking hit William as soon as he left the bathroom. He dressed quickly and trotted down the stairs two at a time, finding Kate plating up his breakfast. ‘Why aren’t you still in bed?’, he asked, stroking her arm. ‘I felt guilty that I made you hurt yourself’, she said, sticking out her bottom lip. William bit into a peice of toast. ‘Just a stubbed toe. I’ll survive’, he teased. ‘Even so’, she said, nuzzling her face into William’s chest. She felt her stomach flip. She was so glad he could still give her butterflies, she thought. Then it flipped again. And the next time, the flip was a churn and those butterflies seemed to be flying up her throat. She pushed William back, spun around, and threw up into the sink. ‘Whoa’ William said, dropping his toast onto the counter. Kate was hunched over the sink. ‘Are you ok?’
‘Fine’ she said, standing up straight. ‘That was so weird, I feel totally fine now.’ ‘Go to bed’, William said, picking up his breakfast as Kate cleared the sink. ‘Are you not going to eat that?’ she said, she said eying the food. ‘I’m suddenly not that hungry anymore’, William replied as he tipped the contents into the bin.
*** Twelve hours later and William burst through the door, energetic as always after a day on the base. Kate was sat at the kitchen table, reading some notes. ‘Hi’, he said, planting a kiss on her lips, ‘how are you feeling?’ ‘Better’, she shrugged unconvincingly. She had bags under her eyes and her hair was piled messily at the top of her head. ‘What did you do today? You look exhausted!’ he asked. ‘Took Lupo for a walk, did the shopping and read these notes for the hospital visit tomorrow’. Kate held up her notes on St Ormond’s Hospital, where she had an engagement the next day. ‘That seems to have taken all my energy’, she sighed, putting her head in her hands. ‘Plus you were sick this morning’, Will said, a thought forming in his head. ‘And my period is late, which only ever happens when I’m stressed’ she said from behind her hands. ‘Or….’ Will said, a light going off. ‘Or…?’ she mimicked, placing her hands on the table. They both looked down at Kate’s stomach. There was a long silence until William jumped up suddenly, sending his chair flying backwards. ‘We need to get a test’ he said abruptly, pacing the kitchen. ‘What now?!- William’ she said, standing up and placing a steady hand on his arm. ‘We can’t just waltz into Waitrose and buy a pregnancy test.’ William’s face flushed with excitement as she said the word out loud. ‘I’m in London tomorrrow, I’ll try to get an appointment with Doctor Jenkins.’ Dr. Jenkins was their apothocary and was renound for his deiscretion with the royal family. ‘But I want to be there’ Will said sadly. ‘It’s either that or we wait until you have a day off work’, Kate suggested. William considered the options. His next day off was next week. He couldn’t wait that long. ‘You’ll call me right away, ok? Either way.’ ‘William I am not telling you that over the phone!’ Will looked wounded. ‘I’ll be back in the evening. I want to see your face if…well you know’, she said with a small smile. William nodded, knowing as usual that Kate was right. ‘Ok, tomorrow then.’ *** ‘Your Royal Highness, please come in’ Dr. Jenkins said as Kate walked back into his office hesitantly. ‘I told you it wouldn’t be a long wait, didn’t I?’ Kate had only been waiting fifteen minutes for her results, but it had felt like fifteen hours to her. Dr. Jenkins sat down behind his desk, her results in front of him. His face gave nothing away. Kate took a deep breath and sat down opposite him. *** Kate paused at the front door. It had been a tough drive back to Angelsey trying to decide how to tell William the result. Slowly, she unlocked the door and stepped inside, expecting silence and her husband to greet her. ‘GOOOAAAAALLLLL!!!!!’ Four voices boomed from the living room. She made her way through and found William and three of his fellow pilots from the base spread across the living room, boxes of pizza and beer cans amongst them. William sprang up the moment he saw her. ‘Hello’, he said rushing towards her, his eyes were unreadable. ‘The guys are over to watch the football, seeing as I was all alone tonight.’ He put his arm around her shoulder, which Kate promptly shrugged off. ‘Hope it’s ok Kate’ Matt, one of the pilots said, perched on the edge of the sofa. ‘Only Will said he had no-one to cook for him tonight so we thought we’d help him out.’ He held up a slice of pizza. ‘Of course, it’s fine’ she said, putting on her brightest fake smile. ‘How was your day?’ Will sensed her annoyance and led her to the kitchen. ‘Why would you invite them here tonight?!’ she whispered furiously as soon as they were out of earshot of their visitors. She ignored William’s question. ‘I’m sorry’ he whispered back. ‘I just mentioned you weren’t here tonight…and the game was on…they kind of just invited themselves’ he said, desperately trying to make her understand. ‘You could have just made something up, and said you were busy’ she hissed. ‘You know I can’t lie under pressure’, he pleaded, taking her hand. ‘Now please, just tell me what happened.’ ‘Now?!’ With them in there?’ she said tilting her head to the living room, where the boys were yelling at the tv. ‘I can’t wait any longer – please Kate’, he begged. Kate couldn’t punish him for this. Not now, not on this day. He face broke into a wide grin that seemed to reach her eyes. She gave William a quick nod. ‘Yes?’ William whispered.   She nodded again. ‘YES!’ he shouted at full volume now. ‘Ssh!’ she said, holding her finger to his lips, trying to contain her own excitement at the same time. William jumped up and down on the spot, pumping his arm in the air. Kate tried to stifle her laughter as they silently celebrated. William pulled Kate into a tight hug, leant down and said close to her ear, ‘I can’t believe it.’ Kate stretched up and kissed his flushed, red cheek. ‘We’re having a baby.’
Ch. 2
‘You can see it, I’m sure you can see it.’
‘For the fifteenth time, these’s nothing there!’
‘It’s definitely there’. Kate smoothed her top down over her stomach, convinced that there was a bump forming under it.
‘Besides, at eight weeks, the baby is no bigger than a kidney bean’, William read from his phone, lounging on the bed.
‘Oh for God’s sake William, will you give that website a rest?!’, she said grabbing his iPhone and throwing it across the bed. He had been quoting from a pregnancy website since the day they found out about the baby. His daily updates were endearing at first, but were beginning to grate.
Kate picked up her bag, satisfied that this was the most bump-concealing top she owned. They were due to visit Kate’s family for the first time since they found out about the baby. They had decided to keep it a secret for now, wanting to savour the excitement for themselves before the world found out.
Settled in the car, they practiced for awkward questions.
‘Right Catherine’, Will said, putting on a high pitched voice, apparently and immitation of Carole.  ‘Why aren’t you drinking?’
‘Well…mum. I’m driving home because Will’s too tired’, she said raising an eyebrow.
‘Good’, he replied in his normal voice, before doing his best Carole impression once again, ‘Catherine dear, help me pick up this heavy box, won’t you?’
‘Must you do that voice?’
‘Answer the question’, he said, laughing.
‘Well mother, I hurt my wrist playing tennis, I can’t pick up anything heavy.’
‘Perfect, but try not to be so robotic’, he said taking her hand. He could sense her nerves. Carole knew Kate better than most, but they were determined not to let anything slip.
As soon as the door to the family home opened, Carole pulled Kate into a hug, prompting Kate to push away slightly, all too concious that Carole might be able to feel her stomach. Carole didn’t seem to notice and followed with a hug for William and ushered them inside the house.
‘Relax’ William urged Kate when Carole was out of earshot, giving her a reassuring pat on the back.  
Obligatory hugs and hellos, as well as a home cooked meal, over, they settled into the living room.
‘Kate, I’m going to book the flights for the skiing trip’ Pippa said, sitting next to her sister on the couch. ‘Can you give me your final dates?’
‘What?’ Kate said.
‘You know? Our yearly ski trip? I told you to confirm when you’re free so I can book them?’, she replied, poking Kate in the head.
‘Right, the ski trip…in Febuary?’
‘Yes…what is wrong with you?’ Pippa said, shaking her head at Kate’s apparant forgetfulness.
‘I can’t, I mean, we can’t go.’ In Febuary, Kate would be seven months pregnant, and skiing wasn’t exactly a pregnant woman’s pursuit.
‘Why not?’ Carole quizzed.
Kate looked at William, her mind racing to find an answer.
‘Yes why?’ Pippa added. ‘You said you’d checked your diary weeks ago.’
‘I, urm, it’s -‘
’ – it’s my fault’. William interjected. ‘I booked a surprise holiday for Kate. I’ really sorry, I forgot all about the skiing.1
‘Oh don’t be silly!’ Carole said relaxing, ‘where are you going?’
They spoke at the same time. ‘France then Italy’ Will said quickly as Kate turned a deep shade of crimson.
‘Another time then?’ Pippa said.
‘Of course’ Kate replied, thinking it would be a long time before she would ski again.
‘Shit that was close!’ Will said as they drove away from the house that evening.
‘Was I really obvious?’ Kate asked, panicking.
‘You were fine…just relax. You know research shows that stress isn’t good for the baby.’
‘Seriously, I am taking that phone off you!’ she said scowling, before turning away from him and smiling.
The following day and it was over to Clarence House for lunch with William’s family. Charles and Camilla greeted them, however Harry was nowhere to be seen.
‘Where’s Harry?’ Will asked.
‘He’s been taken ill’, Charles replied, seeming unconvinced.
‘Hangover, then.’ William said to Camilla and Kate from the corner of his mouth, prompting a giggle from them both.
‘Shall we eat?!’ Camilla said, leading them to the dining room, where a Sunday roast was ready for them. They dug in, Kate particularly ravenous since becoming pregnant.
Near the end of the meal came the cheese course and Kate picked up an enticing piece of brie. William glard at her across the table, but she was deep in conversation with Camilla.
‘Will and I are really looking forward to seeing Asia, we -’ She suddenly felt a light kick under the table, but continued ‘-we’re not so sure about the weather though.’ Another kick followed. She turned to look at William, who shot her, then the brie a hard look.
Kate furrowed her brow, not understanding, and reached for the brie from her plate. William’s hand swept across the plate, sending it flying to the floor.
‘William!’ Kate exclaimed, followed by an ‘oh!’ from Camilla and Charles.
‘Oops!’, he said kneeling to the floor, trying to clear the mess from the carpet. ‘There was a fly on the food – I aimed a little low’, he said holding his hands up. Kate bent down to help.
‘There’s plenty more’ Charles said, smiling at Kate.
‘No!…she can’t, I mean won’t eat it’ Will said hurriedly. Kate opened her mouth to protest, but William cut her off before she started ‘it’s a weird fly complex, isn’t it Kate? She’s a bit OCD bless her.’
Camilla and Charles looked puzzled, but simply nodded, thinking maybe they had more to learn about Kate as they went off to find someone to clean the stain on the carpet.
‘What was that?!’ Kate said as soon as they left the room.
‘You’re not allowed brie.’
‘Says who?’ she said, guessing the answer.
‘Well it was on the website, it said it was best to avoid it.’ Will said sheepishly, predicting a telling-off.
‘Oh Will’ she said shaking her head. ‘And YOU told ME to relax!’
‘I just want to be safe’ he replied.
‘Luckily for you, we got away with it- this time!’ she said, vowing to herself that she would delete that website from Will’s bookmarks in the morning.
That evening, Will and Kate were relaxing at their cottage at Kensington Palace, discussing how lucky they’d been to keep the baby a secret this weekend, when there was a knock at the door.
A slightly dishevelled Harry greeted them when Will opened the door.
‘Can I have some dinner?’ Harry said immediately.
‘Come in’ Will sighed and pointed him in the direction of the kitchen, where there were leftovers from the roast lunch.
‘Hi Kate’ Harry called as he sped into the kitchen. ‘What?’ he said at William’s unimpressed expression. ‘Kate said I could come over for dinner whenever I wanted!’
‘You’ll regret that’ Will said to Kate.
Harry settled on the couch with his warmed up meal. ‘Can I borrow your phone?’ He said to his brother with a mouthful of food. ‘No battery in mine.’
Will passed him the phone, and started flicking through the tv channels.
‘Urm’ Harry said, staring at the phone a few seconds later.
‘You haven’t broken it have you?’ Will said.
Harry turned the phone around. Glaring from the screen was the pregnancy website.
‘Oh crap’ Kate said quietly.
Will immediately started to think of his third excuse of the weekend, but a nudge from Kate and Harry’s face him told him otherwise. He looked over to Kate and she gave him a reassuring smile.
‘Yeh…well, we’re…you’re gonna be an uncle’ he said finally.
‘Shit!’ Harry said beaming. He leapt to his feet and grabbed Will into a hug.
Kate giggled from the sofa, until Harry said ‘and you, sis! Congratulations!’ and gave her a warm embrace.
‘So does anyone else know?!’ he said, grinning from ear to ear.
‘Not yet’ Will replied. ‘And we want to keep it that way.’
‘My lips are sealed.’
‘Right’ Kate said. ‘Harry’s not the one we should be worried about.’ She grabbed the iPhone ‘This needs to go!’
I didn’t finish the rest of this series, here was the plan:
Ch. 3. They see the baby for the first time on a scan. This freaks William out and he doesn’t want to be intimate with Kate. They argue because Kate feels unwanted, but they make up in a romantic sex scene.
Ch. 4. They tell the world about the baby.
Ch. 5. They argue about baby names.
Ch. 6. Didn’t plan this chapter.
Ch. 7. While William is away on an engagement, Kate collapses and is taken into hospital.
Ch. 8. Kate is put on bed rest, and is told not to work. She refuses and does an engagement anyway, against William’s wishes. Eventually they announce that she will be put on bed rest.
Ch. 9. The baby is born in hospital. It is a boy.
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