#Safe Pizza toppings during Pregnancy
ladywellcare111 · 11 months
Pizza During Pregnancy: Is It Safe Or Not?
Pizza During Pregnancy: Is It Safe Or Not? #Pizza #During #Pregnancy: #Is #It #Safe #Or #Not?
Consuming Pizza during pregnancy can be safe. If certain precautions are taken, avoid toppings such as raw or undercooked meats and unpasteurized cheeses. Choose veggies, margaritas, or well-cooked meat pizza with pasteurized cheeses. Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet, and prepare the Pizza in a clean establishment. Safe Pizza toppings during Pregnancy When it comes to safe pizza toppings…
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fivenightsathaywire · 2 years
Build your own rockstar | Chapter 4/4
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Pairing: Glamrock Freddy X Female Reader Tags: Giving birth, pregnancy, fluff, human x machine
Minors DNI
The swell of your stomach caused Glamrock Freddy to feel immensely proud.
After months of repeated treatment, it was successful at last. The spells of morning sickness, bloating and other pregnancy-related ailments were oddly welcome.
Every now and then, Freddy would place a protective hand over his ‘Little Superstar’, as he had so lovingly dubbed your child already, and occasionally brought his metallic muzzle to your stomach to speak to it.
Weeks passed, months passed. The baby grew and so did your tummy, and you were glowing happily by the time you reached your eighth month. So far, it had gone without any trouble, and you had already started building a nursery for the baby.
The other animatronics weren’t as sentient as Freddy Fazbear, not quite comprehending his happiness yet fully aware that there was an adorable child growing inside your womb, and that Freddy would be seen as the father.
“If it’s a girl,” said Roxy, “You should call her Roxanne!”
You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, partially because she was deadly serious, and shovelled another spoonful of soft serve topped with tomato slices into your mouth - a strange pregnancy craving, really, but who were they to deny you such a simple pleasure?
Freddy rubbed gentle circles over your back, looking at you in a doting manner. “No, we’ve been thinking about the name–”
“Freddy, don’t spoil it!” you exclaimed with a mouth full of ice cream. You quickly swallowed it, wiping your lips with a napkin. “We can’t say the name of our baby before they are born!”
“Why not? I want to shout it from the rooftops and write songs about them!”
“That’s awfully sweet of you, Freddy, but really… It should be a surprise!”
Freddy’s ears momentarily drooped, but he understood soon enough.
“Don’t you have any standards?” Chica cried out upon witnessing you add a handful of jalapenos to your soft serve. “Even I wouldn’t eat that, (Y/n).”
You shrugged and took another bite. Freddy sighed happily, content with sharing his journey towards fatherhood with his closest friends.
“Alright you all, the tea party is over. Go towards your charging stations lest you be out of power during your show in an hour!”
Vanessa always had to spoil the fun, but you knew that she was right. With a low sound akin to a purr, Freddy nuzzled his nose against your face and you kissed his cold nose.
“Love you, sweetheart.” he told you, “And our Little Superstar.”
You beamed, rubbing his cheek gently. “I love you too, Papa Bear.”
The animatronics did as they had been told, leaving you in the staff restaurant. However, Chica halted next to you, reaching over to tip her oversized finger into your ice cream, having a taste regardless.
She flinched as if she had been able to truly detect flavour. “That’s revolting, (Y/n)! As soon as your pregnancy is over, I am sure you’d say the same.”
You laughed, taking another bite. “I don’t care,” you said, “Right now, I am still pregnant, so allow me to enjoy it now! And good thing that you don’t like it, that means that there is more left for me!”
Your ankles were sore, but you stood near the stage nevertheless, supporting your bulging belly with your hands whilst rubbing coaxing circles over the sore and itchy skin. Making sure to stay out of sight, you watched how Freddy and his friends performed, the crowd going crazy.
The songs were thoroughly familiar to you, for you had heard them time and time again, but you adored to hear Glamrock Freddy’s voice reverberate through the halls of the Mega Pizza Plex. It made you feel safe wherever you walked, for it kept you remembering that he was just around the corner, no matter what happened.
A warm feeling between your legs pulled you out of your concentrated state, and for a minute, you scolded yourself for feeling lustful just because of Freddy’s deep voice trembling through the speakers, but it was soon accompanied by a wave of pain, and the stain in your trousers was way too large to be from any sort of arousal.
“Vanessa?!” you called out at once, panic building in your chest. As quickly as your feet could carry you, you walked backstage, calling out to her, “Vanessa!”
She groggily looked around the corner of the staff room, with bleary eyes, as if she had just woken up from a nap on the sofa. You didn’t blame her, for she had a whole night shift to cover.
“I-I think my water just broke!”
She was awake at once, fixing her clothes and rushing over to you. Seeing the obvious stain, she placed you down on the sofa in the staffroom at once, ushering out any other staff members who gave you curious glances.
“Oh, (Y/n), no worries. Just stay calm, I will call the doctor - midwife - hospital, ah! I am prepared for this! Do you need me to fetch Fred–”
You put your hand on her arm, shaking your head. A wave of sudden pain overwhelmed you as your first contraction washed over you. “N-No, you don’t have to get Freddy! Labour… Labour always takes a long time, he will… Have plenty of time to finish the… Show!”
You felt light-headed, and when Vanessa said you were allowed to scream to let it all out, you didn’t have to hear that another time.
The shrill sound of a labouring woman filled the Pizza Plex, just loud enough for Freddy to hear over the blaring music blasting through the speakers. His ears perked up, the words of the song getting stuck in his artificial throat, and he looked behind him. Roxy gave him a strange look as Monty frowned. “Come on, Fredbear! This is your verse!”
Glamrock Freddy, however, was in no shape or form able to finish his performance now that his receptors had picked up your anguish - his true feelings and sentience were always stronger than his program - and he dropped the microphone at once to rush off, causing a deafening squeak to echo through the Megaplex.
“So sorry, ladies and gentlemen!” said Chica, “It seems that Freddy Fazbear has to take a bathroom break! No worries, because Monty, Roxy and I are here to sing you the next song - one of our newest singles!”
Freddy barged into the room and found you at once, your forehead damp with sweat, face distressed and in obvious pain. “Freddy,” you groaned, “Freddy, go finish your show! I will be… Ah! I will be fine! It’s only the first contraction, it will… Get better in a bit!”
“No!” protested Freddy, sitting down next to you to hold you, “I will not leave your side.”
Vanessa was still talking on the phone, her voice muffled by the wall. You listened to it for a second, huffing out deep breaths.
“Freddy, your show–”
“I don’t care about the show. Not when you are here giving birth! No, I will not leave your side.”
Vanessa returned, giving you a determined look. “They are on their way,” she said, and you gave a thankful, watery smile.
You couldn’t wait for this to be over.
Glamrock Freddy had indeed not left your side ever since you had begun your lengthy process of giving birth. Even though he sometimes had to keep his distance albeit at the behest of the doctor or because you were inexplicably yelling at him throughout bouts of intense pain - you had called him ‘Fucking Fazbear’ at least three times now in the past two hours - he remained in close proximity, keeping his eyes focused on your at all times.
Exhausted, and delighted.
Those were the only two emotions that ran through your veins the very moment they put a wailing, greasy baby girl on your bare chest. You held her at once, letting out a choked sob.
“Freddy,” you cried, “Freddy, look at her!”
The animatronics had no function to cry, but his voice was still thick with emotion when he whispered your name.
“Oh, my sweetheart. Our Little Superstar, our Little Starlet! She’s beautiful. Oh, she’s an angel!”
The other animatronics were delighted to meet your daughter. All shows had been cancelled for the day under the ruse of mechanical error so that everyone had time to settle in and get a look at the newest addition to the ragtag group of machines and humans.
“Little baby!” cheered Sun, “Can she play already? She is going to have so many friends!”
You laughed a bit, rubbing some (h/c) hairs from her forehead before kissing it softly. “Not yet, Sunny. It will take some time for her to grow.”
Sun pouted, but seemed to understand the fragility of the baby.
You held out the infant to Freddy, who carefully took it from you. She looked even smaller now that he was holding her against his chest, deliberately attempting to heat up his systems so that she could warmly snuggle up against him. She looked up at him with large eyes, momentarily threatening to cry, but soon fell asleep again.
“What is her name?” wondered Monty.
Glamrock Freddy and you looked at each other for a moment, smiling.
“Elizabeth.” you said.
A whisper went through the group of animatronics. “Lovely name!” declared Chica.
“Elizabeth, you know, after…” Roxy muttered, causing Freddy to nod.
“Yes. After Elizabeth Afton, may her soul find rest one day.”
The group was silent for a bit, admiring the image of Freddy holding the small girl in his large arms. As soon as she began to get fussy, Freddy gave her back to you so that you could nurse her.
“Can I snap a picture of her wearing my sunglasses?” Monty asked, causing you to laugh out loud.
“Absolutely!” you told him. “And everyone can hold her for a bit, but not right now. It is so wonderful for you guys to be part of her family. I am sure she will love all of you intensely.”
The group of animatronics dared to approach your bed to look at the babe more up close. Across the room, Vanessa stood leaned against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. You locked eyes with her, and a shiver ran down your spine from the odd look in her eyes.
You opened your mouth to call her over so that she could see the baby as well, but the blonde already rushed out of the room, your gut unpleasantly clenching with worry.
Your concern was short-lived, for Elizabeth stirred against your chest and demanded your attention. The animatronics were in awe, lovingly looking at the newborn child. Freddy stroked your hair gently, momentarily having eye contact with you.
The wait had been so worth it, but you were happier than you could ever have imagined.
A wail filled the nursery as two-year-old Lizzie stirred awake from her nap. She turned in her crib to see where her parents were, but did not see them.
The door creaked open, and a boy no older than eleven appeared on the threshold, seemingly running from someone - or something .
The crying stopped at once as curious eyes witnessed how the boy rubbed some shaggy brown hair out of his face and began looking around the room. As soon as his gaze settled upon Elizabeth, he began to slightly panic.
“Oh, hey there!”
The toddler’s lip began to tremble as he approached her carefully.
“I mean no harm,” he promised, “My name is Gregory, and who are you?”
Elizabeth swallowed away her tears, but her attention was soon drawn to the door opening, the voices of her parents drawing closer.
“--Indeed, Vanessa has been acting off lately. Things seem so different when Elizabeth is around the other animatronics, too, when–”
Freddy halted in his tracks when he opened the door, seeing the young trespasser standing next to his daughter’s crib. Behind him stood you, hands underneath your swollen belly, Elizabeth’s sibling due to arrive within two months.
“You are not supposed to be in here,” said Glamrock Freddy with a strict edge to his voice, but you ushered him inside at once, closing the door behind you.
“Start explaining why you are here,” urged Freddy, “Now.”
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greatbigbellies · 3 years
New commission story. This is an anonymous slice of life piece about a woman hyperpregnant with overdue decuplets. This one’s a little different from my usual stuff cause it focuses so heavily on a unique form of belly. Contains hyperpregnancy, light belly worship, extreme fetal movement, and an incredibly tight, almost shrink-wrapped style of pregnant belly. Enjoy!
Molina waved goodbye as her midwife left, the kind woman getting in her car, off to another housecall most likely. The midwife had given the heavily expectant woman a clean bill of health, despite her... unique medical challenges. Molina was indeed a special case in more ways than one, just looking at her with no medical experience at all was the proof one needed for that. 
For starters, she was gigantic, her belly stretching well past her knees when she sat down. She measured in the neighborhood of eighty inches in circumference. This was due to her extraordinary pregnancy, as she carried decuplets, and was presently 2 years past her due date. However, her belly wasn’t perfectly round like one would expect, instead looking uneven, lopsided, and in some areas, almost shrinkwrapped to her unborn babies. This was due in part to her being 33 months pregnant, and also partly because her body wouldn’t produce enough amniotic fluid. As a result, her normally plump, rounded pregnant belly was instead tight, lumpy, and left every movement on display.
And movement there was, as ten strong, overgrown fetuses would shift, kick, punch, and lurch constantly, vying for room where there was none. At times, her whole belly would writhe with fetal movement, as it did during her midwife appointment. Her belly wobbled and squirmed while the poor midwife tried to take an ultrasound with her portable doppler. The resulting images were… blurry to say the least, but she somehow got what she needed. Even now as she closed the front door and waddled inside, Molina’s brood squirmed restlessly inside her. 
“Ooomph, calm down in there, I’m going!” she chided them, which only seemed to rile them up more. She slowly waddled to the kitchen to grab a snack, something she did a lot. Due to her size, she didn’t have a lot of room in her squashed stomach to eat, but she needed the calories, so she would constantly snack throughout the day. She awkwardly grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge, having to turn to the side to reach it past her mountainous belly. She didn’t even bother to heat it up, as the wait would require more standing. She slowly made her way to the couch, and flopped down into it, causing her belly’s contents to kick and squirm about. “Oof, guys I’m eating right now,it’s fine. There's no more ultrasound wand rubbing against my tummy, you can chill,” 
Molina rotated and propped her feet up on one armrest, and laid back to prop her head on the other. The weight of her tummy resting on her lower back, hips, and thighs. One hand delivered the pizza to her waiting mouth, and the other rubbed her uneven belly, party to calm her babies, partly to remove a little leftover ultrasound gel. She felt her overstretched skin shift under her hand as baby H and G pushed on each other for space. “Be nice you two, there’s room enough for both,”
She took another bite of pizza and felt someones foot kick directly into her palm. She pushed it back in and felt something roll deep inside her womb. She looked down and saw what was probably the top of someone’s head pushed up into the top shelf of her belly. She could never take those cute pictures most pregnant women took, using their bellies as a table. Her tummy was just too uneven and lively for that. She lovingly patted the top of the head, and just as quickly as it had sprouted up, it sank back down.
Molina sighed and finished her pizza, leaving both hands free to caress the belly. Her brood calmed slightly with the introduction of food, and the calming touch of her hands seemed to soothe them more. She reached as far as she could to try to get to the front of her tummy, but alas, baby B, the front most occupant, was out of her reach. She could feel her itchy popped navel getting pushed even further out by various kicks and shifts, but could do nothing for it. She placed her hands on the sides of her belly and squeezed it lovingly before rotating back to a sitting position. She placed her feet on the carpet and leaned forward to put her weight on them, then stood up into a standing position. Her shirt rode up, and she felt her already unbuttoned shorts unzip a little.
Her clothes, as large and maternal as they were, stood no chance against such a belly. There was a time, over two years ago, where she could cover her tummy completely, and even lean forward, but those times disappeared along with the view of her feet. She reached around to her waist and tried to zip her shorts back up, but alas, she was simply too big. Pregnancy had caused her body to change in more areas than just her belly. Her butt had plumped up significantly, almost giving her a back shelf, and her thighs had rounded out to a degree that could only be described as “thicc”.
She heard a knock at the door and waddled over, her massive belly wobbling left and right with each step. The front of her tummy nudged the door as she opened it, greeting a shocked deliveryman. “Uh… p-package for… Molina…” she poor man just stared at Molina’s massive, squirming pregnant belly. Her cargo took that moment to lurch, causing the many arms, hand, legs, and feet to be even more visible under the overstretched flesh. Molina smiled at him, somewhat used to this reaction. “Do I need to sign?” she asked. “Y-yeah… h-here…” he reached out with a small clipboard and pen. Molina took it, reaching just past her tummy to take it from him.
“You look concerned?” she teased him, signing the slip. “It’s just… you’re REALLY pregnant,” he stammered. “Does it… hurt?” he asked. “Not quite. Its far from comfortable, but’s not painful. It helps to have someone rub it though, would you?” she asked, taking a step forward. The mailman hesitated, but slowly reached out. His fingers brushed against the skin of her overly taught tummy before jolting back, and she giggled. “You won’t hurt me, just touch it!” As he reached forward again, one of her brood did a somersault in her womb and shifted her skin out, causing the belly to come to him. He blushed intensely and she just chuckled, causing more of her babies to move inside her. Her whole belly was alive with action now, as limbs and heads and even faces became visible under her skin. The mailman took his hand back and just stared.
“The package please?” she asked. The man shook his head and handed her a small parcel, before turning to leave. She smiled, having had her fun, and went back inside. Her belly actually let out an audible grown as she made her way back to the couch, tired from the effort of standing with so much weight on her aching back and feet. She flopped back down, causing a bit of sloshing from her womb, and somehow even more movement.  She opened the package to see the specially designed stretchmark cream she’d ordered online. This stuff was a lifesaver, even after almost three years of pregnancy, not a single mark could be seen on her aching, writhing belly.
She hummed a song to herself and her babies as she opened the tube of lotion, squeezing a heaping glob into her hand. She capped it shut and rubbed her hands together before working the lotion into her tight belly skin. She leaned back, closed her eyes, and just reveled in exploring her own gravid belly. Feeling every nook and cranny between the various limbs of her babies. Her belly shifted again as movement stirred within her, strong kicks pushing into her her hands as she rubbed the lotion into her constantly shifting skin. She felt baby D’s backside against the side of her bump, rubbing it gently before moving on so what was probably a leg sticking out. There were times when it was legitimately hard to tell what was where, but she made the best of it. 
In truth she just loved being pregnant, feeling the life grow in her body, feeling herself swell up with love. Its why she carried so far past term, to keep her babies close to her, and safe within her womb. She continued exploring her shrink-wrapped tummy, playing with her babies from outside. She’d push back on the little hands and feet sticking out, pat the heads that bulged out, and just generally interact with her unborn young. She jostled her tummy a little trying to reach the front to apply the lotion, and she felt several movements deep inside her pregnant gut. She worried that she’d start getting marks on the portions of her belly where she couldn’t reach, and wondered if she could talk the midwife into applying it for her at her next appointment.
She considered inviting a friend over to do it… but almost everyone in her friend group was pregnant themselves, and quite busy because of it. Except one who she admittedly hadn’t seen since she was only 3 months along… which was nearly three years ago… but it was worth a shot, Molina thought, to reconnect. And maybe get some belly rubs out of it. She pulled her phone out of her tight pocked and scrolled through her contacts until she found her… and old friend of hers, Orphea.
Orphea, somewhat nervously, walked up to the address she’d been sent, anxious to see her friend Molina again. It had been years since they had seen each other, and last time they were together Molina was 3 months pregnant with decuplets… Orphea could only imagine how chaotic it would be inside with ten toddlers running around. Still, her old friend had said she needed help with something personal, and Orphea was nothing if not loyal. Her 4 inch heels clacked against the concrete as she approached the door. 
She knocked on the door and noticed the silence, the distinct lack of rampaging children… was it nap time? “Door’s unlocked, please come in!” rang the familiar sound of Molina’s voice. Orphea slowly opened the door and started to step through, looking around for her friend. “Molina hun, are you okay? You were kinda vagu-” Orphea froze when she saw the massively overdue Molina, sprawled across the couch. She simply stared at Molina’s active, wriggling belly, taking in every limb, face, and body on display under the tightly pulled skin. “Oh my God Molina! What… happened?” she stammered, slowly stepping in and shutting the door behind her.
“I… nothing happened, I’m fine, I’m just very pregnant!” said Molina, placing her hands on her belly, as if she needed emphasis on th fact. “But… you look absolutely vacuum packed, I can see every movement in there!? Are you sure you’re okay? Is this healthy?” Orphea nearly shouted, a little freaked out at the sight of such fecundity. “I promise you, I have weekly doctors and midwife visits, everyone in here in safe and healthy,” Molinda assured her friend. Orphea shook her head in awe, unsure of what to do. “I”m sorry it’s just… you’re a sight!” she said. Molina beamed at the compliment, “Thank you! I owe it all to these little guys!” she rubber her beyond-drum-tight tummy lovingly.
“Which brings me to why I invited you here,” she stated. “I’ve gotten so big I can’t reach my whole belly, and I need someone to apply lotion to my tummy so I don’t get stretchmarks,” she explained. Orphea blinked. “You mean you want me to touch… that?” she pointed at Molinas mountain of a belly. “What? It’s just a pregnant belly!” replied Molina. Orphea blinked incredulously. “Have you never touched a pregnant woman’s belly?” Orphea blinked more. “Well… I have… just not one so… overdue. How many months past due are you?” “twenty four,” stated Molina matter of factly.
Orphea sighed. It was just a pregnant belly. Just a very large, very lumpy one. And Molina had taken care of her in the past. “Alright, sure, why not? Where’s your lotion?” she finally asked. “Heads up!” Molina tossed the tube to her friend, who caught it effortlessly. Molina shifted around on her butt, before laying down to expose as much of her pregnant belly as possible. “So like…” she gestured with her arms, painting swaths over her orb of a tummy to show where she could reach, “These areas are fine, I can reach this stuff,” She pointed toward the front hemisphere and her underbelly, “but these areas I can’t get on my own anymore. If you’ll lotion those up I’ll order takeout and feed you for your troubles,”
Orphea knelt next to her friend’s writhing tummy. “You don’t have to…” she paused as a foot stuck directly out of the womb, stretching the belly skin toward Orphea’s head. “...You like panda express?” she changed her tune. “Love panda express,” smiled Molina, whipping out her phone to place the order through an app. Orphea reached up and squeezed a heaping glob of cold lotion into the front of Molina’s titanic tummy, eliciting a shiver from her friend. “Oooh, that skin is so sensitive,” “S-sorry,” apologized Orphea. She slowly reached over, still freaked out at the tightness of the skin, and the amount of movement she could see.
She took a breath, steeled herself, and laid her hand on it. And… it was… fine? Uneven, sure, and warm to the touch, but it was just skin. She felt a tiny fist push up into her hand, but it didn’t really bother her. She’d felt a fetus move in a pregnant tummy before, this was the same, just stronger. She settled into small, circular movements as she worked the cream into Molina’s gravid gut, and smiled. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. Molina sighed and visibly relaxed at her touch, settling into the couch more. Orphea’s fingers brushed over Molina’s very popped belly button, and she cooed in response, something Orphea thought was very cute.
“Mmmm, thank you again for coming over. This is really nice,” said Molina as she relaxed. Orphea added more lotion and continued massaging the glowing belly, working the smooth substance into every nook and cranny. “Yeah, anything for a friend!” she replied. Molina felt baby B do a somersault in response to all the touch, and the top of their head pushed into Orphea’s palm. “Is that… a head?” Molina nodded and smiled, brushing her black bangs out of her face as she looked over her phone.
“What do you like from Panda?” she asked. “Orange chicken please! And I can cover my own food, you don’t actually have to feed me,” Orphea offered. Molina shook her head, “Honestly it’s the least I could do since you came over on virtually no notice. We haven’t seen each other in over two years and you dropped everything just to rub my belly for me! I’m more than happy to feed you!” 
Orphea squirted even more lotion into her hands, rubbing them together, before starting work on Molina’s expansive underbelly. This portion of her tummy actually somehow felt more tightly packed than the front, Orphea assumed it was due to the constant force of gravity pulling the babies in this direction. There was less movement down here, and more indentations and bulges from the packed decuplets. Orphea couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to be THIS pregnant, and actually have this as part of her body. Molina let out a groan, causing Orphea to peek around the massive midriff to check on her friend. “If everything okay? Did I push too hard?” 
Molina’s plump lips curled into a satisfied smile, “Mmmm, nooooo, it just feels so good to have someone rub down there. I haven’t been able to reach that part of myself in over a year and the skin is so stretched, your hands feel lovely,” she explained. “Please don’t stop,” Orphea nodded and went back to work, making sure to run her finger through every divot, crevasse, and valley caused by Molina’s squirming young. She also made sure to run her hands over every lump, bump, and bulge on the expanse of pregnant flesh.
The contact seemed the rile up the lower sitting babies, as they began to stir under Orphea’s hands. The movement and contact on both sides of her skin only revved up Molina more, and she moaned and cooed at the attention she was receiving. Orphea got an impulsive idea, and sank her fingers into the bottom of Molina’s belly. Molina gasped at the sudden intrusion, and would have jolted upright if she physically could, but her belly weight kept her from doing so. 
“Oh God I’m so sorry I don’t know why I did that!” apologized Orphea as she pulled her hands back. There was an awkward pause between the two before Molina squeaked out, “Do it again,” another pause. “What?!” “Please do that again, push your fingers into the nooks and crannies, it felt really good. Really stimulating,” she blushed. Orphea did as she was told, lining up the tips of her fingers with the few soft spots on Molina’s underbelly. She, more slowly this time, pushed her fingers in, causing, somehow, even more movement inside. “Oooohh… god... “ Molina sighed. Orphea blushed a little, and went back to rubbing, taking time to poke her fingers into various indents as she found them. Molina seemed to really enjoy it, and it gave Orphea another impulsive idea.
Without putting much thought into it, she cleaned the lotion off of a small spot, leaned in, and pecked the spot of belly skin with her lips.
While the belly itself was still very much in motion, the rest of Molina seemed to freeze up at the sudden affection. Yet another long, heavy pause held the pair in social paralysis. Finally, Orphea broke the ice with a subdued, “Sorry,” She couldn’t see Molina’s face past her tummy, but could still feel her stare. “Did you just… kiss me? Down there?” “I’m sorry I’m sorry. It was dumb, I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know why I did,” Orphea started to ramble, a rising blush painting her face pink. “Orphea, honey, it’s okay,” “No, no it really wasn’t,” “Orphea. I liked it,” One. Last. Pause.
“You… liked it? When I kissed your tummy?” she gently placed a hand back on the underbelly, feeling more strong, almost violent movements underneath. “Yeah… it… I don’t get a lot of attention like this, Orphea, I spend a lot of time cooped up,” she admitted. “I love this, being massively pregnant, I love each and every one of my babies. But for having 11 people in this house… I’m lonely,” Orphea scooted around to make herself visible to her friend, noticing her blush and averted gaze. “So… that was the first kiss you’ve had in a while, wasn’t it?” inquired Orphea. Molina nodded solemnly, trying not to let her loneliness, magnified by extreme pregnancy hormones, make her too emotional. 
Orphea leaned over and kissed the side of her belly, causing Molina to blush intensely again. She then placed both hands firmly on the uneven sides of Molina’s massive gut and began drumming her fingers. “So you love being this pregnant, huh?” asked Orphea. Molina smiled meekly, again brushing her hair out of her face, and nodded. Orphea reached around, and tried to hold as much belly as she could in her arms, before planting a long, loving kiss on Molina’s gut. She felt the constant stirring movement of Molina’s ten kids inside her, and maximized her skin contact with it. She pushed her face into the belly, and baby F pushed back with their arms.
Molina moaned and squirmed herself on the couch, her thick thighs rubbing together as she didn’t know what to do with herself. Orphea pulled her face back, “You’re a real baby factory, Molina. If you love this, I think I can learn to love it too. Maybe we should catch up, and get to know each other a bit more,” Molina nodded, biting her lip. She hadn’t had this kind of physical contact in too long, and it felt amazing.
Orphea stood up on her high heels, bringing her to a height of 5’7”, and leaned forward, planting a strong, loving kiss on Molina’s navel. She cooed and squirmed from new overstimulation, the skin on her belly so very sensitive. Orphea took a moment to empty the rest of the lotion tube onto the bottom of Molina’s belly, reaching down with her hand to rub it in, while continuing to plant kiss after kiss onto the front area of Molina’s squirming belly.
“Wait!” cried Molina. “What? Too much! Did I overstay my welcome?” asked Orphea. “No… this feels amazing… but first…” she tapped her phone screen twice. “Okay, we have an hour to fool around before dinner gets here,” she said a little breathlessly. She leaned back into the couch, closed her eyes, and beamed, “Now… where were we?”
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Surrogate - Chapter 6
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The Surrogate:  A Clintasha Fanfic
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Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Word Count:  1569
Rating:  E
Warnings: Pregnancy talk, sex talk
Synopsis: A freak end of the world incident leads to meeting your two best friends, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff.  While your friendship with the two Avengers is anything but conventional, they are your all-time favorite people.  When you find out that Clint and Natasha want to start a family but have exhausted all their options, you realize your powerset might allow you to give them what they want.  Having your best friends’ baby might seem like a good idea on paper, but when you are as close as you, Clint, and Natasha are, will doing something so intimate mean feelings get a little mixed up?
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Chapter 6
It was another three months before Natasha and Clint actually took you up on the offer.  You had spent that time being very careful to not instigate anything physical between them during that time.  The kiss with Natasha had scared you a little.  You’d made the mistake of falling for someone because of a kiss before, and you weren’t about to do it again.  Not with everything that was at stake.  They were your best friends though, so you saw them regularly and the topic of babies came up a lot.  It was like everything they did made them think about becoming parents.  Sometimes it was a case of them thinking it was the worst idea ever and other times it was the only thing they wanted.
When they finally came to you it was with the same kind of nerves as the day you had made them the offer in the first place.  They were totally and completely sure you would have changed your mind.  When you said yes, they hugged you and Natasha had to hold back her tears all over again and the following day you started the preparations.  First, there was a psych evaluation to see if you were emotionally fit to act as a surrogate.  It made sense.  Being pregnant was a big deal and to then hand a baby over did take a special kind of person and if that person wasn't you, people would get hurt.  Next legal contracts were drawn up, looked over, and signed.  They include things like custody and medical cost and contact after the birth of the baby.
Finally, you have a long series of medical procedures to check if you were physically able to carry a child.  Including minor surgery so they could take a good look at your uterus.
All in all, it took around three months to get to the point that you and Natasha were going to be taking the fertility medication you needed.  And there was a lot of it.  Natasha had more than you.  Making enough eggs to harvest was harder than just having a place for one of those eggs to land.  Still, as you sat there talking about going on birth control just to get your cycles in sync before moving to estrogen and progesterone and tetracycline among all the other things involved, you realized that even getting to the point that you were pregnant in the first place wasn’t going to be easy.
“Now until the pregnancy is confirmed, both of you will have to be very careful about the sex you’re having,” the doctor said.  “When this procedure starts you will both be extremely fertile.  Use condoms, or avoid vaginal sex completely.  Do not rely on things like the pull out method.”
“I wasn’t relying on that anyway,” Natasha said.
“Well, just in case,” the doctor said.  “You’d be surprised what people think is okay.  But if either of you gets pregnant it will mean we can’t do this.”
“Right, we’ll be careful,” Clint said.  “Just blow jobs from now on.”
“Clint!”  Natasha yelped, elbowing him.
“What?  I’ll go down on you too,” he said defensively.
The doctor laughed.  “Well that would work fine,” she said.  “Starting now though.  I know I just put you both on birth control, but switching methods can create a period where neither work, so from now on, be extra careful.”
“We will,” Natasha assured her.
“Did you have any further questions?”  The doctor asked.
You and Natasha shook your heads.  “I think we’ve got it all for now.”
“Then I’ll see you in a month and we’ll move on to the next phase,” the doctor said.  “It was nice meeting you all.”
You, Natasha, and Clint headed back out of the doctor’s office and down to Cint’s lavender VW Beetle that was parked in the street.  “You wanna get something to eat before we head back?”
“Yeah, we better.  And next time I’m using the Quin,” Natasha said.  “I hate how long these appointments take.”
“I think it’ll be hard to find a parking spot for a fighter jet, Nat,” Clint teased.
“Well, good news,” you said as you all changed directions and began heading down the street.  “Once I’m pregnant it’s all being done in house.  This is just the specialist part.”
“God, imagine if you went into labor and we had to drive three hours to get you to the hospital,” Natasha said.
“Yeah, I’d probably kill you,” you agreed.  “I may be able to heal quickly, but I still fucking hate pain.”
Natasha chuckled and rubbed your back as you walked.  “You’re going to be so fun when you’re in labor.”
“Oh man,” you teased.  “I’m gonna make you both work so hard through the whole thing.  You’re gonna be getting called up in the middle of the night for you to go get me food I’m craving.”
“That’s okay, Clint gets up in the middle of the night to get food he’s craving already,” Natasha joked.
Clint draped his arm around your shoulder.  “Yeah, I’ll hook you up.  Pickles and ice cream.  Chips on pizza.  I’ve got your back,” he said.  “I have heard that pregnancy can make people pretty horny too.  I’ve got your back for that.”
You laughed and nudged him.  “Clint!”
“Yeah, Clint,” Natasha teased.  “If you’re doing it to her back, you’re doing it wrong.”
You and Clint burst out laughing and Clint altered your course so the three of you headed into a little pizza place with two-dollar slices.  The three of you got yourself slices and took a seat.  You could see people staring and whispering to each other as the three of you started eating.
“I keep forgetting that you’re both kinda famous,” you said.
“They probably just think I’m Thor or something,” Clint joked.
Natasha snored and nearly spat iced tea over both of you.  She grabbed a napkin and wiped her face and hands.  “That came out my nose, you idiot.”
Clint laughed hard.  “Oh man, I was going to say Steve, and last second I thought Thor would be better.”
“You keep dreaming, Clint,” you said patting his back.  “You know when we’re on these drugs we’re both going to be extra hormonal, so you have to be really nice to us and not annoy us at all.”
“I can be nice, but you’re out of luck when it comes to being annoying,” Clint teased.
“Yeah, there’s no way he can’t not be annoying,” Natasha said.  “What were you even thinking?”
“I guess, I wasn’t,” you laughed.  “Man, it feels like it’s taken so long just to get to this point, and now it’s only a couple of months and maybe I’ll be pregnant and that feels like so much time to wait.”
“Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Natasha said.  “It still might not work.”
“I am so sure it will,” you said.  “This feels like it was meant to happen.”
Natasha took a deep breath and shook her head.  “I felt like that when I got pregnant even though I shouldn’t have been able to.  I felt like that when we applied to adopt.  There have been so many times that I got my hopes up only for them to be smashed apart.  I can’t do it again.  Until there’s a baby in my arms, I have to keep my heart safe.”
Clint took her hand and held it against his heart.  “I’m here.”
“I’m sorry, Nat,” you said, reaching over the table and taking her other hand.  “I’m just excited for you both and I just feel so sure.”
“I know,” Natasha said, softly.  “I know.  But I have to protect myself because … I’m me and I keep going.  I have to.  But I can’t let myself be vulnerable like that again.  It’ll kill me.”  She shook her head and squeezed your hand.  “But I am so grateful to you.  You have no idea what this means to me that you’re willing to do this for us.”
“You guys changed my life,” you said, honestly.  “In a good way.  I had these powers but I didn't know what to do with them.  I kept thinking it was all good and well I could heal myself but it was so self-serving.  I felt like I'd been given a gift but it was completely useless because all it meant was I could watch all these other people getting sick or hurt and I got a free pass.  Then you gave me direction and purpose.  And you became my friends.  I want this so badly for you.”
Natasha blinked her eyes.  “Alright.  Alright.  We have to go, I cannot start crying with a huge audience.”
Clint hugged her and kissed the top of her head.  “Aww, my tough badass girlfriend.”
“That’s right,” Natasha said, getting up. “I’ll kick your ass if you’re not careful.”
“He’d probably thank you,” you said getting up and following her out.
Clint gathered up the trash and threw it in a can, before chasing after you both.  “Hell yeah, I would.  Thank you, mistress.”
“Oh my god,” Natasha laughed as Clint draped his arms around both of your shoulders.  “I’m not even on the hormone injections and you’re annoying me.”
Clint kissed her cheek and pulled her tighter to him.  “Just imagine how bad it’s going to be when you’re on them.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What’s the last vegetable you ate, and when did you eat it? I had spinach in my homemade egg and cheese mcmuffin yesterday. 
What was your last Facebook notification for? Notifying me someone added a photo to a group I’m in.
What bands have you seen live? Several because a few of the concerts I’ve been to featured a few bands, which was cool. I don’t feel like listing them all.
Tell me an interesting fact about your mother: She wanted to go into the marines, but unfortunately life happened and her plans got put on hold and ultimately never happened. That was her dream. :/
What do you think is the most important thing to happen to you before the age of 13? Uhh. The accident I had at 7 months old that made me a paraplegic and changed my life forever?
What were you super against as a young child but aren’t anymore? Scary movies. I love ‘em now.
What are your plans later today? Stay in bed most of the day sleeping, watching TV, scrolling through Tumblr, watching YouTube, and checking my social medias. 
Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? It’s the weekend and that’s all I’m doing ^^^. 
Who do you talk to the most? My mom.
What are some things you do regularly that make you feel old? I feel old because of how I feel, health wise.
Who is your best guy friend(s)? I don’t have one.
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I’d like to be a little tanner.
If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? I do have some tiny scars on my face and I just let them be. 
Have you had an x-ray in the past year? Yes.
Do you think your first love still loves you? He never did.
What is something that is “going right” in your life? I’ve been going through a really hard time the past month, actually.
When did you feel ready to start dating? I thought I was when I had my first boyfriend at 16, but nope.
When was the last time your pet bit you? If you don’t have a pet, have you ever been bitten by someone else’s? She’s never bitten me.
Where were you the last time you made out? I think it was in his car. It’s been several years now since then, so I’m not quite sure.
When was the last time you cried tears of joy? I’m not someone who tends to cry for that reason.
How do you type your sad smileys? :(
Do you have “decorative hand-towels” that cannot be used in your house? Nope.
What was the last soda you drank? I had some Coke to take my medicine earlier. 
What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? *shrug*
Have you ever had any type of surgery? Yeah, a few.
Should kids be allowed to get tattoos/piercings without parental consent? Uh, no.
Who was the last person to hit on you? It’s been a longgg time since that has happened.
What was the last thing you decided not to do, that you were supposed to? I was supposed to make a phone call yesterday.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to tell someone? Hm.
What do you put on hot dogs? On the very rare occasions I had a hot dog I just put ketchup and mustard.
Ever fallen in the shower? No, thankfully.
Do you think that things will get better? I can’t see that right now. :/
Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? No.
What’s your favourite book genre? Murder mysteries and psychological thrillers. 
Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? Once. I honestly don’t remember why, though.
Do dogs like you? Yes.
Would you say that you project an air of authority? Ha, no.
Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? Nooo.
Do you use one towel when you shower or two? (one for hair, one for body) One.
Have you ever been to one of the great lakes? Nope.
Who do you know that had a baby recently? A few people on my Facebook.
Do you like Usher’s songs? Yeah, I like several of his songs.
When was the last time you went to a waterpark? Never. I don’t do waterslides. 
Have you ever ridden a train? Nope.
What do you eat your French fries with? Ranch.
Do you have family problems? No family is perfect. 
What’s the last food you ate that was stale? Hm. I don’t recall.
How do you like your grilled cheese? Cheesy.
What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? The only thing I cook is ramen, which isn’t challenging at all. I’m so not a cook. What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid? I lovedddd playing Barbies.
Have you ever been close to drowning? No, but that’s a fear of mine since I can’t swim so even with floaties or an inner tube I don’t feel safe.
Have you ever had a panic attack? Many times.
Do you like doing housework? No.
Would you ever get implants? No.
Do you own a robe? Nope. I have a Snuggie, though.
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Nope.
Do you like crust on pizza or do you cut it off? No, I just eat the top layer of dough on the pizza. 
What was the last song you listened to? I don’t remember.
Have any of your family members been to jail? No one in my immediate family, but some extended family members have.
Is there anyone that you feel you still need some closure with? Not anymore.
Can you remember when you first learned how to read? Not exactly.
What event in your life has transformed your personality the most? I’m sure my accident had a big impact.
Have you ever had any teeth pulled? Yes.
Do you still want to be what you wanted to be in elementary school? Noo. Back then I wanted to be a teacher, but that changed when I got to like middle school.
What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into? I have a list of new shows I want to check out, but I have yet to get around to. Oh, I did start this new show on Freeform called “Cruel Summer” that just started last week, though.
How would you feel if you were drafted for the military? I can’t due to my physical disability.
What is your favorite Queen song? I like Bohemian Rhapsody, Under Pressure, We Will Rock You/We are the Champions, and Another One Bites the Dust.
Do you know how to use any foreign currency? I’ve never had to.
Been kissed by someone who you knew was “bad” for you? You could say that.
Ever taken an at-home pregnancy test? Nope. Never had a reason to.
When was the last time you were at a loss of what to do? The past few years. Now.
What did you do on your favorite date with a guy/girl? I loved going to Starbucks and then wandering around bookstores with Ty.
What’s a movie you have seen in the theater more than once? There’s several, like the big ones I’m really excited about and into such as the Marvel movies.
What is the reason you’re still alive? My family.
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? No.
Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed? Not usually.
Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) Maaaybe.
Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? Yes, I’ve been told that. I think they did feel that way at the time.
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? I haven’t gone to bed, yet, but I always wake up feeling shitty.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? Yes.
Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with? Well yeah, it’s not something you just say in the romantic sense. I love my family and tell them so.
Would you date someone with a physical disability? Yeah. I have a physical disability.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? I’m a virgin.
The last time you dyed your hair, what color did you dye it? Red.
Think of the last time you went out to eat. Who paid? My mom.
Do you save at least 15 percent of your income? I try to at least.
Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits? I’ve Googled things that led me to Reddit, but I don’t go on there specifically.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? Nope.
Are your parents in good health? Fortunately, yes.
Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? Nope. I’m the one who has the caregiver.
Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? Well, I can’t take pills unless I can crush them.
Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like? My pajamas are also what I wear during the day, which are leggings and graphic tees. 
Do you have any interesting pillow cases? I have a Michael Myers throw pillow, a couple other Halloween (the holiday) themed ones with skeletons and stuff on ‘em that I’ve had up since last Halloween, a Star Wars one, and a body pillow with giraffe print.
If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? My back, stomach, neck.
Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Spiders, but I’m afraid of both. I’m afraid of ALL bugs.
Have you ever worn fake nails? If so, what did the last pair you wore look like? No.
Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Various topics in history are interesting to me.
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benditlikepress · 4 years
growing pains
@coffeedepablo @indestinatus
dedicated to my queen @ncisjes who goes to work to escape my nonsense
Read in full on AO3
Tony was counting down the minutes until home-time when his phone started ringing. Usually he switched it off during meetings but for some reason it had slipped his mind, and that was why he jumped out of his seat to leave the room to answer it, seeing Tali’s school flash on the screen.
They never rang.
He closed the door quietly behind him and clicked answer as he jogged down the hallway towards the doors that led out onto a small balcony.
"Hello, is that Mr DiNozzo?"
"Hello, this is Tali's teacher Madame Belanger."
"Oh. Hello. Is everything OK?"
"I'm stood here with Tali, nobody has arrived to take her home."
Tony checked the time. School let out 10 minutes ago. "Uh, Tali's mom should be there. She hasn't shown up?"
"No, Mr DiNozzo. I know it's her that picks Tali up and she's always early so I tried to ring her but I got no answer. I know she's pregnant so I thought I best ring you to check everything is OK."
Tony felt his shackles immediately rise, a ball in his throat. "Um, thank you. I'll try to get a hold of her but I'm on my way myself now, so one of us will be there soon. Can I speak to Tali real quick?"
There was a small pause while the phone was passed over.
"Hey sweetheart, it's daddy. I'm on my way to come get you, OK? Don't worry about a thing."
"I love you."
"Love you too."
Tony hung up the phone and began dialling Ziva's number as he went into his boss' office. He explained he had an emergency at home with the phone pressed to his ear and was waved away to leave just as Ziva's phone went to voicemail.
"Hey. It's me. Call if you get this, let me know you’re alright."
When she still hadn’t returned his call when he was getting into his car, he began to panic more. Though she’d been through rough patches and difficulties since she got home to Paris, she’d never once made herself unreachable. She’d always at least drop a text to let him know she was safe. Particularly since she’d found out she was pregnant.
Thoughts of the baby plagued his rushed journey to school, weaving through traffic in a way that made him wish he still had lights he could stick on the roof. Things had been going really well up until now – no worries or doctors concerns, nothing that had to be kept an eye on. Ziva had been a little anxious at first because there had been some concerns early in her pregnancy with Tali but they had turned out to be false alarms, likely caused by stress. When nothing had happened in the first 12 weeks of this pregnancy and then the next couple afterwards, her fears had been allayed. It was week 23 now and everything had been pretty much perfect.
He repeated to himself that she was in the bath and had lost track of time as he hopped out of his car and rushed up to the school gates. He was buzzed in and by the time he reached reception, Tali and her teacher were waiting. Tali immediately left her teachers’ side and came over to him, wrapping her arms around him for a hug.
“Hey, sweetheart. Good day?” He asked in English and Tali’s teacher smiled politely, though he was never sure if she actually understood a word he said when he wasn’t speaking French.
“Uh-huh. Are we going home?”
“Yeah, come on. Sorry you had to wait a little while.”
“That’s OK. Au revoir, Madame Belanger.”
“Au revoir, Tali. See you tomorrow.”
Tali took Tony’s hand as they left the building and walked with purpose although she was quiet and thoughtful.
“Everything alright?”
“Why didn’t ima pick me up?”
"I'm not sure, sweetheart. We're gonna go talk to her and find out, OK?"
"Is something wrong with the baby?"
"I don't think so. Let's just get home and we'll find out what's going on."
This seemed to satisfy Tali, who was her usual talkative self on the car ride back to the apartment. Tony was glad of the distraction – happy to hear about Tali’s class preparation for their upcoming recorder recital and her friend’s new dog.
The building looked normal from the outside when they got home, though decades worth of cop shackles were hard to shake off and Tony caught himself reaching for a non-existent gun as they entered the eerily quiet hallway and reached the locked door.
The apartment was cleaner than they’d left it this morning – clothes and breakfast and mail put away. The curtains were open but the light was on in the bathroom and everywhere was silent. Tony left Tali in the living room and cut through room-by-room looking for any sign of Ziva or something out of place, and when he reached their bedroom he found the door ajar and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a sleeping figure on top of the mattress.
Ziva was lying on her side, buried in blankets, a slight frown on her face.
Tony bent down by the side of the bed and lifted fingers to her forehead, stroking her hair.
"Hey honey, you awake?"
Ziva stirred and then opened one eye. "What are you doing here?"
"School called."
"What time is it?" Ziva lifted her arms sleepily to check her phone. "Oh my god, I have to go and get Tali."
"Hey hey hey, relax. I got her. She's in the living room."
Ziva exhaled heavily and covered her face with her eyes.
"You OK?"
"Yes. I just... I have been asleep all afternoon. I did not get any sleep last night so I just lay down after lunch and.. I cannot believe this. I have never slept through anything in my life."
"Well, you're pregnant. It happens. Why didn't you sleep last night?"
"I need to talk to Tali."
"Just - take a breath first, alright?"
She closed her eyes as she inhaled and exhaled, but threw the blankets off her all the same. She had taken to wearing his shorts as pyjama bottoms, paired with either a tank top that rode up more as the days went on or one of his old baggy t-shirts depending on the temperature. Though she was almost always overheating these days.
"Is Tali upset?"
"She's fine. She was just a little worried something might've happened." Ziva brought herself up to a sitting position and pressed the base of her palms against her eyes. “You sure everything’s alright?”
"Yes, we are fine. Completely. I am so sorry for scaring you. Really, I.."
"Hey," Tony pulled her hands away from her face gently. "It's alright. It's fine. Stuff happens sometimes."
“It is not alright, Tony.”
Her insistence struck a chord with him, the way her breathing was a little laboured and she squeezed his fingers where they were still attached to accentuate the point.
“Hey. Talk to me.”
“We can talk once I have spoken to Tali. Let me do that first.”
“OK. Take a couple of deep breaths, though. Come in when you’re ready.”
Tony ran his hand over her head as he stood up, leaving the room and going back into the living room where Tali was sitting on the sofa with a game in hand kicking her legs backwards and forwards.
“Ima and the baby are all good. See? Like I said. Nothing for you to worry about. She’s gonna come and talk to you right now.”
He sat down next to her and she began to continue the conversations she’d started in the car, not seeming to notice Tony’s small responses as he kept an eye on the bedroom door.
Ziva appeared a couple of minutes later, her cheeks slightly pink with sleep and a practised smile plastered on her face as her eyes trained on Tali.
"Is the baby OK?"
"We are both fine. But I need to apologise to you.” Ziva sat down at Tali’s side, opposite to Tony, and took Tali’s small hands into her own on her lap. “I'm so sorry I did not pick you up today, Tali. I did not get any sleep last night and I accidentally napped through my alarm. I promise you it will never ever happen again. And I'm very sorry for worrying you, that is not fair at all on you."
"OK. I forgive you."
"You do?"
"You promise.”
“I promise. Can I have a hug?”
Tali wrapped herself around Ziva but the position was starting to get awkward as Ziva had started growing more significantly in the last couple of weeks. She was carrying smaller than Tony had imagined, though he supposed it was a result of keeping herself fit. She said you’d have barely known she was pregnant with Tali until her third trimester.
He watched her expression now, over Tali’s shoulder, her eyes tightly shut and then opening to look up at him with tears threatening. She ran her hand over her left eye and the movement seemed to alert Tali to pull back and look at her.
“Don’t be sad.”
“I’m not sad, OK? Ani ohevet otach. I love you very much.”
Tony still wasn't quite used to the feeling he got in his chest when he saw the two of them together like this: hugging and whispering affection to each other, looking over each other’s shoulders at him with such automatic warmth in their eyes. It was a feeling he'd forgotten existed, something that he'd not felt since childhood until Tali and then Ziva took permanent place in his life - the pure comfort of being around family. The way that even when Ziva was clearly upset and hurting there was still pure, unadulterated love in the air.
Ziva sniffed and straightened her back. “Do you want to help me make dinner?”
“Can we have pizza?”
“You know your daddy can never say no to that. Come on, let’s get your hands washed.”
Tali jumped off the sofa and ran off in the direction of the bathroom. Tony got to his feet and held out his hand to help Ziva up, though she managed to get up mostly by herself. Her hand, as it often did now, instinctively went to her stomach. It was almost six months in and he still hadn't grown out of the burst of pride every time he watched Ziva privately acknowledge her bump, the knowledge that it was his child she was tending to when she didn't realise anyone was watching.
“I promise we will talk. I just want to make sure she is OK first. Once we have eaten, she will settle down. OK?”
It was a lot like this with a child: something Tony had never really considered before Tali came into his life, and something he was sure would only get more significant once the baby was here. Trying to find opportunities to talk was difficult, quiet moments alone few and far between, and though all Tony wanted to do right now was sit Ziva down and wait for her to explain every single thing on her mind he instead had to be content to watch her staring down at Tali thoughtfully while she helped her knead dough and overflow toppings in the way only a DiNozzo could.
They ate quietly but happily, Tali still leading conversation, and once she’d finished she’d taken herself off to her bedroom and shouted at Tony to follow her to help her with her math homework.
Ziva still had a fearful look in her eye, and it only seemed to increase as the minutes passed. She looked at Tali’s bedroom and then back at Tony, questioning, until he signalled at her to go to their own bedroom while he followed Tali.
(continue reading on AO3)
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Pregnancy Announcement- David Pastrnak
Summary: The reader figures out a cute and original way to announce she’s pregnant to David.
Words: 1281
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”Two souls but with a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.” - John Keats
Four weeks. Four weeks of pregnancy and a week of keeping it a secret from David. I was over the moon and there were times I wanted to tell the whole world about it. I wanted everyone to know. Sometimes I thought I wouldn’t be able to hold it in any longer and I would just tell him out of sudden. Most likely during dinner or while watching a movie. I wanted to call my mom numerous times to tell her I was pregnant, and I couldn’t wait for her to ask me probably way too many questions than necessary. I wanted to tell my best friend and I couldn’t wait to see the boy’s reactions when David announces the news.
I made a deal with myself to wait for two reasons. The first reason was to wait until David gets back home and the second reason to wait was that I was scared. I was never a superstitious person but the moment the second line on the pregnancy test appeared I wanted to do everything in my power to make sure our baby was safe.
David was at the top of his career as the current best player in the league. I had a perfect job and our relationship was better and stronger than ever before. Things seemed to work in our favor and sometimes it was hard to contain all the happiness I felt. I was living the life I always wanted. I had a great job, amazing friends and a perfect partner whom I probably didn’t even deserve - well at least not always. Now I was pregnant with a child I longed for ever since I was a teenager and when I met David, I was sure he would be the father of my kids. The quilt took over me sometimes as I was never able to feel proud of the things I had. I was such an imperfect person so how did I ever deserve this?
When David and I decided to try for a baby a great fear took over me. All the doubts, all the worries I wouldn���t be able to get pregnant because my luck ran out. What if we don’t get the things, we want the most in life? But the moment I missed my period for the first, the moment I saw two lines on three pregnancy tests I felt nothing but happiness and excitement.
After I found out I was pregnant I had dozens of ideas on how to tell him. I wanted to get him a hockey jersey that would say “baby Pastrnak” and put it in a box with the positive pregnancy test. I thought of ordering a pizza with the words “I’m pregnant” and I thought of placing balloons into our bedroom with the due date on them. Then I thought I would just tell him right away without any surprises. I wanted to give him an envelope with the pregnancy test and a little note saying, “congratulations you’re gonna be a daddy”. The possibilities were endless however none of them felt quite right until I came across a picture of a pregnant woman with “and then there were three” written across her stomach which inspired me to do something similar.
“Baby? I’m home!” David’s sleepy voice disturbed the silence in our apartment. I was in the bathroom preparing to break the news to him and in complete disbelief that the time has come I made my way to the living room to greet him.
“Hey love, I missed you,” I mumbled into his neck when I finally wrapped my hands around his neck, his grip tightened around my waist and he kissed the top of my head probably a thousand times. “I have a surprise for you.” I looked up at him with a smile.
“I missed you too. What surprise?” He asked raising his eyebrows at me.
“Just sit down and I’ll show you,” I pointed at the couch and waited before he sat down. “I know I probably should’ve told you earlier, but I hope you won’t be mad at me.”
“Y/n just tell me. I promise I won’t be mad.” He chuckled.
“Okay so I got a new tattoo,” I said. “Wanna see?”
“Of course, I wanna see! Why are you being so secretive about it?” I could see the anticipation in his eyes, and I could already see the huge smile on his face that was about to appear when I finally break the news to him.
“Okay, okay calm down!” I laughed. “Ready?”
I lifted my shirt to expose my belly to him. There was “pregnant” written across my stomach with little hearts around it. David was confused at first but once it hit him, he started smiling like crazy.
“No... No?! Are you really? Are you pregnant?” I pulled out a positive pregnancy test from my back pocket and gave it to him. He checked it with tears in his eyes and then he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead. “This is amazing! Oh my god!”
I had tears streaming down my face at that moment and I was speechless. I couldn’t find any words that would describe all my emotions, all the happiness, and excitement I felt. My heart was pounding fast, and my hands were shaking from all the joy that took over me completely. I imagined this moment thousandth of times that week. I imagined all sorts of reactions, but the reality was stronger than all the imaginations combined. It was the most powerful, most fulfilling moment of my life.
“We’re gonna be a family!” I said when I finally calmed myself down a little bit.
“I love you so much,” David kissed me passionately on my lips and then moved down to my stomach. “And I love you too little one.” He whispered and kissed my belly gently.
“How many weeks?”
“Four weeks. I found out last week when you were away.”
“You kept it a secret for a week? How could you? I mean I already want to call everyone to tell them I’m going to be a dad!”
“Trust me, baby, that it was hard,” I laughed. “But absolutely worth the wait.”
“Oh my god baby,” he ran his fingers through his already messy hair and closed his eyes from a moment before he looked back at me with a huge smile on his bright face. “I wanted to go straight to bed but I don’t know if I’ll ever sleep again. I’m so excited.”
“When I found out I laid in bed all night and I just kept imagining what it would be like when I tell you or when the baby’s here.” I smiled at the memory of the night when I held my stomach and stroked it gently thinking of the life that was forming inside my body.
“You make me the happiest man in the world. Thank you.” David pulled me down next to him and wrapped his strong hands around me, his palms rested on my belly and his face was buried in the corner of my neck. “No new tattoo then?” He chuckled.
“No, no new tattoo.” I laughed back.
And so, we spent the rest of the night talking about our future life as a family of three. Talking about names and nursery ideas as well as how we were going to tell our families and the boys.
David and our baby were the best things I never planned and by some miracle got to call mine.
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crimes-and-gelato · 4 years
Starting Out on a Journey
  Rating: Teen Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes X Tony Stark Summary:  Tony can’t help the fond smile on his lips as he watches the two most important persons in his life. Peter in his lap and Bucky before him, he wishes days like this could just go on forever. He remembers how it’s not even a year ago that they found out he was pregnant.It has not been easy getting where they are now, but it also has been memorable most of the time. They still have a long way to go. And it’s worth it. Super worth it. Writing prompt: I thought that I could trust you.
to hold your hand is like sliding sunshine into my pocket. **
‘Traitor,’ Tony accuses fondly at the bundle in his arms, who’s slowly stirring at the sound of his father’s voice.
Bucky doesn’t seem to mind being interrupted either. His got that soft smile as he stares down at his son and places one last kiss on Tony’s lips before he carefully plucks the babe from his husband, finding a good sitting position at the side of the bed with the pup in his arms. He can’t help but coo as the little boy opens his eyes; grey meets blue.
After seeing his Papa, Peter immediately gives him a wide toothless grin. The smile on Bucky’s face grow softer at the sight.
‘Hey, baby boy,’ Bucky whispers, putting a kiss on Peter’s forehead. ‘Slept well, sweetheart?’ He scents the babe, smelling like both him and Tony, and a hint of something that’s solely just Peter.
‘How come you never ask me that?’ Tony inserts, moving from his place in the bed and drapes over his husband’s back like the clingy starfish that he is when Bucky’s back from a mission; arms circling Bucky’s torso. He takes a few more inhale of Bucky’s scent, it settles him. His mate is home and safe. Their family is together and safe.
‘That’s because I need to secure my position as Peter’s favourite parent,’ Bucky replies with a smug grin thrown at Tony.
Tony gasps and removes himself from his position to glare at his husband. ‘I carried him for nine months, I think we both know who his favourite parent is.’
‘And I lull him to sleep when he was trying to use your bladder as trampoline,’ Bucky counters. ‘In short, he listens to me best because he likes me the —’
Just before Bucky can finish, Peter grabs a handful of his hair and pulls. Bucky yelps in surprise as Tony laughs in the background.
‘You were saying?’ Tony teases in between giggles, taking Peter out of Bucky’s grasps so his husband can properly untangle his hair from Peter’s grip. ‘What a smart baby,’ he coos and plants a kiss on his son’s cheek. ‘A very good pup. My pup.’
Bucky finally frees himself from Peter’s hands. He secures his hair behind his head in a quick man-bun, before he attacks his son with a raspberry in the tummy, making the pup giggle.
‘I thought that I could trust you,’ he tells Peter with a mock pout and goes for another raspberry that sets the babe giggling again, little feet kicking Bucky in the chest in his glee.
Tony can’t help the fond smile on his lips as he watches the two most important persons in his life. Peter in his lap and Bucky before him, he wishes days like this could just go on forever. He remembers how it’s not even a year ago that they found out he was pregnant.
It has not been easy getting where they are now, but it also has been memorable most of the time. They still have a long way to go. And it’s worth it. Super worth it.
7 months ago
It’s not really the best time to take a picnic in Central Park despite how much the calendar says that it’s spring because it’s still quite cold for the beginning of April. But Tony insisted of going out for a walk since it’s sunny out, and all of a sudden decided an impromptu picnic and went as far as inviting the other Avengers. And because Tony wields so much power in the tower right now because he’s expecting, they all accepted their fate and are now lounging lazily in a not-so crowded spot surrounded by people enjoying the sun like them.
Tony gets away with a lot of things these days for being pregnant. He’s also showered with lots of love, affection, and favours. They’re all just charmed their pants off by his smell and hormones — Bucky out of all, not that he minds.
Natasha’s knitting; Bruce is reading; Thor, Clint, and Sam are playing football with some college kids; while Steve’s busy with his sketches. Tony’s eating the sandwiches that Bruce and Steve had prepared as he leans on Bucky.
Everything is calm and warm, he doesn’t want it to end, he tells Tony while placing a kiss on his husband’s temple.
Closing on on the end of his first term, Tony’s not quite showing yet, but Bucky can tell the difference with how his husband smells, much sweeter than before and he can’t get enough of it. And of course, if that rouses his possessiveness he can always use his hormones as an excuse, which is not really untrue because it’s explained by their biology of having a second gender. Nonetheless, it does give him lots of excuse to coddle Tony and pamper his omega.
These days he can’t keep his hands off of Tony as well, always finding his hands on the genius’ belly. Not to mention the constant scenting that Tony would only roll his eyes over while muttering, ‘alpha,’ in an exasperated but fond voice.
A little girl in pigtails passes by with a pretzel.
Tony zeroes his eyes on her, forgetting the sandwich he was suppose to put inside his mouth. ‘Oh my god. That pretzel smells amazing,’ he announces looking around the group for approval. The whole lot of them nods in agreement because they eat at the palm of Tony’s hands now. The genius could probably say the most ridiculous thing and they would still all agree; idiots, all of them.
Even before Tony can say it, Bucky already knows what’s going to happen next. And right on cue, when the pretzel was out of sight, as well as its smell, Tony looks up to Bucky, eyes pitiful and determined.
‘I want one,’ he pleads, eyes going puppy dog’s by the minute. ‘Please.’
‘Anything for you, sweetheart,’ he replies and kisses Tony on the cheek.
‘Thanks, honey. You’re the best.’ Tony’s scent grows more amazing with his glee.
The spark of joy in Tony’s eyes makes Bucky’s heart swell with happiness. He knows it’s probably hormones as well, but biology could tell so otherwise and he’ll still feel elated seeing his husband merry.
He stands up to run his errand. He looks around his friends, silently warning them all to look after his mate while he’s away.
They all nod back in silent promises.
‘I’ll be back in a sec,’ he says, bending down again to kiss the top of Tony’s head, rubbing his cheeks slightly on brown hair to scent him. Mine, his brain whispers, ignoring Steve’s roll of eyes.
He’s bought enough pretzel for everyone just to be safe. He’s on his trek back to their picnic spot when his phone rang.
‘Did you miss me already?’ he teases his husband, one hand carrying a bag full of pretzel.
‘Maybe,’ Tony replies. ‘Also… could you get me a hotdog? Please and thank you.’
‘Sure thing, sweet thing,’ he answers.
‘Thanks. You’re the best.’
‘Anything else?’
‘Nope. Just that.’
‘Okay, then. See you in a bit.’
‘Bye, sweetheart.’ He puts his phone inside his pocket and heads to Tony’s favourite hotdog vendor.
When Bucky gets back with pretzels and hotdogs for everyone, Tony makes grabby hands at his package.
‘Hmmmm….’ Tony’s eyes are close, lips etched in a smile as he inhales the aroma of the food. ‘Finally,’ he whispers lovingly to the hotdog before taking a bite, mustard and ketchup smearing his lips.
A part of Bucky is amuse of Tony’s sudden interest in food like it’s a newly found element, which according to Bruce is normal because it’s part of an omega’s nature during pregnancy to crave food or a certain smell or something.
Bucky read about it some more to understand Tony’s sudden obsession with things. He found out that this pregnant lady omega had to avoid her husband a couple of weeks because she couldn’t stand being near him. It put a strain on their relationship, only to find out that it wasn’t him she was pissed about but the soap he was using. He had been using the same thing since before they got married and she was okay with it, only when they got pregnant that she couldn’t stand it anymore.
There was this other couple who’s omega husband craved unripe mangoes, that the beta husband had to order mangoes from Philippines to fulfill his husband’s cravings.
He’s read a lot more of these bizarre pregnancy stories about cravings, so he’s happy that Tony’s cravings are not so complicated. Not that he won’t go to another country to fetch something that his husband would want. He’ll probably trek Everest if Tony one day wants to taste the snow on top of that mountain.  
Steve calls on Thor, Clint, and Sam to join them. The trio willingly left their game at the sight of food.
They all settle around their food with Bucky back in his original position, behind Tony. His husband leans into him, chest to back. The warmth and weight of the engineer comforting and welcome against him.
Bucky notices that there are boxes of pizza and some kebab in their stash. He only raises a questioning eyebrow at his best friend.
‘Tony wanted cheese pizza and some barbecue,’ Steve explains.
A part of Bucky is jealous he wasn’t there to fulfill all of Tony’s wants. He can’t be a competent alpha if he can’t comply to the simplest of errands, right?
He tries to shrug off the negative thoughts in his mind like how his therapist taught him. He tries to think of all the positive things: that he can rely on his family to take care of Tony. If he misses the opportunity to grant his mate’s request, it’s not the end of the world. Tony’s not going to leave him because of that.
Bruce and Natasha comes back with fruit smoothies and a cup of coffee. Tony’s already halfway into devouring his hotdog, but puts it down when he smells the coffee.
Bucky’s quick enough to reach over the cup before his stubborn husband does. ‘Sweetheart,’ he scolds softly. As much as it breaks him to see Tony’s yearning for his coveted drink, his doctors strictly forbids him to partake because of his heart condition and pregnancy.
Tony whines as he pouts at Bucky and gazes at the coffee cup. ‘Bruce said I could smell it at least.’
His eyes turn to Dr. Banner.
‘It’s not bad as long as he doesn’t drink it,’ the doctor assures.
Bucky nods. He turns back to his now miserable husband who’s still yearning for the cup. He sighs in defeat, cannot stand not giving Tony what he wants. But he knows he’ll draw the line on whether they are things that could be bad for Tony.
‘As long as you don’t drink it, okay?’ He can tell everyone’s mocking him for being a pushover. But they’re all not better than him, evidence of that is the coffee itself and the additional food on their blanket.
The engineer hums happily and nods.
Bucky reluctantly hands over the beverage. Helping Tony back to his original position — plastered all over Bucky’s front — without spilling the hot drink all over himself.
And just to be a little shit, Clint, the idiot of all idiots — in Bucky’s opinion — volunteers to drink half of the coffee to avoid further accident and so Tony can easily smell his favourite drink. Only that, Clint forgot to at least consider Tony’s feelings when he downs at the drink followed by a satisfied gulp.
‘Oh,’ Clint says, catching himself. ‘Sorry,’ he adds sheepishly.
‘It’s nothing.’ Tony only smiles, not quite reaching his eyes.
He could have had punched Clint at the sudden and small change in Tony’s scent as he watches someone else enjoying his favourite drink that he’s not allowed to.
But since Natasha elbows the archer sharply, Bucky can settle for that. He focuses on more important matter, like kneading his hands with Tony’s and placing them both on top of his husband’s slowly growing stomach.
‘Just a little more time, doll,’ he whispers, placing a kiss on Tony’s jaw.
‘I can take it,’ Tony assures, squeezing Bucky’s hand in return.
‘You’re not alone in this, okay?’ Bucky reminds, like he always does. Not just with Tony but with himself as well, because excited as they are to meet their pup there will always be that part of them that are scared of fucking this up.
‘I know,’ he replies, raising their hands and kissing the back of Bucky’s hands before settling it back over his stomach.
A smile spreads on Bucky’s lips as Tony’s scent goes back into a calming, soft scent. Yeah, they have this. Their family is also their to help them, he tells himself as he looks around their group of odd goofballs.
‘Just for all my sacrifices, I better be this kid’s favourite parent,’ Tony threatens mockingly.
Bucky only laughs, setting three more kisses on Tony’s jaw. ‘Is that a challenge?’
‘Nope.’ There’s a smile in Tony’s voice. ‘It’s official and irrevocable.’
‘Sure thing, sweet thing.’ He only smiles against Tony’s cheek. Doesn’t matter who the pup’s favourite is, as long as they’re all a happy and healthy family. That’s enough for Bucky.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 5 years
The Fall (Ethan x F!MC)
Summary: Naomi has huge news to give Ethan, but things don’t always go as planned.
Word Count: 3k+
A/N: This is my first Open Heart fic. Let me know if you guys enjoy!
“And there it is.”
“That’s it? That tiny little thing?”
“Yup. That’s your baby. And the little flicker you see on the screen? That’s the heartbeat.”
“Can I hear it?”
“Not until the second trimester. I’d say you’re at 8 weeks right now.”
Dr. Naomi Valentine Ramsey stared at the screen in front of her with rapt attention. She had never seen something so magical in her 29 years on earth. That tiny little flicker on a monitor was hers. Her baby.
A tear rolled down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand. “It’s beautiful.”
Dr. Brenda Forbes, one of Edenbrook’s best attending OB/GYNs smiled at her colleague. “Yeah. I have five kids myself and seeing them for the first time is always the best.”
“Five? I don’t know if Ethan and I can manage five.”
“You’d be surprised, Naomi. I’ve known Ethan for 13 years. I never thought he would get married, but here we are. You may very well have five little humans.”
Being married to Ethan was still a dream. After months of fighting their feelings for each other since she was officially part of his diagnostics team, they finally decided to stop kidding themselves and seriously see where their relationship could lead them. Seven months later, they were at Naveen’s gorgeous lake house, exchanging vows in front of their family and close friends.
“We’ll focus on this one for now,” Naomi started. “It is just one, right?”
“Yes, just one.”
“How are you going to tell him?”
That hadn’t even crossed Naomi’s mind. How was she going to tell him? Would she do something cute and cheesy like buy a onesie that says “World’s Best Daddy” or would she be straightforward and spit it out as soon as she saw him?
“I don’t know,” Naomi replied honestly. “With our crazy schedules, I actually don’t think I’ve even properly seen him in the last 36 hours. He was still here last night when I took the pregnancy tests at home. And when I got up to get ready for work, he was fully clothed, passed out in the living room with the dog, and I didn’t bother waking him. But we’re both off tomorrow, so I’ll think of something.”
“He’s going to be excited.”
“I hope so.” They had talked about kids, extensively, and they knew they wanted to have them at some point, but they never set an official timeline when it came to family planning and baby making. They weren’t actively trying, but they weren’t not trying either. So Naomi couldn’t be too shocked when all six of her EPTs (she always was one for overachieving) came back positive.
“Ethan adores you and everyone at this hospital with semi decent vision can see that. He’s going to be ecstatic.”
Naomi didn’t reply, opting to let the optimistic words of her doctor wash over her. Brenda was right. She and Ethan wanted this, Ethan would be excited.
“Do you want a prescription for folic acid and prenatals, or do you want to pick them up at a local drug store?”
“I don’t want any nosy pharmacy techs knowing I’m pregnant,” Naomi said. Over the last 3 years, she had become hospital gossip fodder and it was annoying. “I’ll pick some up from CVS on my way home.”
“Fair enough. I will see you again in 4 weeks for your next appointment. You can schedule it in the waiting area.”
“Now, let’s print out an obnoxious amount of pictures.”
Fifteen minutes later, Naomi was exiting the locker room after safely tucking her ultrasound pictures away and making her way to the cafeteria. She spotted Bryce flipping through a chart. “Hey, Bryce!”
He looked up from his chart and flashed a large smile once he saw Naomi walking towards him. “Hey. I haven’t seen you around today.”
“I’ve been here. You know I never leave this place.”
“I’m having an awesome day,” Bryce announced. “I assisted on an emergency spleen removal with Dr. Rodriguez, and in a few hours I get to do a craniotomy with Dr. Emery.”
“Aren’t you on cloud nine, you hot shot.”
“More like cloud infinity. What about you?”
“My day’s been…great,” Naomi said honestly. Her doctor appointment was amazing. “And when I’m off in a few hours, I get to go home, put on my rattiest pajamas and eat greasy fast food with Ethan.”
“Dr. Ethan Ramsey eats greasy fast food?” Bryce asked, half teasing, half amazed.
“Occasionally. Most of the time he’s nagging at me to eat better, but I’m not listening to him tonight. I’m craving pepperoni pizza. And wings.”
“That sounds great,” Bryce sighed. He was going to be eating a cafeteria sandwich for dinner. “Hey, you want to get something from the caf? I need caffeine.”
“You read my mind, Lahela. That’s actually where I was headed.”
Before they could even make it all the way down the hall to the staircase, their pagers went off. There was an emergency down in the ER, and it was an all hands on deck situation.
“Rain check on that coffee, Omi?”
“Yup. I’m holding you to it though. And you’ll buy me a bagel.”
“Oof, you drive a hard bargain.” They made their way to the stairs. “On the bright side, I might be able to get a cool surgery out of this.”
“Ever the optimist,” Naomi teased with an eye roll. Only doctors could get excited about high stress accidents and emergencies.
Out of the corner of her eye, Naomi saw an overzealous intern flying down the hall as they started down the stairs, on his way to the ER. She was able to step aside in time, grabbing the handrail for support. But the guy ran into Bryce, bumping him on the shoulder, without as much as a backward glance.
“Hey, watch it!” Bryce called out but the other doctor didn’t acknowledge him. “God, were we that obnoxious our intern year?”
“I hope not-“
A few more of them followed behind, pushing past them to get downstairs to the ER. One of them knocked into Naomi, causing her to lose her balance.
It was like a slow motion car crash, in which no one could look away or move fast enough to do anything to stop it. Bryce quickly reached out in an attempt to grab her arm and catch her, but it was too late and Naomi went tumbling down the stairs until she landed at the bottom with a loud thud on the cold hard floors.
“Naomi!” Bryce raced down the stairs, and a few doctors who happened to be standing by rushed towards her as well. “Oh my god, Naomi, are you okay?”
Everything hurt. Her entire body was screaming out in pain, but she could barely respond. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to move.
Her head was foggy and she was dizzy. She could hear Bryce and a nurse attempting to talk to her in the background, but it mostly sounded like a loud ringing. She gingerly touched the top of her head and felt something wet, which she quickly surmised was blood.
“Mhmmm,” Naomi grumbled, still not really listening to Bryce.
Bryce looked up and pointed at the first nurse he could find. “Page the other Dr. Ramsey, tell him it’s Naomi and it’s an emergency.”
“Okay, Dr. Lahela.”
Bryce gently touched Naomi’s head. “Naomi, can you hear me?”
“My head hurts.”
“Yeah, you took quite the fall.”
Naomi’s hand flew to her stomach, but she recoiled instantly as an indescribable pain radiated through her entire rib cage. Hot tears stung the corner of her eyes. “My stomach. Bryce, my stomach!”
“Naomi, I need you to relax,” Bryce ordered. “Calm down. Breathe.”
Naomi tried to reposition herself and touch her stomach from a different angle, but another intense pain shot through her body. Another doctor came over with a bed, and they lifted Naomi up, also putting her in a neck brace so she couldn’t move and exacerbate her injury.
“We need to do a CT scan to see if she has a concussion or any other type of head injury,” Bryce explained to the other doctor as they started wheeling her to the radiology department. “Maybe a chest or abdominal x-ray to check for any trauma.”
The mention of getting an x-ray exam sent Naomi into a panic. All of the radiation could be bad for the baby. She reached out and squeezed Bryce’s scrub top. “No! No, no x-ray. No CT scan.”
“I’m not a neurologist by any means, but I’m pretty sure you have a head injury that we need to check out.”
“I can’t.”
“If you’re scared, I won’t leave your side until Ethan–”
“I’m pregnant,” Naomi confessed, cutting her friend off.
Bryce sucked in a deep breath at the revelation. That changed everything. “Okay. CT scan for your head only, and the fastest chest x-ray we’ve ever performed.”
Naomi tried to take breath to calm down, but it hurt too much to inhale, so her breath was coming out in quick, short bursts. Her head was still pounding violently and Naomi wanted nothing more than to close her eyes.
Bryce turned back to Naomi and noticed her eyelids getting heavy and drifting shut. He gently shook her shoulder. “Omi, I need you to stay awake. Keep your eyes open, okay?”
She could hear the words, and she knew what Bryce was saying was correct, but the pull was stronger than she was able to fight. She closed her eyes and slipped into dark nothingness. The last thing she remembered was silently praying that her baby would be okay.
On the other side of the hospital, Ethan was in a meeting with all of the other department heads and Naveen, going over budgets and quotas and other boring administrative dribble that Ethan didn’t care about.
His pager was consistently going off, but Naveen had a strict rule about not using pagers during their meetings. They were only 45 minutes long, and the doctors delegated all of their work, so there was no need to be contacted.
He could feel his cell phone vibrating against his thigh in his pants pocket, as if someone was calling him or sending him a lot of text messages.
While he couldn’t very well pull out his phone, he could always check the messages in his Apple Watch, and Naveen would be none the wiser. His notification tab was full of messages, all from Bryce.
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Dr. Ramsey, 911!
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Naomi had a fall, taking her to get a CT. She’s unconscious.
Dr. Bryce Lahela: update: she has a concussion, consulting w/ neuro rn
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Taking her to ER now, Sienna and Aurora r w/ me
Dr. Bryce Lahela: She still hasn’t woken up, but she’s stable. Moved to a private room
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Helloooooo, are you getting my messages?
Dr. Bryce Lahela: DUDE!
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Fuck, a nurse just reminded me you’re in meeting with Dr. Banjeri, so you probably haven’t seen any of these. Sorry.
Just come as soon as you’re available
Ethan’s blood ran cold as he read the messages and a wave of nausea rolled through his gut. As if on autopilot, he jumped out of his seat, starling his co-workers.
“Ethan?” Naveen prodded. “What are you doing?”
“I need to go,” Ethan said, grabbing his coat.
“If he’s leaving, I’d like to go too,” another doctor added.
“No one is going anywhere,” Naveen added firmly. “Ethan, sit back down.”
“There’s an emergency,”
“This is a hospital full of perfectly capable doctors who can handle–“
“Naomi is hurt,” Ethan said, cutting off his mentor and boss. “I’m leaving.” His tone let it be known that there was no room for argument. It was a definitive statement, no debate.
Naveen’s face softened at the mention of the young doctor and Ethan’s wife. He knew if something was wrong, there would be no stopping Ethan from finding her.
Naveen sighed and waved Ethan away. “Go ahead.”
Without another word, Ethan quickly exited the large conference room and made his way to the other side of the hospital as fast as his legs could carry him.
Once in the recovery unit, he stopped at the nurse’s station, stopping the nearest orderly he could find. “Where’s Naomi Ramsey’s room?”
The orderly rounded the nurse’s station and logged onto a computer. “She’s down the hall in room 458.”
Without saying thanks, Ethan left the nurse’s station and headed towards the room. His eyes instantly found Naomi, sitting up in bed. She had a bandage on her head and one wrapped around her right ankle. There were so many wires and IVs and monitors, he felt himself getting overwhelmed.
“Rookie!” He rushed to her bedside and gently grabbed her face, peppering it with kisses. He kissed the crown of her head, instantly relaxing as he inhaled the coconut scented shampoo Naomi was so obsessed with. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here earlier. I was in a meeting and I couldn’t check my cell.”
“It’s fine.”
“Thank god, you’re okay. What happened?”
“Bryce and I were on our way to the ER because we got paged, and out of nowhere a group of interns came flying past us,” Naomi explained. “One of them bumped into me and I fell down the stairs.”
“An intern? An intern did this to you?”
“They were overeager and in a rush to experience their first night in mass chaos in the ER.”
“Are you alright?” Ethan asked. “Where’s your chart? What does it say?”
“Why don’t I just call for my doctor,” Naomi suggested. She grabbed the red button at her bedside and pressed down on it. Within a minute, a doctor entered the room.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Carter, I’ve been assigned to Dr. Ramsey’s case. Missus Dr. Ramsey, obviously.”
Ethan narrowed his eyes at the doctor. She looked young. Incredibly young. “I’ve never seen you before.”
“I’m an intern, I’ve only been here for a month.”
Ethan didn’t know how he felt about an intern being in charge of his wife’s health, especially since one of them was the reason she was in the hospital in the first place.
“Well, nice to meet you, Dr. Carter. What’s going on, will Naomi be okay?”
“Dr. Ramsey fell down the stairs and as a result, has a concussion. She also bruised two of her ribs, but they didn’t fracture and should heal within a few weeks. We’ve been making her take very deep breaths every few minutes just to keep the lungs clear and prevent infection. And she twisted her ankle in the fall, so she should try to keep it iced and elevated as much as possible. When Dr. Ramsey is discharged, she’ll be given a pair of crutches. We are going to keep her overnight for monitoring, because she did lose consciousness as a result of the fall, but all in all, she and the baby are fine.”
Ethan let out a heavy sigh of relief at the prognosis. He squeezed Naomi’s hand tightly. “Oh that’s the best–did you say baby? What baby?”
Dr. Carter looked at Naomi, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was a secret.”
“It’s alright, Doctor. Can I have a moment alone with my husband, please?”
“Of course.” Dr. Carter scurried out of the room, softly shutting the door behind her.
Ethan looked back at Naomi. “A baby? Are you pregnant?”
She nodded. “Yes. I had been suspecting it for a few days now, and I finally took some tests last night. When they all came back positive, I made an appointment with Dr. Forbes and she confirmed it this morning with a urine sample and ultrasound. I wanted to tell you tonight, or tomorrow, but obviously that didn’t happen.”
“How far along are you?”
“Only 8 weeks. If my math is correct, we’ll be having a Spring baby. Late April, early May.”
“We’re having a baby?”
“We’re having a baby.” Ethan reaches out to touch Naomi’s stomach but stopped himself when he remembered that her ribs were bruised. Naomi instantly took notice of his hesitance. “Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Well this wasn’t a planned pregnancy, and we don’t have a house, and we’re both so busy here, and–”
Ethan cut Naomi off with a kiss. She was rigid for a second before responding, kissing him back with equal force.
When the urge to breathe became too much, Naomi pulled away. “Did you do that to shut me up?”
“Did it work?” Ethan asked with a slight smirk.
“Then yes.” Ethan ran his hands through her hair, tucking a single curly strand behind her ear. “No, we don’t have a house, but we live in a 3 bedroom, 3500 square-foot condo in the heart of the city. I think that’s more than enough space for two adults, a dog, and an infant.” That managed to get half a smile out of Naomi. “But if you want to move to the suburbs and have a white picket fence and HOA fees and neighbors who bring us pies, I’m okay with that as well. I’ll give you whatever you want. And true, we didn’t plan this pregnancy, but I love you more than anything else on this earth and I want kids with you, and I’m over the moon.”
Naomi visibly relaxed at his words. “Really?”
“Really.” A tear rolled down Naomi’s cheek and Ethan caught it with his thumb. “Why are you crying, Rookie?”
“Because you’re so sweet. And I’m emotional because this isn’t how I wanted to tell you, at all. And you aren’t even the first person to find out, Bryce was.”
“I can live with that.”
“You aren’t even in the top 3,” Naomi added. “I told Bryce, and he told the x-ray technician, and then I told Aurora and Sienna.”
“It’s fine, I promise.” Excitement bubbled in Ethan’s chest. He was actually going to be a dad. He was having a baby with Naomi, his brilliant and amazing wife. He surged forward and kissed her again, this time without as much fervor. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
But as excited as he was, he couldn’t ignore the anger simmering under the surface. Someone so carelessly injured his wife without a care in the world, and things could’ve ended up being so much worse. And sure, he’s only known about this baby for 5 minutes, but he loved it more than life itself already, and if anything were to compromise Naomi’s pregnancy, there would be hell to pay. He knew Naomi would want him to let it go and just focus on the positive, but he wasn’t as nice and benevolent as she.
She noticed his tension and reached out, stroking his cheek. “Relax, darling. I’m okay.”
“You shouldn’t have been put in this position to begin with.”
“Don’t do anything crazy, like hunting for the intern who knocked me down. It was an accident”
Ethan looked Naomi in the eye, as if he wanted to argue with her, but he held off. “I’ll drop it. Only because you asked me to.”
“Thank you.”
“But they do need to know that running through a crowded hospital is dangerous,” Ethan continued. “Maybe I’ll send out a memo. Or make all of the interns watch hour long safety training videos.”
Naomi rolled her eyes. She knew Ethan wasn’t going to let this go and she’d have to compromise with him somewhere. “I can agree to those conditions.”
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Ethan asked. He reached out to stroke Naomi’s cheek again. Just seeing her wasn’t good enough, he needed to touch her.
“Yes. I have a bit of a headache, and my ribs are hurting like crazy right now, but other than that, everything is good. In a few weeks, I’ll be good as new.”
There was a knock at the door and Bryce walked in, a small teddy bear in his hands. “Naomi, are you–oh, hello Ethan!”
“Bryce,” Ethan greeted. He stood up and wrapped his arms around the young surgeon. Bryce was stunned into silence, not really knowing what to do. Ethan Ramsey never really struck him as the type of man to dole out hugs. He looked over Ethan’s shoulder and gave Naomi a wild look. She laughed him off and silently mouthed, “Just go with it.”
Ethan released Bryce from the hug after one more measure. “Thank you so much for everything you did to help Naomi today.”
“Of course, she’s one of my best friends. There was nowhere else I’d be.”
“Well, I am eternally grateful. Seriously, I owe you one.”
Bryce looked down in an attempt to hide the blush creeping onto his cheeks. “Don’t even mention it.” He remembered the plush teddy bear in his hands and gave it to Naomi. “Here.”
She smiled down at the soft bear. “Aww, thank you. But you didn’t have to get me a gift.”
“Um…it’s not for you, actually,” Bryce admitted. “It’s for the baby. His or hers first gift from their godfather, Bryce.”
Naomi smirked. “Godfather, eh?”
“After today, I think I’ve earned the prestigious title.”
Naomi shot a quick glance towards Ethan, who nodded. “You’d have to be the one to tell Elijah though.”
Bryce nodded. “That’s fine. Be warned though, I’m going to be the best godfather the world has ever seen. Your child wants to go on a shopping spree? Uncle Bryce has them covered. They want to sneak into the gallery and watch super cool surgeries? Done.”
“Now I don’t think–”
“They want to go skydiving or get a tattoo for their 16th birthday? I’m their guy!”
Naomi’s eyes widened. She turned to Ethan. “I think I’m already regretting my decision.”
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glamrockmonarch · 5 years
Brian wouldn't be amused by the way I start my sentences...but oh well!
So I was browsing as one does first thing in the morning...and I saw this beauty of a post. Which was so short and precise, straight to the point...everything I am not. Naturally, I thought to myself "thats so cute!" And then I got hit by another post by someone else (I cannot find it, my app reloaded AHHH! TUMBLR MOBILE APP HELL!) where I saw some soft pictures of Joe with children...So...
I present to you:
Baby Fever: an AU
Aka a side project for this fine blog to forever be too much for me.
It's a series where I will just let out some steam from my soft soft heart in the form of writing about Daddy!Ben, Daddy!Gwil, Daddy!Rami, Daddy!Joe, and why the fuck not: Mama!Lucy. All in the same AU for my personal enjoyment!
And we're starting with Joe. Enjoy!
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Second Time Around
Summary: You and Joe have a complex relationship, friends to lovers? Ah, yes? Now married for four years with a two year old boy to call your own, things lately have been busy for Joe, and you have put a hold on baby no. 2...Or have you?
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"Joe?" You somehow manage to open the door while carrying the bag full of groceries.
The day has been menacing with rain since early in the morning and you knew you had very little time to get around your chores before it started pouring. You also had a busy night ahead of you, with the baseball on tonight, you know your husband will definitely want to cuddle with you and watch the game. Hence the beer and frozen pizza still in your car.
"Yes?" You heard two voices, different in their entirety coming from the hall.
Looking up, you felt a little helpless; struggling to keep the bag in your hands as you tried to make your way into the open kitchen space. Peaceful as ever Joe came into view in one of his sweatpants and a shirt, your beautiful little boy perched up on his hip giggling at Joe's beard that he kept playfully rubbing against his son's soft cheek and nose.
"Dada!" He wiggled in his arms.
"Obviously the one that goes to the gym and allegedly carried 70 pounds on Monday!" You huffed on your way past them.
You were just so drained from all energy you really needed Joe's help.
Joe gave baby Joey a look and rushed to say hello to you, as he had been busy that morning and didn't get to spend much time with you other than breakfast and that short moment when you kissed his lips before her drove Joe to daycare so you could get a head start on everything.
"Here, I'll get those," Joe said as he handed you Joe and let you take a breath.
You enjoyed those little moments when everything fit in so well. Joe was your best friend before you started going out romantically. You knew he had his history with other women, and he was a few years older than you...but you came to see him as something else. Joe seemed to realise you were all he ever needed and wanted at about the same time; it was a matter of weeks before you were official, after years of friendship but anyway: you moved quite fast! And it never felt like it was happening that fast at all, nor that you needed to catch to something. It was your own pace and it worked perfectly for you.
Now you ask Joey about his day and smile at him as he goes on and on about what he did at the day care today and what fun he had with Dada after he picked him up.
"Oh, you got invited to a party?" You opened your eyes wide.
Joey giggled and nodded while Joe came in through the door, kicking it closed behind him as he handled every remaining bag. Kudos to him: he didn't drop a thing.
Joe gave his son a smile and turned to you, acting as if he had been smelling around.
"I think we have a visit from Stinky, babe."
Joe pinched his nose once he put everything down on the counter.
You giggled and looked at Joey, who did need a shower but still acted as he was wondering who Joe could be talking about.
"I'll get started," you nodded up at the ceiling and Joe got it, starting to put the groceries in place. "Don't be late, captain!"
You took your son upstairs and ran the bath for him, making sure you had all his toys. After you tied your hair up and you got Joey undressed to put in the bath which he enjoyed very much.
"Mammy, do the thing with the shampoo!" He jumped around in the tub.
It was as if that was Joe's cue, he walked in then and made his way to the two of you.
"Alright, little man...that's Daddy's gig!"
You took a step back and let Joe do his thing, fooling around with Joey during bath time, not that you didn't join in...
And in fact it was a fun part of your day, laughing with your two favourite men in the world as Joey giggled with the towel wrapped around his little body.
It was safe to say that Joey was out as soon as you got him dressed in his pjs, this was maybe one of those moments that were simply yours regardless of Joe being home or not: your baby will always prefer being safely wrapped in your arms as he doses off to sleep. And that's exactly what he did while Joe read a bedtime story to him, which your little one didn't pay much attention to.
Finally, you sat with Joe downstairs in the living room wearing your comfy sweats and a tank top, sighing and laying your head on his shoulder you got around to watching the game. Joe wrapped his arm around you and held you, he could tell there had been something on your mind for the past couple of days but he knew better than to push you onto talking: you would talk to him when you were ready and that was more than okay.
"Joe?" You finally let out.
"Yes, YN?"
Joe played it cool because he didn't want to sound too eager to listen but he was curious and he was starting to get concerned.
"I'm pregnant."
The game was still on when you blurted the words out, regardless, Joe straightened up and turned to you. You sat up right as well, turning to him.
Joe seemed to go pale, he knew you didn't want to have a baby at the moment, he was working more and he would be away from home for a while that year. You talked about it and agreed you would wait till next year...and yet: here you were sitting next to him looking some kind if way.
Joe examined your expression for a second and he knew what he was seeing. You were not scared, you couldn't be! You've done this before. And you were not mad either, a baby would never be a reason to make you mad... You were worried. You had every right to be, because you knew the struggles of pregnancy and you knew how hard and how easy some things had been even with Joe by your side so knowing now that you would be doing most of the journey without him and with Joey to care for was placing questions and worries in your mind.
"The doctor told me on Wednesday." You explained, "7 weeks."
Joe opened his mouth in astonishment, he didn't expect this news at all, it had only been a few weeks since you switched from the injections to the pill. He expected something else like you wanting to tag along for the five month shoot he was going on in July. He covered his mouth with his hand and then reached out to hold you, his arms wrapped tight and secure around your sensitive frame.
"Babe, that's wonderful!"
Joe kissed the top of your head to sooth you, he was already starting to feel his heart swell with love for your little baby.
"Yeah..." You mumbled on his shoulder and held on to him for what he felt was the longest he held you ever. "But I'm worried you'll miss most of this." You pulled away and put your hand on your still very normal not-pregnant-looking belly.
Joe gave you a side smile and brought his hand on top of yours, his thumb caressing your knuckles.
"YN, I'll find a way. Promise."
You looked into each other's eyes and although you didn't want to, you let out some tears. Which Joe quickly wiped away, kissing your cheeks he grabbed you and held you closer to him so you were almost completely laying on top of him with your head on his chest.
"You looked so pretty in those maternity panties...can't wait till they come back out!"
Strangely enough, Joe really did enjoy touching and holding you when you were pregnant the first time. He would always hold your hand at least, but mostly he loved to spoon you and run his hands all over your baby bumb all the way till the end of your pregnancy. He wasn't going to lie, he also quite enjoyed having sex with you during that time, it seemed something less kinky and more intimate than usual.
"Joe..." he made you giggle, which was his goal.
"Wait, does this mean I get to grow a dadstache?"
"Joe-no." You put your hand on his chest.
"Joe, ah-yes!"
Baby Fever Masterlist《《
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emiliachrstine · 4 years
for @iron-parkr: this one-shot has been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks. I wanted to make rewrite it but couldn’t think of a different idea. It’s not my fave but I really love these two together. My first Jackie and Maggie one-shot! Sorry it’s not the best, I haven’t written anything for Jackie in a while!
“Have you spoken to Dad recently?” 
Jacqueline stared blankly into the fridge, the particular smell of expired food assaulted her nose. Her eyes fixed on the culprit. A container holding leftover pizza the team had ordered almost two weeks ago. It had been sitting in the fridge, completely forgotten during the whole Accords fiasco. “No, I haven’t,” Jacqueline responded, having remembered that Maggie had just inquired about Tony. She pulled the container out from the fridge and disposed of it in the trashcan. 
“When was the last time you saw him.” 
The question made an ache form in Jacqueline’s throat. She turned back to the fridge and pulled out a beer. The last time she saw Tony was at a rundown motel in Berlin. It was the location Steve had given her, the place he would meet her once he returned from Siberia. Tony managed to track her, no surprise there. And the following conversation--it was actually a bitter argument--was enough to bring tears to her eyes. Her words to him which were brash and incredibly harsh, made her suck in a quick breath as she recalled them. She took a moment, taking several deep breaths, then turned to Maggie, who was sitting at the kitchen island, Jacqueline was caught off guard by her wide eyes. “Berlin.” She finally answered and unscrewed the beer cap. “Last time I saw him was in Berlin.” 
The answer was incredibly vague. Jacqueline couldn’t even look at Maggie when the words left her mouth. The teenager watched her Aunt closely, she looked exhausted and, she wouldn’t say it out loud, but she looked like absolute shit. Jacqueline had just gotten back to New York a few days ago. Last Maggie had heard she was being detained in Virginia to be questioned by Secretary Ross about Steve’s whereabouts. Pepper pulled some strings and got Jacqueline released. Maggie tapped her fingers against the counter, the topic of Steve was poking at her mind incessantly. “Do you know where Steve went?” 
Jacqueline stared down at the bottle, tracing her finger along the rim. A sudden wave of nausea washed over her. She closed her eyes and swallowed back the discomfort. “No.” She raised the beer to her mouth and took a drink when a warning blared through her ears. Jacqueline quickly pulled the beer away, the liquid spilling out of her mouth. “Fuck!” She turned to the sink and spit put the drink, thankful that she didn’t swallow any of it. The fucking baby. She thought to herself as she poured the beer down the sink drain. How could she fucking forget?
“Are you okay, Aunt Jackie?” It wasn’t like her to waste a drink like that. 
Shit. Jacqueline placed the empty beer bottle in the sink and slowly turned, her fingers wiped at her mouth. Should she tell Maggie about the baby? Logically, there was no point in keeping it from her. Maggie was smart, it won’t take her long to put the pieces together. Still, Jacqueline didn’t know what she was going to do about the pregnancy. But she knew that she didn’t have much time left if she wanted to go down a certain route. Another round of nausea came over her, it was stronger this time. The dizziness followed soon after. Jacqueline pressed one hand against the counter behind her, the other rested against her stomach. 
Come on, kid. Please calm down. 
The sight worried the teenager. “Aunt Jackie?” 
Fuck. “It’s okay, Maggie” When she opened her eyes, the sheer concern on Maggie’s face was almost enough to break her. “I’m pregnant.” 
Okay, that wasn’t what Maggie was expecting to hear. “Oh my god,” the words fell past her lips, giving Maggie no time to stop them. A ghost of a smile appeared. “You’re pregnant?” 
Jacqueline saw the smile and the faint glint of excitement in her eyes, but she only shook her head. “Please, don’t get excited.” 
Maggie’s mood immediately deflated. “Oh… I didn’t know you and Steve were planning on having a kid.” 
“We weren’t.” 
That’s why Jacqueline looked so tired. Maggie couldn’t imagine the amount of stress she must be under. With Peggy’s death, the Accords splitting the group, and Steve going on the run, it was amazing how she has managed to keep herself together. Then, a sharp pang in her heart. Steve should be here with her. They should be going to doctor’s appointments, getting the nursery ready. There was so much that had to be done… and he wasn’t here. She felt her stomach sink. “Did Steve know?” 
Jacqueline nodded. “I told him when we were in Berlin.” 
The sickening feeling in Maggie’s stomach soon flared with anger. “He knew you were pregnant and left anyways?” The teenager was up on her feet, eyes ablaze and adrenaline coursing through her veins. She was already angry at Steve, then to add this on top of it all. “What the fuck,”
“Maggie, please,” Jacqueline tiredly rubbed a hand down her face. “I don’t want to get into it right now.” 
Maggie exhaled and allowed herself to calm. Another time then. She walked around the island and went to stand next to her Aunt. “I’m sorry.” 
“God,” Jacqueline wanted to cry, she really did. But everything felt so numb. She was too tired to cry. “I’m so scared, Maggie. I don’t know what I’m going to do or if I’m going to keep it. I just don’t know what I should do.” 
Crossing her arms over her chest, the teenager casted a timid glance at Jacqueline. “You’re great with kids,” she hesitated but relaxed when she saw her smile a bit. “You’re great with me and you have been ever since I was a kid.” 
“You’re different.” 
Jacqueline looked over at her niece and huffed out a laugh, “You’re not my kid, Maggie. You’re Tony’s. It’s different when it comes to my own child.” 
“Well, you’ve always been great with me and I turned out great, so I think that says something.” Despite being her Aunt Jackie, she very much became like a mother to Maggie, long before Pepper came into the picture. Jacqueline took the young kid to the park and zoo, often took her shopping for new clothes and shoes. Maggie even went with Jacqueline and her father John up to Lake Oneida on their annual camping trips. She was very much Jacqueline’s kid, in every sense of the word. “Who else knows about the baby?” 
“Steve, Alex, Sharon, my mother… and you.” She gave Maggie a small nudge in the arm that was followed by a smile. 
Maggie returned it, feeling a little special that she was one of the first few to know. “Dad doesn’t know?” 
“No, I wanted to tell him in Berlin but the last conversation we had ended with me telling him to fuck off.” And Jacqueline was quite sure that she and Tony wouldn’t be speaking any time soon. Everything was still too fresh, too raw. She didn’t have the stomach to face him, not right now. “The fewer people who know, the better. If I do end up keeping this kid, I’m gonna need to protect them. Ross is already suspicious of my relationship with Steve and if he finds out I have a kid… who knows what he would do.” She huffed out a breath. “The first kid to be born a super soldier, can you imagine what they would want to do?” She could feel Maggie tense. “Especially with the Accords, no, he’s not getting anywhere near my kid.” 
Maggie couldn’t help but nod her head in agreement. “I’m gonna make sure he doesn’t get near this kid.” This baby was going to be part of her family. A little cousin, something she’s always wanted. “I know you’re scared but you won’t be alone. You have your mom, Alex, and I know things are tense but you have Dad too. And you have me,” she finished with a bright smile. “I’ll babysit for you and I’ll charge you a small fee.” 
“What, I don’t get the family discount of a free service?” 
Maggie shrugged, “Listen, I expect to be paid for any service I may provide.” 
Jacqueline laughed, this time it was a genuine, hearty laugh. Something she hadn’t done in a few weeks. She wrapped her arm around Maggie’s shoulders and pulled her close. The teenager wrapped her arms around Jacqueline’s waist, her head snuggled against her chest. For a moment, Jacqueline thought about what it would be like to hold her own child. To feel their arms wrapped around her in a tight hold, to feel all the love they had to offer. It made her stomach jump with excitement. The first time it’s happened since finding out she was pregnant. Maybe this could all work out. It wasn’t going to be easy but Maggie was right. She wasn’t alone. She had people who will be more than happy to help. To help keep her kid safe and protected. Even though the situation between them wasn’t ideal, Jacqueline knew that Tony would do anything to make sure her kid was safe. No matter what transpired between them. 
She rested her cheek on the top of Maggie’s head and squeezed her a little tighter, “Love you, Pip.” 
“Love you too.” 
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yourkittywilde · 5 years
tagging: @sammynolanh
when: 18 may. or close to that 
warnings: infertility, pregnancy. 
summary: kitty comes home after their break, try and get back on track, and pick a wedding date. that basically sums it up. 
It had been more than a week since it felt like time stood still for Kitty. Her heart still ached for what she couldn’t have and what she couldn’t give, but being away from Sammy wasn’t making it any easier. She agreed to marry him, that meant at some point she’d also agree to better or worse... maybe this was the worse? Or maybe they wouldn’t survive this. But either way she needed to at least try. Kitty took a deep breath as she entered the apartment, quietly shutting the door behind her and placing the bag with her things in it in the entrance way. The smell of coffee filled the air, it was the smell of the home they had together and had her stomach not been in knots that alone would have brought a faint smile to her lips. She moves to the kitchen, her heart literally skipping a beat when she lays eyes on her now-superhero-fiancé. She missed that face. “Hi...”
Sammy was very excited when he read that Kitty was coming back home. He was so happy, even though she still wanted to maintain some sort of space but she was going to be home and that’s all that mattered to Sammy. He was going to get to see her again and he was happy with that. His excitement didn’t let him sit still during the day, spending it cleaning the entire apartment top to bottom. He wanted it to be perfect for the girl. He had even gone down to the organic market and bought fresh gourmet coffee and a special coffee grinder just for her. He ground some of it for her and was steeping it in the French press when he heard the door open and soon enough Kitty had found her way in the kitchen, staring back at Sammy. Sammy greeted her with a big smile, his chest pangs realizing how much he really missed her. “Hey, love.” He spoke softly. He walks up to her and embraces her in a tight hug, not wanting to let her go.
Sammy’s smile is contagious, it’s one of the reasons she fell in love with him. When he smiled, she smiled. Kitty takes a few steps to meet him and wraps her arms around him, her fingers clutching at the back of his shirt. She wanted to tell him that she loved him and she missed him, but the words got stuck in her throat. “You smell good.” She whispers into him instead. “Though that might be the coffee.” She adds, smiling softly. It was definitely Sammy. But she wanted a sense of normality... she needed that. she could probably happily stay like this for a while longer, but her head took over and Kitty pulls away from his embrace. “It looks... super clean in here.” She comments, looking around. “You have been eating, right?”
Sammy chuckled softly as he embraced her, it was nice to see her smile. “I got you fancy coffee. It’s like roasted with hazelnut and chocolate or something, I don’t remember.” He responded with a smiled and bit his lip as he followed her eyes. “Sorry, I got excited and I didn’t know what to do so I started cleaning and got kinda carried away but it made me super productive so I guess that’s a good thing... and look I got you this cool coffee grinder so we can buy more of this fancy nice organic coffee and grind it fresh. The lady says it tastes better that way.” He rambled and nodded. “My oatmeal and fruits every morning but I did slip up a couple times and ordered pizza... I found a really good place, they make New York style pizza like the one we use to have. It’s fucking amazing. I recorded the Kardashian’s for you on Sunday so we can watch that whenever you’re up for it, I wasn’t sure and like low key o wanted to watch it but it didn’t really feel right to watch it without you so, yeah, I recorded it...”
His excited rambling was a side of Sammy she had missed. For a moment as he spoke she was reminded of the overly energetic puppy of a person she first met — Aka Rufus — and Kitty smiles genuinely for what feels like the first time in forever. “You’re cute.” Kitty says finally, moving to lean against the bench a little and get closer to the coffee. “The coffee smells... amazing.” She comments, looking to their new coffee grinder and biting down on her lip. It was only a coffee grinder... but knowing he was still actively planning their future  by finding a way to make better coffee together was... surprisingly comforting. “Now I want pizza.” Kitty says with a faint laugh. “I want to eat pizza and watch trashy reality tv with you.” Kitty reaches for mugs and pours two cups of coffee. It was a habit by this point for the girl to make two cups knowing that Sammy wouldn’t complain about her drinking his if she drank all hers too fast. It helped her feel better about her caffeine consumption. “I knew you loved watching the Kardashians.” She teases, and hands him a cup of their new fancy coffee. “Where’s... um... dude?” She asks finding herself wanting to see him. She didn’t want to lose Sammy or Dude, and possibly “normal for a night” was a bad idea, but she’d really, really missed the dog, and seeing him tonight wasn’t going to make it hurt any less they weren’t going to work out.
Sammy let out a small sigh of relief when he heard her laugh softly. He loved hearing her laugh, it was on of his favorite sounds of all time.  “Well you’re in luck. I happened to have leftovers from earlier today ...” He blushed and looks away. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t make a big deal out of it. It’s only somewhat entertaining.” He pouted but then smiled at her as he placed the cup back in her hand briefly and rummaged the fridge for the half eaten large pizza. He pulled out the box. “Warm or cold?” He asked. “He’s out on the patio. He wasn’t letting me clean.” He pouted again.
“Earlier today?” Kitty raises her eyebrows at him. “Wait...You knew I was coming home and you ordered pizza without me? You’re lucky you didn’t eat it all.” She says with a small smirk, lifting the hot coffee to her lips and taking a sip. “Warm.” She answers, looking across at her fiancé for a moment. It didn’t hurt to look at him again... right now she was just happy to have a normal moment. “It’s okay, your secret is safe with me. I’ll only tell a few... dozen people you love Keeping up with the Kardashians.” She shrugs. “How dare he...” Kitty places the coffee cups on the counter top and wanders over to the patio door, opening it up to greet the pup. “Hey buddy. I missed you.” She says quietly, picking the excited pup up in her arms and carrying him back to where Sammy was. “Dude says you’re lying.”
Sammy bared his teeth and then smacked his lips. “I was hungry?” He offered as an apology.  He smiled when she said it was okay and put it on a tray to warm it up in the oven. “You can only tell Marley.” Sammy warned and watched as she went to go get the puppy. He grinned and put a timer for 10 minutes as the other two joined. “He’s the liar. He got into the plants and then tracked in mud and I had to wash his paws and leave him out there so I could sweep and mop again.” Sammy huffed.
Kitty presses her lips together and looks at the dog, god... she hated the idea of losing him. He was only a pet, but was also probably the closest she would know of having a child. She shakes the thought from her head, and puts the puppy on the ground — it’s not a thought she was dwelling on tonight. “I’m on team Dude.” She says simply, picking up the coffee again. “You know, if I get coffee like this every time I come home, maybe I’ll have to go away more often.” She comments with a half smile, and tucks her hair behind her ear. “So,  I have something to tell you... it’s not bad.” She adds. “Not really.”
Sammy purses his lips and feigns disappointment. “Rude.” He said as he leans over to kiss the dogs head. He picks up his mug to take a sip and looks over at Kitty. “Looks like I’m going to have to either deprive you or make you awesome coffee everyday. I’ll think I’d rather keep you around.” He smiled and raised a brow. “What’s up?” He asks.
“You wouldn’t deprive me of coffee. You’ve never seen me without caffeine... And I mean, if you think I’m a bitch now...” Kitty smiles and wraps her hands around the cup protectively. “I quit my job.” She says quickly as though she’s pulling off a bandaid. “Technically fired, but I would have quit anyway.” She admits, looking down at her hands and taking a large drink of coffee. “My boss was a level ten douchebag — has been since I got there. And then I went to talk to him this morning, he squeezed my ass so I kicked him...” she shrugs. “In between his legs.” She adds a little quieter. “In my defence, I get the feeling that one, he’s not exactly packing down there so I’m sure it didn’t hurt that much. And two, I’ve been talking self defence classes since I was in high school so it was basically a reflex at this point.” Kitty rambles and looks up at fiancé. She wasn’t unhappy about, just sort of nervous about his reaction. “I know you moved your life to LA so I could do this job, and I’m really sorry, but apparently it’s not my dream job. I hated it... But I will find another job, I promise. Just... don’t be mad?”
Sammy shook his head. “I wouldn’t dare deprive you.” He told her and then leaned against the counter, listening to her speak. He was honestly shocked but at the same time very impressed and proud of his Fiancé. He waited until she finished as the smile grew on his face. “I’m so proud of you.” He told her as he set his cup down and went to hug her. “I just want you to be happy and I knew that job was stressing you out. I’m so happy for you... god, my fiancé is so badass.” He chuckled softly and kissed the top of her head.
"Wait really?" Kitty raises an eyebrow, and breathes a small sigh of relief at his reaction. She knew he hated L.A and she really didn't want him resenting her for making him move for nothing -- they had enough to get through at the moment without adding that fuel to the fire. She puts the cup aside and hugs him back. "I will find another job." She reassures him. Preferably one that actually let her get home in time to see Sammy awake everyday, but since they were still technically on a break she wasn't going to say that out loud. "Do you think other publication editors are going to think I'm badass?" she laughs, at this point not really caring. She didn't regret it. "Thank you, Sammy."
“Yes, really. TMZ can go fuck themselves. I mean you were sexually harassed. That’s so not fucking cool.” He told her and grabbed her hand. “Don’t worry, okay? Take your time.  We’re still going to be here for you, no matter what.” He told her and heard the timer go off. He separated from the girl to pull the pizza out of the oven and slip it back into the box. “Hell yeah. You defended yourself and kicked him in the balls. Totally badass.... you deserve better. I mean you’ve worked your butt off for this.” He offers her a smile and grabs the box and his coffee and nudges her to follow him into the living room. Dude, already on the couch waiting. “Babe. I will never be mad at you for following what you think is right for you.” He told her as he placed the stuff down on the coffee table.
Kitty shrugs and bites down on her lip. "It happens.” She wants to believe that he's not going anywhere, but everything still felt up in the air, so she just nods. "You’re sweet.” She says with a faint smile and follows him into the living room, sitting down cross legged next to their puppy. “I know I know... but you moved everything for me. And everyone knows you miss New York — and I’m guessing even more so now — I just don’t want you to feel like it was for nothing. I guess? But I have savings, so it’s not like you’ll have to support me or anything until I find somewhere else.”
“Doesn’t make it right.” He commented and looked down at her. “Kitty, I made a choice. It was my choice and I’m happy with my choice. Sure, it took a little while to get used to it but honestly... I’m starting to like it here... I mean, most of my friends are here, I can go hiking more often, there’s the beach... Dude, obviously loves it and you’re here. It doesn’t feel like it was for nothing. I’m living with my best friend / the love of my life in our apartment. Kitty, I’m happy here, with you. Regardless and where you work or what you do.” He got down on his knees in between her legs, grabbing her hands and looking up at her. “I love you so much, okay? And I’ll keep loving you and supporting you no matter where we are.” He told her gently as he kisses her hands. “Also, I don’t want you going through your savings... they’re called savings for a reason... don’t worry, okay. It’s all going to be okay.”
Kitty listened as he spoke, her heart feeling more and more relaxed as he went on. This was the Sammy she loved... and though she wouldn’t admit it, needed. She looks down at their hands before meeting his eyes. “I missed you.” She tells him quietly, and leans forward to kiss his cheek. “I also feel like you’ve been on your knees a lot since getting to L.A.” she chuckles and pulls his hand for him to come and sit on the couch with her. She liked the life they had together, maybe that was part of the reason she’s finding it so hard to deal with feeling like it’s all about to change. “C’mon let’s watch Kim and Kanye slay it.” She grins, and grabs a slice of pizza from the table. “Oh!” Kitty turns to him quickly. “Is it too late to congratulate you in person on being a superhero? Because that’s... huge. And I’m so super proud of you, Sammy.... I’m really sorry I wasn’t here when you found out.”
Sammy smiles and nods. “I missed you too.” He tells her and then laughs. “Maybe I like it.” He teases and winks at her before joining her on the couch. He sits next to her and grab a slice as well. “Never too late... don’t worry, if you really want to make it up to me you could feed me like the humble being I’m becoming.” He joked as he offered his slice to Kitty and opened his mouth, waiting for food.
Kitty rolls her eyes playfully and holds the pizza up to his mouth. “You’re so weird.” She laughs before taking a bite of the slice he was offering. “So... I’m forgiven now?” She asks, leaning back into the couch and resting her head against his shoulder gently. Nothing had changed, but being close to him for an hour watching television wasn’t going to make anything worse. “Now that you’ve gotta be buff as heck for He-Man, does that mean you’re gonna be spending all your free time at the gym?” She asks as she eats the rest of the pizza. “Not that I mind... but if that’s the case I’m gonna need to implement a shirt-free policy in the apartment.”
“Mhm.” He nods as he chews his pizza in his mouth. He leans his head on Kitty’s head, resting it gently. “Yeah, I’m going to have to follow a crazy new diet and start a new workout regimen that I’ll have to do 7 days a week.” He told the girl. He raised a brow and chuckled. “I hope that’s the case for all parties involved. We could start now...” he said with a raised brow.
“So I guess you better enjoy the pizza while you can.” She teases him. “Nope, it’s a superhero only policy. You still have to work to get my clothes off...” she muses, raising a brow. “But if you want to start now, be my guest... I googled He-Man and you should really get used to having your shirt off anyway... consider it an acting exercise.” Kitty smiles and bites her lip gently, patting her knee for Dude to come closer. She’d like to pause this moment and never have to worry about feelings again. “No wig though... that’s crossing over into the weird bedroom territory and I don’t know if I’m into that.”
Samm smirked and pulled away from Kitty, standing up I from of her. He slid his shirt off quickly and flexed for her, sending a wink her way. “This work for you?” He asked with raised brows and blowing her a kiss. He retuned to the couch, knowing the pt was for dude but Sammy had beaten him to it and laid across Kitty’s lap on his back. He looked up at the girl with a sly grin. “ I really hope I don’t have to wear a stupid wig. I’d rather bleach my hair.” He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. “I really want to kiss you right now. You’re so beautiful.” He told her, admiring her features. Kitty was gorgeous head to toe and Sammy thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
"Yes. Yes that works perfectly." She nods, grinning and shamelessly eyeing his bare chest. "I'm going to hide all your shirts from here on out, this is how you shall remain until your movie comes out." She tells him, and laughs loudly when he lays on top of her. "Have I told you that you're weird?" Kitty rolls her eyes and idly plays with the boy's hair. "He-man should have frosted tips, that way I can see who pulls it off better, you or Justin Timberlake." She says with a smile. Her heart races a little faster when he tells he wants to kiss her, and Kitty's lips twist.  "And you're sweet.. But I don't know if that's the best idea."
He chuckles at the girl “You’ve said that, once or twice.” He grins and then furrows his brows. “Count me out if frosted tips are involved. I’ll quit on the spot.” He teases. The rejection hurts and he looks away. None of this was a good idea. Pretending they were okay or that Kitty was okay was a bad idea, but Sammy wanted so badly to go back to normal. He missed Kitty and he missed this when it felt simple between them. He knew he said he’d be patient for her, but it was so hard when she was right there and they both knew she had better will power than he did. In his mind he didn’t understand why they couldn’t just be like this, even with problems. They could work through them and still be cute and in love. “None of this is a good a idea.” He comments. “We’re still doing it... I don’t want to be on a break anymore.” He tells her. “It doesn’t make sense to me..” he continues. “Couples fight all the time and they have problems, big problems even and they still figure it out together and sure maybe space helps but I don’t want space from you. I never want space from you.” He sighs and pouts his lips, trying to hold back his emotions to not explode in-front of her. He was too emotional
Kitty’s breath hitches in her throat as he speaks. Being here right now felt like a good idea, but what if tomorrow it didn’t? What if she woke up in the morning feeling like her heart was shattering all over again. The space still felt like the right decision. “Sammy...” she says quietly, wanting to comfort him but also wanting to be honest. “Nothing has changed... I’m still me, and I still can’t...” she swallows, her eyes closing for a second. “I know you love me, I know you wouldn’t leave me for another woman or cheat on me or anything like that. I know you’ll support me in any decision I make because you love me so much. But i want you to have everything... and I feel like it’s not going to stop hurting that there’s someone who has given you what I can’t... I want you to have a family.” Kitty shrugs a little sadly. “and I love Dude, but it’s not the same. I don’t want to happen to us what’s happening to Quinn and Rachel. They’re so in love but Quinn’s pain of what Rach and Jesse have is destroying their relationship. And that’s a baby who everyone has made clear has two moms.”
“We’re not Quinn and Rachel.” Sammy said quietly. He turned his head back to Kitty. “Us being on a break isn’t going to change anything.” He continued. “I was researching... there are still options for us besides adopting... Like Kim Kardashian... we could get a surrogate... it’s like extracting your eggs and my sperm. There’s also hormones you can take, I don’t remember exactly the names of the procedures but there’s options...” he told her. “I’m not going to have a family with Peyton... I mean I’m Lexi’s biological dad but that doesn’t mean she’ll accept me...”
“You researched it?” Kitty asks, a little taken back. She hadn’t done that much, she basically shut off the entire topic once she found out. It felt easier at the time to put a definitive answer to it rather than go through a list of options that would maybe be possible. “We’re on a break to... “ kitty sighs. “I don’t even know anymore.” She looks at the tv briefly. “What if she does accept you and you realise you don’t need or want a family with me?”
Sammy nodded and sighed “Yeah.” He told her. “I wanted to know our options.” He shrugged and bit his lip. “Then she accepts me and that’s okay. That’s great. My love for you or want for you won’t diminish. I want everything with you.” He gives her a smile.
Kitty didn’t know what to say, there were too many things going on in her head and it felt like none of them were making any sense. “Okay.” She says eventually, and gets up off the couch. “Can I just... have a minute?” She asks, combing her fingers through her hair a little anxiously. “I’m not leaving...” she reassures him before moving to their bedroom. It was hard to think of the right thing to do when she was looking at Sammy, and she knew she had a habit of make rash decisions based on her emotions. She paces back and forth for a few minutes before sitting on the edge of their bed and picking up the framed post it note from when they got engaged. She has never regretted agreeing to marry him, if she was certain of anything it was that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She just wasn’t sure If it was possible. The blonde chews on her bottom lip, possibly too hard, and takes the post it note with her back to the couch. “I don’t want to be on a break.” She says looking at her shirtless fiancé. “I want everything with you too... but I need you to pick a date.” She continues, handing him the post it. “If our future is still together, if you mean what you say about the surprise kid not changing anything for us... then pick a date. I’m obviously not saying I’m gonna magically be okay with it all, but... I still want to be with you and Dude. That’s basically all I know right now.”
Sammy sits up to let her stand and looks up at her. He nods and waits patiently and anxiously on the couch. It was very long before the woman returned, post it note in hand. He took it and looked at her. “Kitty, if it was up to me, I’d marry you tomorrow. I’d fly us to fucking Vegas and make it official...” he told her with a small smile. “How long do you think it’ll take us to plan the wedding you want?” He asked her.
Kitty bites her lip and shrugs. "I haven't planned a lot of weddings in my time, and the one I did help in high school was done in like... a month." She says with a faint smile. "I don't know... I just know I want to marry you? And if we don't set a date, our future is still going to feel like it's changed from what it was before this child -- like, I mean, obviously it has because your future now includes her. But..." She shrugs again, and brings her hands up to her face, wishing she was better at talking about the way she felt. "Pick a date."
Sammy looked at the note and racked his brain. A date popping up in his mind. “October 21st.” He said softly. He looked up at the girl with a faint smile. “A year to the day we met.” He told her. Proud of himself.
Kitty looks up at Sammy, smiling a little. "October 21st." She repeats, nodding slowly. "I'll have to check my calendar... but I should be free." She teases, feeling a little more relaxed since he didn't seem opposed to actually planning their future. "We can stop our break now... Do this whole doing-it-together thing."
Sammy smiles and reached out his hand to grab onto his fiancé and pulled her in close. “October 21st.” He grinned. “You better be there, cause I will.” He sighed happily, relieved. “Thank god. Now please fucking kiss me already.”
Kitty rolls her eyes, still smiling. The situation hadn't gone away, and it was still gonna hurt, but she wanted this. She wanted him. "I guess we can kiss now." She says quietly, standing on the tips of her toes to press her lips against his softly. "Happy now?"
Sammy shook his head. “Nope, not enough.” He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, hooking his arms under her ass and turning them around so he could place her on the couch playfully. He hovered over her and attacked her with kisses all over her face and head. Dude decided that the rough housing was too much and began to bark before he pounced on Sammy and tried to push Sammy out of the way to try and protect Kitty. Sammy laughed and pulled away from the girl, still straddling her legs. “Come on, man. Let you dad get some action.” He complained to the little guy who was licking Kitty.
“Oh my gosh!” She laughs loudly, her legs tightening around his waist. “You’re crazy.” She giggles, squealing a little as she’s put on the couch and her face is attacked with kisses. Kitty glanced over at the dog when he started barking, smirking when he came to her rescue. “Thanks buddy.” She tells him, patting his head in appreciation. She shakes her head. “Nope, no action for you.” She teases Sammy hugging the puppy for a moment. “I told you he liked me better... it’s because you called him a liar.” She muses. “Hey baby, you like me better than dad, right?” She smiles and moves Dude to the side before leaning up and wrapping her arms around his shoulders so she was up against him. “You’re a weirdo... but I’m glad I came home.”
Sammy laughed. “In my defense, he’s always liked you better.” Sammy commented and shrugged. Sammy rested his hands on her side and smiled at her. “I know. I’m happy you came home too. We’re gonna work this out.” He encouraged her and kissed her deeply.
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
Glee’s Final Season [Part 3/4]
Dedicated to @ckerouac and everyone who gave me prompts.  This was getting long, so I decided to break it up into four parts - which I’ll post one every evening. :)
For context - This set of episodes takes place five years after the events of season six (effectively season 11??) and ends around the time that the real series finale ends.  It is mostly canon compliant – though I did take liberty with a few things, most notably, changing Sam and Mercedes’s story.  But for the most part, it should settle in nicely into regular canon – and its intent is that this is my own version of the final season of the show.
Also note: I’m not that great at picking out music for these episodes, so feel free to fill in those blanks yourselves ;)
Previously on Glee:
Part 1  Part 2
Episode 11.14: The One With All the Resolutions
Rachel, Santana, Sam, Kurt, Blaine, and Artie are all hanging around Rachel’s apartment during a snowstorm.  (Jesse’s stuck at work, Tina’s at her own home, and Brittany managed to get to her own home.)  They’re bored and cooped up and it’s starting to take its toll.  Artie says it reminds him of back when they were in college and they all once lived in one place.  He gets out his camera and says he’s now making a mini-documentary about people in their late twenties stuck with each other for what could be days.  
Santana suggests they play some sort of game to pass the time, but Rachel doesn’t want to.  The pregnancy is beginning to affect her, and all she wants to do is lounge around.  On top of that, Rachel states she’s already broken her New Year’s Resolution to stay on a strict diet that will help her not gain a lot of weight during the pregnancy, but was craving foods that keeps her off the diet.  Santana is annoyed that Rachel is always talking about how pregnant she is - and is really not looking forward to another six months of Rachel complaining.  She tells Rachel that her New Year’s resolution should be to stop talking about being pregnant.  
Blaine (who is sitting on Kurt’s lap) jumps in and tells Santana that she should just deal with being stuck there with them - and that maybe she could try being nice for her New Year’s resolution.  Santana jumps in and states that of course he’d take Rachel’s side – and really, the two of them should give each other space because it does feel like college again.  
Sam, who has been super mopey since Mercedes left for her tour, interrupts stating that he’s decided he’s giving up knitting and that he’s going to maybe try doing something more physical - like learning karate in his spare time – to which Santana snaps at him, stating that he needs to just pick a project and stop whining.  
Artie, delighted that this is all going getting on film has a proposition for all of them – he says for a limited New Year’s resolution - each of them has a challenge for the time they’re snowed in, and offers them fifty bucks each if they can adhere to it.  Rachel can’t talk about being pregnant, Santana has to not be mean, Kurt and Blaine can’t touch each other, and Sam has to stick with one project.  Thinking they’ll all be making easy money, they agree.  
The time goes relatively slow.  They try to play board games (Santana suggests Twister - which is automatically vetoed down by Kurt and Blaine.)  Rachel keeps going to the bathroom - but doesn’t way why, while Santana has to bite her tongue when she loses three board games in a row. Meanwhile, Sam is glued to the desktop - in an attempt to learn Italian.  Eventually the snow lets up and they respectively head home.  
They next day, they all demand that Artie give them their money, to which Artie replies that they’ve all failed the resolutions and he has proof.  He plays his video.  Sam is the first out – as Artie takes a second when Sam leaves the computer to show that Sam hasn’t been just learning how to speak Italian - but a dozen other things, such as how to put together a car, how to make your own raft, and basic martial arts.  Sam doesn’t even try to cover it up - stating that he has a hard time concentrating on one thing, and hands Artie over the money.   Santana’s next - as the video plays of her screaming into the phone about the pizza delivery guy not being able to deliver pizza in a blizzard.  Santana snarks that she didn’t realize she had to be nice to everyone, but still gives him the money.  Then Rachel is caught, alone in the bedroom, talking to the baby, and telling it how happy she is to be carrying a child, even if it’s for someone else.  Rachel says technically she wasn’t actually talking to anyone - but Artie asks her to hand over the money anyway.  
Last is Kurt and Blaine - as Artie brings in the camera to where the bathroom door is open a sliver, and you can hear moaning, and their bodies sliding together.  Kurt gets indignant and tells him to turn off the video, calling gross invasion of privacy - while Blaine asks for a copy of the tape.  They both give him the money.  
[Missing: Brittany, Tina, Mercedes]
Episode 11.15: PDA
Blaine and Brittany are riding the subway home one evening when they notice a couple of younger gay kids holding hands.  And older gentleman begins to make a stink about how the country is going downhill – insinuating that the gay kids are what the problem is.  Brittany gets upset by this and begins to yell at the older gentleman - to which Blaine thinks maybe she shouldn’t get involved.  Brittany tells Blaine that they should get involved so the kids feel safe - and because the older gentleman is an asshat.  
By the time they get home, Brittany say she’s tired that simple PDA is still getting them weird looks, and wants to do something more proactive.  She encourages Blaine to help her out - and the two of them set out to make a special video – seeking out willing members of the LGBT community to show that PDA can be simple and loving and that they shouldn’t be ostracized for doing the same thing all the straight people are doing.  The more they interview people, the more they learn about LGBT history, youth, and how much the community has grown since even they were in high school.  Both Blaine and Brittany are proud of the video - and have a special viewing part for when it’s uploaded with their spouse and LGBT friends.  
Wanting to show how much he love and misses her - Sam, with the help of Rachel, has his students put together a video of love songs that he can send her.  Mercedes is touched - and in her next show - she dedicates a special song to him.
Tina’s having a fun time with her costars on the set of Artie’s film.  She’s have a good enough time that she’s missed a couple of Skype dates with her long distance boyfriend, Jon.  When Jon finally gets a hold of her - he seems worried - but she tells him that she’s happy for the first time in a long time.  He wants her to be happy, too, but he still feels something’s off.  At the end - Jon shows up at her doorstep.  
Meanwhile, Santana helps Kurt babyproof his apartment.  Kurt takes it as an opportunity to ask Santana if she’s interested in helping publize the opening of the new theater – and that they’d pay her nicely for it.  Santana is flattered, and agrees to do so.  
Episode 11.16: Chivalry is Not Dead…but Someone Is
Tina’s thrilled to see that her long distance boyfriend, Jon show up on her doorstep.  At first things seem to be fine – Tina takes him to the set where she’s doing Artie’s film, and then takes him around New York – since he’s only ever been a few times.  But after a few days, Tina notices that he’s acting distant.  Fearing for the worst - Tina asks what’s going on.  Jon says that he cares for her deeply - but things might be changing.  He’s been offered a job in Japan - and wonders if she might go with him.  
Tina is intrigued by the idea - and talks it over with her friends.  Everyone is happy for whatever she chooses - except Artie.  Tina claims that he’s upset because if she moves away, she won’t be apart of his film, and they’ll have to recast.  Artie says it’s not that at all – but that he’ll genuinely miss having his best friend around – which causes Tina to reconsider.  Later, after Tina has had some time to think it over - she tells Jon that while she cares for him deeply, she’s not ready to move to another country with him.  And as much as it pains both of them to do so, they break up.  After he leaves, Tina goes to Artie, who comforts her as she breaks down.
Rachel is complaining to Jesse that the pregnancy is beginning to wear her out.  Jesse doesn’t believe it’s that bad since she’s cut down her activity to only things that are necessary to do.  Rachel cannot believe Jesse’s being so obtuse - and gets him to agree to wear a pregnancy pad to simulate what she’s going through.  If he can make it through a week - she’ll stop complaining.  Jesse only lasts three days when he vows never to doubt Rachel again.  
The closer the theater is to being done, the more Kurt and Blaine are snipping at each other.  It gets to the point where they have a blowout fight over the types of curtains they want the theater to have - when Blaine storms out.  Elliott - who’s been working with them the whole time, brings them back in so they can talk it out with each other.  Ultimately, they get to the heart of the issue - Blaine doesn’t understand why Kurt has to control every aspect of what goes into the theater, while Kurt feels like decisions keep getting made without his input.  Elliott tells them they’re both little control freaks - but reminds them they need to talk things out with each other instead of getting mad first.  
It’s a reasonable solution - but then Kurt worries about how they’ll be as parents if they can’t even get a theater up and running without arguing.  Elliott says he’s not worried about them being parents – since he’s noticed they’ve been talking a lot about it, and have been seemingly on the same page about their future parenting techniques.  The problem, as Elliott sees it, is that instead of thinking of the theater as something that’s both theirs - they’re thinking individually on it.  They both apologize to each other - Kurt stating that the theater is partially Blaine’s responsibility - and he did intend for the both of them to share duties on it, while Blaine says that he tried to get too involved when he knew this was ultimately Kurt’s pet project.  They both agree, with Elliott’s help, to do a little more listening and a little less flying off the handle.
Over Skype, Mercedes tells Sam that there’s a bartender in Nashville that looks just like him.  Sam gets increasingly jealous, as Mercedes (over the course of a few days) tells him that he owns the bar, and that he’s a good country singer as well.  Sam doesn’t believe she’s telling the truth - but then Mercedes takes a photo of her and him and sends it to him.  She jokes that she’ll have him go on tour with her - to which Sam says that that will definitely not happen.  Mercedes assures him she doesn’t have to worry about Bartender Sam - as she wouldn’t trade in original Sam for anything.
Episode 11.17: Apple
It’s Rachel’s last performance before she takes a leave to have the baby.  She’s feeling rather emotional about the whole thing – everyone goes out to see her last show.  Afterwards, Rachel decides not to go out to the afterparty, but takes a moment alone with Jesse.  She tells him that she know this isn’t her kid - and that she’s not even biologically related to it, but she’s grown attached to the child.  Jesse’s worried a little bit about her giving it up - but Rachel knows it’s not actually hers.  It’s just given her thoughts about wanting them to start their own family, and that she didn’t think her career would ever allow for it, but now she thinks it might.  Jesse reminds her that he’s on board for whatever she would like to do - whether it’s the two of them or man of them, he’s there for her.  She tells him she loves him.  
Tina is having a hard time since her break up with Jon.  She’s been frequenting a karaoke bar every night, singing incredibly depressing things.  They gang is worried about her, and each of them try to make her feel better in their own way.  But it’s not until Rachel visits her at the karaoke bar and sings Fiona Apple’s Paper Bag with her that she begins to feel better.  One by one, they each add a song, and sing with Tina, until they’re doing an energetic version of Walk the Moon’s Shut Up and Dance.  Afterwards - Tina says she’s still sad - but she’s glad she has all of her friends with her.  
Meanwhile, while on tour, Mercedes meets up with Marley Rose – and talks to Marley about her songwriting career.  Marley admits, it’s not going that far yet, but Mercedes takes one of her songs, and asks if she can do this at a concert.  Marley agrees - and afterwards, Mercedes asks if Marley would want to collaborate on her next album, to which Marley agrees.
[Note - I haven’t been keeping songs in mind for any of these - but for this episode, I do specifically have in mind Fiona Apple’s Paper Bag and Walk the Moon’s Shut Up and Dance]
Episode 11.18: The One Where No One’s Ready
It’s the night of the premiere of Blaine’s musical Trapped in an Elevator: A Love Story.  Everyone’s over at Kurt and Blaine’s, and there’s only forty minutes before they have to leave for the show.  Blaine’s been ready for an hour - and he’s freaking out because his friends (and family) don’t seem to be as in as much of a hurry as he is.  
Artie and Sam, who spent the night, are busy arguing about whose turn it is playing the video game they were playing.  The arguing gets out of control - and elevates to the point where, instead of getting ready, Sam has stripped down to his underwear.  
Santana and Brittany arrived on time - and both dressed alright, but the boys’ fighting gets intense, and food ends up on Brittany’s dress.  There isn’t time to go back and get a new one, so Brittany comes up with creative ways to cover the stain.  Meanwhile, Blaine asks Santana to call a cab, but she’s too preoccupied with yelling on the phone at a coworker - who’s trying to put out a PR fire, to listen to Blaine’s request.  
Tina and Rachel (and Jesse) arrive late.  Tina’s obsessing over a voice message she received from her ex-boyfriend Jon - unsure of whether it’s a new message or old message.  She keeps freaking out about it - and wanting advice on whether or not to call him.  She does call him, twice, and the second time a woman picks up - which freaks her out even more.  Meanwhile, Rachel is craving something to eat - and decides to cook something for herself, since everyone else is busy, and ends up starting a small grease fire in the kitchen.  
And then there’s Kurt – who is not only taking forever to figure out what he wants to wear – he ends up getting involved in everything that is going on around him.  
Blaine finally loses it - and yells at everyone, including Kurt - who does not take to it well.  Kurt says everyone else can go, but maybe it’ll be best if he stays home - But Blaine is clearly too stressed out at even the suggestion.  Kurt, then, takes charge - tells Artie and Sam to stop screwing around, takes away Santana and Tina’s phones, and tells them to help Rachel clean up her mess, and gives Brittany a nice shawl to wear over her dress.  
Ten minutes later, Kurt comes out of the bedroom looking fabulous - and Blaine just melts.  They head off to the show - which turns out to be a hit.  
Episode 11.19: There’s More Than One
There are flyers floating around stating that Punk Rachel is giving her last show.  Not wanting to miss the opportunity - the gang goes to the concert to see her because why not?  It’s completely awful, but they all enjoy it anyway, and afterwards Rachel goes to tell her that she enjoyed the show.  Punk Rachel doesn’t say more than ‘yeah whatever’ - and just like that, Punk Rachel leaves their lives forever.  Afterwards, they head out to the piano bar near them, and talk about all the doppelgangers they’ve met over the years.  – Recently, there’s been Punk Rachel, and Chef Sam, and Butch Santana, and Astronomer Brittany – but those haven’t been the only times…
Kurt recalls the time last year when he met his own doppelganger – Uncompromising Journalist Kurt.  It was right after they premiered the LGBT version of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf the previous year.  The show received rave reviews - and Kurt’s performance in particular was praised.  Except for one journalist, who wrote a scathing review of the show and of him.  Blaine had told Kurt not to even worry about it - and Kurt wouldn’t have, if the journalist hadn’t decided to come back another night with again to say less vicious things about the show, and more about him.  Kurt decided to find this guy and tell him off properly – and managed to get a location.  Kurt walks right in - intent to tell the guy off, but when he arrives, he finds that the journalist question looks exactly like him – only – smarmier.  Kurt’s so stunned by this that he can barely speak.  When the journalist sees who he is - he just rolls his eyes, not expecting Kurt to say anything.  Kurt leaves in shock, and decides not to question the ordeal any further.
Santana says she knows of Artie’s doppelganger.  Artie pleads with her not to tell the story, but she does anyway.  A few years earlier, as a joke, Santana bought Artie some porn for his birthday.  To their surprise they found 70’s-stache Pornstar Artie - which Artie claims is the most horrifying thing he’s ever seen.  Santana, clearly delighted by the whole thing, decided to see if Pornstar Artie had more films – and alas, he had a multitude.  Even better - you can see Pornstar Artie live at a local, gay strip joint – so Santana hijacks Artie for a trip.  They end up going to the strip joint three time before they see him – actual Pornstar Artie in the flesh.  And they end up staying longer because Santana is pretty impressed by his moves.  Artie says he never wants to speak of it again.
Tina recounts that they’ve all seen Mercedes’s doppelganger before - it was Barista Mercedes - and she worked at the coffee shop not far from the loft.  Tina says she remembers it pretty well - because Sam was super confused about it.  And that Barista Mercedes seemed to have a crush on Blaine - and would always be giving him extra cookies and stuff.  And that there was one time that Sam thought Blaine and Mercedes were having an affair - and it ended up blowing up at the coffee shop.  And then Mercedes arrived, and Sam became even more confused.  They all have a nice laugh over that one - and hope that Barista Mercedes is doing okay, since the coffee shop closed the next year.
That pretty much wraps it up - until Brittany brings up that Blaine doesn’t have a doppelganger.  Blaine says that’s okay - there doesn’t have to be a double of everyone.  Brittany says that’s not true - it’s the way of the universe, everyone has a mirror image somewhere.  Blaine gives a little shudder at that.  But they all head home without further mention of it.  
Blaine confides in Kurt that the first weekend he came to New York to see Kurt, he ran into his doppelganger.  He was getting a cab when this guy decided to jump in at the last second with him.  They were both headed to the airport, so they could both take the cab.  Startling Blaine, the guy looked just like him - except that his hair was less gelled, and he wore glasses.  As the cab pulled away from the curb, a dozen or so police cars and an ambulance flew by them in the other direction.  Blaine didn’t think anything of it until the cabby turned on the radio, and the stations were all playing the same bulletin about a brutal batch of murders that were discovered at a nearby hotel.  Blaine recognized the hotel name because he had just walked by it to get the cab.  When the announcer started giving details for the suspect - he got chills.  He noticed his doppelganger staring at him very creepily - with one finger placed over his lips.  That ended up being the longest cab ride he ever took - and he raced out of there to get lost in the crowd when he reached the airport.
Kurt says he doesn’t believe the story - to which Blaine retorts it’s true, though he could be lying, and he could be Murder Blaine himself - who decided to kill off both the real Blaine and the cab driver that day…  Kurt suddenly becomes a little unsure, then thinks about it.  He asks Blaine, if it was his first weekend in New York - what also happened that weekend.  Blaine gives him an odd look - then replies that that was the weekend they broke up, worst weekend of his life.  Kurt’s relieved, but still checks to see if Blaine’s birthmarks are correct as they head to bed that night.  
Part 4  AO3 - FULL
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
About my day | Bold what is also true for you :
I’m fond of:
Cats. Weed. New experiences. Getting to know people I have things in common with. Aliens. Horror films. Surveys. Mythology. Nature. The beach. The X-Files. Conspiracy theories. Documentaries. History. Reading. Clothes. Taking walks. Tattoos. Quadding/four-wheeling. Classic rock. Straight-forward people. Metal. Poetry. The Sims.
I’m not fond of:
Extremists. Closed-minded people. Cheese. People who judge or worry about the decisions/opinions of others. Disrespect/ignorance. The media. Cleaning. Romantic comedies. Bugs. ‘Reality’ TV shows. Technology taking over *every* aspect of life. Overdramatic people. Today’s music. Cliches. People who hold certain sentiments simply because the mass majority feels that way. Facebook. Self-righteousness. Being stared at. The US government system. Being condescended to. Being ignored. Beer. Snow/ice. Feeling trapped in my own head.
I enjoy eating/drinking:
Steak. Shrimp. Pizza. Pringles. Ben & Jerry’s. Rice. Potatoes. Bagels. Fruit. Skor bars. Aloe Vera drinks. Bolthouses. Water. Chicken. Salads. Omelets. Zucchini. Dark Russet chips. Hot chocolate.
I like to watch:
The X-Files. Law & Order: SVU. The Twilight Zone. American Horror Story. Married With Children. Twin Peaks. King Of The Hill. Nightmare Next Door. Wicked Attraction. Roseanne. That 70’s Show. Freaks & Geeks. Breaking Bad. Charmed. Family Guy. The Wonder Years.
I would describe myself as:
Laid back. Accepting. Indifferent. Realistic. Ill-tempered. Sarcastic. Blunt. Introverted. Witty. Good-natured. Understanding. Open-minded. Anxious. Headstrong. Honest. Lazy. Moody/Neurotic. Wise. Thick-skinned. Logical. Aloof. Impartial. Cynical. Humorous. Indecisive. Intuitive. Loyal. Modest. Brooding.
I’ve experienced:
A hangover. A really bad break-up. Smoking weed. Doing drugs other than weed. Being in a fist fight. Having my own house. Being on a plane. Smoking a cigarette. Sexual assault/abuse. A pregnancy. Being kicked out of my parent’s house. Hitchhiking. Shooting a gun. Physical abuse. Being hospitalized. An abusive relationship. Watching someone die. Seeing someone stabbed and/or shot. Being robbed. Competing in some sort of competition. Being in love. Gambling in a casino. A surgery of some sort.
Little things I love:
Forehead kisses. Comfortable silences. Warm blankets fresh out of the dryer. Doing something unexpected that wasn’t asked of you. Getting mail. When my kitties snuggle with me. Warm pavement on bare feet. Perfect cereal to milk ratio. Buying the last of something. Fast moving lines. Friendly cashiers. Taking the back roads. Driving on the highway during sunset. Coming across that song on your iPod that you love and haven’t heard in a while. Smiling at strangers. When you come home after a long day and realize it was grocery day. When all of your electronics have a full charge. The fact that mom always seems to have everything I need in her purse. When the last bite of food tastes better than all the rest. Happy tears. That look you give your best friend and then you both burst out laughing. Knowing when your favorite artist is releasing a new album. The atmosphere in a movie theater during a really funny film. When the whole crowd is singing at a concert. Intense eye contact that gives you goosebumps. The feeling that country music gives me. Finding the right words to say. People with beautiful souls. That moment when you realize you finally made it. Finding the perfect thing to wear. When you put zero effort into your appearance and someone compliments you. That feeling of letting go. Pleasant wake up calls. Knowing you made someone’s day a little better. The cold side of the pillow. Spotting the person you’re looking for in a big crowd. Taking off your bra after a long day. When you can taste food again after a cold. Christmas morning. Bloopers. Exact change. Finally remembering what I was going to say. New episodes of your favorite show. Multiple choice exams. Smiling in the middle of a kiss. Not having a to do list. Head massages.
Millennial Things | bold what you do
Binging Netflix a lot Always Snapchatting everything
Struggling with Instagram captions Always having to delete stuff because of full storage
Eating out at a place you discovered on Instagram Used iPods/MP3 players to listen to music Wanted a flip phone before iPhones were invented Can’t help but post everything on social media
Have/had/want acrylic nails
Always looking at the phone Use a bunch of hashtags
Have tattoos or piercings
Shop online Eat a lot of avocado/avocado food
Closet is full of unnecessary clothes Get your food delivered
Love drinking coffee
Use public transport a lot Eat a lot of takeout food Buy clothes or things you don’t necessarily need Work out/go to the gym/want to be fit
Focus on self-love
Have at least one entertainment site subscription
Love traveling/traveled overseas recently Spend too much money
Gen Z
Spend most of your time online Procrastinate 24/7 Consume too much tv/media content Know a lot about technology
Aware and accepting of diversity Binge Netflix Enjoy creating things Share a lot on social media
Prefer to do things digitally Grew up in a digital world Talk to friends online more than in person Have met a lot of new people online
Prefer digital books to hard copy
Career-focused Prefer online shopping over physical
Interested in things like fashion, beauty, and health
Watch a lot of YouTubers Aware of world issues and want to help
Eat a lot of fast food People your age are Insta “baddies” and “influencers” Want diversity
Bold all the things you've done:
You pile the food you don't like into a corner on your plate. And sometimes hide it in a napkin so nobody notices. You're a pro at moving food around your plate so it ~looks~ like you've eaten more than you really did. You fold your plate at family parties so nobody gets offended that you didn't like it. You've become a pro at sneaking to the trash can without anyone noticing, too. You always cut the crust off your sandwiches. You pick everything but the pepperoni off of combo pizzas. ...And sometimes even the pepperoni, too. You ALWAYS check the menu before you go to a restaurant. You check the menu again on the ride there, just to be safe. You have that one meal that's always your go-to. And you've had it so many times you got tired of it and had to find a new ~safe meal~. You prefer the food on the kid's menu to the regular menu. Chicken tenders and fries are your best friend. Buttered noodles, too. You can spot the food you don't like in any meal, no matter how little of it there is. Picking the food you don't like off your meal isn't enough, because the taste lingers. You hate it when your food touches, period. Your food and drink orders are always complicated. You have that one food you'll NEVER try because you just know you'll hate it. Picking pizza toppings with your friends is always a struggle. Your friends ask a million questions before you come over to eat for the first time. You're 100% not a fan of anything slimy in texture. Your best friends and family have a running list of the foods you hate. They get REALLY excited when you try something new and like it. Or when you try something you used to hate and end up liking it. When you find a new food you like, it's just about all you eat for a while. You always have your own snacks on hand, just in case. You have a ~picky eater speech~ memorized at this point for whenever people ask why you won't eat something. You've claimed to be allergic to something so you don't have to say you're just picky. Total: 9
0-9: Not picky
10-19: Kinda picky
20-30: Definitely a picky eater
0 notes
dovechim · 7 years
instant gratification 02 (m)
Tumblr media
➾11.6k words ➾ lots of smut, some fluff, a little angst (just like this gif) ➾ warnings: pregnancy mention ➾ summary: the rules of becoming fuck buddies are as follows: no strings attached, don’t play jealousy games, and strictly no cuddling after sex. On a scale of how-fucked-are-you from one to ten, Jeon Jeongguk has you on a 9, in more ways than one.
01 | 02 | 2.5 | 03 (complete)
Jeon Jeongguk, on top of being the nastiest fuckboy who just happens to have some good dick, is a childish brat. 
Parties are so not your thing, and you feel like a fish out of water in the midst of so many scantily clad girls and barely sober frat boys. You’ve been grabbed at least 5 times now, only managing to narrowly escape their clutches the last time, and you have to fight to keep your patience as you try and spot his big head in the overcrowded frat house. You wouldn’t be here if not for his not so thinly veiled threat over text.
4.59pm [jungcock]: 8pm, party at Yugyeom’s. u better be there, bitch 5.10pm [you]: or else what? 5.11pm [jungcock]: or else I’ll accidentally on purpose drop that strip of pictures in ur prof’s pigeon hole 5.12pm [jungcock]: u know which ones 5.13pm [you]: fuck you 5.13pm [jungcock]: better get in line bbg
Turning down yet another offer of a red solo cup containing some shady as hell beverage, you’re about to give up and just call his cell instead, hoping that he isn’t busy being balls deep in some random girl to pick up. You press the phone to your ear desperately, hoping that he actually called you here for a reason so that you can get it over and done with and be back safely in your bed within the hour.
“_____- hey!” A touch slithers around your waist and you’re about to slap the offending hands away when you realise that the voice is familiar. You turn around to face this person, and come face to face with a very drunk Park Jimin. 
He looks like he’s been here for hours already, judging by how he’s slurring his words and his dance moves are getting increasingly dirtier and dirtier, nothing like the sharp professionalism that he displays during cheer.
“____! It’s really you!” He mumbles again before lurching forward suddenly, burying his face in your neck. You’re half thankful that he’s drunk off his ass like this, because then you can pretend like he never saw that strip of pictures, as if he didn’t hear Jeon Jeongguk fuck you in a photobooth.
“Y-you have nice tits,” he murmurs drunkenly into your collarbone, and the same time his hands are migrating from their position on your waist to try and cop a feel.
“Alright alright, red light, Jimin,” you grab his hands firmly and push him away, and you would be a lot more severe if it was anyone other than him. The Park Jimin you know isn’t this inappropriate and overconfident, but apparently he’s a slutty drunk. “Did you come with friends?” 
“No, but I wanna come inside you,” he says with a straight face, then bursts out into giggles.
You let out a long suffering sigh, and brace yourself against his weight when the sea of bodies sends him crashing against you. He leans his entire body into you, unable to keep his own balance, and you resign yourself to wrapping an arm around his waist, scanning the nearby faces for a familiar one. But the lighting is too dim to make out any features at all, and Jimin’s weight is starting to wear you out, so you support him to the side and find him a seat on a random chair.
“Jimin, you stay here okay? Don’t move. I’m gonna get you some water.” You pat his soft cheek a few times to make sure the message penetrates that fog of alcohol in his brain.
You leave him slouched against the wall as you make your way into the slightly brighter kitchen, where the music isn’t half as loud and the people aren’t half as horny. Opening the fridge and getting out a bottle of water, you start to head back to Jimin when you see an open box of pizza and a bowl of nachos on the kitchen counter.
They say grease helps with sobering up right? Or was that for hangovers? Oh fuck it.
You heap a paper plate with two slices of pepperoni pizza and a generous helping of nachos and cheese, ready to hightail it back to Jimin, when three figures block the entryway of the kitchen.
“Having a good time, sweetheart?” Jeongguk has each arm around the waist of two vapid looking girls who look like they might spill out of their tops if they lean forward a tad too much. You take a moment to marvel at how anyone’s chest can be that huge and perky at the same time, and just how many Victoria’s Secret Wonderbras you have to put on to even come close to that.
The two girls peer down their noses at you, taking in the sight of your heaping plate of food with pretentious giggles as they glance at each other. Jeongguk smirks at the girl on his right side before mischievously ducking down to plant a kiss into her ample cleavage, causing her to squeal in surprise.
“Wonderful, if you’ll just excuse me,” you try and sidestep the three of them, the churning in your gut growingly increasingly hard to stomach as the girl on his left also demands the same treatment. Jeongguk’s eyes stray to your own somewhat flat chest in your oversized sweater before returning to hers, letting his hand slide down from her waist to plant on her ass, pulling her into his chest to let you pass.
“Don’t eat too much, _____, I don’t want you throwing up all over me when I pound that cute ass later.” He somehow manages to complete his sentence while having his face buried in her tits, but you don’t grace him with a response. 
Thankfully Jimin is still slouched over on the same seat as you left him. You kneel down carefully in front of him, placing the plate on his lap and pressing the wet, cold surface of the water bottle to his neck. He jerks in place immediately, eyes opened wide as he flinches away from the freezing sensation.
“Jimin, drink this and sober the fuck up.” You shove it into his hands and watch him until his lips touch the mouth of the bottle before snatching back the plate on his lap and taking a bite of the pizza. The greasiness of the pizza satisfies the demon-like hunger that’s been brewing inside you since forever, while the cheesy goodness that erupts in your mouth is almost enough to distract you from the sight of Jeongguk and his two girls indulging in a messy three-way kiss across the room. 
Keyword being almost.
Sejeong would murder your ass if she found you stuffing your face like this instead of sticking to her planned diets for the whole cheer team, but she doesn’t understand that this is what introverts do at parties to keep people from talking to them. It’s either that or hide out in the bathroom with your phone, but you have no one to text and not enough memory on your phone for a decent game to waste the time away.
Jimin has chugged down half the bottle of water by now and is looking a little more sober than he was 10 minutes ago. Sober enough to nudge you with his knee for a bite of your second slice. You oblige him and raise the pizza to his mouth, watching as he takes a large chunk of it and starts chewing. You’re about to try and ask him again if there’s anyone here who can take him home, but then your phone buzzes in your pocket. 
11.00pm [jungcock]: stop babysitting and come upstairs 11.04pm [you]: idk im not really into foursomes 11.05pm [jungcock]: that’s an idea for another time 11.05pm [jungcock]: but seriously, come up babe 11.06pm [jungcock]: I’ll make it worth ur while ;) 11.08pm [you]: I seriously doubt it 11.10pm [jungcock]: try me 11.11pm [jungcock]: come on u were my 11:11 wish
Jimin somehow got his hands on the rest of your nachos while you were texting, so with nothing to occupy you now, you reluctantly leave him to try and find out what Jeongguk wants. He’s waiting at the top of the stairs, surprisingly alone and his eyes light up when he spots you trudging up the stairs.
“Got rid of pussy boy so easily?” He grabs your hand and starts to lead you towards one of the rooms, closing the door behind you and locking it.
“Got rid of those bitches so easily?” You shoot back.
“Someone’s feisty tonight, is it that time of the month?” His comment only riles you up further, and you resist the urge to punch him in the nose.
“Let’s just say I am, so I can just suck your dick and go home okay?”
Jeongguk drops your hand immediately with a horrified expression on his face, backing away from you as if you have a loaded gun pointed at him. “Are you really?” 
“No, I’m not, but I am running out of patience. Didn’t know you were this much of a squeamish manchild. Hurry up and get your dick out so I can go back to sleep.” You shove at his chest to direct him back onto the bed. “And hand over those pictures.”
“Aww c’mon babe, I was only joking,” he strokes your cheek tenderly. “And that’s the first time someone’s ever talked about my dick and sleep in the same sentence.”
“Cut the crap Jeongguk, what do you want?”
Jeongguk grabs your hand to pull you down onto the bed beside him. “Let me eat you out baby, I’ve missed that pussy so much.”
He doesn’t waste any time beating about the bush as he coaxes you to lie back against the pillows and parts your knees so that he can settle in between them. His hands immediately start massaging your lower stomach, making their way down to the curve of your hips over your jeans.
“W-what about those other girls?” Your voice is a little shaky as he undoes the button on your jeans and pulls it down to your knees. “I’m sure they would have been more than glad to let you eat them out.”
“Why would I want other pussy when yours tastes the best?” Jeongguk lowers his head to kiss at your inner thighs, suckling with his tongue at the soft flesh. From his position at the juncture of your thighs he can already smell you, and he buries his nose into the crotch of your underwear. “Fuck, no one smells as good as this pussy does.”
He licks the seam of your light blue cotton panties, dampening it so that turns transparent and sticks to your already rapidly dampening lower lips. “What a pretty pussy, but I’d like to see it without these panties. Hips up baby.” 
You oblige and raise your butt, allowing him to slide your panties down along with your jeans to your calves. With your knees liberated, he coaxes you to lay your thighs flat on the bed so that your inner lips are completely spread and not touching each other. The sensation of being fully exposed to him while he’s still dressed starts to make you feel self-conscious, but his sharp intake of breath at the sight of your drenched slit soothes you a little.
“That’s it, spread your legs wide and show me that pussy, don’t be shy… I love eating this pussy, you like getting your cunt licked don’t you?” His compliments and dirty talk make you feel a little less self-conscious, and you inch your hips into his face, moving your dripping core closer to his mouth. He rewards you with a lick and noisy suckles as he laps up your juices that are leaking out of you. Your arousal smears all over his lips and even the tip of his nose, but Jeongguk doesn’t mind, in fact it turns him on to be as messy as possible.
He concentrates his efforts on your slit, dipping his tongue in a few times teasingly and avoiding your clit altogether. 
“Jeongguk, please, please…”
“Please what baby? What do you want me to do to you?” He allows his mouth to slurp and smack against your lips.
“Clit please, I want you to suck my clit.” You’ve learnt that by now Jeongguk rewards you when you use your words, so there’s no use being shy and demure, at least not when he has his head between your legs.
“Good girl.” He uses two fingers to spread your lips further and expose your throbbing clit to him before latching on and suckling with increasing pressure. The direct stimulation to your clit might have been painful if anyone else had attempted it, but Jeongguk knows how to warm you up before attacking your clit, and attack he does. He flicks your nub with the tip of his tongue while sucking at it hard, and releases your pussy lips so that it hugs his mouth tightly.
His tongue directly on your clit sends spasms up and down the length of your body, even as your thighs tremble around him. Jeongguk runs his fingers along your folds as he continues to suck, gently sliding one finger inside you.
“Shit, you got even tighter because I didn’t fuck you for so long, is that right baby?” Your walls clench down on his finger the moment he enters you, and he’s right. You always need him to warm you up with at least three fingers before you’re ready to take his cock. Right now at the beginning, one of his fingers feels like a stretch already, but Jeongguk loves the way you tighten around him even if it’s just one finger.
Maybe it’s because you don’t really have sex often other than with him, and if he weren’t abusing your clit with his tongue, you’d feel embarrassed over how tight you are with just one finger. You don’t know how many times Jeongguk has fucked other girls, and you don’t want to know either because you have a feeling that you’ll hate the answer too. But it’s just a chore to start over with a new person, wait for them to find all your sweet spots and most importantly, hoping that they have the patience for intensely longer foreplay than usual. So you just stick to letting Jeongguk get you off.
He pulls out while letting your juices accumulate on his tongue before spitting them onto two fingers and easing them back in. If it’s one thing you know Jeongguk loves, it’s getting as messy as possible, getting your juices on him and his cum on you, so you know that he’s as turned on as you are now. Once your walls are slightly more warmed up around him, he starts to thrust deeper with his fingers as he places the flat of his tongue on your clit, and the double stimulation as your walls shuddering in pleasure.
“Jeongguk- ohhh fuck I’m so wet, I’m gonna come.”
“That’s it baby let me hear how good I’m eating this pussy,” he draws away to lick his lips, eyes still fixated on his fingers buried in your cunt. “Are you gonna come all over my fingers like a dirty girl? You’re so wet already, if you come you’re gonna wet the bed.” 
“Yes, Kook, right there, my clit please,” you beg for his lips back on your clit. “Wanna come with my clit in your mouth.” He does as you ask and uses his other hand to spread your lips obscenely again, sucking your clit straight into his mouth.
You reach down to push his head further into your pussy as you reach the peak with a cry of his name, your back arching from the bed as you feel a gush of liquid from your pussy soak his cheeks and chin. The waves of pleasure have your walls fluttering around his fingers as he sits up to watch you in the throes of your orgasm, eyes closed and cheeks flushed, biting your lip as you thrust your hips to ride out your pleasure.
“You look so good when you come, especially when I’m the one doing it,” he smirks as he pulls his fingers out of your clenching core, licking and sucking the rest of the juices clean. He’s kneeling on the bed facing you now, and the tent in his pants is painfully obvious.
Still panting and out of breath, you regain some semblance of consciousness and close your legs modestly, pushing yourself to sit up. As you reach down to adjust your jeans and underwear, something uncomfortable digs into your butt and you pull it out, only to realise that it’s your phone, lit up with messages and missed phone calls.
12.09am [Chim]: wher r u 12.09am [Chim]: why did u ditch me  12.10am [Chim]: gonna do a kegstand if u don’t come stop me 12.13am [Chim]: hoseok hyung already did it 12.15m [Chim]: last call
12.20am 3 missed calls from Chim
“Fuck, I have to go,” your heart skips a beat upon scrolling through all those notifications and realising how much time has passed. You hastily tug on your jeans the rest of the way and zip up, noting the incredulous look on Jeongguk’s face as you leave him painfully aroused on the bed.
“Wait babe, seriously? What the fuck could be more important than this monster dick right now? It’s so hard for you, why don’t you come and suck me off like a good girl hmm?” He glances down at the bulge with a self-satisfied appraisal of his own size, and you roll your eyes in disgust.
“I’m not going anywhere near that dick until your ego deflates.” You let yourself out of the room and head down the stairs, scanning the room for Jimin. Jeongguk springs up off the bed to follow you out. You spot a large group of people gathered around the living room, and his bright pink head is near the middle of it. 
“Kegstand! Kegstand! Kegstand!” The crowd is chanting, and two frat boys are on either side of Jimin, ready to help support him as he flips into a handstand effortlessly.
“_____, let’s go back okay? Jimin’s a big boy, he can take care of himself, what I need is for you to take care of me-” He grabs your hand in an attempt to persuade and coax you back into the room, but you shake him off impatiently, leaving him fuming and incredibly aroused on the stairs. 
You barge through the crowd, rudely elbowing people aside until you reach the three boys, tugging on Jimin’s ankles. “Park Jimin, you’re not fucking doing this, get the fuck down now.” You turn to glare at the two boys by his side, and they immediately take their hands off him and raise them up in their intimidation. His lower body, unsupported now, begins to sway and you catch his feet with your hands, bringing them down and helping Jimin to stand. 
“______! Y-you came back!” Jimin is almost as drunk as when you first found him, again. The smell of beer on his breath overwhelms you, and you wrinkle your nose in distaste.
“Chim, we’re going home okay? Before you do anything else that might endanger your life,” you help him toward the entrance of the house, unlocking your phone to call for an Uber.
“Mhmm okay,” he mumbles with his head slouched into your neck, and the sensation of his plush lips sends your heart racing. “I’m a good boy. And this good boy has something to tell you.”
“Yes Chim?” You mumble distractedly as you memorise the car number and keep an eye out on the road for the car.
“I like you, _____. Ever since we were paired up for our first stunt, I really really liked you, and it’s just… I didn’t have the guts to tell you and then you went and had this thing with Jeon and I was so fucking jealous of that fucker who gets to fuck you and leave his cum all over you and… that practice was the worst day of my life…”
You heart skids to a stop in your chest even as his drunken confession trails off into silence, and he slumps against your shoulder. Shaking his shoulder tentatively, you manage to get him to open his eyes again with some semblance of consciousness. “Chim…”
“And I k-know he treats you like shit, it’s all over your damn face, and I j-just want you to give me a chance,” his words are slurred but there’s no misunderstanding them. “I’ll treat you the w-way you deserve, not like a personal cum dump like Jeon does.”
“Chim, you’re drunk and you don’t know what you’re saying, if you can say this to me again tomorrow then we’ll talk about it okay?” You soothe him with a hand on his forehead, pushing aside his bangs and shielding the top of his head as he gets into the backseat and slouches onto the headrest. You read out the address of his dorm to the driver, and you begin to pull away from that disaster of a party, finally. But just when you’re about to relax back against the seat, your phone chimes.
1.01am jungcock sent you an image
Your fingers are trembling as you unlock your phone and open your conversation with him. As the image is downloading, your grip on your phone sweaty as you wait for the blurry image to appear.
Jeongguk’s thighs are framing the picture, muscles flexed and tense in their definition. But that’s not the main focus of the picture. He has a pair of ruby red lips wrapped around the head of his cock, and the picture is accompanied by the caption: ‘wish u were her(e)’
1.06am jungcock sent you a video
The video immediately downloads itself since you’re still on the app, and the still image itself is similar to the picture he sent. There must be some sort of invisible force that drags your thumb to the play button, and you make sure to mute the volume before the video starts playing.
The girl’s face is cut off except for her plump, overdrawn lips that bob on his cock and her tearstained cheeks. Jeongguk guides her movements with a hand on the back of her head, pushing her further down on his length as his hips thrust up. The excess of saliva that collects on his length tells you that he must have fucked her throat before this, and the force of his thrusts makes the girl gag on his cock with what looks like noisy gasps.
Bile burns in your throat and you lock your phone bitterly when the video ends, burying it away in the depths of your pocket. The car jerks as it turns into the residence halls, and Jimin crashes into your side, and he does a face plant into your lap. You reach to support his neck and lift him up into his own seat, but then revenge burns deep in your gut, and you tug him closer to you instead, positioning his head on your shoulder with his face into your neck.
You take out your phone and open the camera, making sure that it captures Jimin’s plump lips against your neck and send the image to him without any hesitation.
Two can play at this game.
An uneasy feeling settles in the pit of your stomach, and you try to stay as still as possible while taking deep breaths in order to calm it. The school field is currently set up with booths for the different sporting clubs to promote their activities to prospective freshmen, and the entire atmosphere is chaotic and noisy, with music blaring from speakers and general chatter of the crowd.
The basketball team has their booth right across from yours, and you try not to notice Jeon Jeongguk currently fooling around with his teammates, dribbling a ball and attempting to spin it on his finger. Ever since he sent you that video at the party you’ve been ignoring all his calls and messages and throwing yourself into cheer practice instead in order to hide the fact that you’re clearly way more affected by this jealousy game than he is. To admit you’re jealous would be to lose, so you avoid his eyes every time they stray to the cheerleading booth, only to glance back when you think he’s not looking. Sejong is busying herself arranging the trophies one last time to make sure they’re perfectly lined up on the table, but she pauses to shoot you a concerned look.
“_____, you sure you’re okay? You look kinda pale, like you’re about to throw up or something.”
You wave away her concern. “I’m fine, just nervous for the showcase later.”
She doesn’t buy your excuse one bit. “Come to think of it, you haven’t been eating well the past few days either. I know I said we had to go on a diet, but that doesn’t mean skipping meals, you know how strict I am about that.”
You think back to the previous few days to try and recall if you’ve skipped that many meals. “It’s not that, my eating habits are just much less regular now, but I promise I’m eating.” She looks as if she might argue more with you, but a shout interrupts her.
“Please warm up and get ready for the showcase, everyone!” Your coach gathers the team’s attention by clapping his hands.
“_____, where’s Jimin? He’s really late, he should’ve been here an hour ago!” Sejong frowns as she surveys the members who are already present and starting to warm up as well.
“Umm, I’m not sure, but I could give him a call?” You pause in the middle of your leg stretches to rummage for your phone in your bag. Ever since that night at the club last week, every time you see Park Jimin at practice, guilt consumes your entire being for using him as a pawn in your jealousy game with Jeongguk. It’s not right to use him and drag him into your affairs like this, and you don’t have the courage to own up about what you did to him that night. But just as you’re about to press dial on his number, you spot him sprinting in from the other side of the field.
“I’m sorry I’m late, Captain. Lost track of time,” he pants an apology to Sejong.
“It’s alright, just hurry go and warm up. Don’t forget we’re doing the new routine today, so that means you’re with _____.”
“Yes Captain!” Jimin heads over to your side just as you resume your stretches. “Hey _____, need some help with stretching? You have problems with the warm ups for splits right? Here, put your leg on my shoulder.”
You freeze when Jimin approaches you, and immediately the guilt hits you at full force. His kind smile and cheerful disposition only makes you feel worse as he positions himself in front of you, seemingly having no recollection of his drunken confession at all. While it makes it easier for you to just forget and pretend it never happened, you can’t help but smile back at him as he grins at you brightly and offers his shoulder for you to stretch. Jimin has always been nothing but gentlemanly and respectful towards you, and his behaviour is such a welcoming change, and you feel like you could get used to this. At his own booth, you watch Jeongguk toss the ball back at his teammate and pause to watch the two of you interact, his glare burning into Jimin’s back.
“Um, okay thanks Chim,” you have no reason to refuse him, and Jeongguk’s full attention awakens your desire for revenge once more, overriding any remaining guilt. You raise a leg to chest level first, stretching out your hamstrings before extending it to rest your ankle on Jimin’s shoulder. He places a hand on your ankle as he takes a few steps forward to widen the split, and even though the discomfort makes you wince a little, you can’t help but check Jeongguk’s reaction just over Jimin’s shoulder.
His jaw is clenched and brows are furrowed and a sense of victory surges in your chest. Even when his teammates call him over for a casual two on two game, he doesn’t budge from his spot. You lower your right leg and begin to stretch your left leg in the same way, eyes remaining on Jeongguk’s the whole time. 
“Let’s go team, time for our showcase! Let’s kill it c’mon!!” Sejong’s voice rises over the loud electronic music blasted on the speakers, and you lower your leg from Jimin’s shoulder with a grateful smile as you hug him around the waist in thanks.
Jimin is a little nonplussed at your over-the-top show of gratitude, but he reciprocates nonetheless with his hands squeezing your waist gently, left bare by the crop top of your red and white striped cheer outfit.
The stage is set up with cushioned mats for your team’s performance, and the emcee is introducing your performance item next, attracting a huge crowd as they gather in front of the stage to watch. As you line up on the stage in your positions waiting for the music to commence, the exhilaration that accompanies every routine sends your blood racing through your veins, replacing any trace of your queasiness from earlier. A particular face in the front row catches your attention, and you realise that it’s Jeongguk the second the music starts, causing you to miss the first beat.
Gritting your teeth in concentration, you force yourself to remain focused and keep your eyes off him as Jimin lifts you up in full extension and you pull your leg up behind you. The similar formation of three other couples on either side of you gains approval and applause from the audience, and you flash them your best cheer smile.
The rest of the routine goes by smoothly, and you end it off positioned on Jimin’s shoulders as you thank the crowd. After the showcase, hordes of people are attracted to your booth, and every single member on the team is busy answering questions and accommodating interested visitors.
This year, as part of something different from the previous years, there’s a small padded mattress set up beside the booth in order to give visitors who are interested an opportunity to try a small segment of cheerleading. It’s proving to be immensely popular as almost all the bases on the team are lifting and carrying girls on their shoulders, while some of them are acting as spotters for incoming freshmen who want to try lifting one of the flyers. 
“Hands on her thighs, that’s it… and hold for three seconds… then down! Well done!” Jimin grins at a freshman with dark blonde hair as he helps to flip you over in a modified basket toss. You land safely in Jimin’s arms as he helps you down, and you smile and thank the freshman for his interest and participation.
Someone taps you on the shoulder from behind. “Um, excuse me, but can I try one of those stunts that you did on stage just now?”
You start to smile and turn around. “Of course, just step right this way-”
This can’t be happening. Jeon Jeongguk is standing behind you, having changed out of his basketball jersey and clad in a casual dark blue polo and black denim jeans. He has an innocent little bunny grin on his face as he glances between you and Jimin hopefully. “You guys were awesome on stage; I just really want to become like you!!”
“Cut the crap Jeon Jeongguk, what the fuck do you want?” Jimin steps protectively in front of you.
“I just want to help in a… basket toss, is that what it’s called?” The look on his face is absolutely innocent, but you can practically see the evil gleam in those stupid doe eyes of his.
“How about no, and you just fuck right off-” Jimin starts up, but you interrupt him. 
“Of course, just head over here and we’ll show you!” You hurriedly clap a hand over Jimin’s mouth just as your coach strolls past the three of you, pausing in front of your group with his scrutinising eyes and unforgiving stance.
Jeongguk grins as you beckon another one of the team’s bases over. You position him behind you as you step into the open palms of Jimin and the other base, with your hands on their shoulders and knees slightly bent. Your coach heads over to stand beside Jeongguk to direct him on where to place his hands and how much force to use.
“That’s right… now place your hands on her upper thighs, and when you push, you’ll direct your force upwards to throw her up into the air. The other two bases will do most of the work, you just have to support her thighs in this position, ok?” Your coach places Jeongguk’s hands on your upper thighs. “It’s okay to touch her, don’t worry kid. It’s to make sure she’s safe.”
But Jeongguk doesn’t need any sort of encouragement at all to place his hands on your thighs, and when your coach removes his own hands, Jeongguk’s creep up further until they’re right below your ass. Your coach is explaining the steps of the stunt to him while Jeongguk’s hands wander up, even massaging your ass for a few seconds before stroking his palms downwards and venturing towards your inner thighs. You can only imagine the smirk on his face as his hands dart upwards, the only deterrence being your safety shorts.
“Ready? On three you’ll toss her, the bases will catch her so don’t worry about that.” Coach says while taking a step backwards. “One, two, three!”
Most of the power of the toss comes from the bases on either side of you and not from Jeongguk. As you’re suspended in mid-air, you split your legs and touch your toes before closing your legs on the way down, landing in the arms of your bases. Jeongguk pretends to be fascinated as he looks up at you in the air, when most likely he’s just using it as a chance to look up your skirt. He claps exuberantly when your feet are back on the ground.
“That was amazing!! Thank you!!!” Jeongguk thanks Coach as he leaves to supervise another cluster. 
“Can you leave now? You got what you were looking for right?” Jimin says immediately once Coach is out of earshot.
“Huh? What are you talking about? I came over to learn some stunts!” Jeongguk feigns a hurt expression.
“That tent in your pants says otherwise, you fucking pervert,” Jimin shoots back as he turns to you to make sure that you’re okay. But your eyes are drawn to the front of his pants, and you gasp in mortification, embarrassment heating up your cheeks as you glance around to see if anyone else has noticed.
But Jeongguk doesn’t even have the decency to be embarrassed about this, and he doesn’t even attempt to hide his erection. “It’s not my fault the girls on this team are so smoking hot,” he grins and winks at you. “Nice ass, by the way.”
The end of the showcase leaves you sweaty and dying for a shower as you trudge back to your dorm building. You’re aching to rip off your suddenly too tight crop top, and the thought makes you fret about whether you’ve gained weight or not. Occupied by your worries, you make it all the way to the lobby of your building before noticing a familiar figure waiting by the lifts.
“Got rid of it so fast?” You say with a pointed look at his crotch, still unable to forget the second hand embarrassment. 
“No, I tucked it under my waistband, it’s such a neat trick- wanna see?” He shoots you a cocky little smirk, lifting his polo shirt just a tad to reveal the hint of tanned abdomen, but you roll your eyes and turn your head the other way. “C’mon baby, are you mad at me?”
Jeongguk takes it upon himself to invade your personal space by sliding both arms around your waist, burying his nose into the crook of your neck. You don’t have the energy to push him away, and his touch does feel nice against your heated skin, so you allow yourself to relax in his arms.
“Babe, I know girls well enough to know that’s a complete lie.”
“I’m sure you do.” You shoot back at him with a glare, slapping his hands away when the lift arrives. You should tell him to go fuck himself and leave you alone, but somehow having his undivided attention like this makes you feel like you could maybe forget about that girl sucking his dick like she was starving for it.
He steps in after you and dives to press the button for your floor before you can do it yourself. Jeongguk seems to be in a good mood after that whole cheerleading fiasco as he positions himself to stand behind you and wiggles his hands around your waist in a clingy backhug that is so unlike him. “Are you mad at me about today? Or is it the video?”
“Why would I be mad about the video? It’s not like we’re exclusive or anything, get over yourself Jeon.” You step out of the lift and rummage in your bag for your keys, but he follows a step behind you even as you unlock your door and drop your bag on the floor. Your voice is the perfect blend of apathy and indifference in order to hide the fact that the video still haunts your sleep at night. “Can you get out? I’m about to strip out of this fucking uniform and I don’t think I can wait a second longer.” 
“For what it counts, no one sucks dick like you do,” Jeongguk fixes you with a sincere look that tells you he isn’t joking, but if it’s meant as some kind of twisted apology, it doesn’t come off that way at all. “Besides, it’s not like you didn’t do anything with Park either. Fucking in a taxi- now there’s somewhere even I haven’t gone.” He seems to find the entire thing funny, but you know his jokes and laughter are simply a façade to hide his jealousy, or else he wouldn’t have pulled that stunt with Jimin today.
“For once, I win,” you smirk half-heartedly at him, not bothering to refute his claims whatsoever. Just let him believe that you fucked Park Jimin, because then at least you win this jealously game somehow, if not in the way you intended. You cross the room to grab some spare clothes before heading to the attached bathroom and shutting the door behind you.
Ripping off the tight long sleeved crop top and tossing it on the floor of the bathroom is pure relief, and you shed the tight pleated skirt and your panties before stepping into the shower and turning up the water as hot as it will go. Jeongguk’s voice sounds faintly from outside, but then you hear the door opening and curse Sejong’s idea of removing it after accidentally getting locked in once. 
Jeongguk strips himself of his clothes and pushes aside the curtain to see your naked form as you turn your back to him.
“I didn’t say you could join.”
“Let me make it up to you babe,” is all he says as he reaches for some shampoo and starts to lather your hair. It’s his favourite phrase when you’re pissed off at him, and like the sucker you are, it works every time without fail. The relaxing sensation of his nails against your scalp makes your shoulders sag, and he makes sure to gather every last strand of your hair meticulously without letting his hands wander to other areas of your body. His uncharacteristically platonic actions melt your resolve a little as he carefully washes the foam from your hair.
He moves on to grab some of your grapefruit scented body wash, inhaling deeply. “So this is what you use to smell so damn good every time.” Jeongguk squirts a little onto his palm before smoothing them over your shoulders and down your back, and the feeling of his wet palms gliding over your body makes you forget that you’re supposed to be mad at him and you lean into his touch. He responds with a deep chuckle that you can feel all the way down in your lower belly, and all of a sudden a deep, lustful hunger is awakened, and you know only one way to satisfy it. 
You turn to face him and tiptoe while grabbing the back of his neck to bring his lips down onto yours in a hungry clash of lips and tongue, and that’s when Jeongguk knows he’s forgiven, and given the green light to go ahead. His hands run up and down your sides, rubbing your nerves raw as you close the space in between your bodies to feel the hard evidence of his desire right up against your belly. He abandons your lips to suck bruises into your skin, his still soapy hands cupping each breast and beginning to knead just the way you like it on the pretence of washing every inch of your skin.
He lets the water wash off the suds before attaching his lips onto a nipple and roughly tweaking the other with merciless fingers. Jeongguk doesn’t usually pay this much attention to your breasts, usually he just gives you a very minimal amount of foreplay before pulling down your underwear and thrusting home, but today he lavishes his attention on your chest. He’s liberal with his teeth as well, sucking and biting a little too hard, and your breasts are more tender and sensitive than usual. Wearing the tight crop top all morning has only aggravated it, and you whine in pain on a particularly harsh suck and graze of his teeth, causing Jeongguk to freeze in his ministrations.
“J-just, they’re a little sore,” you murmur under the warm spray of the shower head, and he accepts it with a gentle kiss to each breast before concentrating his efforts on the dip of your collarbone instead. When the water starts to run cold, he reluctantly gives a final lick to your jawline before pulling away and tugging you out of the shower. Jeongguk hastily pats your body dry with the fluffy towel hanging on the rack, still remembering to be gentle with your chest and you watch him bite his lip in concentration as he towels your hair dry. So this is what he might look like if he weren’t a fuckboy, doing things not for the sake of getting into your pants; this is what he would look like if he actually cared about your feelings for a change.
A pleased smile spreads itself across his lips when you’re all dry, and for once it’s not a cocky smirk or lewd grin. His lingering touches in the shower leave you unsatisfied still, so you reach for his length and stroke him a few times, which is enough to make him to grab you around the waist and gather your legs around him to carry you to your bed. He places you on the bed and kisses his way down your torso, avoiding your tender nipples until he reaches the apex of your thighs. His wet tongue laves against your inner thighs, and reawakens your desire for him to fill you up to the brim with his girth.  
“Jeongguk-ah, not today, just hurry.” Your impatience makes him pause in his open mouthed licks against your core, your dripping arousal already coating his lips. You sit up a little to reach for his erection, letting your palm envelope the head in teasing strokes. You’re dying to taste the precum that’s already gathered there on your tongue, but even more impatient to feel him deep inside your walls, spreading you apart. Your rough strokes have him panting in seconds, little ‘ah’s and ‘oh’s sounding so sweet from those lips of his. Just as you position yourself back further on the bed and he places his hands on your knees to spread them, you place a hand on his chest before the head of his cock touches your soaked folds.
“D-do you have a condom by any chance?” Your heart sinks especially when you remember that the two of you had agreed to not using one back when this started as long as either of you used protection with other partners, so the chances of him carrying a random condom around are low. But the sore twinges of your nipples and thrown off appetite has you a little paranoid, and you’d rather be safe than sorry. 
Jeongguk pauses with his hand stroking his cock lazily, tearing his eyes away from your dripping, exposed folds that are almost begging to be spread and fucked. “Why? Do we need one? I thought-”
“J-just in case,” you breathe heavily at the sight of his cock in his hand. “In case that girl gave you something.” You’re using her as an excuse, since it’s highly unlikely, and you both know that.
“It’s not because you fucked Park Jimin right?” He asks jokingly, but his eyes are serious and he doesn’t give you a chance to look away. When you shake your head firmly without breaking eye contact, he knows you’re being truthful because you wouldn’t lie about something as serious as this. “You’re still on the pill right?” 
“Yeah, but… I just felt… weird for a bit. I’m sorry, I know you hate wearing one but-”
“It’s okay, baby,” he says with an unexpected kiss to your forehead, and the tenderness of his actions has your heart skipping a beat, expecting him to put up more of a fight about it. “I’ll wear one if you want me to, but the problem is… I don’t have one right now.” The disappointment is evident in his voice as he rests back on his knees on the bed.
Your eyes dart over to Sejong’s side of the room. “I-I think Sejong has some. Just in that drawer by the bed over there.” 
Jeongguk doesn’t hesitate as he crosses the room in long strides and retrieves a foil wrapped package and he tears it open with his teeth even before he reaches the bed. “I haven’t worn one of these in ages,” he comments as he slips it on, and your breath catches in your throat, and not because the head of his cock is currently probing at your folds.
Does that mean he hasn’t fucked anyone else other than you since you started this thing? The thought is cut short when he pushes past your folds and the stretch makes you forget everything but how good he feels inside you. He exhales heavily as he bottoms out inside you, the sensations lessened due to the barrier, but it still feels good to be inside your warmth again.
“Fuck, you’re tighter than usual,” he says as he draws his hips back to give a few experimental thrusts, and your walls cling on tight to his length, making it hard for him to move. Jeongguk places a thumb on your clit to rub in circles because he knows that penetration doesn’t really do anything for you as it does for him, and you respond by wrapping your legs around his waist and drawing him in closer.
You’ve never fucked him in an actual bed before, so it feels more intimate than you’re used to as he touches his forehead to your shoulder to increase the force behind his thrusts. Each slap of his skin against yours makes you claw and scratch at his back, and he makes sure to keep his thumb on your clit as well, drawing out whiny moans from the back of your throat.
“Jeongguk, ah fuck, that feels so good, you’re so good,” you can only breathlessly moan as he slides his hands under your knees to bring them together so that you fit even tighter around his cock.
“Fuck, I love hearing you whine when I’m pounding that pussy,” Jeongguk grunts when your walls close in around him. “So wet, so tight, so- fucking- good.” He punctuates each word with a thrust that bathes your nerves in an ocean of ecstasy, and you actually sob and gasp for air.
“Harder, Jeongguk, fuck me harder,” you plead with him to quench that aching desire in your core. He obliges by hooking both legs over his shoulder and leaning his weight onto his palms, taking advantage of your hyper flexibility as a cheerleader to nearly fold you in half as he continues to pound his cock in and out. 
By now you’re incoherent and reduced to sobs and whines, which are music to his ears as your walls pulse around him, and he sends you over the edge embarrassingly quick. Trapped under him, you can only thrash against his body as he continues to thrust through your orgasm, and the tingles of white hot pleasure reaches all the way down to your toes.
When the pulsing of your walls has slowed, Jeongguk lets up and gently pushes your legs from his shoulder, kissing your ankle like he did the last time he spread you open in a split. He continues to thrust at a leisurely pace, but even so you wince from oversensitivity and stop him with a hand to his lower abdomen, feeling the hard pecs under your fingers.
“Wait, Jeongguk, ouch, not so hard. Let me top.” He pulls out and sits on the edge of the bed with his legs spread wide, and you slide off the bed to stand between them. Reaching back to stroke his cock a few times, you bend down to wrap your lips around him to taste a combination of the both of you before turning to let your back face him and spreading your legs to sit on his cock slowly.
Jeongguk’s cock spreads you apart, and you support yourself on his thighs as you sink down slowly. He lets out a deep moan even as his hands situate themselves on your waist to urge you down a little faster, but you opt to tease him by resisting with your grip on his thighs. When you finally hit the base of him, he exhales sharply into the nape of your neck, mouthing at your skin in order to keep some semblance of control.
Pushing against his thighs, you start to move up and down his cock ever so slowly, making sure to clench your walls against him tightly every time you go down. After a while Jeongguk gets tired of letting you set the pace, so he grips your waist tightly and moves you up and down his cock a little faster, while giving small thrusts with his hips that are still pinned under your weight.
“Jeongguk, ah-, you’re so big,” you pant as he drills into you slowly, and the friction of him against your soaked, oversensitive walls makes you squirm in his grasp. His length is swollen inside you from having been aroused for so long, and his thickness elicits continuous gasps from your lips as he continues to bounce you up and down. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna come soon, but I want you to come one more time baby,” he whispers into your neck. He increases his speed slightly, but doesn’t pull out as much so that he can remain within your warm walls for as long as possible.
“I-I don’t think I can.” The lingering heat remains just out of reach, and your feet are barely touching the ground every time he thrusts upwards. “Jeongguk, oh, I can’t again-”
“You can, baby just relax and let me do it,” he reaches for your clit and twists it between slender fingers, and you nearly buck your hips off his lap in response. “That’s it, you like it when I fuck you like this right?”
“Yes, please more,” you gasp when his fingers pause over your clit.
“Will you promise to be a good girl and not let other men touch what’s mine?” Jeongguk gives a particularly hard thrust that hits a little too deep, and you whine in pain.
“Y-yes, I’m yours, just yours,” you grasp his thigh to push yourself off his length slightly as he smirks into your skin with satisfaction at your answer. “Not so deep, Jeongguk, ow.” 
“I know you can take it baby, are you close?” He increases his efforts on your clit, and you’re barely aware that you’re making a mess all over his thighs and even leaking onto your sheets underneath. “Looks like someone’s ready to cum, hmm? She’s dripping all over my cock, what a nasty girl you are.”
With his usual filthy words you tighten around him a second time, thighs trembling to support your own weight as your nerves threaten to be singed raw by the fiery inferno that completely engulfs your consciousness. Jeongguk fucks up into your raw pussy a few more times once your orgasm has unleashed, and his arms tighten around your waist as he releases into the condom with a drawn out moan.
You collapse boneless into his arms as he breathes heavily into your hair. Jeongguk moves backwards onto your bed with his arms still around you and lets the two of you fall into your fluffy pillow.
“You’re more sensitive today, you okay?” His deep voice sends shivers down your spine as he presses his lips just behind your ear.
“Mhm,” you say under your breath even as you wonder what to do with your arms, do you rest them on top of his own on your waist, or do you keep them to yourself? You’ve never shared such a post coital moment with him before, and he’s being extremely cuddly, which hits right outside your comfort zone.
Jeongguk hasn’t pulled out yet, and the condom is starting to feel wet and unpleasant against your skin.
“Kook, condom,” you whine, and he gets the hint, pulling out of your sore pussy and carefully taking off the condom. You watch as he gets up to dispose of it in your wastebin across the room, messy brown hair, sweat glistening on his chest and all. Drawing the covers around your bare form as he returns, you survey him with wary eyes as he pauses at the side of your bed.
“Um, not to be rude but Sejong will be back soon and…” It’s the most awkward thing you’ve ever said after sex, and you’d never thought you’d be the one chasing Jeon Jeongguk out instead of it being the other way around. The brown haired, doe eyed boy looks a bit regretful, as if he wants to stay and cuddle more, but your eyes stray to the door once more and he catches the hint, turning away to head to the bathroom to get dressed 
It’s better to push him away before he does, after all you’re only just fuck buddies.
“You sure you’re feeling okay?” Sejong peers at you with concern from her position hovering over you. She touches your forehead with a thoughtful frown. “No fever or anything, just a queasy stomach?”
“Yeah,” you mumble through a raw throat from throwing up twice that morning already. “I’ll be fine though; I already took some medicine. I’m sorry I can’t go to practice today; I know you wanted to try out a new routine.”
“Shhh just concentrate on getting better okay? I’ll drop by to check on you again before practice and bring you some food.” Sejong tucks the covers up to your chin and brushes a strand of hair off your forehead. “Rest well sweetie.”
After she’s gone, the room is quiet and dark, and it just manages to lull you back to sleep when your phone vibrates on the table beside you. You blearily reach for it and check the screen. 
10.58am [jungcock]: wru?? y r u not in class 11.01am [jungcock]: prof asked about her fave student like twice already 11.03am [jungcock]: hello?? 11.03am [jungcock]: did u die 11.04am [jungcock]: did i go too hard on u that last time 11.05am [jungcock]: jk but r u ok??
His barrage of texts leaves an uncomfortable wedge in your throat. Checking up on each other like this is not what fuck buddies do, but then again fuck buddies don’t play jealousy games with each other either, and they most certainly don’t actually get jealous due to said game. You don’t feel like explaining anything to him, but if you don’t reply his texts will keep coming, so you type out the shortest reply that your aching temples can withstand.
11.10am [you]: m fine just stomach flu
With that you set your phone to do not disturb mode and pull the covers back over your head.
You’re not sure how much time has passed, but the next time you awake there’s a pounding on the door and someone outside is calling your name repeatedly. Half-awake and rubbing your eyes, you absent-mindedly ask Sejong to get the door, but then you realise she’s still out and that the person outside can’t be her either.
Feeling almost a million times more awake, your thoughts immediately land upon his dark brown hair and doe eyes as you stumble for the door, hesitating before opening it, hoping and praying that it isn’t him.
Instead a bright pink head of hair greets you, and Park Jimin takes in your dishevelled appearance with dismay. “Did I wake you? Ah I’m so sorry ____, but I just wanted to come and check on you… Sejong told me you were sick so I brought this.” He smiles sheepishly as he raises a paper bag filled to the brim with containers of food.
Jimin looks genuinely concerned about your wellbeing, and when you don’t immediately respond, his smile fades a little. “Do you want me to go? I can go, but at least just let me leave this here so you can eat something.”
“No wait, Jimin,” you reach for his wrist to stop him from leaving and tug him inside. “Come in, it’s… nice to see you.”
A shy smile breaks out on his plush lips, and he steps inside your room.
“Thanks for doing this, you really didn’t have to,” you watch as he places the bag of food on your study table and begins to take out the containers one by one. From the way they’re packed meticulously into the plastic boxes, the food looks homemade, and Park Jimin blushes adorably as he spies you watching him intently from your position on the bed.
“No, I wanted to,” he mumbles without making eye contact. His presence in the room makes you feel a lot better, and a warmth creeps into your chest as Jimin ponders over the different containers of food, asking you what you feel like eating, and you don’t deserve him at all, not when you used him so selfishly to get back at Jeon Jeongguk.
“Actually, I’ve been having some weird cravings lately.” You don’t feel hesitant at all to tell him this, but if it had been Jeongguk you wouldn’t have let him into your room at all. Not that he would bother to visit you anyway. “Like fries and vanilla ice cream, hashbrowns and maple syrup.”
Park Jimin attempts to hide a giggle behind his fluffy blue sweater and tries to maintain a straight face. “You call that weird? You should see what my roommate Taehyung eats for breakfast.”
“Wait, what does he eat for breakfast?”
“French toast and ketchup.”
You wrinkle your nose for a second just imagining it, but then you catch the look on Jimin’s face and burst out into laughter. “You totally made that up just to make me feel better! You’re a horrible liar, Park Jimin.”
He grimaces when you call him out, “ah you caught me there. But it’s really not that weird! When my mom was pregnant with me, she said she craved pickles with sour cream. I don’t mock people’s tastes in food, I’m a very accepting kind of guy.” 
“Sure,” you manage to choke out in the midst of your laughter. “Well, I doubt you have any fries and ice cream in there,” you gesture over to his paper bag on the table, and he has to agree.
“But I can go get some from McDonalds real quick,” he says as he grabs his wallet from the table. “Just wait here!”
Jimin heads for the open door again, but you start to stand and stop him. 
“Jimin, wait, I didn’t mean- you don’t have to! I’m sure you have somewhere else to be, or something else to do, or-” 
He stops your rant with his hands on your waist, guiding you gently back to the bed. “Maybe. But I always make sure I take care of all the important things first. Like you.” He presses a kiss to your forehead with a slight blush emanating on his cheeks. “Be back soon.”
The door closes softly, and you remain on the bed with the warmth of his lips still on your forehead long after he’s gone. You wander over to the boxes of food he left on your table, and open a random one out of curiosity. The smell of pork immediately hits your nostrils, and you gag on reflex, rushing to the bathroom and throwing yourself on your knees to avoid throwing up all over the porcelain tiles.
When you’re done you rest your forehead against the edge of the seat to try and regain your strength for a bit. Just when you thought the worst bout of the vomiting was over, too. You’re about to heave yourself to your feet to swallow down another few tablets of stomach flu tablets when you freeze in terror. 
When my mom was pregnant with me.
Fuck, it can’t be. The last time you had sex with Jeongguk he used a condom, so it can’t be, right?
You close your eyes and all you can see is days and months as you try and recall when your last period was. It should have come when Jeongguk asked you to meet him at that party, which meant that he was right, at least, about it being your time of the month. The pure irony might have been funny at a time other than this, but at this moment pure desperation wells up in your chest, followed by denial. 
This can’t be happening, you’ve never missed a pill in your birth control, so it has to be a false alarm. Just an overly persistent stomach flu from that shady sushi place you ate at last week. Still, your fingers are shaking as you reach for your phone from your position on the floor and unlock it, hovering over one contact.
You can’t call him.
Just the thought of calling him and telling him makes your heart race and you start to feel dizzy all over again, and breathing becomes difficult. You can’t tell Jeongguk. Even if it does turn out to be a false alarm, you can’t tell him because that’s not what fuck buddies do. Fuck buddies don’t call each other up over pregnancy scares, and even if it’s more than a scare, you don’t want to hear the rejection that comes straight from his lips; it’ll only hurt more and make everything worse.
You have to face it sooner or later: you’re nothing but an easy fuck for him, and he doesn’t give a shit about you. 
But the thought of going out to buy a test and doing it alone, waiting for the result alone, and facing the consequences of it all alone is no better. You sit there for a moment staring into blank space, motionless when your phone lights up with a message.
4.08pm [chim]: got the goods, otw back now! you doing ok?
4.09pm chim sent you an image
You click open the image to reveal a selfie of his cute puffy cheeks and pouty lips while he holds up the brown fast food bag next to him. The very sight of him makes you feel a little calmer, and you feel a little less panicky as you close the image and click on the call button next to his name.
“Yeah? Are you okay? Did you want something else?” He answers immediately.
“U-uhm no Jimin, it’s just…” You pause awkwardly, having no idea how to ask him. 
“What is it? What else are you craving? I can go get them now!” Jimin’s voice sounds over the phone in his usual bright and cheery tone, and you swallow hard. 
“I need a pregnancy test.”
“Do you need me to call someone else? Like Sejong maybe? Or…” Jimin’s voice trails off as he watches you clutch the pink box with a death grip while seated cross-legged on your bed.
“No, don’t- don’t call her.” Your voice sounds smaller than you intended it to be, and you clear your throat in an attempt to hide the trepidation that’s building up inside your chest. “C-can you stay with me? I know it’s weird that I’m making you deal with this when it’s not even your problem but… I just didn’t want to do this alone.”
“Of course, it’s not weird at all,” Jimin crosses the room to sit beside you on the bed, prying one of your hands loose from your death grip on the box and holding it tightly in his own. He fixes you with a concerned gaze through the wispy pink strands of his bangs. “I’ll be waiting out here okay? Whatever it is, we’ll go through it together.”
The warmth of his own palm calms your panicked breathing a little, and you turn to meet his gaze hesitantly. “Jimin, why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?”
“This.” You spread out your arms and wave them around in a vague gesture. “Visiting me. Bringing me food. Staying with me. Why are you being so nice to me? Why don’t you tell me to just fuck off and deal with what I got myself into?” 
“Because you asked me to stay, and the person who should be here with you clearly isn’t.” He gives a pointed look towards the darkened screen of your phone, as if he’s aware that you’ve been obsessively checking for any messages from Jeongguk for the last hour. “And actually… I know this isn’t the best time to tell you this, but I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time.” 
“I know,” you admit, chuckling when his eyes widen in shock almost comically. “You confessed to me while drunk at that party.”
“Wait what? Since when did I- I can’t believe I made such a fool of myself in front of you,” Jimin scrunches up his nose and attempts to hide his face behind his sweater paws. “But you didn’t mention it all this while, so that means-”
“I didn’t mention it because I thought it was just drunken nonsense,” you cut him off with a squeeze of his hand. His face lights up with hope at the sound of this, and you feel terrible for shutting him down again. “It’s just… I’m sorry but I don’t think I’m in a state to give you an answer right now. Not with this…” 
“No, I understand,” Jimin says firmly. “Whenever you’re ready, okay? I’ll be waiting here, unless you need help with peeing or something.”
His light hearted joke makes a smile tug at the corner of your lips, and you push yourself off the bed, only to sit on his lap with your face buried in his neck. Jimin’s arms surround you wordlessly, and for a moment it feels as if everything might be okay again, as if your life doesn’t depend on a few drops of urine on a damn stick.
You pull away and attempt to sniffle back a few tears, giving him a brave smile before you walk towards the bathroom door and close it behind you. The simple action of pulling down your pants and situating yourself on the toilet seat has to be the worst thing you’ve ever done, but then to add salt to your wound, you hear a familiar voice from outside. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jeon Jeongguk’s voice comes from just outside the bathroom door, and you rush to pull up your sweatpants and push open the door, only to come face to face with Jeongguk himself. 
His eyes dart down to the stick in your hands, to your tearstained cheeks, and to Jimin, before finally settling back on you with disbelief and betrayal, and it’s the first time you’ve ever seen Jeon Jeongguk look so hurt. 
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soomeonelikeeyouu · 3 years
How To Follow A Whole Foods Diet For Top Health
Many people want to eat healthily, but few actually do. To actually follow through on the goal of healthy eating, you should know that you can indeed succeed. Getting into nutrition is actually fairly simple. You don't have to completely change your diet, and this article has ideas that can help you to get results quickly.
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Few people consume all the protein they need. Lean meats are your best choice, like steak. Other good sources of protein are found in chicken and pork. Protein fills you up and boosts muscle growth, a key part to your overall needs.
Proteins should be an integral part of your daily diet. Proteins are beneficial to all the organs of the body including the skin, muscles and blood. Protein is also crucial to maintaining your metabolism and repairing your muscles. Protein also gives your body the strength it needs to protect itself against disease. Proteins can be found in a variety of foods, just a few being dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, tofu, and some grains.
One of the most important issues for a pregnant or lactating woman to think about is nutrition. Pregnancy can have a real impact on women's appetite, and can lead to not receiving the proper amount of protein her body needs. A fresh fruit smoothie in the morning can be fortified with egg whites to help meet protein needs. An egg white contains three grams of proteins, fifteen calories and not fat. Make sure you are eating eggs that are safely pasteurized.
Eat foods with all different kinds of colors. Fruits and vegetables with bright colors are good for you, and usually low in calories. Eat some colorful produce with every meal. Whenever possible, eat the skin or pulp of fruits and vegetables since that is where most of the nutrients are stored.
Dark chocolate is the chocolate of choice for nutrition-conscious consumers. The flavonoids that you will find inside dark chcolate can also help to lower your blood pressure. These antioxidants work on cholesterol by reducing the bad levels and increasing the good levels. Just be sure to choose chocolate that contains at least 70 percent cocoa to maximize the benefits. Of course, you shouldn't go overboard. Chocolate still has a lot of calories and is best enjoyed in moderation.
Before your Thanksgiving dinner, grab a bite to eat so that you are not risking overeating when you get there. If your stomach is empty when you attend this dinner, you will tend to overeat. If you have a snack before dinner, you won't be famished when you fill your plate.
One way to keep your Zinzino ZinoBiotic diet nutritious is to make a habit of testing out new, healthy recipes. You may find that you can whip up your own versions of healthy foods that you never expected to produce in your own kitchen. Making protein bars, for example, is just a matter of combining milk, peanut butter, and protein powder. Oatmeal pancakes is another tasty recipe that's easy to pick up and packed with great nutrition.
This technique will take away any excuse for bailing out on your diet. With these recipe plans readily available, there is no reason to order pizza. Having lots of healthy meal choices prevents you from becoming bored and reaching for something unhealthy.
If you have the option eat a piece of fruit instead of drinking juice. The sweet flavor of fresh fruit comes from natural, easily-digestible sugars. Processed fruit drinks, on the other hand, usually get their sweetness from refined sugar or other unhealthy additives. While fruit juice may be touted as the healthy alternative, some contain more sugar than soda. Important vitamins, minerals, and fiber are found in most fruits. These nutrients can protect the body from serious problems, like cardiovascular diseases.
It's alright to vary from your diet every once in a while. When you do cheat it is okay to have a slice or two of pizza, but definitely not the entire pie! Pay close attention to your portion size so you do not return to your old habits and end up gaining weight.
If you mess up on a day, there is no need to worry. If you become depressed over it you will, more often than not, go for the old comfort foods that derail your ability to meet your goals. Then, just count your mess-up day as your cheat day. Getting down on yourself is not helpful at all.
Zinc and selenium are wonderful for supplying the body with important nutrients during the day. L-Carnitine is a type of supplement you can take in capsule form. Zinc is plentiful in eggs and most nuts that you consume. Soil-raised vegetables contain selenium. Hydroponically grown vegetables might not. If you really try to eat a lot of different foods, and take an L-Carnitine supplement, you will be helping yourself stay healthy.
Beverage consumption is as important as food consumption when you are trying to improve your nutrition. Try to understand your drink calorie intake. Cut down on sodas, coffee, juices and alcohol; these have little to no nutrition and are full of calories.
Learn to eat a balanced diet to boost your nutrition. When it is time to plan out your meals, take care to get the nutritional components in the correct ratios. Meals should should be a nice balance of twenty percent protein, 50 percent carbohydrates and no more than 30 percent fat.
Once you have made the decision to improve your diet you should invest some time in researching what is important to a proper nutritious diet. If you don't understand what is and isn't good for you, then you won't be able to properly improve your diet. You should have a basic knowledge of the science surrounding nutrition in order to be successful in changing your diet.
It is too bad that a lot of people do not understand the ease with which they can eat better. This article has offered many tips to help you on your journey. Make the small changes you need in order to better your overall health.
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