#Eddie Munston Fic
hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Mrs. Freak. Eddie Munson x Reader
Mrs. Freak
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Summary: “Can we get a pregnant fic with eddie where the reader is hopper's child but he doesn't know about the whole dating eddie things so it's even more stressing for him when he finds out about the baby and goes for help to Joyce (sorry if it's confusing). Reader is around 19-20 attending college in another town but still living with El and Hopper.”
(this one is suitable for younger audiences, but all my work is labeled 18+ and will be titled otherwise if it is suitable for younger audiences to read)
Word count: 2642
Warnings: Reader is hoppers daughter! Fem reader, pregnancy, so much love honestly. ALSO CHRISTMAS
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I tossed and turned in my small bed. In the room I shared with my little sister El. I could hear my dad snoring softly from the couch in the living room. The light from the small fireplace illuminating our small bedroom. Our door constantly open three inches. Dad had still been looking for a house big enough for all of us, including the Byers but it proved to be annoyingly difficult. I wasn't home often considering I went to college just out of town, and I spent most nights at Eddies, but dad always thought I was just at Steves place or Robins... I had been dating Eddie for almost a year now but still hadn't told him. Mainly in fear of ruining his reputation as you know the literal sheriff of a tiny town. If word got around that one of his kids was dating the so called 'freak' I don't think it would go well.
I of course, and anyone who knew Eddie, knew he wasn't a freak... Well maybe a little but he definitely wasn't evil or murderous like everyone thought he was. He was really just this big goofball. He got a job at the library of my school stacking shelves, and checking in books. Not the job you would expect Eddie 'the freak' Munson to have, but he wanted to be close to me as much as he could, and plus he got to listen to music all day and not talk to anyone so it was really an ideal situation for him.
I rolled over again, now laying on my back I pulled my blanket down off me past my stomach and lifted up my shirt. Tracing circles along my already showing belly. I had been pregnant for about five months and no one knew apart from Eddie and I. Being twenty one and pregnant wasn't exactly on my bucket list but with all the shit we've been through Eddie and I kind of said 'fuck it'. We've literally been to hell and back so I don't think it was weird of us to chase some sort of normalcy. Eddie almost died two years ago, and I wasn't going to let anything like that happen again.
My stomach rolled and I giggled softly knowing my tiny little baby in there was flipping around. I could tell it was the baby and not just normal gas because it just felt different. Eddie didn't believe me when I told him I could feel her so early on but I just knew it was her. The warm nights spent laying on eddies bed while he strummed his guitar next to me, singing softly to my belly, and talking to her, telling her how much her daddy loves her. I felt my heart could actually burst and explode out of my chest into a thousand pieces.
The bed squeaked next to me, and I turned to see El shifting onto her side, while sighing lightly. My heart raced wondering if she had seen me with my belly out smiling at it like a freak. I wanted to tell her, but I didn't want her to tell Mike, and then have Mike accidentally tell Nancy, and not that Nancy would just spill a secret that wasn't hers, but how could I expect her to hide that from Johnathan? And Johnathan being my literal step brother, what if he told Joyce? And Joyce would have to tell Dad.
"I already know" El mumbled shifting again. Her eyes opening slightly, she looked at me.
"What? Are you dreaming?" I leaned up looking at her skeptically.
"No (Y/N)" Clicking on the small bedside lamp beside her she sat up in bed.
"What are you talking about?"
"The baby" She stated pointing to my exposed belly and then rubbing her eyes. "Your thoughts are very loud sometimes"
I laughed and threw a small pillow at her. "What did I say about the mind reading!"
She threw the pillow back and laughed. "I can't help it! I was worried when you kept getting sick, so I just, went into your head"
Shaking my head I pulled my shirt back down over my belly and sat up. Stretching my arms far over my head and groaning when in relief as some of my joints popped in the process. "Don't tell dad okay?"
She frowned. "Friends don't lie" She said with a knowing look.
"No they don't... But sisters do" I gave her a smile and hopped out of bed heading to our shared dresser to get some clothes out.
"When are you going to tell him about Eddie?" she said quietly.
"I'm thinking of tonight... Christmas dinner you know, hand him a gift that says he's going to be a grandpa, and then just throw in really quick that Eddie is the father"
She scoffed getting out of bed and shoving her feet into tiny pink slippers. "Yeah cause that's a really good idea"
"I'll think of something okay, just, keep it a secret for now" I said turning to her with a pleading look.
"Fine" was all she said as she left the room probably to go make some eggos for breakfast. A signature staple food in our house ever since we adopted her when she was like ten. Rummaging  through our dresser I searched for something to wear that would cover my bump well enough. Since I had a few hours to kill before our Christmas dinner/Christmas party I decided to just slip on some black jeans and a thick crewneck sweater over top. I added some thick grey socks and tucked my feet into my winter boots. Into the living room and to our tiny kitchen I grabbed an apple off of the counter. "I'll see you later dad, I gotta do some last minute Christmas shopping" I leaned over the back of the couch and gave him a quick hug. "Don't be too late, I don't want Joyce worrying"
"I won't!" I shouted closing the door behind me and hopping down the snowy stairs from our house, almost slipping when I got to my car.
Making my way to eddies my teeth were chatter before I even got to his door. My hands shaking as I used the spare key I was gifted and unlocked the door. Stomping my feet lightly on the little mat at the door, attempting to shake off most of the snow before taking my boots off. I creeped into Eddies room, sliding off my jacket and hanging it on the back of his door before slipping into his bed next to him. He stirred quickly.
"Jesus fucking Christ (Y/N) get your hands off me" he said rolling away from me.
"No" I whined. "Warm them for me" I said giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
"Not fair, you know how those eyes get me" He rolled back over to face me, taking both of my hands into his and wrapped his hands tightly around mine. Bringing them up to his lips he blew hot air onto my hands. I hummed and smiled while closing my eyes.
"You still want to tell your dad tonight?" He asked quietly.
"I have to Eddie... I hate lying to him, and now I've got El lying for me" I frowned.
"You told your sister?" He said raising his eyebrows.
"She went into my brain, she said she noticed when I kept getting sick and worried about me, and because I was hiding it from everyone she snuck herself into my head and figured it out"
He chuckled lightly. "What a little shit. I like her"
"She likes you too, she won't admit it, but I think she thinks you're pretty cool"
"It's cause I am cool" Eddie said letting go of my hands to place one along my belly. Leaning over to place a kiss to my belly he began whispering. "Don't let your mom tell you anything different, your dad is super cool, and metal as hell" I rolled my eyes and tugged at his hair lightly making him look up at me.
"Not gunna kiss me?" I said.
"I'll do more than kiss you if you let me" He said squeezing my sides causing me to laugh, and plastered kisses all over my face.
"As much as I'd love for you to fuck me relentlessly, we have don't have time. We have to go get something for dad and Joyce"
"I mean I'm sure we have a little time" He mumbled.
"Not today Edward" I said getting up from his bed.
"I hate when you use my full name" he cringed, covering his face with his hands. I took this as an opportunity to ripped the blanket off of him and expose him to the cold air around him. "Up up up!" I yelled clapping. "Can't wait till we live together and I get to wake you up every morning" I said deviously.
"Yeah you and our kid are gunna be waking me up at the ass crack of dawn to annoy me" He said trying to hide his laugh and began getting up to finally get dressed.
After dragging Eddie from store to store on Main Street we finally decided on a tiny little onesie with a note to dad and Joyce for them to open. Finally leaving Eddie back at his trailer for him to get ready and to show up with the rest of the gang I drove back home to wrap the present and start to get myself ready. I decided on a flowy red dress that hid my bump and added some black nylons underneath. Thick socks so my feet wouldn't freeze in my boots on the short drive, and again with my winter jacket.
I was nervous on the short drive to the Byers house. Clutching the basket of gifts to my chest. El noticed and went into my head so I could hear her. 'it'll be fine, you're an adult, you're almost going to be living on your own'
I glanced at her briefly and she leaned over to grab my hand. 'it's dad knowing about Eddie I'm worried about... Not the baby'  
She half smiled and shrugged her shoulders. By the time we got to the house I could tell everyone was there, including Eddie.  
Opening the door the house was loud, it smelted delicious, and it was so warm. "Merry Christmas!" Joyce exclaimed coming to the door. She graciously took the box of presents in my lap and handed them over to Johnathan who went and put them under the tree. Heading into the living room with El trailing behind me I saw everyone. Mike, Max, Dustin, Lucas, Nancy, Steve, Robin, and Eddie. I could tell he was nervous by the way his knee bounced up and down. Saying hello to everyone and giving hugs, and passing 'I missed you more's' around I sat next to Eddie and pulled his hand into mine, not shying away from the fact that dad might see. Everyone knew about Eddie and I except for Joyce and dad.
I figured the best way to sort of bring it up without actually bringing it up was putting it out in the open like I was by holding his hand.
Eddie smiled softly and switched which hand was holding mine and put his arm around my shoulders which I gladly leaned into. He kissed me on the top of my head and I heard him quietly say "I love you"
Tilting my head up to look at him I said "I love you too" and leaned up to give him a quick peck on the lips. Glancing around the room briefly I noticed my dads hard eyes staring into me. I blushed and gave him a soft smile that he didn't return. He just leaned back into his seat and continued to stare at me.
"So hopper, how has Hawkins been since it's not longer a living hellhole?" Robin asked while popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth. His eyes still on me he answered. "Relaxing honestly, it's been nice to be able to spend more time with the girls"
I swallowed hard and held eddies hand a little tighter. I knew his gaze was going to be anywhere but in the direction of my father. Clearing my throat I removed my hand from eddies and stood up, smoothing my dress down my thighs as if it was going to make my look more presentable. "Um I just wanted to say something to everyone if that's okay"
Everyone turned their attention to me in confusion and I felt my stomach flip, but this time I couldn't tell if it was the baby, or nerves. "We've been through a lot together... You could even say we've been to hell and back, like literally" A few of them laughed. "So when I tell you this, I know I'll only have support, because that's all you've ever done for me, for each other. We've supported each other, and cared and never judged. Because we're all misfits, the outsiders, the freaks" I glanced at Eddie. "So dad, and Joyce, I want you guys to open this, together" Reaching down in front of the tree I grabbed the small bag and handed it to them.
It felt like hours had past, as each piece of tissue paper was removed from the bag, the way Joyces hands held the tiny wrapped onesie, and how my dad started opening the card. Joyce leaned onto his shoulder, reading along to the card with him before unwrapping the gift. Holding up the tiny onesie multiple audible gasps were heard. "I know I should have told you sooner, but it wasn't the pregnancy I was afraid of dad... It was that I'm with Eddie, I don't want you to hate him, he's perfect, he's kind, he's everything I need and he's literally the father of your grandchild that's growing in my stomach as we speak"
I glanced around the room looking at my friends, who were smiling from ear to ear. Some with tears in their eyes, or hands over their hearts, I knew they were happy for me. "Munson told me you two were together" he said.
"What?" I turned to Eddie and his face was bright red.
"I couldn't keep that part a secret. It didn't feel right, he's the sheriff and I wanted his approval"
"Did. D-Did he give it to you?" I said turning back towards my dad, who had a playful smile on his lips. "Did you approve dad?"
"I don't know" he chuckled. "You tell me" he nodded his head in the direction behind me where when I turned around Eddie was on one knee with a tiny box in his hand.
"Holy fucking shit" I said.
"Language!" Joyce and dad yelled in unison.
"I love you so much (Y/N) and it might be a little early in life to do this, but hey, when have any of us done anything right according to timelines? You're everything I am, and everything I'm not, you're the only person I want to spend my life with, well you know minus the kid, I want them there as well, and other kids if we have them, I know this one wasn't exactly planned but I mean that's just life right? Nothing really goes to-"
"Munson!" I yelled cutting him off.  
He blushed. "Would you do me the honour of becoming Mrs. Freak" and then the asshole winked at me.
I rolled my eyes and dropped to my knees, cradling his face in my hands and pulling him into a kiss. "I would love nothing more" I said smiling against his lips.
The rest of the night was filled with hands on my belly, guessing the sex, and names we had picked out, exchanging gifts, and just so much love.
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